Lights... Camera... ACTION!!: A Hollywood Quest

Hi Magoose here one of the guys helping Duke.

So we have some bad news.

The quest has been canceled as duke does not want to write it anymore.

I'm going to ask if I can take over for it, because I like this quest, and it would be a shame to kill it
TBF, Mags, you have been doing a lot of the heavylifting for the quest, so this will be in good hands. :)

To be clear to everyone, this is just me burning out on imagination of the quest, since my muse has been hitting me over the head a lot with so many different ideas that I just can't find myself too interested in this.

I'll still hang out here, though, since this still does have a sepcial place in my heart.

I'd like to thank you all for making this a wonderful experience while it lasted.

I'd also like to thank @Magoose, @Fluffy_serpent, and @Martin Noctis for doing so much to help prepare and write this quest. I couldn't have done it without you all. :D

I'll see you all around.

With so many regards, Duke William Of.
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Haven't replied to latest developments until now because I was hyperfocused on pitch, so here's my thougths:

-[X]And The Star is coming on: Debbie has had a long hiatus and you think it might be best to ease her in… and she told you to go to hell, and let her work. DC: 40 Rolled:D100 => 16

She looked at the script and was scrawling through the stuff, adding to her lines and otherwise doing great things to the script. But instead, you looked at things that were interesting. "Debbie, I think that there were-"

"Bruce I don't want to hear it." She said with a smile. "As much as I believe that you are one hundred percent on board, and want to coach me through some of the scenes, I have already done that with Carrie and others." She said as she quietly continued on.

"But that's not the point. I want to make sure I know what you are doing." You then looked over the shoulder to see the script.

You liked what you saw. "Can you do that?" You asked. "Because it's been awhile-"

"Of course." She said with a smile. "You and Carrie showed me that the words I told them were not needed. Now let me show you what I can do with them."

Reward: +20 to SP and Chemistry to Debbie.

-[X]John's Got Some Bullshit: You want to know what happened to have Carrie have him by the balls like this. Have you ever seen him like this? No you have not DC: 30 Rolled:D100 => 14

You looked at him and frowned. "How the hell did Carrie-"

"I owed her a favor, you know Blowout?"

"Yeah, I do, but you earned that?"

"No, I didn't. Carrie had to help me."

You frowned. "But- why?"

"Brian didn't want to use me because he thought I was too expensive, and he was right." John flashed a smile. You frowned at that. "What, I have to eat?"

"You know I can make you a really good deal?"

"Yeah, but you weren't there." He said.

"But what about this?" You said.

"Carrie writes a good script." He replied. "And I'm more inclined to follow it, seeing that she almost won an Oscar."

You nodded. "Very Well. Just help me out here."

"I will."

Reward: +20 to SP and Chemistry to John.

-[X]Vincents Idea: So Vincent has never been the best idea guy, but he wanted to make things a little more… realistic for Hollywood and said that he had a story he wanted to use. DC: 20 Rolled:D100 => 40

He smiled as he looked at it. "Well, I can say that…I want to be more of a bastard than that. We need to add a scene where he trys to intimidate her."

A moment later you frowned. "Um, in what way?"

"You'll see." He said. "I remembered some story of a Hollywood hack who wanted some no name to take a role or something."

Reward:+20 to SP and Chemistry to Vincent. The quality of the film increased.

-[X]Frank: So Sinatra was rather… well he was not happy to be here, but hey, maybe you can make him feel better. DC: 40 Rolled:D100 => 52

"Hn, you know kid, you never really struck me as the kid who upended Hollywood."

"And what do I strike you as?" You asked.

"You know, someone who gives a damn about everyone." He said. "Most people don't and that is why they fail in this town."

You smiled. "Yeah, well I succeeded because I had my friends and I don't give a shit about upending the status quo, because people want change in the status quo, they want good stories they can be entertained by, and not some schlock that won't. Or talks down to them… or exploits them."

"Well then, I'm glad Carrie chose me, it might actually be fun."

Reward:+20 to SP and Chemistry to Frank. +20 to the audience and Critic rolls when released.

-[X]Evelyn Greer and the Bad Luck: She thinks she's bad luck and honestly, you don't like that kind of energy on set. You had enough with Conan. DC: 40 Rolled:D100 => 12

When Evelyn came back, she wondered to you. "Why was there a gift basket in my trailer?"

"You didn't like it?" You said. "I can get you something you do like, but you need to tell me-"

"What the hell is this you are playing at Bruce? Favoritism? You trying to do something-"

"I want you to feel welcomed." You said.


"You are working for me, and I've heard you did not feel welcomed on your previous shoots, so I'm trying to welcome you."


"Because I believe you are one helluva actress who just keeps getting passed over. So… Welcome, and stop thinking about bad luck, there is an Irishman on this set, we have only good luck here."

Reward:+20 to SP and Chemistry to Evelyn
-[X]The City of Angles: So you want to just drive around with a Camera on your car for the mood of driving for transitions. Hopefully nothing goes wrong. DC: 30 Rolled:D100 => 99

You just saw the town on all hours of the day, and night.

And well… the city obliged with some of the most stunning stuff ever, and it would be prefect.

Reward: The quality of the film increased by +20.

Oh Lord, save for the cinematography we got really shitty rolls for the production and were definitely saved by the autopass. Thank you everyone for spamming omakes, lol. Well, I don't know if this will come close to the best of Bruce's work, but at the very least he continues to be a good director and gives Debbie a worthy return to the big screen after a decade in hiatus. Now to just stick the landing and ensures it's got good critical and commercial performance.

-[X]And George Prepares for… Something: So George, what are you planning on doing this time… why are the Steves Here? There were the three big Steves. Wozniacki, Jobs, and Spielberg. DC: 40 Rolled:D100 => 100

Damn, with this much of a strong foundation and Gavin's seeming genius, it looks like Apple is gonna start their reign in Silicon Valley two decades earlier and the 90s won't be a rough time. Also we are going to make so much money off of this as Apple's largest stock owner that we'll probably be in decent contention for the top 10 richest men in the world by 2024. Looking forward to future developments in the computer and tech revolution.

-[X]Best Friends: So Mary has lots of friends, and she wants them to come over. You need to prepare for that. Carrie, get the cookies. Rolled:D100 => 31

There were over twenty children playing around in your house and the pool as you and the parents began to try and control the chaos.

But the chaos was caused when Mary began playing DND, and everyone began to act out the storyline with her friend, and it was incredible. She was able to direct them based on the story and roleplay as GM and everyone was enthralled by the detail all the kids were giving, almost as if they had been reading it from a sourcebook.

Yet what was equally surprising, was that one of the kids brought their chemistry set and tried to actually use it to make "Potions."

Most of them were safe compounds and just juice mixed in with water and boiled, and it was all good time, and you thought nothing of it.

Then that same kid started making god damn stink bombs and throwing it at his friends to be used as grenades.

And while no one was hurt, they were extremely smelly by the time they left your home, having eaten your sweet and kids-friendly supply of food bare.

Mary for her part, loved every moment of being "The Queen of Beverly hills" With an army of loyal minions and having a real DND adventure at her home.

Oh lordy.

Reward: Mary has made friends with every single kid in her class and they all love having her as a friend, and they all play DND, Cyberpunk, and Star Wars prototype table top that should have stayed in your home, when they should be studying.

Looks like Mary is thriving at pre-K and is the Queen of the school. If she's already this popular then boy is she going to dominate grade school. I guess it's sort of a case of history repeating since Carrie was noted as a kid to be the most popular of her grade from Kindergarten all the way to when she dropped out, though never with such commanding charisma like Mary. Makes me excited for all the crazy stuff Joseph and Sarah will get up to, though poor them will have quite a shadow to live with in Mary.

-[X]The Return of the Queen: Freddie and the Gang are back in town, having a problem. They got screwed over, again, by their record company. And they want to vent DC: 45 Rolled:D100 => 29

"Guys I feel like every time you return on tour, you are angry about something, what can I do for you?" You asked.

"Well, we're getting fucked out of our paycheck," John said as they sat down. As he sat on a toy. "What the hell-"

"Mary had friends over, so we're still cleaning up." You said. "Freddie?"

"Well we have a problem, see the contract we are on is rather… something else. But this time, we don't get more than ten percent of… our touring money. And we've made-"

Brian spoke. "According to our resident accountant. We have made 400 million pounds."

Oh, and not even ten percent of it. "I see, I'll get my-"

"No, we already quit, Do you think Carrie can help us?"


Reward: Queen quits their record company and now works for Carrie. It was quite something.

Nice to see that we got Queen working for us proper, stay bros for life and we got near free reign to use Queen music within our movies. Although, I do have to worry about what kind of cycle of poor rolls Queen underwent to get to this point, lol. Also Carrie owns her own record label? I thought she worked with Curb Records. Well I guess it's another explanation for how she's a billionaire. Speaking of Queen,

-[X]A Charitable Heart: You want to invest your newfound wealth. Maybe even save some lives while you are at it. (Linetail what you wish to invest in below this action, and the amount of money you want to donate in)
--[X] Medical Research. $400 Million. There's some sort of strange virus spreading around that is causing the failure of people's immune's systems. Many don't give a damn since most of the victims are gay people, but they deserve just as much respect and care as anyone else, nevermind that there's straight people and even kids getting infected. Perhaps you're worrying over nothing, but you have a gut feeling that action must be taken now before too many people suffer, so why not do something useful with your fortune and help the doctors who can make a difference now before it's too late? Rolled:D100 => 95

You hope it did help people. But you don't know how it will.

Reward: you will learn about the ramifications of this investment in… 1985. but it is a positive effect, I will tell you.

Damn am I really glad I included this on the plan. We already got an auto bonus, but a nat 95, which would have been joined by a +50 from the Presidential Medal bonus is HUGE and Bruce has probably saved millions of people. Hope this somehow butterflies away Freddy catching it or if he does, is able to live to today like Magic, same with Magic hopefully being wise when having sex. A Magic who plays all the way til 2000 would be crazy.

Also if Bruce invests so much of his fortune in this cause, hopefully this pushes Reagan to invest more in AIDS treatment when the rest of the country was open to it.

Lol, no. It'd be in America first before we do anything international. We've talked about a few places like Steeplechase Park, somewhere in California, somewhere in Texas, etc. But we never decided on anything definitive.

I'd love for us to have our own Imagineers, but I'm pretty sure they'd just be a dedicated branch of Lucasfilm's Magicians that they already have.

One opportunity to do that I haven't seen mentioned yet, at least until we open up our own parks is partnering with Six Flags. Part of the Six Flags charm is that they have a deal with Warner Bros to use their characters for licensing, most importantly Looney Tunes and DC, and here that won't happen since WB is defunct, DC is with Columbia and no way in hell will Disney ever allow other parks to use the Looney Tunes. We could work up a similar deal with them and let them use franchises like Star Wars.
One opportunity to do that I haven't seen mentioned yet, at least until we open up our own parks is partnering with Six Flags. Part of the Six Flags charm is that they have a deal with Warner Bros to use their characters for licensing, most importantly Looney Tunes and DC, and here that won't happen since WB is defunct, DC is with Columbia and no way in hell will Disney ever allow other parks to use the Looney Tunes. We could work up a similar deal with them and let them use franchises like Star Wars.
It has been mentioned actually, I forget by who though. I'm not really in favor of it and would rather us build our own park in the vein of Universal Studios, but I wouldn't be totally against it if people really didn't want to build our own park.
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The Three things Hollywood fears:

1.The Unpredictable Box Office season when Star Wars has been announced as a contender.

2.The Looming Specture of another Great Hollywood Strike.

3. Michael Eisner's Character Development.
The Three things Hollywood fears:

1.The Unpredictable Box Office season when Star Wars has been announced as a contender.

2.The Looming Specture of another Great Hollywood Strike.

3. Michael Eisner's Character Development.
THat is practically true.

Except number 2, that isn't going to be a strike till the 90's at least.
Turn 93 (November 1981)
Turn 93 (November 1981)

Killer Queen Production Rolls:

Directing Quality:D100 + 50 => 150

Screen Presence:

Debbie Reynolds: D100 + 60 => 152
Carrie O'Brian:D100 + 50 => 126
John Travolta: D100 + 50 => 140
Frank Sinatra:D100 + 50 => 57
Eileen Evelyn Greer Garson: D100 + 50 => 146
Vincent Price: D100 + 50 => 118
Don Bluth: D100 + 20 => 43
George Miller:D100 + 20 => 65

Debbie/Carrie:D100 + 100 => 197
Debbie/John:D100 + 100 => 138
Debbie/Frank: D100 + 100 => 157
Debbie/Eileen: D100 + 100 => 184
Debbie/Vincent: D100 + 100 => 200
Debbie/Don: D100 + 100 => 102
Debbie/George: D100 + 100 => 149

Carrie/John:D100 + 100 => 195
Carrie/Eileen: D100 + 100 => 125
Carrie/George: D100 + 100 => 199

John/Frank: D100 + 100 => 113
John/Eileen: D100 + 100 => 155

Eileen/Frank: D100 + 100 => 175
Eileen/Vincent: D100 + 100 => 139
Eileen/George: D100 + 100 => 117

Don/George: D100 + 100 => 191

Frank/Vincent: D100 + 100 => 188

The VFX:D100 => 19

The Makeup:D100 => 47

The SFX: D100 => 81

The Score:D100 + 50 => 144

Location:D100 => 79

Current Quality Before Editing:D100 + 200 => 232

You were glad to see that everything went well… mostly.

But you had to do a solid for Cat as she went to a movie premiere, so you had to…

Mike Eisner called and it ruined that serenity. "Yes Mike?"

"Get to the office right now, we have an emergency!"

"Mike I am babysitting my sister's kids and Carrie is out tonight, so you will let me do that, or so help me I will fire your ass."

"Fine, but don't blame me when I'm mad as hell and you see why."

You hung up the phone. Mike can understand that you needed this.

You probably should have talked to him though, because as it turns out, that might have saved you from this crazy bullshit.

Because Mike was indeed mad as hell.

And Disney had just fired their shot in the animation war. Their first true shot you should say.

The Black Cauldron:
Directed by: Ted Berman. Richard Rich
Written by: Ted Berman, Cathrine Powell
Produced by: Joe Hale
Production and Distribution Studio: Walt Disney Productions, Buena Vista
Starring: Grant Bardsley, Susan Sheridan
, Freddie Jones, Nigel Hawthorne, Arthur Malet, John Byner, Phil Fondacaro, John Hurt

D100 + 200 => 297
D100 + 200 => 250
Domestic: 342,981,017
Mike was crossing his arms at the news, how this film, somehow, beat the odds against the indiana jones juggernaut.

"I will admit, mistakes were made." You finally stated as Mike seemed ready to scream like a madman. "But you must admit… damn, that is a good-looking film."

But Mike only shook his head and screamed into his hands. "You're not taking this seriously!"

"Is it produced by universal?" You asked


"Then I won't." You said. "Just give them credit, they did a good job."

Lucasfilms Actions:

[]Solomon Kane: And the Shadows of Africa: Martin was proud of this one. Like insanely proud of it. He wouldn't say it's the highlight of his career, but more, the one that he felt had to be made to make it better. DC:0

[]The People who want you to star in a movie: With most of Hollywood open to you again after the informal ending of your banishment from nonlucasfilm and TV productions, there are a few films that have come to your attention. DC: ???

[]Investing in the Future: You want to Spend some of that money you made into the company and make the whole thing better DC: ??? (Linetail what you want to invest in, and how much money you want to invest in it)

[]Look for Investors: Not that you need the money now, but maybe you can get people on board with this idea you have. DC: ???

[]Distributing Deals: Since you have a Distribution Company, or rather, are one… You can meet the major movie theater companies and strike a Deal with them. Even when you had nothing to offer them. DC: ???

[]Importing Foreign Films: So… you may have a way to get some films showing in American Theaters. Maybe you can go to other foreign film industries and… well, ask to distribute their films. Sure many of those foreign film companies never expected an American company to distribute their films in the US… but maybe you can get money without producing them. (Linetail where you try to get films from, and if there are any specific films, line tail them below) DC: ???

[]The Ideas of Industry: This action is meant for a write-in to act as a sort of Idea machine for the company. You must detail what you want to do below this action. This action can be taken multiple times.

Personal Actions:

[]Best Friends: So Mary has lots of friends, and she wants them to come over. You need to prepare for that. Carrie, get the cookies.

[]The Family Time: You need a night out with the family dammit! No more drama, no more work, just you and Carrie and the Kids!

[]Hanging out with the Friends: It's been far to long since you, John, and Robin hung out, so you will go out for some drinks and have some fun. DC: 45

[]A Well-Known Fan: So some really famous person is a fan of yours. Maybe you'll learn who they actually are. DC???

[]Learn to play an instrument: You want to learn how to play something DC: 80 (You have no idea what the hell you are doing.)

[]Investments: You want to invest your hard-earned cash into something that you feel will be a good return on investment. And as well as diversify your assets DC: 0 (Linetail what you wish to invest in below this action, and the amount of money you want to invest in)

[]The O'Riely Foundation Lobbying: You want California to help the men who have given nearly everything and more to this country. DC: ??? (Linetail how much money you want to throw at it, and what you want from the State)

[]A Charitable Heart: You want to invest your newfound wealth. Maybe even save some lives while you are at it. (Linetail what you wish to invest in below this action, and the amount of money you want to donate in)

[]Networking: Well time to start finding out who might actually be interested in meeting you. (Write-in what you want to try and network with)

[]Pray: It had been a long time since you went to Mass. You wish for the Lord to give you strength. DC: ???

[]Action Directing: It seems the town has been talking about how much of a beast you are at just being a stunt person. In fact, they knew you were a student of Bruce Lee. And they think you know how to stage and block a fight? Maybe you can DC? ???

[] Do auditions(Movies and TV Shows): You are going to go to some of the casting calls that are in the place where you can find work in. DC: 20(Possibility of only getting a commercial or TV show job, or extra work in a low-budget film)

[]Modeling (High Fashion): So you got a call from a photographer in LA, some no name. But that no name works for Gucci. And he wants you on their next lineup of products. And he needs you to model for him. Which is great… one problem, you have no idea what the hell you are doing. DC: 60

[]Modeling (Advertisements): Thankfully another Call Came in, one from an ad firm. They need you to have some pictures taken so that they are used for saner things. Like selling cars, or ice cream. DC: 40

[]Workout: A Healthy Mind and a Healthy Body are Key to having a good life, and you have been slacking as of late. Time to hit the workout and discipline, and perhaps, see things differently. DC: 30 Reward: You work out and feel better.

[] Ask Clint if you can act in a movie of his: You know you want to see if you can act opposite him, for a good time. DC: 40 (Clint wants to work with you.)

[] Gophering, and other signs of stuff: You want to try and learn how work behind the camera works, and what better way than being a gopher. DC: 50 (You have no idea what the hell they were doing, and you have no idea either)

[] Take a walk: Dad always said that the best ways to get inspiration are by walking, talking, and being open-minded. So you'll try that. DC: 10 (You are just going for a walk, what could be really said?)

[] Register in a theater: There are quite a few theater troops that are looking for some seasonal help for some play's that the regulars could not get to. Perhaps you can work there for a while. DC: 40 (Everyone wants to be famous here in Hollywood.)

[] Go to a bar or something to make jokes: You wanted to try some comedy, perhaps you can try. even with your shit timing. DC: 40 (Your Lack of comedy chops is going to be something that will bite you.)

[] Practice writing: You want to write something, maybe even a script. At least to learn the craft. DC: 20 (You try your hand at screenwriting, and maybe get something that is worth a damn.)

[] Research stuff, see if anything piques your interest: You may have graduated High School as a kid, but you never stopped trying to learn. DC: 15 (Write-in what you want to learn about below)

AN: Enjoy and plan format please.
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things i suggest we distribute/bought this turn or very very soon:

Stand by me and The Shawshank Redemption by stephen king they go out this year so need to hurry

inspector gadget same as down
The dead zone by stephen king the movie is alrady on the making and go out in 83
Pink Floyd The Wall alreadt made i think but we could gave it a better distribution than irl
Asterix and Cleopatra and The Twelve Tasks of Asterix two great asterix movie already made and as far as i know never distribued in usa
The Smurfs and the Magic Flute a nice smurf movie and i didn't found that he was distribued in usa
don really phone in that acting job. also come on franky at least try.

good on disney for making a kick ass movie. let them have a win.

start doing movies again and maybe get out there a bit more.
Well, looks like we got possibly the first big movie that can hold it's ground against one of our Juggernauts.

Hmm, I wonder:

A Comedy-Serious High School Movie (Think the Gerne of Napoleon Dynamite) that isn't some kind of Highschool Musical, but one that re-experiences what it was like being a high school student in the past, of the parties, exams, school works, etc.

The Main Characters? Two MCs with Weird Al Yankovic and Robin Williams as their actors.

The Theme? The Overall idea: "A Movie about two boys trying to fit in."
Any word on when Red Dawn is getting released?

Also once more I request the gophering action so Bruce can learn movie scut work.
Reward: Sony has been humiliated, and with the threat that they would lose a court battle in America and Japan, they give up, and are forced to do something else.

Sony has lost a significant chunk of future revenue, and they are scrambling to save themselves from losing their space as the market leader.

Reward: The Apple computer, in addition to being far more powerful than OTL, is capable of using floppy disks to play movies that are of low picture quality, but that has been done. Something that everyone at Apple is still unsure how Gavin made possible, given the limited space available on his equipment.

Never get in the way of an O'Brian and his wish to watch movies.

Unknown Effect.

Awesome update. a movie that should be failing somehow succeeding and Mary using her math and storytelling traits to make friends by playing DnD are awesome

The coolest thing I caught?

Sony might be about to have a bad time, and its all Gavin's Fault

OTL Sony's next few tech innovations were the 3 1/2 floppy disk, co-developing the CD, and the Discman.

For tech standards to change, there is a certain amount of momentum to overcome. Either and preferably both backward compatibility with prior tech or such an overwhelming advantage that it is worth resetting the standard entirely and updating every piece of tech needed. That is why your computer has 5 ¼ and 3 ½ internal disk bays for hard drives. They were initially developed for disk drives that size, and everyone else started using them for their own applications, so they have remained long after the drives are no longer used. That's why CDs, DVDs, and Blu-ray disks are all the same size, and their readers all fit into 5 ¼ bays.

Except that's not true. ITL, as Gavin has just introduced his Floppy disk-backed Movie format, your ITL Computer probably now has an 8-inch design and many more USB equivalent plugs. Let me explain.

There are three industry-standard floppy disk sizes. The original 1970 IBM 8-inch, the 5 ¼ the Apple II used, and the 3 1/2 inch Sony developed in 1985. Sony's was the same data size but significantly more durable and enough of a leader in an era of competing standards that the baseline was eventually reset. But until that came along, Apple's design was king as they were, for the time, ridiculously cheap.

Now, the easiest way to fit more data on a disk and increase movie quality to watchable is to make the Disk bigger, so if Apple simply goes back to the 1970s 8-inch design, they might get something viable for use in an all-in-one media machine, replacing your VCR, games machine and stereo.

This creates a standard 8-inch rewritable Disk format suitable for movies, data reading, writing transfers and storage, as a computer hard drive proxy, TV recording, and program time-shifting. Any replacement format must be able to do all that or have so significant an advantage to replace the format. Sony's 3 1/2 Floppy and CD will not be able to do so.

Some back of napkin math.

The problem the CD was designed to overcome was large data transfer from a central point. CDs tended to hold approximately 550 MB of data. The Game Boy Advance shoved Shrek into a data card at a size of 64 MB, albeit heavily pixelated at 112 p. Assuming that is what Gavin just did, the non-rewritable CD only holds 8 and a half times Gavin's in quest disk, not 380 times better than Sony's 1.44 MB rewritable floppy. Sony's floppy, used as a hard drive before hard drives were viable in home computers and then as data transfer after, is unlikely to be adopted when Gavin's format is 45 times better in terms of data storage at both jobs.

Suppose Apple goes with the 8-inch Disk, consider the relationship change in surface area versus radius and thus data. In that case, the 8-inch Disk conservatively holds 2.5 times more data, so 160 Mb, Sony's floppy is now 110 times worse, and the CD is now only a 3.4 times better and still non-rewritable.

Historically, consumers will choose a less efficient, cheaper, and rewritable data transfer method over a superior, more expensive, and non-rewritable one. See VHS versus Betamax, ironically another Sony product that lost out. ITL, I cannot see CDs becoming Mainstream.

So, with CDs as a lesser format, Apple and anyone else using them will likely spend money improving and making cheaper and more efficient 8-inch floppy drives. The logical Media and listening Walkman successor are now not the shock-prone Discman using CD but an Apple or Lucas 8-inch-based floppy drive unit.

Wait, Lucas? Well, yes, Or Polaroid. Somebody is about to release a practical digital camera. What does film look like for a digital camera? Data cards. and here comes Gavin and his Disk at the perfect time, just ready for Lucas to put it into Digital cameras. Apple PCs, and home printers combine with digital cameras to revolutionise how we take and keep photos. Development money for efficiency follows.

CDs led to DVDs and Blue Rays, which are likely dead on arrival in favour of high-density data disks based on compression formats like Zip or Data Storage based on thumb drives, may still exist but probably grew out of game cartridges, ala Nintendo.

as a final indignity to Sony, Look closely at the blue save icon It's Sony's floppy Disk. ITL will likely be whatever disk design Apple comes up with (maybe Green because Gavin is Irish and invented the coding ?). Now it is certainly not confirmed, and we will need to see how the dice go, but Gavin may have done more damage to Sony than Mike Eisner.

So, TLDR, Gavin has just set Sony up for a series of YouTube videos about If Only tech because of his Disk.

@Magoose Can we post side stories again or would you like us to wait ?
Well, that was fast.

Alright, I have a couple of suggestions that I want to give. First, a movie that was premiered some three years back, yet it did not receive the love it deserved due to the graphic violence and outright brutality it showed. It did gain awards and recognitions, but Mary Whitehouse and her group of Zealots managed a lawsuit and campaign in Britain to have it banned from being showed there.

I'm talking about Scum of course, a movie showing the corruption, brutality, and outright indignities suffered as a result of the Borstal System. If we can get the rights to distribute it (even as an R Rated film which, let's be honest, it will be) then we can make sure more people know about this masterpice, and the fucking atrocities being commited at least until next year when it was finally discontinued.

Next, Night of the Hunter, a movie made in the 50s which bopmbed and everyone agreed was an awful piece of cinema. However, as time has passed, the film has been re-evaluated, to the point that it is now considered one of the best films ever made. It was done by United Artists, so if we can manage to buy the rights quickly enough, then thet won't relize the gem they have on their hands, and we can do a re-release like we did with Debbie's films.