Lights... Camera... ACTION!!: A Hollywood Quest

Turn 92 Results (October-November 1981)
Turn 92 Results (October-November 1981)

-[X]On multiple cameras: You can try to do what you did in Star Wars and make things really fluid.

Well, you've done a fine shooting before in one month on Moonlight Dinner, so maybe you can get things done here as well.

Reward: You will do your damnedest to get everything done in a month.

-[X]And The Star is coming on: Debbie has had a long hiatus and you think it might be best to ease her in… and she told you to go to hell, and let her work. DC: 40 Rolled:D100 => 16

She looked at the script and was scrawling through the stuff, adding to her lines and otherwise doing great things to the script. But instead, you looked at things that were interesting. "Debbie, I think that there were-"

"Bruce I don't want to hear it." She said with a smile. "As much as I believe that you are one hundred percent on board, and want to coach me through some of the scenes, I have already done that with Carrie and others." She said as she quietly continued on.

"But that's not the point. I want to make sure I know what you are doing." You then looked over the shoulder to see the script.

You liked what you saw. "Can you do that?" You asked. "Because it's been awhile-"

"Of course." She said with a smile. "You and Carrie showed me that the words I told them were not needed. Now let me show you what I can do with them."

Reward: +20 to SP and Chemistry to Debbie.

-[X]John's Got Some Bullshit: You want to know what happened to have Carrie have him by the balls like this. Have you ever seen him like this? No you have not DC: 30 Rolled:D100 => 14

You looked at him and frowned. "How the hell did Carrie-"

"I owed her a favor, you know Blowout?"

"Yeah, I do, but you earned that?"

"No, I didn't. Carrie had to help me."

You frowned. "But- why?"

"Brian didn't want to use me because he thought I was too expensive, and he was right." John flashed a smile. You frowned at that. "What, I have to eat?"

"You know I can make you a really good deal?"

"Yeah, but you weren't there." He said.

"But what about this?" You said.

"Carrie writes a good script." He replied. "And I'm more inclined to follow it, seeing that she almost won an Oscar."

You nodded. "Very Well. Just help me out here."

"I will."

Reward: +20 to SP and Chemistry to John.

-[X]Vincents Idea: So Vincent has never been the best idea guy, but he wanted to make things a little more… realistic for Hollywood and said that he had a story he wanted to use. DC: 20 Rolled:D100 => 40

He smiled as he looked at it. "Well, I can say that…I want to be more of a bastard than that. We need to add a scene where he trys to intimidate her."

A moment later you frowned. "Um, in what way?"

"You'll see." He said. "I remembered some story of a Hollywood hack who wanted some no name to take a role or something."

Reward:+20 to SP and Chemistry to Vincent. The quality of the film increased.

-[X]Frank: So Sinatra was rather… well he was not happy to be here, but hey, maybe you can make him feel better. DC: 40 Rolled:D100 => 52

"Hn, you know kid, you never really struck me as the kid who upended Hollywood."

"And what do I strike you as?" You asked.

"You know, someone who gives a damn about everyone." He said. "Most people don't and that is why they fail in this town."

You smiled. "Yeah, well I succeeded because I had my friends and I don't give a shit about upending the status quo, because people want change in the status quo, they want good stories they can be entertained by, and not some schlock that won't. Or talks down to them… or exploits them."

"Well then, I'm glad Carrie chose me, it might actually be fun."

Reward:+20 to SP and Chemistry to Frank. +20 to the audience and Critic rolls when released.

-[X]Evelyn Greer and the Bad Luck: She thinks she's bad luck and honestly, you don't like that kind of energy on set. You had enough with Conan. DC: 40 Rolled:D100 => 12

When Evelyn came back, she wondered to you. "Why was there a gift basket in my trailer?"

"You didn't like it?" You said. "I can get you something you do like, but you need to tell me-"

"What the hell is this you are playing at Bruce? Favoritism? You trying to do something-"

"I want you to feel welcomed." You said.


"You are working for me, and I've heard you did not feel welcomed on your previous shoots, so I'm trying to welcome you."


"Because I believe you are one helluva actress who just keeps getting passed over. So… Welcome, and stop thinking about bad luck, there is an Irishman on this set, we have only good luck here."

Reward:+20 to SP and Chemistry to Evelyn
-[X]The City of Angles: So you want to just drive around with a Camera on your car for the mood of driving for transitions. Hopefully nothing goes wrong. DC: 30 Rolled:D100 => 99

You just saw the town on all hours of the day, and night.

And well… the city obliged with some of the most stunning stuff ever, and it would be prefect.

Reward: The quality of the film increased by +20.

-[X]Midnight Dinner: Well you have finally going to see your first step into the Horror Genre. If only Steve's film didn't destroy the chances at the box office. DC: 20 Rolled:D100 + 20 => 110
-[X]Dark Forest: Honestly, you forgot that this film was produced, and given that you were in all sorts of work, that might make it really nice. DC: 30 Rolled:D100 + 20 => 110

Sweet Jesus… So seems you have a knack for horror.

But dammit, You need to find out what steve did to destroy the movies.

(Continued in Midnight Dinner, and Dark Forest)

-[X]The Aftermath: Mike needs you to fly to Japan. He wants to rub it into the face of his enemies personally. DC: 30 Rolled:D100 => 19

You sat among the sony people and with a smile on your face, you looked at Mike as he stared at them. "You can't win in court, you know that, but you also can't allow your pride to be beaten by an American company that beat you to the golden goose."

"Furthermore, your suit will be thrown out and will only cost you money, because we damn well know that legal fees will be rewarded to you, instead of us, because we were defending our rightful intellectual property."

"So, that leads me to here. We are not going to counter-sue in a Japanese court for everything you bastards own, because right now, I have bigger things to worry about than idiots in the tech industry who can't come up with original ideas worth a damn."

"Mike, can you take it from here, I promised myself I would get some sushi from this place in downtown Tokyo, and I'm starving."

"You're good Bruce, and while my translator is well enough, I think it will be good enough."

You left, and then the Sony board room exploded into arguments while Mike laughed the entire time.

Reward: Sony has been humiliated, and with the threat that they would lose a court battle in America and Japan, they give up, and are forced to do something else.

Sony has lost a significant chunk of future revenue, and they are scrambling to save themselves from losing their space as the market leader.

-[X]And George Prepares for… Something: So George, what are you planning on doing this time… why are the Steves Here? There were the three big Steves. Wozniacki, Jobs, and Spielberg. DC: 40 Rolled:D100 => 100

You looked at the Steves' and George as you looked at the computer. "What the hell is this?"

"Computer," Wozniacki said as he sat down spinning in his chair. "Powerful enough to be useful for personal use and portable enough for games and this." He turned it on.

Then after five minutes, it booted up. That made you frown. "And?"

"The Average computer booting up and getting ready to be useful, on our calculations from our competitors, is around ten minutes. This took five and with much cheaper components and well, has better everything?"

"What do you call it?" You asked.

"Apple computer." Jobs said. While you didn't like him, you did know what it could do.

"Why is Steve here?" You asked. Then you looked to your Steve. "Uh… you know, my steve."

"..." Steve, your Steve then pulled out a floppy disk and put it onto the thing below it.

Then it started playing a slightly blurry Star Wars. "Holy shit. You can play movies on it?"

"They found a way to compress movies, into a floppy disk." Your Steve said. "And we think, at this time, they can create a better data storage, and we want to do that."

Oh. "can it be done?" You asked.

"We just need to find the right format, and uh, processing power." Jobs said. "Soon we'll be able to watch movies anywhere, with a format that will be indistinguishable from what we have now, maybe even without needing a physical disk."

"How many do you think you can sell?"

"If this computer thing can work, and play movies on it? Who knows." Wozniacki

Reward: The Apple computer, in addition to being far more powerful than OTL, is capable of using floppy disks to play movies that are of low picture quality, but that has been done. Something that everyone at Apple is still unsure how Gavin made possible, given the limited space available on his equipment.

Never get in the way of an O'Brian and his wish to watch movies.

Unknown Effect.

-[X]Investing in the Future: You want to Spend some of that money you made into the company and make the whole thing better DC: ??? (Linetail what you want to invest in, and how much money you want to invest in it
--[X] Contact Philip K. Dick and offer $80 Million for the adaptational rights of all of his works. Rolled:D100 => 88

He sold them and was happy.

You don't know why, but it frightened you to see that he looked frail.

Reward: You own the bibliography/film rights of Philip K. Dick

-[X]Best Friends: So Mary has lots of friends, and she wants them to come over. You need to prepare for that. Carrie, get the cookies. Rolled:D100 => 31

There were over twenty children playing around in your house and the pool as you and the parents began to try and control the chaos.

But the chaos was caused when Mary began playing DND, and everyone began to act out the storyline with her friend, and it was incredible. She was able to direct them based on the story and roleplay as GM and everyone was enthralled by the detail all the kids were giving, almost as if they had been reading it from a sourcebook.

Yet what was equally surprising, was that one of the kids brought their chemistry set and tried to actually use it to make "Potions."

Most of them were safe compounds and just juice mixed in with water and boiled, and it was all good time, and you thought nothing of it.

Then that same kid started making god damn stink bombs and throwing it at his friends to be used as grenades.

And while no one was hurt, they were extremely smelly by the time they left your home, having eaten your sweet and kids-friendly supply of food bare.

Mary for her part, loved every moment of being "The Queen of Beverly hills" With an army of loyal minions and having a real DND adventure at her home.

Oh lordy.

Reward: Mary has made friends with every single kid in her class and they all love having her as a friend, and they all play DND, Cyberpunk, and Star Wars prototype table top that should have stayed in your home, when they should be studying.

-[X]The Return of the Queen: Freddie and the Gang are back in town, having a problem. They got screwed over, again, by their record company. And they want to vent DC: 45 Rolled:D100 => 29

"Guys I feel like every time you return on tour, you are angry about something, what can I do for you?" You asked.

"Well, we're getting fucked out of our paycheck," John said as they sat down. As he sat on a toy. "What the hell-"

"Mary had friends over, so we're still cleaning up." You said. "Freddie?"

"Well we have a problem, see the contract we are on is rather… something else. But this time, we don't get more than ten percent of… our touring money. And we've made-"

Brian spoke. "According to our resident accountant. We have made 400 million pounds."

Oh, and not even ten percent of it. "I see, I'll get my-"

"No, we already quit, Do you think Carrie can help us?"


Reward: Queen quits their record company and now works for Carrie. It was quite something.

-[X]A Charitable Heart: You want to invest your newfound wealth. Maybe even save some lives while you are at it. (Linetail what you wish to invest in below this action, and the amount of money you want to donate in)
--[X] Medical Research. $400 Million. There's some sort of strange virus spreading around that is causing the failure of people's immune's systems. Many don't give a damn since most of the victims are gay people, but they deserve just as much respect and care as anyone else, nevermind that there's straight people and even kids getting infected. Perhaps you're worrying over nothing, but you have a gut feeling that action must be taken now before too many people suffer, so why not do something useful with your fortune and help the doctors who can make a difference now before it's too late? Rolled:D100 => 95

You hope it did help people. But you don't know how it will.

Reward: you will learn about the ramifications of this investment in… 1985. but it is a positive effect, I will tell you.

AN: Enjoy.
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Meanwhile at Disney
Meanwhile at Disney:

(Roy Disney POV)

You were trying to remain quiet as you looked at the several papers that were needed. There was something that was going to happen, but you didn't want to be involved in it. Ron would say that it would work and that you needed to trust him.

But that was not what you wished to do at all. You didn't want to do anything of the politics that was going on right now. You wanted to make sure things were going smoothly, make sure that Jones wasn't trying to raise hell, and see that the California Adventures Park could be expanded with the loony toons.

And so that Cat Powell, would not be bothered when working on that new project that was sure to make millions.

But as the rest of the board members started to roam in, you could see their anger, their discontent, and you knew you had one shot to make things right before Card and his ilk decided that they needed you and Ron gone, and someone else not one of them to take the reigns.

"The hell are you doing Roy?" Card said, as everyone but Ron was there for the meeting. "We've seen the plans for expansion and we are not impressed, and the run of movies that you wanted to create, too expensive, and we are concerned about-"

"Card. Do you ever wonder what Walt would say about the current situation we find ourselves in?" You asked. "And not in the way of memory, but of what people think of Disney now?"

Card thought for a moment, and than said. "He would be mad as all hell that-"

"No, he wouldn't. He would be proud that someone with balls and imagination has taken back the reigns, focusing on what made this company great, even if we lost the edge because of Lucasfilm and Universal." you said quietly, but loud enough for him to hear. "Three animated films with budgets that are befitting them, the television channel is needing more content that will be great for increasing our brand's recognition and reach…"

Card then raised his voice. "And it wastes money an incredible amount of it-"

You remained quiet, as you narrowed your eyes. "My money, not yours or any of the boards."

That made everyone become silent. "What?"

"I invested 20 million dollars of my own and Ron's money into these projects, seeing as this board does not give a damn about the projects we are pursuing or granting them what they need." Ron was never the fan, but after Escape from New Yorks's success despite Indiana Jones, it was a gamble that they had to play out in full. It was not going to bankrupt either of them, they had more than enough assets to still live comfortably, and their own dividends from Disney were still paying.

But what this was, was simple. It was something that everyone would see.

The Disney boys were risking their necks on projects that the board was too scared to green light. Projects that will make millions if not billions if they were made and they were given the care and attention they needed.

And old favors had to be repaid.

Card was stunned, all of them were, as Ron finally walked in with several members that world for Disney since the beginning of it's golden age.

Including the man who was going to be writing the new Ducktales TV show, and headline new Disney Duck comics, in an official capacity now. Carl Barks. "Mr.Barks is going to be heavily involved in the new wave of comics that will be coming soon, and it will be here in america, for 5 cents an issue."

Card almost exploded. "We won't make any money on that kind of product for that cheap!"

Ron only smiled. "It's not about money for this project card. It's setting up fertile ground. Whats one year of lost profit, for a generation of loyal fans and their wallets? The Europeans love Donald Duck because we gave up in America, and it's coming back."

You cracked your knuckles on the table. "Donald Duck is not going to make us rich." Card said.

"And when your wrong card, I'll make sure you never work for this company again." Ron threatened.

Then, on cue, the secretary came in and handed over a card, with the numbers you needed. "Mister Disney. From Europe."

You smiled. Finally, you could break ground. "The French Government has approved of the European Disneyland that you all have been trying and failing to get for years."

At that, the board was stunned. "So… do we have anything else to discuss?"

Reward: EuroDisney has been approved and ground is soon being broken on Disneyland Paris, at a price that would be impossible to ignore for the Board. Roy and Ron successfully managed to get the best possible deal for Disney.

Carl Barks is now Head of the Disney Ducks writing staff and is writing more DuckTales and Scrooge McDuck stories. Donald Duck comics are being translated and sold in the US for dirt cheap.

Ron and Roy have personally financed over 10 projects that the board refused to fund, and are gambling that they will succeed.

The Board had doubts, but now, they are firmly on Disney and Miller's side, and any plan of a coup that Card had in store has been wiped away.

AN: Enjoy.
Turn 93 (November 1981)
Turn 93 (November 1981)

Killer Queen Production Rolls:

Directing Quality:D100 + 50 => 150

Screen Presence:

Debbie Reynolds: D100 + 60 => 152
Carrie O'Brian:D100 + 50 => 126
John Travolta: D100 + 50 => 140
Frank Sinatra:D100 + 50 => 57
Eileen Evelyn Greer Garson: D100 + 50 => 146
Vincent Price: D100 + 50 => 118
Don Bluth: D100 + 20 => 43
George Miller:D100 + 20 => 65

Debbie/Carrie:D100 + 100 => 197
Debbie/John:D100 + 100 => 138
Debbie/Frank: D100 + 100 => 157
Debbie/Eileen: D100 + 100 => 184
Debbie/Vincent: D100 + 100 => 200
Debbie/Don: D100 + 100 => 102
Debbie/George: D100 + 100 => 149

Carrie/John:D100 + 100 => 195
Carrie/Eileen: D100 + 100 => 125
Carrie/George: D100 + 100 => 199

John/Frank: D100 + 100 => 113
John/Eileen: D100 + 100 => 155

Eileen/Frank: D100 + 100 => 175
Eileen/Vincent: D100 + 100 => 139
Eileen/George: D100 + 100 => 117

Don/George: D100 + 100 => 191

Frank/Vincent: D100 + 100 => 188

The VFX:D100 => 19

The Makeup:D100 => 47

The SFX: D100 => 81

The Score:D100 + 50 => 144

Location:D100 => 79

Current Quality Before Editing:D100 + 200 => 232

You were glad to see that everything went well… mostly.

But you had to do a solid for Cat as she went to a movie premiere, so you had to…

Mike Eisner called and it ruined that serenity. "Yes Mike?"

"Get to the office right now, we have an emergency!"

"Mike I am babysitting my sister's kids and Carrie is out tonight, so you will let me do that, or so help me I will fire your ass."

"Fine, but don't blame me when I'm mad as hell and you see why."

You hung up the phone. Mike can understand that you needed this.

You probably should have talked to him though, because as it turns out, that might have saved you from this crazy bullshit.

Because Mike was indeed mad as hell.

And Disney had just fired their shot in the animation war. Their first true shot you should say.

The Black Cauldron:
Directed by: Ted Berman. Richard Rich
Written by: Ted Berman, Cathrine Powell
Produced by: Joe Hale
Production and Distribution Studio: Walt Disney Productions, Buena Vista
Starring: Grant Bardsley, Susan Sheridan
, Freddie Jones, Nigel Hawthorne, Arthur Malet, John Byner, Phil Fondacaro, John Hurt

D100 + 200 => 297
D100 + 200 => 250
Domestic: 342,981,017
Mike was crossing his arms at the news, how this film, somehow, beat the odds against the indiana jones juggernaut.

"I will admit, mistakes were made." You finally stated as Mike seemed ready to scream like a madman. "But you must admit… damn, that is a good-looking film."

But Mike only shook his head and screamed into his hands. "You're not taking this seriously!"

"Is it produced by universal?" You asked


"Then I won't." You said. "Just give them credit, they did a good job."

Lucasfilms Actions:

[]Solomon Kane: And the Shadows of Africa: Martin was proud of this one. Like insanely proud of it. He wouldn't say it's the highlight of his career, but more, the one that he felt had to be made to make it better. DC:0

[]The People who want you to star in a movie: With most of Hollywood open to you again after the informal ending of your banishment from nonlucasfilm and TV productions, there are a few films that have come to your attention. DC: ???

[]Investing in the Future: You want to Spend some of that money you made into the company and make the whole thing better DC: ??? (Linetail what you want to invest in, and how much money you want to invest in it)

[]Look for Investors: Not that you need the money now, but maybe you can get people on board with this idea you have. DC: ???

[]Distributing Deals: Since you have a Distribution Company, or rather, are one… You can meet the major movie theater companies and strike a Deal with them. Even when you had nothing to offer them. DC: ???

[]Importing Foreign Films: So… you may have a way to get some films showing in American Theaters. Maybe you can go to other foreign film industries and… well, ask to distribute their films. Sure many of those foreign film companies never expected an American company to distribute their films in the US… but maybe you can get money without producing them. (Linetail where you try to get films from, and if there are any specific films, line tail them below) DC: ???

[]The Ideas of Industry: This action is meant for a write-in to act as a sort of Idea machine for the company. You must detail what you want to do below this action. This action can be taken multiple times.

Personal Actions:

[]Best Friends: So Mary has lots of friends, and she wants them to come over. You need to prepare for that. Carrie, get the cookies.

[]The Family Time: You need a night out with the family dammit! No more drama, no more work, just you and Carrie and the Kids!

[]Hanging out with the Friends: It's been far to long since you, John, and Robin hung out, so you will go out for some drinks and have some fun. DC: 45

[]A Well-Known Fan: So some really famous person is a fan of yours. Maybe you'll learn who they actually are. DC???

[]Learn to play an instrument: You want to learn how to play something DC: 80 (You have no idea what the hell you are doing.)

[]Investments: You want to invest your hard-earned cash into something that you feel will be a good return on investment. And as well as diversify your assets DC: 0 (Linetail what you wish to invest in below this action, and the amount of money you want to invest in)

[]The O'Riely Foundation Lobbying: You want California to help the men who have given nearly everything and more to this country. DC: ??? (Linetail how much money you want to throw at it, and what you want from the State)

[]A Charitable Heart: You want to invest your newfound wealth. Maybe even save some lives while you are at it. (Linetail what you wish to invest in below this action, and the amount of money you want to donate in)

[]Networking: Well time to start finding out who might actually be interested in meeting you. (Write-in what you want to try and network with)

[]Pray: It had been a long time since you went to Mass. You wish for the Lord to give you strength. DC: ???

[]Action Directing: It seems the town has been talking about how much of a beast you are at just being a stunt person. In fact, they knew you were a student of Bruce Lee. And they think you know how to stage and block a fight? Maybe you can DC? ???

[] Do auditions(Movies and TV Shows): You are going to go to some of the casting calls that are in the place where you can find work in. DC: 20(Possibility of only getting a commercial or TV show job, or extra work in a low-budget film)

[]Modeling (High Fashion): So you got a call from a photographer in LA, some no name. But that no name works for Gucci. And he wants you on their next lineup of products. And he needs you to model for him. Which is great… one problem, you have no idea what the hell you are doing. DC: 60

[]Modeling (Advertisements): Thankfully another Call Came in, one from an ad firm. They need you to have some pictures taken so that they are used for saner things. Like selling cars, or ice cream. DC: 40

[]Workout: A Healthy Mind and a Healthy Body are Key to having a good life, and you have been slacking as of late. Time to hit the workout and discipline, and perhaps, see things differently. DC: 30 Reward: You work out and feel better.

[] Ask Clint if you can act in a movie of his: You know you want to see if you can act opposite him, for a good time. DC: 40 (Clint wants to work with you.)

[] Gophering, and other signs of stuff: You want to try and learn how work behind the camera works, and what better way than being a gopher. DC: 50 (You have no idea what the hell they were doing, and you have no idea either)

[] Take a walk: Dad always said that the best ways to get inspiration are by walking, talking, and being open-minded. So you'll try that. DC: 10 (You are just going for a walk, what could be really said?)

[] Register in a theater: There are quite a few theater troops that are looking for some seasonal help for some play's that the regulars could not get to. Perhaps you can work there for a while. DC: 40 (Everyone wants to be famous here in Hollywood.)

[] Go to a bar or something to make jokes: You wanted to try some comedy, perhaps you can try. even with your shit timing. DC: 40 (Your Lack of comedy chops is going to be something that will bite you.)

[] Practice writing: You want to write something, maybe even a script. At least to learn the craft. DC: 20 (You try your hand at screenwriting, and maybe get something that is worth a damn.)

[] Research stuff, see if anything piques your interest: You may have graduated High School as a kid, but you never stopped trying to learn. DC: 15 (Write-in what you want to learn about below)

AN: Enjoy and plan format please.
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Turn 93 Results (November-December 1981)
Turn 93 Results (November-December 1981)

[X]Solomon Kane: And the Shadows of Africa: Martin was proud of this one. Like insanely proud of it. He wouldn't say it's the highlight of his career, but more, the one that he felt had to be made to make it better. DC:0 Rolled: D100 => 89+20=109

You think Martin has a dark side to him. He can't keep getting away with this kind of sorcery.

(Continued in: Solomon Kane: And the Shadows of Africa)

-[X]Investing in the Future: You want to Spend some of that money you made into the company and make the whole thing better DC: ??? (Linetail what you want to invest in, and how much money you want to invest in it)
--[X] You've been reading the Cam Jensen books with Mary and fell in love with the general concept and story. Buy adaptational rights from David Adler for $10 million. Rolled: 96

Turns out David Adler actually was trying to come to you to see you adapt his books into a TV show or made-for-TV movie.

He had tried to fork it off elsewhere, but Colombia didn't have the capital, Paramount low balled his offer, and Universal…

Universal, as seems to be tradition at this point, didn't return his calls, making him come to you. He said he was trying to get a million dollars…

You instead stuck to your original offer, as a not-so-subtle fuck you to Universal.

Reward: The Cam Jensen books can now be made into a TV show or movie.

David himself insists it be an animated TV show.

-[X]Importing Foreign Films: So… you may have a way to get some films showing in American Theaters. Maybe you can go to other foreign film industries and… well, ask to distribute their films. Sure many of those foreign film companies never expected an American company to distribute their films in the US… but maybe you can get money without producing them. (Linetail where you try to get films from, and if there are any specific films, line tail them below) DC: ???
--[X] Belgium. The Smurfs and the Magic Flute. Right now The Smurfs are a major hit on television, Hanna-Barbera's best performing cartoon since Scooby-Doo. With such popularity and you already negotiating for Johan and Pewitt, ask the owner of the Smurfs comic, Dupuis if you can distribute the Belgian film, "The Smurfs and the Magic Flute" in the US with a Dub from the Hanna-Barbera cast.D100 => 87

They agreed, and while they drove a hard bargain…

They also really realized that Lucasfilm's treatment was there.

(Continued in: The Smurfs and the Magic Flute)
-[X] Best Friends: So Mary has lots of friends, and she wants them to come over. You need to prepare for that. Carrie, get the cookies. Rolled:D100 => 17

Thankfully, things weren't as chaotic as previously, as MAry only had Milly, Wally, and some of her school friends over.

And they were instead trying to make movies with one of George's Super Eights. That he somehow snuck in his backpack with film.

And it was honestly decent with the way they used the costumes and the playful childish babbling into something so coherent.

Brandon was there somehow, and it was something that made him frown. "Why am I here?"

"You are the Captive that we need, quiet!" Wally said. "And Action."

Thank goodness that the kids were being careful because you were not in the mood for a mess.

Then someone threw an empty plastic bottle.

And then it was chaos.

Reward: So Wally made a short film. Brandon Lee does not how he was roped into it, because he was trying to talk to you about an idea, but…

Well, he can wait.

-[X]The Family Time: You need a night out with the family dammit! No more drama, no more work, just you and Carrie and the Kids! Rolled:D100 => 18

You and Carrie had a wonderful time having a nice family dinner.

Though you wish Joseph was happier with his vegetables.

Reward: You enjoyed the family dinner.
-[X]Hanging out with the Friends: It's been far to long since you, John, and Robin hung out, so you will go out for some drinks and have some fun. DC: 45 Rolled:D100 => 5

At this point, there is nothing you can do, Robin and John were trying their best, but they also aren't parents to three kids.

They also pity you.


-[X]A Well-Known Fan: So some really famous person is a fan of yours. Maybe you'll learn who they actually are. DC??? Rolled:D100 => 80 A Well Known Fan:D20 => 20

Your eyes widened when you realized who was actually here.

"Jesus Christ!" Blasphemy might be a sin, but for this, you were not going to deny that it was warranted. Because there were over five hundred British security forces and other notable things.

Because sitting in front of you was… Her Majesty the Queen, Elizabeth the Second of the House of Windsor.

The Inner Irishman in you wanted to cause an incident, but you were in Ulster trying to get to Scotland so that would be a problem.

Best be polite. Your mother did not raise a thug, despite playing a few on TV.

"Hello." You said.

She gave a smile. "You know, when they told me I was able to ambush you to speak to you, I was surprised. There were also several members of my cabinet and members of the Royal Shakespeare Society that bemoaned that you were not among their ranks."

"I hope you're not expecting me to follow protocol when I wasn't even expecting you?"

She then laughed. "God I hope not, I'm the one who's making a bother for you, and making discreet actions to meet you."

You frowned and sighed. "Then how may I serve you, Your Majesty?"

"Oh nothing yet I hope, but I do hope to get an autograph from you, if at all possible. My children like Star Wars and Conan, and Charles has been a fan of that new film you released, said it was a fine work of Shakespearean character acting in a modern setting."

Reward: Her Majastey the queen is a huge fan, her and her family. And you gave her an autograph because she asked.

-[X]Investments: You want to invest your hard-earned cash into something that you feel will be a good return on investment. And as well as diversify your assets DC: 0 (Linetail what you wish to invest in below this action, and the amount of money you want to invest in)
--[X] Oatfield. $2 Million. Ireland's oldest confectionary manufacturer and a personal favorite of your sweet tooth growing up. You want to share with the world the greatness of Oatfield and wish to become a co-owner with the Mckinney family, still keeping management under them but helping it to thrive into a great business with your patronage. Rolled:D100 => 68

The Mckinney family were hesitant to see you offer a co-ownership, but the money you offered, as well as basically telling them that nothing at all has changed and that you just wanted to get more sweets for yourself and your children, they agreed.

Reward: You are an investor within Oatfield. And they appreciate it.

-[X]Networking: Well time to start finding out who might actually be interested in meeting you. (Write-in what you want to try and network with)
--[X] Peyo. Pierre Culliford as he's really called has created amazing characters and comics in Belgium. The Smurfs are currently making a splash with Hannah-Barbera, but you know that his previous work, Johan and Pewitt, is just as good if not better. Make an offer for the rights with $5,000,000 in order to make a TV Adaptation of their adventures. Rolled:D100 => 95

The said yes before you named your price, and that was just incredible.

Reward: Johan and Pewitt can now be made.

--[X] Peter Shaffer. His theater play Amadeus has made a sensation both abroad and more recently in the U.S.A. You would not be surprised if offers to make a screen adaptation are already in the works. Offer him $25,000,000 for the rights of a movie adaptation, as well as to get him to write it as well. Rolled: D100 => 100

In his words "I was going to offer it to you for free because I trust no one but only true masters of their craft."

Reward: You purchased the rights to Amadeus.

-[X]Modeling (Advertisements): Thankfully another Call Came in, one from an ad firm. They need you to have some pictures taken so that they are used for saner things. Like selling cars, or ice cream. DC: 40 Rolled:D100 => 25

You were not going to do that, considering Malboro wanted you to model for selling cigarettes and other garbage. So you told them to fuck right off.


-[X]Game Shows: You want to go on a Game show and have some fun. DC: 40 Rolled:D100 => 21

None of the Game shows were interesting to you. So you just said no.


-[X] Date Night: Carrie did an amazing job in Killer Queen and last month was pretty hectic. With Star Wars coming soon, you want to treat Carrie to a nice night of romance and show your love. Rolled:D100 + 30 => 105

You and Carrie both sat down and looked at each other for the longest time. The Highrise restaurant was not your first idea for a date, but Carrie wanted you to not cook for her and she had no energy for herself.

So she booked a cab and you both drove to this nice place, and it was…something else.

The meal was nice but all you could do was look at her.

"You know, I've always wanted to ask you this?" Carrie offered as she drank her water. "Out of all the people you have worked with besides me, your favorite?"

"You first." You smiled. She already knew but she sighed. "John."

That made you nearly do a spit take. "John? Is your favorite person you worked with? What about the director?"


That was a given. "But really, John though?"

"He was fun to be around and he made me act better."

"And I don't?"

"You're my husband, that doesn't count." She smiled. "Now you."

"Actor?" You said. "Mark."

There was a laugh. "Mark?"

"You're surprised. He's awesome."

Carrie laughed. "I would have thought that James would have been-"

"James and I don't really work as much."

Then there was a smile. "And the Director is George."

"Knew it." Carrie said.

You both had a moment. And you laughed.

Reward: You have a good time.

AN: Enjoy.
Turn 94 (December 1981)
Turn 94 (December 1981):

You looked at your eyes and realized something. That something was, the date, December 1, and of course that led to one thing you could not ignore.

Presents. "Carrie I'm taking the day off, did Mary get her list to you so we can prepare." You asked as you sat up, and Carrie only hugged you from behind and pulled you closer.

"No presents, we have time." She said.

"You don't know how our children operate." You said. Mary was special and trying to get her anything that would keep her attention was absolutely vital.

Well, vital in the fact that it might lead to fewer calls to the principal for mischief or playing DND or cyberpunk with her friends because they got everything done and they don't care for many of the books in the library that board them.

The fact that Mary can recite the bible from memory filled you with great joy.

The fact it was King James was absolutely barbaric and made you wonder just where the hell she got a copy and why she was reading that than one of the ones at home. An original Latin translation was easy to come by in the right places, you knew some people who owned them.

Then Carrie rolled onto you and clung to you like a life preserver, even though you were the one that needed saving. "Bruce, we can do this. So stop worrying about it and please come back to sleep."

Oh her eyes were gorgeous now. And it made you realize how tired you were. It was December… which meant that it was time to deal with Mike and his film plans to make Universal his bitch.

She kissed you and you returned the favor, and you both decided that sleep was underrated. And while Carrie was on her safe day, you both made sure…

You knew what she wanted.

You had one more film dammit and then star wars was done and it would all be under control.

Or out of control.

Napoleon Part 2:
Directed By: Stanley Kubrick.
Written by: Stanley Kubrick
Produced by: Stanley Kubrick, Sidney Sheinberg
Starring: Charles, Prince Napoléon, Michelle Pfeiffer, Christopher Lee, Peter Cushing, Richard Harris, Christopher Plumber, Gérard Depardieu, Jean Rochefort.

"My Enemies are Many. My Equals are None."

Film Quality:D100 + 500 => 587
Audience Roll:D100 + 300 => 370
Critic Roll:D100 + 400 => 499

You are going to make yourself swear bloody vengeance at Sid for his bullshit. First Disney has a massive hit last month, and now this?!

Kubrick was mad man that is for certain, and you honestly couldn't blame him, from the rumors you heard to telling Sid and his people to fuck right off and let him edit it himself with his team once they tried to make him release it earlier last year.

Well it paid off, as the second part of Napoleon's Reign, one where he siezes power as the Consul of France was breathtaking to see done, as the entire opening thirty minutes before the credits was simply astounding, and ends on his coronation as Emperor is something to behold. The political skullduggery of Napoleon weaseling his way into power by using his wits, his charm and his sheer brilliance was a sight to behold, and you were all for it.

Charles played his ancestor brilliantly, and when there is not a callback towards the future in dialogue, or the only time that Kubrick used an original piece of dialogue for a scene, the enemies and equals scene, it shows that Charles may not be a trained thespian, but he literally became Napoleon for those brief moments.

Everyone else was absolutely fantastic, though one stands out that came to mind was again, Christopher Lee, who, somehow managed to elevate his performance from the previous movie into a realm that was impossible to really describe as anything other than magical.

But what was the stand out of the entire film was the Battle of Marengo and the coronation of Napoleon. It seemed the Kubrick recreated the battle with almost obsessive detail, over 95 shooting days to get it right, and it was almost impossible to claim otherwise.

What you heard was that Austerlitz was even grander and epic, almost impossible to image that he recaptured the blood hell of that battle like he did with Marengo. It was dirty, filthy, and filled with smoke where it was almost impossible to see anything but somehow, though only the use of Napleon's eyes, and dispatches that most didn't even see the contents of, it was shown to be a devastatingly brilliant move at each and every measure.

Kubrick laid down the gauntlet and it showed that his epic would win in America, over time, as everyone realized that his vision was the greatest there ever was for Napoleon.

And despite your best wishes, you saw the box office numbers and wondered just what was going on, and Award season was upon them for the Oscars. Even if it made less money, it surprisingly didn't matter to Sid, calling Napoleon "The only true opponent to Jones, and it is without question."

And Kubrick made one helluva case for best picture.

Hell you didn't know any better, it could sweep everything at the Academy.

Lucasfilms Actions:

[]Star Wars Preproduction Extravaganza: George came to you with a big old binder with Dave and Lawrence. "I need your help, Bruce." He said. And that was a big binder. "Oh that, that's just part one.". Then you saw the slave outfit. "GEORGE I'M GOING TO FUCKING KILL YOU!" DC: 0 (Begins a Preproduction Miniturn)

[]Tron: You honestly don't want this film to flop, but you planned for it, and by god, you have to hope that it won't die to Napoleon. DC: 50.

[]The Mike Eisner Action Plan of 1981: Mike called a war council again, though this time, he practically put his foot down. "Bruce, I have a plan, and it's a goddamn good one. So hear me out." DC: 0

[]The Christmas Party of 1981: So it seems that everyone, finally, remembered that the Christmas party is supposed to be fun. And look what you know, it is. However, there is one problem. Some people from reputable ad agencies were trying to stalk them, and that would not do. "George, get the Cameras!" DC: 30

[]The People who want you to star in a movie: With most of Hollywood open to you again after the informal ending of your banishment from nonlucasfilm and TV productions, there are a few films that have come to your attention. DC: ???

[]Investing in the Future: You want to Spend some of that money you made into the company and make the whole thing better DC: ??? (Linetail what you want to invest in, and how much money you want to invest in it)

[]Look for Investors: Not that you need the money now, but maybe you can get people on board with this idea you have. DC: ???

[]Distributing Deals: Since you have a Distribution Company, or rather, are one… You can meet the major movie theater companies and strike a Deal with them. Even when you had nothing to offer them. DC: ???

[]Importing Foreign Films: So… you may have a way to get some films showing in American Theaters. Maybe you can go to other foreign film industries and… well, ask to distribute their films. Sure many of those foreign film companies never expected an American company to distribute their films in the US… but maybe you can get money without producing them. (Linetail where you try to get films from, and if there are any specific films, line tail them below) DC: ???

[]The Ideas of Industry: This action is meant for a write-in to act as a sort of Idea machine for the company. You must detail what you want to do below this action. This action can be taken multiple times.

Personal Actions:

[]The O'Brian Tradition: You are going to start a new tradition. Best make it a good one. DC:???
-[]What do you try to do?

[]All I want for Christmas: Mary is having her first real Christmas, and you want to give her something that she will enjoy.
-[]Write in what you give her.

[]The Sound of fighting: You smile and realize one thing that was rather… uncomfortable. Ginger the cat is fighting one of the neighbors cats again that keeps sneaking into your house. Time to assist her. DC:???

[]Best Friends: So Mary has lots of friends, and she wants them to come over. You need to prepare for that. Carrie, get the cookies.

[]The Family Time: You need a night out with the family dammit! No more drama, no more work, just you and Carrie and the Kids!

[]Hanging out with the Friends: It's been far to long since you, John, and Robin hung out, so you will go out for some drinks and have some fun. DC: 45

[]A Well-Known Fan: So some really famous person is a fan of yours. Maybe you'll learn who they actually are. DC???

[]Learn to play an instrument: You want to learn how to play something DC: 80 (You have no idea what the hell you are doing.)

[]Investments: You want to invest your hard-earned cash into something that you feel will be a good return on investment. And as well as diversify your assets DC: 0 (Linetail what you wish to invest in below this action, and the amount of money you want to invest in)

[]The O'Riely Foundation Lobbying: You want California to help the men who have given nearly everything and more to this country. DC: ??? (Linetail how much money you want to throw at it, and what you want from the State)

[]A Charitable Heart: You want to invest your newfound wealth. Maybe even save some lives while you are at it. (Linetail what you wish to invest in below this action, and the amount of money you want to donate in)

[]Networking: Well time to start finding out who might actually be interested in meeting you. (Write-in what you want to try and network with)

[]Pray: It had been a long time since you went to Mass. You wish for the Lord to give you strength. DC: ???

[]Action Directing: It seems the town has been talking about how much of a beast you are at just being a stunt person. In fact, they knew you were a student of Bruce Lee. And they think you know how to stage and block a fight? Maybe you can DC? ???

[] Do auditions(Movies and TV Shows): You are going to go to some of the casting calls that are in the place where you can find work in. DC: 20(Possibility of only getting a commercial or TV show job, or extra work in a low-budget film)

[]Modeling (High Fashion): So you got a call from a photographer in LA, some no name. But that no name works for Gucci. And he wants you on their next lineup of products. And he needs you to model for him. Which is great… one problem, you have no idea what the hell you are doing. DC: 60

[]Modeling (Advertisements): Thankfully another Call Came in, one from an ad firm. They need you to have some pictures taken so that they are used for saner things. Like selling cars, or ice cream. DC: 40

[]Workout: A Healthy Mind and a Healthy Body are Key to having a good life, and you have been slacking as of late. Time to hit the workout and discipline, and perhaps, see things differently. DC: 30 Reward: You work out and feel better.

[] Ask Clint if you can act in a movie of his: You know you want to see if you can act opposite him, for a good time. DC: 40 (Clint wants to work with you.)

[] Gophering, and other signs of stuff: You want to try and learn how work behind the camera works, and what better way than being a gopher. DC: 50 (You have no idea what the hell they were doing, and you have no idea either)

[] Take a walk: Dad always said that the best ways to get inspiration are by walking, talking, and being open-minded. So you'll try that. DC: 10 (You are just going for a walk, what could be really said?)

[] Register in a theater: There are quite a few theater troops that are looking for some seasonal help for some play's that the regulars could not get to. Perhaps you can work there for a while. DC: 40 (Everyone wants to be famous here in Hollywood.)

[] Go to a bar or something to make jokes: You wanted to try some comedy, perhaps you can try. even with your shit timing. DC: 40 (Your Lack of comedy chops is going to be something that will bite you.)

[] Practice writing: You want to write something, maybe even a script. At least to learn the craft. DC: 20 (You try your hand at screenwriting, and maybe get something that is worth a damn.)

[] Research stuff, see if anything piques your interest: You may have graduated High School as a kid, but you never stopped trying to learn. DC: 15 (Write-in what you want to learn about below)

AN: enjoy and plan format please.
Last edited:
Turn 94 Results (December 1981-January 1982)
Turn 94 Results (December 1981-January 1982)

-[X]Star Wars Preproduction Extravaganza: George came to you with a big old binder with Dave and Lawrence. "I need your help, Bruce." He said. And that was a big binder. "Oh that, that's just part one.". Then you saw the slave outfit. "GEORGE I'M GOING TO FUCKING KILL YOU!" DC: 0 (Begins a Preproduction Miniturn) Rolled:D100 => 48

You looked at the men who were at the table. And you were surprised that they were not unhappy to see you, because they knew of your legendary temper.

"Bruce, we can explain everything."

The metal table was bending in your hands. "We'll see about that George."

(Continued in Star Wars Preproduction Extravaganza)

-[X]Tron: You honestly don't want this film to flop, but you planned for it, and by god, you have to hope that it won't die to Napoleon. DC: 50. Rolled:D100 => 79+20=99 (Autopass)

It wasn't going to die against Napoleon.

It was going to kill Napoleon. You think.

(Continued in: TRON)

-[X]The Mike Eisner Action Plan of 1981: Mike called a war council again, though this time, he practically put his foot down. "Bruce, I have a plan, and it's a goddamn good one. So hear me out." DC: 0 Rolled:D100 => 100

Mike Eisner, was very happy to see everyone here. "Gentlemen, I am prepared to destroy the entire American Entertainment industry with quality products that they cannot compete with. All I am asking is for a moment of your time, and give you all a fuck load of money."

Then you raised an eyebrow. "Well, Bruce and George's money."

(Continued in: The Mike Eisner Action Plan to Destroy Universal)

-[X]The Christmas Party of 1981: So it seems that everyone, finally, remembered that the Christmas party is supposed to be fun. And look what you know, it is. However, there is one problem. Some people from reputable ad agencies were trying to stalk them, and that would not do. "George, get the Cameras!" DC: 30 Rolled:D100 => 27

You decided to go home early, to spend Christmas with your family.

You did not regret that decision. And George did a good job keeping those scoundrels away.


-[X]The O'Brian Tradition: You are going to start a new tradition. Best make it a good one. DC:???
--[X] Build a Nativity set in your front yard. Rolled:D100 => 30

It wasn't the best, but hey, the kids enjoyed it. Your thumbs on the other hand did not.
--[X] Have a Christmas dinner with Sarah's family, and invite Gavin and Susan and your parents if you can. Rolled:D100 => 91

You all sat at the large table and all looked ready to have a wonderful dinner. "You know, it's been along time since we had this, a nice dinner all together, not at the Whale?"

Your father laughed. "Oh don't be like that Bruce, speak your damn mind."

You then raised a glass. "I know we have all been away on our adventures of life. That we have not had a chance as a family to come together in a way that makes us far more together. That we have let our own lives to precedence when the lives of our children and our grandchildren" You traded a glance at mom. "Are happening, and we all want the best. So let's have this day to feast and be happy, and to Thank God the Father, and all of each other, for being here."

You prayed, and then you ate.

Reward: It was a wonderful Christmas evening.
-[X]All I want for Christmas: Mary is having her first real Christmas, and you want to give her something that she will enjoy.
--[X] Mary keeps non-subtly hinting that she wants books, so get her a personal library. Get her a bookcase for her filled with books, both non-fiction books in her favorite subjects and fiction books of her favorite series and stories, try to get as many as Mary hasn't read along with her favorites. Rolled: D100 => 89
-[X]The Family Time: You need a night out with the family dammit! No more drama, no more work, just you and Carrie and the Kids!
--[X] You've been focusing on Mary a lot lately and don't want Sarah and Joseph to feel left out. Spend some time with the twins and just have some nice Christmas fun. Rolled:D100 => 94

Christmas morning was filled with running and jumping, mostly from…Mary, who was screaming so loudly that everyone was practically awoken by her.

Christmas was always special. And while Rampant consumerism was an unfortunate side effect of it, you had much better ways to capitalize on it.

But after being woken up, coffee was given to you and Carrie by your mom and dad, who had been staying in the guest room for the day, you smiled. "I was hoping for another hour." You said,

"Well, you excited her with the whole Santa story Dad." You said. "You get it in?"

"Yep." He said. "All 200 hundred of them. Can't believe you went all out on the books?"

"It will do so much to help me prepare for whatever she comes up with." You replied. You sighed as she began tearing into the presents.

You then walked over to the crawling to Sarah and Joseph who were, thankfully trying to be calm, and not scared of all the noises that Mary was making in her struggle to get all the books.

"Hey, you two." You scooped them up and held them close. "There are some presents for you, but I am not going to make it all about Mary, she can do all that stuff on her own, but you two get to be my troublemakers for a time, so let's work together." You grabbed the two presents for them and you helped them."

And it was magical to see them work together to get the toys.

Reward: you had a very Merry Christmas.

-[X]The Sound of fighting: You smile and realize one thing that was rather… uncomfortable. Ginger the cat is fighting one of the neighbors cats again that keeps sneaking into your house. Time to assist her. DC:??? Rolled:D100 => 83

So… you learned something new.

One, Ginger apparently was the battle-hardened badass on the neighborhood cats. And had not a scratch on her despite all the battles she seemed to fight.

And the local cats were pretty much following her to the big pile of food that was out and getting stolen from by her.

Well that was why you were going through catfood so quickly, you thought Ginger and the kittens just ate alot.

But no, you were feeding the whole damn nieghborhood.

Also there was another scottish fold that was around, a feral one that may have been the father to the kittens.

But she learned to kick the crap out of that.

Reward: Um, hail ginger, the queen cat of the neighborhood.

-[X]Best Friends: So Mary has lots of friends, and she wants them to come over. You need to prepare for that. Carrie, get the cookies.
--[X] Hold a Birthday party for Mary on December 30th where she can invite her friends and have fun. For her birthday, gift her a tricycle. Rolled:D100 => 31

It was a fun birthday party.

Just that.

-[X]Hanging out with the Friends: It's been far to long since you, John, and Robin hung out, so you will go out for some drinks and have some fun. DC: 45 Rolled:D100 => 44

They sent some wonderful gifts, but they could't make it to the party.

-[X]A Charitable Heart: You want to invest your newfound wealth. Maybe even save some lives while you are at it. (Linetail what you wish to invest in below this action, and the amount of money you want to donate in)
--[X] $200 million, split the money to donate $100 million each to FEAST and the O'Reilly Foundation to make sure many families have a Merry Christmas. Rolled:D100 => 42

WEll… it was a merry christmas.

And you hoped they all had a good year.

Reward: A few things happened but none of them really great.

-[X]Pray: It had been a long time since you went to Mass. You wish for the Lord to give you strength. DC: ???
--[X] Attend Christmas mass and give thanks for a good year and your family being healthy and safe. Rolled:D100 + 20 => 57

It was too long since you prayed, but you did, and thanked God for your Family, and the health they had.

You only hoped for continued success and continued prosperity.

Reward: THere will be.
Star Wars Preproduction Extravaganza
Star Wars Preproduction Extravaganza:

To say nothing about the morning after New Year, you were forced to remain entirely focused on something that was not your family.

After, George said that, in his words, Star Wars stuff paid the bills, so that meant he got some priority. Even with Mike planning his action plan that would destroy Universal.

After all, it was his name on the building even though you were quick to remind him that you didn't like naming things after yourself.

Though honestly, you think you were due something like that. Maybe later.

But then you saw… the bikini, and everything started going red.

You looked at the men who were at the table. And you were surprised that they were not unhappy to see you because they knew of your legendary temper. Lawrence was thankfully for him, gone because your wrath was going to make whatever was going to happen pale at the end of it.

"Bruce, we can explain everything." Dave said before George parroted it.

The metal table was bending in your hands. "We'll see about that George."

"Please for the love of God Bruce, look at some of the storyboards before-"

"What the fuck is wrong with you George! Was the no underwear in space thing not enough? I remember that shit!" There was silence, as both men realized the horror of that situation.

"But-" George stammered on.

"No, it's bad enough that our kids think it's silly that we act on movies and TV, but this is- are you trying to get my kids to ask questions they are not old enough to ask?!"

"This is about your kids and not about the fact we want to put Carrie into a bikini?" George asked.

"YES! I frankly don't give a damn, let Carrie decide about that, but seriously, Star Wars has mostly become something I see taking my family to. I want to take my family too every time it's in theaters. But come on!"

Dave then whispered. "Oh thank god, I thought he would be worried about the other stuff we planned, this we can work with."

George almost facepalmed. "What else can there possibly be!?"

You facepalmed. "I'm not going to dignify a response. Again? What happened to originality?"

George smiled. "At least it isn't bigger, and we can reuse some sets."

Do you put your foot down on the Leia… Slave Bikini?
[]Get Carrie in Here and have her decide.

George is planning a very large space battle for the battle of the Death Star… You think it's too much.
[]Go with George's Idea: Really put the War into Star Wars
[]Go Bigger: Why the hell should we settle for second best, we have ILM here, George, really go all out here.
[]Make it far more intimate: Make the space battle far more condensed and character-focused, like sticking to one ship, like the Falcon.
[]Write in

There is something you want to work on, what else do you work on (Write in below for changes beneath them)
Please only choose 1.
[]The Ewoks
[]The Death Star
[]The Emperor
[]Jabba's Palace
[]The Side Characters
[]Write in

AN: enjoy and vote in plan format please.
The Mike Eisner Action Plan to Destroy Universal
The Mike Eisner Action Plan to Destroy Universal:

You and the entire team of directors and animators were all sitting patiently, waiting for the man who was ready to wage war.

There were always going to be some rather insane things that were to happen in the world eventually, but you never really decided just what the hell would happen. Mike however was not so undeterred.

"Everyone, as you may know, Universal." the lights dimmed and you saw a projector was sliding away with photos of him, and Sid from a previous meeting at the press and red carpet. "Have fired a starting gun that we have not answered yet."

"Now you may claim Star Wars, Indiana Jones, and the like… and I say, no, we have not. We have been making the moves but not completely destroying them. I don't believe that will be a state we can continue on. We are now at War."

A slide change and it showed the next plan for Universal. A Plan that looked like it was gained illegally. "Universal has a project they call Daedelous, something that internal documents acquired by my sources are going to be able to 'Out perform even Star Wars'" He then twitched a smile. "That is not going to happen."

"Okay." YOu finally spoke. "Mike what the hell are you talking about, and what are you asking for?"

"Simple." He said. "I need 300 million dollars, and a free hand to do what I need to do."

Everyone gasped. "Are you insane?" Martin asked.

George almost gagged. "That's insane, what makes you think that it will even work?"

"Because I got A Conan script and some of the greatest directors alive who have projects all lined up that need money."

You were at a crossroads, George was looking at you.

What do you do?:
[]Agree with Mikes Plan: Mike has a plan, and right now, you have no reason not to trust him.
[]Disagree: Mike you are asking for far to much with only vague notions of what you want done! I can't accept that.

The Mike Eisner Action Plan of 1980:

The current Lucasfilms Warchest:

6,535,130,250 (This is the money you have available for producing the movies.)

Steven Spielberg: Steve is really an imaginative storyteller, someone who loves doing adventures that harken back to his youth. While currently, he has the ambition to prove his critics wrong, because they think he cannot do anything without a gimmick. He's best used for Adventure stories, ones that are more akin to the serials that he grew up on. For now at least. He's young, just like you. But he wants to do other things that make him artistically fulfilled. However, he has a problem where he is constantly going over budget… over schedule, and being a bit indulgent. A strong hand can do wonders to help him, or even just be able to work with him and in his goals.

- Martin Scorsese: Martin is easily the greatest artist of the Group of Directors, and that is everyone's opinion, even your own. He wants to make thought-provoking films that are interesting, for everyone. He's a sucker for the Urban dramas that have been made, but he also isn't afraid to tackle new challenges, from epics to biopics… to even something as simple as an adventure story. As long as it strikes a resonating chord with him, he will get it done. Though he also has struggles going over time, all of those things were not his fault, and a result of studio interference. The problem is… well, he wants to do his own thing sometimes… and that thing might not even be created yet. And he doesn't want to make popcorn films like other directors do in their spare time. Even if he might have to.

- Brian De Palma: Brian is the odd one out. He likes directing, has a strong directing talent and he's great for budget and other things. But he has a problem that, in his opinion could be a problem. He's not the best at working with original screenplays, preferring to adapt novels, stories or even outright remaking others than trying his best to make his own. He said that he strongly believes that if he has a framework, he can make it better because he can contort the story to the cinema. And well, he's the only one who hasn't really gone over budget or schedule. Yet he hasn't really worked on huge projects before, so it would be a change for them.

- Paul Schrader: Paul is one of the great writers of The Writers Room, who has a great track record of making good movies. As a writer. As a Director, he's not unproven, but not the most... Creme de la creme, as much of the studio is known for. Honestly, his output is really focused on solitary, art pieces, that are not going to make money. Though it has also led to his reputation as being... creative, but untalented. But you don't believe that is right.

- Francis Ford Coppola: Between the directors, he's the most... controlling, unknowing, and honestly, he's kinda arrogent. But there is one thing that you know. He can make a damn fine film. The problem is, he's not interested in making a quantity of films. He was an artman. You don't care about that too much, but you are running a business. And you do need to make money.

- Akira Kurosawa: Considered by every critic in America to be among the best directors in Japanese history (and perhaps the world). Kurosawa is a man that cares about the art more than profit, and will do only those movies that he considers artful or interest him. His talent is great, his perfectionism tolerable, and a harsh taskmaster when on the set. Though he's mostly known for his Period Pieces, and adaptations from Shakespeare, he nonetheless is willing to try new and exciting ideas.

- Wes Craven: Up until John Carpenter burst into the scene, Wes Craven was widely considered the most proficient at Horror films...A title which he doesn't seem that fond of. Wes is good at what he does, his work in the horror genre could be called pioneering even now when he's just starting. Yet at the same time, he wishes to try and expand his horizons beyond what he already knows. Nevertheless, he is a prolific writer and director, willing to give his all in every production, and innovate at every chance he gets.

- Sam Raimi: A promising young Director who's just made his debut with "The Evil Dead", a movie that made a splash during the Halloween season. Sam is best known for his dynamic camera work, unorthodox style of filming, unconventional storytelling and a desire to experiment with unconventional angles and framing. Along with a unique editing style, he often blends horror or action with a healthy dose of dark humor. He injects witty one-liners or situational comedy into even the tensest moments, balancing the tone and engaging audiences with unexpected humor.

-Quinton Tarintino: A Literal teenager who has no experience with any sort of film making besides what he learned watching at video stores and from what he gained as an assistant director working with Sam. He's very much an experimental film maker with no preconceived notion of what is right and wrong when making a film.

- Ron Howard: An acclaimed actor who has participated in some of the greatest television series of both the 60's and the 70's. He also worked with you and George in American Graffiti which is how you managed to get ahold of him when he was ready to make the transition from actor to director. From his time and experience as actor he's learned the ins and outs of what it takes to work on TV, but time will tell if he has what it takes to move to the big screen.

- Michael Mann: A relative newcomer who has made waves since the last decade working as a screenwritter for several TV Shows, all Police or crime serials so far. You can see his experience in darker type of films, as well as how his stylistic style tends to show principal characters being forced to make critical decisions, as well as being psychologically layered. A preference for realism in films also has him depend more on practical effects than the newly technological advances pioneered by your studio.


- Yoshiyuki "Kill Em All" Tomino: Head of Animation of DreamWorks, and easily one of the more talented men who work, and the man you put in charge to get your grubby little hands on Gundam. He has since proven himself to be one of the most valuable assets in Dreamworks, and despite all the work and culture clash that his arrival and subsequent hiring has caused to the American and Japanese staff, he's wonderful, though a bit depressive, and needs some help to remind himself he's truly great. He gained his nickname because Gundam had the highest body count of an Animated show... it even made it into the world record book. And he wants to make it bigger.

- Noboru "The Eagleman" Ishiguro: Another director who you hired and haven't worked with at all, mostly because he's either helping Tomino, spending time with John and Ron... or trying to get his American pilot's license. He also has been going around every airport and military base in the state to get footage of an F-16 flying, which have only been out for a month. The man loved his aircraft, and most flying scenes were under his watch, and they were the best in the industry.

- John Musker and Ron Clements: John and Ron are those two guys that work on everything, don't say anything, but always want to be doing well. Ever since their debut with "A Classical Tale" they've gathered a following of those animators who much enjoy working in more traditional projects, as well as those who keep themselves on the sidelines. You don't know how, but they just seem to bring out the best of everyone under them. They are great. And really that's all you have to say. They are great.

- Don Bluth: The Second in command, and you are damn sure he sees himself on that when it comes to Animation. Not that you could gainsay him. Out of every one of your new set of animators he is the most experienced, and the most dedicated to the art of 2D animation, to the point that he's already being called "The Old Man" by the rest. Bluth's style is still miles above everything you've ever seen, and it actually makes you wonder what the hell was Dinsey thinking by canceling his debut movie. Well, their loss is DreamWorks' gain.

- Brad Bird: Also called "The Fledgling", Brad is a graduate of Cal Arts that decided to go with the new up and coming companny rather than the already established Disney. So far he hasn't regretted his decision, making Director at such a young age, and already trying for new assignements. So far he's working on whatever you're able to find for him, but his ambition is on new and untested stories, ideas that have yet to be given a chance.

- John Lasseter: Graduate of Cal Arts that also joined at the same time as Brad, but his interest clearly lie in computer animation and the newly established Pixar division where he spends nearly the entire day; helping with the technicians and the computer experts, learning everything about this new way of creating animated images, and pushing the boundaries on what it can accomplish for the future of animation. He's a hard man to dislike, with his own brand of humor and charm. Just don't put him and Bluth in the same room!

Live Action Scripts to Produce
- The Playground (A Fantasy Coming of Age film that splits between kids and adults like a simple DND Campaign. No one but Carrie knows what that is, but no one said they weren't interested in it.)

- Tijuana Takedown (Dave's… Okay, you'll say it, Cyberpunk Epic. Honestly, you don't see the appeal. George likes it, but that's just because of the technology required to make it is beyond anything that anyone else has. But you think someone might like it… You think. No one has any idea on how to make it)

- Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time (Now honestly, no one is really seeing the potential in the script, not yet at least. But what they do see is an adventure story that is worth making for the helluva it.)

- Prince of Persia: The Thousand and Second Night (Sands of Time Must be completed before this one can be made)

- Prince of Persia: Thus Spoke Zoroaster (Sands of Time and The Thousand and Second Night mmust be completed before this one can be made)

- The Slenderman (Mike said to wait for produce this one. Maybe he knew something about other things)

- Deliver us From Evil (Mike has a plan for that next year. You trust him with that)

- Across America in 90 Days: (A comedy that is all the better for being true)

- La Victoire En Chantant: (The tale of Napoleon from his first assignement till his exile. Might be a bit redundant now that Kubrick is planning his saga, but perhaps it's still salvageable).

- Used Cars: (The satire is strong in this one, and the whole deal with used cars make it a fun movie to make).

- Romancing the Stone: (An adventure story, one that truly seems to live up to the name).

- The Hobbit: An unexpected Journey: (First part of the Hobbit tale, hopefully Christopher will agree to the changes made to the books).

- Dune (Part 1): (First part of the Dune book, you envisions Francis Ford Coppola to direct this one, and he seems to be willing to take on the challenge)

- Dune (Part 2): (You'll need to finish making Dune (Part 1) before starting this one).

- Messiah of Dune: (You'll need to finish making Dune (Both parts) before starting this one).

- Gilbert and Sullivan: The Musical: (The tale of some of the best compossers told in the musical style and with compossitions they created).

- Big Wednesday: (This story just sounds like a beautiful, and tragic, coming of age story. Perhaps with the right actors it can be a true contender).

- Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters: (You don't know what it is about it, but the dark re-interpretation just sounds so cool).

- A Dream of a Dream: (Carrie wrote this for Debbie, and if her reaction is anything to go by, then this is one that will hit you in the feels).

- An American Saga: Rise to Rebellion: (The first movie of a trilogy about the American Revolution, showing both sides of the conflict, as well as the spirit of revolution that pushed the founding fathers to fight. A story worthy of being called a Saga).

- Back to the Future: (How did Zemeckis came up with this?! It's abolutely amazing, a franchise in the making if the ending is anything to go by as well).

- Back to the Future Part II: (Robert was working with one of his friends, Bob Gale, and… the script for Back to the Future was pretty damn good… but this one had left you with questions.)

- Conan the Destroyer: (An original story sent by an author for a possible new movie of Conan. It's not bad, though it may need some revising if you want to keep it in the same spirit as Howard's previous tales).

- Call of Duty: Ghosts: (A tale set in the same universa as Tijuana Takedown, though this one seems to be a bit more on the nationalist side than the previous one).

- Lucius: (This one is going to give you nightmares for days to're not even sure if there's going to be a child brave enough for this role).

- Wendy the Witch: (Ah, a movie involving one of the old Harvey comics characters. Seems like a fun reinterpretation, though you're not sure how well would it be accepted).

- Stormchasers: (This movie just screams "Coming of Age" story, and you can't find anything that would stop you from making it)

- Forgotten Realms: Honor Among Thieves: (Oh, those moralists are going to hate this movie. More than enough reason to try and amke it you suppose).

- Snow White and the Huntsman: (John was on break for filming Red Dawn and had a few days to play with; he locked himself into a room with Dave Alister, and a copy of the Brothers Grimm...he wrote the script in a few hours, called it "Cinema Therapy").

- Star Wars: Death Troopers: (Dave went behind George's write a Star Wars horror movie about zombies. Despite all the gore it is surprisingly good, and shows al the evil of the Empire).

- Mishima: A Life in Four Chapters: (You… didn't know anything about Mishima, and his books were not exactly something you would ever read. But it was compelling to say the least.

- 261: (The tale of Kathrine Switzer, the first woman to ever run the Boston Marathon. Her life and struggle, as well as her victory).

- Sisu: (Well...this is brutal, yet so interesting as well. You don't think you've done a Finnish historical before, but you have a good feeling about this one).

- Flight of the Navigator: (This film seems to want to push Special Effects to the limit, and you're more than willing to let them try).

- The Mask of the Black Death: (You just know Kurasawa is involved in this, and you can't find anything wrong with that. A beautfil homage to one of Poe's greatest works indeed).

- The Last Warchief - Joseph Medicine Crow: (Holy crap, this guy is still alive and kicking, but what a life he must have lived so far!)

- Wise Guys: (Wait, isn't this The Bros but in the 30s? Hopefully it works better this time around).

- Star Wars: Rogue One: (Another great entry in the Star Wars Universe...but does it have to paint the rebels in such a light?).

- Promised Neverland: (Well, if nothing else this is going to shock some parents and their families).


- Atlantis: The Lost Empire: (Everyone in the animation department wants to see this one done, though you think you can do a better job if you wati for a little while).

- Tarzan: (No one has actually tried making an animated version, despite how obvious it should be that this is the best medium to better show his adventures).

- The Legend of Sinbad: (One of the most amazing stories that deserve more love, and hopefully more adventures in the future).

- War for the Crystal: (An amazing original fantasy adventure that could rival Lewis' travels to Narnia if you're creative enough)

- The Legend of Chun Hyang: (An old korean folktale now adapted and given some interesting new perspectives. This should also be an OVA, hopefully it gets picked for an anime as well).

- Cars: (A beautiful story of finding oneself among a greedy and corporate sport, while also building on the idea of friendship found in the most unlikely places).

- My Princess, you must die!: ( An interesting OVA which also subverts spectations in a fun way, while also adding some character developement).

- Here Today: (A short animated film whose exploration on music and feelings will bring everyone to reconsider animation as art once more).

- Detention: (You feel somewhat ashamed of how good this story is...yet is also happening in real life).

- El Cantar de Mio Cid: (A proper Spanish animated film, and taking on one of its greatest legends as well).

- Treasure Planet: (John Lassater wants to help create it, so he must be part of it for Pixar. And Jon and Ron wanted to make that so… you're going to have to wait.)

- Undertale: (This...this is art! You must do it, and soon!)
Francis Ford Coppola can serve as producer of 2 films while directing one film, currently.

Don Simpson and Jerry Bruckheimer can each produce 2 films.

Mike Must produce two films as per the Agreement.

George and Steve can Produce 1 film.

Sunrise Productions can produce 2 Animated Films or shows of your choice.

Dreamworks can produce 2 Animated Film or can join Sunrise and grant a +200 to Quality on a Sunrise Animated Project.

Example Vote for one person:

What Film does Martin Direct:
-[]The Playground
-[]Budget:10 Million
-[]Producer: George Lucas.

Example for Sunrise/Dreamworks:

What Film does Dreamworks work on:
-[]Work on Gundam with Sunrise
-[]Budget: 15 million.

Example for Malpaso Productions
-[]Work on Your own picture Clint
-[]Budget: 10 Million

AN: Enjoy and please vote in plan format please
Last edited:
Turn 95 (January 1982)
Turn 95 (January 1982)

Carrie groaned as your eyes fluttered open, and you felt her hug you tighter. "Five more minutes Bruce."

You turned over and kissed her on the forehead before sitting up and getting out of bed. The kids were going to be up soon, and you knew that there was going to be breakfast that needed to be made.

But Carrie rolled over and held you tighter and you could feel her kiss up your back. She then rested her head on your shoulder, and you could feel her smile. "You know, you can make Mary come get us, and we can lay in bed a little longer?"

"I'd rather be ready and prepared Carrie for the kids. Because I don't want them to think cereal and milk is a good breakfast for them." You gave a smile back as you both slowly began to lay down as you faced her.

"Oh tease." She said as her eyes wandered and she started feeling your chest. "You know that costume is really-"

"Carrie, I know what I said, and I'm still surprised you were hesitant on that." You shot back. "Worried Mary and the kids will be embarrassed that you are in it?"

"I'm for a lot of things Bruce, it's just that those films are special, and well-" She looked away for a moment. "We're going to have to explain everything."

"Mary's smart, and I think the twins will be more enthralled and enamored of you beating up a monster than what you are wearing." You said.

Both of you started laughing, and then Carrie placed her forehead on your own. "I love you."

"I know."You said.

Here is what Mike Eisner is planning for the production of films this year.

Star Wars Return (Revenge) of the Jedi:
Budget: 50 million dollars
Director: Steven Spielberg
Producer: Bruce O'Brian, Mike Eisner, George Lucas, Gary Kurtz.

Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time
Budget: 50 Million dollars
Producer: Francis Ford Coppola
Director: Ron Howard

The Shining
Budget: 30 million
Producer: Francis Ford Coppola, Stephan King
Director: Wes Craven

Mishima: A Life in Four Chapters:
Budget: 15 million
Producer: Jerry Bruckheimer
Director: Paul Schrader

Budget: 30 million
Producer: Don Simpson
Director: Sam Rami

Resiviour Dogs:
Budget: 10 million
Producer: Mike Eisner
Director: Quinten Tarintino

Budget: 50 million
Producer: Yoshiyuki "Kill Em All" Tomino
Director: John Musker and Ron Clements

Treasure Planet:
Budget: 50 million
Producer: Yoshiyuki "Kill Em All" Tomino
Director: John Lasseter

Zeta Gundam:
Budget: 20 million
Producer: Yoshiyuki "Kill Em All" Tomino, Sunrise Studios
Director: Yoshiyuki "Kill Em All" Tomino, Noboru "The Eagleman" Ishiguro,

Mike went over budget by a couple dozen million dollars.

But trust him, he knows what the fuck he's doing, and he has never led you astray.

The Writers Room was late, and they apologized for that:

Dave Alister:
Flight of the Navigator:
D100 + 200 => 263

Paul Schrader/Quinten Tarintino:
Reservoir Dogs:
D100 + 200 => 274

John Milnius:
Model UN:
D100 + 200 => 263

Robert Zemeckis
Back to the Future Part 3:
D100 + 200 => 249


You have 12 Actions

Star Wars Pre-production Actions:

[]Return of the Jedi (George): You want to go with George's plan for the Movie, make things a little better.

[]Return of the Jedi (Dave): You want to go with Dave's plan for the Movie, make things a little better.

[]Revenge of the Jedi (Lawrence): Lawrence has Mike backing him, and you think that things can get a bit messy, so you will see what Lawrence wants to do.

[]Steve and the Crazy Things of Production: Steve is worried that production is going to go to hell, so he's trying to be extra prepared.

[]The Practical effects of George Lucas: George has ideas, and he has ideas that seem… Crazy. But you'll see what he wants. DC: 40

[]Jim Henson and the Puppets of Greatness: One look at Jabba made you realize one thing. This was going to be awesome! DC: 30.

[]Finding Actors for the side characters: You need to flesh out those side characters. So time to bring in some great actors
-[]Write in who you wish to cast for new actors.

[]The Directors Guild Strikes Back: So the Directors Guild, in an asinine piece of stupidity… has tried to bar Steve from working on the film? You want to know why? DC: 35

[]Announce The Title: You're going to go to the media with Star Wars, and tell the world that production is going to begin. DC: ???

Lucasfilms Actions:

[]Mary's Weekend Project: Mary had a three-day weekend, and she wanted to spend it with ILM and the Magicians, saying "I want to do something fun with Uncle George and Wally!" DC: ???

[]Mike's Insanity: Mike came to you, practically ready to beg for forgiveness for going insanely over the 300 million dollars he promised to keep.
-[]What do you say to him!

[]The New Blood: So... Who wants to work for Lucasfilms? DC:???

[]The People who want you to star in a movie: With most of Hollywood open to you again after the informal ending of your banishment from nonlucasfilm and TV productions, there are a few films that have come to your attention. DC: ???

[]Investing in the Future: You want to Spend some of that money you made into the company and make the whole thing better DC: ??? (Linetail what you want to invest in, and how much money you want to invest in it)

[]Look for Investors: Not that you need the money now, but maybe you can get people on board with this idea you have. DC: ???

[]Distributing Deals: Since you have a Distribution Company, or rather, are one… You can meet the major movie theater companies and strike a Deal with them. Even when you had nothing to offer them. DC: ???

[]Importing Foreign Films: So… you may have a way to get some films showing in American Theaters. Maybe you can go to other foreign film industries and… well, ask to distribute their films. Sure many of those foreign film companies never expected an American company to distribute their films in the US… but maybe you can get money without producing them. (Linetail where you try to get films from, and if there are any specific films, line tail them below) DC: ???

[]The Ideas of Industry: This action is meant for a write-in to act as a sort of Idea machine for the company. You must detail what you want to do below this action. This action can be taken multiple times.

Personal Actions:

[]The King has Come: Elvis needs a favor, he wants you to direct a concert he is having, in exchange for… well something.
-[]What do you want from him (Please don't extort the man, and be reasonable)

[]I Love You/I know: Carrie wants to talk about having more kids. DC: 30

[]The Twin's Big Days: So Joseph and Sarah have become quite a handful, and Debbie is actually worried they might be very rambunctious. Especially since Joseph is swimming by himself. Without a life jacket, and swimming incredibly deep.

[]A Return to Sender: Debbie asked you to follow her in for a meeting with Sid again. Something about needing to politely refuse a contract or two. DC: 30

[]Best Friends: So Mary has lots of friends, and she wants them to come over. You need to prepare for that. Carrie, get the cookies.

[]The Family Time: You need a night out with the family dammit! No more drama, no more work, just you and Carrie and the Kids!

[]Hanging out with the Friends: It's been far to long since you, John, and Robin hung out, so you will go out for some drinks and have some fun. DC: 45

[]A Well-Known Fan: So some really famous person is a fan of yours. Maybe you'll learn who they actually are. DC???

[]Learn to play an instrument: You want to learn how to play something DC: 80 (You have no idea what the hell you are doing.)

[]Investments: You want to invest your hard-earned cash into something that you feel will be a good return on investment. And as well as diversify your assets DC: 0 (Linetail what you wish to invest in below this action, and the amount of money you want to invest in)

[]The O'Riely Foundation Lobbying: You want California to help the men who have given nearly everything and more to this country. DC: ??? (Linetail how much money you want to throw at it, and what you want from the State)

[]A Charitable Heart: You want to invest your newfound wealth. Maybe even save some lives while you are at it. (Linetail what you wish to invest in below this action, and the amount of money you want to donate in)

[]Networking: Well time to start finding out who might actually be interested in meeting you. (Write-in what you want to try and network with)

[]Pray: It had been a long time since you went to Mass. You wish for the Lord to give you strength. DC: ???

[]Action Directing: It seems the town has been talking about how much of a beast you are at just being a stunt person. In fact, they knew you were a student of Bruce Lee. And they think you know how to stage and block a fight? Maybe you can DC? ???

[] Do auditions(Movies and TV Shows): You are going to go to some of the casting calls that are in the place where you can find work in. DC: 20(Possibility of only getting a commercial or TV show job, or extra work in a low-budget film)

[]Modeling (High Fashion): So you got a call from a photographer in LA, some no name. But that no name works for Gucci. And he wants you on their next lineup of products. And he needs you to model for him. Which is great… one problem, you have no idea what the hell you are doing. DC: 60

[]Modeling (Advertisements): Thankfully another Call Came in, one from an ad firm. They need you to have some pictures taken so that they are used for saner things. Like selling cars, or ice cream. DC: 40

[]Workout: A Healthy Mind and a Healthy Body are Key to having a good life, and you have been slacking as of late. Time to hit the workout and discipline, and perhaps, see things differently. DC: 30 Reward: You work out and feel better.

[] Ask Clint if you can act in a movie of his: You know you want to see if you can act opposite him, for a good time. DC: 40 (Clint wants to work with you.)

[] Gophering, and other signs of stuff: You want to try and learn how work behind the camera works, and what better way than being a gopher. DC: 50 (You have no idea what the hell they were doing, and you have no idea either)

[] Take a walk: Dad always said that the best ways to get inspiration are by walking, talking, and being open-minded. So you'll try that. DC: 10 (You are just going for a walk, what could be really said?)

[] Register in a theater: There are quite a few theater troops that are looking for some seasonal help for some play's that the regulars could not get to. Perhaps you can work there for a while. DC: 40 (Everyone wants to be famous here in Hollywood.)

[] Go to a bar or something to make jokes: You wanted to try some comedy, perhaps you can try. even with your shit timing. DC: 40 (Your Lack of comedy chops is going to be something that will bite you.)

[] Practice writing: You want to write something, maybe even a script. At least to learn the craft. DC: 20 (You try your hand at screenwriting, and maybe get something that is worth a damn.)

[] Research stuff, see if anything piques your interest: You may have graduated High School as a kid, but you never stopped trying to learn. DC: 15 (Write-in what you want to learn about below)

AN: enjoy and plan format please.
Turn 95 Results (January-Febuary 1982)
Turn 95 Results (January-Febuary 1982)

-[X]Return of the Jedi (George): You want to go with George's plan for the Movie, make things a little better. Rolled:D100 => 66
-[X]Steve and the Crazy Things of Production: Steve is worried that production is going to go to hell, so he's trying to be extra prepared. Rolled:D100 => 5

To think that Steve was worried…. Very Worried about what could happen now.

"Steve you need to calm down, this is why we're here."

(Continued in: Another Jedi Meeting)

-[X]The Practical effects of George Lucas: George has ideas, and he has ideas that seem… Crazy. But you'll see what he wants. DC: 40 Rolled:D100 => 95

You looked at some of the ideas that he made, and you saw the models. "Holy Moly… That's the great stuff."

"I call it the ISD Executor, and there is going to be a second one."

Reward: Added another option in the Jedi meeting.

-[X]Jim Henson and the Puppets of Greatness: One look at Jabba made you realize one thing. This was going to be awesome! DC: 30. Rolled:D100 => 82

You saw the giant slug and almost puke it was so disgusting, like seriously, this was the mastery at work, and you almost couldn't even comprehend the shock that audiences were going to see. Also, was that slime from the mouth?! That was so cool.

Reward: Final rolls will be increased at the end of production.

-[X]Finding Actors for the side characters: You need to flesh out those side characters. So time to bring in some great actors
--[X] Gilad Pelleaon:
Alec Guinness, Rolled:D100 => 5
George Peppard, Rolled:D100 => 99
William Daniels. Rolled:D100 => 63

You got your Gilad in the end. George Peppard was going to be that new captain, and you think the script will be wonderful.

Reward: George Peppard will be Pelleaon.

--[X] Garm Bel Iblis: Liam Neeson, Rolled:D100 => 36
Burt Reynolds, Rolled:D100 => 61
David Hasselhoff. Rolled:D100 => 47

What was surprising was the sheer number of people wanting to get a role in Star Wars. And the listers that came were numerous. But the top three were Liam Neeson, a fellow Irishman, David Hasselhoff, a Tv star of very very popular tv shows, and Burt Reynolds.

Reynolds got the nod because he said he would work for a minimum salary, and Mike said that was key.

Reward: Burt Reynolds is Garm Bel Iblis.

-[X]The Directors Guild Strikes Back: So the Directors Guild, in an asinine piece of stupidity… has tried to bar Steve from working on the film? You want to know why? DC: 35 Rolled:D100 => 82

Turns out, the director's guild did, in fact, have… valid reasons, particularly in regards to salary and what Steve was going to make, along with protections for the crew.

See there was a problem from the last film Steve worked on that was international, which was Indiana Jones. Everyone but Steve, got Dysentery, and it led to a lot of people getting mad, and having uncomfortable questions.

Mostly about keeping everyone safe and not sick.

And you honestly agreed with that. So, you talked to them, showed the insurance, and practically worked to make sure nothing was… going to go wrong.

Reward: Turns out they want to make sure no one gets sick and to make sure everyone is safe. And you honestly quite okay with that.

The director's guild was placated.

-[X]Mary's Weekend Project: Mary had a three-day weekend, and she wanted to spend it with ILM and the Magicians, saying "I want to do something fun with Uncle George and Wally!" DC: ??? Rolled:D100 => 100

What she did:D6 => 6

Mary and Wally were riding something. THat was not surprising. It was the fact it was a robot that was under a remote control.

(Continued in: Mary's Weekend Project)

-[X]Mike's Insanity: Mike came to you, practically ready to beg for forgiveness for going insanely over the 300 million dollars he promised to keep.
--[X] Tell him you're fine with the price tag since you have more than enough money in the reserves, just warn him to be more reasonable with the budgets next time. Rolled:D100 => 51

Mike and you just stood by and watched the cars move over from the office. "You know I'm still waiting for your answer." He said. "Are you about to fire me, because I would understand it. I went over budget in a way that will destroy anyone in my situation."

You just stood there, waiting. "Goddammit Bruce, say something."

"I don't care. It's fine." You said.

"What?" He demanded. "Why would you-"

"Simple Mike, you have not led me or George estray and you also have not gone too big over budget without a good plan… just try to warn us next time."

Reward: Mike has been reassured.
-[X]The King has Come: Elvis needs a favor, he wants you to direct a concert he is having, in exchange for… well something.
--[X] Request for a collaboration on a song, either a cover or original, with you or Carrie in the future if either of you desire, though Elvis has a right to agree on which song. Carrie's done amazing with collaborations and it could be fun. Rolled:D100 => 73

It was a fun one, and Elvis said it was great.

Reward: Elvis will collaborate with Carrie soon.

-[X]I Love You/I know: Carrie wants to talk about having more kids. DC: 30 Rolled:D100 + 30 => 53

There was a moment when you both just looked at each other. "Okay Carrie, lets talk about this."

(Continued in: Family Matters.)

-[X]The Twin's Big Days: So Joseph and Sarah have become quite a handful, and Debbie is actually worried they might be very rambunctious. Especially since Joseph is swimming by himself. Without a life jacket, and swimming incredibly deep. Rolled:D100 => 39

You almost jumped out of your skin as you saw Joseph swimming, and very well you would say, as you looked as Debbie was wading over towards the swimming twin, while Sarah was floating and laughing at the scene.

(Continued in: Family Matters.)
-[X]A Return to Sender: Debbie asked you to follow her in for a meeting with Sid again. Something about needing to politely refuse a contract or two. DC: 30 Rolled: D100 => 4

Debbie actually didn't do it today, something about another contract.


AN: Enjoy.