It's official, Mike deserves to be the highest paid member of Lucasfilms and monopolize the Employee of the Month award for the rest of his tenure at Lucasfilm. When I chose the action, I was just hoping to have Mike do a successful Snowblood distribution, I had no idea that he was going to get the rights to all non-released Godzilla films and three of Japan's greatest classics. Fucking wild, and that was just after Monkey Sun. Looks like we're set for distribution until Star Wars, and Akira Kurasawa is going to join the Lucasfilms family, bet George and Steve are super hyped and greatful to Bruce. Hope this serves as an excellent entry of Japanese culture into mainstream America 40 years early.
Well, the thing is, Mike has been rather... Well not adament in how to handle any situation, but he's one of those people who have always focused on one thing.
Building a legacy, and making lots of money in the process. Now sure he may be a scum, and he may be a control freak who can potentially cause problems.
But damn, can you say that he isn't effective at the buissness side of things.
Yay, happy that Carrie is committed and her and Bruce are going into their marriage and faith life strongly. Looks like I didn't need to pick the autopass if we got an 85, but I guess the option helps to make the entire journey smooth? If Carrie's converting this strongly then I guess that means that Todd is locked to become a Catholic instead of being Born Again.
Well... Kinda.
See, Todd is his own person, so he'll be on his own path.
Meanwhile for Carire, I think she is doing it for two reasons.
One: She honestly thinks that it will make her closer to Bruce.
Two: She's afraid that Bruce would think less of her if she didn't, which is silly, but that is only from her persepctive.
Really, there is a bit of a strangeness going on between Carrie and Bruce when it comes to Religion.
Bruce is following his faith with all his heart.
Whereas Carrie is following this path because she loves Bruce with all her heart.
though I shall say this: Both are not doing this for selfish reasons.
But both are following their heats.
Does this mean that Carrie will wear the ring in public and has she officially moved in with Bruce?
And oh boy the Gossip mongers are having a field day.
Huh, pretty decent show to make a guest spot on and a very welcome change of pace and casting for Bruce to go for simple comedy instead of tough action guys. Wonder if we're going to do something with Carrie since the show was her first role and maybe they liked her enough to make her a minor character.
Bruce is a comedian... just not a very good one.
Perhaps this may change things.
LMAO! That moment when you are so good that half of Hollywood starts rioting on the streets because you were snubbed for an Emmy. Guess we're making quite an impact, even on those we haven't met yet, and Lucy continues to give a lot of reasons to love her, maybe we should give Desi Jr. the role of the Cuban runner in Marathon Misadventures. When Leo starts getting Snubbed for Oscars, we need to take a picture with him and send it to the Academy to get him all of those Best Actor awards he deserved.
It's less that Hollywood thinks we're good, its the simple fact that Lucille decided to start doing some digging agianst some of the fuckery going on.
And found that the usual suspects are playing to win awards that they should not have won.
And she leaked it...
and Hollywood does not like a scandal that threatens the bubble that they have built up for the public, and they reacted fast.
Also, something really fun to say: A certain producer that shall not be named was arrested for bribery, and other bad things.
Forget the incredible Youtube docs, just imagine the Crazy ass Biopic around us that'll probably sweep the Oscars and be the first billion dollar Biopic. When you look at it, Bruce is like Forrest Gump if he just stuck to acting, just taking a fraction of his life would make for a hell of a story. Hell, they'd probably have to make it a multi-part spanning series just to sufficiently cover the crazy.
Bruce hasn't reached that level just yet.
Just you wait, just you wait.
@Magoose can we give Mike a promotion? And a raise is a must
He's already the third most powerful man at Lucasfilms, behind ourselves and George. He's going to be plenty powerful unless you want to give him an ownership stake in it (something I would not recommend unless you trust Mike to do good things).
Also, he makes a million dollars a year, he's making plenty of money right now.