[X] Yes (Forfeits the CB against the Highlanders, declares war against the Thunder Horse, brings Yenyna out of retirement, ???)
For the allfather
All of this time. All of the Stab hits, all of the potential societal bonuses, all of the resources poured into making our people skeptical.

And this is what you want to throw it away on?

The worst part is, I'm pretty sure it will work. It's actually a very valid move all on its own, given our current CB and trait. The problem is later. What happens when it's a plainly terrible idea and we can't say no? When one faction or another bribes the priests to say what they want them to say? Or worse, an enemy power? Because even if they're wrong, the priests will find some way to say that they were right. This could literally break us.


Well played @Academia Nut
@Academia Nut :

Still working out fu
Sentence got cut off here.

Also a couple questions i edited in to that post:
Have we used our iStO stab negation for this turn yet?
How long does the HK treachery CB have left, and how likely is it that Hertythn will be in control next turn?
...Also, random thought but shouldn't we have 4 true cities now? We had 3 at 18 EE, and now we're all the way down to 11. Is the gap between cities that much more now?
In Service to Order (PiA Linked)
Order and stability are paramount, and any king who cannot maintain that needs to be replaced in short order.
Pros: First stability hit a turn is negated
Cons: At negative stability, lose 1 Legitimacy a phase

So this seems incredibly strong. Since it works on megaproject kicks, it's the next best thing to a Stab drip for the People. Gonna be paramount that we keep our Stab high from now on though.

Not sure about the vote yet. While this is still prophecy and potentially the ravings of a mad person, they're at least informed ravings.

I prefer not to use megaproject kick nilly willy.
Concussed oracle guy who was in fact just suffering from a neurological condition.
Not the person. But the event they talked about. I am reading through all story posts again, but I am pretty sure she is talking about something that has happened before and notice the similarity to the current events.
So we should start a war with someone we can't outright defeat so we pay more attention to history?

Sorry if that's a bad interpretation, but that's what I'm getting here
As mentioned above, I am looking through the story posts, looking for a time when we turned an enemy to a friend and assisted in another battle as well as a father son combo. So far I can think of the first iteration of the Thunder Horse as well as the Sacred War attainment.

Does anyone remember any others?
[X] Yes (Forfeits the CB against the Highlanders, declares war against the Thunder Horse, brings Yenyna out of retirement, ???)

After thinking on it I'll go with this.

After all, given that we have Predictive Astrology if we want to get our money's worth might as well put it to use.
[X] Yes (Forfeits the CB against the Highlanders, declares war against the Thunder Horse, brings Yenyna out of retirement, ???)
[X] No
I don't give a shit if their a genius mystic, You can't actually predict shit with nations from looking at the stars
As mentioned above, I am looking through the story posts, looking for a time when we turned an enemy to a friend and assisted in another battle as well as a father son combo. So far I can think of the first iteration of the Thunder Horse as well as the Sacred War attainment.
There are no written records of that, so we can't really look back and say 'let's do that again'
First thought: let's test LoW.
[X] No (???)

Point of note, Tormulyna is a Mystic Genius.

It's all pretty complex, but they've spent the past ten years coming up with this by going over every record possible, and initial implementation has saved more than one harvest from bad weather. The priests trust this prediction absolutely.

Second thought: maybe it's just statistics
[X] Yes (Forfeits the CB against the Highlanders, declares war against the Thunder Horse, brings Yenyna out of retirement, ???)

It is entirely possible that this could be a stress test for LoW, yes.

Third thought: I don't know anymore.
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Point of note, Tormulyna is a Mystic Genius.
God dammit.... so they're a genius who apparently looked into our past and saw how certain events happened before and is now using those events as a base line as to how we should continue.

But because she is a genius she is incapable of telling us that straight to our face so instead our shamans are viewing her actions through a mysticism filter.

To them she is seeing the future in the stars when all she's really looking at is our historical records.

[X] Yes (Forfeits the CB against the Highlanders, declares war against the Thunder Horse, brings Yenyna out of retirement, ???)

God dammit, I wanted to attack the HK but a century of peace is just what we need to continue building and advancing.
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[X] Yes (Forfeits the CB against the Highlanders, declares war against the Thunder Horse, brings Yenyna out of retirement, ???)

meh, mainly so we can try to immediately ditch the DB we just got. Still wanna take over the HK at some point though, though I will not I was never against using diplo means to do so(just that vassalising them was a lot more likely)

This needs to be No (???)

Ok, so this is a stress test for love of wisdom. The predictions have panned out for minor things such as harvests. This is something that perfectly fits the phrase "Correlation is not Causation." Don't mistake it as such. Do we want to stress test love of wisdom? Then bloody well question things. Simply accepting that this prediction is true and acting upon it is exactly how you lose a scientifically minded trait.
But seriously guys, even if we don't give up the CB, we really shouldn't destroy the Highlanders. Look at the value we just got from them! It's an awesome value! If we destroy them, we won't be able to get it back if we absorb it into another value. We need to keep them around so that we can get back that value if we lose it. The Stability loss cancellation is worth far more than whatever we'd get from going to war with them.
[X] Yes (Forfeits the CB against the Highlanders, declares war against the Thunder Horse, brings Yenyna out of retirement, ???)
For the allfather
Danish. Danish. Your name makes me hungry...

Regardless, as a member of the Monarchists party, do you really want to potentially empower a faction above our king? Forget the All-Father, vote no for the Throne!
God dammit.... so they're a genius who apparently looked into our past and saw how certain events happened before and is now using those events as a base line as to how we should continue.

But because she is a genius she is incapable of telling us that straight or our face so instead our shamans are viewing her actions through a mysticism filter.

To them she is seeing the future in the stars when all she's really looking at is our historical records.

[X] Yes (Forfeits the CB against the Highlanders, declares war against the Thunder Horse, brings Yenyna out of retirement, ???)

God dammit, I wanted to attack the HK but a century of peace is just what we need to continue building and advancing.

I don't care if you're a genius, no one can predict things accurately a century into the future, and we should be extremely skeptical of anyone who claims to be able to. For all we know, she is intentionally misleading us.