Depends on how things go this vote. With the plan I've specified (first vote is open) we'll have plenty of stats available to do everything but kick the dam. Honestly, this isn't that bad aside from the stability hits, but luckily we have a buffer this time.
I probably won't go for the dam if we take the -0.5 stability option with GS since we'll be at too low econ.
Select a bonus
[X] Random Construction tech upgrade
Choose the next heir
[X] Magwyna (-1 Stability, other effects, [Poor Martial, Heroic Admin and Diplo])
Choose a midturn project
[X] Grand Sacrifice (-3 Econ, +2 Stability)
Refugee policy
[X] Everyone can come on in! (-4 Stability, chance of further loss, +11-15 Econ, further effects, chance of over crowding, Upper Valleyhome attains True City status)

Then next turn Main Restore Order & Main GS to bring us back to Stab 3
Ok all in favor of doubling down on health studies
Nah, I'm more for Study Health and Study Forest instead of doubling the same action. Focusing that hard seems to get us strange values when combined with the weird dice rolls.

If we can manage it I'd like to build more aqueducts, they're a serious advantage in population health and growth.
[] Random Construction tech upgrade
[] Random Admin tech upgrade

I'm actually a little unsure here. They're both quality, necessary, upgrades. We are builders and gardeners and we have the ability, now, to build some extremely large projects all over our territory. These projects, especially the aqueduct are going to be crucial to our long term superiority and continued ascendance. A construction upgrade can only help us there. However, we have ongoing problems with corruption and immature tax codes that saps our ability to focus on other projects. By that same token, I don't think that corruption will ever really go away. I mean, look at the news. Either way...

[X] Random Construction tech upgrade
[X] Magwyna (-1 Stability, other effects, [Poor Martial, Heroic Admin and Diplo])
[X] Grand Sacrifice (-3 Econ, +2 Stability)
[X] Take in some (Chance of stability loss, +2 Econ)
I'm concerned this new belief may be due to the Observance trait. Are these sort of superstitions what the Spirit Talkers were struggling with?

If so, addressing this specific issue doesn't resolve the problem. We'd need to evolve Observance. :/
I'm concerned this new belief may be due to the Observance trait. Are these sort of superstitions what the Spirit Talkers were struggling with?

If so, addressing this specific issue doesn't resolve the problem. We'd need to evolve Observance. :/
Well, we need to address THIS specific issue ASAP as this is so very not good. Plus, debunking this might force an evolution to observance
[X] Random Admin tech upgrade
[X] Magwyna (-1 Stability, other effects, [Poor Martial, Heroic Admin and Diplo])
[X] Grand Sacrifice (-3 Econ, +2 Stability)
[X] Take in some (Chance of stability loss, +2 Econ)

Admin tech since it is incredibly difficult to achieve and very helpful for our centralization problems.

Magwyna because frankly we don't need martial right now, especially since we plan to turtle up again, maybe send a mission to Highland Kingdom, but we are staying out of that war. The other important reason is that not chosing her lends the sexist comments weight and we do not want that.

True City, while shiny, isn't a necessary yet. We need to solve our debilitating belief first.

hmmm. I think that reassure option MIGHT be a way to get rid of that belief tomfoolery. Don't cite me on it though.
You heard it here folks!


But seriously, I do think that raising Stability would help with that. Not necessarily solve, but help

Why is our economy so low?
We should've gone from 6, +4 from our actions, -3 (or -4 if symphony) from megaproject.
Baby Boom ended.

Also everyone is killing each other right now, I don't think we have to worry about them reaching the pop needed for True Cities of their own soon.
Did we have that before?

Also guys, study actions now cost stability...so we'll have to plan for that.

Also That means Grand Sacrifice if we want to do both at the same time ´・ω・`

I'm concerned this new belief may be due to the Observance trait. Are these sort of superstitions what the Spirit Talkers were struggling with?

If so, addressing this specific issue doesn't resolve the problem. We'd need to evolve Observance. :/
It is exactly because of that ._.
Diplomacy 9 [+1]
Economy 5 (+1)
Martial 8

Stability 2 (optimistic)
Legitimacy 3 (max)

Centralization 4
Hierarchy 6

Art 7
Mysticism 10 (+1)
Prestige 7

Diplo 6 (+2) [+1] -> 9 [+1] Trade mission + saltern paid out, nothing special here
Econ: 5 -> 5 (+1). We did 3 megaproject actions, gained 3 econ from copper, gained (+1) from new settlement...and should have gained +1 from divine stewards, so i think we got an extra megaproject action from symphony to spend that as well
Stability 3 -> 2. Kick -1, divine stewards +1, -1 from baby boom ending
Centralization 5->4 just the new province
Art 5-> 7. +1 from canal, so the garden gave us +1 natively
Mysticism 8 -> 10 (+1). +1 from canal, (+1) from new settlement, so again, +1 natively from the garden
Prestige 6 -> 7. usual megaproject boost

Only other changes in the civ sheet are:
-We went from "Stone" to "Well Dressed Stone" and "Imported Copper" to "copper" in Materials tech.
-Debilitating belief was added
-Garden megaproject was added.
Last edited:
Disease aside (which if the Whooping Cough is something we're just going to have to live with) I will note that if ever there were a time for us to peacefully convince masses of people to settle in our lands in a manner that doesn't completely destroy the system it'd be when we had a leader with Heroic Diplo and Admin.
Yay, we have tuberculosis.

[X] Random Admin tech upgrade

Administration tech upgrades are always the best choice. We'll also need it for any comprehensive effort in fighting ancient tuberculosis.

[X] Magwyna (-1 Stability, other effects, [Poor Martial, Heroic Admin and Diplo])

Magwyna seems to be our best option if we wish to restore our metal tech production. It's always not every turn that we get a double specialty Hero.

[X] Grand Sacrifice (-3 Econ, +2 Stability)

Stability would be mighty useful. Also, fumigation of the deceased belongings may help reduce infection rates.

[X] Everyone can come on in! (-4 Stability, chance of further loss, +11-15 Econ, further effects, chance of over crowding, Upper Valleyhome attains True City status)

We have an entire province's worth of people trying to emigrate from the lowlands. We want more provinces. We also have just come out of a baby boom. Ergo, we should get everyone into the hills that we can. It'd even be humanitarian too, as one of the most common treatments of tuberculosis back in the Antiquity and more ancient times was migration to higher altitudes.
[X] Random Admin tech upgrade
[X] Magwyna (-1 Stability, other effects, [Poor Martial, Heroic Admin and Diplo])
[X] Grand Sacrifice (-3 Econ, +2 Stability)
[X] Everyone can come on in! (-4 Stability, chance of further loss, +11-15 Econ, further effects, chance of over crowding, Upper Valleyhome attains True City status)

With a tentative goal of (M) Study Health and (M) Study Metal
Diplo 6 (+2) [+1] -> 9 [+1] Trade mission + saltern paid out, nothing special here
Econ: 5 -> 5 (+1). We did 3 megaproject actions, gained 3 econ from copper, gained (+1) from new settlement...and should have gained +1 from divine stewards, so i think we got an extra megaproject action from symphony to spend that as well
Stability 3 -> 2. Kick -1, divine stewards +1, -1 from baby boom ending
Centralization 5->4 just the new province
Art 5-> 7. +1 from divine stewards, so the garden gave us +1 natively
Mysticism 8 -> 10 (+1). +1 from divine stewards, (+1) from new settlement, so again, +1 natively from the garden
Prestige 6 -> 7. usual megaproject boost

Only other changes in the civ sheet are:
-We went from "Stone" to "Well Dressed Stone" and "Imported Copper" to "copper" in Materials tech.
-Debilitating belief was added
-Garden megaproject was added.
Actually, that spare art and mysticism was Canal proccing
[X] Random Admin tech upgrade
[X] Magwyna (-1 Stability, other effects, [Poor Martial, Heroic Admin and Diplo])
[X] Grand Sacrifice (-3 Econ, +2 Stability)
[X] Take in some (Chance of stability loss, +2 Econ)
Depends on how things go this vote. With the plan I've specified (first vote is open) we'll have plenty of stats available to do everything but kick the dam. Honestly, this isn't that bad aside from the stability hits, but luckily we have a buffer this time.
I probably won't go for the dam if we take the -0.5 stability option with GS since we'll be at too low econ.
The -1.5 stability option would provide enough Econ, probably. We'll be at 6 next turn. Tbh, while I really want to build The Dam now, I'd be fine if we just hop-skipped to an EH Province, a Progress secondary, and an aqueduct extended project to increase the # of cities we have with good sanitation.

This gets us 2 Province mains, one of which will be doubled by The Law. It thus gives us a really, really good Study Health action when Progress is active. Tbh I am uncertain as to whether Study Metal *needs* to be taken w/ Study Health and am perfectly fine waiting to see if it is.
I'm concerned this new belief may be due to the Observance trait. Are these sort of superstitions what the Spirit Talkers were struggling with?

If so, addressing this specific issue doesn't resolve the problem. We'd need to evolve Observance. :/
Likely but doesn't actually match description of Cons that well. But we need to evo it anyways. *shrug*
[X] Random Admin tech upgrade
[X] Magwyna (-1 Stability, other effects, [Poor Martial, Heroic Admin and Diplo])
[X] Grand Sacrifice (-3 Econ, +2 Stability)
[X] Take in some (Chance of stability loss, +2 Econ)
[X] Random Construction tech upgrade

[X] Attrikwyn ([Good Admin, Diplo, and Martial]

[X] Grand Sacrifice (-3 Econ, +2 Stability)

[X] Everyone can come on in! (-4 Stability, chance of further loss, +11-15 Econ, further effects, chance of over crowding, Upper Valleyhome attains True City status)

Chasing the shiny and integrating the March!
We have an entire province's worth of people trying to emigrate from the lowlands. We want more provinces. We also have just come out of a baby boom. Ergo, we should get everyone into the hills that we can. It'd even be humanitarian too, as one of the most common treatments of tuberculosis back in the Antiquity and more ancient times was migration to higher altitudes.
Bringing in new people doesn't autostart provinces, it creates crowding issues. With the whooping sickness going about, that is the opposite of what we want.
[X] Random Admin tech upgrade
[X] Magwyna (-1 Stability, other effects, [Poor Martial, Heroic Admin and Diplo])
[X] Grand Sacrifice (-3 Econ, +2 Stability)
[X] Take in some (Chance of stability loss, +2 Econ)
Fuck the patriarchy, and let's NOT get all those southerners sick, hmm?