[X] [Recruit] Mass recruitment (+6 Martial, -2 Econ, -2 Centralization, additional effects)
[X] [Strategy] Relieve the west
[X] [Library] Evolve a random value other than Love of Wisdom
[X] [Boats] New design: Emphasize size

Welp, the dice are stacked. Quite clearly. Let's give our guy what he wants, but we will need to main expand econ next turn.
[X] [Recruit] Mass recruitment (+6 Martial, -2 Econ, -2 Econ Expansion, -2 Centralization, additional effects)
[X] [Strategy] Drive them south-east
[X] [Library] Evolve a random value other than Love of Wisdom
[X] [Boats] Increase size while maintaining portability

I am really torn on evolving a value versus study metal. On the one hand, study metal has a TINY chance of success as a secondary and probably not much better as a main. On the other, any kind of materials advantage we have can be stolen or copied whereas our social values are basically the most unique and resilient advantages we've got.
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Please consider the new design.

I do consider it, and there is certainly a lot to be said about different boats for different purposes. However, we have a problem with nomads right now and need some more oomph. I think the following talks about portability+size/speed:

On a more practical note, the increased sea traffic from the new trading post and Hatriver had demonstrated considerable benefits to the ship building industry, and new designs that could take greater advantage of the availability of docks and their shipbuilding capacities were already showing benefit. Some of the larger designs cropping up were quite interesting to the king, as he envisioned being able to take large groups deep into the steppes via the rivers to attack his enemies from unexpected directions.

@Academia Nut , what design, in opinion of our Heroic Martial king, will be most useful for such assaults from the river?
And portable boats can't carry huge number of soldiers because they need to be portable. :confused:
Our heroic hero found them to be satisfactory.

Being able to take any number of soldiers up the rivers at all is more important than being able to deliver huge numbers of soldiers only along the coast.

Though I suppose it's possible that just getting size would let us land soldiers at the MW side of the bay.
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[X] [Recruit] Mass recruitment (+6 Martial, -2 Econ, -2 Centralization, additional effects)
[X] [Strategy] Relieve the west
[X] [Library] Evolve a random value other than Love of Wisdom
[X] [Boats] New design: Emphasize size

Losing Centralization is a good thing. 1 is a bit low of course, but just think of all the roads we will now be able to build. This could also evolve the quantity trait and more martial helps against nomad bullshit.

Pushing the nomads into the lowlands seems way too risky. Lets just be a bro to the MWs and make sure they dont strengthen the nomads. I am also curious if helping neighbouring polities martially to prevent them becoming nomad fodder will give us some cool trait eventually.

Evolving traits with trough the power of libraries seems really neat conceptually. We also have a couple of traits with downsides that could need some adjustments. The tech is rad as well, but I would rather just turtle up and spam progress after we finish the roads, the palace and the dam.

A new design emphasizing size should be awesome for all the docks, thus improving our trade power and making us more maritime.
Look on the bright side, the overloaded martial will be counteracted by the hilarious casualties we're going to take between three heroes taking swings at each other.
Doesn't Quality of It's Own cause damage to martial to carry over to econ though?

Lowering econ to 1 prior to facing the nomads seems like a bad idea.
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[X] [Recruit] Smaller recruitment (+3 Martial, potential additional effects)
[X] [Strategy] Drive them south-east
[X] [Library] Evolve a random value other than Love of Wisdom
[X] [Boats] New design: Emphasize size

Guys I just had a horrible thought: if we tank centralization too far, say the plague/administratively challenged hero screws it we could lose some of the pillars of our society like communal land and redistribution which mister Stallion may solve the simple way by giving people land.
This will drop our centralization down to 1. This means we can spam Enforce Justice without much care for going over along with New Trails, at the cost of being in a very dangerous place if this doesn't get the nomads off our back.
I'm pretty sure it'll also change our government type.

We've got a moderately charismatic general leading our civilization, but he's not that good at administration - and if he gives the various local governors a free hand to get this army raised, they're likely to try and sneak additional privileges for themselves as part of the deal.

And this King isn't going to be up to Restore Order-ing the resulting corruption issues.

Not sure I want to gamble that the +6 won't do too much damage we won't be able to fix, afterwords.
[X] [Recruit] Smaller recruitment (+3 Martial, potential additional effects)
[X] [Strategy] Drive them south-east
[X] [Library] Evolve a random value other than Love of Wisdom
[X] [Boats] Increase size while maintaining portability

We really need to do more trails yo get our centralization up in the future. We need our people to effectively move about.
Losing Centralization is a good thing. 1 is a bit low of course, but just think of all the roads we will now be able to build. This could also evolve the quantity trait and more martial helps against nomad bullshit.
We've been able to do two-three new trails for multiple turns but didn't.

Losing Centralization all the way to 1 during both a plague and a war is asking for us to get crushed both internally and from our inability to properly counter the heroic nomad leaders. (wtf are their dice on)
I'm pretty sure it'll also change our government type.

We've got a moderately charismatic general leading our civilization, but he's not that good at administration - and if he gives the various local governors a free hand to get this army raised, they're likely to try and sneak additional privileges for themselves as part of the deal.
On the one hand, that's probably correct. On the other hand, that's not necessarily a bad thing- if we end up with stronger provincial governments we can probably live with it, though it may constrain our voting choices as players.
You know, if a Heroic Admin Hero takes away control of our turns, shouldn't a Poor Admin Hero then give us more control over them? Logically speaking?
[X] [Recruit] Smaller recruitment (+3 Martial, potential additional effects)
[X] [Strategy] Drive them south-east
[X] [Library] Free Study Metal (Guaranteed breakthrough)
[X] [Boats] Increase size while maintaining portability
Damn. We're not doing well at the war. Megaproject spree ends here.

[X] [Recruit] Mass recruitment (+6 Martial, -2 Econ, -2 Econ Expansion, -2 Centralization, additional effects)
[X] [Strategy] Drive them south-east
[X] [Library] Evolve a random value other than Love of Wisdom
[X] [Boats] Increase size while maintaining portability

Next turn:
[Main] New Trails
[Secondary] Enforce Justice
[Secondary] Change Policy: Offense

We'll desperately need to fix our Centralization, but we have awesome tools for doing so. Enforce Justice rolls partially on Martial, so it won't be that bad.
On the one hand, that's probably correct. On the other hand, that's not necessarily a bad thing- if we end up with more of a senate as opposed to a king we can probably live with it, though it may constrain our voting choices as players.

Our system requires an absurd amount of centralization by the standards of this age. Have we ever seen what 1 centralization looks like? For all we know going that low alone could break something important.
[X] [Recruit] Smaller recruitment (+3 Martial, potential additional effects)
[X] [Strategy] Drive them south-east
[X] [Library] Evolve a random value other than Love of Wisdom
[X] [Boats] Increase size while maintaining portability
Our heroic hero found them to be satisfactory.

Being able to take any number of soldiers up the rivers at all is more important than being able to deliver huge numbers of soldiers only along the coast.

Our hero wants new designs as said in the update.

I think we have different ideas about using the boats. Our bigger boats should be able to traverse the river, they just won't be portable, which is fine.
if we end up with more of a senate as opposed to a king we can probably live with it, though it may constrain our voting choices as players.
Ultimately, something like this is what decentralization will have to look like, yeah.

And since it's being done to coordinate realm defense, I don't think it's a risk for breaking up our civ, and if people do try to break away - we have a heroic martial leader.

Mmm. Well, we should still be able to enforce justice a bunch, and priority 1 is "don't be crushed by nomads."

[X] [Recruit] Mass recruitment (+6 Martial, -2 Econ, -2 Econ Expansion, -2 Centralization, additional effects)
[X] [Library] Evolve a random value other than Love of Wisdom
[X] [Boats] Increase size while maintaining portability
We'll desperately need to fix our Centralization, but we have awesome tools for doing so. Enforce Justice rolls partially on Martial, so it won't be that bad.

If the gamble works, do we necessarily want to put the provinces on offense instead of having them fixing up stats? It'll set at least one nomad horde on the lowlands and we can garden in relative peace for like a turn. Then again, we might also need to go kick the horde that's hitting the Metal Workers and our trading post there...
Ultimately, something like this is what decentralization will have to look like, yeah.

And since it's being done to coordinate realm defense, I don't think it's a risk for breaking up our civ, and if people do try to break away - we have a heroic martial leader.

Mmm. Well, we should still be able to enforce justice a bunch, and priority 1 is "don't be crushed by nomads."

[X] [Recruit] Mass recruitment (+6 Martial, -2 Econ, -2 Econ Expansion, -2 Centralization, additional effects)
[X] [Library] Evolve a random value other than Love of Wisdom
[X] [Boats] Increase size while maintaining portability

Because forcing resentful provinces together by force of arms under the mismanagement of an administratively incompetent king will do good things to our social cohesion, you know that thing most of our success is based on.