Turn 93 Results (November-December 1981)
[X]Solomon Kane: And the Shadows of Africa: Martin was proud of this one. Like insanely proud of it. He wouldn't say it's the highlight of his career, but more, the one that he felt had to be made to make it better. DC:0 Rolled:
D100 => 89+20=109
You think Martin has a dark side to him. He can't keep getting away with this kind of sorcery.
(Continued in: Solomon Kane: And the Shadows of Africa)
-[X]Investing in the Future: You want to Spend some of that money you made into the company and make the whole thing better DC: ??? (Linetail what you want to invest in, and how much money you want to invest in it)
--[X] You've been reading the Cam Jensen books with Mary and fell in love with the general concept and story. Buy adaptational rights from David Adler for $10 million. Rolled: 96
Turns out David Adler actually was trying to come to you to see you adapt his books into a TV show or made-for-TV movie.
He had tried to fork it off elsewhere, but Colombia didn't have the capital, Paramount low balled his offer, and Universal…
Universal, as seems to be tradition at this point, didn't return his calls, making him come to you. He said he was trying to get a million dollars…
You instead stuck to your original offer, as a not-so-subtle fuck you to Universal.
Reward: The Cam Jensen books can now be made into a TV show or movie.
David himself insists it be an animated TV show.
-[X]Importing Foreign Films: So… you may have a way to get some films showing in American Theaters. Maybe you can go to other foreign film industries and… well, ask to distribute their films. Sure many of those foreign film companies never expected an American company to distribute their films in the US… but maybe you can get money without producing them. (Linetail where you try to get films from, and if there are any specific films, line tail them below) DC: ???
--[X] Belgium. The Smurfs and the Magic Flute. Right now The Smurfs are a major hit on television, Hanna-Barbera's best performing cartoon since Scooby-Doo. With such popularity and you already negotiating for Johan and Pewitt, ask the owner of the Smurfs comic, Dupuis if you can distribute the Belgian film, "The Smurfs and the Magic Flute" in the US with a Dub from the Hanna-Barbera cast.
D100 => 87
They agreed, and while they drove a hard bargain…
They also really realized that Lucasfilm's treatment was there.
(Continued in: The Smurfs and the Magic Flute)
-[X] Best Friends: So Mary has lots of friends, and she wants them to come over. You need to prepare for that. Carrie, get the cookies. Rolled:
D100 => 17
Thankfully, things weren't as chaotic as previously, as MAry only had Milly, Wally, and some of her school friends over.
And they were instead trying to make movies with one of George's Super Eights. That he somehow snuck in his backpack with film.
And it was honestly decent with the way they used the costumes and the playful childish babbling into something so coherent.
Brandon was there somehow, and it was something that made him frown. "Why am I here?"
"You are the Captive that we need, quiet!" Wally said. "And Action."
Thank goodness that the kids were being careful because you were not in the mood for a mess.
Then someone threw an empty plastic bottle.
And then it was chaos.
Reward: So Wally made a short film. Brandon Lee does not how he was roped into it, because he was trying to talk to you about an idea, but…
Well, he can wait.
-[X]The Family Time: You need a night out with the family dammit! No more drama, no more work, just you and Carrie and the Kids! Rolled:
D100 => 18
You and Carrie had a wonderful time having a nice family dinner.
Though you wish Joseph was happier with his vegetables.
Reward: You enjoyed the family dinner.
-[X]Hanging out with the Friends: It's been far to long since you, John, and Robin hung out, so you will go out for some drinks and have some fun. DC: 45 Rolled:
D100 => 5
At this point, there is nothing you can do, Robin and John were trying their best, but they also aren't parents to three kids.
They also pity you.
-[X]A Well-Known Fan: So some really famous person is a fan of yours. Maybe you'll learn who they actually are. DC??? Rolled:
D100 => 80 A Well Known Fan:
D20 => 20
Your eyes widened when you realized who was actually here.
"Jesus Christ!" Blasphemy might be a sin, but for this, you were not going to deny that it was warranted. Because there were over five hundred British security forces and other notable things.
Because sitting in front of you was… Her Majesty the Queen, Elizabeth the Second of the House of Windsor.
The Inner Irishman in you wanted to cause an incident, but you were in Ulster trying to get to Scotland so that would be a problem.
Best be polite. Your mother did not raise a thug, despite playing a few on TV.
"Hello." You said.
She gave a smile. "You know, when they told me I was able to ambush you to speak to you, I was surprised. There were also several members of my cabinet and members of the Royal Shakespeare Society that bemoaned that you were not among their ranks."
"I hope you're not expecting me to follow protocol when I wasn't even expecting you?"
She then laughed. "God I hope not, I'm the one who's making a bother for you, and making discreet actions to meet you."
You frowned and sighed. "Then how may I serve you, Your Majesty?"
"Oh nothing yet I hope, but I do hope to get an autograph from you, if at all possible. My children like Star Wars and Conan, and Charles has been a fan of that new film you released, said it was a fine work of Shakespearean character acting in a modern setting."
Reward: Her Majastey the queen is a huge fan, her and her family. And you gave her an autograph because she asked.
-[X]Investments: You want to invest your hard-earned cash into something that you feel will be a good return on investment. And as well as diversify your assets DC: 0 (Linetail what you wish to invest in below this action, and the amount of money you want to invest in)
--[X] Oatfield. $2 Million. Ireland's oldest confectionary manufacturer and a personal favorite of your sweet tooth growing up. You want to share with the world the greatness of Oatfield and wish to become a co-owner with the Mckinney family, still keeping management under them but helping it to thrive into a great business with your patronage. Rolled:
D100 => 68
The Mckinney family were hesitant to see you offer a co-ownership, but the money you offered, as well as basically telling them that nothing at all has changed and that you just wanted to get more sweets for yourself and your children, they agreed.
Reward: You are an investor within Oatfield. And they appreciate it.
-[X]Networking: Well time to start finding out who might actually be interested in meeting you. (Write-in what you want to try and network with)
Peyo. Pierre Culliford as he's really called has created amazing characters and comics in Belgium. The Smurfs are currently making a splash with Hannah-Barbera, but you know that his previous work,
Johan and Pewitt, is just as good if not better. Make an offer for the rights with
$5,000,000 in order to make a TV Adaptation of their adventures. Rolled:
D100 => 95
The said yes before you named your price, and that was just incredible.
Reward: Johan and Pewitt can now be made.
Peter Shaffer. His theater play
Amadeus has made a sensation both abroad and more recently in the U.S.A. You would not be surprised if offers to make a screen adaptation are already in the works. Offer him
$25,000,000 for the rights of a movie adaptation, as well as to get him to write it as well. Rolled:
D100 => 100
In his words "I was going to offer it to you for free because I trust no one but only true masters of their craft."
Reward: You purchased the rights to Amadeus.
-[X]Modeling (Advertisements): Thankfully another Call Came in, one from an ad firm. They need you to have some pictures taken so that they are used for saner things. Like selling cars, or ice cream. DC: 40 Rolled:
D100 => 25
You were not going to do that, considering Malboro wanted you to model for selling cigarettes and other garbage. So you told them to fuck right off.
-[X]Game Shows: You want to go on a Game show and have some fun. DC: 40 Rolled:
D100 => 21
None of the Game shows were interesting to you. So you just said no.
-[X] Date Night: Carrie did an amazing job in Killer Queen and last month was pretty hectic. With Star Wars coming soon, you want to treat Carrie to a nice night of romance and show your love. Rolled:
D100 + 30 => 105
You and Carrie both sat down and looked at each other for the longest time. The Highrise restaurant was not your first idea for a date, but Carrie wanted you to not cook for her and she had no energy for herself.
So she booked a cab and you both drove to this nice place, and it was…something else.
The meal was nice but all you could do was look at her.
"You know, I've always wanted to ask you this?" Carrie offered as she drank her water. "Out of all the people you have worked with besides me, your favorite?"
"You first." You smiled. She already knew but she sighed. "John."
That made you nearly do a spit take. "John? Is your favorite person you worked with? What about the director?"
That was a given. "But really, John though?"
"He was fun to be around and he made me act better."
"And I don't?"
"You're my husband, that doesn't count." She smiled. "Now you."
"Actor?" You said. "Mark."
There was a laugh. "Mark?"
"You're surprised. He's awesome."
Carrie laughed. "I would have thought that James would have been-"
"James and I don't really work as much."
Then there was a smile. "And the Director is George."
"Knew it." Carrie said.
You both had a moment. And you laughed.
Reward: You have a good time.
AN: Enjoy.