Lights... Camera... ACTION!!: A Hollywood Quest

Hi Magoose here one of the guys helping Duke.

So we have some bad news.

The quest has been canceled as duke does not want to write it anymore.

I'm going to ask if I can take over for it, because I like this quest, and it would be a shame to kill it
TBF, Mags, you have been doing a lot of the heavylifting for the quest, so this will be in good hands. :)

To be clear to everyone, this is just me burning out on imagination of the quest, since my muse has been hitting me over the head a lot with so many different ideas that I just can't find myself too interested in this.

I'll still hang out here, though, since this still does have a sepcial place in my heart.

I'd like to thank you all for making this a wonderful experience while it lasted.

I'd also like to thank @Magoose, @Fluffy_serpent, and @Martin Noctis for doing so much to help prepare and write this quest. I couldn't have done it without you all. :D

I'll see you all around.

With so many regards, Duke William Of.
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Talking George
Talking George

For George Michael O'Brian, his life had always been a constant. There was Mommy, Mary, Sarah, Joseph, Grandma and the Kitties and Natalie Doggy. Those were the people who composed his entire world and the people he played with everyday. It could be difficult at times because Joseph wanted play and happy times, but the siblings were doing their own things, Grandma was wanting to be in the Kermit Box, and Mommy had to run the basketball and deal with his siblings.

It was a daily battle for George to get attention and lots of love, one that he usually won but it was a close battle as the siblings didn't understand his needs and how George liked for things to be a certain way and how he needed lots of love.

Then everything changed when one day, Daddy joined George's world.

George sort of remembered Daddy from long ago, but one day Daddy stopped playing with him and went away. Everyone talked about loving Daddy and missing him, which confused George about what was so special about Daddy and why he wasn't there. One day, he saw Daddy on the Kermit Box and tried to grab him, but Mary stopped him and informed him about Lying Things. Mary sounded sad and angry, but George thought Lying Things sounded neat for how they were on the Kermit Box and could be in all sorts of stories.

Back to Daddy, one day he came back, and George noticed that everyone became a lot happier. Mommy was no longer sad or tired and smiled lots and lots, Mary wasn't away at her friends' houses most days and was playing lots and lots in the House, Sarah's pictures had more color, Joseph had lots of energy, the Kitties and Doggies tails wagged super fast, and his siblings liked food time and rushed to the table instead of being concerned.

For George, he was very happy that Daddy was around as now he had two people to pay attention to him every day and do whatever he needed. When Mommy and Grandma were busy, instead of being left on his own with the kitties, George had Daddy to clean him, feed him, play with him or help him take nappies. Best of all was that Daddy was a super best good storyteller. He told fun adventure stories even better than Kermit Box stories and had his sisters and brother be part of the story. George was heavily amazed and every time it was story time, he sat and watched in awe as his family became fun fantasy people and had great adventures. George hoped he could join soon, especially so he could play the Dragon which was his favorite animal thanks to Mary reading all the dragon books.

However, while having Daddy around was really great, there were issues that came with such a change. Mainly that Mommy wasn't paying as much attention to him anymore! Sure she spent half the day with him, but George wanted Mommy all the day and for her to play with him! Why did Mary, Sarah and Joseph try to steal Mommy away? That wasn't right! Mommy was his and he was her Baby, that was how it worked!

Most days it was fine and George was able to receive all the attention and love that he most especially deserved, but there were some difficult days when they paid less attention to George and he didn't receive his daily cuddle and love quotas. Such as yesterday, yesterday was a most terrible day for George where they didn't pamper and love him every single minute and they paid the most attention to Sarah and Joseph.

"Did you two enjoy your birthday yesterday?" Mommy asked the twins at the table. It was Pancake morning, a morning that George loved for all the funny messes his siblings made, but yesterday left him in a bit of a grumpy mood for the morning with him pouting in his high chair.

Joseph nodded, "Lakers won and chocolate cake delicious, it was great birthday." He said with a thumbs up.

"Thank you for all the colors Mommy, Daddy. It super important for the drawings to have all the little colors and different types, not just rainbow colors." Sarah complimented.

"I talked to work earlier and I have my schedule cleared for the weekend so you can have pre-school friends over. Just make sure that their parents are okay with it." Daddy said.

George panicked in his chair. Friend parties were a mixed time, as while his sibling's friends did like to play with him for a bit and thought he was cute, it meant that Mommy and Daddy were focused on all the friends, and not him!

"Is anything special gonna happen for George's birthday?" Mary asked. At this George perked up. He got an attention day where Mommy and Daddy only cared about him?

"I'll probably stay home for the day and later on we can have a small cake, but we'll probably just play George games and just be together." Daddy said.

"I can play Genesis with the Little so needy George can have all his attention as my birthday present." Mary suggested, with George nodding rapidly at the suggestion.

"Don't be silly Mary, birthdays are family days, I'm sure George wants all of us there." George stared at Daddy with a feeling of betrayal. Why was Daddy trying to take away Attention Day?!

"George, open wide." George turned to his Mommy, getting really excited for one of his favorite games, the spoon game. While he did love his milk, since Daddy came back they had been feeding him brown and green stuff and the spoon game where they made all sorts of funny sounds and sights was such a great time.

George stuck his tongue out and looked forward to all the funny planes, trains or cars; only to be met with stunning mundanity as Mommy simply plopped the spoon of mushed peas into his mouth, and George stared and swallowed in disbelief.

Where was the Airplane?! Where was the Dragon, the Rocket ship, the Choo Choo and Beep Beep?!

"What's wrong George? You need a nappy time?" Sarah asked in concern.

"I really hope it's not a dislike for the peas. I just bought a bulk of jars." Daddy said.

No, no, no, NO! George did not need a nappy and he liked the peas. He needed Mommy to play the spoon game correctly!

He tried to communicate such to his Mommy, waiving his arms and babbling with a sense of urgency, but this didn't pass on anything to Mommy who merely continued to feed him boringly.

"Daddy, since it's tax season can I do the Lucasfilms maths?"

"Mary, you don't have to do the company's taxes just because Mike doesn't mind. We pay people to do it."

"But it's fun. If not, can I do Lakers and Geese math?"

At that George was struck with a bolt of inspiration. Mary talked with big words all the time and everyone listened to her, so George just needed to be like Mary and he would get the spoon game again.

So he faced Mommy and tried to speak like Mary to get the point across that he needed the spoon game back. It was difficult with George trying to sound the word, and Mommy thought he was just being moody with his babbles and trying to block the spoon.

Eventually, after much difficulty, George managed to get something across.

"Ma-ma." At his words, the entire table went silent and even the pets took notice with Alfred climbing onto Mary's lap and looking ahead.

"Mama, Mama, Mama!" George yelled persistently to get her attention. He was then going to explain about the spoon game, but he stopped in confusion over just what he was trying to say.

"George! You said your first word and it was mama!" Mommy said with one of the happiest voices George ever heard from her. She picked George up and smothered him with hugs and kisses, making George giggle and smile.

"Nice job son, you managed to talk right before you turned one." Daddy said in pride.

"Good job George." Joseph said with polite claps.

"Sarah's first word moment was better." Mary said firmly, making her younger sister smile brightly.

With George once again being the center of attention, he forgot all about the slight of the spoon and just kept on saying his first word over and over again, hopeful that this would make today his day for attention. "Mama, Mama!"

"Looks like's someone's gonna be a honking Goose." Mommy said affectionately.

"Congrats Carebear, looks like fourth time's the charm."

George smiled brightly as the possibilities that had arrived with what he had just learned started swimming in his young mind. If talking meant that everyone paid attention to him and gave George lots of love, then he was going to learn new words everyday and talk so very much!

A/N: I noticed in the Family Time update that George could speak full sentences but his first words were never brought up. Thought this would be a funny reason why he's talking.
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Ahhhh! Little George is a bit of an attention hog, but in a good way! Man, I can't wait to see how he develops through the years.
So to recap we got science genius who does taxes for fun, a budding artist (we should help encourage that, maybe bring her to meet with the animators), a future sports star (Who we should 100% help teach martial arts), and as for little George.... Well, if he likes words well... Perhaps we have a future story teller in the family?

Put them all together and I can already see the future O'Brian Dynasty forming.
Barrel Riders! New
Barrel Riders!

Christopher Tolkien was a man of simple desires in his life. Being the son of the legendary author, and one of the greatest men to ever have lived in his own opinion, he'd always a deep sense of admiration and respect towards his father, and always strived to live up to his reputation, despite feeling that such an act would be an exercise in futility; his father had created one of the greatest works to have ever lived, and revolutionized the fantasy genre in such a way that many writers would now probably define the already written works as before and after Tolkien.

As for himself, despite what many would say, he would consider himself more of an editor of his works rather than an author.

His father had written one of the greatest Fantasy Epics that had ever been known. He invented an entire language for it, and worked tirelessly on the different backstories for each character, building a world that felt lived on, and characters that would fit in said world perfectly. He had dreams of publishing his other works set in said world, stories of love, of creation, and an epic that would show that the Legendarium was just an addendum to his true masterpiece, The Silmarillion. And yet, he was denied the chance in the end by the publishing home that had once seen such promise in the previous works. And no matter what, time eventually takes even the best of all into death's sweet embrace. J.R.R. Tolkien passed away without ever finishing his true masterpiece...

So, it was left to his son to try and make sense of all the notes that he'd left after his death in order to build upon his legacy, a work that would take him years if not decades, reconstructing half-baked notes in pieces of paper, making sure that every source fit in the right order, doing research on the same culture his father had based his work on to build a bridge in between the writing he'd done. In a way, he was making himself the narrator of his father's work, and for that alone, one would think that such labors would keep him too busy to focus on anything else.

Well, those people would underestimate the true dedication he'd put into making sure his father's work remained untainted.

He'd seen firsthand what trusting those lowlifes could bring about. His father had been a man who, despite acknowledging the difficulties of bringing his works to the big screen, had nonetheless been intrigued by the possibilities of it. When proposals and drafts had arrived at his doorstep he'd been at first interested in bringing it about, choosing one brought about by Forrest J. Ackerman and amateur screenwriter Morton Grady Zimmerman, his father had even become an editor for one of the drafts at one point, only to be absolutely livid at the... mutilation (for there could be no other word) that they'd brought about in the so called script; cutting off important characters like Gimli and Legolas, trying to make Minas Tirith the more important aspect of the book, changing Gollum's name and having Sam abandon Frodo before they reach Mt. Doom...

His father replied in a most cordial way, yet nonetheless, he could feel his displeasure when reading the outright childish scribbles on the page. And this was not the only time either; Walt Disney had once tried to make a film, probably trying to turn it into a more childish version like he'd done with all the works from the Brothers Grimm as well. Al Brodax, an animator whose only objective in adapting the work was commercial and financial, not caring at all if the project was cheap or unrecognizable from the text, so long as he could slap the "Lord of the Rings" name on top of it.

But the most loathsome of all, the most despicable attempt, had to be when his father was talked into allowing an animated adaptation by one William L. Snyder. The name alone should have tipped him off on what the man was planning, yet at the time his idea and proposal had come up with the support of a deal with 20th Century Fox, the chance to see the Lord of the Rings as an animated series was tantalizing, and the artist in charge had seemed so passionate about the idea itself that, in the end, the deal was struck.

And it soon became one of the worst mistakes his father ever made.

The Lord of the Rings, in the period in between the time the deal was struck, had achieved a degree of popularity that had turned the right from just another would be adaptation to what man would consider a veritable golden mint. Add to that the odd regulation and legislature in the U.S. for works entering the public domain, and the result was another greedy executive who was now scheming to do the minimum work in order to retain the rights for longer than the stipulated contract had allowed him too. It was a travesty of the greatest order, a 12 minute "film" if that could be called, where there were nothing but still frames depicting characters that had no relation at all with the story, a narrator who could barely be heard at all, and a work that at best could be called slipshod, if one wanted to avoid the more spicy words to describe it.

It did not even try to get anything about the books right either; it tried to condense the Hobbit into basically an adventure with a Princess of the city of Dale, being run out because of "Slag" the Dragon, and seeking Bilbo's help with a watchman of the city and General "Turin" from Dale. Why? Because apparently, Gandalf told them of a prophecy where Bilbo would slay the dragon and save them all...

There was no mention of any dwarves at all, nor the battle of the five armies, nor the wood elves...

It was nothing but a disgusting ploy to once more make money out of it, and it worked; his father deciding to buy the licensing rights back (to his own work!) before they tried and mutilate it even more. Christopher at that time wished that no more attempts at adaptation were made, that perhaps they could just leave them as they were and focus more on the book side. Anything had to be better than just letting those greedy men take a beloved part of his childhood and turn it into whatever their minds can think off.

Yet his father continued, too concerned for both him, his grandchildren, and his mother. He was getting old, and he wanted to leave them something to take care for themselves, and if that meant giving the rights to a different studio in exchange for the money so that they could live in comfort, then so be it. For everything his father represented, he was a family man above all.

After his passing, Christopher dedicated himself to making sure his unfinished works were properly edited, and present them to the world so that they could know the brilliance of his father. He still received notices now and again about the rights for both The Hobbit and The Lord of The Rings trilogy; owned by United Artists, the different scripts they worked in, the ideas that they tried to impose, and the gall of some that tried to get his blessing on what amounted as nothing more than utter drivel and trash. He'd read some of what they were trying to do, and could only thank the Lord that his father was not there to see how they further mutilated his work.

How could they even think that a sex scene between Galadriel and Frodo would actually work?

When the news came that United Artists had sold the rights to a different studio it had hardly been in his notice. Whether it was one studio or another, they were all just going to do it wrong, they were all going to try and commercialize the entire work, and they were all going to destroy what was one of the greatest works ever seen.

And he could do nothing to stop them.

When their representative came for a visit he had to admit, he expected another of those types that had come before; offering nothing but platitudes, expecting his full endorsement, and once more trying to push their ill-defined changes and have him thank them for it. Bruce O'Brian however was of a different breed it seemed. He'd heard of Lucasfilms only peripherally, usually not caring much about the entertainment side unless being directly involved, and the rumors tended to sway from them being the best that could have happened to their industry, to mavericks who would gladly burn the entire city in a tantrum if they did not get their own way.

Mr. O'Brian had that Irish charm and daring in him, even if raised in New York, along with a sense of respect and eagerness that spoke well of his character. nonetheless, Christopher was blunt and honest in their meeting, telling him outright that he expected little from his studio, just as he expected him to never fully adapt his father's work, or do it justice. Christopher expected indignation, all sorts of promises, perhaps even Mr. O'Brian to just leave in anger and never see him again.

He did not expect him to agree with him.

Mr. O'Brian did not take his words as an insult, or the signs of hopelessness of someone who'd been let down so many times, but as a challenge. Offering not only to make a trilogy of movies (A trilogy!) but to also works as close to the material as possible. Not only that, but he also offered Christopher the opportunity to be a part of the production in any way he wanted, to have him basically be there, give his opinions, even correct the course if it got too far from what the books said.

He agreed of course, though he was not told when the work would begin.

And as time passed, as years went on with no news, he could not help but think that perhaps he had once more been let down, if only in a different way. It was to be expected from any Studio Executive, but he'd actually thought that Mr. O'Brian was genuine in his offer. It all went on to show that perhaps he should just not try to be as involved in a work that no longer seemed to be fully owned by his family. He tried to put it out of his mind as he focused more in The Silmarillion and the History of Middle-Earth, making sure that the all notes were up to date and properly organized.

That is, until he got a call he'd thought he'd never get.

"Mr. Tolkien, we apologize for the delay. We're going to be working on the script for the Hobbit, would you have the time to aid us?"

He was on the soonest plain to L.A. by the next day.

"Blunt the knives and bend the forks!"

"Smash the bottles and burn the corks!"

"Chip the glasses and crack the plates!"

"That's what Bilbo Baggins hates"


As the song finished, with everyone in the room laughing and taking notes, Christopher Tolkien could not help but sense a feeling of elation in his body as he looked at the creative team that was to work on the Hobbit adaptation. When he'd arrived he was not sure what to expect, his perception of the industry already tainted by many bad experiences through his life, he perhaps thought to see some surly, tired men who were just trying to make time until the day ended and they could go back to their homes.

Well, he could be no further from the truth here.

Sure, there was the occasional man who was there for the money, but soon he found that nearly the entire team was composed of both men and women of both vision and creativity, who had made sure to read his father's book front to back, and were eager to ask him questions about it, wishing to find more having grown to love the world of Middle-Earth. Not only that, but the concept art that was shown was utterly gorgeous as well, scenes from the shire that could have jumped directly from the pages of the Hobbit, the designs of the Dwarves, each given their own unique spin with personalities that were clear to understand from their own clothing and posture. The Mirkwood Forest being brought with its own distinct, mysterious atmosphere...

And above all the cave of Gollum, with it oppressive, miserable look, befitting of a pitiable creature such as him.

Every day was a new adventure where he managed to find a great delight in finding a way to bring about the story to life, seeing a script take form, finally following the book as it should be, not as others wanted it to. There was some pushback of course, since no production seemed to exist without it, but it was the kind that could be solved through discussion as well, and one where the many sided with him; No, there would be no changes to Thorin's ancestry and past to make him a more noble hero. No, there would not be a romance between a dwarf and an elf, both sides do not even consider each other as partners. No, there would be no addition of Legolas, the Necromancer, Radagast, or Galadriel in the movie! Those characters have no place in what is a simple adventure tale, and they'll have their chance to shine in the next movies.

Because there would be a trilogy after this. He was sure of it.

On the flipside, he found that there was space for compromise from himself as well. Just as he'd managed to talk others into following his father's work, he was also able to talk to others who'd managed to share his concerns and talk him through them in order to find a way to keep the spirit of the book, but also allow for the changes necessary for a film; Allowing Bilbo to be a bit more of an active character, with clear growth through the film. Having the dwarves show their fighting skills instead of being somewhat clumsy and a bit useless. Adding a bit of personality to Bard the Bowman as a family man, and having him interact with the dwarves a bit more. All good ideas, that show the great inspiration and creativity of his group.

Of course, he had to then ax the entire sequence they wanted to add, where Bilbo and the dwarves would be chased by both elves and orcs as they tried to escape in the barrels they'd hidden themselves in. It just made no sense, was utterly unrealistic (even in the setting!) and just seemed to add too much goofiness at times. He was glad that the team understood why, but it did show how necessary his presence was if the movie was to avoid such pitfalls.

But in the end, he felt that for the first time ever, and after so long talking with the team in charge of the adaptation (though he still needed to decide between Mr. De Palma and Mr. Reiner for the director position) that perhaps he could trust a studio to keep their promises. And after working so hard on the script, the songs, the characters, and designs to bring Middle-Earth to life, he was actually quite excited on seeing the results on the big screen.

Was this what his father hoped for before he finally gave up? He could not know, but at the very least he could make sure it was a work that he would have been proud of.

A.N.: This came to me since I recalled that it's been many years since we spoke to Christopher Tolkien, where we promised that we would have him be part of the production, but we also seem to already have the scripts for the Hobbit ready. So, I figured, why not have it that Christopher was part of the process in which they were written? I think it makes sense, and it also helps in building some trust if we can show we are willing to compromise.
calling the vote:
Adhoc vote count started by Magoose on Feb 24, 2025 at 10:48 PM, finished with 194 posts and 16 votes.

  • [X] Plan Batman 1984
    -[X]The Joker: Who will be your Joker? Everyone else has come back, or rather, will come back, given the contracts they have. But you want to make sure the clown prince of Crime gets his moment, even if he will not be the focus of the film.
    --[X] Robin Williams
    -[X]Detective on Set: So you have a vision of an investigation, and you will make a note of it. DC: 30
    -[X]Robin and Batgirl: So Jodie and Tom… they have not kept up on their fitness regimen, and that is going to be a problem, given the very clear physical demands the role is going to require of them. You need to help them along with it. DC 35
    -[X]Preparing for the Fights: You have planned three different fight scenes, a beginning, a middle, and final battle. You think it would be best to get everyone involved. DC: 30
    -[X]Where to Go from Here: You fought a hundred men all at once and made one of the greatest car scenes ever. How the fuck are you going to top your best?
    --[X]You've gotten plenty of moments to shine, try to write something cool for Robin and Batgirl to accomplish to show their strengths as heroes.
    -[X]Metal Gear: THis was the game that Hideo Kojima said would change action games. He wanted it to be given the greatest thing of all time. A Bruce O'Brian play through opening night when it was released. DC: 30
    -[X]The Lucasarts Projects: So time to give those Lucasarts people more projects, now that they are swimming in money.
    --[X] Mega Man, Wacky Races, Brawl Brothers
    -[X]Gamera: Guardian of the Universe: It was time for the Project, dubbed, by the internal Mike Eisner Team that was working with it, as Monster Hunter. It was going to be the film that broke Godzillas monopoly. DC: 30
    -[X]Across America in 90 Days: This film was a weird one, but it was funny, the script that is. You just hoped it was as funny as others. DC: 35
    -[X]Investing in the Future: You want to Spend some of that money you made into the company and make the whole thing better DC: ??? (Linetail what you want to invest in, and how much money you want to invest in it)
    --[X] Reach out to Toei Company and work up a deal to handle merchandising for their Super Sentai series through Sunset Toys. Also pay $50 million for adaptational rights to Super Sentai.
    -[X]Importing Foreign Films: So… you may have a way to get some films showing in American Theaters. Maybe you can go to other foreign film industries and… well, ask to distribute their films. Sure many of those foreign film companies never expected an American company to distribute their films in the US… but maybe you can get money without producing them. (Linetail where you try to get films from, and if there are any specific films, line tail them below) DC: ???
    --[X] United Kingdom, Virgin Films. There's an adaptation of 1984 that will be released in the fall and frustratingly it seems that the producers have completely neglected an American release. Negotiate for Lucasfilms to handle North American distribution, and Japan through Sunrise.
    -[X]Mary is Having a Problem: Mary has a problem. "Daddy, I have a friend who is sad, and i don't know how to help her?" DC: ???
    -[X]A Little Help from Friends: So... Steve... Uh, George. What are you guys doing, and why are you all looking at me like that? DC: 30
    -[X]The Family Time: You need a night out with the family dammit! No more drama, no more work, just you and Carrie and the Kids!
    [X] Plan Batman and Joker
    -[X]The Joker: Who will be your Joker? Everyone else has come back, or rather, will come back, given the contracts they have. But you want to make sure the clown prince of Crime gets his moment, even if he will not be the focus of the film.
    --[X] Robin Williams
    -[X]Detective on Set: So you have a vision of an investigation, and you will make a note of it. DC: 30
    -[X]Robin and Batgirl: So Jodie and Tom… they have not kept up on their fitness regimen, and that is going to be a problem, given the very clear physical demands the role is going to require of them. You need to help them along with it. DC 35
    -[X]Preparing for the Fights: You have planned three different fight scenes, a beginning, a middle, and final battle. You think it would be best to get everyone involved. DC: 30
    -[X]Where to Go from Here: You fought a hundred men all at once and made one of the greatest car scenes ever. How the fuck are you going to top your best?
    --[X]You've gotten plenty of moments to shine, try to write something cool for Robin and Batgirl to accomplish to show their strengths as heroes.
    -[X]Metal Gear: THis was the game that Hideo Kojima said would change action games. He wanted it to be given the greatest thing of all time. A Bruce O'Brian play through opening night when it was released. DC: 30
    -[X]The Lucasarts Projects: So time to give those Lucasarts people more projects, now that they are swimming in money.
    --[X] Among Us, Mega Man, Wacky Races
    -[X]Gamera: Guardian of the Universe: It was time for the Project, dubbed, by the internal Mike Eisner Team that was working with it, as Monster Hunter. It was going to be the film that broke Godzillas monopoly. DC: 30
    -[X]Across America in 90 Days: This film was a weird one, but it was funny, the script that is. You just hoped it was as funny as others. DC: 35
    -[X]Investing in the Future: You want to Spend some of that money you made into the company and make the whole thing better DC: ??? (Linetail what you want to invest in, and how much money you want to invest in it)
    --[X] $50 million of warchest. Purchase 2000 AD Comics and it's associated characters from IPC Magazines.
    -[X]Importing Foreign Films: So… you may have a way to get some films showing in American Theaters. Maybe you can go to other foreign film industries and… well, ask to distribute their films. Sure many of those foreign film companies never expected an American company to distribute their films in the US… but maybe you can get money without producing them. (Linetail where you try to get films from, and if there are any specific films, line tail them below) DC: ???
    --[X] United Kingdom, Virgin Films. There's an adaptation of 1984 that will be released in the fall and frustratingly it seems that the producers have completely neglected an American release. Negotiate for Lucasfilms to handle North American distribution, and Japan through Sunrise.
    -[X]Mary is Having a Problem: Mary has a problem. "Daddy, I have a friend who is sad, and i don't know how to help her?" DC: ???
    -[X]A Little Help from Friends: So... Steve... Uh, George. What are you guys doing, and why are you all looking at me like that? DC: 30
    -[X]The Family Time: You need a night out with the family dammit! No more drama, no more work, just you and Carrie and the Kids!
    [X] Plan The Last Batman Movie
    -[X]The Joker: Who will be your Joker? Everyone else has come back, or rather, will come back, given the contracts they have. But you want to make sure the clown prince of Crime gets his moment, even if he will not be the focus of the film.
    --[X] Mark Hamill
    -[X]Detective on Set: So you have a vision of an investigation, and you will make a note of it. DC: 30
    -[X]Robin and Batgirl: So Jodie and Tom… they have not kept up on their fitness regimen, and that is going to be a problem, given the very clear physical demands the role is going to require of them. You need to help them along with it. DC 35
    -[X]Preparing for the Fights: You have planned three different fight scenes, a beginning, a middle, and final battle. You think it would be best to get everyone involved. DC: 30
    -[X]Where to Go from Here: You fought a hundred men all at once and made one of the greatest car scenes ever. How the fuck are you going to top your best?
    --[X]You've gotten plenty of moments to shine, try to write something cool for Robin and Batgirl to accomplish to show their strengths as heroes.
    -[X]Metal Gear: THis was the game that Hideo Kojima said would change action games. He wanted it to be given the greatest thing of all time. A Bruce O'Brian play through opening night when it was released. DC: 30
    -[X]The Lucasarts Projects: So time to give those Lucasarts people more projects, now that they are swimming in money.
    --[X] Brawl Brothers, Mega Man, Wacky Races
    -[X]Gamera: Guardian of the Universe: It was time for the Project, dubbed, by the internal Mike Eisner Team that was working with it, as Monster Hunter. It was going to be the film that broke Godzillas monopoly. DC: 30
    -[X]Across America in 90 Days: This film was a weird one, but it was funny, the script that is. You just hoped it was as funny as others. DC: 35
    -[X]Investing in the Future: You want to Spend some of that money you made into the company and make the whole thing better DC: ??? (Linetail what you want to invest in, and how much money you want to invest in it)
    --[X] $30 million of warchest. Purcahse East of Eden and Giant from their respective holders of Disney and Universal
    -[X]Importing Foreign Films: So… you may have a way to get some films showing in American Theaters. Maybe you can go to other foreign film industries and… well, ask to distribute their films. Sure many of those foreign film companies never expected an American company to distribute their films in the US… but maybe you can get money without producing them. (Linetail where you try to get films from, and if there are any specific films, line tail them below) DC: ???
    --[X] United Kingdom, Virgin Films. There's an adaptation of 1984 that will be released in the fall and frustratingly it seems that the producers have completely neglected an American release. Negotiate for Lucasfilms to handle North American distribution, and Japan through Sunrise.
    -[X]Mary is Having a Problem: Mary has a problem. "Daddy, I have a friend who is sad, and i don't know how to help her?" DC: ???
    -[X]A Little Help from Friends: So... Steve... Uh, George. What are you guys doing, and why are you all looking at me like that? DC: 30
    -[X]The Family Time: You need a night out with the family dammit! No more drama, no more work, just you and Carrie and the Kids!
    [X] Plan: Don't want Much
    -[X]The Scripts and the movies: You want scripts made, so give the ideas and make those scripts (Scripts that linetail will be made this turn. Every script is one action.)
    --[X] Yakuza 0
    [X] Plan Batman + Judge Dredd
    -[X]The Joker: Who will be your Joker? Everyone else has come back, or rather, will come back, given the contracts they have. But you want to make sure the clown prince of Crime gets his moment, even if he will not be the focus of the film.
    --[X] Willem Dafoe
    -[X]Detective on Set: So you have a vision of an investigation, and you will make a note of it. DC: 30
    -[X]Robin and Batgirl: So Jodie and Tom… they have not kept up on their fitness regimen, and that is going to be a problem, given the very clear physical demands the role is going to require of them. You need to help them along with it. DC 35
    -[X]Preparing for the Fights: You have planned three different fight scenes, a beginning, a middle, and final battle. You think it would be best to get everyone involved. DC: 30
    -[X]Where to Go from Here: You fought a hundred men all at once and made one of the greatest car scenes ever. How the fuck are you going to top your best?
    --[X]You've gotten plenty of moments to shine, try to write something cool for Robin and Batgirl to accomplish to show their strengths as heroes.
    -[X]Metal Gear: THis was the game that Hideo Kojima said would change action games. He wanted it to be given the greatest thing of all time. A Bruce O'Brian play through opening night when it was released. DC: 30
    -[X]The Lucasarts Projects: So time to give those Lucasarts people more projects, now that they are swimming in money.
    --[X] Among Us, Mega Man, Wacky Races
    -[X]Gamera: Guardian of the Universe: It was time for the Project, dubbed, by the internal Mike Eisner Team that was working with it, as Monster Hunter. It was going to be the film that broke Godzillas monopoly. DC: 30
    -[X]Across America in 90 Days: This film was a weird one, but it was funny, the script that is. You just hoped it was as funny as others. DC: 35
    -[X]Investing in the Future: You want to Spend some of that money you made into the company and make the whole thing better DC: ??? (Linetail what you want to invest in, and how much money you want to invest in it)
    --[X] $50 million of warchest. Purchase 2000 AD Comics and it's associated characters from IPC Magazines.
    -[X]Importing Foreign Films: So… you may have a way to get some films showing in American Theaters. Maybe you can go to other foreign film industries and… well, ask to distribute their films. Sure many of those foreign film companies never expected an American company to distribute their films in the US… but maybe you can get money without producing them. (Linetail where you try to get films from, and if there are any specific films, line tail them below) DC: ???
    --[X] United Kingdom, Virgin Films. There's an adaptation of 1984 that will be released in the fall and frustratingly it seems that the producers have completely neglected an American release. Negotiate for Lucasfilms to handle North American distribution, and Japan through Sunrise.
    -[X]Mary is Having a Problem: Mary has a problem. "Daddy, I have a friend who is sad, and i don't know how to help her?" DC: ???
    -[X]A Little Help from Friends: So... Steve... Uh, George. What are you guys doing, and why are you all looking at me like that? DC: 30
    -[X]The Family Time: You need a night out with the family dammit! No more drama, no more work, just you and Carrie and the Kids!
Turn 113 Results (June-July 1984) (Everything autopasses) New
Turn 113 Results (June-July 1984) (Everything autopasses)

-[X]The Joker: Who will be your Joker? Everyone else has come back, or rather, will come back, given the contracts they have. But you want to make sure the clown prince of Crime gets his moment, even if he will not be the focus of the film.
--[X] Robin Williams Rolled:D100 => 5

Robin was actually quite frightened playing the clown prince of Crime, that was something he always wanted to do, ever since you started playing Batman and Christopher playing Superman. He wanted to be the villain of color and chaos, that made things so wonderful that it made him smile.

But then you realized that the script wanted it to be far darker than the Romero take and even in certain comic cases… This Joker was evil incarnate, an agent of chaos that was not just funny, or wacky. He was legitimately demented and insane, dangerous to everyone around him, and obsessed with Batman, making him break his one rule.

It was, also… as you realized very hard. Robin wanted to turn himself into a character of spontaneity and chaos… but it also was very difficult mentally.

You were honestly afraid for him when he locked himself into a room and practiced laughing for two days straight. It terrified everyone. Most importantly you.

But he than came out with, a catharsis of sorts. He just looked at you and smiled. "Don't let me… be any more crazy stuff I've heard some people want me to do… Okay?"

You obligated, and you promised that, Christopher was potentially going to show up to help keep him grounded.

Though he was more hoping that you would keep him grounded. Because you think that trying to get into the Jokers mind… terrified him in a way that Robin never wanted to go to again.

Reward: Robin had a moment where he was about to fall very far. But than he came back, and hoped that you could make sure things don't get too… crazy.

+30 to SP and Chemistry.

-[X]Detective on Set: So you have a vision of an investigation, and you will make a note of it. DC: 30 Rolled:D100 => 8

The idea of the investigation was rather simple in the end. Batman being the greatest detective, was always going to make things interesting.

It was simple. Batman hunting the joker, who was making it all like a carneval game for Batman to find. With not only wacky and dangerous pranks that fightened rather than hurt…

But truely demented death traps and situations where The Dark Knight would have to choose, but being batman was always prepared to save the innocent and battle evil.

It was actually something that made everyone surprised. They thought you would try to make it a chase, a never ending roller coster. But you wanted it to be a slow burn. The perfect detective story.

Reward: You have your mystery and your detective traps.

-[X]Robin and Batgirl: So Jodie and Tom… they have not kept up on their fitness regimen, and that is going to be a problem, given the very clear physical demands the role is going to require of them. You need to help them along with it. DC 35 Rolled:D100 => 19

You were very unhappy that they did not keep up the regime and you were going to make them pay for it.

But Tom and Jodie both seemed to take it in stride, despite being exhausted most days of the week, because you wanted them to be in the top shape for… well the crazy things you were going to have them do.

And you were going to have to do.

Reward: You train Tom and Jodie for the hell they are about to enter. Because you will not allow them to get hurt when they should be ready.

-[X]Preparing for the Fights: You have planned three different fight scenes, a beginning, a middle, and final battle. You think it would be best to get everyone involved. DC: 30 Rolled:D100 => 2

The first fight scene was all about showing you, as Batman being able to be a ninja, as well as a great combatant. Busting through the skylights, throwing smoke, and otherwise being a force of nature that is taking out the scum and villiany.

The Second fight was between Tom, jodie and the Jokers forces, their time to shine as they bust their way through and fight their way to beat the joker. A stunning display of teamwork and gadgets to show their differences and maybe a bit of their… less than polished fighting the Clown prince of crime.

The Third fight was everyone all together.

And you think that you can come up with something even better than before.

Reward: You have your fights. And you think that will be enough.

-[X]Where to Go from Here: You fought a hundred men all at once and made one of the greatest car scenes ever. How the fuck are you going to top your best?
--[X]You've gotten plenty of moments to shine, try to write something cool for Robin and Batgirl to accomplish to show their strengths as heroes. Rolled:D100 => 19

You used the second fight to showcase their talents… and really it was going to be a wonderful thing as they come into their own as heroes. Though they may make mistakes… they will overcome them together.

Reward: You have it.

-[X]Metal Gear: This was the game that Hideo Kojima said would change action games. He wanted it to be given the greatest thing of all time. A Bruce O'Brian play through opening night when it was released. DC: 30Rolled:D100 => 97

Hideo Kojima called this came, not an action game but a Stealth game.

You had no idea what that meant… but honestly, you didn't care.

It was a well made game.

(Continued in: Metal Gear)

-[X]The Lucasarts Projects: So time to give those Lucasarts people more projects, now that they are swimming in money.
--[X] Mega Man Rolled:D100 => 84
Wacky Races Rolled:D100 => 60
Brawl Brothers Rolled:D100 => 68

The three games that were released beside Metal gear suffered a little. But you honestly didn't care.

Because Mary loved Mega Man more than you think she had any right to like it. "Robots are cool" She said.

As for the other two games… they were fine.
(Continued in: A trio for The SEga Summer)

-[X]Gamera: Guardian of the Universe: It was time for the Project, dubbed, by the internal Mike Eisner Team that was working with it, as Monster Hunter. It was going to be the film that broke Godzillas monopoly. DC: 30 Rolled:D100 + 20 => 78

This was going to break Godzilla. Or at the very least, give the King of Monsters a Real Rival

(Continued in Gamera Guardian of the Universe)

-[X]Across America in 90 Days: This film was a weird one, but it was funny, the script that is. You just hoped it was as funny as others. DC: 35 Rolled:D100 + 20 => 107

This was one of the funniest films you have ever seen.

(Continued in Across America in 90 Days)

-[X]Investing in the Future: You want to Spend some of that money you made into the company and make the whole thing better DC: ??? (Linetail what you want to invest in, and how much money you want to invest in it)
--[X] Reach out to Toei Company and work up a deal to handle merchandising for their Super Sentai series through Sunset Toys. Also pay $50 million for adaptational rights to Super Sentai. Rolled: D100 + 30 => 97

It was Stan Lee that actually lead the charge strangely enough. He said he always wanted to see the Sentai on American Shores but never had the chance.

Well you have it now.

Reward: You have the rights to the Super Sentai.

-[X]Importing Foreign Films: So… you may have a way to get some films showing in American Theaters. Maybe you can go to other foreign film industries and… well, ask to distribute their films. Sure many of those foreign film companies never expected an American company to distribute their films in the US… but maybe you can get money without producing them. (Linetail where you try to get films from, and if there are any specific films, line tail them below) DC: ???
--[X] United Kingdom, Virgin Films. There's an adaptation of 1984 that will be released in the fall and frustratingly it seems that the producers have completely neglected an American release. Negotiate for Lucasfilms to handle North American distribution, and Japan through Sunrise. Rolled:D100 => 91

The 1984 film was going to be given the Lucasfilms Treatment.

(Continued in 1984)

-[X]Mary is Having a Problem: Mary has a problem. "Daddy, I have a friend who is sad, and i don't know how to help her?" DC: ??? Rolled:D100 => 29

When Mary said those words, you wondered just what she was talking about. "What do you mean Mary?"

"She's sad because some of her friends have stopped playing with her, because they say she is icky and sick all the time."

You frowned. "Maybe they don't want to get sick."

"But she has allergies, everyone knows that, and she takes medicine for it, but she is still snotty and yucky and gross, and I want to help her."

"Maybe you should ask the teachers to bring more tissues or other cleaning supplies so she can be comfortable?" You replied.

This felt odd.

When you learned that one of the mothers on the PTA have decided to wage holy War on certain… issues like a child being sick all the time, even though she was not, you decided to wage war yourself to help. By doing some PSA's about proper sanitation. And being capable.

It was going to be very… very… dififcult for anyone to claim you don't care about the health of your children.

And Marys' friend? She thanked you.

REawrd: you have waged war for some PSA's for Mary's school and beyond about proper sanitaiton.

-[X]A Little Help from Friends: So... Steve... Uh, George. What are you guys doing, and why are you all looking at me like that? DC: 30 Rolled:D100 => 1

The guys were all there, with several scripts… but they were not for you. They were just props.

"We wanted to get you something." George said as he handed over a card.

"Well that is not really a-"

Steve than shook his head. "Just read the damn card."

You looked at it. "Help for any film you want, without question?" You than looked at them. "What the hell does that mean-"

"It means, you are not going to be alone when handling the problems of production for the next film or two, why, because why not!" Steve siad. "You missed many months of Little George's life because of Conan, and we are going to make sure you never have to worry about that for awhile."

You smiled. "THank you, really but what about-"

George smiled. "I own this company remember? We'll make do."

You were going to say something about yourself, and Mike, and Marcia but…"

"You kids better be done in there." Mike Eisner bellowed. "I have a meeting with Mister Tolkien in an hour and it's very important."

Reward: All production rolls for the next two films? Autopass, and without anything going wrong.

-[X]The Family Time: You need a night out with the family dammit! No more drama, no more work, just you and Carrie and the Kids! Rolled:D100 => 75

You were sitting next to the kids as they slept in your arms. The day swimming and otherwise playing in the pool had come to an end.

While it was a day that was lazy in many ways, you were tired and hungry from all the swimming and keeping the games going on.

But it was a wonderful day… hopefully without any problem with production.
Oh wait if kojima is in our company won't he try to make his films because he wanted to be a film maker but couldn't so became a game designer instead also holy shit that autopass really work

We got just in the nick of time, and we managed to ace everything we wanted! Gamera is going to trounce Godzilla, and Across America in 90 Days is going to get the Tarantino treatment! IT's going to be great!

As for the Super Sentai... If I can suggest something here, I think we should start delivering in 1987 the Sentai shows that we won't be adapting into the Power Rangers, and then in 1992, we can go with the latter idea, introducing the new and Proper American show.

Also...damn, we could have also tried to distribute Scum as well! Better try that for the enxt turn.
Last edited:
Mr/miss RNG, what do you have against batman, and what do we have to sacrifice to appease you?
Hot damn, we really saved Bruce from going through his own personal hell and everything collapsing with all of this poor rolls. With this and Conan it seems like Bruce may have picked up some sort of movie curse. Makes me hope we can do the Greatest Worst Show in the near future for Bruce to really air out his frustrations.

-[X]The Joker: Who will be your Joker? Everyone else has come back, or rather, will come back, given the contracts they have. But you want to make sure the clown prince of Crime gets his moment, even if he will not be the focus of the film.
--[X] Robin Williams Rolled:D100 => 5

Robin was actually quite frightened playing the clown prince of Crime, that was something he always wanted to do, ever since you started playing Batman and Christopher playing Superman. He wanted to be the villain of color and chaos, that made things so wonderful that it made him smile.

But then you realized that the script wanted it to be far darker than the Romero take and even in certain comic cases… This Joker was evil incarnate, an agent of chaos that was not just funny, or wacky. He was legitimately demented and insane, dangerous to everyone around him, and obsessed with Batman, making him break his one rule.

It was, also… as you realized very hard. Robin wanted to turn himself into a character of spontaneity and chaos… but it also was very difficult mentally.

You were honestly afraid for him when he locked himself into a room and practiced laughing for two days straight. It terrified everyone. Most importantly you.

But he than came out with, a catharsis of sorts. He just looked at you and smiled. "Don't let me… be any more crazy stuff I've heard some people want me to do… Okay?"

You obligated, and you promised that, Christopher was potentially going to show up to help keep him grounded.

Though he was more hoping that you would keep him grounded. Because you think that trying to get into the Jokers mind… terrified him in a way that Robin never wanted to go to again.

Reward: Robin had a moment where he was about to fall very far. But than he came back, and hoped that you could make sure things don't get too… crazy.

OOF. Yeah, this was part of the reason I was against Robin being the Joker initially, because the movie explicitly made it so that this was Ledger's Joker and that role was absolute hell. Really happy for the autopass as poor Robin would have suffered too much.

I'm guessing that Robin's Joker here is something of a middle ground between Nicholson and Ledger?

-[X]Detective on Set: So you have a vision of an investigation, and you will make a note of it. DC: 30 Rolled:D100 => 8

The idea of the investigation was rather simple in the end. Batman being the greatest detective, was always going to make things interesting.

It was simple. Batman hunting the joker, who was making it all like a carneval game for Batman to find. With not only wacky and dangerous pranks that fightened rather than hurt…

But truely demented death traps and situations where The Dark Knight would have to choose, but being batman was always prepared to save the innocent and battle evil.

It was actually something that made everyone surprised. They thought you would try to make it a chase, a never ending roller coster. But you wanted it to be a slow burn. The perfect detective story.

Reward: You have your mystery and your detective traps.

This actually seems better to me than OTL's Dark Knight in that it establishes a true cat and mouse game between Batman and Joker with Batman putting in the effort to catch Joker through investigations instead of just stumbling through confrontations. Also a nice evolution of what happened with the last film.

-[X]Preparing for the Fights: You have planned three different fight scenes, a beginning, a middle, and final battle. You think it would be best to get everyone involved. DC: 30 Rolled:D100 => 2

The first fight scene was all about showing you, as Batman being able to be a ninja, as well as a great combatant. Busting through the skylights, throwing smoke, and otherwise being a force of nature that is taking out the scum and villiany.

The Second fight was between Tom, jodie and the Jokers forces, their time to shine as they bust their way through and fight their way to beat the joker. A stunning display of teamwork and gadgets to show their differences and maybe a bit of their… less than polished fighting the Clown prince of crime.

The Third fight was everyone all together.

And you think that you can come up with something even better than before.

Reward: You have your fights. And you think that will be enough.

Nice to see we gave Robin and Batgirl plenty of love. You know, considering that we're showing the Joker in such a big way here and Jodie's Batgirl has been a constant in the films, I think there's a very real chance that we butterflied The Killing Joke.

-[X]Mary is Having a Problem: Mary has a problem. "Daddy, I have a friend who is sad, and i don't know how to help her?" DC: ??? Rolled:D100 => 29

When Mary said those words, you wondered just what she was talking about. "What do you mean Mary?"

"She's sad because some of her friends have stopped playing with her, because they say she is icky and sick all the time."

You frowned. "Maybe they don't want to get sick."

"But she has allergies, everyone knows that, and she takes medicine for it, but she is still snotty and yucky and gross, and I want to help her."

"Maybe you should ask the teachers to bring more tissues or other cleaning supplies so she can be comfortable?" You replied.

This felt odd.

When you learned that one of the mothers on the PTA have decided to wage holy War on certain… issues like a child being sick all the time, even though she was not, you decided to wage war yourself to help. By doing some PSA's about proper sanitation. And being capable.

It was going to be very… very… dififcult for anyone to claim you don't care about the health of your children.

And Marys' friend? She thanked you.

REawrd: you have waged war for some PSA's for Mary's school and beyond about proper sanitaiton.

Huh, wonder what allergy issues that kid was specifically suffering with. Well, glad the autopass helped Mary to be a good friend. That girl is going to be the most popular kid of her school.