TBF, Mags, you have been doing a lot of the heavylifting for the quest, so this will be in good hands.
To be clear to everyone, this is just me burning out on imagination of the quest, since my muse has been hitting me over the head a lot with so many different ideas that I just can't find myself too interested in this.
I'll still hang out here, though, since this still does have a sepcial place in my heart.
I'd like to thank you all for making this a wonderful experience while it lasted.
I'd also like to thank @Magoose, @Fluffy_serpent, and @Martin Noctis for doing so much to help prepare and write this quest. I couldn't have done it without you all.
Full article:
As the assasination of the O'Brian family spreads around the world, many acrossed the United States demanded Carter to resign from office.
The failure of President Carter to protect his people from rouge enemies and even trusting China the one who ordered the hit on the O'Brian family has put the peoples confidence on his Administration at an all time low.
This large blunder along with Carter other blunders in Iran and Florida has finally broken the camels back as senator Mike Curb announces his plans to impeach Carter if he does not step down.
This ultimatum along with pressure from his party to resign and to become their scapegoat may have brokened the man as yesterday evening in a white house conference he told the reporters that he is sorry for failing them and the O'Brians family, in an emotionless voice he pleaded "may God forgive me for what im about to do" before he pulled a magnum pistol from his coat and preceded to shoot himself, the last moments before the Cameras were cut was the Presidents room stained with blood with a limp body sitting in it.
Was the suicide part really necessary, though? I'm willing to buy Carter resigning due to the scandal, but him committing suicide is really fraying my suspension of disbelief.
Was the suicide part really necessary, though? I'm willing to buy Carter resigning due to the scandal, but him committing suicide is really fraying my suspension of disbelief.
A Classical Tale - Season 3 Created By: Dave Allister
Directed By: Brad Bird
Animation Studio: DreamWorks
Distribution: Public Broadcasting System
Original Release: June-September 1980
After the last season of A Classical Tale you'd seen Dave receive both love and hate from the parents of the children watching it, claiming that the show was too violent, that the entire premise was not to be used to try and show such satanic imagery in a sympathetic light(that's from the religious zealots who saw Loki as the Devil) or sometimes well-meaning parents asking him to think of impressionable little kids seeing what to many would constitute a smorgasbord of fights, killings and outright destruction. On the one hand, as a parent, you could understand their fears, and yet you could also not deny that these were groundless fears, as kids, by your own experience, were curious creatures, and more resilient than anyone could give them credit for. Did this mean that you would expose them to every and all danger in the world? No, but neither would you coddle them and keep them ignorant of it either. At the end of the day, the second season of A Classical Tale had told and entrancing, educational, and well animated story of the old beliefs from the Nordic countries, and those who'd watched and understood the message were all the better for it.
Now, if you could find a way to let the many fans who'd sent letters to Odin that he was not real then all the better.
Having said that, PBS had still tentatively agreeable to continue the contract and was willing to greenlight Season 3. After all, you were making this Pro Bono, it had been your studio's (or one of the men working in your studio) idea, and you had just gone through what had to be the worst now, right? There would certainly not be any other mythology that could perhaps be as destructive and violent as the Norse...Right?!
Oh you sweet summer children...
Still, better not let them know that. Egyptian Mythology may not be as visceral as the Norse, but it still had its share of gore, dismemberment, and resurrection...which is just another can of worms that you're going to have to deal with when the parents see it, you're sure of it. Add to that that the duo of John Musker and Ron Clements had bowed out of the show in order to focus more on their movie, and had decided that it might be better to let the other Creative Directors to take a shot at it to make sure the show does not become stagnant. It's a very good idea, and a very mature way of handling it as well...only, why did it had to happen just as you're trying to convince the audience that you're not going to try and teach their children about the glory of battle.
You think you got the message across to the new director for the series, and if anyone can continue the trend of granting amazing animation and storytelling for the old tales of humanity, then Brad Bird is clearly the right choice. Truth be told, you had not thought he'd be willing to go for another project so soon after the previous ones, but as he told you, he's found himself a bit listless after an entire year of pushing himself in order to finish two projects at the same time, and wants to try and see what he can do when he puts his all into a single one. Not that you're going to stop him if he has an idea on where to take the entire series.
And oh boy, does he ever!
Taking from the old season and continuing the trend, the narrator has once more been replaced, this time with a British Archeologist digging through the sites of Egypt, explaining about the characteristics of archeology, the hieroglyphics and interpretation, the initial division of the "Three Kingdoms" Timeline and the "Dynasty" Timelines, while at the same time emphasizing how it was still an ongoing process, as every new discovery either shined new light that recontextualized what they'd found before, or countered all the old claims from the time before archeology was even a science. Each new episode made sure to show a new site, a new archeology method, and old anecdotes from the discovery of Tutankhamon's tomb with the myth of its curse, to the discovery of the Temple of Abu Simbel thanks to brushing literally a mountain of sand. You remember how the animators once complained about Brad's perfectionism, but you think he's taken that trait of his in a positive direction here, making sure to show the simplest detail and make it interesting.
The animation itself was something else; gone was the more Disney style of animation or even the realistic tone taken with the Norse mythology, Brad preferring to experiment with what he could call an "Epic" style of animation, where the characters, backgrounds, and objects were each drawn as their ideal self, all mixed at the same time with what the Japanese animators had been trying with what they called "Super Deformation" style, or "Chibi" for short which, you have to admit, is both hilarious and adorable at the same time! Seriously, you think you're going to get cavities at how sweet they look at points.
All together mixed with a good dose of comedy when the stories are told, and you could be forgiven for seeing a complete revolution of animation in your hands. The characters each have their own creative design that makes them stand out from each other; No one is going to mix Osiris with Horus or even Ra at any point...and what they did with Sekhmet and Bast is just...well, you're just glad they're keeping it PG is all you're saying.
And the overall story in itself is amazing, the myths both coming to life while also correcting some of the many misconceptions and inaccuracies that had dragged along for so many centuries just because of stereotyping and lack of context; Yes the Egyptian gods were immortal, but also sort of mortal, as in they were gods but had mortal forms and they could theoretically die, but aside from that were immortal. It's a different idea or concept from what many think when the term "god" comes to mind (and it's not like they're true gods either. There is only one God after all), but it's something that many had not even conceived at any point. The idea of impermanence in their culture, and the fixed places which could defy time in the mortal time was eye opening to you, and you're sure to many as well, the old rites of mummification for the Pharaoh's and their divinization (not to mention the many "Spells" put around their tomb) were a breath of fresh air from the old lessons that you got at school.
The tales of Nut, the creator of the entire universe and his son Ra. How eventually, the mighty Sun of the God had to retire and leave Osiris in charge after he entered what many now called "senility". The Egyptian Calendar, and the gamble between Thoth and Khonshu that allowed Geb and Nut to...procreate. The tale of Osiris' death and resurrection (with the assbeating Horus gave Set at the end making it more lighthearted in an odd way), the tale of the ship of Ra and its epic journey through the underworld every night, fighting a plethora of snakes (from regular to giant) to make sure a new day arrives. These stories and more painted an interesting and fresh view of the Egyptian Mythology, one that felt alive and vibrant, with bright colors and fun interactions between what was clearly a family that bickered and tried to get along, just for wacky occurrences to get in the way. Frankly speaking, at times you felt you were watching a sitcom, and others an epic tale. Quite the achievement Brad managed here, finding all the information on Egypt and making sure that it all got its time to shine in the screen could not have been an easy task, and yet he managed it.
You're giving him another project after this, he's too good to be left languishing.
It truly opened one's eyes and put in you and everyone a desire to know more. And you are sure many children watching felt the same if the amount of praise and letters from grateful parents are anything to go by. Finally, in their words, the show had found its footing...yeah, like you had not done that already with both previous seasons already! You know you should be taking this as an accomplishment, but it does feel insulting to the previous directors and animators who put all their passion in the project to be told that this is the one season that matters. Not that you're going to deny that the animation did make another leap forward along with the storytelling. In fact, many of the fan letters mentioned how their children wanted to go into archeology and try to imitate "Lord Ashbury" as the team had called the host. PBS had been ecstatic with the direction taken, the show finally catching up to the big fish of Mr. Rogers Neighborhood and Sesame Street...even if it still languished in a distant third among them.
But at least they were there.
Critics this time had much better things to say about the show, praising the more educational aspects in teaching valuable lessons and history, while also making sure to avoid the entire debacle of last season. Of course, there were still some who had to express their own views on how teaching should be done, and how the show denigrated and made a joke out of the entire profession. The again, there were also many professors who had come to the defense of the show, citing how it had helped many of their students and were even using it as supplementary material to better teach on the history of Egypt and its various traditions, as well as the first season and the Greek tales...though no mention of the second season or the Norse sagas was mentioned.
Oddly enough, this was also the first season to actually make a profit; the art was so amazing that fans from all the country wrote begging for the chance to own a piece of it. Your animators and artists, not letting such an opportunity slip by, replied that for a small commission they could become the owners of a drawing or piece of art of their choosing. The orders arrived nearly immediately, the entire deluge keeping most of your animators and artist quite busy, expanding the fanbase, and making with enough money that Mike decided not to punish them for taking outside commissions. It's enough funding for a special Season 4, one that PBS is glad to renew.
And oh boy, if they thought the Norse were violent and destructive...they've seen nothing yet.
We are making 80's kids nostalgias one episode at a time
Boomer: man i use to remember back in my day our kids show held no punches unlike the wussies today to 'fraid to tell even the simplest of stories without sugarcoating it
I wonder which one is next?
Oh. Not the biggest expert but I remember there being a lot of wars, fights, and murders.
Also power levels. Oh the power levels.
Hmm, this could be an easy segway if Bruce ever wants to become the Elon Musk of the 80s. He would certainly be the type of person to see how inefficient the space shuttle program is and would do something about it. Especially if Mike gets involved.
When I let my cousin watch some edutaiment on goverment TV I don't expect violence and gore no matter the source material. Like I get wanting to be authentic but come on don't get us blasted by congress due to faulty age rating.
Very nice that the series is finally the success it deserves, just a little worried about the reaction of the Egyptians to having their story narrated by a British archaeologist given what they have done to their historical heritage.
Can't wait for leser know mytholigy,like australia,africa native and polinesian.
Very nice that the series is finally the success it deserves, just a little worried about the reaction of the Egyptians to having their story narrated by a British archaeologist given what they have done to their historical heritage.
Can't wait for leser know mytholigy,like australia,africa native and polinesian.
I did consider adding perhaps just that, but let's be honest; most of Egyptian archeology and discoveries were done by the British (with the exception of the French), and it's become nearly a stereotype.
Also, since this is a show that's being done in the U.S. for the U.S., I could not see a way for the Egyptians to find out.
When I let my cousin watch some edutaiment on goverment TV I don't expect violence and gore no matter the source material. Like I get wanting to be authentic but come on don't get us blasted by congress due to faulty age rating.
Honestly i was thinking about delaying it till the next season… but you will be hauled before Congress for the crazy shit that is on PBS… eventually. So thank you for reminding me to roll for it to put on the list of plot points.
UGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, why does my joke have this shitty pay of. Actually made my day worse. F*cking Christ, I'm sorry guys
UGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, why does my joke have this shitty pay of. Actually made my day worse. F*cking Christ, I'm sorry guys