The Flesh is Weak
- Pronouns
- He/Him
[X] [Main] New Trails
[X] [Main] New Trails x2
[X] [Secondary] Expand Forests
[X] [Policy] Offensive
[X] [RB] Rest, restores strength
[X] [Wonder] Temple
-[X] [Wonder] Warrior's Rest
[X] [Main] New Trails x2
[X] [Secondary] Expand Forests
[X] [Policy] Offensive
[X] [RB] Rest, restores strength
[X] [Wonder] Temple
-[X] [Wonder] Warrior's Rest
I'm voting Warrior's Rest simply because someone else voted for it, and avoiding vote splitting on this is rather important with how well a Library in Valleyhome is doing.[X] [Wonder] Temple
-[X] [Wonder] Horse Valley
Let's hook up the north with a proper temple, try and counter some of that North-South inequality. I could easily be convinced to change to any other Temple option.