Lights... Camera... ACTION!!: A Hollywood Quest

Hi Magoose here one of the guys helping Duke.

So we have some bad news.

The quest has been canceled as duke does not want to write it anymore.

I'm going to ask if I can take over for it, because I like this quest, and it would be a shame to kill it
TBF, Mags, you have been doing a lot of the heavylifting for the quest, so this will be in good hands. :)

To be clear to everyone, this is just me burning out on imagination of the quest, since my muse has been hitting me over the head a lot with so many different ideas that I just can't find myself too interested in this.

I'll still hang out here, though, since this still does have a sepcial place in my heart.

I'd like to thank you all for making this a wonderful experience while it lasted.

I'd also like to thank @Magoose, @Fluffy_serpent, and @Martin Noctis for doing so much to help prepare and write this quest. I couldn't have done it without you all. :D

I'll see you all around.

With so many regards, Duke William Of.
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." you said quietly, but loud enough for him to hear. "Three animated films with budgets that are befitting them, the television channel is needing more content that will be great for increasing our brand's recognition and reach…"

Card then raised his voice. "And it wastes money an incredible amount of it-"

You remained quiet, as you narrowed your eyes. "My money, not yours or any of the boards."
with the way disney has been losing money currently all because the board and bob (all of them have chump change invested in the company so if it burns to the ground they lose nothing and a lot are yes men instead of a good sound board to bob ) don't care about the brand outside of playing politics at the cost of the entertainment value and quality of the brand including the actual parks this makes me laugh
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with the way disney has been losing money currently all because the board and bob (all of them have chump change invested in the company so if it burns to the ground they lose nothing and a lot are yes men instead of a good sound board to bob ) don't care about the brand outside of playing politics at the cost of the entertainment value and quality of the brand including the actual parks this makes me laugh
my friend.

They rolled a 92.

Let Roy and Ron act like Alan gambling to make a point to their stuck up and out of touch board, by doing things that they want to do, but won't, its more fun that way.
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to their stuck up and out of touch board

Basically during this time, they're quite stuck in : A) Trying to play things safe (Cost them a lot during those years), B) "What would Walt Disney do?" (Counterproductive, since Disney would've not want to play things safely and keep innovating/developing new ideas and projects despite the risks).
Looks like Disney is picking itself up at least, makes it more fun.

Not so sure about theme parks though, if we have to invest in them, better make sure to only open a few of them and really keep them running. I rather we invest more in a museum or exhibition.
Oh wow EuroDisney, that cluster fuck. Now we're talking about my neck of the woods. The location of Paris was always a wierd choice as there were many other countries were a park could be build and be open 365 days and have better weather and would be more open by the people.

EuroDisney was hated by many frenchman some even called it a cultural chernobyl and it was very clear that Disney had no idea what the average european thought. Most glaringly its name, the suffix 'Euro' is associated with business and governance so it being placed on a park was very wierd alongside many other cultural norms that are common in the USA being suffocating for a european, a very common theme for many american companies thinking they could waltz into the european market. So it wouldn't surprise me if it still crash and burns but gets saved at the last possible second.
Did we ever contact Disney to see if we can do a joint collaboration to create a Star Wars park ?

Because it would be cool to see one being created soo soon, and well we are a movie studio first, so this is more a Disney thing but even still it would be win-win for everyone.
Did we ever contact Disney to see if we can do a joint collaboration to create a Star Wars park ?

Because it would be cool to see one being created soo soon, and well we are a movie studio first, so this is more a Disney thing but even still it would be win-win for everyone.
I would rather build our own parks. In the US I would place it in Texas and In Europe in Piedmont, Italy (or somewhere in nordern Itlay). Piedmont would be a good option due to:

1) Weather: It has a nice temperate-mediterranean climate so it could be open 365 days and it avoids the extreme heath of the south.

2) Tourism: Italy has a strong tourism industry with millions of visitors each year and it being placed in a rich region of nordern Italy it has a strong local tourism market. Also as it's the place where two banana's overlap it has a strong connection with Europe (See blue banana, golden banana).

3) Transport: It can easily be reached via trains from the continent, planes from farther out and possibly boats like cruises that tour the Mediterranean Sea. Spain and Portugal can be kicked out due the fact that they use a differnt railway gauge then the rest of western europe so transport via railway will be more dificult and expensive.

4) Politics and PR: Though still having european chauvinism it will be much smaller than the french. The Italian goverment will be more inviting for foreign investments and its people more acepting for good jobs but good PR is still needed.

The only possible problems are building space as it is hilly in certain areas.

But those are my thoughts of a European park, if we choose to partner with Disney. C'est la vie.
But those are my thoughts of a European park, if we choose to partner with Disney. C'est la vie.
You know the funny thing about starting up a park, is that, Disney won't work with Lucasfilms, not because the Disney boys won't be willing, its that the rest of the board would fucking throw them out if they tried.
You know the funny thing about starting up a park, is that, Disney won't work with Lucasfilms, not because the Disney boys won't be willing, its that the rest of the board would fucking throw them out if they tried.
...Wow, are they still mad about Hiawatha? I mean, we have a Detente between us and Columbia (or was it Paramount?) going on right now, right?

Not that I'ms aying I want to make parks with them (if we have to, then I'd be on the side of doing it on our own), but it still boggles the midn a bit that they would rather end their succesful streak than work with us.
...Wow, are they still mad about Hiawatha? I mean, we have a Detente between us and Columbia (or was it Paramount?) going on right now, right?

Not that I'ms aying I want to make parks with them (if we have to, then I'd be on the side of doing it on our own), but it still boggles the midn a bit that they would rather end their succesful streak than work with us.
It's a move that would create a direct competitor in a market that they pretty much dominate exclusively amongst the other studios. Of course they'd throw a fit. It's one thing to team up with a competitor, it's another to help make them even more of a competitor in an area in which you basically monopolize.
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It's a move that would create a direct competitor in a market that they pretty much dominate exclusively amongst the other studios. Of course they'd throw a fit.
Well now that's just petty...and so in Disney's character that it makes perfect sense. I estimate that they will be shitting bricks the moment Universal tries to get into the game.

And you did have a point about the amount of frnachises we have for future rides. Enough that we either make a park, or we take a step back and see the other studios enter a bidding war for the right to use our franchises.

Either way, we win.
You know, there is one thing we should actually be afraid of..

Kubrik's Napoleon Part Two.

The first was a direct competitor to Star Wars: A New Hope.

With not hearing anything about it for years, who knows what Kubrik plans to add into it to create another movie hit. Not to mention with its success, it would've had a lot of money going for it to create another Miracle with new technological/film/etc. advancements that makes it better than the First Part.
It could be that Sidney decided to just keep them from being released just yet until he really needs it, or incase of emergencies. Many studios tend to finish movies adn then not show them after all.

Allows Kubrik to do his favourite Activity..

..Re-shooting the scene multiple times until he's satisfied with it. (Not to mention adding in new things that fit the film and time period).
my friend.

They rolled a 92.

Let Roy and Ron act like Alan gambling to make a point to their stuck up and out of touch board, by doing things that they want to do, but won't, its more fun that way.
I am, the contrast just struck me as funny and a quest is a quest anyways. besides wasn't it roy and ron that lead disney through the renaissance starting with the little mermaid anyways it's what you would expect(competence) as long as the dice don't get in the way.
Everyone else: Disney is looking for that Poisoned Chalic in Europe.

Me: So wait their looking to hybridize the European and American Comic universes of Donald Duck and Micky and sell them to audiences for five cents! And get the European comic scene!

Its genius.
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Disney Movie Pitch: Starship Mayflower
Disney Movie Pitch: Starship Mayflower
Format: 2 Hour Animated Movie
Genre: Science Fiction
Sub-Genre: Adventure, Drama

Synopsis: In In the year 2113, mankind is spreading across the stars as it seeks to find planets with life to settle upon so that the solar system can be relieved of its burdens and the poor and exhausted masses of humanity can build new lives on the frontier. The main method of doing so is through Pioneer class colonial vessels, five mile long starships carrying ten thousand passengers in search of a new home through a voyage which will take many years with its passengers in cryo stasis.

One ship in particular is the USS Mayflower, a colonization ship which after 10 years in stasis, travels 35 light years to the star system known as Vespuccia which has shown indications of life. What the Mayflower is unaware of is that Vespuccia does contain intelligent life, a species of Blue skinned Elf-like people who are actually in the midst of the early stages of an Industrial Revolution.

The Mayflower lands down and makes contact with two alien societies, the Kingdoms of Goul and Albora. The Alborans are very receptive to the Mayflower and its technology, wishing to use it to expand and dominate Vespuccia while the more spiritual and egalitarian Gouls are suspicious and untrusting of the Mayflower. While it appears that the Gouls will be the villains to the Mayflower's mission, in actuality, the Alborans are a twist antagonist as they wish to use the human colonists as allies for selfish imperialist reasons, spurred on by present corporate interests on the Mayflower who wish to develop Vespuccia into a resouce colony for profit. This then pushes the protagonist to unite with the Gouls and other native tribes and nations to put a stop to the Alborans, with the end of the movie seeing after a messy battle, the beginnings of cohabitation between humanity and the Vespuccians.

A running theme throughout the movie is the repetition of history and the morals of colonialism, with the passengers and crew of the Mayflower essentially being put in the exact same position as the Europeans 500 years ago and trying their best to be mindful of their past and not repeat mistakes, but running into present concerns and needs for their colony and the future of humanity.

Jane Goodwin- The main protagonist of the film, a xenobiologist who is enthusiastic in exploring Vespuccia due to the extinction of many species on Earth, along with the potential to experience a vibrant and healthy world. Develops a deep appreciation for Vespuccian culture and tries to work as a bridge between the human and Vespuccian societies.

Jorge Cortez- One of the Marines who serve as security aboard the Mayflower and acts as a security escort and bodyguard for Jane during her expeditions. A gruff and no nonsense soldier, learns to loosen up and develops a deep respect for the newfound world while thriving in Vespuccian culture due to their high regard for warriors. Helps to lead the Rebellion to protect the planet from ARC along with Jane.

Rolyre Talop-Qinos- A Vespuccian who is a noble hailing from Goul. An eccentric inventor who is shunned and mocked in his society due to his lack of martial prowess or participation in noble labor, Rolyre wishes to explore the world and had frequent dreams of life in the stars. He is among the first aliens to make contact with the humans, though after the Alborans and develops a strong rapport with Jane, the two having a somewhat romantic bond. Rolyre helps rally his people and others to stand up to the Alborans in the climax and dedicates himself to finding ways to help Human technology and ecology coexist with the planet and help the Vespuccians in peaceful ways.

Sasha Robinson- Captain of the Mayflower and nominal head of the security forces for the Mayflower during its colonization. Initially tries to thread the needle between the colonists and ARC and keep a steady and level headed leadership to support the colony while keeping relations amenable with the natives. Defects to the Rebels before the climax.

Amith Chandra - The Mayflower's Doctor and the first elected Mayor of the burgeoning human settlement, New Plymoth. A calm and compassionate man, Amith is mainly focused on building new lives for his people and granting them the dreams they were unable to have on Earth. At first tries to change Vespuccia to be a mirror of Earth, but grows to appreciate the planets natural wonders and life, though he is unfortunately sidelined by Simon and Arc. Helps lead the colonists to take control of the Mayflower, sacrifices himself for Rolyre in the climax.

Simon Rhys- An Director for the American Reclamation Corporation, a Mega Corp which is one of the largest Corporations on Earth, and instrumental during the Resource Crisis of the 21st century with it building the Mayflower. Simon acts as a representative for ARC who have taken a multitude of contracts, reserving resources and land for Earth corporations so they may take ownership and presence in the Vespuccian economy years later. Simon is sort of a lawful evil antagonist, viewing his actions as just conducting business and trying to portray his cause and motivations as a sort of moral business.

King Dromund- leader of the Alborans. A prideful and ambitious ruler who is perceptive of the great power of the Mayflower and wishes to use it for his Kingdom. While seemingly fitting the archetype of a tyrant, in actuality, Dromund is a monarch with a heavy burden as his lands have been alight with famine, his Kingdom dealing with many of the negative consequences of industrialization, and having been on the losing end of many wars. Thus he views the Mayflower as salvation and a tool for Albora to avenge their many years of suffering.

A/N: Alright, here is my first attempt to flesh out Disney's catalog for what may be its Renaissance. Don't worry anyone, I haven't taken this from any existing works of fiction so there's no stealing from Lucasfilms. What Starship Mayflower is, is basically a fleshing out of a concept that Disney was working on in the 70s but cancelled due to budget called "Spacecraft One".

Unfortunately I can't find any info that existed on Spacecraft One besides it being mentioned briefly in a 1976 TIME article about a mile-long starship in search of life. Hell, who knows if this was legit a serious endeavor at any point and not just some dart at the wall idea a Disney writer had and shared with the TIME reporter.

However, I think it's pretty neat for Disney to do and lines up perfectly with the timeline changes. Star Wars is the most popular movie in the world so Sci-Fi is a big draw. Star Trek Phase II made big waves on TV and this movie has similar vibes. The Black Hole while not close to Star Wars was still a profitable hit. And let's not forget Disney's own War of the Worlds. So it makes sense that the idea would have some serious investment and this is my interpretation of the end result. Basically the reverse of War of the Worlds where we are the colonizer for primitives, and basically focusing on a big question on if history will repeat. I think Pilgrims in Space would be neat and considering Disney's current love of Americana, it makes sense they'd go for this. Basically think Avatar meets Pocahontas.

I've got a fair amount of upcoming Disney animated movies to fill out their golden age, a mix of cancelled Disney projects and exploring various Disney franchises. Next Disney pitch, Duck Dodgers.
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