Lights... Camera... ACTION!!: A Hollywood Quest

Hi Magoose here one of the guys helping Duke.

So we have some bad news.

The quest has been canceled as duke does not want to write it anymore.

I'm going to ask if I can take over for it, because I like this quest, and it would be a shame to kill it
TBF, Mags, you have been doing a lot of the heavylifting for the quest, so this will be in good hands. :)

To be clear to everyone, this is just me burning out on imagination of the quest, since my muse has been hitting me over the head a lot with so many different ideas that I just can't find myself too interested in this.

I'll still hang out here, though, since this still does have a sepcial place in my heart.

I'd like to thank you all for making this a wonderful experience while it lasted.

I'd also like to thank @Magoose, @Fluffy_serpent, and @Martin Noctis for doing so much to help prepare and write this quest. I couldn't have done it without you all. :D

I'll see you all around.

With so many regards, Duke William Of.
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I still hope that we can do this game much later in time, and that we can do Snatcher and Policenauts before this (which I'll need to work in now), since I like the idea of giving Kojima a few more games and time to polish his skills and make this game one of the best there are for the Sega Genesis console (which should allow us to make the game closer to the MSX2 version than the Famicom/NES version. If anything, we will at least help streamline the timeline a bit more than the mess it's currently in.

In the update we were doing some modeling for Kojima for Solid Snake on the box art. So I think this confirms that Metal Gear Solid will be released either this year or next year.
In the update we were doing some modeling for Kojima for Solid Snake on the box art. So I think this confirms that Metal Gear Solid will be released either this year or next year.

Well, perhaps it will come out in 85' or 86' then. Hopefully the pitch helps somewhat.

Well, something else to think about. The script for The Lost Boys was bought in February or March of 85', which has me think that perhaps it was made in 84', as it usually takes time for a script to be bought unless it's something that studios immediatelly can see as a banger.

So, perhaps we can try and see if Fischer and Jeremias have finished it so we can buy it. I still remember loving that movie when I first saw it. And having Schumacher direct it is an inspired choice.
Movie Pitch: The Do-Overs
Movie Pitch: The Do-Overs
Format: 2 Hour Movie
Genre: Romance, Comedy, Drama
Sub-Genre: Satire

Synopsis: The movie focuses on a man named Peter who has had a very unlucky history of dating. The film opens on Peter having a bad first date through some poor luck, but in great degree due to him messing things up with poor charisma, social skills and a few major errors. By the end everything is generally ruined with his date showing no interest in going further, Peter's despondency showing that this is not a one time thing.

Peter returns to his apartment with his roommates and best friends, Helen and Bryan. The two are in a committed relationship with Helen being a magazine writer, often focusing on life advice, and Bryan being a YMCA trainer. Bryan tries to cheer Peter up and take his mind off of things, though Helen is more critical and questions Peter what went wrong. This is not done out of malice, but due to Helen noticing a pattern and knowing Peter is making the same mistakes. Peter gets rather defensive and lashes out at the two, then retreats to his room. Sobbing, Peter wishes he had a second chance as he would surely find love if only he could prove himself, asking God for second chances.

The next day, a rather despondent Peter heads to his job at the Met to work as a curator. While there, he meets a stunningly beautiful blonde named Stacy who is interested in a new Greek exhibit. The two share a nice conversation with equal passion and Stacy showing slight interest in Peter, though he doesn't reciprocate due to being exhausted with romance. Later in his office, he finds a package addressed to him which contains a small button. In it is a letter that states that If Peter has a bad date, he can press the button and restart the date. But this only works once per date so if Peter messes up again on that same date, it won't work.

Peter storms back to his apartment demanding why Helen and Bryan would pull such a prank on him, but they swear that they didn't do it, making Peter think a disgruntled co-worker is out to get him. They cheer Peter up by telling him that they set up a blind date with someone a sister of a friend also desperate for love that Peter possibly couldn't mess it up. Peter thanks them and throws the button on the bed.

That night, Peter goes on a date but again messes up, though as the date goes on, the audience notices that Peter displays a few negative and unappealing traits that he's unaware of, making the date's failure more on him. The date also doesn't end well, making Peter further despondent. When he returns home, empty for Helen and Bryan going on their own date, he lashes out somewhat at the furniture, breaking some and overall being fedup with his lot in life. He sees the button again, and tiredly presses it, finding himself suddenly at the exact moment he woke up earlier that day.

Peter is freaked out, going through similar motions and questioning what's going on, but Bryan and Helen are unaware what he is referring to, and are surprised that Peter knows about the blind date. He heads to the museum and runs into Stacy, with the two having a conversation which after slight awkwardness from Peter's Groundhog Day reactions, goes along well, if not far better than yesterday thanks to Peter knowing some stuff about her already. Peter is unable to find anything in his office to suggest the button's origin, and he goes through the date again, though creeps his blind date with his foresight. Peter realizes the button is real.

Knowing he can fix his mistakes, Peter goes on a few new dates. While he does manage to fix his mistakes, usually by the second or third date, even with the button, things go wrong enough for him to be out of luck. At the same time, Peter meets Stacy more at the museum and they have further conversations about the artwork with Peter knowing her more, but in general thinking she's far out of his league. With failure continuing, Peter seeks help, and wastes some dates so that way he can learn enough information about Helen and Bryan they haven't shard before to get them to believe about the button. Helen is unsure about the moral implications, but also says that Peter is only doing temporary fixes and not anything to maintain a strong relationship. Bryan is more supportive and wants to help Peter in his mission. They both agree to help Peter.

Helen offers advice on both women and how Peter can improve as a person and communicate, while Bryan wishes to take Peter under his wing and get him in great shape. While Peter does take some suggestions to heart, he doesn't commit to significant forms of self-improvement, and tends to view the button more as a tutorial on simply saying the right things to win girls over. A montage follows of Peter having equal success and failure.

One day, Peter meets Stacy again in the Met, the two having known each other for quite a while. Stacy asks Peter if he wants to grab coffee after his work, with Peter nonchalantly agreeing, feeling himself exhausted after a failed date the night before. The two have a good time at a rather upscale coffee shop, and Stacy thanks Peter for his time and looks forward to their next date. Peter then freaks out comedically in the bathroom that he had been on a date all along.

Rushing home, Peter shares the news with Helen and Bryan being congratulatory, though Peter is freaking out that somehow he accidentally stumbled into a date and that a "-7 managed to land a perfect 10". Helen suggests that maybe this is a good sign and Peter doesn't need the button, but Peter, heavily stressed and on edge commits that he's going to use the button at every opportunity to not screw up. On the second date, Peter is so focused on not screwing up, that he comes across very poorly with Stacy being a bit put off. When he redoes, he does everything right, but isn't able to get any enjoyement and just does everything to please Stacy.

The second half of the film explores their relationship with Peter and Stacy technically growing closer in their relationship, but this is thanks to Peter always resetting to have the perfect dates and be to Stacy's desires, effectively making his relationship a dating sim and acting like someone who he is not. It is a pressure created not only due to Peter's image of Stacy, but also her coming from an upper class background that makes him feel more insignificant.

Peter and Stacy then have a double date with Stacy and Peter. From there point of view, they can notice that Peter is going through the motions and doing everything 'perfectly' though with a subtle tiredness on Peter's part. Stacy seems to prefer connecting with the couple over engaging with Peter and there is a general air of awkwardness. The morning after, Helen confronts Peter and is very concerned that he's essentially living a lie and destined for misery with Stacy. Peter blows up and rants about Helen being judgemental and finding every little thing to possibly criticize about Peter. They have an intense argument, with Peter revealing in the middle that he had a crush on Helen for many years and was devastated that she choose Bryan, and that with her profession and continued criticisms it meant that Peter was inherently undatable. The conversation escalates into a nasty argument with Peter about to yell, then a sudden cut to Peter eating toast with a thousand yard stare and being greeted with a mildly positive Helen, hinting that he used the button to reset but it had averted a nasty timelin.

After the argument, Peter motivates himself to start using the buttons less and earnestly try with Stacy. As time goes on, Peter begins to understand that he and Stacy share little in common besides their shared passion for art and history and are two very different people in personality. While Peter occasionally uses the button, he is less motivated to use it less. Him starting to show his true self also breaks Stacy's image of him as this perfect figure, at the same time Peter sees more of her flaws.

At a romantic date in central park, the two appear miserable and when Peter looks to propose through accident, Stacy freaks out and confesses that she is starting to fall out of love with him. Peter is somewhat relieved though also concerned at how she phrased it, so they have a conversation and go back and forth on where each goes wrong in a somewhat messy, but still constructive dialogue. At the end, they understand they just aren't compatible at all and have a mutual breakup, though still wishes the other finds a better person.

The next scene shows Helen and Bryan concerned with a week having been stated to have passed that night. Peter returns to the apartment, and reveals that he went on a spontaneous trip to really understand himself, and realizes that he is not putting in genuine effort to be better for himself and romance, and is just going to take a break to better himself. When asked if he'll use the button again, Peter denies such, believing that if he does mess up he has to live with his mistakes and just learn.

The film ends with Peter going on a new date after some time has passed, being generally better looking, more confident and just of a better state. He meets Stacy on the way there who is on her own date and happy with a different man, thanking Peter for connecting her to Helen who helped her find the guy she needed. Peter is content with this and wishes her well, subtext showing they managed to remain as friends. Peter meets his new date and a montage shows things going well, with Peter even being given a kiss on the cheek at the end. Peter heads home happy, feeling that life is starting to turn around.

Main Cast

Peter Anderson-
The protagonist of the film, Peter is an everyman character who is a struggling man in his mid 20s, trying to find himself in New York as a musem curator. He is a deep romantic, yet a very flawed person who has a rather rose tinted and fantastical view of romance, yearning for companionship yet not searching what's best for him or improving himself.

Helen Podolski- The straight woman of the plot, Helen is a very socially intelligent person who is regarded as very wise in romance. While she may seem overbearing, she does have a strong sense of empathy and wants what's best for others.

Bryan Cooper- The film's comic relief, Bryan is a sort of jockish man who is also a golden retriever in personality and is heavily supportive of Peter. He offers more simple and somewhat flawed advice than Helen, yet is always earnest.

Stacy Blake - A rich and stunningly beautiful glamor gal who becomes Peter's love interest. While shown as a posh and out of touch woman, Stacy is a good person who is also struggling in her own way with romance, her class and looks contributing in part.
Video Game Pitch: Choplifter

Video Game Pitch: Choplifter
Game Developer: LucasArts Entertainment, Broderbund
Platform: Sega Arcade
Director: Dan Gorlin
Genre: Air Combat​

In Choplifter, the player assumes the role of a combat helicopter pilot. The objective is to rescue hostages held in barracks within the territory controlled by the evil Bungeling Empire. The player must collect the hostages (described in the backstory as "delegates to the United Nations Conference on Peace and Child Rearing") and safely transport them to the nearby U.S. Postal Service building, all while fending off hostile tanks and other enemy combatants. According to the backstory, the helicopter's parts were smuggled into the country, disguised as a "mail-sorting machine."

The helicopter can face three directions: left, right, or forward (facing the player). It can shoot at enemies in any of these directions and need not fly in the same direction it is facing. The forward-facing mode is primarily used to shoot at tanks. The player must be cautious to protect the hostages from enemy fire and avoid hitting them with friendly fire.

To rescue the prisoners, the player must first shoot at one of the hostage buildings to release the hostages, then land to allow them to board the sortie, and finally return them to the player's starting point. Each of the four buildings holds 16 hostages, and the helicopter can only carry up to 16 passengers at a time, meaning several trips are necessary. Once the chopper is full, no more hostages will attempt to board; they will wave the helicopter off and wait for its return. Each successive trip is typically more perilous than the last, as the enemy becomes aware of the player's actions and mounts a counterattack. There is also a fuel gage each mission and if fuel runs out then the helicopter crashes and it is game over.

If the player lands directly on top of a hostage or completely blocks the building exit, the hostages will be killed. While grounded, the helicopter can be attacked by enemy tanks, which it can only shoot at by returning to the air. Additionally, enemy jet fighters are deployed, which can attack the helicopter in the air with air-to-air missiles or on the ground with bombs

A/N: A neat helicopter arcade game. A remake of a Apple-II game in 1982, I think its creators Broderbund would be one of the few third party studios just barely scrapping by, especially since in the early years they were focused on making legal software. So this gives Broderbund a nice cash infusion to get back into the game.
Alright, though originally I was planning on working on Policenauts for my next pitch, @Cyberphilosipher came to me to collaborate for a METAL GEAR Pitch, which I thought would come later, but I guess we can work on now. I don't think I need to mention how amazing and defining this game was by introducing an entire new mechanic, as well as genre, for games focused on fighting and war. The story itself is amazing, and the twist at the end, though considered overused nowadays, was still considered one of the best in videogame history.

I still hope that we can do this game much later in time, and that we can do Snatcher and Policenauts before this (which I'll need to work in now), since I like the idea of giving Kojima a few more games and time to polish his skills and make this game one of the best there are for the Sega Genesis console (which should allow us to make the game closer to the MSX2 version than the Famicom/NES version. If anything, we will at least help streamline the timeline a bit more than the mess it's currently in.

Thus, I give you:

Videogame Pitch:

Set Up: In the not-so-distant future of 1995, a fortified state in South Africa (known only as Outer Heaven) is being suspected of building a weapon of Mass Destruction. After a series of failures in infiltrating the fortress, a single operative known as Gray Fox was able to send a single message with only two words: "METAL GEAR...". Now, it is up to FOXHOUND agent Solid Snake to rescue the captured agent, as well as to discover just what is the METAL GEAR.

Game Developer: LucasArts Entertainment
Platform: Sega Genesis
Director: Hideo Kojima
Genre: Stealth-Action

"Sneaking Mission":

In 1995, the Western powers received intelligence that a weapon of mass destruction was supposedly being constructed deep within Outer Heaven, a heavily fortified state founded by a legendary mercenary in the late 1980s, 200 kilometers north of Galzburg, South Africa. The U.S. Government called upon High-Tech Special Forces Unit FOXHOUND, commanded by the legendary soldier Big Boss, to infiltrate the enemy fortress, assess the situation and neutralize whatever threat the weapon posed to the West.

The mission was carried out by Gray Fox, one of FOXHOUND's top agents. After successfully infiltrating Outer Heaven, Gray Fox scouted the first building of the fortress, noting the locations of the inner courtyard, cameras and elevators, along with various weapons and equipment, such as card keys and Beretta handguns. Sometime afterwards, he stumbled upon information relating to the new weapon being developed. However, the mission ended in failure when Gray Fox was captured, though not before relaying some of the details of his reconnaissance back to FOXHOUND. His final words before his transmission was cut were simply: "Metal Gear..."

"Operation Intrude N313":

A few days later, rookie operative Solid Snake was called in for his first assignment for FOXHOUND. His commanding officer, Big Boss, briefed him on the situation, and after handing him a classified document detailing Gray Fox's infiltration route, ordered Solid Snake to perform a follow up mission entitled Operation Intrude N313. His mission objectives were to rescue Fox, and to find out the truth behind Metal Gear. After dispatching him to the rough area of Outer Heaven's location, Big Boss contacted Snake via his wireless radio and reminded him that what he was about to experience is nothing like what he has experienced in battle before.

Snake infiltrated Outer Heaven via an underwater insertion, and proceeded into the base, eventually managing to locate Fox with intel provided by Outer Heaven's prisoners and the Resistance leader Kyle Schneider. To get there, Snake allowed himself to be captured, and then after being thrown into a prison with all his weapons and equipment confiscated, he managed to break through a weakened wall under Big Boss's advice to get to Fox's cell next door. Gray Fox then revealed to Snake the true meaning behind Metal Gear: a walking battle tank capable of launching a nuclear missile from any kind of terrain. Luckily it was still in a hangar within the fortress and had not yet been activated. Fox told Snake to find Dr. Drago Pettrovich Madnar, the creator of Metal Gear and the only person who knew how to destroy it, explaining that he should be in a prison cell at the courtyard. After breaking out of the cell, he ended up encountering the prison's warden, Shotmaker, who attacked Snake while declaring that no one had ever escaped from the prison. Snake was forced to retreat into an unlocked room due to not being able to attack Shotmaker without his equipment. After retrieving his confiscated belongings, as well as getting rid of a transmitter that was planted among his belongings, he then managed to fight Shotmaker.


After fighting his way through Outer Heaven mercenaries Shotmaker and Machinegun Kid, Snake traversed the rooftop of Building 1 in order to reach the inner courtyard via parachute, also donning a bomb blast suit to bypass the wind barrier. Before he could reach the veranda, however, he had to fight off a Hind D gunship stationed in his path. After destroying it with a grenade launcher, Snake parachuted down into the courtyard, arriving at Dr. Madnar's cell, only to find it empty. However, he saved another hostage who revealed to him that Dr. Madnar was still alive, but that he had been relocated to the basement of the Building 2. While crossing the interconnecting desert between the two buildings, Snake was forced to battle a tank that had been recently deployed, using land mines to destroy it.

Afterwards, Snake arrived at the entrance to Building 2. However, he discovered a few guards stationed near the entrance making it virtually impossible to sneak past. It turned out that the Outer Heaven personnel had become aware of FOXHOUND's attempts at infiltrating the base, so they set up a checkpoint in case anyone tried to infiltrate Building 2. Big Boss then contacted Snake and suggested that he use a disguise to get past, and also mentioned that his radio frequency has been changed to 120.13 from that point on. Snake managed to procure an enemy officer uniform and used it to sneak into the building. Afterwards, he snuck through a waterway towards a nearly submerged door and encountered an armored bulldozer, which he managed to defeat using a grenade launcher. Proceeding to the basement, he eventually found "Dr. Madnar", who immediately revealed himself to be a decoy and activated a suicide trap. Snake quickly avoided the trap and, confused, continued his search for the real Dr. Madnar, encountering and defeating the mercenary Fire Trooper on the way.

Snake came into contact with Jennifer, another Resistance member, who helped him locate the real Dr. Madnar and provided him with a rocket launcher, which he could use to defeat the seemingly invincible Bloody Brad cyberoids, who were guarding the area near to where Dr. Madnar was being held. After destroying Bloody Brad, Snake entered Dr. Madnar's cell. However, Dr. Madnar would only tell Snake how to destroy Metal Gear if he rescued his daughter, Ellen, who had also been imprisoned. Snake made his way back to the basement of Building 2 where he was contacted by resistance member Diane, who advised him on how to locate Ellen. She was in the basement of Building 1, but luckily the two basements were connected by an underground passageway, though it was filled with pit traps, which Snake had to avoid. Eventually rescuing Ellen, she told Snake that her father had been forced to develop Metal Gear against his will.

"Metal Gear TX-55":

After Snake retraced his steps, Dr. Madnar informed him that Metal Gear TX-55 was located on the 100th floor basement of Building 3, located 20 km to the north. In order to destroy it, Snake needed to place plastic explosives on its feet in a specific order. Determined to destroy Metal Gear, Snake headed to Building 3. Once there, he was ambushed by enemy forces, but managed to slip by and made his way to the elevator. However, as he drew closer to the underground base, Big Boss started to act strangely, providing faulty information that would have delayed Snake's progress, and eventually ordering him to abort the mission.

Reaching the 100th floor basement, Snake found he didn't have the right card key to continue further. Contacted again by Jennifer, she informed Snake of a wall he could destroy in order to locate an oxygen tank that he could use to swim through the drainage duct in Building 2 in order to find the required card key. Jennifer also told Snake to save her brother, and threatened not to help him anymore if her brother was harmed.

After making his way through the drainage duct, Snake was challenged by Dirty Duck who was holding the card key Snake needed. Duck hid himself behind POWs and used boomerangs to attack Snake. Snake awaited his chance to attack and took it, defeating Duck at close range. Rescuing the POWs, one of them revealed himself to be Jennifer's brother, who thanked Snake and gave him information to aid in his escape from the fortress.

Heading back to the 100th floor basement of Building 3, Snake was contacted by Schneider regarding the truth behind Outer Heaven's leader, but his transmission ended prematurely after he fell into the hands of the enemy.

Although injured after the deadly battles with Outer Heaven's best mercenaries, Snake pressed on and found himself in Metal Gear's hangar. Placing explosives on its feet as per Dr. Madnar's instructions, while avoiding gun cameras, Metal Gear was ultimately destroyed. Immediately afterwards, the fortress's self-destruct sequence was activated.

"Escape - Beyond Big Boss":

While making his escape, Snake came face-to-face with the leader of Outer Heaven, who revealed himself as Big Boss. Snake was informed that he had only been sent in to gather false information. However, because Snake had achieved too much, he had crushed Big Boss's ambitions and the legendary mercenary vowed he would not die alone. After a ruthless battle, Snake defeated Big Boss and quickly made his way for the escape route, with the timer for the self-destruct sequence ticking away.

After successfully escaping, and with Outer Heaven exploding behind him, Solid Snake called back to HQ, informing them that Metal Gear had been destroyed, and that Operation Intrude N313 had been a success. Shortly thereafter, the South African radio station, KNK, reported breaking news of an earthquake occurring in the Galzburg region before sunrise.

"Just Another Dead Soldier":

It was later revealed that Big Boss had survived, while the "phantom" who was killed in Outer Heaven was actually his body double. The conclusion of Operation Intrude N313 saw NATO launch a massive aerial bombardment, wherein a pinpoint strike was executed on Outer Heaven's nuclear weapons facility using bunker-busting bombs. There were even reports of nuclear blasts in the aftermath, but the truth was hidden from the media, and few people ever learned of what really happened.

Outer Heaven was wiped from the face of the earth, killing many within the area, regardless of their ties to the regime or not. The multinational forces deemed this as an acceptable loss since the war orphans and refugees were considered a liability in their eyes. However, those who survived the bombings were rescued by Big Boss, including Resistance members who had initially been opposed to him, such as Schneider.

Big Boss later vowed that he and Solid Snake would meet again...
The player must navigate the main character, Solid Snake, through various locations, while avoiding visual contact and direct confrontation with patrolling guards. If the player is seen, the game enters Alert Mode. In this situation, the player must hide in order to leave the mode. The method of escaping varies depending on the circumstances of the discovery:
  • If the player is seen and only a single exclamation mark (!) appears over an enemy's head, only the enemies in the player's present screen will attack and an escape can be made by moving to the adjacent screen.
  • If two exclamation marks (!!) appear over the enemy or the player triggers an alarm by being spotted by a camera, infrared sensor or by using an unsilenced weapon, reinforcements from off-screen will appear as well. The player can only escape by eliminating enemies until reinforcements stop, entering an elevator shaft, leaving the building, or entering a boss fight room.
At first, the player starts the game unarmed, but eventually gains access to a variety of firearms (starting with the Beretta) and explosives, working their way up to machine guns and guided rocket launchers. Ammo and supplies for each weapon are limited, but are easily replenished. Weapons can not only be used to kill enemies, but also to clear obstacles such as hollow walls or electrified floors. Snake can also use his fists to punch and defeat patrolling enemies and take any rations, ammo, or any other important items (such as keycards) that they leave behind.

The enemy base consists of three different buildings, with multiple floors, including basement levels, within them. The player uses keycards and other items to unlock doors or explore new areas. Doors will only open to their corresponding keycards. Bosses also appear throughout the game to interfere with the player's progress.

Information can be obtained by rescuing POWs being held captive within the buildings. After rescuing five POWs, the player is given a promotion, increasing their "Rank" (up to four stars max), allowing for greater ammo capacity and maximum health. However, if a POW is killed, the player is demoted to the previous rank.

A transceiver is available for the player to communicate with their commanding officer, Big Boss, or one of the Resistance members operating covertly within the fortress. Each of Snake's allies has extensive knowledge on specific subjects. The transceiver is completely room-oriented, as certain transmissions occur only in certain locations.
Solid Snake: A Special Operations Soldier. Initially a Green Beret, Snake was later inducted into the High-Tech Special Forces Unit FOXHOUND in the 1990s while it was commanded by Big Boss. A stoic man that would usually burrow his emotions, in reality he cared deeply for his friends and men under his command. He was tasked with infiltrating "Outer Heaven" and tasked with finding out what kind of threat the "Metal Gear" possessed.

Big Boss: He is a renowned special forces operative. He founded U.S. Army Special Forces Unit FOXHOUND, and set both Gray Fox and Solid Snake on missions to Outer Heaven without them knowing he was the "Legendary Mercenary" who had founded them, and was in charge of it all along. His plan was to create a nation for soldiers, and for that he was willing to sacrifice the lives of his men in FOXHOUND, and to develope the newest weapon of war; the "Metal Gear".

Gray Fox: He is a mercenary and former agent of U.S. Special Forces Unit FOXHOUND. Originally a child soldier, Jaeger was the only operative in FOXHOUND to achieve the codename "Fox," the unit's highest commendation, and was decorated five times. He was rescued by Solid Snake during his infiltration into Outer Heaven, and gave him all the knowledge he had about the "Metal Gear", a nuclear-equipped walking battle tank.
Schneider: The leader of the Resistance movement in Outer Heaven. During Operation Intrude N313, he lent his knowledge of the fortress layout to Solid Snake, serving as a sort of navigator during the mission, as well as supplying intelligence on the locations of various weapons and equipment. However, Snake lost contact with Schneider just before he was about to reveal the identity of the Outer Heaven leader.

Jennifer: She is a member of the Resistance movement in Outer Heaven, South Africa. Jennifer infiltrated the Outer Heaven fortress by posing as a member of the medical staff, in an attempt to rescue her older brother, who had been taken captive by the military regime. During Operation Intrude N313, Solid Snake learned of Jennifer's radio frequency from one of the POWs that he rescued. However, Snake first needed to gain her trust by rescuing the other POWs within the fortress.

Diane: She is a member of the Resistance movement at Outer Heaven. Diane was formerly a vocalist in the positive punk band Thin Wall. She later used her feminine charm for intelligence activities in Outer Heaven, accumulating knowledge on the mercenaries and armaments within the fortress state. She provided her expertise to Solid Snake, informing him of the weaknesses of each of Outer Heaven's mercenaries during Operation Intrude N313.
Drago Pettrovich Madnar: He is a Russian robotics engineer responsible for the creation of the TX-55 Metal Gear prototype in Outer Heaven. Dr. Madnar attempted to seek asylum in the United States with his daughter Ellen, but both were captured by the mercenary forces of Outer Heaven. He was then forced to make war machines and to reform the fortress with new technologies while his daughter was held hostage.

Ellen Madnar: She is a former Bolshoi Ballet star and the only daughter of scientist Dr. Drago Pettrovich Madnar. Ellen was kidnapped by the mercenary force of Outer Heaven while she and her father attempted to seek asylum in the United States. She was then held hostage in order to coerce her father into developing the TX-55 Metal Gear. However, she was saved by Solid Snake during Operation Intrude N313 and was reunited with her father at the end.
Big Boss: He is a renowned special forces operative. He founded U.S. Army Special Forces Unit FOXHOUND, and set both Gray Fox and Solid Snake on missions to Outer Heaven without them knowing he was the "Legendary Mercenary" who had founded them, and was in charge of it all along. His plan was to create a nation for soldiers, and for that he was willing to sacrifice the lives of his men in FOXHOUND, and to develope the newest weapon of war; the "Metal Gear".

Shotmaker: He is the riot gun-wielding member of the Outer Heaven mercenary. During Operation Intrude N313, Shotmaker guarded the cell holding FOXHOUND agent Gray Fox. After purposefully being captured by Outer Heaven's guards in order to locate Fox, Solid Snake escaped captivity and was immediately confronted by Shotmaker. Claiming that no one had ever managed to escape from the prison, he attacked the unarmed Snake, having previously been stripped of all his weapons and gear.

Machinegun Kid: He is a mercenary of Outer Heaven who specializes in fully automatic firearms. During Operation Intrude N313, Machinegun Kid encountered Solid Snake in Outer Heaven, while guarding the corridors of Building 1, and was determined to not let Snake pass through. Despite his impressive skills with his machine gun, Snake was able to use the room's large walls and fixtures as cover from his fire, and ultimately killed him.

Fire Trooper: He is the flamethrower-wielding mercenary of Outer Heaven. Fire Trooper fought against Solid Snake within the Outer Heaven fortress. Guarding Building 2's basement elevator to the rooftop, Fire Trooper forced Snake to battle him, threatening to "burn him to a crisp!".​ However, despite the advantage of an even battlefield with no cover in sight, Snake was able to take advantage of Fire Trooper's relative lack of bodily protection and eliminated him.

Bloody Brad: It is the TX-11 model cyberoid developed by Dr. Drago Pettrovich Madnar, who was forced to use his robotic technology to develop two cyberoid units. Equipped with an artificial intelligence capable of autonomous combat, the TX-11 was also covered in dense armor plating able to resist even assault rifle fire. During Operation Intrude N313, Solid Snake encountered the Bloody Brad units. Though he later learned from Dr. Madnar that they were vulnerable to rocket launchers.

Dirty Duck: He is an Outer Heaven mercenary known for his use of multiple thrown boomerangs, as well as tactics such as using hostages as human shields. He was once the leader of an extremist terrorist group known as Egg Plant. He later became a mercenary and was eventually contracted by the private military company of Outer Heaven. He used POW's as human shields and traps during his fight with Solid Snake, though the latter prevailed in the end.

Drago Pettrovich Madnar Decoy: It is a decoy that posed as Dr. Drago Pettrovich Madnar, and was active in Outer Heaven during the uprising. Anticipating Dr. Madnar's rescue by Solid Snake, the decoy awaited his arrival in the basement of Building 2, while the real Dr. Madnar himself was transferred to the second floor. When Snake attempted to free him, the decoy revealed the ruse and activated a pit trap beneath him, falling to his death. Despite the decoy's effort, Snake managed to evade the trap.

A.N.: I'd like to thank @Cyberphilosipher for his help and push to make this Pitch. METAL GEAR is one of those games that I've wanted to do for a while, but at the same time there's always that voice in the back telling me to wait, to do it later. So, I guess I'm glad I finally decided to do it now rather than wait until we're later on. Still, I want to do this much later on in the quest.

I look forward to Nintendo's attempts to create something...


Edit: Couldnt resist. Sorrynotsorry.
Video Game Pitch: Roach Race

Video Game Pitch: Roach Race
Game Developer: LucasArts Entertainment
Platform: Sega Arcade
Director: Ryouhei Shogaki
Genre: Platform, Fantasy​

Premise: Roach Race is a spinoff of sorts of Dragon's Lair focused on Dirk the Daring's horse, Roach. Having dreams that Dirk is in danger, which is the events of Dragon's Lair, Roach escapes his barn and sets out on a quest to reunite with Dirk and help him in his mission. The game consists of five worlds with five sublevels making for an overall 25 levels to play through. Each of the five sublevels sees an increase in difficulty from easy to hard at the end. The levels consist of:
  1. Pomeroy Plains: A tranquil grasslands area invaded by Mordroc's monsters.
  2. Duchy of Bluth: A castle and town environment where Roach is confronted by Knights and beasts in service to the Kingdom
  3. Skallog Swamp: A terrifying swampland with beasts and creatures containing mud puddles which can trap Roach for a few seconds.
  4. Dragon's Road: A road at nighttime where wyverns and other draconic creatures prey on travellers.
  5. Mordoc's Domain: The grounds of Mordoc's castle.
The gameplay sees Roach constantly running and there is no direct combat with Roach's ability to only jump. Roach can either jump or double jump on enemies and there are some limited platforms to scale in his path to help dodge. If the jump button is pressed while Roach is double jumped, he is then "Glitched" where he lands on the ground and can move through all enemies and obstacles for 5 seconds, but there is a 15 second cooldown period after it is completed.

There are two items in the game. Apples which add a score bonus and speed up the double jump cooldown by five seconds, or a carrot which when eaten has roach enter a super speed mode for five seconds to zoom past enemies, though he is not invulernable. The super speed adds more points to the high score during its duration with the high score determined by distance plus items eaten. Roach's primary enemies are a mix of flying and land creatures, though there are still obstacles that will try to trip him up.

The end of the game sees Roach unite with Dirk and Daphne, providing transportation for the two to travel into the sunset and escape Mordoc's Castle for their happy ending. Once the game is completed, player's can restart the game again to further their high score, but in the second playthrough and beyond, they cannot add quarters to continue if they lose their lives. The player starts out with three lives and gains a life at the end of every world stage.

A/N: This is basically Roach Race from Cyberpunk 2077, only instead of being a Witcher reference it's tied into Dragon's Lair.
I think he means The Blues Brothers, which was released in 1980. We did not do the movie, though Carrie had a cameo in it apparently.

Was thinking Blue Brothers was some cult classic 80's flick or something. :V

Edit: You know, im wondering if, thanks to Miami Vice, Bausch & Lomb have offered Lucasfilms an exclusive supplier contract for eyewear props. Like, something to boost our cosplay costume department.

And then I also wonder about the impact to local police in Miami, aside from the recent crackdowns on crime.

Casual Miami Vice Enjoyer: Man, I wish my life was that awesome.
Actual Miami PD Detective: Me too...

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Video Game Pitch: CyberPolice ESWAT

Video Game Pitch: CyberPolice ESWAT
Game Developer: LucasArts Entertainment
Platform: Sega Genesis
Director: Jaime Davila
Genre: Platform, Science Fiction, Shooter​

Premise: The game is a sidescrolling platformer similar to Shinobi. It is set in the near future, where the player controls a blonde haired police officer named Duke Oda who exists first as a beat cop and then becomes an elite SWAT commando over a series of levels. At first, as a rookie member of the Cyber Police force in the city of Liberty, the player has to clean the streets of an overwhelming crime wave and terminate the most wanted criminals. In the first and second levels of the game, the completely human Duke can only utilize a single shot weapon and can only survive one hit. A second hit will kill him.

A mysterious and high-tech terrorist organization, named "E.Y.E.", quickly threatens to take over the entire city and, after being promoted at the end of the second level, Duke is given power armor called the "ICE Combat Suit". With this suit the player can use new and more lethal weapons: "Super Shot", a plasma rifle, rockets, and a devastating fire attack if he finds them. The player also has access to a jet pack with limited fuel that replenishes over time. This armor allows the player to take more damage before being defeated, but because the suit makes him larger, it is harder for him to dodge enemy attacks. The final boss of the game, the leader of E.Y.E., is revealed to be a robot with artificial intelligence that is attempting to replicate its own ICE Combat Suits to take over Liberty.

A/N: Another Genesis classic. It's not the greatest game on the console, but from what I've seen it's fairly innovative for the time and has pretty neat gameplay, sadly not achieving near the success it should. I do think that ESWAT has several unique factors here that can make it be an uber success. It's likely being made as Sega's counter to Metroid and its success, it's building off of the infant Cyberpunk genre and the dominance of cop media in the 80s. In particular, I think this is a really neat prototype for the first Cyberpunk video games. I sadly couldn't find any true Director, so I decided to have it be a Lucasarts US game and be made under one of two video game OCs I'm planning.
Goose Pursuit
Goose Pursuit

For Jaime Lee Evans, she was in a bit of a weird place in her work. On the one hand, she had a secured position of leadership in a very male dominated field and almost no one gave her crap for it and she worked in a very positive work culture. Gwen was working in a very new field, which meant she could have an impact and leave a great mark on the industry moving forward. Best of all, she was entrusted with designing a Sega Arcade game, one which would be in the spotlight of its soon to emerge Arcade Saloons and would be played by millions the world over.

Yet it was here that she hit a snag for her grand debut was a failure.

Well, not quite a failure. It was profitable by all means and when the sales were compared it was in the upper range of historical arcade sales. However, her great game Nidhogg, her tribute to Nordic mythology and a love for the concept of fighting, to really take video games to its most fun potential was met with broad negative appeal. It was not the worst video game, nowhere near close to abominations such as Superman. But there was a great deal of backlash and frustration from Arcade goers who couldn't master the mechanics, didn't like the goals, or most especially were frustrated with the titular Nidhogg.

This had put Jaime in a bit of a dour mood where when so many new Sega Aracde machins and Genesis games were met with praise, that hers seemed to be targeted for scorn. The office was still warm and many tried to cheer Jaime up or look at the positives, but she could tell there was an air of hesitation to let her take the reigns again even if they liked her as a coworker.

If there was one bright side for Jaime, it was that her boss' daughter absolutely adored her game. One day, Bruce O'Brian had taken his daughter Mary into the LucasArt's offices. Mary O'Brian had been quite the fan of her work, outright squealing in joy when she had entered her office and seen all the concept art for Nidhogg. It was quite a surprise to be fielded so many intelligent and deep questions of software engineering from a six year old and Mary had even beaten her at Nidhogg when they played on the office machine.

It was nice to see a true fan of Nidhogg and to watch as someone's eyes lit up with joy at playing your creation. Watching Mary had given Jaime the courage to head out to the Sega Saloons and see just how the game was being received. While admittedly Nidhogg wasn't a favorite, every now and then there were kids rushing to slot their quarters and having a genuine blast dueling it out, even a few new fans.

Knowing her work was appreciated beyond her family filled Jaime with new confidence, and Mary's fangirlism had an unintended side effect of writing her a comfortable check of soft power as she was now held in high esteem for Bruce and as the favorite director of his genius daughter (Well second favorite to Sakaguchi and Dawson), Jaime was now being trusted with another project to her favor. It was a second chance, and one she intended not to waste.

For a while Jaime was in a stump, but life provided inspiration for a Genesis title. Watching the Los Angeles Fighting Geese, seeing the Battle of Endor in theater, watching Geese migrations, playing Mario, and spending time with her daughter Gwen.

Video Game Pitch: Goose Pursuit
Game Developer: LucasArts Entertainment
Platform: Sega Genesis
Director: Jaime Lee Evans
Genre: Platformer​

Premise: Goose Pursuit is a platformer for the Sega Genesis that innovates the genre by including active aerial travel and combat. Players take control of Gwen the Goose, an expecting mother for a nest. The opening cutscene shows her returning home to find her husband has been injured with a broken wing and her gosling eggs stolen by Eddie Coyote who wanted Gwen's eggs for an omelot. Determined to get her babies back, Gwen flies off in pursuit in a hostile world.

What makes the game distinct from other platformers is Gwen's aerial travel. Gwen can move upwards by flying and can soar over short distances when pressing down by flying. As such, the level design of the game is heavily fragmented where most of the levels lack a solid ground and Gwen must fly on platforms with forward travel consistently being performed in a vertical fashion in addition to the standard horizontal paths.

Gwen's combat consist of close combat where she fights like an angry geese, a button where she throws feathers as darts to hit opponents, and if Gwen is flying forward, she can dive to strike enemies and destroy most in one hit. Gwen has five hearts, representing her five children and the health system sees replenishment through Gwen eating berries, leaves and worms in ascending level of contribution. There are also different kinds of fruits which provide effects such as enhanced speed, temporary invulnerability, or greater attack when eaten. Along her path, Gwen can collect bombs from defeated enemies and drop them in flight or throw them.

The game's stages are divided into seven ecosystems with six ecosystems and four acts in each one.
  • Emerald Forest: A forested area where Gwen must travel between the trees with branches providing platforms. Most of her enemies are either climbing enemies like raccoons and squirrels or avian enemies.
  • McDonald Farms: Gwen must travel between rural farm houses with domestic animals along with birds of prey as enemies.
  • Lake Country: The first and fourth acts are near the lakeside with an overall marshy and wet area and many trees. The second and third acts have Gwen swim on the water.
  • River Rapids: Gwen must follow an unstable and highly torrential river with a mix of aerial, land and water portions in each act.
  • Glittering Caverns: Gwen must travel underground through a cavern system inside of a mountain, needing to navigate between tunnels and face a variety of underground animals and a heavy amount of explosives.
  • Titanic Mountains: Gwen's flying is put to the test as she soars high through the mountains with the most platforms of the game. Various mountainous creatures as goons of Eddie try to stop her.

Gwen's enemies are various kinds of animals drawn in a cartoonish Looney Tunes style fashion. The enemy classes are ranged, aerial, land and water, either trying to chase Gwen or confront her on a platform. At the end of each ecosystem is a boss with the final boss being Eddie Coyote. At the end of the game, Gwen manages to defeat Eddie with him falling off a cliff, and she delivers her eggs home with her husband where they hatch.
So Many Memories (Turn 109, February 1984)
So Many Memories (Turn 109, February 1984)

You were leaning up against carrie and felt her snuggle closer to you as you looked at the scrap book. And she was noticing your small frown as you were looking at it all. "You know you can say it."

"Say what?"

"That you are angry that you put work over this." She replied. "I was too. For a few days at least… but you got it done and it's not like you were forced to do anything more."

You frowned. "Yeah. I just hate the fact that I missed this."

"Well then, let me tell you the highlights."

The first picture was Mary and Wally at Skywalker Ranch, looking through cameras, with Carrie having taken the photo of them.

"They were so cute doing that. And George was really happy that the two were enjoying him playing around with the models so much."

"They played around with the actual models" You were surprised, you would have thought he was a bit protective of those, given his wish to go back and make it more… better, in George's mind. He really did re film several scenes around the Death Star for a potential release… but honestly, you couldn't blame him. George was a perfectionist, and honestly, he and Steve had some disagreements on certain things, and George really wanted to see how it would affect the film pacing-wise. "Surprised George allowed that to happen?"

"Oh yeah, it was Amanda who helped out making George go away. Really those two are such a handful that it's a wonder Marcia doesn't just keep George away from working."

"Doesn't he have like, several days where all he does is avoid work?" You asked.

"Yeah… we should do something like that," she replied. "You know… maybe where we both have a chance to relax."

She was giving you that look, and you know what she wanted. "Carrie."

"Bruce, just because you know I have that look, dosen't mean I am going for it." She replied.

"Clearly… but you were thinking about it." You stated.

"Well, it would be a shame to not admire my husband?" She had a smirk on her face. "And he admires me?"

"You are the muse to my artist… or is it the other way around." You asked.

There were two pictures next, each featuring Joseph. One was at the NBA Board of governors meeting, where he was crying at one of the owners… the San Diego Clippers owner, Donald Sterling, who was trying to hold him.

The second picture was Magic and Joseph both on the court, and both in the middle of bounce passing to one another.

"I can see why Magic and the rest of the team like him so much, he's a sponge when it comes to knowledge. But who the fuck is that?"

"Oh… him." Carrie was very mad at the simple fact you saw that photo. "I was trying to get rid of that?"

"Who is that?" You asked.

"Donald Sterling, owner of the San Diego Clippers, real piller of the community and the NBA at large." her voice was dripping with sarcasm. "He's a fucking low life who somehow managed to buy an NBA franchise, and wants nothing more than to profit while spending as little money as possible… so an inverse me."

"How so?" You asked.

"Poor hiring practice, cheap skape… really he wants to move to LA, but I won't let him because he has a horrible way of doing things, and he hasn't proved that he can provide to the league besides being a man who can make money… but at the cost of the product on screen and on the court." She said. "Likes to make himself up as a highly sophisticated businessman, but is not… likes to belittle me for my lack of education."

THat made you angry. "Just say the word, and I can buy that team from him-"

"He won't sell, he'll refuse to for anyone but his hand picked people… he thinks the NBA is about to grow huge in the next few years, and he wants to ride that into something…"

"What can you do about him?"

"Nothing really, he hasn't done anything illegal or that violates the NBA charter… or you know, anything that can make The comissioner do anything about it… but even if I have a vendetta against him, the other owners have known each other for years, and think that there needs to be more ways to get revenue… and my player first mentality has not been popular."

Than you looked at the picture. "Why was Joseph there anyway?"

"He was sick, and I couldn't leave him with mom, and all our friends weren't able to baby sit, and I refused to leave him with a stranger." Carrie said. "He was asleep for most of the time. So there was that, but Donald thought he could be winning the heart of my son"

"Instead he almost got hit in the face?" You asked.


Taking up a full page, was Sarah's drawing… and it was a beautiful sketch of Carrie and Joseph and Mary playing around… and it was painterly in how it was done.

"Woh… where did she learn that?"

"It was actually from her art class at school. There was some stenciler who came in and traced photos and then she well…"

You didn't like where this was going. "So?"

"Sarah decided that she wanted to learn to draw, and she went to some of the Dreamworks animators, to learn how."

"And the sketches being photo realistic?" You asked.

"Apparently some professor left a book at Dreamworks and she read it… well more like looked at the pictures to learn."

It was very good.

Carrie than snuggled up. "Well at least this time, you won't be missing a thing.

You have 12 Actions:

Lucasfilms Actions:

[]Scarface: Brian made a gangster movie… and oh boy is it incredible. DC: 20

[]Used Cars: Robert made a fine film, and now you want to see it. DC: 30

[]Roy Disney and the Entante: So Roy has been hospitalized, but he now wants to meet with you. For reasons. DC: 20

[]Leave Luck To Heaven and the United States: seems that the American division of Nintendo has invited you to… see the new hardware. And introduce you to their quirky head of RND. and their other Quirky staff among them. Something about a handheld 8bit console? DC: ???

[]The Lucasarts Projects: So time to give those Lucasarts people more projects, now that they are swimming in money.
-[]Write in two projects you want them to create. (I highly recommend arcade machines for the new Sega Parlors)

[]A Favor: You are owed a favor at Colombia Pictures, so might as well call it in. DC: ???
-[]Write in what it is?

[]The People who want you to star in a movie: With most of Hollywood open to you again after the informal ending of your banishment from nonlucasfilm and TV productions, there are a few films that have come to your attention. DC: ???

[]Investing in the Future: You want to Spend some of that money you made into the company and make the whole thing better DC: ??? (Linetail what you want to invest in, and how much money you want to invest in it)

[]Look for Investors: Not that you need the money now, but maybe you can get people on board with this idea you have. DC: ???

[]Distributing Deals: Since you have a Distribution Company, or rather, are one… You can meet the major movie theater companies and strike a Deal with them. Even when you had nothing to offer them. DC: ???

[]Importing Foreign Films: So… you may have a way to get some films showing in American Theaters. Maybe you can go to other foreign film industries and… well, ask to distribute their films. Sure many of those foreign film companies never expected an American company to distribute their films in the US… but maybe you can get money without producing them. (Linetail where you try to get films from, and if there are any specific films, line tail them below) DC: ???

Personal Actions:

[]Trying something new: So, what are you going to do now with all this free time? Well you might as well try something new. DC: ???

[]The Northern Irish Question: You may not be able to leave the US, by order of your wife, but that does not mean you can't stop helping the negotiations and the violence through the best way you can. Film making. DC: ???

[]George and Skywalker Ranch: So George has invited you to his home, and you were blown away by how he made it… seems he was using his Star Wars money for something that will be wonderful. Dc: 0

[]So I think that I'm a Detective now: You were looking at some very strange irregularities… what the Hell was Mike Eisner doing in his spare time? DC: 40

[]Debbie Reynolds and the TV Judgement: Debbie decided to cash in her newfound rebirth of a career, on Television. Which is fitting. But what is she doing? DC: 45

[]The Art of the Siblings: So Mary has proclaimed it was a silly time. And that meant you had to grab your costume. DC: 0

[]The Ideas of Industry: This action is meant for a write-in to act as a sort of Idea machine for the company. You must detail what you want to do below this action. This action can be taken multiple times.

[]Best Friends: So Mary has lots of friends, and she wants them to come over. You need to prepare for that. Carrie, get the cookies.

[]The Family Time: You need a night out with the family dammit! No more drama, no more work, just you and Carrie and the Kids!

[]Hanging out with the Friends: It's been far to long since you, John, and Robin hung out, so you will go out for some drinks and have some fun. DC: 45

[]A Well-Known Fan: So some really famous person is a fan of yours. Maybe you'll learn who they actually are. DC???

[]Learn to play an instrument: You want to learn how to play something DC: 80 (You have no idea what the hell you are doing.)

[]Investments: You want to invest your hard-earned cash into something that you feel will be a good return on investment. And as well as diversify your assets DC: 0 (Linetail what you wish to invest in below this action, and the amount of money you want to invest in)

[]The O'Riely Foundation Lobbying: You want California to help the men who have given nearly everything and more to this country. DC: ??? (Linetail how much money you want to throw at it, and what you want from the State)

[]A Charitable Heart: You want to invest your newfound wealth. Maybe even save some lives while you are at it. (Linetail what you wish to invest in below this action, and the amount of money you want to donate in)

[]Networking: Well time to start finding out who might actually be interested in meeting you. (Write-in what you want to try and network with)

[]Pray: It had been a long time since you went to Mass. You wish for the Lord to give you strength. DC: ???

[]Action Directing: It seems the town has been talking about how much of a beast you are at just being a stunt person. In fact, they knew you were a student of Bruce Lee. And they think you know how to stage and block a fight? Maybe you can DC? ???

[] Do auditions(Movies and TV Shows): You are going to go to some of the casting calls that are in the place where you can find work in. DC: 20(Possibility of only getting a commercial or TV show job, or extra work in a low-budget film)

[]Modeling (High Fashion): So you got a call from a photographer in LA, some no name. But that no name works for Gucci. And he wants you on their next lineup of products. And he needs you to model for him. Which is great… one problem, you have no idea what the hell you are doing. DC: 60

[]Modeling (Advertisements): Thankfully another Call Came in, one from an ad firm. They need you to have some pictures taken so that they are used for saner things. Like selling cars, or ice cream. DC: 40

[]Workout: A Healthy Mind and a Healthy Body are Key to having a good life, and you have been slacking as of late. Time to hit the workout and discipline, and perhaps, see things differently. DC: 30 Reward: You work out and feel better.

[] Ask Clint if you can act in a movie of his: You know you want to see if you can act opposite him, for a good time. DC: 40 (Clint wants to work with you.)

[] Gophering, and other signs of stuff: You want to try and learn how work behind the camera works, and what better way than being a gopher. DC: 50 (You have no idea what the hell they were doing, and you have no idea either)

[] Take a walk: Dad always said that the best ways to get inspiration are by walking, talking, and being open-minded. So you'll try that. DC: 10 (You are just going for a walk, what could be really said?)

AN: Plan format.
Great stuff, some nice and wholesome fluff. The Joseph section was funny, hope he and Carrie are successful in keeping the Clippers out.
"Doesn't he have like, several days where all he does is avoid work?" You asked.

"Yeah… we should do something like that," she replied. "You know… maybe where we both have a chance to relax."

She was giving you that look, and you know what she wanted. "Carrie."

"Bruce, just because you know I have that look, dosen't mean I am going for it." She replied.

"Clearly… but you were thinking about it." You stated.

"Well, it would be a shame to not admire my husband?" She had a smirk on her face. "And he admires me?"

"You are the muse to my artist… or is it the other way around." You asked.

What is this referring to?

Also Magoose, when will we plan for what's being made for the movies and shows? Or is that all done off-screen?
[]Scarface: Brian made a gangster movie… and oh boy is it incredible. DC: 20

[]Used Cars: Robert made a fine film, and now you want to see it. DC: 30

[]Roy Disney and the Entante: So Roy has been hospitalized, but he now wants to meet with you. For reasons. DC: 20

[]Leave Luck To Heaven and the United States: seems that the American division of Nintendo has invited you to… see the new hardware. And introduce you to their quirky head of RND. and their other Quirky staff among them. Something about a handheld 8bit console? DC: ???

Im thinking these four, plus upgrading our FEAST program to something that helps keep our wealth down.

Maybe we supply orphanages with entertainment products like vhs players, tapes of our movies, toys, games, etc. Also maybe fund movie nights or field trips regularly for the kids. Also a program to help people endure unemployment and homelessness and get them back on their feet.

As for the rest of the actions, im fine with whatever.
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[]Scarface: Brian made a gangster movie… and oh boy is it incredible. DC: 20

[]Used Cars: Robert made a fine film, and now you want to see it. DC: 30

[]Roy Disney and the Entante: So Roy has been hospitalized, but he now wants to meet with you. For reasons. DC: 20

[]Leave Luck To Heaven and the United States: seems that the American division of Nintendo has invited you to… see the new hardware. And introduce you to their quirky head of RND. and their other Quirky staff among them. Something about a handheld 8bit console? DC: ???

I am in sync with abominable on this vote.
What do you guys think about investing some more? Maybe sponsoring our own HEMA team for competitions and perhaps running our own training gym for it.
[X] Plan Gaggle Fluff
-[X]Scarface: Brian made a gangster movie… and oh boy is it incredible. DC: 20
-[X]Used Cars: Robert made a fine film, and now you want to see it. DC: 30
-[X]Roy Disney and the Entante: So Roy has been hospitalized, but he now wants to meet with you. For reasons. DC: 20
-[X]Leave Luck To Heaven and the United States: seems that the American division of Nintendo has invited you to… see the new hardware. And introduce you to their quirky head of RND. and their other Quirky staff among them. Something about a handheld 8bit console? DC: ???
-[X]The Lucasarts Projects: So time to give those Lucasarts people more projects, now that they are swimming in money.
--[X] Bomberman, Bank Panic, Space Ace
-[X]Trying something new: So, what are you going to do now with all this free time? Well you might as well try something new. DC: ???
-[X]The Northern Irish Question: You may not be able to leave the US, by order of your wife, but that does not mean you can't stop helping the negotiations and the violence through the best way you can. Film making. DC: ???
-[X]George and Skywalker Ranch: So George has invited you to his home, and you were blown away by how he made it… seems he was using his Star Wars money for something that will be wonderful. Dc: 0
-[X]So I think that I'm a Detective now: You were looking at some very strange irregularities… what the Hell was Mike Eisner doing in his spare time? DC: 40
-[X]Debbie Reynolds and the TV Judgement: Debbie decided to cash in her newfound rebirth of a career, on Television. Which is fitting. But what is she doing? DC: 45
-[X]The Art of the Siblings: So Mary has proclaimed it was a silly time. And that meant you had to grab your costume. DC: 0
-[X]Best Friends: So Mary has lots of friends, and she wants them to come over. You need to prepare for that. Carrie, get the cookies.
-[X]The Family Time: You need a night out with the family dammit! No more drama, no more work, just you and Carrie and the Kids!
--[X] You missed out on a lot of time with little George and you want to make up with it. Spend more time with your youngest and see what kind of Gosling you're raising.
-[X] Twin Birthday: Throw a nice birthday party for Sarah and Joseph.

So we release Scarface and Used Cars, continue getting some movie Ws. Hopefully do Roy and the Nintendo stuff with no issue. For Lucasarts, I just wanted to point out that it should be three video games, not two as that's what we did last time. As for the three games, Bomberman is a must have so we can have a killer app and franchise to compete against Mario. Bank Panic is a decent Arcade machine and Space Ace to complete the Don Bluth duology and build off of the popularity of Star Wars.

Find out what to do for our free time, visit George, check in on Debbie and Mike. Also, as much as I want to do cool business stuff, I just wanted to dedicate the remainder of the actions to Bruce reconnecting with his kids and make up for lost time since last turn we just mainly looked through photos. So playtime, checking in on little George, and throwing a nice birthday for the twins.

@Magoose What kind of omakes would help with the Disney and Nintendo actions?
If we are going to do some more investing, something that I would like to see is some more arts related topics (things like introducing ballroom dancing and material non-intensive activities to younger and lower income children).

[X] Plan Gaggle Fluff
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