Turn 113 Results (June-July 1984) (Everything autopasses)
-[X]The Joker: Who will be your Joker? Everyone else has come back, or rather, will come back, given the contracts they have. But you want to make sure the clown prince of Crime gets his moment, even if he will not be the focus of the film.
--[X] Robin Williams Rolled:
D100 => 5
Robin was actually quite frightened playing the clown prince of Crime, that was something he always wanted to do, ever since you started playing Batman and Christopher playing Superman. He wanted to be the villain of color and chaos, that made things so wonderful that it made him smile.
But then you realized that the script wanted it to be far darker than the Romero take and even in certain comic cases… This Joker was evil incarnate, an agent of chaos that was not just funny, or wacky. He was legitimately demented and insane, dangerous to everyone around him, and obsessed with Batman, making him break his one rule.
It was, also… as you realized very hard. Robin wanted to turn himself into a character of spontaneity and chaos… but it also was very difficult mentally.
You were honestly afraid for him when he locked himself into a room and practiced laughing for two days straight. It terrified everyone. Most importantly you.
But he than came out with, a catharsis of sorts. He just looked at you and smiled. "Don't let me… be any more crazy stuff I've heard some people want me to do… Okay?"
You obligated, and you promised that, Christopher was potentially going to show up to help keep him grounded.
Though he was more hoping that you would keep him grounded. Because you think that trying to get into the Jokers mind… terrified him in a way that Robin never wanted to go to again.
Reward: Robin had a moment where he was about to fall very far. But than he came back, and hoped that you could make sure things don't get too… crazy.
+30 to SP and Chemistry.
-[X]Detective on Set: So you have a vision of an investigation, and you will make a note of it. DC: 30 Rolled:
D100 => 8
The idea of the investigation was rather simple in the end. Batman being the greatest detective, was always going to make things interesting.
It was simple. Batman hunting the joker, who was making it all like a carneval game for Batman to find. With not only wacky and dangerous pranks that fightened rather than hurt…
But truely demented death traps and situations where The Dark Knight would have to choose, but being batman was always prepared to save the innocent and battle evil.
It was actually something that made everyone surprised. They thought you would try to make it a chase, a never ending roller coster. But you wanted it to be a slow burn. The perfect detective story.
Reward: You have your mystery and your detective traps.
-[X]Robin and Batgirl: So Jodie and Tom… they have not kept up on their fitness regimen, and that is going to be a problem, given the very clear physical demands the role is going to require of them. You need to help them along with it. DC 35 Rolled:
D100 => 19
You were very unhappy that they did not keep up the regime and you were going to make them pay for it.
But Tom and Jodie both seemed to take it in stride, despite being exhausted most days of the week, because you wanted them to be in the top shape for… well the crazy things you were going to have them do.
And you were going to have to do.
Reward: You train Tom and Jodie for the hell they are about to enter. Because you will not allow them to get hurt when they should be ready.
-[X]Preparing for the Fights: You have planned three different fight scenes, a beginning, a middle, and final battle. You think it would be best to get everyone involved. DC: 30 Rolled:
D100 => 2
The first fight scene was all about showing you, as Batman being able to be a ninja, as well as a great combatant. Busting through the skylights, throwing smoke, and otherwise being a force of nature that is taking out the scum and villiany.
The Second fight was between Tom, jodie and the Jokers forces, their time to shine as they bust their way through and fight their way to beat the joker. A stunning display of teamwork and gadgets to show their differences and maybe a bit of their… less than polished fighting the Clown prince of crime.
The Third fight was everyone all together.
And you think that you can come up with something even better than before.
Reward: You have your fights. And you think that will be enough.
-[X]Where to Go from Here: You fought a hundred men all at once and made one of the greatest car scenes ever. How the fuck are you going to top your best?
--[X]You've gotten plenty of moments to shine, try to write something cool for Robin and Batgirl to accomplish to show their strengths as heroes. Rolled:
D100 => 19
You used the second fight to showcase their talents… and really it was going to be a wonderful thing as they come into their own as heroes. Though they may make mistakes… they will overcome them together.
Reward: You have it.
-[X]Metal Gear: This was the game that Hideo Kojima said would change action games. He wanted it to be given the greatest thing of all time. A Bruce O'Brian play through opening night when it was released. DC: 30Rolled:
D100 => 97
Hideo Kojima called this came, not an action game but a Stealth game.
You had no idea what that meant… but honestly, you didn't care.
It was a well made game.
(Continued in: Metal Gear)
-[X]The Lucasarts Projects: So time to give those Lucasarts people more projects, now that they are swimming in money.
--[X] Mega Man Rolled:
D100 => 84
Wacky Races Rolled:
D100 => 60
Brawl Brothers Rolled:
D100 => 68
The three games that were released beside Metal gear suffered a little. But you honestly didn't care.
Because Mary loved Mega Man more than you think she had any right to like it. "Robots are cool" She said.
As for the other two games… they were fine.
(Continued in: A trio for The SEga Summer)
-[X]Gamera: Guardian of the Universe: It was time for the Project, dubbed, by the internal Mike Eisner Team that was working with it, as Monster Hunter. It was going to be the film that broke Godzillas monopoly. DC: 30 Rolled:
D100 + 20 => 78
This was going to break Godzilla. Or at the very least, give the King of Monsters a Real Rival
(Continued in Gamera Guardian of the Universe)
-[X]Across America in 90 Days: This film was a weird one, but it was funny, the script that is. You just hoped it was as funny as others. DC: 35 Rolled:
D100 + 20 => 107
This was one of the funniest films you have ever seen.
(Continued in Across America in 90 Days)
-[X]Investing in the Future: You want to Spend some of that money you made into the company and make the whole thing better DC: ??? (Linetail what you want to invest in, and how much money you want to invest in it)
--[X] Reach out to Toei Company and work up a deal to handle merchandising for their Super Sentai series through Sunset Toys. Also pay $50 million for adaptational rights to Super Sentai. Rolled:
D100 + 30 => 97
It was Stan Lee that actually lead the charge strangely enough. He said he always wanted to see the Sentai on American Shores but never had the chance.
Well you have it now.
Reward: You have the rights to the Super Sentai.
-[X]Importing Foreign Films: So… you may have a way to get some films showing in American Theaters. Maybe you can go to other foreign film industries and… well, ask to distribute their films. Sure many of those foreign film companies never expected an American company to distribute their films in the US… but maybe you can get money without producing them. (Linetail where you try to get films from, and if there are any specific films, line tail them below) DC: ???
--[X] United Kingdom, Virgin Films. There's an adaptation of 1984 that will be released in the fall and frustratingly it seems that the producers have completely neglected an American release. Negotiate for Lucasfilms to handle North American distribution, and Japan through Sunrise. Rolled:
D100 => 91
The 1984 film was going to be given the Lucasfilms Treatment.
(Continued in 1984)
-[X]Mary is Having a Problem: Mary has a problem. "Daddy, I have a friend who is sad, and i don't know how to help her?" DC: ??? Rolled:
D100 => 29
When Mary said those words, you wondered just what she was talking about. "What do you mean Mary?"
"She's sad because some of her friends have stopped playing with her, because they say she is icky and sick all the time."
You frowned. "Maybe they don't want to get sick."
"But she has allergies, everyone knows that, and she takes medicine for it, but she is still snotty and yucky and gross, and I want to help her."
"Maybe you should ask the teachers to bring more tissues or other cleaning supplies so she can be comfortable?" You replied.
This felt odd.
When you learned that one of the mothers on the PTA have decided to wage holy War on certain… issues like a child being sick all the time, even though she was not, you decided to wage war yourself to help. By doing some PSA's about proper sanitation. And being capable.
It was going to be very… very… dififcult for anyone to claim you don't care about the health of your children.
And Marys' friend? She thanked you.
REawrd: you have waged war for some PSA's for Mary's school and beyond about proper sanitaiton.
-[X]A Little Help from Friends: So... Steve... Uh, George. What are you guys doing, and why are you all looking at me like that? DC: 30 Rolled:
D100 => 1
The guys were all there, with several scripts… but they were not for you. They were just props.
"We wanted to get you something." George said as he handed over a card.
"Well that is not really a-"
Steve than shook his head. "Just read the damn card."
You looked at it. "Help for any film you want, without question?" You than looked at them. "What the hell does that mean-"
"It means, you are not going to be alone when handling the problems of production for the next film or two, why, because why not!" Steve siad. "You missed many months of Little George's life because of Conan, and we are going to make sure you never have to worry about that for awhile."
You smiled. "THank you, really but what about-"
George smiled. "I own this company remember? We'll make do."
You were going to say something about yourself, and Mike, and Marcia but…"
"You kids better be done in there." Mike Eisner bellowed. "I have a meeting with Mister Tolkien in an hour and it's very important."
Reward: All production rolls for the next two films? Autopass, and without anything going wrong.
-[X]The Family Time: You need a night out with the family dammit! No more drama, no more work, just you and Carrie and the Kids! Rolled:
D100 => 75
You were sitting next to the kids as they slept in your arms. The day swimming and otherwise playing in the pool had come to an end.
While it was a day that was lazy in many ways, you were tired and hungry from all the swimming and keeping the games going on.
But it was a wonderful day… hopefully without any problem with production.