Lights... Camera... ACTION!!: A Hollywood Quest

Hi Magoose here one of the guys helping Duke.

So we have some bad news.

The quest has been canceled as duke does not want to write it anymore.

I'm going to ask if I can take over for it, because I like this quest, and it would be a shame to kill it
TBF, Mags, you have been doing a lot of the heavylifting for the quest, so this will be in good hands. :)

To be clear to everyone, this is just me burning out on imagination of the quest, since my muse has been hitting me over the head a lot with so many different ideas that I just can't find myself too interested in this.

I'll still hang out here, though, since this still does have a sepcial place in my heart.

I'd like to thank you all for making this a wonderful experience while it lasted.

I'd also like to thank @Magoose, @Fluffy_serpent, and @Martin Noctis for doing so much to help prepare and write this quest. I couldn't have done it without you all. :D

I'll see you all around.

With so many regards, Duke William Of.
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What does Bruce think of Bush Magoose? I do find it kind of funny that Bruce has a movie George and Mike and a political George and Mike now.
Lets see:

Movie: D100 => 50
D100 => 96
He doesn't like his movies, and considers them fleets of fancy from a director and actor who can even bring down his films, but loves his activism and politics.

He seems to hold it as a fact that Bruce O'Brian is one of the greatest Americans, and believes that, in any field, they should strive for that excellence.

and will like it.
Nice, the War on Drugs just becomes a War against creators and distribution with users instead being welcomed into the fold and rehabilitated. This is probably the best reason for Bruce becoming a Republican as this wouldn't have changed anything as a Democrat, and with Ronald and Nancy pushing rehabilitation and more lenient sentencing for users, it means that America's prisons get a whole lot lighter and there's a lot less recidivism. Narcotics won't be erased, but they'll definitely have a lot less power.
Basically, we have decided that rules are needed and those that take those drugs are not entierly at fault and need to be helped.

Though I should say this... drugs are most definatly bad, and people who do bad stuff to get it will be arrested.

But hey, maybe it will help people.
I guess the second dice was America being a firm Cold Warrior and less tolerance of authoritarianism?
it was actally the Party's choice of what to do.

9 was the lunar program...

5 was the fact that Ronnie Raygun will be focused on ending the Cold War.
Oh those poor janitors and street sweepers. Well it looks like the Grand Old Party is 100% united and eager to get that 50 state sweep and Reagan Revolution. At the same time, it's nice anti-drug propaganda to show how great of a time you can have without drugs, lol.
Yep... Though booze were involved.
Wait we own Shamrock Motors now? I don't remember that ever being a thing.
No it made Ireland a lot of money.
Steve who? Spielberg was never involved in Blues Brothers and I'm surprised she had time considering she was raising Mary and focused on babymaking during OTL's filming.
Steve was a cameo in the film... and it was just a one day cameo that they did in post production instead of her role as the assassin.

She was just a random person in a crowd looking for her husband.
Also when will the opportunity to film Kung Fu Kid come up?
Well if you want... next turn. But Batman is also needed to be filmed.
Bruce always needs a George and a Mike. I can see this becoming some kind of running gag for one of those animated comedy shows like Simpsons or Family Guy or something, where Bruce just designates someone as his George and his Mike.
Yep. I can see it.
Mike, the money guy powered by MONEY.
No, powered by making money.
George, the dreamer and tech Genius that pushes the world forward just because he can.
And Bruce is the Fighter, the Actor, the guy who makes things happen cause he can.
The Force of fucking nature yeah.

Cringe Twitter virgin: show me a trio more famous than these guys *Dream trio* i will wait forever.

Bruce, George, and Mike walks in: SUP
Look, I have here a wild idea that I know many will not want to hear, but I think we really should consider it. So please, keep your minds and ears open, and hear this message:

I think, we should let someone else, direct Kung Fu Kid.

There, I said it!
Well I do think that Alan would want Bruce to be the director again in... Batman
Im sad imagining what role bruce lee could have played in Star Wars
I'd have rather not think about that, I'd rather wonder what modern MMA would have looked like with him still around.

What it would have been like for him to be ringside as we fought Foster, Soria, Ali, watching his student prove the virtue of his art to the West.

What it would have been like for him to be a part of a production with Brandon.

What it would have been like for him to be in a production with Mifune, Eastwood, and Depp; a Samurai, a Cowboy, a Pirate, and Shaolin Monk walk into legend...
What it would have been like for him to be a part of a production with Brandon.
Here is something I will say, at least for this TL... Brandon wanted to become an Actor... and really become it, because his father wasn't there. If he was, he might have just focused entirely on his studies and maybe martial arts... because he didn't need to find an outlet where he needed to "get closer" to his dad.

Because his dad would have still been there.
What it would have been like for him to be in a production with Mifune, Eastwood, and Depp; a Samurai, a Cowboy, a Pirate, and Shaolin Monk walk into legend...
that would have been fun.
We interrupt this quest for a news bulletin and call to action.

do you like Napoleon? Do you want to change history?

Do you like the quests I did earlier about it.

A new QM has started a quest that I feel deserves attention.

The Young Eagle - A Napoleon Quest Mature - Alt. History - Historic

From the chaos of the French Revolution, an extraordinary figure rises from obscurity. You are Napoleon Bonaparte. Will you be the Revolution's savior, or the man who crushes it underfoot?

We will now return to our regurally scheduled magoose dice shinanigans.
Okay so as a reminder here's all the commitments and potential films that we have right now and their film windows
  • Batman Returns (Film August 1980-May 1981)
  • Star Wars: Return of the Jedi (Film January-May 1982)
  • The Kung Fu Kid (Film July 1980-December 1982)
  • Killer Queen (Film July 1980-June 1982)
  • Conan the Destroyer (Film 1980s)
  • Rocky III (Film March-July 1981)
  • Eastwood Western (Film 1980s)
Of the ones, we can delay Conan and it can be beneficial to show a passage of time and cover all of Conan's life with the trilogy. Kung Fu Kid we should film before Brandon turns 18. Killer Queen we made a promise to Debbie. Star Wars is pretty locked down. Batman has gotta be done sometime in the next year, and as for Rocky III that's mainly if we want to replace Clubber Lang or do some other spot. Clint can be pushed until we got our franchise requirements done.

As for the rest of the year, I want to do Kung Fu Kid but I'm seriously worried about Bruce's safety in Hong Kong when the Triads are still powerful, are liable to be paid by the CCP, and it's right on China's doorstep and is Chinese clay. Unless China gives up Hong Kong or we get CIA/MI5 protection then I would rather have Bruce producer and have John G. Avildsen direct since he did the Karate Kids. There's always the option of doing it in California, but it loses a lot of importance. Although for Kung Fu Kid II, if we keep it in Hong Kong I want to film the China setting in Taiwan for trolls and irony.

If we don't direct Kung Fu Kid then we do Batman and from there Killer Queen. I guess the important question for 1981 is do we accept Stallone's offer of taking part in Rocky and if so what role do we take?
  • Batman Returns (Film August 1980-May 1981)
  • Star Wars: Return of the Jedi (Film January-May 1982)
  • The Kung Fu Kid (Film July 1980-December 1982)
  • Killer Queen (Film July 1980-June 1982)
  • Conan the Destroyer (Film 1980s)
  • Rocky III (Film March-July 1981)
  • Eastwood Western (Film 1980s)
Can we still fit in Dune? I'm honestly tired of the constant delays that movie has.
Can we still fit in Dune? I'm honestly tired of the constant delays that movie has.

Yeah I want to do Dune as soon as possible. I was just focusing on films that Bruce will direct or star in. For Dune, it's kind of weird when you think about it that Francis was so gun go on making it to prove he's George's equal, then he wants to do an Irish fantasy film as prep, and then he stalls again and refuses to start production til 1982.
Yeah I was thinking maybe Bruce could film part 1 and Francis could do part 2. But now that I'm looking at your timeline I don't think that's possible. Maybe we can replace Batman with Dune and push Batman and all movies up the timeline but IDK.

Why do we have to film Dune? That's a Coppola project and Bruce already has a space opera with a desert planet in Star Wars. Just let Coppola film Dune.

I guess I'm open to flying to Hong Kong to do Kung Fu Kid but we need to know if we'll get protection and what kind of repercussions China is getting to know if they're still gonna play stupid games.
Why do we have to film Dune? That's a Coppola project and Bruce already has a space opera with a desert planet in Star Wars. Just let Coppola film Dune.
This film is being delayed and delayed due to Francis not feeling it , while were sitting on our hands on an IP that could make hundreds of millions. How long do we have this IP? If I were Frank Herbert I would be pissed because we've done nothing with his franchise for years and now Francis has again said that he wouldn't do it untill '82. I just want to make something with the IP. I feel were playing pokemon with IP's and then not using them.
For the non-staters in the audience, what does this mean in practice?
In the US party delegates vote for their party nominee to run in the election as president and vice-president. Reagan was garunteed to become president in '80 but the question was who was going to be his vice-president. OTL and ITL (I think) Reagan flat out told delegates to vote for H.W Bush and OTL he won 99% of the Vice-president vote but ITL due to Bruce voting Kemp there was a surge in support for Kemp. While it wasn't enough to get him to be elected Vice-president he got enough support that he became a leading politician in the party so he's expected to gain a important position in Reagans cabinet. He's probably thankfull to us because this was really unexpected.
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