Turn 108 Results (January-Febuary 1984)
-[X]Modeling for Box Art: So you have a young director at Lucas Arts, Hideo Kojima, who is…. Trying to make a game, and he wants to use you for the cover art. Well you own the company so, why the hell not? DC: ??? (What the hell is a card board box doing here) Rolled:
D100 => 71
You looked at the bandana and the cardboard box. "What the hell is that?" You asked.
"A Box," Kojima said with a smile. "A cardboard box."
"I see that, but why is it here?" You asked.
"It's important." He said with a smile. "A really important tool for the game."
"Have you been hiding in a cardboard box?" You asked. "For a game?"
"Yep, been sneaking around the office." He smiled. "Even got into Mike's Office. The only one who seems to notice me is the kids who sneak out from the daycare."
Holy shit really? "Really?"
"Yeah… turns out the kids are better at seeing stealth box than most trained people." He said.
"So what's the bandana for?"
"Oh, that." He pulled out a prop pistol and then he twirled it like some cowboy before he handed it over safely, barrel pointing down, and grip over to you. "I just need a picture or two."
You took the pictures than went home.
Reward: You have become a model for a cover art. Though you don't know why he needs it.
Though you think there is a reason… he has been watching some action movies.
-[X]So You Want to be A Madman: A Japanese politician wants to meet you, something about a new political party in japan, and they want to ask for a donation from your staff? What the hell is going on there? DC: ??? Rolled:
D100 => 92
Morihiro Hosokawa smiled as he sat down. "Thank you for allowing me to meet with you O'Brian-san."
"Hello sir, I must say I am very shocked that a member of the Japanese Ministry would be coming to meet with me?"
"I'm not a member of the government." He replied. "I'm a member of one of the opposition parties, in fact, I am the leader of the New Japan Party." There was a smile on his face. "I am here to ask for donations from the citizens that work for your company… as well as warn you."
"Warn me?" You asked. "For what, are people trying to ban me from Japan?" that part was a joke… but you were worried.
"No, but there are members of the ministry that wish to… make it more difficult for you to conduct business within the tech industry." He handed over a translated document. "They are trying to do something strange for patent law… making it far more restrictive for foreign companies to get protection."
That was something… bad. "Are they trying to make Japan bad for business?"
There was a pause. "I wouldn't say that. And the law will easily be shot down in the diet… but that is the problem. There are members in the diet does not care about that, because they are incredibly anti-American, and have joined forces with other anti american groups to try and renegotiate treaties from america… as well as conduct business with the mainland."
The mainland being China… the communist Chinese. "Are they insane? They should know that isn't popular within japan, nor realize that America is one of it's largest trading partners. They should know that it would be a bad move-"
"That isn't the point. They fear Americanization, they fear the lose of Japanese culture… more than they seem to fear the growing domestic troubles that are at home." He sighed. "Unlike many other members of my country's government, I see the writing on the wall… a wall that will lead to some very hard times for my country that can only be changed with immediate action, and immediate changes that will not be popular among my countries more wealthier and ruling majority who have maintained power, but have not changed anything, or change gradually."
"I'm an american… as much as I enjoy working with the citizens of your country, and enjoy it's culture… I'm not the right person to be asking."
"I know… I'm just asking you to give some things for my constituents." He then handed over a few pamphlets, and a business card. "Thank you O'Brian-san."
Reward: It's not political… but you think there is a change in the wind, and you have helped it… maybe, you do not know.
-[X]Leave Luck To Heaven and the United States: seems that the American division of Nintendo has invited you to… see the new hardware. And introduce you to their quirky head of RND. and their other Quirky staff among them. Something about a handheld 8bit console? DC: ??? Rolled:
D100 => 6
You were meeting with them, before they had an emergency at Nintendo headquarters themselves that lead to it canceling the meeting.
Something about a burglury?
-[X]Mike Eisner and the Quest for… the hell?: Mike has shown you the nominations for the next academy awards… and you have become a deciding voter in film? DC: 30 Rolled:
D100 => 66
It was the ballot for the Academy of Motion pictures and sciences for next years awards.
And Mike smiled. "You know what to do Bruce… do what you desire."
"How come Star Wars and the members of the cast are only on on like… 2 award categories?"
That made Mike look at the ballot again. "OH HELL NO!"
"Mike you're scaring me." You replied. Then you realized you were not on the list for best-supporting actor, nor Billy Dean Williams. "OH HELL NO!"
You made some calls, and now, you made sure Star Wars was going to get it's just deserts.
Because by god, you deserved it.
Reward: You made some calls and made things right in the world.
-[X]George Lucas, and the Madman's Ideas: So George met some… people from Germany. No not the german actors, but some tech dudes… They want to do something about a CD? What ever the hell that is?: DC:45 Rolled:
D100 => 54
The CD player they had was revolutionary in its design, but there was a simple problem. "How can we make it Cheaper." That was what George said as he looked at the price tag from the teleconference. "There has to be a way to make them cheaper, right? Or if not, make the disks hold more data to justify the price tag."
Gavin, your brother, only looked at the numbers and was crunching the numbers. "Yeah, because the storage capacity needed to justify a hundred dollar per disk price tag is a bit extreme."
"That's why we came to Lucasfilms… you have a knack for digital coding that is just… well beyond the competitors in the field. Even Sony aren't able to do more with what they have."
All looked to George, and you then saw him stroke his beard. And then look to Gavin. "Gavin, what was that thing you said was possible for a video audio thing? You said it was possible with a tape."
"I need to see one of those compact disks, and how they are made." you could see your brother do the math and than look at the Apple 2. "And I need to make some phone calls."
Reward: Gavin and the Apple Team might crack the code, though George is more interested in how it can make movies easier to make.
-[X]The Apple 2: So Steve… um Jobs, not the other better Steve… or that other other steve… God you have so many Steves… He wants you to film a quick and dirty trailer for the Apple 2. He knows he's asking alot but, he also can't get anyone else… and Sam Raimi, his first choice, is sick with pneumonia. DC: 35 Rolled:
D100 => 46
That sledgehammer intothe screan was going to be awesome… the 1984 astetics were perfect, and the fact you got so many legendary british actors for it was awesome and it only took a week of filming too-
Oh, this is for the Superbowl? WHAT THE HELL!
Alright fine, but still, you really wish they were upfront about those things.
Reward: Made the Apple two super bowl commercial…
You are tired.
-[X]So Many Memories In Photos: You have missed 6 months of your childrens lives… how much have you missed to be caught in only photos. DC: 0 Rolled:
D100 => 100
-[X]Joseph O'Brian, and the quest to Destroy the San Diego Clippers: Your son Joseph has declared war, on the Clippers. Why, you don't know, but something tells you the story will be interesting. DC: 0 Rolled:
D100 => 13
-[X]Sarah Did what?: So Sarah… painted a portrait of Carrie… and it was one of the most beautiful things you have ever seen. DC: 0 Rolled:
D100 => 71
IT was the most beautiful thing you had seen in your life. And you honestly couldn't think of anything else… but you had it all in pictures, rather than memories.
(Continued in: So Many Memories.)
-[X]Never letting go: Carrie looks more tired than she ever has done. Even before… but she smiles at you, as if nothing was wrong. But something was. DC: 50 Rolled:
D100 + 30 => 86
Carrie was lying down in bed when you finally came in to lay down next to her. She seemed more tense and tired. But you didn't know why?
"What's wrong Carrie?" You asked as you snuggled up to her.
"You know how there are times I feel afraid?" Everything in the house seemed to stop… and you allowed yourself to move closer towards her, and you could feel how her emotions seemed to calm. "And that I can't be that way for the kids?"
It was a rhetorical question. But you let her continue. "You were gone for so long that I was afraid that you wouldn't come home. That i'd fall for the wrong man like my mom did, and that i would be left alone…"
Than she faced you. "Those were on the bad days." She than smiled and held you close. "On the good days… and they were far more than the bad ones… I reminded myself that, despite all the fame and the wealth and the power you have… you never once thought of yourself, only me…and the kids."
You didn't need to say anything. "But I hope you don't leave for awhile." She hugged you tighter. "I don't want memories to only be told in pictures."
"Alright." You whispered. "I love you."
"I know."
Reward: Carrie feels better.
You are barred from leaving the country for the next year by order of Carrie.
-[X]Debbie Reynolds and the TV Judgement: Debbie decided to cash in her newfound rebirth of a career, on Television. Which is fitting. But what is she doing? DC: 45 Rolled:
D100 => 31
You didn't really learn anything about what Debbie is doing, and she has been oddly quiet.
How bizarre.
Hopefully she isn't working for Universal.
-[X]The Hollywood Entante: So Roy Disney is calling a meeting, not only to congratulate you but also to talk about other things. DC: 40 Rolled:
D100 => 1 | natural one: 1
You were going to meet Roy…
But it seems that disney has other problems.
Like Roy begin hurt during a tour he was giving of the park, where he fell down the stairs helping a kid who was struggling with his wheelchair, and was now in the hospital.
Critical failure. Roy is in the hospital, alive, but hurt. Ron Miller isn't so… talkative to meet you, unlike Roy.