Lights... Camera... ACTION!!: A Hollywood Quest

Hi Magoose here one of the guys helping Duke.

So we have some bad news.

The quest has been canceled as duke does not want to write it anymore.

I'm going to ask if I can take over for it, because I like this quest, and it would be a shame to kill it
TBF, Mags, you have been doing a lot of the heavylifting for the quest, so this will be in good hands. :)

To be clear to everyone, this is just me burning out on imagination of the quest, since my muse has been hitting me over the head a lot with so many different ideas that I just can't find myself too interested in this.

I'll still hang out here, though, since this still does have a sepcial place in my heart.

I'd like to thank you all for making this a wonderful experience while it lasted.

I'd also like to thank @Magoose, @Fluffy_serpent, and @Martin Noctis for doing so much to help prepare and write this quest. I couldn't have done it without you all. :D

I'll see you all around.

With so many regards, Duke William Of.
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Fuck, there would be legit memes and shitposts about it when Ichibans games start to come out.

There is no way we arent doing the Yakuza game series without Bruce voicing the foreign male charas.

Obviously Bruce must do them in egregious English-accented Japanese.

If he must voice someone speaking English, he must speak it in gratuitious ENGRISH. :V

Also @Magoose how is Mel Brooks nowadays? I forgot he shouldve released To Be or Not To Be last year.
[X] Plan Batman and Joker

I want to do teenage muppets at some point, like, tight spandex suit and an elaborate Waldo-controlled Muppet head on top, a layer of clothes for modesty and boom, Teen Muppet Idol Crystal played by contortionist Carol Liabos. Imagine her, full bod and everything!
Hmm, So I just watched the video essay on how Each Actor undersood Batman, and It got me thinking about how Bruce Portray's Bruce Wayne.

We know that alot of Ole O'brian's life filters into the charecter, from the work ethic to the attentiveness to the small details, but how would you all consider Batman from this world's perspective.

Review wise and how it buids the character going forward in an alternate 2025?
Animated TV Pitch: X-Men: The Animated Series New
It's been a while since I've done one of these, and it shows since it took me over a week to have it ready. Looking at the state of the MAU, I keep on thinking on how we need to have it be connected if we want it to be up to par for the upcoming animation from DC and what they created. Spider-Man is fine for now, but we need to introduce more of the characters and the Universe around so that its consistent and coherent.

And what better way than to include the X-Men for it.

Thing is, I originally wanted to have something similar to OTL X-Men series, but with Shadowcat rather than Jubilee as the main character. Thing is, the writing in that series is too good to just swap characters and hope it works. It needs a better foundation if we want to change characters, not to mention many of the stories there are from the Claremont Era, aka the Era we currently are in. Many of the concepts, characters and adventures are in the midst of being written, or have yet to cross the creator's mind.

So, I figured, why not use the stories from before to give it some more time and then adapt the other stories.

I've tried keeping it to the same style of storytelling as the OTL series, though I've obviously fallen short of it. I hope that at the very least it's entertaining, and hopefully we can have this be premiering by next year in order to better expand the MAU.

Thus, I give you:

Animated TV Pitch:
X-Men: The Animated Series

GENRE: Action/Adventure/Comedy

SUBGENRE: Superhero/Science Fiction

FORMAT: Animated TV Series

Set Up: Based on the Marvel characters created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby. The series adapts the initial run of the X-Men, setting it during the decade of the 70s, and it follows their attempts at finding coexistence with the rest of humanity, as they face against the myriads of enemies that would have them be destroyed or enslaved, on many occasions facing other mutants who just wish to harm humanity.

Animation: Hannah-Barbera Studios
Series Director: Larry Houston
Writer: Bruce Timm

Episodes: 26 Episodes
Episode Length: 45 minutes

- The series is set in the 70s.

- Jean Grey serves as the audience surrogate.

- There is a rivalry between Scott and Warren about leadership of the team, and over the affections of Jean.

- There will be scenes that show the interactions and drama between the team; the rivalry between Scott and Warren, Jean's attempts at controlling her powers, Hank's desire to be "normal", Bobby's conflicts with his family, Alex's attempts at forging a bond with his brother, Lorna's abandonment issues, etc., etc.

- When in space, there's a "blink and you miss it" moment where Jean seems to connect to the Phoenix for a moment, with her eyes showing a hint of flame.

- For episodes that have relevancy, or are needed to be seen in future episodes, there is a small "Previously, on the X-Men..." at the beginning to keep the audience up to date.

Episode I & II: Rise of the X-Men Part 1 & 2

The series begins introducing Jean Grey, a young teen who goes through life, and during an accident at College reveals her telekinetic abilities, outing her as a mutant. Feeling the ostracization by her former friends, and the constant fights between her parents due to her, she immediately agrees when Professor Xavier arrives, shows his own telepathic abilities, and offers an invitation to his institute, where she meets the rest of the team; Scott, Bobby, Hank and Warren. With her joining as the fifth member of what will become the X-Men. (During the episode there are also scenes that show the aforementioned other members and their interactions before meeting Jean). A dark figure is seen walking through the streets, soon displaying a subtle use of his powers of magnetism.

The second episode begins with a flashback between Xavier and Magneto, both of them discussing their views on the mutant issue as well as what may happen in the future. We then move to the current time, where jean Grey is seen training and interacting with the rest of the team. Magneto makes his grand debut as he attacks a U.S. Military Base. Xavier finds out about it, and sends the X-Men to face against him. The team can't seem to face him on their own, needing to use their teamwork to drive him off, but receiving scorn rather than congratulations from the military, and are forced to escape. Magneto goes back to his lair where he is met by other mutants, soon identified as followers of his; Toad, Mastermind, and Havok, who talk about this showing the X-Men's strength, and how they will have to counter it if their plan is to be achieved.

Episode III: Inside the Ring

Professor X has discovered another mutant to join the institute; Freddy Dukes, known by his moniker "The Blob" in the wrestling ring. When confronted however, Fredy proves to be arrogant and dismissive about joining, especially when he hears there's no money in it though he shows an infatuation with jean Grey, trying to gain her affections with presents originally, then coercion when she refuses. At the same time, Hank looks into Freddy0s fights and notices an odd pattern; at every fight there always seems to be a robbery around a jewelry store. Upon closer investigation, the team discovers that Freddy has a partner; fellow wrestler Gunther Bain, who shows his ability to project a forcefield when confronted. Both wrestlers face off against the X-Men when they arrive to rescue Jean, managing to escape, leaving the team to go back on their own.

Episode IV: Come, The Juggernaut!

It's vacation time at the institute, with Warren, Hank and Jean leaving to visit their families, Scott and Bobby remaining behind. Bobby mentions that he has a family, but he's scared of visiting now that he's a mutant, while Scott consoles him and has them spend some time together. Their leisure time is interrupted when a massive, invincible man, calling himself the Juggernaut, strikes the city on the way to the institute. Professor Xavier leads them in the fight while trying to contact the other members. During the fight it is revealed that the Juggernaut is Xavier's brother, Cain Marko, and is here to kill his brother. Eventually, the other three arrive in the nick of time, are told that the Juggernaut's helmet prevents Xavier's powers to work on him, but thanks to Jean's growing control of telekinesis, working alongside the Professor, they manage to remove it, with the Professor putting him in a coma, and taking him to the Institute where he can be taken care of, and hopefully rehabilitated. By the end of the episode, Bobby decides to visit his family, being welcomed by them.

(During the episode, there are scenes of the other three members visiting their families and having their own issues; Jean's parents being in the middle of a divorce, Warren's family being more focused on finding a cure than letting him remain a mutant, and Hank closing himself in his room, looking at his old notes about trying to find a cure for his condition.)

Episode V: A Vanishing Thought

Interpol Agent Sean Cassidy is on the trail of a master criminal known only as "The Vanisher" as he always seems to disappear just before he can catch him. During his investigation he crosses paths with the X-Men, who are aware of the Vanisher and how he's been able to escape; using his mutant powers to disappear. Sean tries to keep them out as they are still teens and are not licensed for this kind of work either. During the investigation it's also revealed that Sean is a mutant as he uses his powers to escape a trap, with the Vanisher eventually being captured by the X-Men, and Cassidy given an offer to join Xavier, which he refuses. Later on, as he is taking the Vanisher to containment, both are ambushed by Unus and the Blob, taking them to a secret location where they are met with the "Mutant Master", the leader of an extremist group who aims to take over America.

Episode VI: Factor Three

A series of terrorist attacks around the world have put both great powers in high alert, each side blaming the other, unaware that this is the actions of a new group known as "Factor Three" under the command of the "Mutant Master" who is framing both sides to have WWIII begin. The X-Men are also being framed thanks to his robots to have the government go after them, while also launching an attack on the Institute, freeing the Juggernaut and having him join his side. The X-Men are now in a race against time as they find the secret base, but also have to face the Vanisher, the Juggernaut, Unus the Untouchable, The Blob, and the Banshee, who has been brainwashed. During the fight, they manage to reveal that Mutant Master is an alien who is trying to conquer the Earth, with both the X-Men and Factor Three joining sides to defeat him.

Once the deception has been revealed, the X-Men go back home, Banshee returns to Interpol, The Blob and Unus are scouted and join Magneto, while the Juggernaut is launched into space during the fight. From the depths of Space, the aliens who had been monitoring "Mutant Master" confer about the fight, and whom they'll face in the future.

Episode VII: Brothers

This is a flashback episode. It is the anniversary of Scott's family's death, and he goers to their graves to visit. While there, a flashback of his life with his parents is shown, before they went on a plane ride where an accident killed them, giving their last parachute to him and his brother, Alex. Yet, even there, they fell into a river where Scott and Alex were separated, living him alone and raised in an orphanage, where he had to endure constant abuse and bullying until his powers were activated, nearly destroyed the entire building, and was eventually taken in by Professor X, where he found a family once more. At the end, it is revealed that Alex is alive, known as Havok, a member of Magneto's Brotherhood.

Episode VIII: No Rest For The Wicked

After the fight with Factor Three, the X-Men are trying to enjoy the peace the best they can, even getting new costumes to celebrate their latest victory, though it's difficult when all news talk about the latest "Mutant Conspiracy" and fear is growing in the streets. The group try to enjoy an outing at a mall when the place is attacked by "The Warlock", who turns the entire place into a temple for the Hyberian God "Kukulcan", using his powers of illusion and Mind Control to take over the minds of everyone, including the X-Men save Jean who managed to protect her mind. She has to sneak and skulk through the Mall, avoiding the Warlock's new minions in order to break his spell and stop his ritual.

Episode IX: The Calm Before The Storm

A calm episode that nonetheless if filled with tensions as Professor X tries to find out an anomaly through Cerebro, while the X-Men are nervous about Graduation Day and what will they do afterwards; if they will remain together as a team or will they go their own ways. A group infiltrates the mansion, with the team going on to stop them, taking their minds out of the situation. The enemy is able to outsmart them at every turn, using their own weaknesses against them, which the team soon realizes and show how they've been able to overcome them or use lateral thinking to win. At the end, it's discovered that these were robots programmed and controlled by Professor X since, as he put it, all graduations need to have a bit of challenge beforehand. The team is in higher spirits now that they've overcome it and are given their new costumes by both Jean and the professor. None of them however ae aware of the look of concern in the professor's face.

Episode X: The Brotherhood of Mutants: Graduation Day

The day has arrived for the team's graduation day, yet the team can't seem to find the Professor anywhere, nor is there any signs of any violent break in aside from the previous fake one. The team search through the Professor's notes and his previous actions, finding that he'd been working on searching a blind spot or anomaly through Cerebro for the last months, and he'd just recently found it and gone to deal with it. As they prepare to launch a search, they are caught off guard when a group of mutants calling themselves the "Brotherhood of Mutants" attack the mansion, along with magneto as their leader. Though they put a good struggle, they are eventually captured and taken prisoner as Magento prepares for the next step.

Episode XI: The Brotherhood of Mutants: Santo Marco

Magneto and his Brotherhood launch an invasion of the South American nation of Santo Marco, working to make it a new haven for Mutants and an eventual launching of point for an invasion of the rest of the world. The X-Men are held prisoner in the meanwhile, though they are eventually visited and released by Havok, who having seen how far Magneto has gone, he no longer feels that this is the right path. During their talks he discovers that he and Scott are siblings, yet the reunion is cut short when they are discovered by the rest of the Brotherhood, leading to another fight between them. The fight is still ongoing and hanging by a thread when the camera turns to Professor X, regaining consciousness, and finding himself trapped by an Alien being, the Vanguard of an incoming invasion.

Episode XII: The Brotherhood of Mutants: The Z'nox Invasion

The aliens, known as the Z'nox, are preparing their own strike against Earth in order to create a beachhead for the incoming invasion. Professor X is able to contact Jean and let her know of his location, as well as the incoming invasion. The team splits in order to rescue the Professor while the rest tries to keep the Brotherhood in place. Magneto manages to follow the X-Men, along with Unus and Toad, to the location of the Z'nox Vanguard, where a fight against them begins before they are all transported to Space, inside the main battleship, facing the Z'nox Emperor face to face.

Episode XIII: The Brotherhood of Mutants: Death in the Family

With he X-Men in space having to deal with the Z'nox Emperor, the group on Earth, now with the Brotherhood defeated, has to face against the Z'nox Vanguard. Professor X and Magneto, having been captured begin arguing as the latter would have the Z'nox destroy humanity then lead a counter with the mutant population, before Xavier manages to talk him out of it and cooperate against the Main ships. With Scott and Alex's help the Professor has Magneto lead a breakout to the escape pods, while he and Jean begin using their telepathy powers to bring chaos to the fleet. Before they can escape, a surprise ambush has both the Professor and Magneto remain behind as Jean, Scott and Alex escape on the pod, seeing the Battleship explode, along with the rest of the fleet. There are no signs of Magneto or Professor X.

Episode XIV: End of the X-Men

The team mourns the death of Professor X as they are hit with the entire situation all at once; after the funeral Scott is visited by Agent Gyrich of the government, who tells him that the government wants them to disband. Jean sees and hears the hate and disgust that the people have against mutants, wondering just why are they even fighting for. Bobby and Warren are thinking on going back home to their families, while Beast speaks with Alex about the latter's powers and capabilities for the future. Meanwhile, through the episode, there are signs of a new enemy, The Mimic, who can take different forms and uses it to terrorize the city, with the X-Men fighting it off. At the end, the team is victorious thanks to the increase in power, and Alex's support. Seeing that despite the hate there are some who see them with gratitude, the team decides to remain loyal to Xavier's dream, and fight in his honor.

Episode XV: Teething Pains

The X-Men are in their first mission with Alex, where they face and capture the remnants of the Brotherhood; The Blob, Unus and Toad, showing their powers and teamwork, though Alex is having some trouble getting used to fight with them and causes some mistakes. Though most of the team is understanding, Bobby is not, and is more hostile than one would expect. As the story continues, we see Alex interacting with the rest of the X-Men, with Hank analyzing his powers with great interest, and then looking at a new serum he's created with great consideration. We also see Bobby who's been having some trouble with his family lately, with his little brother now disgusted with him for being a "Dirty Mutie" and his parents being concerned that they might be attacked by association. He lets this anger out on Alex, who fights back, their confrontation eventually stopped by Scott, though nothing is resolved in the end, as both sides dislike each other.

Episode XVI: A Beast is Born!

In the last few weeks there's been sightings of a beast type monster through the entire city, with Scott thinking that it might be a mutant. jean mentions that she's tried using Cerebro, but since it was calibrated to the Professor's mind she's not been having the best success in it. Hank seems to be a bit distracted during the meeting, but waves it off as being a bit too engrossed in his experiment. The mansion is visited by Agent Gyrich once more, who reproaches Scott for not disbanding the team, and warning them that the Government will deal with this "Beast" and for them not to interfere. Hank is seen trembling as he rushes through his lab, grabbing the serum he'd been watching before and drinking it, his twitches subsiding as he works to make more of it. As time passes, Hank's condition deteriorates, causing many conflicts in the Mansion until eventually he loses control and the serum does not work. His body mutates even more, turning more bestial and growing blue fur. Escaping the mansion, he rushes to the city, as Scott and the rest of the team (sans Jean) rush to stop Hank, while Jean once more tries to use Cerebro to reach him. Agent Gyrich has been chasing after Hank and cornering him to take him down, but the X-men arrive which once more has Hank escape. As both sides race to catch him again, Jean manages to connect with Hank mentally, speaking to him about what happened, helping him regain control and accept his more wild side, which eventually has Hank regain full control of himself, though with his body not returning to normal.

Episode XVII: Sins of the Father: The Under-World

In a hidden base, shadowed figures are looking at images through a monitor as they discuss about the "upcoming plan" as well as if the message had been sent to all relevant parties. An image of the X-Men appears as the figures mention how they would not be able to stop their plans. Later on, the X-Men are discussing their latest endeavors. It's been six months since the death of the professor, and they've been trying to fill the void he left, though it's difficult. Hank immediately calls all of them to watch the TV where it's shown that a huge Earthquake just hit in California. The X-Men see the report, as well as the news about a massive exodus of mutants to the city of San Francisco for unknowable reasons. The team finds it odd and decide to investigate, splitting the teams as Scott, Warren and Jean talking to the mutants, while Alex, Bobby and Hank will talk with Dr. Hunt, the seismologist who predicted that even more earthquakes would hit the state.

The team talking to the mutants soon finds out that many are non-responsive or outright ignoring them, trying to find out more information about them. During an interaction Jean finds that she cannot read the thoughts of none of them, Warren bumping into another finds that their body is metallic, all concluding that they are not mutants but robots made to look like mutants. Meanwhile, Hank tries to speak with Dr. Hunt but it goes nowhere as Dr. Hunt either refuses to have anything to do with him, or outright dismisses his credentials. Bobby and Alex have to investigate, and during one of their rows they manage to find the secret room that leads to the underground of the city, where they discover an odd device. Calling Hank to let him know, they are suddenly attacked by robots, while Hank is suddenly attacked by Dr. Hunt as well, and in defending himself he finds that he's also a robot, breaking him. All the robots who were peaceful at the moment suddenly turn murderous as they move to attack Scott, Jean and Warren.

Episode XVIII: Sins of the Father: Rise, The Demi-Men!

Hank, Bobby and Alex face off against the Robots in the underground, destroying the device they found at the same time, which Hank ascertains must be the cause for the quakes but also that there must be more, so they go deeper underground to find where they must be. On the topside, Warren has been badly hurt, Scott can barely keep the robots from them and Jean is trying to find out the mastermind for the plot, eventually finding a mind and leading them all to the location. Both teams soon come closer to a futuristic underground base, whose technology is unlike anything they've seen.

Hank's team soon reaches a laboratory where they find a massive computer and monitors all around showing the robots attacking everyone around. Said computer soon activates and speaks to them, calling itself "Quasi-Modo", the AI in control of the "Demi-Men", revealing how they are a fusion of machinery and biological material, keeping them distracted as it brings the remaining security Demi-Men to take them down after being worn down. Scott's team was captured quickly in the meanwhile, both being reunited as they are brought forth to the presence of the leader of them all; the self-proclaimed "Daughter of Magneto", Polaris, along with the remaining members of the Brotherhood at her side.

Episode XIX: Sins of the Father: The Prodigal Daughter

Polaris, the self-proclaimed "Daughter of Magneto" demands the X-Men to bow to them and join in her new crusade to take over the Earth and create a new land for all mutants like her father before had tried to do. The X-Men are confused as to how Magneto could have a daughter, yet her powers over magnetism are similar. The X-Men refuse and are sent to be "repurposed" into more of the "Demi-Men" to fuel her conquest. On the way, Havok causes the Demi-Men to shoot him, absorbing the energy and turning it against them. Once the team escapes, Hank leads them to Quasi-Modo's main Hub to destroy it.

In the meantime, Polaris is ordering Quasi-Modo to increase the speed for the invasion, and ordering the Brotherhood to look after the X-Men when she hears of their escape. meanwhile the X-Men are trying to avoid the patrols, moving from location to location, avoiding fighting when they can, going even deeper into the base. During one of their fights, they break off one of the rooms where they find the cell rooms, and looking inside it, they find Professor X, alive and well. Once they free him, he warns them that he is not the only one here, leading them to another cell where they find a bound Magneto.

Episode XX: Sins of the Father: Twilight Of The Mutants

Though they protest against it, Xavier has the X-Men free Magneto, and explains what happened to them as they move to hide while he recovers; in the confrontation in the battleship, both him and Magneto were about to die when they were captured by a being calling himself the "High Evolutionary" who performed experiments and research on their powers. During one of their many absences, they managed to escape using one of his ships, but ingrained Ship AI, Quasi-Modo, tried to stop them. It failed, but managed to subdue them during the crash on Earth, though its matrix was damaged, and as such now thinks that he needs to conquer the entire Earth. Keeping him and Magneto alive is a remnant of his previous programming.

When asked about Polaris, Magneto claims he has no daughter, she is just another mutant that Quasi-Modo manage to dupe and trick into following its order, impersonating him. The group splits in two to face down Quasi-Modo and Polaris respectively. Polaris and the Brotherhood are faced by Magneto who denounces Polaris as being nothing but a pawn used by Quasi-Modo, and revealing a traitor within; Mastermind, who had modified her memories to work along with the AI. This divides the group, causing infighting and Polaris to break down, going on a berserk spree, fighting Magneto and his brotherhood against her, Mastermind, and the remaining Demi-Men.

Hank and his group manages to reach the main Hub and destroy it, which along with the fight destroys the base/ship. Magneto flees, taking the Brotherhood with him, and leaving Polaris with the X-Men. The remaining rampaging Demi-Men shut down without the signal from the Main Hub, turning the invasion into a failure. Polaris is taken by the X-Men back to the Institute, along with Professor X.

Episode XXI: The New Paradigm

Professor X adjusts to life in the institute once more, though there are many changes he has to deal with, his team has technically graduated and have managed to become independent, Hank has mutated even more, Havok has joined the X-Men, Jean has managed to use Cerebro as good as he has, and now, a new mutant would be joining their ranks; Lorna Dane, aka Polaris, is an orphan who lived in the streets after running from her foster home, before being found by Quasi-Modo and Mastermind, being manipulated into becoming the new leader for what would be the conquest of Earth. Lorna is very skittish and lacks trust in the team, though at the same time wants to try and find some connection that she can call her own.

Interactions with different members of the team abound, with professor X learning of everything that went on during his abduction. Both he and Lorna talk about feeling fish out of water, not knowing what to do though the professor talks her into staying for as long as she needs, and perhaps finding herself, just as he will, with his dream still motivating him and pushing him forwards. Professor X gains a new pupil, and the team celebrates his return and their new member.

Episode XXII: Only The Beginning

Hank is analyzing Alex's powers as after absorbing the energy from the Demi-Men they seem to be getting out of control. During one of the training sessions he nearly blasted everyone around without meaning to, and he has been benched until further notice. The professor speaks to the team about Cerebro finding an unusual signature near the Museum where a new exhibition is set to be displayed from Egypt. Alex, Hank and Bobby are to remain behind while Scott, Jean and Lorna go to see what may be going on. The situation in the institute gets out of hand due to the ongoing antagonism between Bobby and Alex, with the latter eventually leaving to join the mission. The rest of the team see the mummy exhibition, though are not aware that the Living Pharaoh can absorb their energy and use it to re-animate once more, wrecking Havok through the exhibition.

As the team tries to stop him, Alex arrives and seeing the amount of energy on hand, the Living Pharaoh makes sure to absorb it all, fully regenerating and enhancing his body, becoming the Living Monolith as he grows in size, towering over the city and taking Jean and Lorna as hostages. The rest of the team arrives to help, but they can't do anything to the Living Monolith, until an injured Alex is able to sneak and using the same trick as before, he begins absorbing the energy from the Living Monolith, causing him to shrink once more to be sealed in the sarcophagus forever.

Episode XXIII: Old Wounds

On a celebration for Peace in Washington DC, Shiro Yoshida, an Ultra-Nationalist, yells at his father for daring to try and stand for peace after what the Americans did to their family in Hiroshima. His father however reprimands him for his vengeful ways, saying how this was what caused Japan to go on a dark path of death and destruction. Shiro is angry and spurred on by his uncle to use the powers he attained after the Atom Bomb was launched when he was a child and destroy the Americans. The X-Men move to stop him, but they are preoccupied by trying to rescued the president while he is being held hostage by Shiro's uncle, who is revealed to be instead the "Star Spawn", the last Z'nox who managed to manipulate Shiro for his own ends. Shiro's father tries to rescue the President, but is killed in the crossfire, with Shiro killing the Star Spawn, and vowing to his father to abandon his prejudiced ways.

Episode XXIV: Blast From The Past

It is Christmas time and Alex is feeling down lately, what with the many curb balls that have occurred lately. After another bad argument with Bobby, he decide to walk off the institute and wander through the city. As he moves through the streets he feels he's being watched, eventually leading his would-be pursuers onto an abandoned lot. There, The Blob, Unus and Toad appear once more in front, and offer the chance to reform the Brotherhood with Alex as the leader, since Magneto just up and left. Alex accepts, though he is still unsure as if this is the right thing to do. Scott, worried about his brother, goes to look for him, eventually finding him, and pleading for him to return to the X-Men. Alex is conflicted, but as he Brotherhood moves to attack, he stands with his brother against them, both fighting together until the rest of the team arrives. Keeping what happened between them, they go back to the Institute.

Episode XXV: Krakoa: The Living Island Part 1

Professor Xavier uses Cerebro to find more mutants who may need help when his mind is assaulted by a powerful, and inexplicable mind. Sending the -Men to explore and find it, they arrive at an Island in the Pacific where rumors have it that Nuclear Testing occurred. The X-Men explore the island, finding odd creatures and traps that at first seem mild, but get deadlier as they go further, until they find an underground base inside an odd temple, which has been reclaimed by the wild. Seeking shelter there, they look over the documents from previous occupants, as well as previous recordings where a grim picture forms; the mind does not belong to any person living in the Island, the mind is the island who has come to life after the nuclear experiments.

Episode XXVI: Krakoa: The Living Island Part 2

The X-Men try to contact the Professor as the vegetation and monsters around the island lay siege to the compound they're hiding in, but the signal is unable to reach him. They begin hearing a voice all around them; the voice of the Island itself, Krakoa, who taunts and threatens them for daring to invade his self. Scott and the rest try to communicate, find a way to leave peacefully, yet the island refuses. Many waves of monsters, and different forms of attack are barely pushed back. In the end, the group have to try and make a rush back to the Jet, but the group is picked apart one by one, until eventually only Scott is left, yet the island taunts him, telling him that he only escaped because it allowed him to do so, in order to bring more victims in.
Scott Summers/Cyclops: He is a mutant with the ability to fire destructive optic beams from his eyes. As the first X-Man Cyclops, he tries to set an example and provide leadership to the rest of the team. He was rescued by Professor Xavier as a child and along with the rest of the team, has formed a deep bond of trust with him. Scott is a born leader, though at times he can come up as self-righteous and stiff. He always takes control of a situation when danger approaches, and keep his cool, but he's still quite temperamental, especially when it comes to his feelings for Jean Gray.

Voiced By: Tim Daly
Alternate: Norm Spencer

Jean Grey/Marvel Girl: She is a mutant with vast empathic and telepathic abilities that were traumatically awakened during childhood when she witnessed her best friend's death. She was mentored by mutant specialist Professor Charles Xavier, a telepath himself, and learned to better control her abilities, as well as developed them further. Jean Grey was enrolled as Marvel Girl, becoming the last of his first class of original X-Men. She serves as the audience surrogate at first, with a curious, and somewhat shy personality, that eventually grows into a more assertive and courageous one, willing to tackle any challenge that comes at her.

Voiced By: Dana Delany
Alternate: Catherine Disher

Dr. Henry "Hank" McCoy/Beast: He is a member of the first class of X-Men who has been fighting for the peaceful coexistence between mutants and humans for most of his life, under the tutelage of Professor Xavier. Born with an enhanced physique, strength, and muscular structure, he has adopted the name Beast. He has a cheerful and bouncing personality which hides his inner turmoil and self-hatred. This was shown when he developed a serum to cure his mutation, which only had it developed further, transforming him into a blue-furred creature with sharp fangs and claws.

Voiced By: Kevin Conroy
Alternate: George Buza

Robert "Bobby" Drake/Iceman: He is a mutant with the power to control ice, and a member of the original X-Men team. Though a jokester by nature, Bobby is able to be serious when the situation calls for it. he also has a family he often visits, though their relationship slowly deteriorates as the hatred for mutants grows, with even his little brother expressing his disgust at him. He hates Alex, at first because of having been a member of the Brotherhood of Mutants, but later because he sees the growing sibling bond between him and Scott, and feels jealous of it. He also grows an attachment to Lorna Dane, and helps her be more welcome in the X-Men team.

Voiced By: Loren Lester
Alternate: Jesse Collins

Warren Worthington III/Angel: He is a millionaire playboy as well as a mutant gifted with wings that allow him to soar into the skies as the high-flying Angel of the first class of X-Men. Warren can act entitled on occasions due to his more privileged upbringing, as well as competing with Scoot for the affections of Jean Grey, but at the end of the day, he is a man who cannot abide injustice and will do everything in his power to fight against it. He usually feels like the weak link of the team, seeing how everyone develops their power even more than he could, while also feeling the pressure for his family to just come back home and try to find a cure for his "affliction".

Voiced By: Rene Auberjonois
Alternate: Stephen Ouimette

Charles Xavier/Professor X: He is a mutant gifted with complex telepathic powers, being a specialist in mutant biology and sociology and the founder of the uncanny X-Men as Professor X. His life has become dedicated to fulfilling a dream of mutants and humans coexisting peacefully. After becoming paraplegic, Xavier transformed his family's ancestral home into the Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters, a sanctuary for mutants to train and learn about their abilities. Under his supervision, Professor X's students formed the first X-Men, a group who fights for a world that hates and fears them, guided by Xavier's dream.

Voiced By: Cedric Smith
Alternate: Efrem Zimbalist Jr.
Erik Lensherr/Magneto: He is a powerful mutant willing to go to any extreme to protect his species as Magneto, the master of magnetism. With his whole life spent being a target merely for being born different, Magneto rejecting the possibility of any harmony with humans and aimed to conquer the world to enable mutants, whom he referred to as Homo superior, to become the dominant species on Earth. Seeking to subjugate humanity by brute force, he finds himself in direct conflict with his former friend and ally, Professor Charles Xavier and his X-Men, mutants who shared a dream of peaceful mutant-human coexistence.

Voiced By: David Hemblen
Alternate: David Warner

Toad: He is a member of the Brotherhood of Mutants, a man whose mutation deformed his body, but granting him superhuman agility and flexibility. Though used more as the butt of the joke within the Brotherhood members, and being more cowardly and shy than others, Toad manages to be an effective combatant in "Hit-and-run" tactics, and possesses a keen mind for machines which is developed further through the series, eventually growing more in confidence and fighting skill. He was also Alex's best friend in the Brotherhood, as he was the least bloodthirsty of the bunch.

Voiced By: Frank Welker
Alternate: Peter Wildman

Mastermind: He is a mutant with the ability to manipulate perception, creating powerful illusions that can deceive the senses and alter reality in the minds of others. Recruited by Magneto to join the original Brotherhood of Mutants, Mastermind played a crucial role in the group's attempts to conquer humanity and establish mutant supremacy. He is a cunning, manipulative, and power-hungry man that tries to put on airs of refinement, yet underneath there is nothing more than a common thug who would do anything, and betray anyone, to rise. He betrays Magneto in order to work with Quasi-Modo, modifying Lorna Dane's memories to use her in the conquest of Earth.

Voiced By: Alan Oppenheimer
Alternate: Nigel Bennett

Alexander Summers/Havok: He is the son of Major Christopher Summers, and the brother of Scott Summers. An orphan and separated from his brother after the accident which took their parents life, Alex would eventually discover his powers and join the Brotherhood of Mutants after Magneto helped him escape a mob that was about to lynch him. Though initially thankful, the hateful and murderous attitudes form the other members made him uncomfortable and question whether he belonged there. Once he and Scott reunited, he joined the X-Men, though gaining their trust would be a long way coming for some of them.

Voiced By: Townsend Coleman
Alternate: Charlie Schlatter

Lorna Dane/Polaris: She is an orphan who was moved from foster home to foster home due to her growing powers and skittish personality, until she was found and manipulated by Mastermind and Quasi-Modo to pretend to be the daughter of Magneto. once she recovered her memories, she was left in the care of the X-Men where she formed new connections, and grew to love them as a family. She also formed a romantic relationship with Bobby near the end, growing more confident in her skills and use of her powers. Though the latest member to join the X-Men, she is also one of the strongest.

Voiced By: Jennifer Dale
Alternate: Kathleen Turner
Cain Marko/Juggernaut: He is Xavier's Step-Brother and an enemy of the X-Men. Growing up, he was jealous of Xavier and being abused by his alcoholic father, which led to him bullying Xavier. Growing up, during an expedition in the jungle, Cain was trapped during a cave in and found the Crimson Gem Of Cyttorak, which granted him strength and power beyond his dreams.

Voiced By: Rick Bennett

Freddy Dukes/The Blob: He is a former wrestler who used his powers to gain a following, but his greed caused him to join with his fellow wrestler, Gunther Bain, to steal and fix matches. Eventually joining Factor Three and then the Brotherhood of Mutants, Freddy is the quintessential follower, just going along with the flow.

Voiced By: Richard Epcar

Gunther Bain/Unus the Untouchable: A mutant with the power to form a force shield to protect him, Gunther dreamed of greater things beyond being a wrestler, and conned his friend, Freddy Dukes, to aid him in stealing to gain more money. Like Freddy, he also joined both Factor Three and later the Brotherhood in order to obtain more money.

Voiced By: Walker Boone

The Vanisher: A well-known criminal who is being hunted by Interpol, unknown to anyone save for Cassidy that he is a mutant with the ability to disappear and teleport, which he used to always escape prosecution. He was eventually captured by the X-Men with the aid of Sean Cassidy, eventually joining Factor Three, and disappearing afterwards.

Voiced By: Beau Weaver

Mutant Master: A Z'nox alien who took on human form and the name "Mutant Master" in order to form a Fifth Column, which he named "Factor Three" to weaken Earth's defenses for the incoming Z'nox invasion. After the fight against the X-Men, he took the name "Star Spawn" and infiltrated the Yoshida family to spur on Shiro's anger.

Voiced By: Stanley Ralph Ross

The Warlock: An old magic practitioner who still remembers the old secrets from the "Hyberian Age" and the way to bring a sliver of the old power to his aid. Though mostly an illusionist and mind controller, the Warlock can also use the elemental powers of old to fight when the time comes for it. His goal is to once more resurrect the ancient Hyberian Gods and bring about "a new age".

Voiced By: Christopher Collins

Shiro Yoshida/Sunfire: An Ultra-Nationalist mutant from Japan who was indoctrinated into hating America, growing up under his mother's clan who had lost everything after the war. Spurred on by his uncle (The Star Spawn in disguise) to attack America, his fight with the X-Men was only stopped after the death of his father, thus renouncing his prejudice ways after seeing his work for peace among his nations.

Voiced By: James Shigeta

Sean Cassidy/Banshee: An Interpol Agent who is hiding the fact that he is also a mutant. A determined man who does not want to involve anyone on his cases for fear of them dying, Sean also cares deeply for children and innocents despite his harsh outlooks. His search for the Vanisher puts him in contact with the X-Men, becoming an ally of them.

Voiced By: Philip Williams

Agent Gyrich: An Agent of the U.S. Government who talks to the X-Men after the death of Xavier and tries to get them to disband. Despite his clear dislike of the team, it is not because he holds any hatred for mutants, but because he hates that there is any other organization besides the government that may hold any power.

Voiced By: Michael Bell

The Living Pharaoh/The Living Monolith:

Voiced By: Dan Gilvezan

Quasi-Modo: An AI created by the High Evolutionary whose main goal was to return Xavier and Magneto back to the base of its creator. its programming got corrupted on the re-entry to Earth, believing that he has to conquer the Earth and using his "Demi-Men" in order to begin the infiltration and take-over.

Voiced By: Michael Winslow

A.N.: I've set the series in the 70s so that hopefully, once we have more of the Claremont stories, we can do a Time-Skip later on to the 80s, and have it all take place with the rest of the other series, which would also explain why the characters would be adults and more seasoned when using the OTL series as a foundation.
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On the subject of batman even though we never got a proper reaction to the 100 man fight i was thinking we could use something like this to showcase the Bat Family at work mixed in with some Arkham game elements, Alternatively we could use it for that solo project where Bruce plays a Martial Arts instructor.
There is no way we arent doing the Yakuza game series without Bruce voicing the foreign male charas.
Let's be honest, he'll be a recurring character starring in various Side Stories referencing Star Wars. Probably as himself, because Kiryu and Co. have weird luck like that.

Revenge of the Geese is obviously Kiryu beating the crap out of either him or one of his sons (who are also making cameos) being stupid.
No, it's going to be in the same substory starring Not Steven Spielberg and Not Michael Jackson.

He's gonna have Kiryu join him in his biggest action scene yet. Bruce VS 100 Men Part II: 200 Men
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No, it's going to be in the same substory starring Not Steven Spielberg and Not Michael Jackson.

He's gonna have Kiryu join him in his biggest action scene yet. Bruce VS 100 Men Part II: 200 Men
That's gonna be from Yakuza 0. I'm referring to his appearances in other gamesm Heck, given how much Japan goes crazy over Bruce, Kiryu and Nishiki were probably apart of the open Guard Detail keeping him safe when he visited in the mid 80s within the LaD Universe.

Speaking of, since the leadership of Lucas Unlimited is good friends with Michael and Steven is one of our best directors, they might allow their own cameos within that game.
Who do you think resembles most closely with Bruce O'Brian? I am thinking about how an Biography made in the 2025s of the meteoric rise of Bruce and the Many, Many shenanigans and important events he gets connected to. From his actions and charities for the immigrants and veterans, his role in shaping Hollywood and the Movie Industry, to his geopolitical actions where he practically shifted the foreign policy of the US without him really knowing about it until much later.

I pray for the Director of that Biography cause damn that guy has to cram as much of Bruce O'Brian life as possible in one movie while also trying to be as historically accurate as possible.
MOVIE!? Bruce biography will be a ten season TV series made of one hour episodes anything else would be a disservice!
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Duck Dodgers New

Duck Dodgers
Directed by: Chuck Jones
Written by: Catherine Powell
Produced by: Joe Hale, Catherine Powell
Production: Walt Disney Animatino
Distribution: Buena Vista Distribution
Starring: Mel Blanc

Budget: $25,000,000
Domestic: $64,583,223

International: $68,554,298
Total Gross: $133,137,521

VHS: $297,971,168

Audience: 398
Critics: 332

Three and a half years after the Black Cauldron, it was time for another Catherine Powell Disney movie. You wish Cat would have joined up with Lucasfilms like Gavin and Apple, that way it could truly have been an O'Brian family company. However, she did seem to be thriving at Disney, being involved as a writer for the many recent creations of Imagineering along with a colorful lineup of credits on Disney television, and Cat seemed the happiest she was in years, so you couldn't really fault her. After the immense success of Black Cauldron, it was inevitable that Cat would be given another film to do, what you did not expect was that her second film would be a Duck Dodgers movie, the first Looney Tunes film that wasn't a compilation.

As such, the premiere was a pretty flashy event for Disney at the El Capitan Theater and it had the same fanfare and pageantry as a Disneyland event with a lot of the Disney characters present and a good amount of star power in whose who of the Disney alumni.

That didn't stop you from getting a ticket thankfully, both as family of the writer/producer and head of the biggest rival, so you could have a nice family outing, really the first time you and Carrie had taken the kids to a premiere altogether since The Great Muppet Caper.

Well, almost all the kids. George was staying home with Carrie's grandparents for the night, but that was fine by him as he was spoiled in affection by Carrie's grandmother and was happy to have them all to himself for attention.

Honestly, you were proud of how the kids were handling the carpet. Mary was once again all smiles and waves, acting like the perfect little princess of Lucasfilms, infact Carrie had to often corral her from wandering off and giving interviews of her own. Joseph was calm and smiles, just taking it all in. Sarah seemed the most nervous with all the bright lights and people, but you made sure to stay by her side which gave your eldest twin the confidence to move forward.

Thankfully the press was lenient tonight, knowing to go light when your kids were around. Still, they were rather relentless with questions about Batman and the Spider-Man and Hulk movie.

After you got the kids inside and they were together with their cousins under their Uncle's watch, you went back out and did a small round of socialization, manging to find Cat who was in the center of a crowd and looking rather fatigued.

"Excuse me, mind if I steal my sister for a bit." You intruded. Some looked genuinely surprised at such a statement, though everyone was quick to nod, offer apologies and walk away with a certain air of submission.

God, it's still so weird being at the literal top of Hollywood after 15 years.

"Thanks Bruce." Cat said as you escorted her to a nearby bar where the two of you ordered drinks.

"No one's been giving you hell, have they?" You asked with concern.

Cat shook her head, "No, it seems like everyone wants to be your friend as a Disney producer." She said with a tired chuckle. You could only imagine the mixed feelings after having been blacklisted before.

"Never thought you would be into producer work." You commented.

"Same here, but after I turned in the script, Roy thought it'd be best if I got involved in production and coordinated with Chuck. Honestly it felt more like I was stumbling around half the time, but I got a lot of good experience and it'll help me with adapting my works and leading any other projects for writers in need." Cat said with a satisfied smile.

She then noticed your own mixed expression and gave you a sisterly punch in the shoulder, "Come on Bruce, don't look so glum. Not like you're missing out on much with Carrie at your side and her skill with the pen."

"Yeah, but you're pretty great too." You said, giving a warm brotherly hug, "Really happy for you Cat, you definitely deserved it."


Cat then noticed someone pass by and flagged them down, "Chuck!" She yelled, with you freezing in shock. An elderly man then walked over to you two, a living legend who did as much for animation as Walt Disney. "Chuck, this is my brother Bruce. He's a big fan of the Looney Tunes."

"Really? Would have taken you for a Scooby-Doo fan." Chuck joked, shaking your hand with you reciprocating, experiencing a moment of great awe and wonder that had been so fleeting for the past decade.

"Well, I was an addict to the movies as a kid and the Looney Tunes were always the best part of any showing, all the hijinks, the character interactions and smart dialogue, you were carrying animation on your backs for over 20 years." You say in a bit of a fanboyish tone. Surprisingly, you never met one of the minds behind the Looney Tunes until now, always just passing each other on the sea as they say. "Honestly it was thanks to your shorts and other Tunes work that I got inspired to create Dreamworks."

"Damn, I may have done too much of a good job if it lead to that." Chuck joked, making you laugh.

"Actually, believe it or not, George was gunning hard to have Duck Dodgers play before Star Wars, New Hope that is. Walker just didn't see any point in indulging a competitor." You informed, with Chuck shaking his head.

"Damn, real waste right there. It's good to hear that even George loves the short, he'll definitely love this whenever he gets a chance to see it."

"If you don't mind my asking Chuck, what do you think about how animation is going today?" You asked with intrigue.

"Well, it can be a bit overwhelming at times, all the cinema shows like Gundam and having to compete with Japan's work. But I think this industry's moving for the better and it's nice to see people starting to treat it as just more than kids stuff, as it should be. For now, I'm just aiming to get the Tunes to keep up with the new age, and with Cat's involvement I think we did just that."


Not only did she adapt one of the Looney Tune's most iconic shorts to the big screen with lots of hillarity and a great love letter to science fiction past and present, but it was genuinely one of the greatest movies Disney had ever made. You know that not getting Warner Animation was most likely for the best as it pushed you to creating Dreamworks, forming bonds with Sunrise and purchasing Hanna-Barbera, but it's times like this that make you nearly cry for what could have been with the Warner auction.

Expanding upon the premise of Duck Dodgers, the film showed an origin story of shorts, exploring how Daffy became a hero of the future as a test pilot who became frozen in time, later being revived in the 24th 1/2 century where Earth has become an active part of a vibrant galactic community. Over the years, Daffy has risen high as the great hero Duck Dodgers and acquires Porky as the Eager Young Space Cadet who looks forward to learning under Duck Dodgers....only for Porky to realize that Dodgers is one of the greatest frauds in history, a bumbling fool whose charisma and absurdly divine amount of luck manages to get him out of every tough situation by failing successfully in sucha ludicrous fashion that everyone thinks he's just a genius and hero extraordinaire. While the two try to deal with their partnership, war is threatening to break out between Earth and Mars due to machinations on both sides, and thus Dodgers needs to team up with his nemesis Commander Martian and the Martian Queen to save the galaxy.

In a lot of ways, Duck Dodgers is like Star Wars, a love letter to the pulp science fiction of old with modern storytelling and presentation. Still, Dodgers is undeniably more pulpier though it embraces this identity with maximum sillyness while also containing a fair bit of parody to modern sci-fi with more than a few jokes directed to Star Wars, Star Trek and Gundam.

Sure, the movie had the classic Looney Tunes chaos and fast paced slapstick and wit. Plenty of scenes in the movie could have been amazing standalone shorts on this own. But what really pushed the movie to greatness and elevated it beyond just a funny film was the work Cat did with the characters. Instead of Daffy just being an arrogant jerk for the sake of it, his role in Duck Dodgers is heavily dissected with Daffy's bravado being shown as a front for his insecurities and troubled past, trying to elevate himself into something greater to make up for his flaws and failures. Very relatable and powerful stuff that worked great as a standalone for Duck Dodgers and Daffy's greater personality as a whole. While Dodgers didn't entirely change by the end of the movie, it felt like he truly did earn his title of a hero as shown with themes of heroism coming from effort and care, that being active and working for others was noble on all its own.

That being said, the dichotomy of Duck Dodgers throughout the film with him having 20 luck in life and managing to BS his way through trouble with a "Fake it til you make it" attitude or somehow manging to stumble his way to victory with the universe on his side was a really great way to handle the conflicts and it had the whole theater cracking from start to finish.

While it is Daffy's movie, there are plenty of other characters who get to shine. Porky is as lovable as ever as the plucky sidekick doing their best, and in many respects the Hero's Journey seems to apply to Porky in this film as he gains confidence and comes into his own as Dodgers' partner through his adventures, the two helping to balance each other's flaws and work great as a team. Marvin is great as always, playing well to his strengths and his and K-9s slapstick and antagonistic interactions playing well off of Dodgers.

Cat also did a pretty great job with all of the new cast. Queen Tyr-ahnee especially was a surprising hit, a subversion of the bikini-clad eye candy of classic pulp with Tyr-ahnee being a highly competent and able leader of action in the spirit of Leia, and having lots of funny moments as well, including her crush of Dodgers. You were also surprised at how Cat managed to weave into the adventure some strong Cold War critiques and Social commentary with Brash's Jinogism and Woe's Totalitarianism presenting real world conflicts and abusive leaders in such a comedic plot. Not like the Soviets were suddenly good guys, but more that bad actors could be overcome in the search for peace.

It was also nice to see the rest of the Looney Tunes in cameos from stuff such as Gossamer being a Wookie-like gladiator, Speedy as a hotshot smuggler, and Granny as a surprsing mix of Thatcher and Reagan as the head of the United Systems. You also loved the ending of the film where it has a meta scene for the movie being a movie which is being watched by the Looney Tunes and Disney characters in a gigantic theater, kind of like the Muppet movies.

While story and characters were what elevated the movie, everything else was excellently done to wrap it nicely in a beautiful fusion. The animation really was the Looney Tunes drawn at their best with the traditional style of shading reminiscent of the 50s tunes being presented in high definition with vibrant colors and the galaxy of Duck Dodgers being filled with all of these beautiful and creative depictions of a retro-futuristic setting. Chuck played around with the frame rate alot with the movie to show speed through frames, fastening or slowing to make for either really fast and zany slapstick or slow for comic-like action scenes and dramatic effect. It was truly an elevation of the original short much like how the Flash Gordon movie did for the serials.

Last but not least was the amazing musical score, combining the operatic elements typical of Sci-Fi epics like Star Wars with classic 50s synth and the classic Merry Melodies into an excellent fusion. In its own way, it truly was a great collection like if John Williams dabbled in comedic films. The greatest highlight of all was that theme song by Tom Jones which really set the stage for the film's greatness, a Duck Dodgers theme song has no rights being that amazing!

With all that was amazing and perfect for the movie, you were honestly shocked that it didn't become a mega hit like War of the Worlds, Hotel Transylvania or John Henry as it definitely deserved half a billion. Instead, it was very modest with $133 million in global gross, split pretty evenly between domestic and foreign markets with no strong driving country. Part of this may have very well been your fault, with Duck Dodgers directly competing with Macross (And surpassing it, once again Disney having the last financial laugh) which split the Sci-Fi crowd. Both films also had to compete with Gamera coming out in June, a very packed month of blockbusters with Star Trek II: The Search for Spock, Disney's The Gremlins, a Horror-Comedy which did well in the latter, and Cannonball Run II. That's not even taking into account Miyazaki's Naausica.

So unfortunately, Duck Dodgers may have been a victim of poor placing. Though thankfully for Daffy, such a modest theatrical run wouldn't stop his rise as Duck Dodgers. While critics gave quiet praise of 7s and 8s with standard criticism for the pulpiness and more cartoony aspects, audiences LOVED Duck Dodgers and it was universally considered to be peak Looney Tunes, if not among the best that Disney had ever made. Everyone who saw it, young and old, casual and diehard fan of the Tunes, even the Sci-Fi nerds all intensely loved it so when Duck Dodgers was released on VHS for the holidays, it would become a hot seller for Christmas and have a very powerful home media run of $300 million.

This and the profits from the theatrical run alone would have been enough to qualify the film as a strong success and Disney classic. Fortunately for Disney, the very strong following from Duck Dodgers had powerful knock on effects in the realm of merchandise. It seemed that Disney was smart at copying the Lucasfilms playbook as Duck Dodgers toys were strong market leaders for 1984 and 1985, benefitting from Artemis and the general sci-fi craze. From there fans would buy other Looney Tunes merchandise, especially those who got into the franchise from Duck Dodgers, and the Looney Tunes became a true commercial empire alongside the Disney princesses and Mickey and the gang. One need only look into the attendance figures for Looneyland which doubled after the premiere of Duck Dodgers, helping to cement the troubled park in finding its own identity as an equal to the classic Disneyland.

As such, Disney was now going to lean hard into the Tunes. Roy was overseeing a spur of greenlights for new Looney Tunes movies such as a Wile E. Coyote movie or a Bugs Bunny musical. There would very likely be a handful of Looney Tunes films to premiere later this decade, to say nothing of its potential on the Disney Channel after Loonatics Unleashed. Heck, Tune fever was so strong that Disney had approached Lucasarts for the potential of a Duck Dodgers RPG.

With two great classics of what is now being referred to as the "Disney Renaissance" under her belt, Cat was starting to gain some major influence and respect within Disney, no longer just "Bruce's sister" but instead an accomplished creator of her own right. Heck, she was even starting to gain some mainstream attention and you could see her in a couple of magazine interviews or being featured on some of Disney's entertainment news sections like EPCOT Magazine. After many years of struggle, Catherine Powell was living her dream.

Well, if anyone was going to guide Disney's Looney Tunes to success, you were at least happy that it was under Cat.
You know I already can see the jokes about how Ciaphas Cain is just grimdark Duck Dodgers, Nice for Cat to finally be living the dream and man the next Dreamworks movie better be strong if we don't want to be left behind

Glad to see it being done so soon, sure it may have clashed against Macross (and shown that for all its popularity, the Looney Toons still have more strength behind them) but it's still amazing.

...Wait a minute, Disney is doing the Gremlins?! That's a Steven Spielberg script!! It seems we have another spy hunt to perform!!!
I literally asked about gremlins dangit and now Disney's doing it? Well on the bright side that paves the way for Ghoulies* to be made in this timeline even if it's not by us. Maybe we can distribute it if we have have nothing else to do.

*It's one of those follow the leader Gremlin esque movies about a guy who gets into dark magic and summons little demons called Ghoulies. Yeah it's no Gremlins but it's still a decent flick in my opinion unlike some of the other Gremlin knockoffs.