Voting is open for the next 13 hours, 42 minutes
I really liked this fight. It was very active and busy, with Hazou right in the middle of the action trading blows with multiple different foes. And I particularly liked the fog of war in it, the part where Hazou didn't know what was going on with the expert Leopard until he had the opportunity to turn around and check. But it just felt really nice to see Hazou's bag of tricks finally all come together as a direct combatant instead of a supporting role.
Hazou ripping heads off was very cathartic, our boy got like 2? 3? kills himself. Jashin is very proud I'm sure.

Did you see that 5XP/day rate?
Man. That was so much fun to read.

Canfuwumpu had begged for the sweet release of sleep
To be clear, this means Canfuwumpu went to bed? And not he was so injured he "begged for the sweet release of sleep"?

now, their seven barely had the advantage against the leopard's six.
Is there a reason why the Dogs don't travel in larger packs? Is there a diminishing returns to the "pack bond" jutsu? If not, we need to convince Cannai that we need a lot more and better Dogs next time. At least double the number. Maybe triple. We had 3 knocked out with 3 killed dogs vs 12 leopards killed. That is a pretty poor 1:2 ratio (6:12). What's really, really, bad is considering Hazo was directly responsible for 5 kills (3 in combat, 2 seal trap) in this update and 2-3 in the last one (due to the Banshee Fucker, Surprise Force Claws) and maaaybe responsible for the Big Bad's death this chapter. (So for anyone keeping track, Hazo's directly responsible for roughly ~7 kills if we underestimate) That's a paltry 6:5 killed/knocked out ratio for combat in the LEOPARDS favor. And that's considering we're playing Fated To Die Rules where there's a strong snowball effect to the winners (us). So it's even worse than what it looks like on its face.

Hazo's pulling way, way to much weight right now. Cannai needs to realize this, change strategy and give us a helping hand. Otherwise, his claim of "Dogs packs are stronger than Leopards and can easily beat them" is very, very, very wrong right about now. Especially since the interrogation (which was actually pretty useful!) showed that the Leopards are traveling around in roughly packs of ~5, with large ones being near 8!) Cannai needs to wake up, realize the Leopards aren't going completely solo anymore, and change strategy to compensate. Otherwise, a lot of Dogs won't be coming home.
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[X] Action Plan: That's Right Kids, More Rune Research
Word Count: 299
Intended Duration: 12 days subjective, 10 calendar.
  • Leave Aisu Bay when Kei judges it's time. Sanity check, then head for western Gaikotsu Bay.
  • Research: Full prep everything. Reroll only for safety, never progress.
    • SSA Track 1: Air-Leadening Rune.
    • SSA Track 2: Icarus Rune.
    • Non-SSA Track: Storage Rune (proceed IFF "...within...").
  • Difficulty checks:
  • Read notes instead of FOOMing with extra blocks.
  • Spend time with Snowflake on a Skytower, under nighttime sky. Discuss:
    • The stresses of the mission and looming deadlines. Rusting skills.
    • Missing our family. We're glad she's here, with us.
    • How we're glad to know her and be known by her. She's important, and deserves to hear that.
      • After losing Akane, we've realized we need to say that more. We don't want to take anyone for granted.
  • Sanity-check with Kei:
    • Cannai:
      • Discuss the raid. Tentative suggestion (Cannai knows Dog's strengths best, obviously)
        • The Dogs' great strengths are numbers, coordination, stamina, and tracking.
        • Based on the interrogation, Leopards travel in "packs" of ~5+ combatants.
        • Potential favorable strategy: harry their "packs" in groups too large to fight (20 Dogs?), cornering them when they have to defend their cubs or get too tired to run.
      • Are there any Dogs that might help us develop Roki into something that'd be useful against quadrupeds?
        • Would Cannai introduce us?
        • If yes:
          • Meet the Dog on a good day (without Consequences). Aim to make a good impression.
          • Work on this during SSA-rest days.
          • Incorporate Force Blades into the new taijutsu style.
    • Misc:
      • Give Noburi a copy of MS7. Any medical applications?
      • Test whether a HOWR makes a 5SB expire faster.
      • Test whether a campfire will trigger a LR seal set to receive below-red.
      • Compare Hazō's sun measurements with Gaku's.

Please format your votes for additional prep days in the following format.

[x] [prep day] Insert Idea

As an ADDITIONAL NOTE I will be doing the ones already voted last research plan first. Regardless of the vote this cycle. So likely that means three novel prep days this cycle. Please take note.
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[X] [prep day] Chakra Attenuation Rune
[X] [prep day] Substitution Rune
[X] [prep day] Stargate Rune
[X] [prep day] Involuntary Substitution Rune
[X] [prep day] Object substitution seal/jutsu

Chakra Attenuation Rune:
Got a nasty opponent that is made of strings of chakra connected between sheets of paper? Perhaps controls an army of puppets with chakra strings (or their own body)? Controls a scythe with chakra pulses? Powerful summoner? Perhaps drives people mad with subtle chakra manipulations? Wouldn't it be so much easier if the world near a rune changes so it was nearly impossible to use chakra outside your body? Let's find out if it's possible!

Substitution Rune:
Ever wanted to drop a mountain on someone's head or fast travel for hundreds of miles? This is your rune! Normal substitution seals are suppose to be surprisingly easy, are able to carry small chakra sources with them (a few seals) and can swap stuff on the ground for stuff in the air. Could a substitution run swap with another rune and carry either a few people or a few runes with it? Could you swap the area around a rune on the ground with the area in the air? Let's find out!

Stargate Rune:
Teleportation rune not work out? Let's try it as a pair that are more stable/less mobile and just let things pass from one to the other. Strategic applications range from moving S rankers from location to location extremely fast so you have local superiority and dropping a ocean on somewhere.

Involuntary Substitution Rune:
Can runes brute force chakra permissions? If so, maybe we can make a run that automatically swaps with any nearby big chakra source. S ranker comes close and gets swapped into a nest of explosives.

Object substitution seal/jutsu:
We've got TH, we've got seals, we've got runes. Let's see if they can be combined to let us substitute bombs from our hands to theirs (or near their feet). Trying to figure out some combination that will let us substitute kunai with seals to arbitrary locations.
Is there a reason why the Dogs don't travel in larger packs? Is there a diminishing returns to the "pack bond" jutsu? If not, we need to convince Cannai that we need a lot more and better Dogs next time. At least double the number. Maybe triple. We had 3 knocked out with 3 killed vs 12 killed. That is a pretty bad 1:2 ratio. What's really, really, bad is considering Hazo was directly responsible for 5 kills (3 in combat, 2 seal trap) in this update and 2-3 in the last one (due to the Banshee Fucker, Surprise Force Claws) and maaaybe responsible for the big bad's death this chapter. (So for anyone keeping track, Hazo's directly responsible for roughly ~7 kills if we underestimate) So that's a paltry 6:5 killed/knocked out ratio in the LEOPARDS favor. And that's considering we're playing Fated To Die Rules where there's a strong snowball effect to the winners (us). So it's even worse than what it looks like on its face.

Hazo's pulling way, way to much weight right now. Cannai needs to realize this, change strategy and give us a helping hand. Otherwise, his claim of "Dogs packs are stronger than Leopards and can easily beat them" is very, very, very wrong right about now. Especially since the interrogation (which was actually pretty useful!) showed that the Leopards are traveling around in roughly packs of ~5, with large one being near 8!) Cannai needs to wake up, realize the Leopards aren't going completely solo anymore, and change strategy to compensate. Otherwise, a lot of Dogs won't be coming home.
Seconding all this. Let's get a line like this in the winning plan:
  • Cannai
    • If you send another raiding party, please make it a larger more skilled force. Our casualty ratio was pretty unfavorable.
[x] [prep day] Implosion Rune

Storage rune variant that stores as much air as it can. It may be reactivated to release the air, without causing a runic failure. Being made of rock, it is not destroyed by the onrushing air to cause an explosion as Implosion Seals do. The intention behind this is to combine it with Air Dome Runes to suffocate everyone and everything within it.
Man. That was so much fun to read.

To be clear, this means Canfuwumpu went to bed? And not that he was so injured he "begged for the sweet release of sleep"?

Is there a reason why the Dogs don't travel in larger packs? Is there a diminishing returns to the "pack bond" jutsu? If not, we need to convince Cannai that we need a lot more and better Dogs next time. At least double the number. Maybe triple. We had 3 knocked out with 3 killed dogs vs 12 leopards killed. That is a pretty poor 1:2 ratio (6:12). What's really, really, bad is considering Hazo was directly responsible for 5 kills (3 in combat, 2 seal trap) in this update and 2-3 in the last one (due to the Banshee Fucker, Surprise Force Claws) and maaaybe responsible for the Big Bad's death this chapter. (So for anyone keeping track, Hazo's directly responsible for roughly ~7 kills if we underestimate) That's a paltry 6:5 killed/knocked out ratio for combat in the LEOPARDS favor. And that's considering we're playing Fated To Die Rules where there's a strong snowball effect to the winners (us). So it's even worse than what it looks like on its face.

Hazo's pulling way, way to much weight right now. Cannai needs to realize this, change strategy and give us a helping hand. Otherwise, his claim of "Dogs packs are stronger than Leopards and can easily beat them" is very, very, very wrong right about now. Especially since the interrogation (which was actually pretty useful!) showed that the Leopards are traveling around in roughly packs of ~5, with large one being near 8!) Cannai needs to wake up, realize the Leopards aren't going completely solo anymore, and change strategy to compensate. Otherwise, a lot of Dogs won't be coming home.
IIRC Cannai originally wanted to delay the raid a few days to gather more Dogs, and Hazou was meant to make up for a weaker team comp.
Seconding all this. Let's get a line like this in the winning plan:
  • Cannai
    • If you send another raiding party, please make it a larger more skilled force. Our casualty ratio was pretty unfavorable.

  • Respectfully sir, if you send another raiding party, Hazou thinks a larger force is warranted. Our casualty ratio was too high for comfort. 9 to 6 is nearly even odds for them.
    • Dog's great strengths are their numbers, their cooperation, their ability to cover ground over the long distance, and their abilities as trackers.
    • That implies that a favorable strategy would be to harry the Leopard "packs" in groups too large for them to fight, and corner them when they have to defend their cubs or they're too tired to keep running.
      • Not that Hazou knows Dog's strengths better than Cannai does, but the thought occurred to him while he was cutting that Leopard in half.
IIRC Cannai originally wanted to delay the raid a few days to gather more Dogs, and Hazou was meant to make up for a weaker team comp.
Does Cannai think Hazou is worth a Dog jounin and two experienced chunin? That was just about the shortfall here. Like maybe it was barely sufficient with Hazou, but seriously this is not something you want to half-ass.
@eaglejarl @Velorien @Paperclipped

Can we get some more clarity on the unstagnation policies? EJ said on Discord that if we had another fight like the first we'd likely break our upcoming combat barrier at 16000 XP. That definitely happened, but we did not break a second barrier.

Paper said that you guys wanted to keep unstagnations confined mission sized chunks of combat. So is that approximately the policy going forward? Can we expect that once we've unstagnated on a combat mission we won't break a second barrier no matter how much fighting we do?
Anti-Paper Rune


Destroys paper in the AoE, does not affect infused seals but will destroy blanks. Intended as an anti-Konan measure.

Also, strangely, seems to offend one of the three great Kami who run the quest
That's a paltry 6:5 killed/knocked out ratio for combat in the LEOPARDS favor.
Cannai was pretty upfront that their advantage was numbers, and that warrior for warrior the leopards are superior.
Yes, the average leopard is equally matched to two or perhaps three dogs. I have two or three dogs for every leopard. I have ten dogs for every leopard.
Yet they went into fights with hardly an advantage of numbers. If not for the first fight as it was, I would hardly have expected anything better than the outcome we got. They were aiming for a soft target and ended up fighting a 6-strong pack. If they got anything like the new norm, Cannai needs to update his packtics.
Storm Rune


Summons an intense thunderstorm to the AoE, makes random Lightning-natured (read: lightning bolt) attacks on unsheltered things in the AoE, defaulting to tall things (or flying things) as natural lightning tends to do. Intended as an anti-Deidara measure, the lightning should set off his clay creations.
Trad Explosive Rune


This is an explosive rune without the drag (or with greatly reduced drag). No longer illegal in 64 countries. No longer angers Lord Hags.

But good for blowing shit up.
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I would recommend focusing on trigger mechanisms and blunt kill spells right now, possibly excepting anti-space-jutsu runes. It's easy to destroy paper with any number of mechanisms that dump a ton of energy into an area; the difficult part is figuring out how to have Akatsuki in radius when this happens without immediately dying.
[X] [prep day] Chakra Attenuation Rune
[X] [prep day] Earth Mother Rune
[X] [prep day] Storm Rune
[X] [prep day] Trad Explosive Rune
[X] [prep day] Storage Rune
[X] [prep day] Chakra Chaff Rune

Chakra Chaff Rune
Continuously creates and destroys dummy chakra constructs in a wide area. The signatures of these constructs are highly erratic and obstructive, creating an invisible chaff cloud where it's extremely difficult to pick out distinct entities through chakra sensing. The effect gains strength the more chaff is between a sensor and an entity it's trying to identify.

Given that our current delivery methods are lacking and it's unclear how practical eliminating runic drag is, it may be good to invest in concealment for our traps instead. It could later branch into research for hiding chakra signatures outright, but even without that it is good as both a jamming and bluffing device. Jamming to make it hard to figure out what and where the traps are, and bluffing to make enemies think twice before stepping into the unknown even if there's nothing there.
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Given that our current delivery methods are lacking and it's unclear how practical eliminating runic drag is, it may be good to invest in concealment for our traps instead. It could later branch into research for hiding chakra signatures outright, but even without that it is good as both a jamming and bluffing device. Jamming to make it hard to figure out what and where the traps are, and bluffing to make enemies think twice before stepping into the unknown even if there's nothing there.
Even a Hyūga would have difficulty detecting a rune 400m away buried 50m underground, and that's assuming they both knew to look and knew to care if they spotted it.
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Voting is open for the next 13 hours, 42 minutes