Turn 82 Results (December 1980)
-[X]The Recasting of Robert Shaw: Robert is dead, and while production stalled, you, unfortunately, need to replace him. His role is too important to keep vacant. DC: ???
--[X] Bob Hoskins Rolled:
D100 => 92
Bob was sitting across from you, drink in hand as you looked at the resume. Well, there really wasn't anything to look at, the man was perfect for the job. Yet he was hesitant to even speak until you did.
"Bob, you know what I'm going to say." You said quietly.
"I know, but I want to hear you say it." He replied.
You sighed. "I need you for this role Bob. The movie won't be any good without it. It needs you."
Bob nodded. "Alright."
Reward: Bob has been hired. He knows what he's getting into.
-[X]The Towering Mr. Fox: Morgan Freeman is a titan it seems, with quiet grace and truly remarkable timing. Both comedic and dramatic. And he's really happy to work on Batman for some reason. DC: 40 Rolled:
D100 => 40
Morgan was smiling as he looked through the script, and he was happy at it. "You know when I took this job, I was expecting to be a bit role, not a full-on supporting one."
"Morgan, you know entirely that Lucius Fox is one of the-"
"Oh, I know Bruce." He smiled. "I'm a Batman fan."
"You are?" that was a surprise.
"I don't read too much, but a few issues wind up on my desk anyway when I need to unwind. It's better than a lot of others do." He said.
You found yourself scoffing. "Yeah. Most people think my love of comics is just holdover from a kid. But I like it for a different reason."
"Because it shows us our best selves. Why wouldn't we strive for our best selves?"
Morgan smiled. "Because people don't believe themselves worthy of it."
You then laughed. "We're all worthy of it I think. We just haven't been shown what we are in the dark."
Reward: Screen Precense and Chemistry for Morgon Freeman increased by +20
-[X]Alec Guinness and the continuing Butler Craziness: So Alex has wanted to work on Alfred's more… parental treatment of Bruce and even wrote a scene where he demands Batman sleeps and eats. DC: 35 Rolled:
D100 => 73
"You need to improve this scene," Alec said calmly as he threw down the script, with the changes. "Otherwise it will not carry the same impact."
You frowned at it. "I don't think that will even do, you know how obsessive Batman is-"
"I know, it's why it is needed," Alex replied. "You seem to forget that Alfred is all that Bruce has as a father. He's the only one looking out for his health and well-being, and the life of Bruce Wayne. So make sure he is. He is not just his butler, he is is father."
You looked at it. "Bed Rest? Food?"
"Yes, incredibly important things, don't you know. One that even Batman needs." He smirked as you saw the line.
"I'll put it in." You replied.
Reward: Screen Precense and Chemistry for Alec Guinness increased by +20
Final Quality will be increased by +20
-[X]Alan's Addentum: So Alan wants you to show up briefly in Flash, and wants to get that scene out of the way. Is that the Watch Tower Set? DC: 50 Rolled:
D100 => 71
You looked at the set and were amazed. "Holy… did you go to NASA for this?" you asked. Everything was extremely accurate to a spaceship."
"Not entirely, we had a technical advisor look at designs and give us the nod for what is the most realistic, out of the comic book designs we had." Alan said. "You know why I'm here Bruce."
"Oh I know, put on the cowl and show up for five minutes in the flash." You said. "I still think that isn't-"
"Just humor me." He said. "And look what it does?"
You looked at the script, and saw a few old friends… and what it was. "Hm, really? Indulgent of you."
"Sometimes you need a little indulgence."
Reward: You do your scene, and it was the most fun you had in a long time.
-[X]Kagemusha: Kurasawa wants to release his next greatest epic. DC: 0 Rolled:
D100 => 13+20=33
Oh my… That was not good. You expected something more…
Well, not this.
(Continued in: Kagemusha)
-[X]Dream Works... Holy fuck Tomino?: So Tomino has let dreamworks get a little chaotic. Sunrise is dealing with budget issues. Bandi Namco are unhappy. And Hanna Barbara want to talk about the future. DC: 30 Rolled:
D100 => 47
Damn, Tomino made friends with everyone it seems.
And due to Mike not having an action plan, they decided to camp out at your doorstep.
(Continued in: Animation Domination)
-[X]Debbie's Simplicity: Debbie has begun a routine, and you find yourself enjoying it. DC:??? Rolled:
D100 => 46
Debbie was doing something you found very therapeutic after everything that happened. She went to the poolside and read.
That was to say nothing wrong with it, but it was almost calming that, when she wasn't caring for her grandchildren, she was all but enjoying her early retirement.
And it was just… nice to see that despite all the insanity of your life, she just took it in stride, doing far better than anything you ever did in your paranoia.
Like that letter. You still think it was a prank, but you just didn't know if that death match to stop the Chinese assassins in the South Pacific was real or not.
But she always offered you a place next to her, and to talk, one that you didn't take most of the time. For the Twin's sake or for Carrie's. Yet today, you finally did.
"You think you're a failure, being at odds with yourself." She finally said as you sat down.
"You were primed and waiting for that, weren't you?" YOu asked.
"Not about to let my son-in-law overthink the problems in his life when he should be underthinking them." She replied. "And I was primed and ready because Carrie is too stubborn to say it."
"Say what?"
"You need to stop blaming yourself for all the problems that are happening around you, and letting your mind make stories where none exist." She said. "You have to focus on whats in front of you, not what's beyond you."
"Easy for you to say." You found yourself saying.
"I have experience with looking beyond instead of what was in front of me. And I lost so many good years with my family because of it." She said. "I just don't want you to make a mistake that will be the same as mine."
"I won't." You said.
"Really, it's quite easy to say that, only to realize the years pass by and you lost out on what could have made everything special. I was lucky Bruce," She said the word lucky with an almost distasteful venom. "I was able to keep it with my Carrie and Todd, despite all my mistakes. I don't want you to lose that with Joseph, Mary, and Sarah."
She then leaned over and kissed your forehead. "You're one of the greatest things that has ever happened to my Carrie. One of the best men I have ever had the pleasure to meet in my life. I just don't want you to have any regrets."
You leaned back in your chair. "I'll try."
"That's all I'm asking. That's all you should want." She said.
Reward: You and Debbie have a heart-to-heart.
It was good.
-[X]When Mary Wrote to the smart people: Your daughter, bless her soul, is the light of your life. So when you and Carrie saw numerous professors and special interests men… well want to bring her into a think tank, you suddenly realized how Special Mary herself wants to be. Since she went behind your back… and Carries. You looked to Mike Eisner and Brandon. "What the fuck, did you do!" DC: ??? Rolled:
D100 => 18
Who wrote:
D6 => 3 (Mike?!)
You were at your dinner table now, with the culprits of this insanity, as well as several people that were… well you wanted them to get the hell out, but that would have been impolite.
"You went behind my back, Mike." You growled in anger. "You… she isn't your daughter!"
"I know," Mike said calmly, knowing how dangerous a situation he was in with you seeing red. "But I already showed you the paperwork, the files, and the mathematics that she did a few months ago. She's doing calculus. She's almost 4 for God sake!"
"And what gives you the right to go behind my back, behind my wife's back, and speak to people who only see her as a genius mathematician? And not a little girl!"
"She's utterly brilliant." one of the professors said.
"You be quiet!" You shouted, pointing a finger. "I'll talk to you people in a few minutes, this is between me and him!"
You turned back to Mike. "What on God's green earth made you think that this was a good idea?"
"Because I wanted to see what she wanted. She was doing everything with Brandon to give her a sort of prompting. Everything she had done was entirely on her own. So I asked for several aptitude tests, for reading, comprehension, mathematics, problem-solving, you name it."
He showed other papers, including Marys's very scrawled-on, test, done entirely in crayon, with multiple colors which had several drawings all over them. But comprehensible enough to be graded. "She's above the 99th percentile. She can speak three languages fluently as a child… She's probably one of the smartest children on the entire planet."
"She learned another language?" You turned to Brandon. You knew she loved singing Gaelic enough to learn it all from you just singing, and English was of course the language you and Carrie spent the most time teaching her… but what was the third?
"Taught her Cantonese, she asked." Brandon said, and while the boy wasn't entirely innocent, you knew he wasn't the one going behind your back.
The professors, or one of them, looked at you and spoke. "Mister O'Brian, I know this news must be hard for you to take in, but it would be best for Mary to be allowed to be with other-"
"I know what's best for my child!" You proclaimed. "And anything that isn't playing around with her siblings, watching movies, or wanting to be with her family, is not something I will ever approve of."
"And you would stifle her true potential, to play a role that could fundamentally reshape society for the better?!"
You almost punched the man for his arrogance. "Get out of my house!" You said, as calmly as you could. "Because I know what's best for my child, and I do not want her to ever… be pressured into something like this."
The professors left, and Mike sat, uncomfortable and unsure what to say. "Bruce-"
"Mike I consider you a friend and a confidant, not to mention a helluva business partner." You said calmly. "But if you ever do something like this again, especially without my knowledge… I will fucking make sure you will never work in any business ever again. And I will make sure I will every fucking dime you have, and you will live in squalor."
Mike nodded, understanding the threat. "I'm sorry."
Reward: You put a stop to several things set in motion, but your relationship with Mike Eisner has been strained.
You learn that Mary is so smart, that professors wanted to give her the education to change the world, and that she can learn almost anything if she sets her mind to it.
You are going to need to talk to Mary about everything… and maybe find out what she wants to do.
-[X]What to do with the Mansion: This mansion will remain, but you have no idea what to do with it, since it has basically served its purpose as your fortress in the Hills.
--[X] Keep the mansion around as a second home, a place to host very large gatherings for family, friends and company and if another crisis hits, a place to fall back and be protected. When not using it, rent it out for Lucasfilms or other studios to use in movies. Not only did it make for an Excellent Wayne Manor, but apparently it would be perfect for a bond villain and numerous other settings. Rolled:
D100 => 70
Once Hollywood learned your fortress was now a good filming location, they lined up in droves. You even learned that Eon productions were hoping to use it for their next bond film.
Reward: The Mansion is being a film set, and more of a gathering place for parties.
-[X]Train Brandon: Brandon came to you with a piece of paper. "Got my first role. Wanna see it?" Rolled:
D100 => 78
-[X]Ron Howards Bizzare Script: So Ron wants to make a movie. So what is it? DC: 0 Rolled:
D100 => 78
You looked at Brandon, and saw it was Ron's script. "You got a role with Ron?"
"Yeah, turns out, I fit the bill for whatever the antagonist is." He smiled. "Come on take a look."
TITLE: The Last Summer Run
GENRE: Adventure, Action
SUBGENRE: Coming of Age
BASIC PROMPT: Following a group of teenagers on the last day of summer, they come to terms with what will happen to them in their final year of high school. They discuss what it means to finally grow up, and what life will be like in the final year they will be spending together. It looks like it will be a normal final summer evening.
Before it all goes pear up when the town bully takes one of them, and they have to run the gauntlet of their fears, and their friendship to get their friend back.
"That is silly." You finished reading the script. "He wanted to make this?"
"He said that he always wanted to have you in a role where you could be uh… I don't know, a badass sheriff, giving wise advice. But the idea is really cool isn't it?"
"Reads like something that is made for TV." you replied.
"Well, he did say that it was an idea he gained from you."
"I think in Graffiti he got the idea after you had your fight scene." He said. "Said it could have been cool for running the gauntlet like that to rescue a friend."
"Dosen't seem like it can last 90 minutes." You protested.
"Well, I think it's going to be a good show starter for me." He said. "And didn't Ron come to you?"
He got you there. "Alright, but if he asks me to stunt coordinate-"
"You know he will, probably in June." He smiled.
Dammit. Brandon than ran towards your home to see what Mary was up to.
Reward: Brandon is working on that movie with Ron Howard, his first real role.
And Ron apparently came up with this film all the way back during Graffiti but never developed it before he joined up.
You know Ron's going to ask you to stunt coordinate.
-[X]Investments: You want to invest your hard-earned cash into something that you feel will be a good return on investment. And as well as diversify your assets DC: 0 (Linetail what you wish to invest in below this action, and the amount of money you want to invest in)
--[X] Purchase Apple Stocks. $60 Million. Your older brother has been doing wonders at Apple and from the looks of it, it seems like they are the company outside of ILM doing the most to innovate technology and computers. Purchase enough stocks to get your foot in the door, not only for future cooperation with Lucasfilms, but also to help Gavin with his career. Rolled:
D100 => 78
Gavin was not happy. "Bruce don't tell me you're serious."
"I am." You replied. "I see this as an investment for the future of computers, seeing as I have Pixar to work with. I want to know just how powerful he an make it."
"Steve… both of them are really trying their best to make things interesting, but they are also afraid given your.."
"I'm me."
"You revolutionize the fuck out of things yes."
"That's George!" You said.
"Same difference. The two of you are synonymous with crazy bullshit." He then took a breath. "But thanks. Really."
"I know." You then took another breath. "You hear about Cat?"
"Yeah, Disney swallowed her up and everyone is making money." He said. "Glad to see some of us can make it big in Hollywood."
"Hey." You offered. "Don't be like that."
"No it's true, I'm just lucky that things are fine and dandy on my end at least." He smiled. "Good luck bro."
Reward: You own Apple stock. Gavin is happy.
Possibility of helping them revolutionize the computer industry.
-[X]Networking: Well time to start finding out who might actually be interested in meeting you. (Write-in what you want to try and network with)
--[X] John G. Avildsen. There are two directors who you trust with Kung Fu Kid. George doesn't know much about sports and martial arts, and the other is John G. Avildsen. John created art with Rocky, brilliantly directing Sylvester's script with love and care, making it deserving of an Oscar, just the kind of guy you need to direct Kung Fu Kid. Reach out to John and try to recruit him as the film's director so that when production starts next year, it can be in good hands. Rolled:
D100 => 14
John sat down and looked at the script. "Pretty good."
"I know it is." You replied with a smile. "The only things is, it's needs a good director."
"And you can't do it why?" He asked.
"You've read the news John." You replied.
"I know, but it still begs the question. You still think people want to kill you."
"I'm not taking any chances." You replied. "Can you do this for me?"
John sighed. "I can. I keep on thinking about that night when I won and Oscar… beating George. Made me think the damn academy couldn't have it sweep, even though it was the best damn film ever made."
You laughed. "You sure about that, even with Empire?"
"Ha! I'm always going to say the original is the best." He laughed. "But… I can work with this."
"Can you get it done next year?"
"Kid, as long as you don't fuck around and mess with my work, I can get it done in three months."
Reward: John is making Kung Fu Kid. Though you have allowed him to have some creative control.
George and ILM's Crazy Invention Roll:
D1000 => 845
George smiled and showed you the handheld digital camera. "Holy moly, you actually did it."
George was sheepish, and he waved his hand. "The technology is there. And Polaroid had too many people doing nothing so I uh… confiscated them and worked with them to build it."
"How many pictures" You asked.
"1000." He said. "On a single memory card that is. I was working with John and the company to try and increase the amount of pictures taken, but… we're not having that kind of luck."
"You brought John into this, I thought he was working on that CGI crap?" You asked.
"He is, I just wanted to see if their expertise could be used to… maybe see if it could increase the data… I don't know the terminology."
"But how do they get the pictures off the card?" You asked.
George was sheepish. "Still working on that problem."
Reward: George and the company invented a handheld digital camera. The problem, they can't get the photos off the memory card, it would be expensive to produce commercially.