Jane Goodwin- The main protagonist of the film, a xenobiologist who is enthusiastic in exploring Vespuccia due to the extinction of many species on Earth, along with the potential to experience a vibrant and healthy world. Develops a deep appreciation for Vespuccian culture and tries to work as a bridge between the human and Vespuccian societies.
Jorge Cortez- One of the Marines who serve as security aboard the Mayflower and acts as a security escort and bodyguard for Jane during her expeditions. A gruff and no nonsense soldier, learns to loosen up and develops a deep respect for the newfound world while thriving in Vespuccian culture due to their high regard for warriors. Helps to lead the Rebellion to protect the planet from ARC along with Jane.
Rolyre Talop-Qinos- A Vespuccian who is a noble hailing from Goul. An eccentric inventor who is shunned and mocked in his society due to his lack of martial prowess or participation in noble labor, Rolyre wishes to explore the world and had frequent dreams of life in the stars. He is among the first aliens to make contact with the humans, though after the Alborans and develops a strong rapport with Jane, the two having a somewhat romantic bond. Rolyre helps rally his people and others to stand up to the Alborans in the climax and dedicates himself to finding ways to help Human technology and ecology coexist with the planet and help the Vespuccians in peaceful ways.
Sasha Robinson- Captain of the Mayflower and nominal head of the security forces for the Mayflower during its colonization. Initially tries to thread the needle between the colonists and ARC and keep a steady and level headed leadership to support the colony while keeping relations amenable with the natives. Defects to the Rebels before the climax.
Amith Chandra - The Mayflower's Doctor and the first elected Mayor of the burgeoning human settlement, New Plymoth. A calm and compassionate man, Amith is mainly focused on building new lives for his people and granting them the dreams they were unable to have on Earth. At first tries to change Vespuccia to be a mirror of Earth, but grows to appreciate the planets natural wonders and life, though he is unfortunately sidelined by Simon and Arc. Helps lead the colonists to take control of the Mayflower, sacrifices himself for Rolyre in the climax.
Simon Rhys- An Director for the American Reclamation Corporation, a Mega Corp which is one of the largest Corporations on Earth, and instrumental during the Resource Crisis of the 21st century with it building the Mayflower. Simon acts as a representative for ARC who have taken a multitude of contracts, reserving resources and land for Earth corporations so they may take ownership and presence in the Vespuccian economy years later. Simon is sort of a lawful evil antagonist, viewing his actions as just conducting business and trying to portray his cause and motivations as a sort of moral business.
King Dromund- leader of the Alborans. A prideful and ambitious ruler who is perceptive of the great power of the Mayflower and wishes to use it for his Kingdom. While seemingly fitting the archetype of a tyrant, in actuality, Dromund is a monarch with a heavy burden as his lands have been alight with famine, his Kingdom dealing with many of the negative consequences of industrialization, and having been on the losing end of many wars. Thus he views the Mayflower as salvation and a tool for Albora to avenge their many years of suffering.