TBF, Mags, you have been doing a lot of the heavylifting for the quest, so this will be in good hands.
To be clear to everyone, this is just me burning out on imagination of the quest, since my muse has been hitting me over the head a lot with so many different ideas that I just can't find myself too interested in this.
I'll still hang out here, though, since this still does have a sepcial place in my heart.
I'd like to thank you all for making this a wonderful experience while it lasted.
I'd also like to thank @Magoose, @Fluffy_serpent, and @Martin Noctis for doing so much to help prepare and write this quest. I couldn't have done it without you all.
And maybe push back against the narrative that ignores the fact a big pharma company duped countless innocent people into getting trapped by addiction. I could see things possibly getting a little personal considering how Carrie was pressured into alcohol by peer pressure.
Before this inevitably derails too much, I think the topic we should speak on at the convention is drug addiction and its effects on people. That's something we can get a lot of support on, regardless of political leanings, and it's early enough that we can do some real damage to drug intake in America. Make D.A.R.E. actually effective, basically.
Sorry this is kind of lengthy but, I don't agree that Bruce would be behind much Reagon in general, even if he does lean more conservatively and might like him more than Carter.
First, from what I've read in the quest, Bruce is against the trade of drugs and people abusing drugs, but he is not necessarily for punishing individual drug users, which was one of the points of the WODs. It not only tried to tackle the drug trade internationally, which is a whole other can of worms, but it also severally increased punitive actions against people using the drugs which included increased police funding, mandatory minimum sentencing and harsher punishments for those that do drugs. Now I know that at some points in time the WODs politicians did promise to provide more money to drug addiction treatments, but the history shows that what was promised was almost never actually given in full. To highlight this disparity, the war on drugs would often portray drug users as violent degenerates who are a danger to those around them that need to be reported immediately for everyone's safety but if Bruce really did have a stance that was in line with a lot of the WODs I don't see him actually reacting how he did to Robin.
Secondly, and please anyone with an economic background correct me if I'm wrong, but while I don't know when Reagan started promoting what would become known as Reaganomics, which included trickle-down economics, I really don't think Bruce will be a big fan of this. The reason for this is that Reaganomics postulates that if the government loosens its restrictions and allows the corporations and the people that run them more freedom then due to capitalism they will gravitate towards being more fair to the average worker which will boost everyone's standard of living. But time and time again Bruce has been shown that many people in charge of companies and companies in general to a certain extent really cannot be trusted to have free-reign. Combined this with Reagan's efforts to undermine labor unions, which probably hasn't been done yet but hindsight, whose intended purpose is to make sure that the average worker is treated fairly, then I cannot see how he would be behind these plans.
Finally, I don't think Bruce would be completely behind decreasing government spending overall. Yes, in certain sectors I could see him hold that position but look at what most of his charity work has been. It has either been foreign aid, helping veterans and he once or twice did it to help poor people in general. The biggest argument against a decrease in government spending in general I feel is that, IIRC, helping veterans was noted as being done in large part because the government failed to do this. I then cannot remember the reason given for the other two, though some of it was anti-communist and one of the help the poor was a holiday thing, but I really cannot see him being behind policies that would increase people's vulnerability to predatory business practices which is what a lot of the decrease in oversight, which went into the spending cuts, did.
Edit: I didn't mean to single out Duke William, they just had the last post in the drug talk when I started typing this and I originally just meant to point out the WODs.
First, from what I've read in the quest, Bruce is against the trade of drugs and people abusing drugs, but he is not necessarily for punishing individual drug users, which was one of the points of the WODs. It not only tried to tackle the drug trade internationally, which is a whole other can of worms, but it also severally increased punitive actions against people using the drugs which included increased police funding, mandatory minimum sentencing and harsher punishments for those that do drugs. Now I know that at some points in time the WODs politicians did promise to provide more money to drug addiction treatments, but the history shows that what was promised was almost never actually given in full. To highlight this disparity, the war on drugs would often portray drug users as violent degenerates who are a danger to those around them that need to be reported immediately for everyone's safety but if Bruce really did have a stance that was in line with a lot of the WODs I don't see him actually reacting how he did to Robin.
Well, Bruce can then influence Reagan to focus more on clamping down on drug abuse and the drug trade instead of punishing the people using the drugs. Reagan likes Bruce, so I'm sure he'd take the man's advice into some account at least.
Sorry this is kind of lengthy but, I don't agree that Bruce would be behind much Reagon in general, even if he does lean more conservatively and might like him more than Carter.
That's fine, and you aren't wrong necessarily. It's a perfectly valid stance to take, and while I don't necessarily agree with your total assessment for various reasons, you're more than free to champion a plan that has him supporting Carter or neither, even if it's just the same plan as another one already made but just has the keynote speaker action changed.
NETWATCH is Established / the "1st" AI is publicly developed by MicroTech / the Catholic Church undergoes an internal reformation / the Central African Wars Begin / Alt Cunningham dies after being captured by Arasaka (2013)
I'd rather not get the ball rolling on trickle down economics but we can always pull a reverse Reagan and flip to the Democrats at some point.
I never thought of it that way. Being able to campaign for more moderate Rockefeller Republicans is one of the few reasons I'd be fine with sticking with them.
I guess I've had my view of them shaped by how the party has devolved in the three decades I've been alive.
I'm just annoyed about how the legacy of Reagan's economic policy has lingered long after he left office.
I normally try not to get political online for whatever reason, but yeah, it annoys the shit out of me. I'm just glad that more and more Republicans are drifting away from Reaganesque economics. It's slow, but it's happening and that's all we can ask for as of right now. I just hope it continues.
Well right now even as the Reaganites dominate, the GOP of 1980 is a lot more diverse than the GOP of 2023 with lots of different factions and flavors of politician. One of Reagan's key traits was his ability to pass stuff with large bi-partisan support and he was well liked and respected across the spectrum. Just because Bruce is a Republican it doesn't mean he has to agree with Reagan 100% and he could campaign for more Rockefeller like candidates, there are plenty of opportunities existing in California alone which is more moderate and socially liberal than the rest of the national GOP. If Bruce helps Reagan get a 50 state sweep, then he'll owe a lot to him which gets us leverage in legislation, and when Bruce-backed policies succeed or we grow more famous and beloved through films and charity, then that grants us more soft power in national legislation so those who want to do something different than Reagan can have Bruce lobby for alternate paths.
As for Reaganomics, what most people don't know is that Reagan has some of the most and highest tax raises of any President since FDR, but this goes unnoticed because of his massive spending hikes and great slashes to personal taxation. Maybe it would be best for us to make it more sustainable by greatly culling tax deductions for the rich, keep the top tax brackets to their original 1981 with a top tax rate of 50% instead of 28% for more sustainability. Tax relief for the poor, not the wealthy.
Too early to say anything about foreign policy, but hopefully we can end the Cold War earlier or Gorbachev can still rise to power. As for my personal agenda, my top three things are anti-drugs through rehabilitation, jumpstarting HIV research and care, and keeping the GOP to be pro-immigration as they were in the 1980s (Reagan was actually a major proponent of amnesty and Democrats had some opposition due to immigration being seen as anti-labor, this switched with the rise of Religious Right).
That's highly unlikely in 1980…. Regan is extremely popular with the Republican Party at this point and has been the shoe in for president candidate since at least 78, at this point in time.
However in saying that… we can probobly prevent a Bush VP if you play your cards right.
I actually want us to keep Bush as VP and have him be re-elected in 1992. Bush 41 is one of my favorite Presidents and a Bush re-election in 1992 could do wonders for American politics as Bush was a major proponent of compromise and bi-partisan solutions so with Bush being presumably successful from the 93-97 breeze that would help to keep politics less hyperpartisan and make the GOP more ideologically diverse. For those iffy about Reagan, Bush would be the best person to team up with to help give Reaganism more Compassion and moderation, Bush was the guy who called Reaganomics "Vodoo Economics" in the primaries after all.
Yeah, and that would work pretty well until the late 90s... In which the fuckers from Purdue Pharma will do their thing and hook millions of people into opioids thanks to their flawless marketing...
Seriously I am flabbergasted on how the fuckers running the company didn't get the same treatment as the members of a drug cartel
Then we'll help make it illegal to hawk pharmaceutical products through advertisements and strengthen FDA standards to have a review board that revisits other products at a minimum of every five years with the actual power to enforce standards.
Sorry this is kind of lengthy but, I don't agree that Bruce would be behind much Reagon in general, even if he does lean more conservatively and might like him more than Carter.
First, from what I've read in the quest, Bruce is against the trade of drugs and people abusing drugs, but he is not necessarily for punishing individual drug users, which was one of the points of the WODs. It not only tried to tackle the drug trade internationally, which is a whole other can of worms, but it also severally increased punitive actions against people using the drugs which included increased police funding, mandatory minimum sentencing and harsher punishments for those that do drugs. Now I know that at some points in time the WODs politicians did promise to provide more money to drug addiction treatments, but the history shows that what was promised was almost never actually given in full. To highlight this disparity, the war on drugs would often portray drug users as violent degenerates who are a danger to those around them that need to be reported immediately for everyone's safety but if Bruce really did have a stance that was in line with a lot of the WODs I don't see him actually reacting how he did to Robin.
Secondly, and please anyone with an economic background correct me if I'm wrong, but while I don't know when Reagan started promoting what would become known as Reaganomics, which included trickle-down economics, I really don't think Bruce will be a big fan of this. The reason for this is that Reaganomics postulates that if the government loosens its restrictions and allows the corporations and the people that run them more freedom then due to capitalism they will gravitate towards being more fair to the average worker which will boost everyone's standard of living. But time and time again Bruce has been shown that many people in charge of companies and companies in general to a certain extent really cannot be trusted to have free-reign. Combined this with Reagan's efforts to undermine labor unions, which probably hasn't been done yet but hindsight, whose intended purpose is to make sure that the average worker is treated fairly, then I cannot see how he would be behind these plans.
Finally, I don't think Bruce would be completely behind decreasing government spending overall. Yes, in certain sectors I could see him hold that position but look at what most of his charity work has been. It has either been foreign aid, helping veterans and he once or twice did it to help poor people in general. The biggest argument against a decrease in government spending in general I feel is that, IIRC, helping veterans was noted as being done in large part because the government failed to do this. I then cannot remember the reason given for the other two, though some of it was anti-communist and one of the help the poor was a holiday thing, but I really cannot see him being behind policies that would increase people's vulnerability to predatory business practices which is what a lot of the decrease in oversight, which went into the spending cuts, did.
Edit: I didn't mean to single out Duke William, they just had the last post in the drug talk when I started typing this and I originally just meant to point out the WODs.
Those are all pretty good and valid points. As many others have said before, we have a major opportunity to influence American drug policy, especially since Reagan is just starting his primary campaign. We have a lot of power and ammunition, so we can influence Reagan's agenda while his platform is still vague conservative points and can point it out as being better for his image and distancing from Nixon's harsh and authoritarian Law and Order. If all else fails then we pump a shit ton of money into lobbying and ally with the Congressmen that we need to come up with a drug bill that supports our anti-drug policy that Reagan would have to sign due to public pressure.
Ironically with Reaganomics I can see many conservative pundits using Bruce as a model of why Reaganomics works, cause he's a billionaire who is using his wealth to help millions of people where the government failed and changing lives through personal responsbility and charity, therefore the government needs less taxes so Bruce can do more goodness. There are some regulations that need to be upheld, but Reagan did slash some genuinely unnecessary red tape like FEC regulations, it's all about balance. The problem is that all of these regulations are in and the economy is shit, so people assume that the opposite must be true because we've already gone the other way with Johnson and then the 70's happened. Besides, most people's primary concern is going to be inflation. Ideally I would want Bruce to promote Eisenhower's more balanced economics, and things start out mostly decently but it's the second term where it started to go into extremes thanks to the '84 mandate so we need to watch out there.
Completely fair on the spending, although part of me thinks that Bruce would be blinded by essentially having become part of the 1% and doing great work with his wealth and Lucasfilms that he can see less spending as okay. Although I guess we would have to support lobbyists to balance things out and support critical problem. Main issue is that contemporary Americans have an extreme distrust and hatred of government due to heavy corruption, Vietnam and large incompetence both foreign and domestic so Reagan winning is not just Conservatives getting active, but your average American being scared of big government and viewing government as the cause of America's woes so that means less is better.
If it's any consolation, I'm sure that Magoose will allow for us to balance things out and nudge things onto a better path through lobbying actions where if we feel like a certain policy or bill is going too far, we use our money and soft power to have the ball rolling towards more common sense and compassionate government policies. Most of Reagan's presidency also sees a Democratic Congress so we can play the White House and Capitol Hill off each other to get the best result.
At least supporting with Reagan gets us an in to change things on the inside of the Revolution and push America to a better path as the angel on the shoulder of one of America's most powerful Presidents and we can also know what to look out for to change with the presidential lineup remaining the same and things don't go too alternate history.
That's fine, and you aren't wrong necessarily. It's a perfectly valid stance to take, and while I don't necessarily agree with your total assessment for various reasons, you're more than free to champion a plan that has him supporting Carter or neither, even if it's just the same plan as another one already made but just has the keynote speaker action changed.
Despite my personal feelings on the subject and the history, I am not really arguing against Bruce giving the keynote speech, or even necessarily being aligned with Republican's at this time, so this was more just me throwing my two-cents out there for future decisions.
For those who don't know, Mike Curb is a music producer and owner of Curb Records who is currently the Republican Lieutenant Governor of California. Curb's record company signed many of the contemporary leading artists and he was rather (in)famous for being strongly anti-drug and refusing to work with drug addicted artists at a time when Hollywood was dominated by drug culture. In recent events, Curb was the leading Californian Republican against the infamous Briggs Initiative and was instrumental in securing Reagan's public opposition to Briggs, ensuring its landslide defeat.
So overall Mike seems like a decent anti-drugs/pro-LGBT Republican and he's a far better pick than his primary opponent in '82, OTL Governor Deukmejian who was obsessed with the war on crime and stuffed state prisons. If Curb was able to make Reagan oppose Briggs then he'll be an invaluable ally within the GOP to moderate Reaganism, especially on the social fronts. Heck, considering his stances I think it's probably likely that Carrie signed up with Curb Records.
For those who don't know, Mike Curb is a music producer and owner of Curb Records who is currently the Republican Lieutenant Governor of California. Curb's record company signed many of the contemporary leading artists and he was rather (in)famous for being strongly anti-drug and refusing to work with drug addicted artists at a time when Hollywood was dominated by drug culture. In recent events, Curb was the leading Californian Republican against the infamous Briggs Initiative and was instrumental in securing Reagan's public opposition to Briggs, ensuring its landslide defeat.
So overall Mike seems like a decent anti-drugs/pro-LGBT Republican and he's a far better pick than his primary opponent in '82, OTL Governor Deukmejian who was obsessed with the war on crime and stuffed state prisons. If Curb was able to make Reagan oppose Briggs then he'll be an invaluable ally within the GOP to moderate Reaganism, especially on the social fronts. Heck, considering his stances I think it's probably likely that Carrie signed up with Curb Records.
Sounds like a cool guy. i think we could support him. Just make sure that we keep on the track with less government intervention, and dealing with the whole crap inherited from previous administrations.
"you had brought what many saw as a stereotypical brute and made him such a refined and noble warrior with so much depth and rich characterization"
So, coupling Bruce's depiction of Conan as more tham a primitive thug, and the success of Hiawatha with its emphasis on its accurate and respectful treatment of Native American culture and use of Native American voice actors, are we likely to see an improvement in Hollywood's (and the United States' ) treatment of Native Americans, especially in the entertainment industry?
If it's any consolation, I'm sure that Magoose will allow for us to balance things out and nudge things onto a better path through lobbying actions where if we feel like a certain policy or bill is going too far, we use our money and soft power to have the ball rolling towards more common sense and compassionate government policies. Most of Reagan's presidency also sees a Democratic Congress so we can play the White House and Capitol Hill off each other to get the best result.
At least supporting with Reagan gets us an in to change things on the inside of the Revolution and push America to a better path as the angel on the shoulder of one of America's most powerful Presidents and we can also know what to look out for to change with the presidential lineup remaining the same and things don't go too alternate history.
... While Bruce being an angel on the shoulder would be fun, remember, we're still an actor, director, producer, buissenss owner, land developer happily married man who still has his own place to claw out at.
So overall Mike seems like a decent anti-drugs/pro-LGBT Republican and he's a far better pick than his primary opponent in '82, OTL Governor Deukmejian who was obsessed with the war on crime and stuffed state prisons. If Curb was able to make Reagan oppose Briggs then he'll be an invaluable ally within the GOP to moderate Reaganism, especially on the social fronts. Heck, considering his stances I think it's probably likely that Carrie signed up with Curb Records.
So, coupling Bruce's depiction of Conan as more tham a primitive thug, and the success of Hiawatha with its emphasis on its accurate and respectful treatment of Native American culture and use of Native American voice actors, are we likely to see an improvement in Hollywood's (and the United States' ) treatment of Native Americans, especially in the entertainment industry?
Well, one problem with getting hollywood to show decent characters. Is well, hollywood historically has a tendency to be lazy.
I mean, there is the whole archtype which is blamed for promoting a toxic and fragile sense of what it means to be a man. And ironically, with the demand for strong female characters, what does Hollywood do? Seems like they break out that lazy 'strong character checklist' and just change the gender. 😅
We may be seeing more native Americans, and they may even be outside the standard tropes. But that don't mean they are gonna write good native American characters.
The Shadows of Salem
GENRE: Adventure/Horror
SUB-GENRE: Coming of Age Story
FORMAT: OVA/TV MOVIE (Western Animation/Dark Disney)
A Story by Greg Weisman and edited by Cathrine O'brian
Told in the Style of a 5 Part Anthology, the Shadows of Salem follows the Misadventures of the Salem Traveling Occult and Supernatural Club, a childhood friend group's personal quest to understand and defeat the Supernatural that is haunting the town of Salem.
Each film follows a different member of the Club as they struggle with the Personal problems and issues that being a Child Monster Hunter brings.
The story takes place between 1983 to 1992, following them from scared children to fully capable, if jaded adults.
Adrian Berkshire Tapes: The Major POV of the Club and Defacto Protagonist of the Story, the Son of Dracula and a Monster Hunter named Anya. He lives with the owner of the Salem Occult Shop Owner Desmond Fisher, while always a rough and tired figure, Adrian's sense of duty and right and wrong are what started the active investigations into the Supernatural, as well as the desire to gain control over his vampiric powers. As he grows and develops into a heroic figure, the strain and trauma as well as various factors beyond his control finally break him, and by the end of it, he is a burned-out shell of a man on the cusp of adulthood who has abandoned all he has ever known for solitude and grief…
He never got over the pain for the longest time...yet in the end, he will find the will to take up the blade and protect the world.
Voiced by: Christain Bale or Steve Blum
Ann Morgan: The battle-ax-wielding super punk with a chip on her shoulder. Ann's story is two-fold of finding herself in a home that has always been difficult for her, given she likes picking fights and listens to Punk rock and likes the masculine activities of fighting monsters...as well as coming to terms with the fact she's gay during the hight of the AIDS/HIV Epidemic and most of her friends are men.
She will find both love and self-acceptance only at the cost of many of her happy memories and many of the only people who understand her. (She is the daughter of the Morrigan from Celtic/Welsh/Irish Mythology)
Voiced by: Jennifer Hale Trajan Anderson: A Large and imposing pillar of strength. Trajan battles evil with a smile on his face, a knife and gun in his hand, he is calm, collected and stubborn against any and all problems they deal with. Though the most "Normal" of the friend group, He suffers greatly from the strain of the Group's activities damaging his connections and ruining the chance to live his dream job as a computer designer, resulting in the death of Both of his Parents on his 18th birthday when they are killed by the Grand Witch of the North.
While he will never give into the darkness and his darker impulse he has been shaken greatly.
Voiced by: Adrain Paul
Frank Shapard: Occult Lunatic, Conspiracy Theory expert, Warlock for Hire. Frank delved into the Mysteries of the Magical world to even the odds and nearly lost himself doing it. He serves to show how the world's hidden history was rediscovered and finally the Spirit Medium of the group who listens to the dead who are not silent.
He will never stop until the Truth is revealed.
Voiced By: Tom Kane
Desmond Fisher: A Monster Hunter, Army Chaplin, and Adrain's Foster Father, He is the Mentor Figure to the Group and a constant pillar of Support to the Hero as they grow into the people they were meant to be. In Secret, he is actually a Freemason Monster Hunter by the Name of Adam Townsend, sent to keep an eye on Adrain on the advice of his Mother to keep him safe from Illuminati Influence.
Voiced by Clancy Brown
Anya Berkshire: Adrain's Mother, Legendary Monster Hunter and Ex-Wife to Dracula, she died protecting her Son from Demona in her attempts to take him from her in 1978. Her Weapons were enhanced by her protective Spirit and she continued to subtlety guide the Crew to their target and protect the innocents in equal measure.
Voiced by Carrie Fisher
Arthur and Misty Anderson: Trajan's Parents and one of the major emotional support networks used by the Salem Monster Hunters, understanding, calm and collected, they are a beacon of normalcy in a difficult world. Despite this, They are killed the Demons of Salem trying to Draw out Trajan into a battle he is not ready for.
Voiced by: Peter Cullen and Debbie Raynolds
Clyde Morgan: A Strict and Stern man, and former lover of the Morrigan, He is Ann's father who wants her to conform to societal expectations to prevent her ostracization and possible dangerous end. He dosn't fully approve of her by the end but respects her choices enough to let her live and return home as she pleases.
Voiced by: Sean Bean
Saint Nicholas AKA Santa Claus: Santa, the legendary spirit/saint of Christmas, and one of the most powerful characters in the story, he assists the battle against Krampus and gives them the boons needed to survive the battle and the rest of the series.
Voiced by: SIR Ian McKellen
Trajan's Boon: A Music Box with Magical Properties.
Ann's Boon:A Celtic Battle-Ax from the First settlers of Ireland with magical holy damage.
Frank's Boon: A Magical Grimoire written by Merlin (One of FIVE still in existence, and one of two in the Human world)
Adrian's Boon: A locket with his Mother's hair and a photo of her and Dracula's wedding day, and Vlad the Impaler's Sword.
Prologue Antagonist: Demona: Formerly of the Wavyrn Clan of Scotland, former advisor to Macbeth, and Enemy of the various forces in the world, a gargoyle supremacist and master of various arcane sorceries. She came to fight Anya and kill Adrian to deprive her enemies of a valued ally and future weapon in the form of Adrian, who's vampiric abilities put him in a higher mystical weight class and as a child is mouldable to various powers plans and ambitions.
While she fails her major objective of killing him, she was able to cause immense emotional pain that lingers over Adrain and his friends for the remainder of the series.
Voiced by Marina Sirtis
Ep 1 Antagonist: Shade of The Undyine One: A Legendary Sea Monster from the Devil's Trench in the Mid-Atlantic, the Shade is the Monsterous energy of wrath sent to kill all that fish within her waters, killing hundreds of fishermen before Desmond and Company Kill her with a Latin Spell of desolation, closing the rift she spawned from and killing her physical body.
VA: Frank Welker (Angry Noises)
False Voice VA: Jennifer Hale
Ep 2 Antagonist: Krampus: The "Dark Brother of Santa" a child-stealing being of darkness who feeds on despair. Is driven away and Beaten by Trajan in rage and captured by Santa.
Voiced by: Sir Ian McKellen
Ep 3 Antagonist (Primary): Desmus: Demon of Deception and trickery, he possesses Xanatos when he tries to bargain with it for knowledge on how to best deal with his partner, the co founder of Xanatos Enterprise, he spends the episode sowing discourse and mistrust as he can only be stopped on the night of a full moon. Is defeated by Frank and the Ghost of his Dog.
Voiced by: Tim Curry
Ep 3 Antagonist (Secondary): David Xanatos: The son of Petros Xanatos, and an Illuminati member, he is the man hunted by the Demon Desmus for his immortal soul, while trying to kill his business partner to get majority shares of his company. He gets away with killing his man by giving the man's soul for his own, causing strife among the group, and manipulating Frank to take on several damaging secrets and all but telling him he will never win.
Ends up being the only antagonist to actually win in the series, becoming rich, and powerful and driving Frank to near madness.
Voiced by: Johnathan Frakes
The Black Knight of Wallachia: Radu the Handsome, Brother of Dracula, Number 9 in the Order of the Illuminati, and Uncle of Adrain. Having learned of his Nephew's existence via Demona,he first tried to tempt him with Power, identity, and the promise of familial love. Adrian does not take this poisoned prize, forcing him to fight and kill one of the Illuminati's top enforcers.
Adrain wins by draining Radu's blood, after embracing his vampiric heritage and killing both of the man's servants by draining them dry. Though the damage was already done and in defeating Radu and saving his friends, Adrian had finally lost faith in his crusade to avenge his mother and fight the Darkness.
Voiced by: Michael Dorn
Dracula: The Father of Adrain, and who's sole role and importance is to tell the story of how Radu survived, how to kill him and give Adrian the kick in the pants needed to deal with his self-doubts once and for all. He also gives Adain the real familial love he cherished and wanted to have since he was a child.
He also gives Adrain a Spear he used to Impale monsters and some armor that would protect him from Radu's holy weapons.
Voiced by: Sir Christopher Lee
The Episodes:
Episode 0: "The Night of Broken Stars"
Summary: "Anya Berkshire, you have long stood in the way of my ambitions and my plans for far too long, Have at you and Die on your Feet."
The entire Episode's A Plot is the Death of Anya Berkshire and her final duel in life, as she thinks about her life, her regrets and the future her son will walk alone into.
However, she is given much cold comfort that Adrian will be happy in the end and live a long fulfilling life with many moments of joy to counteract the sorrow.
B-Plot: Adrian suffers a Nightmare as he tries to fall asleep while his Mother battles Demona, which is the foreshadowing of the rest of his life as he sees his friends, and his battles against the darkness.
He is pulled out of his dream by Petros Xanatos, who blasts Demona with a Harpoon, temporarily killing her.
After Credits Scene: Adam Townsend arrives at the Foster Center to be Adrian's Foster Parent, ahead of the Illuminati's agents, Shari and Martin Hacker, telling him "I cannot give your Mother back, but I can give you the love and strength to endure it."
Ep 1: "Serine Siren Strikes"
Summary: "Mr. Fisher finally brings aboard the Salem Junior High's most troubled youth on a fishing trip, that goes more stormy than they intended."
The A-Plot: Desmond Fisher brings aboard the Protaganists and tries his best to teach them an honest trade, while quietly training them in the skills needed to be effective monster hunters. He focuses on Trajan because he's the most normal of the crew.
The Crew fights a Monster and deals with learning to get along as a unit as well as become genuine friends.
The B Plot: The Anderson Family attempts to meet the rest of the Casts family and learn about them over tea, given that they are worried about them on their fishing trip in the North Atlantic. (This is our introduction to the rest of the ensemble.)
After Credits Scene: The Crew eating New England Cod and Clam Chowder in the background.
As well as Desmond telling an Illuminati Agent to screw off and get him another drink.
Ep 2:"Krampus Kristmas Kaper!"
Summary: "Its Christmas in Salem and Frank and Freinds are unhappy, given that the Spirit Krampus is now trying to ruin their holiday. Ood news is they got a New Van to run him down in."
The A Plot: Krampus is trying to Ruin Christmas…and the Salem Crew has to stop him before they lose their presents.
The B Plot: Frank tries to learn magic following instructions from his grandmother a Salem Mystic. He summons his Dead Dog Bill's spirit and it follows him around at school.
Ep 3: "Zanny Xanatos and the Demons of Salem."
Summary: "The Founders of THE Xanatos industry, David Xanatos and Ulric Mitterson are here in Salem for a meeting and a School Assembly, on Economics surely it can't get more complicated when the assembly is over… Oh, wait this is Salem!"
The A Plot: The Demon Desmus the Deceiver has made a deal with David Xanatos for his immortal Soul and is coming to collect and it's up to the Salem Crew to protect him and break the deal without trying to kill this charming ingrate himself.
The B Plot: Ann tries to come out to her Father and hope that this won't destroy what remains of her Family.
The Xanatos Plot: David Xantos is trying to prove his commitment to the Illuminati by killing his business partner and best friend while also protecting his immortal soul…this being David, the outcome has already been planned, created, and exploited for his benefit.
The After Credit Scene:
"Yes I'm sure that he's the Son of Dracula…No I'm sure that, so you want to send me?"
"A Specialist, who do we have that can actually fight a Dympyre on any level, He helped defeat a Demon for god's sake?"
"Oh…I didn't want to assume you have one…I should have guessed. Yes I will send the details to Number 9 immediately…Owen Cancel my appointments I have somewhere important to be. To explain some things to the Higher Ups."
-Xanatos's Phonecall (His side only.)
Ep 4: "Alucard Berkshire vs The Black Knight."
Summary:"Adrain Berkshire must face his Final Challenge on the cusp of Adulthood, and they say graduation is boring…"
The A Plot: The Black Knight has arrived to Tempt Adrain with Power, family and connection, or failing that, kill him before he realizes how powerful he truly is, and finally test all he has learned in nearly twelve years of living and fighting.
The B Plot: The Salem Crew try to realize what they're going to do now that they are graduating, the results of this introspection are tragic with a hint of hope.
The After Credits:
"He's Gone Duval…He's slipped our net and he and his friends have given us the biggest setback in decades, I haven't been this surprised in a random act in years." Peredur said.
"We should have killed him when we had the chance, send for another specialist, and-." Duval said.
"And what! Duval, he's one man in a city of about seven million people, even if he has an appearance that can be tracked he can just go underground and hide. LET. IT. GO." Fluer said as she slammed her fist on the table. "We've had contingencies for this have we not?"
"We have, but we made them with the point o never having to use them…unless things are dire." Peredur said.
"Well use it." She said. "Before the other's realize that we actually have had a loss, you how they get when things don't go as planned."
"Children please, we all know that you mean to make a Deal with me." Dracula said as he sat on Peredur's throne with a bottle of wine.
"Why are you here Vlad?" He said.
"I am here to make an arrangement with you, should my son fight you again, he will be as much a target as you and I…if not."
"We leave him be…why?" Fluer said.
"I have just learned that you forced my son to kill my brother, and turned him into an kinslayer against his will, I have tolerated your games enough times in the past,now you will indulge mine."
"You are offering your services? Without charge?" Duval said, half smiling.
"Do not think this arrangement is without cost, I want to know all of the weapons and spells you've gathered to kill me, in detail." Dracula ordered.
"Done." Peredur said. "Welcome back to the Illuminati Number 5, we've missed you terribly." "Alright Xanatos, explain to me in detail, why you want to move a castle onto a Skyscraper?"
AN:Yo...what if Gargoyles had a Monster Hunter Prequel?
TO answer this, well, this is probably what it would look like. I mean Greg will likely write this idea for later and develop it for the maturing Diseny Rennesance.
Yeah, Five OVA length Films in the Dark Disney Era, BEFORE Gargoyles! This is gonna be fun!
I think one of the number of movies that we can really use are those that are based on real events. And frankly, this is one of the movies that when I watched managed to get my attention during a period where I was very picky on what to see on Netflix. Frankly, this movie is amazing, the characters are likeable, the enemies are the Nazis so fuck them, and for a Dutch production it's surprisingly very Hollywood like in my opinion. It is also very respectful of the source material, which is something I think we also need to do if we are going to adapt this tale.
Frankly, this movie deserves to be better known. I can't understand why it is that this is not in the same league as other WWII movies that have become so well-known nowadays. Hopefully this time around we can at least make sure that no one will forget Walraven Van hall, the man who managed to create a funding institution for the Dutch resistance. The man is a hero and deserves all the accolades that were given to him.
As such, I give you:
Movie Pitch: The Resistance Banker GENRE: Drama/Historical/Period Piece
SUBGENRE: War/Suspense
Set Up: A World War II period drama film. It is based on the life of banker Walraven van Hall who financed the Dutch resistance during the war. It tells from the beginning of the Nazi occupation of the Netherlands, the perils in establishing the resistance bank, the resistance fights as well as the betrayals that led to Van Hall's capture, along with the final days of the Nazi occupation, until Van Hall's brother gives a through account of not only their actions, but of all the money used during the conflict.
Director: Brian De Palma Composer: Hans Zimmer
Walraven "Wally" Van Hall: He's an Amsterdam financier, a Dutch banker and resistance leader during the occupation of the Netherlands in World War II. He founded the bank of the Resistance, which was used to distribute funds to victims of the Nazi occupation of the Netherlands and fund the Dutch resistance, taking the alias of "Van Tuyl" up till he was captured and killed.
Played By: David Patrick Kelly Alternate: Bruce Davison
Gijsbert Van Hall: He's a Dutch banker, resistance member and brother of Walraven Van Hall. He helped him in setting up the resistance bank, as well as leveraging his knowledge of finance and his position from inside the bank to write out false government bonds, that would ultimately raise a total of 83 million guilders in illegal loans to victims of the occupation and Dutch resistance fighters.
Played By: Jeff Goldblum Alternate: Mel Gibson
Jaap Buijs: He is an active resistance fighter in WWII. He worked closely with Wally at the Nationale Steunfonds/National Support Fund, both living in Zaandam, and they became close friends. During the German occupation, he joined the resistance with Wally, helping him with forming the foundation for the resistance bank. During a meeting with various resistance leaders he was arrested as the SS made a raid.
Played By: D. W. Moffett Alternate: Simon Callow
Meinoud Rost Van Tonningen: A Dutch politician of the National Socialist Movement (NSB). During the German occupation of the Netherlands in World War II, he collaborated extensively with the German occupation forces, to the point of lending money from the Dutch bank to the Germans. He is the one who helped in capturing "Van Tuyl" as well as called upon the SS to crush the Dutch resistance.
Played By: F. Murray Abraham Alternate: David Gianopolus
SD Officer Friedrich Viebahn: A cunning and brutal member of the SS who's had prior experience in taking down resistance cells in other Nazi occupied territories and countries. His methods begin bringing in results as he's not above employing torture, humiliation, and blackmail in order to get what he wants to crush the Dutch resistance.
Played By: Dan Van Husen Alternate: Jürgen Prochnow
Van Den Berg: A member of the resistance using an alias who runs an illegal fund that pays escaped sailors to work for the Dutch government-in-exile. Van den Berg convinces Wally to organize a similar fund for members of the resistance in Amsterdam. Serving as a connection with the British, he helps in getting the authorization needed, but he's eventually captured and killed by the Nazis.
Played By: David Carradine Alternate: Jeffrey Jones
Jeanette Ventra: She is a member of the Dutch resistance, usually in charge of delivering secret documents, messages, or propaganda between the different cells. She was captured when one of the German soldiers checked on her bike and found the evidence, and then used as a bargaining tool to better manipulate her boyfriend.
Played By: Elizabeth Berridge Alternate: Mary-Louise Parker
Jonas Van Berkel: He is Jeanette's boyfriend, though not a member of the resistance. After she is captured he makes a deal with the Nazis to give any information on the resistance he can get from Jeannete in exchange for her to not be harmed, and later be freed. His betrayal is eventually discovered and punished by the rest of the resistance.
Played By: Tom Hulce Alternate: Matthew Broderick
Huub Van Schie: He is a member of the Dutch resistance. After a recent raid that had many of their members captured he, along with a group of his friends, tail Jonas Van Berkel and find him speaking with a Nazi officer. In the altercation he's captured, and after many days of torture he gives information that has many more members captured, and the identity of "Van Tuyl" revealed.
Played By: Thomas Mills Wood Alternate: Oliver Reed
A.N.: This movie does not have that many characters, which is surprising, but it still manages to give a gripping tale nonetheless. I really recommend for all of you to watch it if you haven't yet. You will not regret it, and it will be worth it. There's also another movie about a Dutch conspirator that managed to elude justice that could serve as the counterpart to this one, so perhaps we could also adapt that. Show that times of war can create both heroes and villains.
Ya know, kind of wondering how Arnold is taking our success as Conan.... At this point I kind of feel a bit bad for the guy....
I mean, we are becoming something of a major goal for him to strive for in hopes of surpassing but we just keep on rising higher and higher.... Makes me wonder how he is taking this....
Is it inspiring him to work harder in hopes of surpassing or at least matching us or is he losing hope and becoming discouraged or bitter at our succes?
[]So Cat is becoming Part of this... Why? (Disney realizes the Goldmine they have with Cat Powell.)
[]Roy Disney looks for some new hands (Roy Disney is trying to hire more American animators... and is having some success)
[]Greg Wiseman Has some better luck. (The Wiseman Curse has been broken, without him even knowing that it existed)
[]I think we've got more then Enough Historical dramas (Mike is wondering how and when you will make these films)
[]History is funny like that (An unknown group of Soviet Citizens are creating an underground bank to overthrow the Union)
[]Wait what? (Unknown Effect)
Is it inspiring him to work harder in hopes of surpassing or at least matching us or is he losing hope and becoming discouraged or bitter at our succes?