@Academia Nut
Would it be reasonable to do a vote reset again like last time? There were a lot of changes this vote: we got +1 econ, gained the "Study Health" option (though we're not taking that one), and we were missing crucial information about the heroic admin rolls being immediately applied.
I'd consider the latter one especially roughly equal in importance to the change of The Garden giving +1 stability, and we all saw how that one turned out.

Without the heroic admin skill we had a ~20% chance of dying to the refugee wave by my estimations. Thanks to the heroic admin skill being immediately applied, it's awfully close to 0% if not actually 0.
If it matters, this makes a critical difference to me too.
True cities were not always nice.

They will create centralization issues (because the city needs a ton of land around it sending food and resources), and they don't really have a huge benefit. Cities thrive because putting people in one place allows economies of scale, but we simply don't have the technology yet to have meaningfull economies of scale.
So its a grand idea to open the borders... Set things on fire and then assure people that everything is A-O-KAY... for the 'benefit' of dodging a pesky tech guaranteed tech upgrade and then leave the female Hero unit to take the blame?

That sounds like a bad frat movie.
Uhh, it's a grand idea to end with -1 stability (at worst), but 0 most likely (and modest potential for 1 even), while also getting to have +11-15 economy, upgrading our capital area to an early metropolis.

In return, we have some overcrowding issues for a little while (possibly), and we don't get to have the auto-tech upgrade.

Even trade? Probably.
I don't think taking in tons of refugees with all of the potential problems is a good idea right now. There are possible overcrowding issues, along with integration, and possible True City issues....it just doesn't make sense to me when we know that the Stallion tribes are going to be an issue at some point, probably soon. AND we have to deal with the Debilitating Belief in the near future. We shouldn't try to do too much at once.
Thing is though that we're actually well-setup to deal with the issues.
1) Admin upgrade should massively help with the True City issues
2) We have 2 province locations left, and getting even 1 is enough to fix the overcrowding issue if it even does trigger (it'd trigger due to having more +econ from the refugees than we have available econ slots)
3) We will have Policy: Restoration available which gets us right back to a safe stability level in 1-2 turns. Guaranteeing Restore Order is available with heroic admin will help us root out the corruption issue that people have been bringing up for a while.
4) We can't effectively deal with the Debilitating Belief for ~2-3 turns once the sickness dies down a little. We fully recover from this in ~1-2 turns and end up with a massive econ surplus and near-certain tech advancement thanks to it.

Can we not? It's a bad precedent to set and there's an overwhelming majority against it so far.
There was also an overwhelming majority against The Gardens. Having a massive change like that significantly shifts the valuation of the various options. (Going from ~20% chance of civilization failure to a ~0% chance).
edit: for exact values, prior to the reset, there was 8 votes for The Garden vs. 51 for Carrion Eaters. After the reset, The Garden won.
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There was also an overwhelming majority against The Gardens. Having a massive change like that significantly shifts the valuation of the various options. (Going from ~20% chance of civilization failure to a ~0% chance).
That was different. This makes a bad option less bad, the Gardens was 'holy shit it's two actions for the price of one!'

Going all in immigrants is and always be an incredibly controversial option, the Garden wasn't anywhere near as controversial in the same sense.

Edit: It's not even like this was some grand revelation for everyone, I'd always assumed our Heroic Admin would be in effect for rolling out the consequences of our choices here.
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I really, really want aqueducts into the northern provinces for several reasons, and that's a big part of why I'm not willing to go along with any plan now that prevents doing them next turn, say by forcing too many actions into stability recovery.

1) It's a demonstration of the value of Ymaryn civilization that is continuous, and not something the northern provinces can do on their own. This both makes it of very obvious value, and also means a breakaway means losing the benefits - we'd be able to cut off the flow of water if things actually went hot, and they'd know that.

2) Making use of aqueducts shows off one of the weaknesses of Stallion culture. Finishing the Gardens talked about how we had to reorganize people's homes to get full use out of it; consider how that will go in a society where people have claim to the land they're currently on. It takes one of the big weaknesses of Stallion culture and shoves their faces in it, and leaves the rest of the Ymaryn utterly and obviously blameless for the resulting problems.

3) It's artisan work. One of the problems with the Stallions is their disrespect of non-military advancement tracks. Having an ever-present reminder of the value of artisans is thus likely to shift their culture in useful ways.
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Uhh, it's a grand idea to end with -1 stability (at worst), but 0 most likely (and modest potential for 1 even), while also getting to have +11-15 economy, upgrading our capital area to an early metropolis.

In return, we have some overcrowding issues for a little while (possibly), and we don't get to have the auto-tech upgrade.

Even trade? Probably.

Why risk going to 0 or -1 stability? We do not have problem of birthing more population but we do have problem of keeping them alive.

So why risk gigantic influx of migrants with varying culture, health, and skills that may introduce unaccountable effects?

We already have good population growth and we shouldn't try to build Rome city in a day.
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You wot mate? My last vote was for trails! You going batty?
Your agreeing with the shinies over reason faction.
Uhh, it's a grand idea to end with -1 stability (at worst), but 0 most likely (and modest potential for 1 even), while also getting to have +11-15 economy, upgrading our capital area to an early metropolis.

In return, we have some overcrowding issues for a little while (possibly), and we don't get to have the auto-tech upgrade.

Even trade? Probably.
There is no way in Hell The People can soak up so much of HK and not have fundamental changes to the fabric of its society. This new plan is cultural suicide for The People's way of life. Major changes to civics and ideals will happen.

HK must declare war at that point or fail to exist as a political entity. The -4 option is absorbing tens of thousands of people at once. like 30% of the current society in the end.
I really, really want aqueducts into the northern provinces for several reasons, and that's a big part of why I'm not willing to go along with any plan now that prevents doing them next turn, say by forcing too many actions into stability recovery.
{M} New Province
{S} Change Policy: Restoration
{S} Aqueduct

How about this? We'll probably need the province to deal with the overcrowding and the restoration policy will fix our stability problems very quickly since it'll have 2 mains of actions going into it. We also get a free switch off of that policy once we're back at maximum stability.
Thing is though that we're actually well-setup to deal with the issues.
1) Admin upgrade should massively help with the True City issues
2) We have 2 province locations left, and getting even 1 is enough to fix the overcrowding issue if it even does trigger (it'd trigger due to having more +econ from the refugees than we have available econ slots)
3) We will have Policy: Restoration available which gets us right back to a safe stability level in 1-2 turns. Guaranteeing Restore Order is available with heroic admin will help us root out the corruption issue that people have been bringing up for a while.
4) We can't effectively deal with the Debilitating Belief for ~2-3 turns once the sickness dies down a little. We fully recover from this in ~1-2 turns and end up with a massive econ surplus and near-certain tech advancement thanks to it.

There was also an overwhelming majority against The Gardens. Having a massive change like that significantly shifts the valuation of the various options. (Going from ~20% chance of civilization failure to a ~0% chance).

There are opportunity costs too. We'll spend all of our Hero's life fixing the issues this creates, doing nothing else. No helping the integration with the Stallion tribes, no trade wave with our hero's backing, no Dam megaproject. If we don't accept the massive refugee wave, I'm fairly sure we can do two out of the three things I've just listed, and be in a great position to deal with the Debilitating Belief after only one turn. Could we start doing those things in 2 or 3 turns? Absolutely, and we would have more Econ to boot. But we might not be able to put off Stallion tribe integration that long, and we won't have a Heroic Admin and Diplo hero to help with the other two.
Why risk going to 0 or -1 stability? We do not have problem of birthing more population but we do have problem of keeping them alive.

So why risk gigantic influx of migrants with varying culture, health, and skills that may introduce unaccountable effects?

We already have good population growth and we shouldn't try to build Rome in a day.
Meh, bigger pull-ins have bigger potential for tech absorption, too. We'd be taking people from literally everyone we know.
There is no way in Hell The People can soak up so much of HK and not have fundamental changes to the fabric of its society. This new plan is cultural suicide for The People's way of life. Major changes to civics and ideals will happen.

HK must declare war at that point or fail to exist as a political entity. The -4 option is absorbing tens of thousands of people at once. like 30% of the current society in the end.
That's literally the idea. The last time we absorbed a fair number of people we got a value evolution and pottery glaze. The plan is to pick up as much as we can at once, because for once, we can afford it.
Your agreeing with the shinies over reason faction.

There is no way in Hell The People can soak up so much of HK and not have fundamental changes to the fabric of its society. This new plan is cultural suicide for The People's way of life. Major changes to civics and ideals will happen.

HK must declare war at that point or fail to exist as a political entity. The -4 option is absorbing tens of thousands of people at once. like 30% of the current society in the end.

We will also be absorbing the TS and the DP.

HK cannot afford to declare war at this point because they are already having issue with one of the province trying to break away, and they may be forced to abandon their Law megaproject.

Massive immigration will also increase the likelihood of the ETH in conquering or ravaging the rest of the lowland.
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[] Study Health (-1 Econ, greater chance of new discoveries)

[] Everyone can come on in! (-4 Stability, chance of further loss, +11-15 Econ, further effects, chance of over crowding, Upper Valleyhome attains True City status)
You require [X]
Your votes aren't counted by the tally otherwise.
X] Random Admin tech upgrade
[X] Magwyna (-1 Stability, other effects, [Poor Martial, Heroic Admin and Diplo])
[X] New Trails (-1 Econ, +1 Diplo, +1 Centralization, other effects)
[X] Take in some (Chance of stability loss, +2 Econ)

If we switch policies next turn, we should really consider going with Trade. With our Heroic Diplomacy hero, we could get a TON of good out of this. Four actions worth of trading per turn, all enhanced by a hero...
You are missing an [
The problem I have with this vote is that Grand Sacrifice doesn't solve our biggest problem. We're shaping up to a crisis with the March within 3-4 turns. Snubbing yet another legit King candidate (admittedly in favor of a better one, but they don't know that) is just going to accelerate it.

I'd recommend Roads. The faster we start prepping for that crisis, the fewer turns we'll have to eat penalties from it.

I'd be a lot less circumspect about not taking Grand Sacrifice if people at least paid lip service to returning it to Stability 2.

If we don't do trails now, I can clearly see the thread pushing to do them next turn. I don't see any sort of push for Stability happening.

That said

[X] Omegahugger

Really, who assumes that Omegahugger comes up with a plan on his own instead of just plagiarising someone else...
I do, I forced you to do one in PoM Quest.
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If I'm only getting a secondary for Aqueducts, Policy: Infrastructure isn't optional.
We get Policy:Infrastucture 1-2 turns out as a free switch. This way we also have the econ to pay for our rush builds, since they cost extra due to our legacy. We won't complete the Aqueduct this coming turn, but the turn after we'll still have a massive econ buffer which we can spend on the econ-expensive Extended Projects and we'll be in a great position to do so.

We'll spend all of our Hero's life fixing the issues this creates, doing nothing else.
We spend half of it, it's recovered in 1 turn unless we get horribly unlucky. We make a "True City", it likely fixes the corruption issues (Restore Order with heroic admin), we get tech advancement, maybe even evolve Cosmopolitan Acceptance even further. The alternative is we have to spend half her life building up the econ we need to do the things we want since we lost the Baby Boom.
Wait, you don't see anything wrong with the proposal to create a new province to solve our problems with interprovincial politicking?
If we also made sure the new province benefited directly from Ymaryn civilization in critical ways, a new province could act as a counterweight to the northern provinces.

So, in and of itself, I'm not going to call a New Province action foolish. (Now, if it was explicitly Black River rather than the Eastern Hills...)

But it's certainly not a solution to the growing division.

We get Policy:Infrastucture 1-2 turns out as a free switch.
That's way too late.
Meh, bigger pull-ins have bigger potential for tech absorption, too. We'd be taking people from
literally everyone we know.

It also rises our unhealthy population drastically and directly drop our ratio of cow pox vaccinated people to dangerous level.

While playing with population overcrowding during disease season, do you realize the amount of death this causes?

These migrants are coming from areas worst hit by disease and starvation, they are sick scared people. That much instability during an artisan king? Terrible context for already shaken confidence.
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That's way too late.
You're not gonna be finishing it in a single turn either way. Extended projects take more than 1 [Main] actions to complete. That means that unless you switch policies immediately and it takes the minimum possible amount you can't finish it next turn, and if you do that you're liable to be running critically low on economy.
By doing this we get 2.5 or 3 [Main] actions for provinces (3 since if everyone works on the same thing The Law is likely to double the main since there's no possible secondaries), which is almost certainly enough to complete it the turn we switch.

Basically: you can't get it done next turn without massive losses, and this route will get it done the turn after just as well as any other plan.
It also rises our unhealthy population drastically and directly drop our ratio of cow pox vaccinated people to dangerous level.

While playing with population overcrowding during disease season, do you realize the amount of death this causes?

These migrants are coming from areas worst hit by disease and starvation, they are sick scared people. That much instability during an artisan king? Terrible context for already shaken confidence.
Positive stability is not shaken confidence.