Lights... Camera... ACTION!!: A Hollywood Quest

Hi Magoose here one of the guys helping Duke.

So we have some bad news.

The quest has been canceled as duke does not want to write it anymore.

I'm going to ask if I can take over for it, because I like this quest, and it would be a shame to kill it
TBF, Mags, you have been doing a lot of the heavylifting for the quest, so this will be in good hands. :)

To be clear to everyone, this is just me burning out on imagination of the quest, since my muse has been hitting me over the head a lot with so many different ideas that I just can't find myself too interested in this.

I'll still hang out here, though, since this still does have a sepcial place in my heart.

I'd like to thank you all for making this a wonderful experience while it lasted.

I'd also like to thank @Magoose, @Fluffy_serpent, and @Martin Noctis for doing so much to help prepare and write this quest. I couldn't have done it without you all. :D

I'll see you all around.

With so many regards, Duke William Of.
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calling the vote early.
Adhoc vote count started by Magoose on Oct 15, 2023 at 10:30 PM, finished with 74 posts and 23 votes.

  • [X] Plan Thankful for Autopass
    -[X]Goodbye, Farewell, Amen: Lucille Ball has really called you and asked you to come back for an episode. To give the character Radar a Goodbye.
    -[X]1941: Steve's big-budget comedy Film that he had been making with Robert for Months. You honestly think it will be something cool and great. DC: 0
    -[X]Blow Out: Brian wanted to release his film Earlier but had been stuck in the Editing Loophole from hell. So he has to release it at the same time as 1941… Maybe you can do something about that. DC: 0
    -[X]Treating Her Like a Queen: Carrie isn't doing much around the house, so you are hiring some staff for a day to get her house clean as a whistle.
    -[X]The Gate Crashers: Freddie and Queen are back in town... and they have asked to to crash at your place because they know they would be safe. DC: 50
    -[X]Mikes Great Get Together: Michael Jackson has called and asked if you could just hang out. Like just hang out and not do anything. DC: 30
    -[X]Mike Eisners Contentment: "You do know my contract is coming to an end soon." "Yep." "You aren't worried?" "Mike if I were worried about you leaving us, I wouldn't we asking you to sit on the roof and drink a beer with me?" DC: 20
    -[X]The Disney Reveal: Cat has invited you and almost every big name at Lucasfilms to a big event at Disney Land. Wonder what it could be? DC: 10
    -[X]Steve's Wonder: Um Steve. You and George called everyone here. What dark magic have you done now! DC: ???
    -[X]As Mary Grows Older: It's almost Mary's Birthday, so maybe you want to ask her how she's doing and what she wants.
    -[X]A New Way of Doing Things Part 2: Since Brandon wants to be an actor, You decided that he will do things your way in how to handle a situation and of course, that means one thing. "I am not wearing that." It was a costume and a copy of Romeo and Juliet. "You asked me remember." DC: ???
    -[X]Helping Brandon Graduate Part 7: So Brandon, you are now a junior. We are going to get you to graduate by the end of the year, so that you may join the workforce without sacrificing your education. DC: 60/???
    -[X]A Well-Known Fan: So some really famous person is a fan of yours. Maybe you'll learn who they actually are. DC???
    -[X]A Charitable Heart: You want to invest your newfound wealth. Maybe even save some lives while you are at it. (Linetail what you wish to invest in below this action, and the amount of money you want to donate in)
    --[X] Project Lighthouse. $220 Million. While most Romanians are stuck in the nation thanks to the Biowar, there are hundreds of thousands who left in the early half of the conflict and need your aid. Try to help the Romanian refugees as best as you can so that no matter how the war ends, they will have some peace and refuge.
    -[X]Networking: Well time to start finding out who might actually be interested in meeting you. (Write-in what you want to try and network with)
    --[X] Dino De Laurentiis. The Flash Gordon films are what caused you to connect with George Lucas and they're what inspired George to create Star Wars. You owe a great debt to Flash Gordon due to all the positive butterflies that came with it, and supporting the film would also help Queen since they made the soundtrack. Connect with Dino and try to secure Lucasfilms as Flash Gordon's distributors. If nothing else, it would make for an excellent early Christmas gift for George.
    [X] Plan Thankful for Autopass (Investor Edition)
    -[X]Goodbye, Farewell, Amen: Lucille Ball has really called you and asked you to come back for an episode. To give the character Radar a Goodbye.
    -[X]1941: Steve's big-budget comedy Film that he had been making with Robert for Months. You honestly think it will be something cool and great. DC: 0
    -[X]Investing in the Future: You want to Spend some of that money you made into the company and make the whole thing better DC: ??? (Linetail what you want to invest in, and how much money you want to invest in it)
    --[X] Buy Sunset Toys for $100 million
    --[X] Buy Hasbro for $400 million
    --[X] Buy Apple for $300 million
    -[X]Blow Out: Brian wanted to release his film Earlier but had been stuck in the Editing Loophole from hell. So he has to release it at the same time as 1941… Maybe you can do something about that. DC: 0
    -[X]Treating Her Like a Queen: Carrie isn't doing much around the house, so you are hiring some staff for a day to get her house clean as a whistle.
    -[X]The Gate Crashers: Freddie and Queen are back in town... and they have asked to to crash at your place because they know they would be safe. DC: 50
    -[X]Mikes Great Get Together: Michael Jackson has called and asked if you could just hang out. Like just hang out and not do anything. DC: 30
    -[X]Mike Eisners Contentment: "You do know my contract is coming to an end soon." "Yep." "You aren't worried?" "Mike if I were worried about you leaving us, I wouldn't we asking you to sit on the roof and drink a beer with me?" DC: 20
    -[X]The Disney Reveal: Cat has invited you and almost every big name at Lucasfilms to a big event at Disney Land. Wonder what it could be? DC: 10
    -[X]Steve's Wonder: Um Steve. You and George called everyone here. What dark magic have you done now! DC: ???
    -[X]As Mary Grows Older: It's almost Mary's Birthday, so maybe you want to ask her how she's doing and what she wants.
    -[X]A New Way of Doing Things Part 2: Since Brandon wants to be an actor, You decided that he will do things your way in how to handle a situation and of course, that means one thing. "I am not wearing that." It was a costume and a copy of Romeo and Juliet. "You asked me remember." DC: ???
    -[X]Helping Brandon Graduate Part 7: So Brandon, you are now a junior. We are going to get you to graduate by the end of the year, so that you may join the workforce without sacrificing your education. DC: 60/???

Slowly, deliberately, he went over his firearms and weapons (swords, that one halberd, etc- including the new ones!) with a fine toothed comb, working to keep them in working order after having spent the morning at the Gym's range, now seated in his man cave where he kept all the hobbies Carrie didn't care for and Mary was too young for. As he attempted to scrub the carbon off with CLP, he silently went over the course of the last few months in order to categorize and analyze it all...and found himself struggling to do so; while much of what had happened in his favor, that old spark of malcontent bubbled in his chest, and he was left to grapple with it alone. Intellectually, he knew he wasn't, but there were days, like today, where he just couldn't see it. So he had gone to the range with his dad, hoping to dislodge himself from the mindset of a Blue Day; it had worked...until now, when he was left alone to his own devices, and left with way to much to think.

He sighed, stopping briefly to get a hold of himself by flicking his eyes purposely to the right and slowly scanned the room until he was satisfied that everything was in order. Looking back to his work, he took a moment to realize there he'd finished his task ages ago and had just been committing to a repetitive action to avoid making a decision, and now properly annoyed, got up and stretched, only now noticing the aches that slowly settled into his form. Grumbling something fierce, he went about securing everything back into the home armory.

Done here, he wiped the grease off his arms and then went about getting changed into some running gear, making sure to grab his cassette player on the way out.

Settling into a steady jog, he focused on the rough track he had slowly carved into his property over the months and...years?, yeah years, he had been here, even as he listened to his dad's voice leading him through a number of exercises to practice Romanian; while he had listed to this before, and just been with his dad in the morning, there was just something about practicing the basics with the old man that was just satisfying. Like himself, his dad was captivated by the idea of combining the O'Brian Need for helping others with their Godgiven talents, though unlike his dad, Bruce's talents were in learning new languages than in...

He slowed a tick, thinking about what it was about Joseph O'Brian that was different before stumbling over the protruding root he'd accidentally ignored, before getting back into the groove and continuing the lesson, believing that learning Romanian would not only allow him to connect with the new people on a deeper level but also enable him to contribute more meaningfully to the cause, something that he had noticed had been significantly harder last time when he hadn't focused any energy into learning Vietnamese; for that reason, he had dedicated himself to the task at hand, he had spent countless hours studying Romanian textbooks, listening to language tapes, and practicing conversational phrases, in between everything else that had been going on. At first he had been unsure about all this effort, given his dwindling amount of free time...until he spoke to that first family, directly, in their own tongue.

That look alone had been worth it, he thought to himself as he bounded over a small creek.

Continuing his language learning journey, he discovered that the best way to truly grasp the nuances of the Romanian language was to engage with the new refugee community directly. He started volunteering at a local school, assisting the Project's teachers and organizing language exchange programs for the students. As he worked tirelessly to bridge the language gap and foster a sense of unity among the refugees and the volunteers, inspiring others to follow his suit. The Vietnamese who had already helped had welcomed the Romanians with open arms, a few going so far as to house a number of them in their own homes and introduce Romanian dishes to their restaurants.

On and on it went, Bruce analyzing his year throughout the run, and by the time he had made it back to the house, that Blue Day had faded away into bright Orange, as he embraced a giggling Mary, even as she whined about him being too stinky.

A/N: Wrote this after remembering Bruce hadn't learned a new language this year, and figured that given his dad's mercenary work over there would have helped him figure it out.

By the way, anyone know what else to add to this list? Was trying to keep track of what he already had and've been keeping an assets list updated, though I'm sure I forgot something.

The Assets of Bruce "the Goose" O'Brien (Mon. 19XX):
  • Animals:
    • Ginger O'Brien (Scottish Fold, Queen)
    • Friday O'Brien (Kieger Mustang, Stallion)
  • Companies:
    • Blacksmith's Guild (20% Ownership, Co-Founder)
    • The Bruce Lee Memorial Gymnasium (100% Ownership, Founder)
      • "Bruce's Gym" / "Enter the Dragon"
    • Lucasfilms Unlimited (48% Ownership, Co-Founder)
    • HEMA International Tournament (80% Ownership, Founder)
      • "Hematight" / "The Grand Tourney"
    • O'Reilly Foundation (Non-Profit, Founder)
    • Project Lighthouse (Non-Profit, Founder)
  • Credentials:
    • Bruce's Sex Appeal (Subjective)
    • Driver's License (California)
  • Firearms:
    • PPE (Ear & Eye Pro)
    • Colt ArmaLite AR-15 (x1)
    • Mossberg 500 shotgun (×1)
    • SIG P220 pistol (x1)
    • Smith & Wesson Model 10 revolver (x1)
    • Winchester Model 1894 rifle (×1)
  • Funds (353,817,277 U$D)
  • Instruments:
    • Beginner Guitar
    • Jimi Hendrix's Guitar
  • Library:
    • Children's Books
    • Classical Literature
      • American Sign Language
      • English
      • Cantonese
      • French
      • Irish
      • Japanese
      • Korean
      • Romanian
    • Cook Books
    • Colligate Material (California Standard, Late 1970s)
    • Graphic Novels
      • American
      • Belgian
      • British
      • Japanese
      • Italian
    • High School Material (California Standard, Late 1970s)
    • Musical Notes (Guitar)
    • National Geographic Catalog (1888 - Present: Complete & Up to Date)
    • New York Times Bestsellers
    • Pulp Fiction
  • Languages:
    • English (2)
    • Cantonese (3)
    • French (5)
    • Irish (1)
    • Japanese (4)
    • Korean (6)
    • Romanian (7)
  • Outfits:
    • Casual
    • Costumes:
      • Batman (Columbia, 1978)
      • Conan (+ Sword)
      • Han Solo (New Hope, Empire Strikes Back)
      • Stormtrooper (x2NH)
      • Imperial Officer Uniform (x1NH)
    • Hobby:
      • Casual Sailing
      • Firearms Training
      • HEMA equipment
        • Armor (Chainmail x1, Plate x1)
        • Halberd (x1)
        • Longsword (x1)
        • Saber (Fencing x1)
        • Shield
      • Horseback Riding
      • Jean Suit
      • MMA Sparring
    • Professional:
      • Suits (Business, Interview)
  • Real Estate:
    • Beverly Hills Mansion
    • Beverly Hills Development (185 Acres, IllegallySurveyed)
      • Crude Oil Reservoir (~100 Million Barrels)
    • LA Apartment Building (Ten Story, 100% Ownership)
  • Skills:
    • Acting
    • Directing
    • Firearms Training
    • Historical European Martial Arts (Black Belt, Grandmaster / Founder)
    • Jeet Kung Do (Black Belt)
    • Teaching
  • Vehicles:
    • 1963 Ford Falcon (Black)
    • 1970 Ford Mustang Boss 302 Fastback (Highland Green)
    • 1978 Ford Econoline (Blue)
Where Everything Passed without any worry. Turn 71 Results (November-December 1979)
Where Everything Passed without any worry. Turn 71 Results

-[X]Goodbye, Farewell, Amen: Lucille Ball has really called you and asked you to come back for an episode. To give the character Radar a Goodbye.

Sp:D100 + 50 => 150

You really wanted to say something funny but it was a little too emotional than that. You honestly didn't know how to feel on the set. Everyone was a stranger wearing a familiar face.

They knew and celebrated your work, and that of the show, everyone was happy and great to be around. They congratulated you and Carrie for both having a good life and for the kids on the way.

But in the series, everyone felt the same way.

The Script was tight, and the script was honestly the best you had ever read. Detailing some of the misadventures, even telling everyone Radar was getting a medal and that was why he was being sent home.

There were many things that everyone wondered about, with Alan deciding to make a joke that Radar was dating some movie starlet like Debbie Reynolds, who was paying all the right people to get him back.

That joke hit harder when Carrie laughed about several things when she came on set one day because Mary was unhappy and wanted to see her daddy, and how good you looked in fatigues again, and the set photos you allowed them to have.

But it was nice.

And you knew that the episode was where you gave it your best.

And you knew the rest were going to see it that way.

Reward: You gave it your best. And that was all everyone expected.

+100,000 Dollars.
-[X]1941: Steve's big-budget comedy Film that he had been making with Robert for Months. You honestly think it will be something cool and great. DC: 0 Rolled:D100 => 38

You felt sorry for Steve for everything.

(Continued in 1941)

-[X]Blow Out: Brian wanted to release his film Earlier but had been stuck in the Editing Loophole from hell. So he has to release it at the same time as 1941… Maybe you can do something about that. DC: 0 Rolled:D100 => 22

Damn, Brian really wanted to make a damn good film. But he's on a roll with his films.

(Continued in Blow Out)

-[X]Treating Her Like a Queen: Carrie isn't doing much around the house, so you are hiring some staff for a day to get her house clean as a whistle. Rolled:D100 + 40 => 116

As you cooked her breakfast, all you could do was look at Carrie as she sat at the table, waiting for you to serve her. "You're staring again." She stated, giving a flick of her wrists. "And the pancakes are burning."

"They are not." You said as you flipped them, proving that they were not. "And I'm not staring, you are?"

"Oh don't make this about me?" She said. "You won't win that fight."

You flipped the pancake you cooked onto one of the waiting plates. "Maybe it's not about winning, but not losing the fight?" your smile made her laugh.

"Oh come on, I'm too pregnant to do anything fun like that." She said as she sighed.

"Then what does my beautiful wife want to do today?" You asked.

Carrie then looked at the pancakes you made her, and then towards Mary's room. "How about a single day where we do nothing? No TV, no books, just us."

"As my queen commands." You said. "Mary, breakfast!"

Mary ran out of her room, and following her were Ginger and Natalie. And all was right in the world.

Reward: You decide to spend time with your family and no one else.

-[X]The Gate Crashers: Freddie and Queen are back in town... and they have asked to to crash at your place because they know they would be safe. DC: 50 Rolled:D100 => 86

Yet the next day, Freddie and Queen showed up. You were just sitting by your pool when the phone went off and you groaned and went to answer it. "O'Brian household."

"Oh hello Bruce" It was Brian. "Um… can we come in?"

You took a breath. "Where are you at?"

"At the gate." Brian said.

"That was one time, I'm not letting you guys record in my-"

"Um, we got kicked out of our hotel…" Brian said. "But it wasn't our fault."

You raised an eyebrow. "Why?"

"We were" Brian paused. "Yeah I know, but. Alright, I'll tell him." He paused again. "Freddie wanted to see you. And we honestly haven't seen you in years. We just wanted to come over."

You groaned. "You could have started with that. Also no smoking, Mary is here today and I am not-"

"Yeah yeah, see you soon." Brian hung up the phone and you sighed. "Carrie, we're going to have guests."

"Oh is it Freddie and the gang?" She said.

"Yep." you replied.

"Oh… they called yesterday and asked to come over. It's going to be nice to see them again."

"Well as long as we don't have any surprises, we'll be fine."

-[X]Mikes Great Get Together: Michael Jackson has called and asked if you could just hang out. Like just hang out and not do anything. DC: 30 Rolled:D100 => 2

Michael Jackson was with them as well. "You guys working together?" You asked as they crashed on your couch.

"Not really, I just tagged along." He said with a smile. "How's Mary?"

"She's swimming with her mother right now. So what are we all doing here? You guys don't seem the one to come around and ask about stuff. We haven't talked in like a year outside of some phone calls."

Freddie shook his head. "Well, we were in town, and wanted to see you."

"We are not having a jam session." You said.

Mike rolled his eyes and looked towards Queen. "Told you."

John shook his head. "But it was so fun."

"Yeah, but I have my daughter here, and no offense, the lyrics we sing aren't exactly child-friendly."

There was silence. "Come on guys, are you in trouble or something."

Freddie sighed. "Come on, we'll tell him. Our production company screwed us out all of our money."

Mike then raised an eyebrow. "Don't you mean record company?"

"No, Production company." Roger said.

Mike was incensed. "Are you guys idiots? Why did you sign with a production company, and not sign directly with a label?"

"Yeah, so we're looking for some good lawyers to get our songs back."

You raised an eyebrow. "Who are you attacking, and how much do you need?"

There was silence. "Wait you are not mad?" Freddie asked.

"I broke up the Beatles for less." You laughed. "So let's mobilize."

A Few weeks later, Queen Owned their entire catalog again… And invited you to a private showing of their next soundtrack, which Brian was working on. Flash Gordon.

And helped you meet the man himself.

Reward: You and Queen, and Mike met, and you helped them out of a jam.

-[X]Mike Eisners Contentment: "You do know my contract is coming to an end soon." "Yep." "You aren't worried?" "Mike if I were worried about you leaving us, I wouldn't we asking you to sit on the roof and drink a beer with me?" DC: 20 Rolled:D100 => 17

"You know what," Mike said as he looked at you as he sat down. "I realized something working with Steve."

"That's he is insanely talented?" You asked.

"No not that, I knew that the moment he pissed off Sid enough to try to get him to come back to Universal with that contract bullshit." He smiled. "It's that you all pretty much just trust each other to make the movies you want, and hope that other people will see it."

"Sometimes you gotta have faith." You said with a smile, as you held up a beer. "What about you, still think we're the misfits of the world?"

Mike laughed. "That won't change till you're old and gray and you have more money than sense." He then sighed. "Honestly, I almost told George not to hire me back for another five years. I thought I could just go someplace else, expand my horizons... see something new."

"Like Disney?"

"I'd have run those bastards to a new golden age." He laughed. "But seriously, I think what made me change my mind, was your pure faith in others. in what they do."

"Something tells me George gave you a lot of money to stay."

"One percent of the merchandise sales for the next five years, in addition to other fun things." He smiled. "But... it may be about the money for me, it isn't for you. You all are building something that will outlast you. And honestly, I'm glad to be along for the ride."

Reward: Mike is on for another five years. He was given money yes... but he truly has become something far more than just the President of all of Lucasfilms.

He felt a part of this band of misfits.

And most of everyone agreed that he was too.

Not bad for a bean counter from Paramount and CBS.
-[X]The Disney Reveal: Cat has invited you and almost every big name at Lucasfilms to a big event at Disney Land. Wonder what it could be? DC: 10 Rolled:D100 => 61

Good God.

Mike had every reason to be scared as you sat next to him, and sat on Club 33.

"Oh my god, seems they've learned a thing or two from me."

"How so?"

Then you looked up to the sky to see an honest-to-god monster of Darkness. Mike then began to laugh like a mad man. "Seems they don't to half measures... Come on lets see this."

(Continued in: Disney's Renaissance)
-[X]Steve's Wonder: Um Steve. You and George called everyone here. What dark magic have you done now! DC: ??? Rolled:D100 => 75

"What dark Magic have you two done now?" Those were the words that Mike Eisner said to the team as they gathered for the Premeeting for the Action Plan.

And it was entirely because of two men. Well, three if you counted Lawrence, but he didn't work here. Steve and George were happy. That much was certain. Extremely happy.

Almost enough to forget 1941.

"So talk to us guys, what's so funny?" You asked.

"We have something called Indiana Jones and it's going to be the best adventure movie of all time." Steve said with a smile.

You frowned at that. "Conan's the best adventure film ever."

Steve frowned. "Okay, the best original adventure Film."

George smiled. "The thing is, Star Wars is going to be released, and Lawrence is too busy right now to not help me write it. So we need to kill some time."

It was John's turn to speak, and you were so glad to have John back in the building after several months of him in a mental health facility. "Can we get a crack at it?"

That's when Steve shook his head. "Sorry, but no. We made this character right after Star Wars and uh, we want the films."

"Shit," Dave said with a swear. "That sounds cool."

"Go work on Cyberpunk you glutton." Robert shot at Dave. There was no hostility between them… but there was the playful banter of several talented people happily knowing their strengths.

Mike looked at Steve and George. "I can look at the schedule and-"

"Mike if you try to stop us, I'm firing you." George said, deathly serious.

Mike realized he was beaten. "Alright. Gonna need to take that into account."

Reward: Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark will be produced in 1980. George and Steve will not be available to assign on the next action plan turn.

Do not attempt to do the budget there, George is paying for it entirely out of his pocket.

-[X]As Mary Grows Older: It's almost Mary's Birthday, so maybe you want to ask her how she's doing and what she wants. Rolled:D100 => 21

"Mary what do you want?" You asked your daughter as you saw her smile and crawl around.

"Kermit!" She asked holding up her Kermit doll.

Okay new tactics. "What else do you want?"

"My brother and sister!" She proclaimed.

Well, you didn't know about that. "Sorry Honey, but they'll come out of mommy when they are ready, not when you are ready."

"Aww." She pouted. "Movie!"

You smiled. "You want to watch a movie?"

"Yeah, movie with daddy."

You looked around. "Well, we have Star Wars." You started. Everything else wasn't for kids.

"Movie with daddy!" She said.

You took a breath. "How about this, on your birthday, we'll see a new movie I and Gorge have been working on. You'll be the first to see it, okay?"

Reward: Mary wants to see a new movie… though you don't have any pictures with you in it for kids besides Star Wars… and honestly letting her see Empire won't be too traumatizing. Despite it pushing the envelope.

-[X]A New Way of Doing Things Part 2: Since Brandon wants to be an actor, You decided that he will do things your way in how to handle a situation and of course, that means one thing. "I am not wearing that." It was a costume and a copy of Romeo and Juliet. "You asked me remember." DC: ??? Rolled:D100 + 10 => 76

"Are you… I am doing this play with Carrie? Also, who the hell are these people!?" Brandon asked.

Queen, Michael, and George's family were all there. "Quite simply, they are friends who helping Romeo." You said with a smile. "No, act 1, scene one. Hurry up, we need to get through with this stuff."

Reward: Despite Brandon's protests, he is a damn fine Romeo. And your friends had a nice laugh acting out Romeo and Juliet.

His acting skills increased.

-[X]Helping Brandon Graduate Part 7: So Brandon, you are now a junior. We are going to get you to graduate by the end of the year, so that you may join the workforce without sacrificing your education. DC: 60/??? Rolled:D100 + 10 => 77

"Congrats Brandon, you are now officially graduated from High school almost at 16, just like me!"

Bradon, for his part, shut the door in your face. "I HATE YOU BRUCE!"

He'll get over it when you begin working on movies with him. Then he will see all the hard work he had will pay off.

Reward: Brandon has graduated, and now his mom won't be mad if you decide to hire him for a film.

Also, Brandon is tired and won't want to work for a while.

-[X]A Well-Known Fan: So some really famous person is a fan of yours. Maybe you'll learn who they actually are. DC??? Rolled:D100 => 4

The Well-Known Fan:D20 => 15

The man's name was David Dixon, and you honestly heard about him because he had met with Carrie a few times to ask about a few ideas.

Well, you learned that the man was incredibly business savvy, as well as a man who had a dream.

A new Football league. He'd say he'd stay in touch.

Reward: Met David Dixon… a man who has a dream.

-[X]A Charitable Heart: You want to invest your newfound wealth. Maybe even save some lives while you are at it. (Linetail what you wish to invest in below this action, and the amount of money you want to donate in)
--[X] Project Lighthouse. $220 Million. While most Romanians are stuck in the nation thanks to the Biowar, there are hundreds of thousands who left in the early half of the conflict and need your aid. Try to help the Romanian refugees as best as you can so that no matter how the war ends, they will have some peace and refuge. Rolled:D100 => 61

It was honestly easier than expected, what with most humanitarian organizations helping out in the whole thing.

Dad also got you into contact with several Romanian government officials and they were… more than happy to relocate all those people who needed your help.

And as a final fuck you to Jerry Brown, you helped move over 100,000 people to California, and many of those refugees were families that had people with the skills to help California's economy. Just to show him that no, people who you helped were not dredges on society, but people whose whole lives were uprooted and needed security.

Reward: You helped so many people out. And gave a last fuck you to the Brown Govenorship.
-[X]Networking: Well time to start finding out who might actually be interested in meeting you. (Write-in what you want to try and network with)
--[X] Dino De Laurentiis. The Flash Gordon films are what caused you to connect with George Lucas and they're what inspired George to create Star Wars. You owe a great debt to Flash Gordon due to all the positive butterflies that came with it, and supporting the film would also help Queen since they made the soundtrack. Connect with Dino and try to secure Lucasfilms as Flash Gordon's distributors. If nothing else, it would make for an excellent early Christmas gift for George. Rolled:D100 => 46

It was Freddie who introduced you to Dino and the man basically shook your hands and asked you for help to get his film released.

And you agreed. And told him that you were not going to take a single dime in profit.

Mostly because you negotiated Queen to get a little bit more.

Reward: Flash Gordon… has a distributor. You.

AN: enjoy.

Directed by: Steven Spielberg
Written by: Robert Zemeckis and Bob Gale
Produced by: Michael Eisner
Production Studio: Lucasfilms Unlimited
Distribution: Lucasfilms Unlimited
Starring: Dan Aykroyd, Ned Beatty, John Belushi, Lorraine Gary, Murray Hamilton, Christopher Lee, Tim Matheson, Toshiro Mifune, Warren Oates, Robert Stack, Treat Williams, Nancy Allen, Bobby Di Cicco, Eddie Deezen, Walter Olkewicz, Dianne Kay, Slim Pickens, Wendie Jo Sperber, John Candy, Perry Lang, Geno Silva, Patti LuPone, Whitney Rydbeck, Penny Marshall, and Lucinda Dooling

Film Quality: D100 + 200 => 221
Audience: D100 + 200 => 202
Critic: D100 + 200 => 209

Domestic Profits: $35,708,269

International Profits: $3,153,504
Total Gross: $38,861,773

You'd worked with Steven before, and you can confidently say that, despite some rough starts, he's one of the new leading lights when it comes to directing a good adventure story. The man has vision, commitment, and his creativity when it comes to finding solutions to any production problem (in which there have been think the man may be cursed) is something to admire. From Jaws, to Close Encounters, to haven't seen the man fail yet. And despite the many times he's complained about the bad luck that just sticks with him in every movie he tries to make, you've always felt that there is nothing he cannot do when he puts his mind to it.

Which is why you're just stumped at what may very well be the first flop in Lucasfilms history, something that you're sure Universal will love lording over your head. Sydney has already sent you a letter which you just ripped and threw in the garbage. You have no desire to even think about the arrogant asshole, and you're not about to let him try and bad talk your friend, no matter how much it seems the entire community is happy and willing to do so.

The worst part though, it's what happened to Steve afterwards. Mike was there through the entire production, he knew that the film was set to be one of the best there was, and yet...from what he told you, it was an entire shitfest from day one; Sets broke down daily, requiring quick fixes just to get though the daily shooting. ILM employees kept getting injured when things went wrong (how does a screen keep malfunctioning three times in a a single take!), hell, even Steve sprained his arm when he was filming and a pole fell on him.

In the end, it was too much. Steve had a breakdown at the end of the filming, and Robert had to finish it up as he checked into a hospital. It was that bad, there was no other choice but to just remove himself from the project even when it is nearly at the end. Jesus, you can't help but think that if you'd been there then perhaps you could've done something. But that would just be disrespectful to both Steve and Mike, who you can't and won't blame for all they did in trying to make this a successful movie.

Pity the world won't see it as such.

Set during World War II, the story of 1941 follows the hysteria that grips the Californians in the wake of the bombing of Pearl Harbor. As paranoia sets in, and chaos erupts all over the state, civilians and soldiers prepare for the Japanese invasion, while a lost Japanese submarine sends its crew to scout out the madness. It's basically a three stooges like comedy that shows the comedy of errors between two different cultures who tend to either overreact or just take the entire problem too seriously.

Yet the audience could not find anything funny in it; the entire film is an exaggeration of everything. All the set pieces are either destroyed or blown up by the end (by that point, you think Steven would have developed some sadistic pleasure in doing so), people keep falling here and there throughout the movie (Mike did tell you the entire cast seemed just about done with everything by that point), and all the characters are hyperactive ( don't even have an excuse here, just what the hell was going on?!).

Still, there is still something to praise here; its energetic camerawork, the special effects which ILM still managed to do despite the entire production clearly being haunted by the spirit of an old Voodoo priest (because what else could it be at this point?!) and of course, John Williams' score.

God bless that man, and that you and George managed to find and keep his services.

Critics are having a field day with this; attacking Steven whenever the chance comes, calling him too prideful and how he had clearly overstepped and overrated himself. A man full of hubris just because he had a couple of successes at just disgusts you how someone can turn their opinion at the drop of a hat just to get a bigger headline. And then Carrie and George asked you why you hated the press so much, they're just a bunch of vultures one and all.

At the very least the more professional critics tend to focus more on the technical difficulties and the overall experience rather than make digs at your friend, but it doesn't change the fact that they all agree that the movie, while clearly ambitious, just falls short of the mark when it comes to comedy, and how clearly Lucasfilms is not yet ready to tackle said genre.

On an overall scale, as much as it pains you to admit it... 1941 is just not a good movie. Perhaps the first one to come out from Lucasfilms, and above all it is a rare failure from a filmmaker who both you and George consider to be one of the greatest storytellers of your generation. Mike talked to you about visiting Steven at the hospital, and finding him in much better humor than what he expected. Apparently, Steven had taken this as a much-needed bitter pill. He'd started to let his newfound reputation go to his head, and while he laments that it took an entire production to knock some sense back into him (as well as sober him up) he does feel that the lessons have finally stuck with him, and he will not be found lacking in whatever comes next.

Well, nothing else you can say to that...and considering how he finished filming Marathon Madness in just 10 days with no single issue on sight then you think that you may have gotten a bargain here. A movie flops, a talented director rises once more.

A fair trade.
Reward: You decide to spend time with your family and no one else.
Kinda needed it.
"Well as long as we don't have any surprises, we'll be fine."
Reward: You and Queen, and Mike met, and you helped them out of a jam.
How wild is the production gonna be for Thriller?

Also, I wonder what Robin and Travolta think of them?

And why didn't we visit them while we were in England? That's kinda shitty of us.
Not bad for a bean counter from Paramount and CBS.
We've really made him our Agent Coulson.
Reward: Mary wants to see a new movie… though you don't have any pictures with you in it for kids besides Star Wars… and honestly letting her see Empire won't be too traumatizing. Despite it pushing the envelope.
Reward: Despite Brandon's protests, he is a damn fine Romeo. And your friends had a nice laugh acting out Romeo and Juliet.
Why do I get the feeling Robin was bombastically Juliet?
Reward: Brandon has graduated, and now his mom won't be mad if you decide to hire him for a film.

Also, Brandon is tired and won't want to work for a while.
Walk it off, bro- nah, seriously, enjoy that nap.
Reward: You helped so many people out. And gave a last fuck you to the Brown Govenorship.
To Boldly Go
To Boldly Go

Fred Freiberger hated his reputation.

Ever since he first left the army to come work at Hollywood, he'd learned that one lived and breathed as others thought of you. He'd seen men (and occasionally women) who sank their entire careers just because of one bad run of luck, one small rumor that just went out of control, a case of being in the wrong place at the wrong time and forever tainted by association.

Such had been the case with him. No one remembered that he'd worked alongside Ray Harryhausen in The Beast From 20,000 Fathoms. No one cared that he'd been the producer for Wild Wild West just as it was starting, only to leave as it was getting popular. No one seemed to believe when he said that he'd written episodes for so many other TV Series that went on to become classics or hits under his watch.

No, everyone only remembered his failures. Star Trek, Space 1999, The Six Million Dollar Man... all under his watch, all cancelled because of circumstances beyond his control; lack of interest and effort on behalf of the TV Station, low budgets, restructuring of the entire series that you had to do under orders only for it to suddenly collapse due to lack of interest on behalf of the audience.

And thus it came to this. Once more out of a job after the collapse of The Six Million Dollar Man, once more no one willing to hire him until they probably needed a scapegoat for their own incompetence. After all, what was more likely? That the mismanagement of TV Studios caused one's favorite show to go under, or that the reputation of the "Series Killer" once more proved itself true, only adding more scorn to his name, and more ammo for his newly acquired nickname.

Series there was a reputation no one could walk away from. No matter how much he tries to answer back to any who would listen, it would all sound like weak excuses in the end. Heck, even he can tell that they did, and he lived it, he knew it was the truth!

Not that it mattered, people preferred the fantastical to the truth these days it seemed.

With the revival of Science Fiction that had arrived with the explosion of Star Wars, one could be forgiven for thinking that his most recent job would have lasted longer. Yet apparently it only made it worse; not enough fantastical elements, not enough robots (or "Droids" as people seemed to be clamoring for nowadays) and not enough Space...could've fixed that quickly enough with some sets, but by that point they were just trying to get out of it.

What did surprise Fred was the Star Trek revival that came from it. Not that he was bitter, not at all. He did rejoice in seeing that at least one of his "failures" would get the chance to at least redeem itself after the fact. Problem was a hit and miss.

As far as he could see many of the issues were still there; the lack of budget, the lack of special effects, not enough guest actors...and dear God the scripts! Did they let Gene get into the writing room again?! Had they not learned their lesson from the last time he tried?! Dear God, Fred could acknowledge the man's creativity, but he had a vision of the world that just seemed so antithetical to humanity and more akin to robots that both Coon and Fontana sometimes had to work behind his back to just make the show work.

He'd even called both William, Leonard and the rest of the gang to congratulate them, yet what he heard discouraged you quite a bit; though the show seemed to have done well enough with the audience, not everyone in Paramount is that excited to continue it for any longer than an additional season. So it seemed that, at the very least, the Enterprise's 5-year mission would at least be complete. It's not a bad thing, and in fact Fred would call it something good. It's not every day that a TV show makes such a comeback. In fact, this would be the first time if he recalled correctly.

But Fred still felt dissatisfied.

Could it be because he once worked with them that it bothered him to see them get such substandard equipment for all their efforts? Was it perhaps envy that he could see them once more try when he was clearly being forgotten? Was it perhaps nostalgia?

Or perhaps, it was a desire to at least prove that if given a chance he too could've been a part of what made Star Trek great.

There was nothing he could do when it came to being a producer, there was no way Paramount or CBS would allow him back with the current state of his reputation. But...he was more than a producer. Once he'd been a writer, he'd had to use a pen name for it of course, and despite it being so long ago, he still had made sure to keep his skills sharp.

Moving to his studio and grabbing a pencil and paper he set to his new task with the energy he'd long ago thought he'd dismissed.

Perhaps Fred Freiberger could not do anything for Star Trek anymore.

But Charles Woodgrove would certainly try.

Pilgrim Of Eternity: When the Enterprise encounters an anomaly, an ill and dying Apollo, who once attempted to enslave the crew on Pollux IV, appears aboard the Enterprise much older and sicker. Kirk will have to decide what to do with him, whether to save him or let him die, since Apollo says that the only way to survive is for him to stay on a planet with a primitive civilization. But Scotty thinks Apollo just wants to be a god again and dominate another species. Introduction of the "Holodeck" and Lieutenant Elise McKennah, Ship Counsellor.

Lolani: An Orion slave girl named Lolani, a survivor of a Tellarite ship, puts Captain Kirk and his crew in a moral dilemma over her freedom. During the episode the question of slavery is asked and debated, the socio-political make up of Orion, as well as its gender roles, revealing that once it was the males who were the slaves, and now they're getting their revenge. How far will Kirk and the Federation go to keep up with their ideals though?

The Fairest of Them All: A continuation of "Mirror, Mirror". After the events that had Captain Kirk be replaced with his alternate counterpart, In the Mirror Universe, Spock faces a choice that will determine the future of the Terran Empire. Should he continue serving under Kirk and the tyrannical Terran Empire, or will he rally others to a new cause, that of peace and reason, opposing all he's known on the small chance that they may succeed? Will he be the man that can change the present...the Captain of this Enterprise?

The White Iris: Captain Kirk finds himself haunted by his past actions, seeing hallucinations of the people he's hurt and the guilt that gnaws at him. Meanwhile on a planet, the fate of an alien world hangs in the balance with only Kirk being able to save them. Second introduction of the prototype "Holodeck". An introspection on the character of James Kirk, showing that underneath the confidence and leadership, there is still a man.

Divided We Stand: When a strange virus enters the computer of the USS Enterprise, Captain Kirk and Leonard McCoy suddenly find themselves trapped in the past in the middle of a 19th century American Civil War battle, while an alien infestation threatens the Enterprise. Both Kirk and McCoy have to now march under the Union Flag (despite McCoy wearing a confederate uniform) while making sure history is not altered. A chance for a discussion on equality, and the fight for freedom for all.

Come Not Between the Dragons: A troubled creature resembling a rock pierces the hull of the Enterprise, through many attempts at communication, all they can surmise is that it's running from a pursuer, right before it starts pitting the crew against said pursuer who attempts to destroy the creature and launches energy waves into the ship causing the crew to become hyper aggressive against the creature and themselves.

Embracing the Winds: While the Enterprise is sent on a seemingly routine mission, Kirk is called to a starbase where he must face an ethical dilemma that challenges the very core of Starfleet Command; though women have become Captains of ships, the Tellarites balk at the idea of one of them becoming Captains of the Constellation-Class Ships. Commander Garridan has launched an appeal to become Captain of said ship, claiming that she was rejected based on her gender.

Still Threads the Shadow: The Enterprise reaches an anomaly in the Cressida system where it discovers the USS Defiant (NCC-1764), which a year ago (in the episode "The Tholian Web" of the original series) was entering and exiting reality and later had mysteriously disappeared after they managed to rescue Kirk from said ship. When they go to the ship to investigate, they find a much older double of Captain Kirk frozen in a cryogenic tube...

What Ships Are For: Captain Kirk fights to help a society on an isolated world whose inhabitants live in a very peculiar way; the radiation in this world makes it so that everyone can only see everything in black and white, with no color. When bringing one of the natives to the Enterprise, they are shocked to discover that said native is in reality an alien from their neighboring system who is at war with the natives. But no one is more shocked than the native itself.

To Boldly Go (Part I & II): To solve its latest puzzle, the Enterprise must return to where Captain James T. Kirk's five-year mission began; The Galactic Barrier. The Enterprise will find itself in the middle of a conflict between the Romulans and humans who have obtained super-powers, and Kirk will have to know who is telling the truth, since not everything is as it seems. Kirk and his crew will have to fight to protect not only themselves, but to save the Federation before it is conquered.

A.N.: I just think it's an injustice how Fred Freiberger had to carry the entire blame for the end of Star Trek when both Roddenberry and the network should carry the greater share of it. The man was basically given command of the Titanic one minute before they hit the iceberg, and he did everything he could to try and avoid it. He was a good writer from what I can see, and if anything I think he would have liked to be remembered as something else than the "Series Killer". Not to mention, the chance to have Str Trek Continues but with the original actors would be a dream come true. These are amazing episodes that truly deserve to be part of the Canon.
Where Everything Passed without any worry. Turn 71 Results

-[X]Goodbye, Farewell, Amen: Lucille Ball has really called you and asked you to come back for an episode. To give the character Radar a Goodbye.

Sp:D100 + 50 => 150

You really wanted to say something funny but it was a little too emotional than that. You honestly didn't know how to feel on the set. Everyone was a stranger wearing a familiar face.

They knew and celebrated your work, and that of the show, everyone was happy and great to be around. They congratulated you and Carrie for both having a good life and for the kids on the way.

But in the series, everyone felt the same way.

The Script was tight, and the script was honestly the best you had ever read. Detailing some of the misadventures, even telling everyone Radar was getting a medal and that was why he was being sent home.

There were many things that everyone wondered about, with Alan deciding to make a joke that Radar was dating some movie starlet like Debbie Reynolds, who was paying all the right people to get him back.

That joke hit harder when Carrie laughed about several things when she came on set one day because Mary was unhappy and wanted to see her daddy, and how good you looked in fatigues again, and the set photos you allowed them to have.

But it was nice.

And you knew that the episode was where you gave it your best.

And you knew the rest were going to see it that way.

Reward: You gave it your best. And that was all everyone expected.

+100,000 Dollars.

That's a very beautiful sendoff to Radar. We got the nice nat 100 and we can finally close that chapter of our life with grace. Gotta LOL at the Debbie Reynolds joke. Is it Canon in the MASHverse that Radar dated Debbie or was that an off-set joke made by Alan? If not I can imagine a shit ton of MASH fanfics pairing them together. How did Debbie react?

Also what about the gain in acting skills from our appearence?

-[X]Mikes Great Get Together: Michael Jackson has called and asked if you could just hang out. Like just hang out and not do anything. DC: 30 Rolled:D100 => 2

Michael Jackson was with them as well. "You guys working together?" You asked as they crashed on your couch.

"Not really, I just tagged along." He said with a smile. "How's Mary?"

"She's swimming with her mother right now. So what are we all doing here? You guys don't seem the one to come around and ask about stuff. We haven't talked in like a year outside of some phone calls."

Freddie shook his head. "Well, we were in town, and wanted to see you."

"We are not having a jam session." You said.

Mike rolled his eyes and looked towards Queen. "Told you."

John shook his head. "But it was so fun."

"Yeah, but I have my daughter here, and no offense, the lyrics we sing aren't exactly child-friendly."

There was silence. "Come on guys, are you in trouble or something."

Freddie sighed. "Come on, we'll tell him. Our production company screwed us out all of our money."

Mike then raised an eyebrow. "Don't you mean record company?"

"No, Production company." Roger said.

Mike was incensed. "Are you guys idiots? Why did you sign with a production company, and not sign directly with a label?"

"Yeah, so we're looking for some good lawyers to get our songs back."

You raised an eyebrow. "Who are you attacking, and how much do you need?"

There was silence. "Wait you are not mad?" Freddie asked.

"I broke up the Beatles for less." You laughed. "So let's mobilize."

A Few weeks later, Queen Owned their entire catalog again… And invited you to a private showing of their next soundtrack, which Brian was working on. Flash Gordon.

And helped you meet the man himself.

Reward: You and Queen, and Mike met, and you helped them out of a jam.

A bit frustrated that the Michael Jackson action was all focused on Queen, would have been nice to just see some stuff of him and Bruce just hanging out. At least we helped Queen.

-[X]Mike Eisners Contentment: "You do know my contract is coming to an end soon." "Yep." "You aren't worried?" "Mike if I were worried about you leaving us, I wouldn't we asking you to sit on the roof and drink a beer with me?" DC: 20 Rolled:D100 => 17

"You know what," Mike said as he looked at you as he sat down. "I realized something working with Steve."

"That's he is insanely talented?" You asked.

"No not that, I knew that the moment he pissed off Sid enough to try to get him to come back to Universal with that contract bullshit." He smiled. "It's that you all pretty much just trust each other to make the movies you want, and hope that other people will see it."

"Sometimes you gotta have faith." You said with a smile, as you held up a beer. "What about you, still think we're the misfits of the world?"

Mike laughed. "That won't change till you're old and gray and you have more money than sense." He then sighed. "Honestly, I almost told George not to hire me back for another five years. I thought I could just go someplace else, expand my horizons... see something new."

"Like Disney?"

"I'd have run those bastards to a new golden age." He laughed. "But seriously, I think what made me change my mind, was your pure faith in others. in what they do."

"Something tells me George gave you a lot of money to stay."

"One percent of the merchandise sales for the next five years, in addition to other fun things." He smiled. "But... it may be about the money for me, it isn't for you. You all are building something that will outlast you. And honestly, I'm glad to be along for the ride."

Reward: Mike is on for another five years. He was given money yes... but he truly has become something far more than just the President of all of Lucasfilms.

He felt a part of this band of misfits.

And most of everyone agreed that he was too.

Not bad for a bean counter from Paramount and CBS.

Damn we really needed that autopass. Nice to see Mike still stay with us and work his magic for the next five years. That means he'll have worked for us as long as he did with Paramount, and I guess 1985 will be the year that cements if he's a Lucasfilms boi.

-[X]Helping Brandon Graduate Part 7: So Brandon, you are now a junior. We are going to get you to graduate by the end of the year, so that you may join the workforce without sacrificing your education. DC: 60/??? Rolled:D100 + 10 => 77

"Congrats Brandon, you are now officially graduated from High school almost at 16, just like me!"

Bradon, for his part, shut the door in your face. "I HATE YOU BRUCE!"

He'll get over it when you begin working on movies with him. Then he will see all the hard work he had will pay off.

Reward: Brandon has graduated, and now his mom won't be mad if you decide to hire him for a film.

Also, Brandon is tired and won't want to work for a while.

Looks like we're making Kung Fu Kid next year.

-[X]A Well-Known Fan: So some really famous person is a fan of yours. Maybe you'll learn who they actually are. DC??? Rolled:D100 => 4

The Well-Known Fan:D20 => 15

The man's name was David Dixon, and you honestly heard about him because he had met with Carrie a few times to ask about a few ideas.

Well, you learned that the man was incredibly business savvy, as well as a man who had a dream.

A new Football league. He'd say he'd stay in touch.

Reward: Met David Dixon… a man who has a dream.


-[X]A Charitable Heart: You want to invest your newfound wealth. Maybe even save some lives while you are at it. (Linetail what you wish to invest in below this action, and the amount of money you want to donate in)
--[X] Project Lighthouse. $220 Million. While most Romanians are stuck in the nation thanks to the Biowar, there are hundreds of thousands who left in the early half of the conflict and need your aid. Try to help the Romanian refugees as best as you can so that no matter how the war ends, they will have some peace and refuge. Rolled:D100 => 61

It was honestly easier than expected, what with most humanitarian organizations helping out in the whole thing.

Dad also got you into contact with several Romanian government officials and they were… more than happy to relocate all those people who needed your help.

And as a final fuck you to Jerry Brown, you helped move over 100,000 people to California, and many of those refugees were families that had people with the skills to help California's economy. Just to show him that no, people who you helped were not dredges on society, but people whose whole lives were uprooted and needed security.

Reward: You helped so many people out. And gave a last fuck you to the Brown Govenorship.

Glad to see that lots of people will have a chance to live on, and worst case scenario Romanian culture through them. Don't worry everyone, I'm working on something good to give the Romanians a boost.

-[X]Networking: Well time to start finding out who might actually be interested in meeting you. (Write-in what you want to try and network with)
--[X] Dino De Laurentiis. The Flash Gordon films are what caused you to connect with George Lucas and they're what inspired George to create Star Wars. You owe a great debt to Flash Gordon due to all the positive butterflies that came with it, and supporting the film would also help Queen since they made the soundtrack. Connect with Dino and try to secure Lucasfilms as Flash Gordon's distributors. If nothing else, it would make for an excellent early Christmas gift for George. Rolled:D100 => 46

It was Freddie who introduced you to Dino and the man basically shook your hands and asked you for help to get his film released.

And you agreed. And told him that you were not going to take a single dime in profit.

Mostly because you negotiated Queen to get a little bit more.

Reward: Flash Gordon… has a distributor. You.

Mike at the same moment:
"I feel a disturbance in the Force, as if Bruce is preventing me from making millions in money."

Directed by: Steven Spielberg
Written by: Robert Zemeckis and Bob Gale
Produced by: Michael Eisner
Production Studio: Lucasfilms Unlimited
Distribution: Lucasfilms Unlimited
Starring: Dan Aykroyd, Ned Beatty, John Belushi, Lorraine Gary, Murray Hamilton, Christopher Lee, Tim Matheson, Toshiro Mifune, Warren Oates, Robert Stack, Treat Williams, Nancy Allen, Bobby Di Cicco, Eddie Deezen, Walter Olkewicz, Dianne Kay, Slim Pickens, Wendie Jo Sperber, John Candy, Perry Lang, Geno Silva, Patti LuPone, Whitney Rydbeck, Penny Marshall, and Lucinda Dooling

Film Quality: D100 + 200 => 221
Audience: D100 + 200 => 202
Critic: D100 + 200 => 209

Domestic Profits: $35,708,269

International Profits: $3,153,504
Total Gross: $38,861,773

You'd worked with Steven before, and you can confidently say that, despite some rough starts, he's one of the new leading lights when it comes to directing a good adventure story. The man has vision, commitment, and his creativity when it comes to finding solutions to any production problem (in which there have been think the man may be cursed) is something to admire. From Jaws, to Close Encounters, to haven't seen the man fail yet. And despite the many times he's complained about the bad luck that just sticks with him in every movie he tries to make, you've always felt that there is nothing he cannot do when he puts his mind to it.

Which is why you're just stumped at what may very well be the first flop in Lucasfilms history, something that you're sure Universal will love lording over your head. Sydney has already sent you a letter which you just ripped and threw in the garbage. You have no desire to even think about the arrogant asshole, and you're not about to let him try and bad talk your friend, no matter how much it seems the entire community is happy and willing to do so.

The worst part though, it's what happened to Steve afterwards. Mike was there through the entire production, he knew that the film was set to be one of the best there was, and yet...from what he told you, it was an entire shitfest from day one; Sets broke down daily, requiring quick fixes just to get though the daily shooting. ILM employees kept getting injured when things went wrong (how does a screen keep malfunctioning three times in a a single take!), hell, even Steve sprained his arm when he was filming and a pole fell on him.

In the end, it was too much. Steve had a breakdown at the end of the filming, and Robert had to finish it up as he checked into a hospital. It was that bad, there was no other choice but to just remove himself from the project even when it is nearly at the end. Jesus, you can't help but think that if you'd been there then perhaps you could've done something. But that would just be disrespectful to both Steve and Mike, who you can't and won't blame for all they did in trying to make this a successful movie.

Pity the world won't see it as such.

Set during World War II, the story of 1941 follows the hysteria that grips the Californians in the wake of the bombing of Pearl Harbor. As paranoia sets in, and chaos erupts all over the state, civilians and soldiers prepare for the Japanese invasion, while a lost Japanese submarine sends its crew to scout out the madness. It's basically a three stooges like comedy that shows the comedy of errors between two different cultures who tend to either overreact or just take the entire problem too seriously.

Yet the audience could not find anything funny in it; the entire film is an exaggeration of everything. All the set pieces are either destroyed or blown up by the end (by that point, you think Steven would have developed some sadistic pleasure in doing so), people keep falling here and there throughout the movie (Mike did tell you the entire cast seemed just about done with everything by that point), and all the characters are hyperactive ( don't even have an excuse here, just what the hell was going on?!).

Still, there is still something to praise here; its energetic camerawork, the special effects which ILM still managed to do despite the entire production clearly being haunted by the spirit of an old Voodoo priest (because what else could it be at this point?!) and of course, John Williams' score.

God bless that man, and that you and George managed to find and keep his services.

Critics are having a field day with this; attacking Steven whenever the chance comes, calling him too prideful and how he had clearly overstepped and overrated himself. A man full of hubris just because he had a couple of successes at just disgusts you how someone can turn their opinion at the drop of a hat just to get a bigger headline. And then Carrie and George asked you why you hated the press so much, they're just a bunch of vultures one and all.

At the very least the more professional critics tend to focus more on the technical difficulties and the overall experience rather than make digs at your friend, but it doesn't change the fact that they all agree that the movie, while clearly ambitious, just falls short of the mark when it comes to comedy, and how clearly Lucasfilms is not yet ready to tackle said genre.

On an overall scale, as much as it pains you to admit it... 1941 is just not a good movie. Perhaps the first one to come out from Lucasfilms, and above all it is a rare failure from a filmmaker who both you and George consider to be one of the greatest storytellers of your generation. Mike talked to you about visiting Steven at the hospital, and finding him in much better humor than what he expected. Apparently, Steven had taken this as a much-needed bitter pill. He'd started to let his newfound reputation go to his head, and while he laments that it took an entire production to knock some sense back into him (as well as sober him up) he does feel that the lessons have finally stuck with him, and he will not be found lacking in whatever comes next.

Well, nothing else you can say to that...and considering how he finished filming Marathon Madness in just 10 days with no single issue on sight then you think that you may have gotten a bargain here. A movie flops, a talented director rises once more.

A fair trade.

Holy Shit! Considering that OTL 1941's budget was $35 million, then this is indeed the first Lucasfilms box office bomb and has overtaken Hardcore as the studio's definitive "Worst Movie". Poor Steve, guy deserves it least of all when he's just trying to prove himself. At least this came in the same year as Conan's explosive success so he's still got an Oscar nod, and he's about to make Indiana Jones after smooth sailing with Marathon.

Los Angeles Geese anyone? Maybe L.A. Splash? Emerald Knights?
Why not all three?

Personally I want to go with Los Angeles Condors to fit the bird theme and have something local, or the Los Angeles Dragons for Mary. But that is a badass image though so LA Geese it is I guess, lol.

To Boldly Go

Fred Freiberger hated his reputation.

Ever since he first left the army to come work at Hollywood, he'd learned that one lived and breathed as others thought of you. He'd seen men (and occasionally women) who sank their entire careers just because of one bad run of luck, one small rumor that just went out of control, a case of being in the wrong place at the wrong time and forever tainted by association.

Such had been the case with him. No one remembered that he'd worked alongside Ray Harryhausen in The Beast From 20,000 Fathoms. No one cared that he'd been the producer for Wild Wild West just as it was starting, only to leave as it was getting popular. No one seemed to believe when he said that he'd written episodes for so many other TV Series that went on to become classics or hits under his watch.

No, everyone only remembered his failures. Star Trek, Space 1999, The Six Million Dollar Man... all under his watch, all cancelled because of circumstances beyond his control; lack of interest and effort on behalf of the TV Station, low budgets, restructuring of the entire series that you had to do under orders only for it to suddenly collapse due to lack of interest on behalf of the audience.

And thus it came to this. Once more out of a job after the collapse of The Six Million Dollar Man, once more no one willing to hire him until they probably needed a scapegoat for their own incompetence. After all, what was more likely? That the mismanagement of TV Studios caused one's favorite show to go under, or that the reputation of the "Series Killer" once more proved itself true, only adding more scorn to his name, and more ammo for his newly acquired nickname.

Series there was a reputation no one could walk away from. No matter how much he tries to answer back to any who would listen, it would all sound like weak excuses in the end. Heck, even he can tell that they did, and he lived it, he knew it was the truth!

Not that it mattered, people preferred the fantastical to the truth these days it seemed.

With the revival of Science Fiction that had arrived with the explosion of Star Wars, one could be forgiven for thinking that his most recent job would have lasted longer. Yet apparently it only made it worse; not enough fantastical elements, not enough robots (or "Droids" as people seemed to be clamoring for nowadays) and not enough Space...could've fixed that quickly enough with some sets, but by that point they were just trying to get out of it.

What did surprise Fred was the Star Trek revival that came from it. Not that he was bitter, not at all. He did rejoice in seeing that at least one of his "failures" would get the chance to at least redeem itself after the fact. Problem was a hit and miss.

As far as he could see many of the issues were still there; the lack of budget, the lack of special effects, not enough guest actors...and dear God the scripts! Did they let Gene get into the writing room again?! Had they not learned their lesson from the last time he tried?! Dear God, Fred could acknowledge the man's creativity, but he had a vision of the world that just seemed so antithetical to humanity and more akin to robots that both Coon and Fontana sometimes had to work behind his back to just make the show work.

He'd even called both William, Leonard and the rest of the gang to congratulate them, yet what he heard discouraged you quite a bit; though the show seemed to have done well enough with the audience, not everyone in Paramount is that excited to continue it for any longer than an additional season. So it seemed that, at the very least, the Enterprise's 5-year mission would at least be complete. It's not a bad thing, and in fact Fred would call it something good. It's not every day that a TV show makes such a comeback. In fact, this would be the first time if he recalled correctly.

But Fred still felt dissatisfied.

Could it be because he once worked with them that it bothered him to see them get such substandard equipment for all their efforts? Was it perhaps envy that he could see them once more try when he was clearly being forgotten? Was it perhaps nostalgia?

Or perhaps, it was a desire to at least prove that if given a chance he too could've been a part of what made Star Trek great.

There was nothing he could do when it came to being a producer, there was no way Paramount or CBS would allow him back with the current state of his reputation. But...he was more than a producer. Once he'd been a writer, he'd had to use a pen name for it of course, and despite it being so long ago, he still had made sure to keep his skills sharp.

Moving to his studio and grabbing a pencil and paper he set to his new task with the energy he'd long ago thought he'd dismissed.

Perhaps Fred Freiberger could not do anything for Star Trek anymore.

But Charles Woodgrove would certainly try.

Pilgrim Of Eternity: When the Enterprise encounters an anomaly, an ill and dying Apollo, who once attempted to enslave the crew on Pollux IV, appears aboard the Enterprise much older and sicker. Kirk will have to decide what to do with him, whether to save him or let him die, since Apollo says that the only way to survive is for him to stay on a planet with a primitive civilization. But Scotty thinks Apollo just wants to be a god again and dominate another species. Introduction of the "Holodeck" and Lieutenant Elise McKennah, Ship Counsellor.

Lolani: An Orion slave girl named Lolani, a survivor of a Tellarite ship, puts Captain Kirk and his crew in a moral dilemma over her freedom. During the episode the question of slavery is asked and debated, the socio-political make up of Orion, as well as its gender roles, revealing that once it was the males who were the slaves, and now they're getting their revenge. How far will Kirk and the Federation go to keep up with their ideals though?

The Fairest of Them All: A continuation of "Mirror, Mirror". After the events that had Captain Kirk be replaced with his alternate counterpart, In the Mirror Universe, Spock faces a choice that will determine the future of the Terran Empire. Should he continue serving under Kirk and the tyrannical Terran Empire, or will he rally others to a new cause, that of peace and reason, opposing all he's known on the small chance that they may succeed? Will he be the man that can change the present...the Captain of this Enterprise?

The White Iris: Captain Kirk finds himself haunted by his past actions, seeing hallucinations of the people he's hurt and the guilt that gnaws at him. Meanwhile on a planet, the fate of an alien world hangs in the balance with only Kirk being able to save them. Second introduction of the prototype "Holodeck". An introspection on the character of James Kirk, showing that underneath the confidence and leadership, there is still a man.

Divided We Stand: When a strange virus enters the computer of the USS Enterprise, Captain Kirk and Leonard McCoy suddenly find themselves trapped in the past in the middle of a 19th century American Civil War battle, while an alien infestation threatens the Enterprise. Both Kirk and McCoy have to now march under the Union Flag (despite McCoy wearing a confederate uniform) while making sure history is not altered. A chance for a discussion on equality, and the fight for freedom for all.

Come Not Between the Dragons: A troubled creature resembling a rock pierces the hull of the Enterprise, through many attempts at communication, all they can surmise is that it's running from a pursuer, right before it starts pitting the crew against said pursuer who attempts to destroy the creature and launches energy waves into the ship causing the crew to become hyper aggressive against the creature and themselves.

Embracing the Winds: While the Enterprise is sent on a seemingly routine mission, Kirk is called to a starbase where he must face an ethical dilemma that challenges the very core of Starfleet Command; though women have become Captains of ships, the Tellarites balk at the idea of one of them becoming Captains of the Constellation-Class Ships. Commander Garridan has launched an appeal to become Captain of said ship, claiming that she was rejected based on her gender.

Still Threads the Shadow: The Enterprise reaches an anomaly in the Cressida system where it discovers the USS Defiant (NCC-1764), which a year ago (in the episode "The Tholian Web" of the original series) was entering and exiting reality and later had mysteriously disappeared after they managed to rescue Kirk from said ship. When they go to the ship to investigate, they find a much older double of Captain Kirk frozen in a cryogenic tube...

What Ships Are For: Captain Kirk fights to help a society on an isolated world whose inhabitants live in a very peculiar way; the radiation in this world makes it so that everyone can only see everything in black and white, with no color. When bringing one of the natives to the Enterprise, they are shocked to discover that said native is in reality an alien from their neighboring system who is at war with the natives. But no one is more shocked than the native itself.

To Boldly Go (Part I & II): To solve its latest puzzle, the Enterprise must return to where Captain James T. Kirk's five-year mission began; The Galactic Barrier. The Enterprise will find itself in the middle of a conflict between the Romulans and humans who have obtained super-powers, and Kirk will have to know who is telling the truth, since not everything is as it seems. Kirk and his crew will have to fight to protect not only themselves, but to save the Federation before it is conquered.

A.N.: I just think it's an injustice how Fred Freiberger had to carry the entire blame for the end of Star Trek when both Roddenberry and the network should carry the greater share of it. The man was basically given command of the Titanic one minute before they hit the iceberg, and he did everything he could to try and avoid it. He was a good writer from what I can see, and if anything I think he would have liked to be remembered as something else than the "Series Killer". Not to mention, the chance to have Str Trek Continues but with the original actors would be a dream come true. These are amazing episodes that truly deserve to be part of the Canon.

Man I had absolutely no idea this guy existed. Poor Fred, he definitely doesn't deserve all of that crap and some people would probably still believe him for being involved with the second season of Phase II even though it literally completes the Enterprise's five year mission and they have a movie afterwords. Had no idea that Star Trek Continues was a thing, seems like a great series and I'm hyped to write the second season of Phase II.
Man I had absolutely no idea this guy existed. Poor Fred, he definitely doesn't deserve all of that crap and some people would probably still believe him for being involved with the second season of Phase II even though it literally completes the Enterprise's five year mission and they have a movie afterwords. Had no idea that Star Trek Continues was a thing, seems like a great series and I'm hyped to write the second season of Phase II.
Yep, even William Shatner and Nichelle Nichols went up to bat for him, in their autobiographies they absolve him of all guilt, and claim that he did everything possible for the show to continue, only to be hampered at every turn. Meanwhile, Roddenberry, the series creator, just...stopped caring.

So, this in a way is a way for him to redeem himself, and to bring in the episodes of the Star Trek Continues series into the final season so that it can go on a high note. Plus, the final two episodes set things pretty neatly for the OTL movie.
Call of Duty: Ghosts (a R. Talsorian Games Cyberpunk Story)
Call of Duty: Ghosts (a R. Talsorian Games Cyberpunk Story): by Mike Pondsmith and Dave Alistair [ Graphic Novel / MiniSeries | War ]

A sequel to the events of Call of Duty: Tijuana Takedown, set against the backdrop of the Central American Wars in the cyberpunk world, unfolds a harrowing tale. In response to the devastating 2nd US-Mexico War, still ongoing, and with the United States preparing to open up a second front in Columbia, where it seeks to disrupt the production of illicit drugs, undercutting the source of the Mexican cartels' revenue stream, the oil-producing nations of Latin America, particularly Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Columbia, Peru and Venezuela, establish the "People's Federation of Gran Columbia", and immediately embarks on a path of extensive reform and industrialization, preparing itself for a formidable conflict against the United States. With its largely Marxist leadership (propped up by the Arasaka Megacorp and the faltering Soviet state), the Federation becomes increasingly motivated to combat America are now deeply rooted in their opposition to what they perceive as American imperialism, particularly in light of their experiences in Mexico and as a form of revenge for Operation Condor and the right-wing dictatorships that plagued Latin America. This organic motivation fuels their swift conquest of Latin America, buoyed by popular support and a fervent desire to overthrow corrupt military juntas. It also serves as a poignant reckoning for America's Cold War policies and serves as a stark warning against treating Latin America as a mere playground for geopolitical games. As their power grows exponentially, the Federation preemptively launches a series of calculated invasions, swiftly conquering large swathes of Central America, the Caribbean, and even the newly acquired US territory of Mexico. In a desperate bid to reclaim lost ground, the United States initiates a counter-invasion, plunging both nations into a prolonged and grueling conflict over territory. [ The strain of this war ultimately leads to the collapse of the United States, paving the way for the rise of the Megacorps as the controlling force in the newly formed New United States of America (NUSA). ]

But amidst this chaos and geopolitical upheaval, a group known as the Ghosts takes center stage. Comprised of highly skilled U.S. Special Operations personnel, they are trained in the art of covert operations. Led by the seasoned retired U.S. Army Captain Elias Walker, the team includes his sons Logan and David "Hesh" Walker, accompanied by their loyal German Shepherd named Riley. Joining them are Captain Thomas Merrick and Gunnery Sergeant Keegan P. Russ. The story begins with Elias Walker captivating his sons with the legend of the Ghosts, recounting the origins of this elite coalition of U.S. Special Operations units.

Meanwhile, the Federation attempts to seize control of the Orbital Defense Initiative (ODIN), a formidable orbital superweapon comprised of satellites capable of unleashing devastating kinetic bombardments, to unleash its full arsenal on the entirety of the United States, but in a desperate act of sacrifice, U.S. Space Command astronauts self-destruct the space station to prevent Federation soldiers from launching the station's entire payload; unfortunately, they were unable to prevent four rods from being dropped on the Midwestern United States, leading to the loss of Chicago, Columbus, Indianapolis and Milwaukee, and devastation throughout the entire region, leading to America retaliating by nuking several of the Federation's major cities. But with full scale nuclear and space war is prohibited by a recent treaty introduced by the Japanese, with the full backing of the USSR and Pan-African Alliance, the United States is largely confined to conventional battle tactics.

As the narrative unfolds, the Federation expands its control through ruthless invasions, occupying Central America, the Caribbean, and Mexico. A grueling war of attrition ensues between the United States and the Federation, with a heavily fortified frontline known as "No Man's Land" bisecting the Mexican territory. Hesh and Logan, now integral members of their father's Ghost unit, embark on daring missions to rescue their captured comrade, Ajax, and confront the treacherous Gabriel Rorke, a turncoat operative.

Through a series of intense battles, including a Federation assault on Santa Monica, California, the Walker family reunites amidst the chaos. Elias, revealed as the enigmatic leader of the Ghosts, recruits his sons into the unit, sharing the tragic tale of Rorke's transformation from a revered Ghost leader to a brainwashed operative for the Federation. Determined to bring justice to their fallen comrades, the Ghosts mount a daring assault on Rorke's heavily fortified base. However, their valiant efforts are thwarted when Federation forces destroy their escape plane, leaving them trapped and vulnerable.

Undeterred, the indomitable Ghosts uncover the Federation's plans for a new and more devastating superweapon. Launching a daring counterattack, they systematically dismantle key Federation installations, including their own version of ODIN known as LOKI. With each victory, the Ghosts inch closer to turning the tide of the war...even as corporate interests seemingly act against them with the unveiling of their barely disciplined PMC forces, with one of them, a Pvt. Robert John Linder, deserting them after one of the counter-assaults.

Yet, their triumphs are short-lived as Rorke and the Federation capture the Ghosts, leading to the heartbreaking execution of Elias. In a final desperate act, the remaining U.S. forces launch a daring and audacious assault, utilizing their last remaining aircraft carrier and collaborating with the U.S. Space Force. It is during this climactic battle that Hesh and Logan, consumed by vengeance, take it upon themselves to infiltrate the Federation's space center, determined to confront Rorke and put an end to his reign of terror once and for all.

In a thrilling and heart-wrenching showdown, Rorke shoots Logan and leaves him to drown, believing he has claimed victory. However, against all odds, Logan survives, only to be captured by Rorke, who intends to subject him to the same brainwashing torment he himself had endured.

The story concludes with a post-credits scene, revealing Logan imprisoned and subjected to the merciless methods of Rorke, leaving the fate of the protagonist uncertain and casting a shadow of uncertainty over the future.

A/N: Roommate has been really into the new CoD beta, talking about how they're reintroducing a few of the mechanics from Ghosts has got me nostalgic, so...yeah.

[EDIT: Made changes to the pitch as per Kaiser Chris' suggestions; original, unedited pitch provided below.

Logan's perspective is to showcase a completely different perspective in that of a patriotic, borderline jingoistic, soldier who can see the logistical supplychain breaking down before his eyes and is still choosing to move forward, partly because they do not see another way. They see the PMC soldier coming in to take "their glory", who is (for the moment) trained to much lower standards and their shortcomings made up for with better technology. They're seeing the United States and all her promises fade as they realize the war has taken too many lives and is about to explode into something akin to the Russian Revolution (that preceded the Bolshevik Revolution). It's to showcase the setting as it solidifies into a Broken Dream.]
A sequel to the events of Call of Duty: Tijuana Takedown, set against the backdrop of the Central American Wars in the cyberpunk world, unfolds a harrowing tale. In response to the devastating 2nd US-Mexico War, the oil-producing nations of Latin America, including Venezuela, Chile, Argentina, and Brazil, unite to form the Federation of the Americas. As their power grows exponentially, the Federation launches a series of calculated invasions, swiftly conquering Central America, the Caribbean, and even the newly acquired US territory of Mexico. In a desperate bid to reclaim lost ground, the United States initiates a counter-invasion, plunging both nations into a prolonged and grueling conflict over territory. [ The strain of this war ultimately leads to the collapse of the United States, paving the way for the rise of the Megacorps as the controlling force in the newly formed New United States of America (NUSA). ]

But amidst this chaos and geopolitical upheaval, a group known as the Ghosts takes center stage. Comprised of highly skilled U.S. Special Operations personnel, they are trained in the art of covert operations. Led by the seasoned retired U.S. Army Captain Elias Walker, the team includes his sons Logan and David "Hesh" Walker, accompanied by their loyal German Shepherd named Riley. Joining them are Captain Thomas Merrick and Gunnery Sergeant Keegan P. Russ.

The story begins with Elias Walker captivating his sons with the legend of the Ghosts, recounting the origins of this elite coalition of U.S. Special Operations units. Meanwhile, the Federation seizes control of the Orbital Defense Initiative (ODIN), a formidable orbital superweapon comprised of satellites capable of unleashing devastating kinetic bombardments. Exploiting their newfound power, the Federation unleashes destruction upon several cities in the southwestern United States. In a desperate act of sacrifice, U.S. Air Force astronauts self-destruct the space station to prevent further devastation.

As the narrative unfolds, the Federation expands its control through ruthless invasions, occupying Central America, the Caribbean, and Mexico. A grueling war of attrition ensues between the United States and the Federation, with a heavily fortified frontline known as "No Man's Land" bisecting the Mexican territory. Hesh and Logan, now integral members of their father's Ghost unit, embark on daring missions to rescue their captured comrade, Ajax, and confront the treacherous Gabriel Rorke, a turncoat operative.

Through a series of intense battles, including a Federation assault on Santa Monica, California, the Walker family reunites amidst the chaos. Elias, revealed as the enigmatic leader of the Ghosts, recruits his sons into the unit, sharing the tragic tale of Rorke's transformation from a revered Ghost leader to a brainwashed operative for the Federation. Determined to bring justice to their fallen comrades, the Ghosts mount a daring assault on Rorke's heavily fortified base. However, their valiant efforts are thwarted when Federation forces destroy their escape plane, leaving them trapped and vulnerable.

Undeterred, the indomitable Ghosts uncover the Federation's plans for a new and more devastating superweapon. Launching a daring counterattack, they systematically dismantle key Federation installations, including their own version of ODIN known as LOKI. With each victory, the Ghosts inch closer to turning the tide of the war...even as corporate interests seemingly act against them with the unveiling of their barely disciplined PMC forces, with one of them, a Pvt. Robert John Linder, deserting them after one of the counter-assaults.

Yet, their triumphs are short-lived as Rorke and the Federation capture the Ghosts, leading to the heartbreaking execution of Elias. In a final desperate act, the remaining U.S. forces launch a daring and audacious assault, utilizing their last remaining aircraft carrier and collaborating with the U.S. Space Force. It is during this climactic battle that Hesh and Logan, consumed by vengeance, take it upon themselves to infiltrate the Federation's space center, determined to confront Rorke and put an end to his reign of terror once and for all.

In a thrilling and heart-wrenching showdown, Rorke shoots Logan and leaves him to drown, believing he has claimed victory. However, against all odds, Logan survives, only to be captured by Rorke, who intends to subject him to the same brainwashing torment he himself had endured.

The story concludes with a post-credits scene, revealing Logan imprisoned and subjected to the merciless methods of Rorke, leaving the fate of the protagonist uncertain and casting a shadow of uncertainty over the future.
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Thank you.
Here are three choices for rewards as I have never even heard of this guy till ten minutes ago.

[]Saving A Sinking Ship (Fred isn't going down without a fight)
[]And Into the Light (Fred Knows when to cut his loses.)
[]I am absolved of all Guilt (Fred keeps going, despite Gene, and his persistence is rewarded.)
That's a very beautiful sendoff to Radar. We got the nice nat 100 and we can finally close that chapter of our life with grace. Gotta LOL at the Debbie Reynolds joke. Is it Canon in the MASHverse that Radar dated Debbie or was that an off-set joke made by Alan? If not I can imagine a shit ton of MASH fanfics pairing them together. How did Debbie react?
Debbie loved it, mostly because she would have wished for a guy like Radar in his life.

And it was a joke because of the sappy love between Carrie and Bruce.
Also what about the gain in acting skills from our appearence?
We're max level. We're at 100, and I forgot to update the sheet.
A bit frustrated that the Michael Jackson action was all focused on Queen, would have been nice to just see some stuff of him and Bruce just hanging out. At least we helped Queen.
because to be honest, Mike isn't really in any kind of... strife. Just trying to keep good reactions, and there is a fun action next turn.
Damn we really needed that autopass. Nice to see Mike still stay with us and work his magic for the next five years. That means he'll have worked for us as long as he did with Paramount, and I guess 1985 will be the year that cements if he's a Lucasfilms boi.
Well here is the thing: Good ole mike will eventually move on. But right now... he's building an empire.
Looks like we're making Kung Fu Kid next year.
And Brandon will learn whether he really wants to act.

Or not.
And then The O'Brian and Trump Rivalry gets into the realm of sports, humanitarian aid, and later, politics.

We all it will eventually happen. Maybe Donnie won't be a total asshole. :V
Glad to see that lots of people will have a chance to live on, and worst case scenario Romanian culture through them. Don't worry everyone, I'm working on something good to give the Romanians a boost.
Mike at the same moment:
"I feel a disturbance in the Force, as if Bruce is preventing me from making millions in money."
George: Mike you can't just go around quoting my movie without having a good reason

Mike: It's Bruce!

George: Bruce is not a good reason. Now let's get back to work and keep making good movies.
Holy Shit! Considering that OTL 1941's budget was $35 million, then this is indeed the first Lucasfilms box office bomb and has overtaken Hardcore as the studio's definitive "Worst Movie". Poor Steve, guy deserves it least of all when he's just trying to prove himself. At least this came in the same year as Conan's explosive success so he's still got an Oscar nod, and he's about to make Indiana Jones after smooth sailing with Marathon.

And Steve at least has a few wins coming through to counter balance it.

Also, at least no one would ever care about it too much. Because everyone sees conan, and the people blame Mike Eisner...

Which is a little harsh.
Personally I want to go with Los Angeles Condors to fit the bird theme and have something local, or the Los Angeles Dragons for Mary. But that is a badass image though so LA Geese it is I guess, lol.
And Then we begin a football team.

You know what, I am loving this, and if Carrie decides to expand her horizons...

Well David is on speed dial... eventually.
that Autopass Really Saved us
Yes, yes it did.
Dalle-3 can't figure out how to do condors and keeps giving me eagles, but here's a dragon design for little Mary.
I threaded them both.
Call of Duty: Ghosts (a R. Talsorian Games Cyberpunk Story): by Mike Pondsmith and Dave Alistair [ Graphic Novel / MiniSeries | War ]
Ahh, despite everything, I liked Ghosts. It just reminded me of cheesy 90's action flicks that took themselves seriously while also being goofy as fuck.

+15 to SP...

And a bonus to Mike Pondsmith.

We're about to see him next turn actually.
Vampire disguise and décoration are gonna have sudden raise in California aren't they ?
More like undying stubburnness and unwavering litereture love.

And Vampire decor.
Ahh, despite everything, I liked Ghosts. It just reminded me of cheesy 90's action flicks that took themselves seriously while also being goofy as fuck.

+15 to SP...
Tank you.
And a bonus to Mike Pondsmith.

We're about to see him next turn actually.
That's pretty wizard, ngl.

By the way, and don't want to bug you on this but...they got lost.
Blood Moon Crusade: by Bruce O'Brian and Dave Alistair [ Film / Graphic Novel | Horror / War ]
[]Saving A Sinking Ship (Fred isn't going down without a fight)
[]And Into the Light (Fred Knows when to cut his loses.)
[]I am absolved of all Guilt (Fred keeps going, despite Gene, and his persistence is rewarded.)
Alrighty then. Magoose, I have only one question before I decide...

Which of these allows Fred to write the Star Trek Continues episodes and become Canon?
Honestly at this stage between veterans, refugees and charity in general, would we not have reached the 5% of people in California who owe their survival to us?
Whether that's the case or not, saying bad things about us in a bar is said to be a coin flip to find out if you leave with your teeth in your mouth or in your pocket.
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because to be honest, Mike isn't really in any kind of... strife. Just trying to keep good reactions, and there is a fun action next turn.
isn't michael jackson father an abusive asshole who it would be infinitely better for micheal to be saved away from him ?,if yes bruce vs abusive father sound like a strife

Closer to 10% actually what with our actions in the State House

But whos counting? :V

okayyyy,you will be lucky to leave the bar at all it seem,and you probably gonna have to change state after that.
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isn't michael jackson father an abusive asshole who it would be infinitely better for micheal to be saved away from him ?,if yes bruce vs abusive father sound like a strife
Well Mike already ditched his father. It's why he's in LA.
It's his record company that is going to need to be dealt with.
okayyyy,you will be lucky to leave the bar at all it seem,and you probably gonna have to change state after that.

Bruce is really loved in California.