What does Bruce think of Bush Magoose? I do find it kind of funny that Bruce has a movie George and Mike and a political George and Mike now.
Lets see:
D100 => 50
D100 => 96
He doesn't like his movies, and considers them fleets of fancy from a director and actor who can even bring down his films, but loves his activism and politics.
He seems to hold it as a fact that Bruce O'Brian is one of the greatest Americans, and believes that, in any field, they should strive for that excellence.
and will like it.
Nice, the War on Drugs just becomes a War against creators and distribution with users instead being welcomed into the fold and rehabilitated. This is probably the best reason for Bruce becoming a Republican as this wouldn't have changed anything as a Democrat, and with Ronald and Nancy pushing rehabilitation and more lenient sentencing for users, it means that America's prisons get a whole lot lighter and there's a lot less recidivism. Narcotics won't be erased, but they'll definitely have a lot less power.
Basically, we have decided that rules are needed and those that take those drugs are not entierly at fault and need to be helped.
Though I should say this... drugs are most definatly bad, and people who do bad stuff to get it will be arrested.
But hey, maybe it will help people.
I guess the second dice was America being a firm Cold Warrior and less tolerance of authoritarianism?
it was actally the Party's choice of what to do.
9 was the lunar program...
5 was the fact that Ronnie Raygun will be focused on ending the Cold War.
Oh those poor janitors and street sweepers. Well it looks like the Grand Old Party is 100% united and eager to get that 50 state sweep and Reagan Revolution. At the same time, it's nice anti-drug propaganda to show how great of a time you can have without drugs, lol.
Yep... Though booze were involved.
Wait we own Shamrock Motors now? I don't remember that ever being a thing.
No it made Ireland a lot of money.
Steve who? Spielberg was never involved in Blues Brothers and I'm surprised she had time considering she was raising Mary and focused on babymaking during OTL's filming.
Steve was a cameo in the film... and it was just a one day cameo that they did in post production instead of her role as the assassin.
She was just a random person in a crowd looking for her husband.
Also when will the opportunity to film Kung Fu Kid come up?
Well if you want... next turn. But Batman is also needed to be filmed.
Bruce always needs a George and a Mike. I can see this becoming some kind of running gag for one of those animated comedy shows like Simpsons or Family Guy or something, where Bruce just designates someone as his George and his Mike.
Yep. I can see it.
Mike, the money guy powered by MONEY.
No, powered by making money.
George, the dreamer and tech Genius that pushes the world forward just because he can.
And Bruce is the Fighter, the Actor, the guy who makes things happen cause he can.
The Force of fucking nature yeah.
Cringe Twitter virgin: show me a trio more famous than these guys *Dream trio* i will wait forever.
Bruce, George, and Mike walks in: SUP