Return of the Jedi Production Part 2:
-[x]The Jabba Puppet from Hell: That puppet is going to kill someone, you fear, due to how hot it is. DC: 30 Rolled:
D100 => 74
You and the Puppeteers looked at the giant monstrosity that was Jabba the Hutt, it was an ugly, broken brutal slug monster that looked more like from a nightmare than that of a notorious gangster.
However, you had to admit, it was also extremely clever, and really awesome that people would not ever see coming when seeing the feared and off-putting Jabba.
However, there was a problem. "It's 85 degrees in the goddamn thing, and that's before we start sweating in it." One of the puppeteers said. "We can probably stay in there an hour tops before we have to start taking a break and switch out for the second crew."
You frowned and looked at the big barge. "What about indoors, you think we can find a way to keep you guys in a little longer?"
"That's difficult, see with how the platform is designed there is no way for ventilation of the puppet without causing discomfort and damage."
"What about the possibility of using other parts of the set to help out with that comfort?" You asked.
"You can try but wet towels and drinks can only do so much."
Then it hit you. "Or it's exactly what we do." You said as you looked at some of the creatures that were used as props for Jabba to "eat." "can these be stuffed with ice packs or ice cubes without damaging the puppet, like using plastic on the interior to keep it from leaking out?"
Than the greats started turning. "Yeah… Yeah! It might take a few hours, but we can do that, it would make things a lot easier."
You smiled. "I'll make sure it's done."
Reward: You and the Pupteers made the Jabba costume more… comfortable.
A little bit at least.
Next turn production roll will be -10.
-[x]Kenny Backers Poor Performance issues: The Desert is going to hurt his poor back, and you think that he needs some more help making the R2 unit far more…comfortable. DC: 35 Rolled:
D100 => 70
Kenny however was not interested in making it more comfortable. "Come on Bruce, you know damn well I've been able to do this here for the last two films, and I'll be dammed if I don't do it again."
"Kenny you're complaining about Back problems from being in that trash can, let me try and get that thing more comfortable."
"Ah balderdash Bruce, we were lucky in the desert that last time, but what I would really like is just to get the scenes done so I can get out of it, and practice for that ewok malarky. And it will be more comfortable in California than it is in this desert."
"Yeah, but you said your back is hurting being in the thing again." You replied. "Kenny please, for the love of god, just let me help you, you stubborn fool."
At that Kenny relented. "You know, I wish that I could drink something without removing the top of the thing, that would be nice."
"You know we can accommodate that in the script, seeing as the droids are captured. Let me think of something."
At that Steve looked at some of the ideas you had and the scenes for… the Barge and the palace. "Yeah, I can work with that. Kenny always was a trooper in that thing."
"Yeah, he is, stubborn fool he might be."
Reward: Kenny has more comfort in the R2 costume, with a straw for his drink being able to be snuck in through one of the holes with the drink tray on him, and it made quite a difference in his mood.
+20 to SP.
-[x]The Sarlacc Jump: Mark says he can do the jump on the jump, but that is a 20-foot drop, and you think he needs far more safety precautions besides the wires. He was not you. DC: 35 Rolled:
D100 => 49
"No. Let the stunt people earn their pay." You said. "Because they are trained for that."
Mark pouted. "But we were able to do all that stuff last time."
"Yeah, last time was two flips, and some handstands on a controlled studio floor with a doctor nearby and present so that if something happens, you get immediate medical attention." You replied. "We are 30 miles from the nearest hospital, in the middle of the desert. Our doctor is worried about the ten cases of heat stroke we had among the crew because they don't follow the water schedule that he laid out, and the shot does not need you. So we are not going to risk you."
Mark looked ready to protest. "But-"
"Mark, if you can pull yourself up and do a double flip, right now, without any hesitation, I'll consider letting you do it."
Mark was stunned. "Really?"
"Yes, now do it, or just sit down and not get in the way. You're already doing a lot more than you need to with that stunt with the jump down and grabbing the plank." you said.
Mark wisely, stopped himself and hesitated. "When you put it like that."
"I thought so." You replied.
Reward: You and Mark talk and Mark does not do something stupid like do a dangerous stunt he has little training for, leaving it to the professionals.
+20 to the final choreography rolls.
-10 to next turns production rolls.
Production Roll:
D100 => 71
It wasn't Tunisia, but you were sure that springtime in Arizona was supposed to be mild, all things considered.
But it rained… for three days it rained and everything had to get dried off and than there were more delays when the damn barge sails broke when the set was being repaired, requiring another day of lost filming, where everyone was just sitting around trying to do something.
Only ten scenes were filmed, but at least they were the least intensive ones that were available, and the Sarlacc remained undamaged. Thank god, because if it was, you'd think Steve would have a heart attack.
And Steve, despite having the great promised start, was forced to realize one thing. At least it wasn't like Conan. But it was going to be a very stressful shoot in Arizona.
Reward: Steve gains 1 stress.
Director Roll:
D100 => 87
But despite it all right now, Steve managed to shoot some beautiful shots and managed to get a lot of scenes done, including indulging George by shooting a few extra scenes that fleshed out Jabba's palace that were not going to be shown in the first cut. But were there for posterity's sake.
It was incredible working with Steve again, and he made everything all the better with just his more can-do attitude since the last time you worked together.
But the best part was that he came in with the Blue Harvest hat on his head, and played a joke about how they were finally going to get that scene transition and turn Arizona into a beautiful paradise.
Reward: increase in final quality.
Steve Currently has 1 Stress out of 6.
He's feeling fine, but you know he could be better.
You have 3 Actions (You do not have 4 as you are not directing the film)
Production Actions:
[]The Charisma and Presence of Billy Dee Williams: Billy dosen't have a lot to do in the first act, as he's an agent, but you want to make sure he gets his do. DC: 25
[]Carrie's newest outfit: She wants you to sleep with her tonight, but she is also making it very clear Gosling number 4 is on the way. You have to be strong, and tell Carrie to wait. But she's teasing you so badly. DC: 40
[]Anthony's Sandy Shell: Sand is getting everywhere, and maybe some help would be appreciated. DC: 25
[]The Fight on the Barge: The Fight was going to be too tame and casual. You needed more… well, honestly you didn't know, maybe George and Steve would come up with something. DC: ???
[]Being Blind: So you were supposed to be blind from Carbonite sickness… and honestly, you could look and act like you were blind DC: ???
[]Make Sure Steve sticks to the schedule: You have a schedule so that Steve does not get too stressed out. Hopefully, he sticks to it. DC: 20
AN: Enjoy and plan format please.