Return of the Jedi Production Part 3:
-[X] Carrie's newest outfit: She wants you to sleep with her tonight, but she is also making it very clear Gosling number 4 is on the way. You have to be strong, and tell Carrie to wait. But she's teasing you so badly. DC: 40 Rolled:
D100 => 64+30=94
You were a strong man. You would like to hope at least. But seeing Carrie in that outfit was making you feel lust that was unchristian like. You were happily married to that same women, but you also knew you both had a promise made to one another about waiting and not making life difficult for Steve more than you already made it.
"How do I look, Bruce?" She teased, knowing what the answer was as she spun around. "Like what you see?"
You said nothing but took a deep breath. "Carrie we promised."
"Oh I know we promised each other, but that does not mean I won't make you realize we are going to enjoy every moment that will happen when it's over."
You were, but you had to focus. And Carrie was really making it hard to focus.
You were a strong man, but you loved your wife, and she was also… being very persuasive. "Carrie-"
Carrie than winked and gave you a kiss, as she walked back on set. "I love you."
You didn't even get to say I know before she disappeared.
You were supposed to be playing a blind man, temporarily at that, but you had to admit, off camera, you were very much happy to be able to see.
Reward: Carrie looks stunning, and you know she is teasing you.
But she also seems to be using that teasing to push you harder to get those scenes done. She also made the costume department make another outfit for her.
Unknown Effect.
-[x]Anthony's Sandy Shell: Sand is getting everywhere, and maybe some help would be appreciated. DC: 25 Rolled:
D100 => 68
"Is there any way we can find a way to keep the sand out of my leggings, they are getting in my feet and everywhere." He said.
You wanted to answer, but instead, you saw the plastic bags that were being used to give the ice on the puppeteers.
"Give me a second." You then looked to the costume person on set. "Um, hey uh can we possible cover the joints and the feet to prevent sand from getting in?"
"That might make him hotter than he will be… but-" He then began to think. "Anthony, what are you wearing for socks!"
"None, the costume doesn't allow it." Anthony replied.
The costume director only smiled. "Give me ten minutes."
And when it was over, you saw Anthony was able to walk without any discomfort.
Reward: Anthony has a much better time in the desert.
Unknown effect.
-[x]The Fight on the Barge: The Fight was going to be too tame and casual. You needed more… well, honestly you didn't know, maybe George and Steve would come up with something. DC: ??? Rolled:
D100 + 30 => 78+20=98
You and Steve agreed that you would shoot the fight scene, not because of any moral obligations, Steve did fine work on action, but it was just something that went down to a coin toss. He wanted to see what Bruce O'Brian could do with a simple action scene, and not the madness that took months to prepare.
Yo happily, took up that challenge, and blew everyone away.
The Camera under the barge was genius, always looking slowly at the Sarlacc set before it showed just how dangerous and close it was before everything went down.
How you followed Boba, and Luke and went through using multiple cameras to get every shot you wanted.
And then, well… honestly at that point, it played out perfectly.
Mark and his double did a good job and you were just killing it as a blind, and useless Han solo. You were happy that Billy and Peter were able to get good licks in and be the badasses, unlike you.
And then of course, Carrie kills Jabba, so that the guys in the puppet can be free from their torture until they are back in a nice, air-conditioned studio sound stage, where they could suffer in comfort.
All in all, it was a good fight, not your best, but really, what was your best?
Reward: The Fight went swimmingly. And Steve was not involved.
-1 to Steve's Stress.
Effect on final rolls.
Production Roll:
D100 => 69-20=49
Steve was able to take a day off to visit his mom, and that was something you were happy about.
And he's doing great.
Director roll:
D100 => 79+20=99
Good ole Steve. He proves why he's the best, and honestly, you didn't blame him.
So honestly, why were you surprised at the creativity on display?
Because you were. Said he "Couldn't be one-upped by anyone, not even the Great Bruce O'Brian."
And it showed.
You blew up the airship and it was happy as could be, but now you were…
In the red wood forests of Califorina with only twenty days to film what you need before they cut it all down.
Steve has zero stress.
You have 3 Actions
[]I love the Power Armor: So a new uniform for the stormtroopers was made, it seems Mary wanted to see what it looked like. So you got some stormtroopers with weird stuff on their arms. Meant to be exoskeletons, but they aren't. Maybe you can work with that. DC: 40
[]The Forest and the Trees: You love the forest and the idea of the Vietnam-like aesthetic. You also want to know what exactly Steve plans? DC: 50
[]Warwick Davis and the Cutest Scene Ever: Carrie and Warwick, a young man who was in his first film role, were having a scene together, and that kid was going places. DC: ???
[]Warwick Davis, the greatest fan on Earth: So you were surprised that the kid was a fan, and really really wanted to meet Luke and Han… so you will do what every kid wants to do, and give him a day he will never forget. DC: 40
[]George Lucas and Continuing to Develop Film Technology: So… George, what are those cameras and what the hell do they do? DC: 30
[]I Think that this Script is terrible: George may have written a few lines that don't make sense. Anthony is a little confused and you both want to talk to George and Steve about that. Like 3p0 being a god, and him telling stories, but how will he tell the stories when it was… well boring. DC: 35
[]Billy is Being… Billy: That man is so smooth that you really think that George is underusing him. Than you saw the ship scene. DC: 35