-[x]10 million dollars: Your split of the loot, after your lawyers basically torched CBS to the ground for all sorts of stuff. Sure it wasn't the war chest, but that was because… well CBS was not going to survive this upheaval. Not in its current form.
Wow. Ten million Dollars.
You could retire on this. But you are young and hungry for more recognition.
Hopefully, this entire event won't wreck what career you may have in Hollywood.
But considering that CBS is collapsing, and doing everything to remain afloat. You're pretty sure it will be fine.
And the best part. They still are going to release MASH, and you're going to get paid for that too!
Reward: In September MASH will be released, and you will see just how it will be received both critically and commercially.
+10 million dollars to your assets.
Unknown Effect on your Reputation.
-[x]Going Professional: A Boxing promoter wants to sponsor make you go professional. Says he can make you a rich man. DC: 100/ 60 Rolled:
D100 => 33
A Rich Man my ass. When he signed you, he said he would be able to set up fights immediately and get you into the ring as a title card so that the world would be seen by the world.
But instead, you were barely getting a match. Hell, he hadn't even gotten you a match, you were stuck with this scummy promoter that didn't know how to do his job. At least he wasn't trying to make you pay him right now, said he wanted to earn his paycheck.
But… But it has opened the door to opportunity.
If this idiot can actually get you a fight.
Reward: You are now, technically, a recognized professional boxer. Now if only you could get a boxing match to help you make that reputation a real one.
Even though there was nothing you wanted to do, then act. If boxing can make you look better than you will do it.
New Action available.
-[x]The Apartment Situation: You need to look at the people who are trying to rent the apartment. You will see how to do that. DC: 30 Rolled:
D100 => 7
Well with all the things that happened, you really didn't have the time to just, try and help out.
Are you sure everything is fine…no. Hopefully, things will be okay for a little while.
-[x]Workout: A Healthy Mind and a Healthy Body are Key to having a good life, and you have been slacking as of late. Time to hit the workout and discipline, and perhaps, see things differently. DC: 30 Reward: You work out and feel better. Rolled:
D100 => 99
Height Roll:
D6 => 4
Damn you look good.
No seriously, you look really strong and solid.
And the final bit of your growth spurt finished up.
You are Tall!
Reward: Your Final Growth Spurt occurred.
You feel calmer and much happier.
You are now 6'1"
Athletic Trait will be upgraded again if you roll critically on the workout again.
You may need to change your diet because you are now growing incredibly hungry from all the work you put in.
-[x] Call your parents: You need to call mom and dad and see how they are doing. DC: 10 (You call your parents and see what they are doing) Rolled:
D100 => 45
You smiled as the phone cord moved around. "Did you see the picture!" You asked as you danced around. "Look how tall I'm in it."
Mom laughed as she moved the receiver. "Wow, you look so much like your father."
There was a small pause before your father took the phone and said. "Gonna need to get that suit fixed, otherwise you're going to look stupid."
"Dad!" You protested. "I've been busy."
"That is no excuse for not looking good." He replied.
"You don't know that?" You asked.
Then Cat said. "You do need new clothes."
"Not you too." You replied.
There was laughter from the other line. "Well, we'll let you get back to it."
There was a sigh before the phone hung up.
You then turned to Cat. "I am not going to be suffering jokes because of you!" You proclaimed.
"Well, make me." She replied as she stuck her tongue out.
Reward: Sometimes family is all that is needed to be reminded about.
Also, maybe you need new clothes. Maybe.
-[x] Go to a bar or something to make jokes: You wanted to try some comedy, perhaps you can try. even with your shit timing. DC: 40 (Your Lack of comedy chops is going to be something that will bite you.) Rolled:
D100 => 8
Well, you really had nothing, so you just…
Went to a bar, enjoyed the show, and just ate.
AN: Well you all deserve updates