Where Everything Passed without any worry. Turn 71 Results
-[X]Goodbye, Farewell, Amen: Lucille Ball has really called you and asked you to come back for an episode. To give the character Radar a Goodbye.
D100 + 50 => 150
You really wanted to say something funny but it was a little too emotional than that. You honestly didn't know how to feel on the set. Everyone was a stranger wearing a familiar face.
They knew and celebrated your work, and that of the show, everyone was happy and great to be around. They congratulated you and Carrie for both having a good life and for the kids on the way.
But in the series, everyone felt the same way.
The Script was tight, and the script was honestly the best you had ever read. Detailing some of the misadventures, even telling everyone Radar was getting a medal and that was why he was being sent home.
There were many things that everyone wondered about, with Alan deciding to make a joke that Radar was dating some movie starlet like Debbie Reynolds, who was paying all the right people to get him back.
That joke hit harder when Carrie laughed about several things when she came on set one day because Mary was unhappy and wanted to see her daddy, and how good you looked in fatigues again, and the set photos you allowed them to have.
But it was nice.
And you knew that the episode was where you gave it your best.
And you knew the rest were going to see it that way.
Reward: You gave it your best. And that was all everyone expected.
+100,000 Dollars.
-[X]1941: Steve's big-budget comedy Film that he had been making with Robert for Months. You honestly think it will be something cool and great. DC: 0 Rolled:
D100 => 38
You felt sorry for Steve for everything.
(Continued in 1941)
-[X]Blow Out: Brian wanted to release his film Earlier but had been stuck in the Editing Loophole from hell. So he has to release it at the same time as 1941… Maybe you can do something about that. DC: 0 Rolled:
D100 => 22
Damn, Brian really wanted to make a damn good film. But he's on a roll with his films.
(Continued in Blow Out)
-[X]Treating Her Like a Queen: Carrie isn't doing much around the house, so you are hiring some staff for a day to get her house clean as a whistle. Rolled:
D100 + 40 => 116
As you cooked her breakfast, all you could do was look at Carrie as she sat at the table, waiting for you to serve her. "You're staring again." She stated, giving a flick of her wrists. "And the pancakes are burning."
"They are not." You said as you flipped them, proving that they were not. "And I'm not staring, you are?"
"Oh don't make this about me?" She said. "You won't win that fight."
You flipped the pancake you cooked onto one of the waiting plates. "Maybe it's not about winning, but not losing the fight?" your smile made her laugh.
"Oh come on, I'm too pregnant to do anything fun like that." She said as she sighed.
"Then what does my beautiful wife want to do today?" You asked.
Carrie then looked at the pancakes you made her, and then towards Mary's room. "How about a single day where we do nothing? No TV, no books, just us."
"As my queen commands." You said. "Mary, breakfast!"
Mary ran out of her room, and following her were Ginger and Natalie. And all was right in the world.
Reward: You decide to spend time with your family and no one else.
-[X]The Gate Crashers: Freddie and Queen are back in town... and they have asked to to crash at your place because they know they would be safe. DC: 50 Rolled:
D100 => 86
Yet the next day, Freddie and Queen showed up. You were just sitting by your pool when the phone went off and you groaned and went to answer it. "O'Brian household."
"Oh hello Bruce" It was Brian. "Um… can we come in?"
You took a breath. "Where are you at?"
"At the gate." Brian said.
"That was one time, I'm not letting you guys record in my-"
"Um, we got kicked out of our hotel…" Brian said. "But it wasn't our fault."
You raised an eyebrow. "Why?"
"We were" Brian paused. "Yeah I know, but. Alright, I'll tell him." He paused again. "Freddie wanted to see you. And we honestly haven't seen you in years. We just wanted to come over."
You groaned. "You could have started with that. Also no smoking, Mary is here today and I am not-"
"Yeah yeah, see you soon." Brian hung up the phone and you sighed. "Carrie, we're going to have guests."
"Oh is it Freddie and the gang?" She said.
"Yep." you replied.
"Oh… they called yesterday and asked to come over. It's going to be nice to see them again."
"Well as long as we don't have any surprises, we'll be fine."
-[X]Mikes Great Get Together: Michael Jackson has called and asked if you could just hang out. Like just hang out and not do anything. DC: 30 Rolled:
D100 => 2
Michael Jackson was with them as well. "You guys working together?" You asked as they crashed on your couch.
"Not really, I just tagged along." He said with a smile. "How's Mary?"
"She's swimming with her mother right now. So what are we all doing here? You guys don't seem the one to come around and ask about stuff. We haven't talked in like a year outside of some phone calls."
Freddie shook his head. "Well, we were in town, and wanted to see you."
"We are not having a jam session." You said.
Mike rolled his eyes and looked towards Queen. "Told you."
John shook his head. "But it was so fun."
"Yeah, but I have my daughter here, and no offense, the lyrics we sing aren't exactly child-friendly."
There was silence. "Come on guys, are you in trouble or something."
Freddie sighed. "Come on, we'll tell him. Our production company screwed us out all of our money."
Mike then raised an eyebrow. "Don't you mean record company?"
"No, Production company." Roger said.
Mike was incensed. "Are you guys idiots? Why did you sign with a production company, and not sign directly with a label?"
"Yeah, so we're looking for some good lawyers to get our songs back."
You raised an eyebrow. "Who are you attacking, and how much do you need?"
There was silence. "Wait you are not mad?" Freddie asked.
"I broke up the Beatles for less." You laughed. "So let's mobilize."
A Few weeks later, Queen Owned their entire catalog again… And invited you to a private showing of their next soundtrack, which Brian was working on. Flash Gordon.
And helped you meet the man himself.
Reward: You and Queen, and Mike met, and you helped them out of a jam.
-[X]Mike Eisners Contentment: "You do know my contract is coming to an end soon." "Yep." "You aren't worried?" "Mike if I were worried about you leaving us, I wouldn't we asking you to sit on the roof and drink a beer with me?" DC: 20 Rolled:
D100 => 17
"You know what," Mike said as he looked at you as he sat down. "I realized something working with Steve."
"That's he is insanely talented?" You asked.
"No not that, I knew that the moment he pissed off Sid enough to try to get him to come back to Universal with that contract bullshit." He smiled. "It's that you all pretty much just trust each other to make the movies you want, and hope that other people will see it."
"Sometimes you gotta have faith." You said with a smile, as you held up a beer. "What about you, still think we're the misfits of the world?"
Mike laughed. "That won't change till you're old and gray and you have more money than sense." He then sighed. "Honestly, I almost told George not to hire me back for another five years. I thought I could just go someplace else, expand my horizons... see something new."
"Like Disney?"
"I'd have run those bastards to a new golden age." He laughed. "But seriously, I think what made me change my mind, was your pure faith in others. in what they do."
"Something tells me George gave you a lot of money to stay."
"One percent of the merchandise sales for the next five years, in addition to other fun things." He smiled. "But... it may be about the money for me, it isn't for you. You all are building something that will outlast you. And honestly, I'm glad to be along for the ride."
Reward: Mike is on for another five years. He was given money yes... but he truly has become something far more than just the President of all of Lucasfilms.
He felt a part of this band of misfits.
And most of everyone agreed that he was too.
Not bad for a bean counter from Paramount and CBS.
-[X]The Disney Reveal: Cat has invited you and almost every big name at Lucasfilms to a big event at Disney Land. Wonder what it could be? DC: 10 Rolled:
D100 => 61
Good God.
Mike had every reason to be scared as you sat next to him, and sat on Club 33.
"Oh my god, seems they've learned a thing or two from me."
"How so?"
Then you looked up to the sky to see an honest-to-god monster of Darkness. Mike then began to laugh like a mad man. "Seems they don't to half measures... Come on lets see this."
(Continued in: Disney's Renaissance)
-[X]Steve's Wonder: Um Steve. You and George called everyone here. What dark magic have you done now! DC: ??? Rolled:
D100 => 75
"What dark Magic have you two done now?" Those were the words that Mike Eisner said to the team as they gathered for the Premeeting for the Action Plan.
And it was entirely because of two men. Well, three if you counted Lawrence, but he didn't work here. Steve and George were happy. That much was certain. Extremely happy.
Almost enough to forget 1941.
"So talk to us guys, what's so funny?" You asked.
"We have something called Indiana Jones and it's going to be the best adventure movie of all time." Steve said with a smile.
You frowned at that. "Conan's the best adventure film ever."
Steve frowned. "Okay, the best original adventure Film."
George smiled. "The thing is, Star Wars is going to be released, and Lawrence is too busy right now to not help me write it. So we need to kill some time."
It was John's turn to speak, and you were so glad to have John back in the building after several months of him in a mental health facility. "Can we get a crack at it?"
That's when Steve shook his head. "Sorry, but no. We made this character right after Star Wars and uh, we want the films."
"Shit," Dave said with a swear. "That sounds cool."
"Go work on Cyberpunk you glutton." Robert shot at Dave. There was no hostility between them… but there was the playful banter of several talented people happily knowing their strengths.
Mike looked at Steve and George. "I can look at the schedule and-"
"Mike if you try to stop us, I'm firing you." George said, deathly serious.
Mike realized he was beaten. "Alright. Gonna need to take that into account."
Reward: Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark will be produced in 1980. George and Steve will not be available to assign on the next action plan turn.
Do not attempt to do the budget there, George is paying for it entirely out of his pocket.
-[X]As Mary Grows Older: It's almost Mary's Birthday, so maybe you want to ask her how she's doing and what she wants. Rolled:
D100 => 21
"Mary what do you want?" You asked your daughter as you saw her smile and crawl around.
"Kermit!" She asked holding up her Kermit doll.
Okay new tactics. "What else do you want?"
"My brother and sister!" She proclaimed.
Well, you didn't know about that. "Sorry Honey, but they'll come out of mommy when they are ready, not when you are ready."
"Aww." She pouted. "Movie!"
You smiled. "You want to watch a movie?"
"Yeah, movie with daddy."
You looked around. "Well, we have Star Wars." You started. Everything else wasn't for kids.
"Movie with daddy!" She said.
You took a breath. "How about this, on your birthday, we'll see a new movie I and Gorge have been working on. You'll be the first to see it, okay?"
Reward: Mary wants to see a new movie… though you don't have any pictures with you in it for kids besides Star Wars… and honestly letting her see Empire won't be too traumatizing. Despite it pushing the envelope.
-[X]A New Way of Doing Things Part 2: Since Brandon wants to be an actor, You decided that he will do things your way in how to handle a situation and of course, that means one thing. "I am not wearing that." It was a costume and a copy of Romeo and Juliet. "You asked me remember." DC: ??? Rolled:
D100 + 10 => 76
"Are you… I am doing this play with Carrie? Also, who the hell are these people!?" Brandon asked.
Queen, Michael, and George's family were all there. "Quite simply, they are friends who helping Romeo." You said with a smile. "No, act 1, scene one. Hurry up, we need to get through with this stuff."
Reward: Despite Brandon's protests, he is a damn fine Romeo. And your friends had a nice laugh acting out Romeo and Juliet.
His acting skills increased.
-[X]Helping Brandon Graduate Part 7: So Brandon, you are now a junior. We are going to get you to graduate by the end of the year, so that you may join the workforce without sacrificing your education. DC: 60/??? Rolled:
D100 + 10 => 77
"Congrats Brandon, you are now officially graduated from High school almost at 16, just like me!"
Bradon, for his part, shut the door in your face. "I HATE YOU BRUCE!"
He'll get over it when you begin working on movies with him. Then he will see all the hard work he had will pay off.
Reward: Brandon has graduated, and now his mom won't be mad if you decide to hire him for a film.
Also, Brandon is tired and won't want to work for a while.
-[X]A Well-Known Fan: So some really famous person is a fan of yours. Maybe you'll learn who they actually are. DC??? Rolled:
D100 => 4
The Well-Known Fan:
D20 => 15
The man's name was David Dixon, and you honestly heard about him because he had met with Carrie a few times to ask about a few ideas.
Well, you learned that the man was incredibly business savvy, as well as a man who had a dream.
A new Football league. He'd say he'd stay in touch.
Reward: Met David Dixon… a man who has a dream.
-[X]A Charitable Heart: You want to invest your newfound wealth. Maybe even save some lives while you are at it. (Linetail what you wish to invest in below this action, and the amount of money you want to donate in)
--[X] Project Lighthouse. $220 Million. While most Romanians are stuck in the nation thanks to the Biowar, there are hundreds of thousands who left in the early half of the conflict and need your aid. Try to help the Romanian refugees as best as you can so that no matter how the war ends, they will have some peace and refuge. Rolled:
D100 => 61
It was honestly easier than expected, what with most humanitarian organizations helping out in the whole thing.
Dad also got you into contact with several Romanian government officials and they were… more than happy to relocate all those people who needed your help.
And as a final fuck you to Jerry Brown, you helped move over 100,000 people to California, and many of those refugees were families that had people with the skills to help California's economy. Just to show him that no, people who you helped were not dredges on society, but people whose whole lives were uprooted and needed security.
Reward: You helped so many people out. And gave a last fuck you to the Brown Govenorship.
-[X]Networking: Well time to start finding out who might actually be interested in meeting you. (Write-in what you want to try and network with)
--[X] Dino De Laurentiis. The Flash Gordon films are what caused you to connect with George Lucas and they're what inspired George to create Star Wars. You owe a great debt to Flash Gordon due to all the positive butterflies that came with it, and supporting the film would also help Queen since they made the soundtrack. Connect with Dino and try to secure Lucasfilms as Flash Gordon's distributors. If nothing else, it would make for an excellent early Christmas gift for George. Rolled:
D100 => 46
It was Freddie who introduced you to Dino and the man basically shook your hands and asked you for help to get his film released.
And you agreed. And told him that you were not going to take a single dime in profit.
Mostly because you negotiated Queen to get a little bit more.
Reward: Flash Gordon… has a distributor. You.
AN: enjoy.