Lights... Camera... ACTION!!: A Hollywood Quest

Hi Magoose here one of the guys helping Duke.

So we have some bad news.

The quest has been canceled as duke does not want to write it anymore.

I'm going to ask if I can take over for it, because I like this quest, and it would be a shame to kill it
TBF, Mags, you have been doing a lot of the heavylifting for the quest, so this will be in good hands. :)

To be clear to everyone, this is just me burning out on imagination of the quest, since my muse has been hitting me over the head a lot with so many different ideas that I just can't find myself too interested in this.

I'll still hang out here, though, since this still does have a sepcial place in my heart.

I'd like to thank you all for making this a wonderful experience while it lasted.

I'd also like to thank @Magoose, @Fluffy_serpent, and @Martin Noctis for doing so much to help prepare and write this quest. I couldn't have done it without you all. :D

I'll see you all around.

With so many regards, Duke William Of.
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I disagree. I feel that the Spider-Verse was a good gimmick for a storyline, yet the way it has expanded and grown has become more fo a detriment for the entire Spider-Man series. Mainly because now there is too much emphasis on it, as well as the status of Spider-Man; instead of him being just another kid that got bitten, it's like he is the lynchpin keeping the multiverse together, and it was obviously inevitable that he would become Spider-Man no matter what.

It robs the choice from Peter, and it becomes a determined fate instead.

Plus, the CLone Saga has yet to be made here, and since we have a blueprint into how it became what it is, that means we can avoid the pitfalls and make it something that flows smoother.
alright fair enough but we need to actually make sure it's on point from start to finish, if anything it should play out like a mystery thriller with splashes of identity crisis on Peter's part and maybe Ben could have some form of imposter syndrome but for superheros, if we nail we could use it as blue print for introducing new characters if we decide to let some of the older characters take a break.
I don't know how it was viewed when clone saga came out, but Peter being a clone and a pivot to some new character sound like terrible ideas to me.
Well on one side it saw a rise on Spiderman comics' sales at a time comic sales were on the downward, on the other well quoting TV Tropes

Broken Base: Arguably the entire Saga, except you'll find very few people who thought the whole thing was good, and nowadays most agree that it had some good ideas, but they could have been done better.
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I don't know how it was viewed when clone saga came out, but Peter being a clone and a pivot to some new character sound like terrible ideas to me.
That's why I suggested in my idea that during the fight against Osborn, he will mention that he altered the tests to better destroy Peter's life. Now, at this point, osborn would be both stronger and crazy, both growing as time goes on, so what he says could be interpreted as one of the crazy things he says, but it could also be the truth.

At the end, both Peter and Ben woudl just dedide to leave it as it is, not trying to dig any further since it did not matter in the end. That way we can leave it so thatwhichever interpretation fans want to take it's true. Plus, we finally give Peter the ending he deserves; a peaceful, happy life with a family that loves him, and that he loves in return.

As for Ben, he gets to have his own adventures, and to make new connections with the hero community. Becoming a legacy character without having to bloat the entire franchise with ore and more Spider people.
At the end, both Peter and Ben woudl just dedide to leave it as it is, not trying to dig any further since it did not matter in the end. That way we can leave it so thatwhichever interpretation fans want to take it's true. Plus, we finally give Peter the ending he deserves; a peaceful, happy life with a family that loves him, and that he loves in return.

I feel like realistically, that Marvel might not take such a bold lunge and even though Peter is getting an objectively happy ending here, that fans would still get pissed about Peter being replaced by Ben. I feel like a decent compromise would be to have Peter work for the Baxter Foundation, letting him finally pursue his dreams of being a scientist and he can still go home everyday and see Mary Jane and May. Peter could be a regular in the Fantastic Four and play off the other characters, be a mentor figure for Franklin, and he can be a formal part of the Fantastic Four as a reserve member as Spider-Man so that when the crisis events and big crossovers happen, Peter is part of the action while Ben still takes care of New York.

It's the best of both worlds for Peter that gives editorial time to really test which direction the fans are content to go with Peter in the long run and how Spider-Man shapes out to be as a title, while making sure that if Peter goes full retirement that the fans will welcome it instead of it feeling like it's forced upon them, and by that time we'll grow to like Ben. In the meantime, Peter can do Fantastic Four and Avengers stuff while Ben is grounded and stays with pure Spider-Man problems sort of like how they have Peter and Miles dividing responsibilities.
Videogame Pitch

Game Developer: LucasArts Entertainment
System: Sega Genesis
Genre: Racing, Sidescrolling, Platforming
Premise: Players select from a number of colorful characters and race each other running a selected racecourse using grappling hooks, items and the environment to keep ahead of their opponents. The screen follows whoever is in the lead and once a players character is off the screen they've lost the race. After the first player is eliminated (or a set time has passed) the screen will start to shrink hampering visibility and further increasing urgency. The last surviving player is the winner of the round, the screen resets and the players begin racing again from a nearby spawn point. The first to three victories wins the game.

Just a game I enjoyed watching youtubers play a while back. I figured it'd be a fun addition to our roster. Not much else to say really.
So along the lines of earlier discussions of Lucasland, I think if we dive fully into theme parks that we'll probably do some international stuff to cater to our global audience. The first nation would obviously be Japan, and considering there's a decent chance we'll avert or heavily contain the Lost Decade, that means it can be super profitable. It would be unlikely for us to build Japan before Lucasland's completion, so we'd likely be looking at a park in the late 90s at the very earliest. But what if we had an existing theme park?


Behold, Nara Dreamland. Basically it's a knock off Disneyland, because it was meant to be Japanese Disneyland. Born out of a deal between a Japanese tycoon and Walt, only for Walt to back out due to licensing conflict. So it went ahead, just with no Disney branding unfortunately and generic Japanese stuff. Still, pretty decent for its time.

I was thinking either we could buy the park or work as a partner and license them to use Lucasfilms properties. That would be a major boost to help the park survive and we can use Nara Dreamland as a sandbox to explore park ideas.
So along the lines of earlier discussions of Lucasland, I think if we dive fully into theme parks that we'll probably do some international stuff to cater to our global audience. The first nation would obviously be Japan, and considering there's a decent chance we'll avert or heavily contain the Lost Decade, that means it can be super profitable. It would be unlikely for us to build Japan before Lucasland's completion, so we'd likely be looking at a park in the late 90s at the very earliest. But what if we had an existing theme park?
Well, one of the ways we can help soften the impact of the lost decade is perhaps making it so that Japan's economy and companies are not that tied down to the government and allow for some proper competition, which I think it might be some of the platforms that the New Japan Party is running on.
Behold, Nara Dreamland. Basically it's a knock off Disneyland, because it was meant to be Japanese Disneyland. Born out of a deal between a Japanese tycoon and Walt, only for Walt to back out due to licensing conflict. So it went ahead, just with no Disney branding unfortunately and generic Japanese stuff. Still, pretty decent for its time.

I was thinking either we could buy the park or work as a partner and license them to use Lucasfilms properties. That would be a major boost to help the park survive and we can use Nara Dreamland as a sandbox to explore park ideas.
Huh, should have realized that it would be Disney who would try to start things and back out at the last moment. I like the idea of Nara Dreamland. Shame that it closed up because of Tokyo Disneyland, but yeah, you're right. THis could serve as our first testing ground and branch off, and that it would allow for direct competition with Disney might make for some fun drama later down the line.

Heck, we could have our Segaa Characters make their way through the park like the Disney Mascots. One thing we should really do is try and make an entire section like the Treasure Planet movie or the Spelljammers TTRPG. From what I understand there is quite the love in Japan for those.

We could perhaps make a deal with Daiei to make an entire Kaiju section, with rides involving Gamera or the different Kaijus that will be introduced later on. or make a deal with Nintendo to have their characters appear, and perhaps fight with our own.

Man, the possibilities are endless here. And this is without using our Hannah-Barbera Properties, or even DreamWorks films!