Lights... Camera... ACTION!!: A Hollywood Quest

Competent Consequences: Turn 13 (May 1972)
You looked at the long list of the report and let out a sigh, before realizing the door to your apartment was open, and you saw your sister waiting for you there. "Hey, Kid." She said as you rubbed your eyes and realized she was there.

"Yah!" You shouted as you jumped in surprise. "What are you doing here Cat?" You raised your voice as you saw her husband and kids sitting on the couch, getting themselves ready to settle in for the day.

Then the suitcases showed up in your vision. "What happened?"

Cat looked away as her husband spoke. "She got fired. Someone heard about what you're doing to CBS and their bosses talked to other bosses… and you know Hollywood. It's a shit show.."

WHAT? "For what reason? Why?"

"Seems you pissed some people off," Cat stated as she sat down in the chair, as she revealed a bottle of whisky. "Checks aren't going in, and now my contract is void."

Jesus Christ. These Assholes were really starting to piss you off. "Is everything okay?"

"What about you kid?" Cat said as she looked at your hands. "We saw the paper, and mom freaked out when she read about you fighting 13 amateur boxing matches!" She pulled you close and just seemed to bore into your soul, yet you looked away. "What the hell is wrong with you? Do you have any idea how hurt you could have been? How it could have looked."

"I won every match in the first round." You said without hesitation. "Hardly touched me.

"Yeah, and then what? Going boxing to get over your anger, that won't help you, or anyone else?"

"It was a competition, it was all regulated." You said.

"That isn't the point?" Cat stated. "You wanted to be an actor, but you're throwing yourself at doing everything but what you want."

"Well, Hollywood has only shown me that it's a scummy place. Where people like me and you, with actual talent, can't make it anywhere! It's all about money and class and fame, that is as hollow as a five dollar bill." You complained. "I came to this town wanting to be somebody. To be something, to be better than dad and better than what everyone wanted."

You sat on the floor and looked down at the cold tile. "You can and you will." Cat replied as she hugged you.

Reward: Cat is now living with you.

Personal Actions:

Choose 4:

[]Going Professional: A Boxing promoter wants to sponsor make you go professional. Says he can make you a rich man. DC: 100/ 60

[]Action Directing: It seems the town has been talking about how much of a beast you are at just being a stunt person. In fact, they knew you were a student of Bruce Lee. And they think that means you know how to stage and block a fight? Maybe you can DC? ???

[]Cat Catastrophe: You and Cat are now living together. Perhaps you can help her get a new job as a director? DC:???

[] Do auditions(Movies and TV Shows): You are going to go to some of the casting calls that are in the place that you can find work in. DC: 20(Possibility of only getting a commercial or TV show job, or extra work in a low-budget film)

[]Modeling (High Fashion): So you got a call from a photographer in LA, some no name. But that no name works for Gucci. And he wants you on their next lineup of products. And he needs you to model for him. Which is great… one problem, you have no idea what the hell you are doing. DC: 60

[]Modeling (Advertisements): Thankfully another Call Came in, one from an ad firm. They need you to have some pictures taken so that they are used for saner things. Like selling cars, or ice cream. DC: 40

[]Workout: A Healthy Mind and a Healthy Body are Key to having a good life, and you have been slacking as of late. Time to hit the workout and discipline, and perhaps, see things differently. DC: 30 Reward: You work out and feel better.

[] Ask Clint if you can act in a movie of his: You know you hate yourself for doing this, but you are going to ask Clint for some help, see if he can give you a role. DC: 40 (Clint may be helping you, but not enough to give you a role in one of his films, or risk his reputation on getting you into a movie without some assurance.)

[] Gophering, and other signs of stuff: You want to try and learn how work behind the camera works, and what better way than being a gopher. DC: 50 (You have no idea what the hell they were doing, and you have no idea either)

[] Take a walk: Dad always said that the best ways to get inspiration are by walking, talking, and being open-minded. So you'll try that. DC: 10 (You are just going for a walk, what could be really said?)

[] Register in a theater: There are quite a few theater troops that are looking for some seasonal help for some play's that the regulars could not get to. Perhaps you can work there for a while. DC: 40 (Everyone wants to be famous here in Hollywood.)

[] Go to a bar or something to make jokes: You wanted to try some comedy, perhaps you can try. even with your shit timing. DC: 40 (Your Lack of comedy chops is going to be something that will bite you.)

[] Practice writing: You want to write something, maybe even a script. At least to learn the craft. DC: 20 (You try your hand at screenwriting, and maybe get something that is worth a damn.)

[] Research stuff, see if anything piques your interest: You may have graduated High School as a kid, but you never stopped trying to learn. DC: 15 (Write-in what you want to learn about below)

[] Talk to Clint: You want to ask Clint a few questions, like how he met your father? DC: 0 (You just ask Clint about ancient history)

[] Learn to play an instrument: You want to learn how to play something DC: 80 (You have no idea what the hell you are doing.)

[] Call your parents: You need to call mom and dad, and see how they are doing. DC: 10 (You call your parents and see what they are doing)

[]Networking: Well time to start finding out who might actually be interested in meeting you. (Write-in what you want to try and network with)

[]The Call of Creation: You want to create something of your own, a story, an idea that maybe, you can shop around to more talented people. DC: ???. Write in what you want to create. Reward: (Your write-in idea will be going through the creative process)

[]The Dating Scene: You want to meet someone, and perhaps, get a girlfriend. Maybe you can do that. DC: 15(You go on a blind date)

[]Alison Ashmore Again: Despite the date going through a... rough start, to say the least, you actually enjoyed your time with Alison. You have her number as well, maybe you could ask her out on a second date? DC: 15(You go on another date with Alison)

[]The Apartment Situation: You need to look at the people who are trying to rent the apartment. You will see how to do that. DC: 30
WE DIDN'T START THE FIRE: Turn 13 Results (May-June 1972)
-[]Lawyering up (Against CBS, with the Cast): You are going to get a lawyer, and then you are going to start litigation against CBS for their bullshit. What they did to you and everyone else was cruel, insane and abusive. Alan and company, save Mclean, who is still recovering at a psych ward, also want to raise hell to get what they want. Cost 10,000 DC:??? Rolled: D100 + 20 => 108

Burn it all down. That was what your father would have done. Burn it all down and leave nothing for the ashes. That was the business of revenge. Of a Blood feud for what they did to you.

But this, this was business. And you had a reputation to keep, if you even had one at all.

The Lawyers managed to have the entire company's balls in a vise. CBS, the board of directors and all their stooges turned on each other trying to save their own perfidious and self righteous asses as they realized the ship was going to sink and their own careers were going to be going down with it. So all they could do, besides try to make themselves look better for whatever new job that they might get…

Well, it was like your father always said, trying to rearrange the deck chairs on the Titanic.

It was like watching a car crash in slow motion, and there was so much going on that it was almost impossible to wrap your head around it. Like seriously? Not only had they been wrong… and they had done wrong, they had nearly killed you, and several others.

The families and the extras themselves brought stirring, downright electrifying and media grabbing headlines about the horror on the show, and that the actors, and you, in particular, was being called out as one of the few beacons of sanity, normality, and professionalism on a set going to hell, as the entire station, money men, and corporate suits just up and left all of you to make a show entirely with spit and duct tape. So much of the staff on those last days, those that stuck around after nearly being cooked and after everything was all but called off.

Then you told the court exactly what you wanted. "I just wanted to make a TV show."

Well there was a lot more. But to say that CBS has done fucked up was an understatement.

Stars on TV shows that were in production, established veterans sticking up to their beliefs for that Wunderkind that they heard about, let their voices be heard, as they showed support, all in their own… strange ways.

And the jury spoke, after less than a month.

CBS was guilty, and had to pay you royally in damages. Not only lost contract money. Not only in lawyer fees and all that other fun legal stuff.

But you had your pick. What do you choose?

[]10 million dollars: Your split of the loot, after your lawyers basically torched CBS to the ground for all sorts of stuff. Sure it wasn't the war chest, but that was because… well CBS was not going to survive this upheaval. Not in its current form.

[]Rights to a Show?: So, they hold the rights to characters, shows, and trademarks. And that is about to be given to you, as part of restitution for damages, for the MASH debacle. These rights are worth millions of dollars. Possibly even more. (a randomly rolled number of a list of CBS shows of this era will be rolled for and given to you. The rest will go back to their creators.)


[]Financing: CBS, in any form that it may take in the future, will have to legally finance a project for television in the future, be it a series, a miniseries, or a TV movie, without seeing a cent in royalty and restitution payments. They have to legally finance a project you are helming... and see not a cent in return. This offer will remain open, if taken, for the rest of your natural life.
- []Cat Catastrophe: You and Cat are now living together. Perhaps you can help her get a new job as a director? DC:??? Rolled: D100 => 22

Seems that this town wanted her out of it.

All you had to say to that was fuck them.

Failure: It seems your sister has been blacklisted, in all but name.


- []Action Directing: It seems the town has been talking about how much of a beast you are at just being a stunt person. In fact, they knew you were a student of Bruce Lee. And they think that means you know how to stage and block a fight? Maybe you can DC? ??? Rolled: D100 => 86+10=96

Turns out, in this town, people who know how to fight are a true dime a dozen. No one knew how to make it look good, no one knew how to pull punches.

Hell, no one really even knew how to fight at all. So you were surprised that, despite your reputation basically preceding you everywhere you go… you also saw lots of work and the type of work where you only have to work three days most of the time.

And Bruce was back in Hong Kong to shoot another movie. Meaning that the most famous trainer, and fight choreographer, in your mind at least, in Hollywood was out of the country.

Thankfully, it seems that your reputation as his student also seemed to carry some weight. And your time actually working with Bruce on fight scenes warranted all of it.

Several TV shows wanted, nay needed your expertise, and needed a stuntman who was good at taking punches.

And you did wonderfully. After only a few rehearsals, you told them all that the best way to do it, and they shot the scenes to perfection.

Turns out, you had quite the talent for directing the action.

Reward: +3 to directing skills.

You have gained a reputation for making a darn fine action scene when called upon.


- [] Call your parents: You need to call mom and dad, and see how they are doing. DC: 10 (You call your parents and see what they are doing) Rolled: D100 => 85

"Hello." the phone was answered and you heard your mother's voice.

"Hi, Mom." You said with a smile. "Sorry for not calling sooner?"

You heard a sob, and she yelled. "Get over here, it's Bruce!"

Your father's voice came in. "Bruce! How have you been, we saw the papers, all the news coming from Hollywood. Make a star of yourself yet?"

"No Dad. More like everything's all fucked up." You replied.

"Language bruce!" Your mother shouted.

"Oh come on, tell me about it." He said.

"Hollywood is trying to kill me, so I'm fighting back against it." You replied.

"Always like you to do that, kid." He replied. "Just to tell you though. You'll be fine. I promise."

"Why do you say that?"

"You haven't found the woman of your dreams yet, kid. Believe me, you might have decided to run away with her." He then chuckled. "Like I did with your mom."

"Haha, dad." You said.

"Just tell you this: Don't give up. We all believe in you kid."

Reward: Sometimes the best kind of support is just some simple words that one already knows.


- []Networking: Well time to start finding out who might actually be interested in meeting you. (Write-in what you want to try and network with)
--[]George Romero Rolled: D100 => 17

You had wanted to meet with a filmmaker, George Romero, but he was unfortunately too busy to really do anything. Even though you had sent a letter and everything, he did not get back. All you knew for certain, was that things were not looking well for the film he was working on.

Seems that he wanted to have creative control, and do what he wanted, and whoever was financing him wasn't going to have it.

You wished him luck, but something told you he didn't need it. Least, not yet anyway.



*Pokes head out of grave.*

Hi Magoose here one of the guys helping Duke.

So we have some bad news.

The quest has been canceled as duke does not want to write it anymore.

I'm going to ask if I can take over for it, because I like this quest, and it would be a shame to kill it
TBF, Mags, you have been doing a lot of the heavylifting for the quest, so this will be in good hands. :)

To be clear to everyone, this is just me burning out on imagination of the quest, since my muse has been hitting me over the head a lot with so many different ideas that I just can't find myself too interested in this.

I'll still hang out here, though, since this still does have a sepcial place in my heart.

I'd like to thank you all for making this a wonderful experience while it lasted.

I'd also like to thank @Magoose, @Fluffy_serpent, and @Martin Noctis for doing so much to help prepare and write this quest. I couldn't have done it without you all. :D

I'll see you all around.

With so many regards, Duke William Of.
Last edited:
It's Been a Long Long Time Turn 14 (June-July 1972)
You and Cat were looking at Job Postings and you realized something very weird and strange. "Um, Cat?"

"Yeah." She asked, trying her best to not sound concerned at your sudden question. "What is it?"

You were trying your best to remember the question, something about trying to find her a job, but you had to frame it in a way where you were not trying to give it. "What was the last thing you worked on? Project wise?"

She laughed. "Really, asking about work." She took a moment to take a breath. "Some commercial. Don't even know what it was for, but it was a shitty, no-budget project that I managed to squeeze blood from a stone on. The actors there were just people trying to make a quick buck because they didn't want to do this job, and had the day off from work. Or because they wanted the free fill of gas that the commercial offered." She let out a chuckle and you really took a moment to feel happy.

Then she turned to face you. "Okay Bruce, what's going on in that head of yours?"

"Nothing." You turned away.

"Oh come on kid, if you're worried about me, don't be, I still have a few friends that I can count on, and you do enough." She replied as she ruffled your hair. "I'll be okay."

She then stood up and walked over to her kid. "Thank you for caring Bruce."

She then looked at you again. "I'll make Breakfast." She said.

And you nodded and felt happy. At least she wasn't furious.

"Remember to meet with the Lawyers, they won't hold them off forever." Cat stated.

Choose 1:

[]10 million dollars: Your split of the loot, after your lawyers basically torched CBS to the ground for all sorts of stuff. Sure it wasn't the war chest, but that was because… well CBS was not going to survive this upheaval. Not in its current form.

[]Rights to a Show?: So, they hold the rights to characters, shows, and trademarks. And that is about to be given to you, as part of restitution for damages, for the MASH debacle. These rights are worth millions of dollars. Possibly even more. (a randomly rolled number of a list of CBS shows of this era will be rolled for and given to you. The rest will go back to their creators.)

[]Financing: CBS, in any form that it may take in the future, will have to legally finance a project for television in the future, be it a series, a miniseries, or a TV movie, without seeing a cent in royalty and restitution payments. They have to legally finance a project you are helming... and see not a cent in return. This offer will remain open, if taken, for the rest of your natural life.

Personal Actions:

Choose 5:

[]Going Professional: A Boxing promoter wants to sponsor make you go professional. Says he can make you a rich man. DC: 100/ 60

[]Action Directing: It seems the town has been talking about how much of a beast you are at just being a stunt person. In fact, they knew you were a student of Bruce Lee. And they think that means you know how to stage and block a fight? Maybe you can DC? ???

[]Cat Catastrophe: You and Cat are now living together. Perhaps you can help her get a new job as a director? DC:???

[] Do auditions(Movies and TV Shows): You are going to go to some of the casting calls that are in the place that you can find work in. DC: 20(Possibility of only getting a commercial or TV show job, or extra work in a low-budget film)

[]Modeling (High Fashion): So you got a call from a photographer in LA, some no name. But that no name works for Gucci. And he wants you on their next lineup of products. And he needs you to model for him. Which is great… one problem, you have no idea what the hell you are doing. DC: 60

[]Modeling (Advertisements): Thankfully another Call Came in, one from an ad firm. They need you to have some pictures taken so that they are used for saner things. Like selling cars, or ice cream. DC: 40

[]Workout: A Healthy Mind and a Healthy Body are Key to having a good life, and you have been slacking as of late. Time to hit the workout and discipline, and perhaps, see things differently. DC: 30 Reward: You work out and feel better.

[] Ask Clint if you can act in a movie of his: You know you hate yourself for doing this, but you are going to ask Clint for some help, see if he can give you a role. DC: 40 (Clint may be helping you, but not enough to give you a role in one of his films, or risk his reputation on getting you into a movie without some assurance.)

[] Gophering, and other signs of stuff: You want to try and learn how work behind the camera works, and what better way than being a gopher. DC: 50 (You have no idea what the hell they were doing, and you have no idea either)

[] Take a walk: Dad always said that the best ways to get inspiration are by walking, talking, and being open-minded. So you'll try that. DC: 10 (You are just going for a walk, what could be really said?)

[] Register in a theater: There are quite a few theater troops that are looking for some seasonal help for some play's that the regulars could not get to. Perhaps you can work there for a while. DC: 40 (Everyone wants to be famous here in Hollywood.)

[] Go to a bar or something to make jokes: You wanted to try some comedy, perhaps you can try. even with your shit timing. DC: 40 (Your Lack of comedy chops is going to be something that will bite you.)

[] Practice writing: You want to write something, maybe even a script. At least to learn the craft. DC: 20 (You try your hand at screenwriting, and maybe get something that is worth a damn.)

[] Research stuff, see if anything piques your interest: You may have graduated High School as a kid, but you never stopped trying to learn. DC: 15 (Write-in what you want to learn about below)

[] Talk to Clint: You want to ask Clint a few questions, like how he met your father? DC: 0 (You just ask Clint about ancient history)

[] Learn to play an instrument: You want to learn how to play something DC: 80 (You have no idea what the hell you are doing.)

[] Call your parents: You need to call mom and dad, and see how they are doing. DC: 10 (You call your parents and see what they are doing)

[]Networking: Well time to start finding out who might actually be interested in meeting you. (Write-in what you want to try and network with)

[]The Call of Creation: You want to create something of your own, a story, an idea that maybe, you can shop around to more talented people. DC: ???. Write in what you want to create. Reward: (Your write-in idea will be going through the creative process)

[]The Dating Scene: You want to meet someone, and perhaps, get a girlfriend. Maybe you can do that. DC: 15(You go on a blind date)

[]Alison Ashmore Again: Despite the date going through a... rough start, to say the least, you actually enjoyed your time with Alison. You have her number as well, maybe you could ask her out on a second date? DC: 15(You go on another date with Alison)

[]The Apartment Situation: You need to look at the people who are trying to rent the apartment. You will see how to do that. DC: 30

AN: WE HAVE ARRIVED. Though I am going
to be honest, hopefully, Everything will be as well as it was under @Duke William of care.

Plan format please!
But We Will See Eachother Again Turn 14 Results (June-July 1972)
-[x]10 million dollars: Your split of the loot, after your lawyers basically torched CBS to the ground for all sorts of stuff. Sure it wasn't the war chest, but that was because… well CBS was not going to survive this upheaval. Not in its current form.

Wow. Ten million Dollars.

You could retire on this. But you are young and hungry for more recognition.

Hopefully, this entire event won't wreck what career you may have in Hollywood.

But considering that CBS is collapsing, and doing everything to remain afloat. You're pretty sure it will be fine.

And the best part. They still are going to release MASH, and you're going to get paid for that too!

Reward: In September MASH will be released, and you will see just how it will be received both critically and commercially.

+10 million dollars to your assets.

Unknown Effect on your Reputation.

-[x]Going Professional: A Boxing promoter wants to sponsor make you go professional. Says he can make you a rich man. DC: 100/ 60 Rolled:D100 => 33

A Rich Man my ass. When he signed you, he said he would be able to set up fights immediately and get you into the ring as a title card so that the world would be seen by the world.

But instead, you were barely getting a match. Hell, he hadn't even gotten you a match, you were stuck with this scummy promoter that didn't know how to do his job. At least he wasn't trying to make you pay him right now, said he wanted to earn his paycheck.

But… But it has opened the door to opportunity.

If this idiot can actually get you a fight.

Reward: You are now, technically, a recognized professional boxer. Now if only you could get a boxing match to help you make that reputation a real one.

Even though there was nothing you wanted to do, then act. If boxing can make you look better than you will do it.

New Action available.

-[x]The Apartment Situation: You need to look at the people who are trying to rent the apartment. You will see how to do that. DC: 30 Rolled:D100 => 7

Well with all the things that happened, you really didn't have the time to just, try and help out.

Are you sure everything is fine…no. Hopefully, things will be okay for a little while.


-[x]Workout: A Healthy Mind and a Healthy Body are Key to having a good life, and you have been slacking as of late. Time to hit the workout and discipline, and perhaps, see things differently. DC: 30 Reward: You work out and feel better. Rolled:D100 => 99

Height Roll:D6 => 4

Damn you look good.

No seriously, you look really strong and solid.

And the final bit of your growth spurt finished up.

You are Tall!

Reward: Your Final Growth Spurt occurred.

You feel calmer and much happier.

You are now 6'1"

Athletic Trait will be upgraded again if you roll critically on the workout again.

You may need to change your diet because you are now growing incredibly hungry from all the work you put in.

-[x] Call your parents: You need to call mom and dad and see how they are doing. DC: 10 (You call your parents and see what they are doing) Rolled:D100 => 45

You smiled as the phone cord moved around. "Did you see the picture!" You asked as you danced around. "Look how tall I'm in it."

Mom laughed as she moved the receiver. "Wow, you look so much like your father."

There was a small pause before your father took the phone and said. "Gonna need to get that suit fixed, otherwise you're going to look stupid."

"Dad!" You protested. "I've been busy."

"That is no excuse for not looking good." He replied.

"You don't know that?" You asked.

Then Cat said. "You do need new clothes."

"Not you too." You replied.

There was laughter from the other line. "Well, we'll let you get back to it."

There was a sigh before the phone hung up.

You then turned to Cat. "I am not going to be suffering jokes because of you!" You proclaimed.

"Well, make me." She replied as she stuck her tongue out.

Reward: Sometimes family is all that is needed to be reminded about.

Also, maybe you need new clothes. Maybe.

-[x] Go to a bar or something to make jokes: You wanted to try some comedy, perhaps you can try. even with your shit timing. DC: 40 (Your Lack of comedy chops is going to be something that will bite you.) Rolled:D100 => 8

Well, you really had nothing, so you just…

Went to a bar, enjoyed the show, and just ate.


AN: Well you all deserve updates
With a Little Help From My Family Turn 15 (August 1972)
Your stomach was growling at you as you looked at Cat, who was slaving at the stove. "Cat, are you almost done, I'm starving."

There was a pause, as she did not answer. "Cat!" You groaned.

"Listen, if you wanna eat something I'm cooking, you are going to have to wait, I am not finished, and I'm not going to have you ruin it." She states, flipping the egg that she was frying.

"But you're living under my roof!" You shot back.

"And I can leave, leaving you to make dinner yourself." She replied.

There was a moment of silence as you looked at dinner. "But-"

"I made you six eggs." She replied. "Five pieces of bacon, and a few broccoli."

Your face morphed into a scowl. "Broccoli?!" You were horrified. "I hate broccoli!"

There was a pause, and you saw her face morph into a smile. "You're worse than my daughter."

"She's only a baby!" You replied.

You looked at your niece and saw her giggle madly in her high chair, getting ready to be served whatever the mush she was ready to eat.

"At least my daughter doesn't complain about the food she eats." Cat replied as she served the eggs on a plate, and then the bacon. "So please, eat, and stop complaining."

Personal Actions:

Choose 5:

[]Finding a Good Match: You want to see if you are in good enough shape to actually beat a professional boxer. It seems you have to do everything yourself now, because your promoter is an idiot. DC: 50/???

[]Action Directing: It seems the town has been talking about how much of a beast you are at just being a stunt person. In fact, they knew you were a student of Bruce Lee. And they think that means you know how to stage and block a fight? Maybe you can DC? ???

[]Cat Catastrophe: You and Cat are now living together. Perhaps you can help her get a new job as a director? DC:???

[] Do auditions(Movies and TV Shows): You are going to go to some of the casting calls that are in the place that you can find work in. DC: 20(Possibility of only getting a commercial or TV show job, or extra work in a low-budget film)

[]Modeling (High Fashion): So you got a call from a photographer in LA, some no name. But that no name works for Gucci. And he wants you on their next lineup of products. And he needs you to model for him. Which is great… one problem, you have no idea what the hell you are doing. DC: 60

[]Modeling (Advertisements): Thankfully another Call Came in, one from an ad firm. They need you to have some pictures taken so that they are used for saner things. Like selling cars, or ice cream. DC: 40

[]Workout: A Healthy Mind and a Healthy Body are Key to having a good life, and you have been slacking as of late. Time to hit the workout and discipline, and perhaps, see things differently. DC: 30 Reward: You work out and feel better.

[] Ask Clint if you can act in a movie of his: You know you hate yourself for doing this, but you are going to ask Clint for some help, see if he can give you a role. DC: 40 (Clint may be helping you, but not enough to give you a role in one of his films, or risk his reputation on getting you into a movie without some assurance.)

[] Gophering, and other signs of stuff: You want to try and learn how work behind the camera works, and what better way than being a gopher. DC: 50 (You have no idea what the hell they were doing, and you have no idea either)

[] Take a walk: Dad always said that the best ways to get inspiration are by walking, talking, and being open-minded. So you'll try that. DC: 10 (You are just going for a walk, what could be really said?)

[] Register in a theater: There are quite a few theater troops that are looking for some seasonal help for some play's that the regulars could not get to. Perhaps you can work there for a while. DC: 40 (Everyone wants to be famous here in Hollywood.)

[] Go to a bar or something to make jokes: You wanted to try some comedy, perhaps you can try. even with your shit timing. DC: 40 (Your Lack of comedy chops is going to be something that will bite you.)

[] Practice writing: You want to write something, maybe even a script. At least to learn the craft. DC: 20 (You try your hand at screenwriting, and maybe get something that is worth a damn.)

[] Research stuff, see if anything piques your interest: You may have graduated High School as a kid, but you never stopped trying to learn. DC: 15 (Write-in what you want to learn about below)

[] Talk to Clint: You want to ask Clint a few questions, like how he met your father? DC: 0 (You just ask Clint about ancient history)

[] Learn to play an instrument: You want to learn how to play something DC: 80 (You have no idea what the hell you are doing.)

[] Call your parents: You need to call mom and dad, and see how they are doing. DC: 10 (You call your parents and see what they are doing)

[]Networking: Well time to start finding out who might actually be interested in meeting you. (Write-in what you want to try and network with)

[]The Call of Creation: You want to create something of your own, a story, an idea that maybe, you can shop around to more talented people. DC: ???. Write in what you want to create. Reward: (Your write-in idea will be going through the creative process)

[]The Dating Scene: You want to meet someone, and perhaps, get a girlfriend. Maybe you can do that. DC: 15(You go on a blind date)

[]Alison Ashmore Again: Despite the date going through a... rough start, to say the least, you actually enjoyed your time with Alison. You have her number as well, maybe you could ask her out on a second date? DC: 15(You go on another date with Alison)

[]The Apartment Situation: You need to look at the people who are trying to rent the apartment. You will see how to do that. DC: 30

AN: Enjoy and plan format please.
Princesses, Coming and Going Turn 15 Results (August-September 1972)
-[X]Cat Catastrophe: You and Cat are now living together. Perhaps you can help her get a new job as a director? DC:??? Rolled:D100 => 1

You looked at Cat with surprise. "Cat, what are you doing?"

She was packing her things. "Going back home, Bruce." She replied as she looked at her things. "This town isn't big enough for someone like me and you. And I can't get a job here"

You scowled. "Don't say that crap Cat. I can-" You trailed off as you realized just what was going through her mind. "Oh."

You saw your niece cooing away. "I can't just mooch off you Bruce, and no matter your kindness, I have to do what is good for my family." She smiled as she walked over and hugged you. "Who knows? Maybe things will go better for me back home, or back in Ireland."

"You're going back to Ireland?" You asked.

"There's work there. And it's safe enough in Dublin." She replied.

"But why do you have to leave?" You asked.

"Because it's the only way my family can be okay." She stated as she let go.

You nodded. "Okay."

Critical Failure: Cat and her family are leaving back to New York, and most likely, back to Ireland.

-[X]Workout: A Healthy Mind and a Healthy Body are Key to having a good life, and you have been slacking as of late. Time to hit the workout and discipline, and perhaps, see things differently. DC: 30 Reward: You work out and feel better. Rolled: D100 => 95

All you could feel is your body screaming some days.

But it was all worth it. You were truly in the greatest shape in your life, and you were going to be keeping it for as long as you could.

Reward: Athletic trait upgrades to +30 to choreography and -30 to injury.

-[X]Finding a Good Match: You want to see if you are in good enough shape to actually beat a professional boxer. It seems you have to do everything yourself now, because your promoter is an idiot. DC: 50/??? Rolled: D100 => 17

How did this entire thing go to shit? You wanted to fight, but your promoter said straight up "You are too young to fight."

Too late, because you already signed the paperwork, and needed to have a match soon, otherwise you'd be relegated to amateur status. Or worse, be screwed out of your money if you fight because you would not be allowed to get an actual cut.

You basically berated him that you nearly died once on a set, being in a controlled fight was going to be a cakewalk for you. After all, beating the shit out of people was fun and could make you a lot of money.

Well, whooty do, he said no. He would find an opportunity later.

What an idiot.


-[X]The Dating Scene: You want to meet someone, and perhaps, get a girlfriend. Maybe you can do that. DC: 15(You go on a blind date) Rolled:D100 => 99

The redhead was looking at you with a funny look when you sat down and began to read.

To be fair, it started in the Library, so that was to be expected, but you were really into the whole thing.

But you looked at her as she gawked at you, and smiled. "Hi?"

She was quiet for a moment before she waved. "Hi." It was a timid wave, one that she was not really expecting, doing out of instinct. "What are you reading?"

"Classical stuff, Aurelius." You replied. "I always wondered just how much that things could be different if people took some of that stuff to heart." You then saw her small bundle of books. "What about you?" You asked, feeling curiosity in her gaze as you watched her twiddle around.

"Just schoolwork." She replied as she sighed before she looked at you. "Are you a solider?"

That surprised you, no one had ever mistaken you for a soldier before, not even on set, because of how you looked and acted.. "What makes you think that?"

"You're tall." She replied with a small whimper as you moved. "And look really strong."

You were not that big. But it was a good complement to have. "Thanks. But I'm not a soldier, but I have played one before."

That made her eyes widen. "Wait really, you're an actor!?"

"Trying to be at least, hard to get a good gig in this town with all the incompetent people that run this town." You snarked as you took a breath. "Sorry."

"Who did you work for?" She asked.


Then her eyes widened. "Wow… Really got screwed over there didn't you." she replied without a hint of irony.

Then there was a laugh. "My name is Carrie!" She offered her hand and held her books under her arm. "Carrie Fisher."

"Bruce." You replied and took her hand.

Perhaps you had undeniable chemistry, perhaps it was because she was funny.

Or perhaps you spent the next several hours talking about books and movies.

It was just fun. Pure and honest fun, to have someone who could match wits with you, and of course… was funny.

Reward: You have Met Carrie Fisher. She likes you because you are smart, good-looking, and well… thinks that CBS is stupid.

You might like her because she is funny, quick-witted, and just… well she's like a princess from an old fairy tale or story.

New Action available.

-[X]The Apartment Situation: You need to look at the people who are trying to rent the apartment. You will see how to do that. DC: 30 Rolled:D100 => 31

So… as it turns out, the Apartment is just okay…

Like that is all. It isn't bad, or good, and it's not falling apart.

It's just… Okay.

That isn't good. You think.

Maybe you can figure out what the rest of the owners are doing. As you are living in it, and have not seen them in a bit.

Reward: The Apartment building is doing okay.

That worries you. New Action available.

AN: enjoy.
Last edited:
A MASHFUL Event Turn 16 (September 1972)
MASH Reception:

Audience: D100 => 88+20=108

To say that a show, never mind a comedy about the Korean war, coming out just as the War in Vietnam was seemingly at its end was not something the audience was really happy to see, especially with the released episodes.

And there was something else that got the attention. The acclaim from the Tv critics and even mainstream media was something they protested.

Most general audiences hated, that such a warped perception, even in a comedy show, was something that deserved praise. They saw it as a promotion of war, that it was fine, and a good time with a laugh... There were things they liked sure, the lack of a laugh track, every few episodes there was shelling and signs of conflict, and the surgical scenes were all insanely detailed and humorous.

But most general audiences found it different. Scary even, just with how seriously this comedy show took itself. And then they started to enjoy it after episode 10.

Veterans loved it, however, for the simple fact, it was a comedy that was good and really captured their own struggles.

But it was other things they disliked, the overexaggerated and petty commanding officer, Hawkeye's lack, or wish to carry around a firearm, in a warzone when it was his responsibility as the Officer of the Day, his crass almost misogynistic comments to Loretta's Character, despite the script showing his gradual change over the season.

They also disliked Wayne's character, on screen, there was clear hostility and malice towards your character Radar, which they found very uncomfortable. Sure he was funny, laid back, and had great chemistry with most actors on set, but they clearly saw the malice, and disdain for certain enlisted men who worked under them.

McLean Stevenson was a highlight, who steadily became worse after the strong first episodes, before disappearing from the show.

Then there was you.

A few fans, yes fans, sent words of encouragement because they said officers had been fragged for less. Especially when it got out that you were the same age as the kids in Vietnam. Because after they saw you on screen, there was a call from the draft board that thought you had served in the army under a different name. Sure you may not have served, but you convinced a majority of people watching that you had experience.

But... Well, it was one of the most watched shows in America halfway through the season, Every episode felt like an event, and even when CBS begins to slide down...

This Show may have just saved their entire company and made them enough money to recoup the losses from lengthy litigation that saw them make you and most of the cast a millionaire.

Reward: You may have accidentally saved CBS... Despite their own failings because you somehow made a damn fine TV show.

Hopefully, this doesn't send the wrong message to the rest of Hollywood.

Also: Gain 50,000 Dollars.

Then you saw the Award nominations. And everyone at the company realized they had, perhaps not the most audience-friendly show... it was a prestigious one that could make many a director work with them.

Every single category had a MASH Episode or actor, and actress being nominated.

You were too.

As a supporting actor in Episode 3.

Reward: You are nominated for an Emmy for Best Supporting Actor in a Comedy Series.

You looked at the newspaper and felt a great deal of anger.


You had some phone calls to make.

Reward: Gain 1 Actoin for the rest of the year, due to... anger at MASH's Success.

Personal Actions:

Choose 6:

[]The MASHTERFUL Reunion: They came crawling back, trying to get you on for a second season. You and everyone else. Lets see who has the Leverege now? DC: 0 (You can negotiate with them. Or you can write in no, and see how they react.)

[]Take Care of Yourself: You don't have anyone to really take care of you. that means you need to take care of yourself. DC 0

[]A Date with Carrie: Carrie wants to go on a date with you. You will oblige. DC: 25

[]Helping Carrie: Carrie has come to you asking for help. Trying to help her kick her Drug Habit. DC 20/50/70
[]Your Birthday: You haven't celebrated your Birthday in two years. Time to enjoy it. DC: ???

[]Apartment Blues: You take a look at the apartment, and realized something. Something is wrong, and you are going to fix it. DC: 40

[]Finding a Good Match: You want to see if you are in good enough shape to actually beat a professional boxer. It seems you have to do everything yourself now, because your promoter is an idiot. DC: 50/???

[]Action Directing: It seems the town has been talking about how much of a beast you are at just being a stunt person. In fact, they knew you were a student of Bruce Lee. And they think that means you know how to stage and block a fight? Maybe you can DC? ???
[] Do auditions(Movies and TV Shows): You are going to go to some of the casting calls that are in the place that you can find work in. DC: 20(Possibility of only getting a commercial or TV show job, or extra work in a low-budget film)

[]Modeling (High Fashion): So you got a call from a photographer in LA, some no name. But that no name works for Gucci. And he wants you on their next lineup of products. And he needs you to model for him. Which is great… one problem, you have no idea what the hell you are doing. DC: 60

[]Modeling (Advertisements): Thankfully another Call Came in, one from an ad firm. They need you to have some pictures taken so that they are used for saner things. Like selling cars, or ice cream. DC: 40

[]Workout: A Healthy Mind and a Healthy Body are Key to having a good life, and you have been slacking as of late. Time to hit the workout and discipline, and perhaps, see things differently. DC: 30 Reward: You work out and feel better.

[] Ask Clint if you can act in a movie of his: You know you hate yourself for doing this, but you are going to ask Clint for some help, see if he can give you a role. DC: 40 (Clint may be helping you, but not enough to give you a role in one of his films, or risk his reputation on getting you into a movie without some assurance.)

[] Gophering, and other signs of stuff: You want to try and learn how work behind the camera works, and what better way than being a gopher. DC: 50 (You have no idea what the hell they were doing, and you have no idea either)

[] Take a walk: Dad always said that the best ways to get inspiration are by walking, talking, and being open-minded. So you'll try that. DC: 10 (You are just going for a walk, what could be really said?)

[] Register in a theater: There are quite a few theater troops that are looking for some seasonal help for some play's that the regulars could not get to. Perhaps you can work there for a while. DC: 40 (Everyone wants to be famous here in Hollywood.)

[] Go to a bar or something to make jokes: You wanted to try some comedy, perhaps you can try. even with your shit timing. DC: 40 (Your Lack of comedy chops is going to be something that will bite you.)

[] Practice writing: You want to write something, maybe even a script. At least to learn the craft. DC: 20 (You try your hand at screenwriting, and maybe get something that is worth a damn.)

[] Research stuff, see if anything piques your interest: You may have graduated High School as a kid, but you never stopped trying to learn. DC: 15 (Write-in what you want to learn about below)

[] Talk to Clint: You want to ask Clint a few questions, like how he met your father? DC: 0 (You just ask Clint about ancient history)

[] Learn to play an instrument: You want to learn how to play something DC: 80 (You have no idea what the hell you are doing.)

[] Call your parents: You need to call mom and dad, and see how they are doing. DC: 10 (You call your parents and see what they are doing)

[]Networking: Well time to start finding out who might actually be interested in meeting you. (Write-in what you want to try and network with)

[]The Call of Creation: You want to create something of your own, a story, an idea that maybe, you can shop around to more talented people. DC: ???. Write in what you want to create. Reward: (Your write-in idea will be going through the creative process)

AN: Enjoy... and vote in plan format.
A Sudden Turn of Events Turn 16 Results (September-October 1972)
-[X]The MASHTERFUL Reunion: They came crawling back, trying to get you on for a second season. You and everyone else. Lets see who has the Leverege now? DC: 0 (You can negotiate with them. Or you can write in no, and see how they react.)
--[X] Team up with the other actors that hasn't abandoned the ship during the entire run to decide whether or not we should actually continue the series together, or tell the CBS to shove it where they won't see the end of day. (If we do not get convinced, we're not joining for a second season). If the cast is in majority agreement and we're in tell CBS you will entertain this as possibility only if they sign on a much better contract regarding working conditions and money. Cooperate with the Screen Actor's Guild to help secure the deal for yourself and also hopefully make sure CBS doesn't slack on its other properties.

Rolled:D100 => 13

Cast Roll:D100 => 84

The Guild Involvement:D100 => 80

CBS Backlash Acceptance:D100 => 34

You did not want to be here. That was something that most of the other cast members and creative minds of the show did not share. It seems after the suit that came to nearly destroying CBS, which only lead to MASH swooping in and saving the entire company like Batman in a comic book…

But you digress. Nothing made you happy to be here, except for the simple fact that Mclean was happy, and seemingly over his long stay at an Asylum.

The producers and executives of CBS… were not so happy to see you.

At all. "We can't have this meeting with him." One spoke before you sighed.

Alan however spoke up, before there could be anything from you. "Except that we are here because we are all acting together." He replied. "That includes Bruce."

Even Wayne, who did not like you, was standing beside you, and he was very happy to see you look uncomfortable. Yet in the end, it was very clear that he was just as unhappy as you were.

Most of everyone else on the cast had made things abundantly clear that they were not going to leave, and if you weren't there, none of them would remain. "So… you wish to make another season?"

"Two." The suit said quickly. "Without him." He pointed to you. "Bruce O'Brian is someone we will never work with again, and hopefully never finds himself working in the business of television again."

That was where Loretta and Alan Laughed. "Oh god, you really don't understand the situation, do you?"

Alan was laughing nearly hysterically now. "He's part of this now. And Bruce, for all of his possible misgivings-" You raised your eyebrows as that before you realized he was setting them up for a very hook. "Is a member of this crew, dare I say, one of the more important ones. And in my opinion, one of its best."

Even Wayne was surprised at Alan's, either humility or just plain old batsmanship… but he was right. In your mind at least.

"Now, since you, assholes did everything you could to kill this show, and it became a success despite it… you really want to piss us off, and throw our friend under the bus?"

At that, they lost. They knew they lost, and all they could do was accept that.

(Continued at the end of the Update.)

-[X]A Date with Carrie: Carrie wants to go on a date with you. You will oblige. DC: 25
--[X] She wants to be an actress, you're a theatre school kid. Take her to go see a proper Shakespearean play! Then after take her to a nice Chinese restaurant, wow her with your ability to speak multiple languages. It pays to show off sometimes. Rolled: D100 => 81+20=101

You took her to your favorite play of Shakespeare. And no, it was not Hamlet, it was Henry the V. You loved the story of Henry the King of England because he was a young man, perhaps not thrust into the position where he grew up and became a better man.

That was of course, step one. It was almost impossible to screw up. Even with the acting actually being absolute dog shit.

The Chinese restaurant was actually on the side of the town you would get a lot more if you didn't have so much money.

However, it was a place that Bruce liked, and you could get away with speaking a bit of Cantonese.

The chef there was from Hong Kong, and he loved watching Fist of Fury.

And you impressed Carrie by speaking the same language as the chef, who treated you like one of the family. and ordering a dish you fell in love with while in Hong Kong.

It was a simple noodle dish, but instead of pork, it was chicken, mixed with egg and rice.

By the end of the date, it really just ended with you both spending time in your apartment. You didn't really do anything serious, but cuddle.

You didn't even kiss you when she moved forward with it, giving you the silent nod to do so, because you knew it wasn't the right moment.

You didn't want to be the one who initiated it, because you feared you would be taking advantage of her.

If anything, that made her realize what a good friend you were.

Reward: You had an extremely successful date with Carrie, and you have proven yourself not only a gentleman… but a very good man that she could only have dreamed of.

You have made an impression that would take something horrible to break.

-[X]Helping Carrie: Carrie has come to you asking for help. Trying to help her kick her Drug Habit. DC 20/50/70
-- [X] Be there with her for support as addiction can be a lonely and isolating experience. Let Carrie know that you are there for them and that you support her in their efforts to overcome her addiction. Offer to accompany her to appointments, support groups, or other recovery-related activities Rolled Autopass!

It started with just walking her to the doctor on a fateful day. It was when she finally wanted to try and get help. It was almost impossible to get her to stop being afraid, yet instead, it was easy.

You were there after all.

"It's going to be okay." You said to her. It was almost impossible to realize that. "You can get through this."

It may have not been something you were really able to do… properly. But you could be here.

After the first visit, there was a sense of ease that Carrie had. She was almost certainly feeling calmer, but that was when she was with you.

You realized that she had been… trying to stop. There was a sense of ease when you were there.

Yet every meeting with the doctor, or the meeting, you said the same thing. "It's going to be okay. You can get through this."

It was those same words that seemed to allow you to see just how well she could be.

You saw her go from being afraid.

To be happy.

It was not always going to be the end. You knew the struggle was there.

But you knew, as long as she had help, or she had faith in herself… There was going to be light at the end of the dark tunnel.

But the best thing you saw, at least for Carrie… Was Debbie walking to you one day, and merely saying. "Thank you for helping me see the pain my daughter is in."

You didn't know what prompted it. But you knew Debbie Reynolds was doing her best. Just as you were.

Reward: Carrie has begun the Long road to recovery from her addiction.

But you've built a wall of support for her, by being there. And it's helped Carrie immensely. Perhaps in ways you don't really understand.
-[X]Your Birthday: You haven't celebrated your Birthday in two years. Time to enjoy it. DC: ??? Rolled:D100 => 12

You don't really remember what happened last night.

Well, you knew something, but at least you weren't in jail. Homeless, or out of money.

You just got blackout Drunk going on a bender to celebrate your 18th birthday.

Reward: You got drunk for the first time, and… thankfully, nothing bad happened to you. Though you have no idea how you managed to get from the bar, to your apartment, and not leave a huge mess everywhere.

You are now 18 years old, and can now vote in the next state and federal election.

-[X] Talk to Clint: You want to ask Clint a few questions, like how he met your father? DC: 0 (You just ask Clint about ancient history) Rolled:D100 => 29

You and Clint sat down across from each other, and you were trying to get the best question to ask. "Clint… How did you meet my dad?"

That caused Clint to laugh. "Ancient history? You wanna learn about that time when you were not even a thought?" There was joy in his tone, and old times glinting in his mind. "We met on the set of Rawhide, and that's about it. He was an extra. Sometimes he got a line or two but never had that much ambition."

"Really? Dad not having ambition doesn't seem like dad?"

"Well, that was before he met your mother." He replied. "She brought out the best in him. Always had. Even more than the directors and the cameramen." He then laughed. "Come on, why you ask?"

"Dad never liked talking about the past." You replied.

"Because he gave up his chance for glory to be with your mother." He replied. "I think he made a good trade."

You nodded. "I think he did."

Reward: You and Clint talk about the past.

He might be ready to have a future part for you.
-[X] Call your parents: You need to call mom and dad, and see how they are doing. DC: 10 (You call your parents and see what they are doing) Rolled:D100 => 8

A Letter came from Dad, that only read:

"Gone to Ireland. Helping Cat."​

Failure: They will be out of the country for the next two turns.

The MASH Negotiations!:

What do you want to do for MASH:
[]Remain on the Show: You will remain on the Show… But you are sure that there will be some changes.
[]Leave: You want CBS to go fuck themselves.

If you remain on the show, what do you want in terms of payment, as safety and job site ability have already been placed as negotiations?

What do you want?: (A Reminder, you are being payed minimum wage per episode, and only make 2% residual)
[]Write in for contract negotiations. (Either Payment, residuals, or something that you can extract from CBS, like award bonuses, or something else)

AN: enjoy.
A Near Tragic Turn Turn 17 (November 1972)
[X]Remain on the Show: You will remain on the Show… But you are sure that there will be some changes.
[X]Write in for contract negotiations. Double the SAG minimum wage. 5% of the Residuals. Each cast member who gets nominated for a award in relation to the show gets a $500 bonus. Each cast member who wins a award in relation to the show gets $2,000. If the show as a whole gets an award for best series, television overall or a specific genre, each major and supporting cast member gets a $750 bonus. Award bonuses can be subject to renegotiation every two seasons.

CBS Pushback:D100 => 8

The CBS Suits are not going to be pushing back. They know when they've been beaten.

Reward For MASH: Starting in December, you will be beginning production. You must dedicate three months for the Production to be in all the episodes.

Your contract states you will be in all episodes. So you must be setting aside three months for production before September.

You took a breath until you heard the phone ring. The night was still very young, and you realized that something felt very very wrong, because only three people knew your number, and knew when you were here, calling at this time.

You answered the phone and asked. "Hello, this is Bruce?"

On the other line, was a frantic and frightened Debbie Reynolds. "Bruce! Where is Carrie, is she with you?!"

Your mind raced as you asked, "Why, where is she?"

"She didn't come home today, I thought she was with you." She replied.

Then you immediately got out of bed and got dressed. "Where do you think she could go?"

Carrie's Note:D100 => 6

There was a knock at the door. And you heard it unlock and then you saw Carrie standing there. "You left a key." She stated as she shut the door.

You then nearly dropped the phone, and you looked at your girlfriend. You then saw a letter in her hand. "Carrie?"

"CARRIE!" Debbie called over the phone. "Please let me talk to you, Honey! I-"

"Can we talk alone for a moment?" She asked, whimpering. "I'll talk to mom in just a minute."

A moment passed, and you honored her request. "Debbie, she safe at my place… Just give us a few minutes. We'll be here when you come."

You hung up the phone, and you looked at Carrie and the letter.

A Tear-stained, hastily written letter.

You didn't need to read it to know what it was.

"I already signed the papers dropping out of high school." She stated. "I just, couldn't think of the best time, without making things harder for my mom."

"Carrie!" You raised your voice in surprise. "Why?"

"BECAUSE I'M SICK OF BEING A BURDEN!" She shouted back, with tears streaming down her face. "I'm sick of always being an accessory of my mother, of my father, and everyone else!"

"I just want my mom to be happy. I want Todd to be happy."

And she collapsed into your arms. "I just want to be happy."

You held her close. "It's going to be okay." You then allowed her to cry into you.

"I just want to be me, Carrie. I just want to be the shining star everyone thinks I am."

And she cried for so long, you didn't even know it was morning.

Debbie looked at you before she tucked Carrie into your bed. "Thank you, Bruce." She stated. "I thought-"

"Mrs. Reynolds." You raised a hand and walked over to her. "I just wanted to help my friend. I truly thought it was my…"

"Don't." She replied as she gave you a slight hug. "You've been the best thing that has happened to this family for years."

She let go and you both walked towards the dining room, and she sat, while you remained standing. "Coffee?" You asked.

"No. I'm fine." She replied. "I've been such a fool. Trying to help her. Trying to be there for her. And I couldn't be there for her when it mattered most. When she needed me the most."

You held her hand. "I don't really know what to say for that… But I'm glad she came here… than us finding her somewhere else. Somewhere worse." You replied.

She stopped and shook her head. "I can start by asking for your help." She stated.

"I hope you realize I can't do too much." You replied.

"Oh, you'll know when. You'll see it." She replied. "I need to get back to work soon, and frankly, I need help with caring for Todd and Carrie."

"Carrie wants to be with you." You stated bluntly. "She just thought she was a burden." You frowned as you took a breath again. "But I don't see that."

There was a moment of silence, ominous silence before Debbie stood up. "Can I ask Carrie to stay here with you for a few days?"

You nodded. "She can stay for as long as she needs."

Debbie nodded. "Todd might be coming soon as well."

"As long as you need Debbie." You replied.

It was a long night.

But the Lord gave you strength.

Personal Actions:

Choose 6:

[]Pray: It had been a long time since you went to Mass. You wish for the Lord to give you strength. DC: ???

[]Debbies Divorce Drama: Debbie needs some help keeping things civil. Seems that her Husband is doing anything but. DC: 40/50/55

[]The Tood Troubles: So… Todd stole one of your Camera… and he's trying to make something with it? What the hell is he even doing? DC: ???

[]The Three Amigos: You, Robin and John are going to have some fun times. Maybe that will make things easier for your mind. DC: 10/20/???

[]Helping Around the Building: You are going to make this apartment building the envy of LA. DC: 25/45/65/90

[]Helping Carrie: Carrie is here and needs help. You are going to give it to her. DC ???

[]Finding a Good Match: You want to see if you are in good enough shape to actually beat a professional boxer. It seems you have to do everything yourself now, because your promoter is an idiot. DC: 50/???

[]Action Directing: It seems the town has been talking about how much of a beast you are at just being a stunt person. In fact, they knew you were a student of Bruce Lee. And they think that means you know how to stage and block a fight? Maybe you can DC? ???

[] Do auditions(Movies and TV Shows): You are going to go to some of the casting calls that are in the place where you can find work in. DC: 20(Possibility of only getting a commercial or TV show job, or extra work in a low-budget film)

[]Modeling (High Fashion): So you got a call from a photographer in LA, some no name. But that no name works for Gucci. And he wants you on their next lineup of products. And he needs you to model for him. Which is great… one problem, you have no idea what the hell you are doing. DC: 60

[]Modeling (Advertisements): Thankfully another Call Came in, one from an ad firm. They need you to have some pictures taken so that they are used for saner things. Like selling cars, or ice cream. DC: 40

[]Workout: A Healthy Mind and a Healthy Body are Key to having a good life, and you have been slacking as of late. Time to hit the workout and discipline, and perhaps, see things differently. DC: 30 Reward: You work out and feel better.

[] Ask Clint if you can act in a movie of his: You know you hate yourself for doing this, but you are going to ask Clint for some help, see if he can give you a role. DC: 40 (Clint may be helping you, but not enough to give you a role in one of his films, or risk his reputation on getting you into a movie without some assurance.)

[] Gophering, and other signs of stuff: You want to try and learn how work behind the camera works, and what better way than being a gopher. DC: 50 (You have no idea what the hell they were doing, and you have no idea either)

[] Take a walk: Dad always said that the best ways to get inspiration are by walking, talking, and being open-minded. So you'll try that. DC: 10 (You are just going for a walk, what could be really said?)

[] Register in a theater: There are quite a few theater troops that are looking for some seasonal help for some play's that the regulars could not get to. Perhaps you can work there for a while. DC: 40 (Everyone wants to be famous here in Hollywood.)

[] Go to a bar or something to make jokes: You wanted to try some comedy, perhaps you can try. even with your shit timing. DC: 40 (Your Lack of comedy chops is going to be something that will bite you.)

[] Practice writing: You want to write something, maybe even a script. At least to learn the craft. DC: 20 (You try your hand at screenwriting, and maybe get something that is worth a damn.)

[] Research stuff, see if anything piques your interest: You may have graduated High School as a kid, but you never stopped trying to learn. DC: 15 (Write-in what you want to learn about below)

[] Talk to Clint: You want to ask Clint a few questions, like how he met your father? DC: 0 (You just ask Clint about ancient history)

[] Learn to play an instrument: You want to learn how to play something DC: 80 (You have no idea what the hell you are doing.)

[] Call your parents: You need to call mom and dad, and see how they are doing. DC: 10 (You call your parents and see what they are doing)

[]Networking: Well time to start finding out who might actually be interested in meeting you. (Write-in what you want to try and network with)

[]The Call of Creation: You want to create something of your own, a story, an idea that maybe, you can shop around to more talented people. DC: ???. Write in what you want to create. Reward: (Your write-in idea will be going through the creative process)

AN: Enjoy and please vote in Plan format, please.
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