Yes. Giving the north infrastructure before they've been appropriately integrated is exactly what we don't want to do.
[X] [Wonder] Library
-[X] [Wonder] Valleyhome
[X] [RB] Rest, restores strength
[X] [Main] New Trails
[X] [Main] New Trails x2
[X] [Secondary] Trade Mission - Xohyssiri
[X] [Policy] Offensive
Valleyhome Library for admin purposes.
Rest because they just fought an entire war.
Trails because we need it.
Trade Mission to the Xohyssiri to manage their potential reaction... though
@Academia Nut Aren't they dead??
If it's invalid, a TM to the TS.
Note that we plan on integrating the ST soon.
It is essential that we get higher diplomacy so that when we integrate them we do not hit 0. @veekie is there any better way to do this? I'm too burned out this month to research.
Offensive because we want trails but *need* a war mission. Why do we need a Main one again?
Edit: Probably Salt Gift but idk if we want to burn out our wealth when it will start overflowing to diplo and give us a GA when we hit 3 stability.
this is p bomb imo.