[X] [Main] Expand Forests - Stallion Tribes
[X] [Secondary] Support Subordinate - Stallion Tribes
[X] [Secondary] New Settlement - Bleeding Cliffs
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by Umi-san on May 17, 2017 at 1:09 AM, finished with 35830 posts and 43 votes.
Does the March get more bonus from Support Subordinate than we have to pay in? Their stats should be worth less per-point than ours, right? (Since otherwise their single province is worth half of the rest of our civ in terms of productivity)

Right now because of your terrible logistics due to lacking a lot of technologies, transfers are unbelievably inefficient.

Do we have to specify where we expand the forest, or is it going to be done in the Marches?

No, but specifying will get you more precise effects if that is what you want.

what does our war adviser recommend we do to prepare for a possible nomad resurgence?

More dudes. More chariots.

will the stallion tribes be able to use the support the same turn we send it?

Art overflows to Mysticism.

Econ -> Diplo
Diplo -> Art
Art -> Mysticism -> Diplo
Mysticism -> Art -> Diplo

Diplo if both Art and Mysticism full -> Econ
Econ if everything else full -> Martial
Ah cool, the overflow priority system is revealed!
So over
Thing is Admin roll is deteremined if Support is soon enough to help them too :p

So it might not even do anything :V
There's a significant difference between trying to stand off Nomads at Martial 1 long enough to send out your newly trained warriors and trying to stand off Nomads at Martial 1 long enough for reinforcements to arrive to buy time for the new warriors to be trained.

It takes less time to ship dudes over than to train them from scratch.
Easier admin roll.

Not to mention Econ is their hp and they'd be down to 1 after building chariots.
Diplomacy 14 (max, overflowing) [+1 Art]

Still overflowing.

Economy 7->4

Just the expense paid

Martial 8->6

Lost three to expenses. Gained 1 from successful war mission?

March Econ 3
March Martial 1

Ooo, actually with this I think we might actually be better served with keeping the March independent since we have assurance of loyalty and it lets us double up war missions for them without switching Policy to Offense.

This actually synergizes powerfully with Symphony and Elitism.

We have a grudge, written in stone. It is the Law now, "Fucking up Nomads is always Harmonious"

Protective Justice: "We must protect those who protect us. This is Justice!"
Honorable Death: "Death holds no fear when it is in service to the People!"
Divine Stewards: "This land is OURS bitches!"
Symphony: "UNITED WE STAND!"
The Greater Good: "FOR THE GREATER GOOD!"

*The Ymaryn have entered a Fey Mood!*

...Did we just change the whole turn to War Missions?
Because that looks like we converted the whole turn into War Missions. Committed every last point of Martial, and then committed the Econ too.

Man, they ticked our dudes off enough that we just plain exterminated every adult male in the tribe hit.

Nomads: "Those guys are goddamned psychos. We'll be back, we need to get a bigger Waagh!"

More seriously, remember, they have Ancestral Honor or something like it. Family lineages matter.
We killed an entire tribe where they could see.
Might have triggered a Stability hit their Boss needs to rally them for.

12 uses left. We spent 4 on Provincial Expands last turn.

And now we can intentionally start a Periphery State.
Colony presumably would be used to claim resource rich zones. Probably will send Economy home? Or just minerals and region locked plants?
Marches for the obvious defensive qualities.
Trading Posts will be basically an Embassy I think. Performs Salt Gift and Tech Steal for us.

Not good I think. We've just had proof. If we integrate them we can't hold them.

Once we have an iron mine, Maining this would start work towards a Steel. Not that hard compared to the leap to iron.

What Copper Tailings contain:
-Sulfuric acid
-Iron Pyrite(yes, even if there's no iron in the copper ore, the sulfur will leach it out of the ground)

Which is to say, yes, we can reprocess our mine tailings to produce even MORE metal.

We kind of need it right now, look at their stats:
March Econ 3
March Martial 1

Yes, we can support them with War Missions. But they need to be able to endure the initial impact, or they'd straight out be overrun before they can tell us that they're being attacked. They can restore 4 points of Martial this turn, but Admin roll determines if it's soon enough to help them.
At least give them the 2 Martial they need to handle a Main War Mission while they rebuild.

Incidentally, after the last turn, I suspect we might unlock a Great Wall with Iron Mine.
Because fuck the Nomads.

And my vote:
[X][Main] Expand Forests
[X][Secondary] New Settlement - Bleeding Cliffs
[X][Secondary] Support Subordinate

Main thing is to send the Stallion Tribes something to tide them over. They need to be able to tank at least long enough for our dudes to go over there.
The Iron mine will cost stability to put up, so we'll need a main proclaim glory.
[X] [Main] Expand Forests - Stallion Tribes
[X] [Secondary] Support Subordinate - Stallion Tribes
[X] [Secondary] New Settlement - Bleeding Cliffs

@Academia Nut i'm guessing we'll need to make alot more boats in order to boost the efficiency?

Edit: double post apologies.
[X] [Main] Expand Forests
[X][Secondary] New Settlement - Bleeding Cliffs
[X][Secondary] Support Subordinate - Stallion Tribes
[X] [Main] Expand Forests - Stallion Tribes
[X] [Secondary] Support Subordinate - Stallion Tribes
[X] [Secondary] New Settlement - Bleeding Cliffs

Let's make sure we have enough Art to Main Proclaim Glory next turn if we can.
[X][Main] Expand Forests
[X][Secondary] New Settlement - Bleeding Cliffs
[X][Secondary] SupportSubordinate
[X] [Main] Expand Forests - Stallion Tribes
[X] [Secondary] Support Subordinate - Stallion Tribes
[X] [Secondary] New Settlement - Bleeding Cliffs
[X] [Main] Expand Forests - Stallion Tribes
[X] [Secondary] Study Forests
[X] [Secondary] New Settlement - Bleeding Cliffs

Need to bump the stats back and throw up barriers.
Right now transfers via Support Subordinate are "Unbelievably Inefficient". Why does everyone want to do them when all it'll do is hurt our ability to actually aid them directly via War Missions?
Right now transfers via Support Subordinate are "Unbelievably Inefficient". Why does everyone want to do them when all it'll do is hurt our ability to actually aid them directly via War Missions?
Because they'd need it to even last long enough to ask for help.
@Academia Nut , not seen if you've akready answred, so I will ask again: will leaving offensive policy on make provinces send war missions after the nomads, into their steppes?
AN said they will preferentially build Martial first. But if its capped or we run out of Econ they'd start launching attacks.