Movie Pitch: Pen Pals
Format: 2 1/2 Hour Movie
Genre: Science Fiction
Sub-Genre: Drama
It is the year 2019. Mankind has made an extensive return to space with multiple small colonies on the moon, and having landed on Mars with construction underway for the first space station. The opening scene focuses on a group of NASA scientists specializing in communications and electronics, working on the construction of a telescopic and radio array, to explore the distant stars through advance radio telescopes for any and all signs of transmissions. While a few weeks go by with nothing happening, an astronaut during a quiet shift notices something distinctly different from Earth, a transmission light years away which sounds like music.
The scene then shifts to a star system that is 30 light years from Earth and shows a large alien fleet with thousands of gigantic ships that show heavy wear and tear. These are the ships of a race called the Kroma, an alien species of bipedal mammals with purple skin, horns, hair with colors across the visible light spectrum, and a layer of white fuzz on top of their skin. The Kroma are refugees who lost their homes due to a mixture of environmental disaster and hostile relations with other aliens. Thus, they are all that is left and are jumping the galaxy in search of a new home. Using Alcubierre drives, they travel across the galaxy in search of a new home.
It is revealed that the transmission came from a young female Kroma named Toly. Toly is a communications officer aboard her ship, who was listening to music and accidentally connected it to the interstellar communications, which transmitted the signal to Earth. Toly is reprimanded lightly by her father, the leader of the Kroma fleet Kafalo for such a dangerous action as it might invite hostile aliens to their presence. The fleet is then thrown into crisis when a meteor shower strikes at their ships full of anti-matter reserves, preventing them from using their Alcubierre drives. Thus, the fleet is then forced into hyperstasis as it continues to Alpha Centauri with the hopes of refueling. Toly is sad and hopes that one day they may find aliens who are friends.
Back on Earth, there is initial chaos in reaction that they are not alone in the universe, but over time there is hope that they may peacefully contact these aliens and thus venture out into the galaxy. Within NASA, a young Debbie Cabot is chosen as part of a team to craft a first contact package to try and establish communications with the aliens. Debbie is paired up with an ethnolinguist, Andre Morgan, and the two brainstorm ideas on how to best present humanity and establish a basis of common communications. The two help create a first contact package while infrastructure is expanded on the moon to better receive alien transmissions in the future. In the year 2023, a probe which can reach near the speed of light with a first contact package is sent off into space. Meanwhile, Earth can track the Kroma fleet and the imaginations of humanity are taken by storm of what their new alien friends will be like.
In the year 2025, the Kroma awaken from their stasis and unfortunately find Alpha Centauri to have no habitable planets, though it at least has the materials to continue their journey. Toly discovers the presence of the Columbia probe and the Kroma retrieve it. They are astonished by humanity's naivety and ignorance of the dangers of outer space by giving their location, but the sights of Earth and the clear blue skies and greenery fills them with awe and wonder, hopeful that they may find a new home, even if they have to share it with aliens. There is an intense debate among the fleet, with some advocating for war with humanity or perhaps avoiding Earth altogether. Toly and some others make some speeches in defense of Earth, saying they shouldn't be as evil as their ancient enemies and must be better, that this species is greeting them in peace and so must they. A vote across the fleet is held, narrowly in approval of opening communications with Earth, with the fleet, while unable to use FTL drives, able to use faster than light communications to instantly transmit to Earth a similar first contact package along with instructions on how to build FTL communications.
Debbie and Andre along with the rest of NASA build FTL communications and they along with the world initiate contact with the Kroma. What follows in the rest of the movie is a series of exchanges between Earth and the Kroma, particuarly from the viewpoints of Debbie and Andre and Toly and her friend Homjal. It shows the two species attempting to understand each others cultures and learn each others languages, gradually able to communicate with each other instantly over time. There are conflicts of miscommunication and cultural differences along with differences within each species society leading up to first contact.
The end of the film sees the Kroma arriving on Earth after four years of travel in 2029. Both species are very familiar with each other and after some awkwardness in greetings, there is a warm and friendly exchange as humanity welcomes the Kroma. Debbie and Toly meet for the first time and act as if they are close friends who have known each other their entire lives.
Debbie Cabot- The human protagonist, a shy and introverted engineer placed on the Rosetta project, Debbie is able to come up with many of the innovations of the project and helps maintain it, then becoming involved as one of the main communicators with the Kroma thanks to Andre's prodding. Debbie becomes more confident and social over the course of the film, thanks to Andre and her friendship with Toly.
Andre Morgan- A doctor in ethnolinguistics and a polyglot, Andre is an extroverted and easy going man who helps to decipher the Kroma language as well as provide a translation from English to Kroma. He and Debbie come up with many approaches on how to communicate with the Kroma and what to share of Earth, with Andre placing priority on the human experience and broader culture, especially music and films.
David Yang- The President of the United States. Elected right after the Kroma open communications with Earth and secretary of State when the Kroma accidentally contacted humanity, Glenn is the POV character for the global reaction to the arrival of the Kroma as he tries his best to lead the United States to prepare for the aliens arrival and coordinate with the rest of the world, many of his scenes dealing with the international politics of first contact. A wise and charismatic man, Glenn has an optimistic vision for humanity first contact and rather than try and push forward American interests, wishes to unite the world and greet their neighbors in friendship.
Toly Boq- The protagonist for the Kroma who accidentally sets forth the events of the film. While many Kroma are tired and weary, Toly maintains a chipper and optimistic attitude, believing strongly that they'll find a home soon and dedicating her all for the mission. Placed as a primary on communications with her father, Toly does her best to introduce the Kroma warmly to humanity and develops a fascination with human culture.
Homjal Imwatan- Toly's best friend and a resident historian of the fleet and keeper of knowledge, an important position with many of the Kroma being distant and out of touch with their past and history. A bookish and serious individual, Homjal helps decipher the meaning of Earth's messages as well as share the story of the Kroma, helping to spark a renewal of their culture within the fleet.
Kafalo Borq- Toly's father and the tired and grizzled leader of the Kroma as their Fleet Admiral. Kafalo left his homeworld when he was a young boy and has dedicated many years of service to the Kroma as an explorer and starfighter pilot. Cautious and level-headed, Kafalo tries to approach situations with all variables in mind and keeps an open mind, finding hope in him once more thanks to his daughter.
Yuwi Cardana- A female Kroma who is the hardened leader of the Kroma's military. Seemingly arrogant and xenophobic, Yuwi's attitudes are due to many years of fighting and defending the Kroma from near extinction which makes her distrustful of the galaxy. Skeptical and cynical, Yuwi provies a counterbalance, though she only acts with the best interest of her people and doesn't want war as a first resort.