Mike Eisner Patience has Run out:
Mike looked at the script and just stared balking at Sam, as you walked in. "A Porno? You want to make a porno?"
"It's not a porno." Sam replied, trying his best to not be scared out of his mind as Mike Eisner was about to read him the riot act. Everyone was trying their best to hide their shame. "It's not."
You frowned as Wes and Sam both sat at the table, looking at each other, as they both wanted to see… anything but Mike Eisner. "It reads, like a porno, so I am going to ask one more time. Do you want to make a porno."
"NO!" Sam finally broke.
Mike finally let out a sigh and looked to you. "I can't fucking take this anymore Bruce. You don't hire people and give them the keys to the kingdom with one success!"
"But I did that with George and it turned out alright. What's the problem?"
"Sam is not George!" Mike protested, and Sam pouted. "And Wes wants to do… What was it again?"
"Wanted to talk to King about the Shinning. Loved that book." He replied cooly as if he had known what was coming. "I'm sure you can agree with that Mike."
"That's the problem, I agree with it too much, and I can't go giving you the greenlight without playing favorites, which I am trying not to do." Mike said.
"And why am I here, if you have no action plan to plan?" You asked. "Everyone else is on Break, and you've been salivating at the mouth ever since that rough cut of raiders has been circulating around the office."
Mike nearly cracked a smile at that. "The very fact we have it circulating is a problem! Have you heard of internal security and protecting-" He then realized who he was talking to, and wisely shut up at least that train of thought. "I can't just go out there, and find out that we've lost the film. That everyone is grading it, as perfect."
"Yeah, it is like that sometimes. I know I'm scared for the next Batman film." You said. Still wouldn't it be nice to just say to Mike, you were going to do another Conan? That would be nice. Just to keep him away from the boys.
Wes than spoke. "We can always continue this tomorrow."
"No, I am not dealing with this shit," Mike said. "Sam, you are not going to make that abomination of a film."
"Well, I'll just-"
"Tell me with a straight face that anyone other than maybe Universal might pick up the script and give you the level of control you are going to get from us?" Mike said.
Sam went quiet after that. Clearly beaten.
"I thought so." Mike said.
"Mike I want to know why I am here, besides being witness to one of the smartest men in Hollywood, talking down to a young director, and Wes Craven asking for a film, that we know can be a success in his hands?"
"I'm not making an action plan Bruce, not this year. Not until every bastard who works here, can actually be here."
"Hey now, they've been making films nonstop for almost five years, give them a break. I know Steve's marriage is on the rocks because of his workload. Just accept that we all have moments where we need to rest to get out life in order. I know it worked out for George."
Mike, for his part, did not gawk at that. "Fine. We're not producing any Films next year, save for Kurosawa. He needs approval for a film."
"What is it?"
"Some Shakespeare production in Japan… called Ran?"
"Give it to him, and tell Francis and George that the old master wants their help, maybe that will get them to come to the office." You said. "We good now?"
Sam was pouting. "But-"
"If you come up with a better script than what has Mike horrified, you can make it next year. Wes, as much as I want things to get started now, we're going to have to wait."
Wes was happy at that. "Okay."
Reward: Ran has entered preproduction. The Old master thanks you, and even requests you come onto set to help direct some sword fights, seeing as you are one of the foremost masters of non-Japanese sword fighting in the world, and wants your perspective.
Sam has been stopped from making a horrible mistake. He dosen't know it yet, but he will, eventually, thank you.
Wes Craven wants to make the Shining.
And Mike has suspended an action plan until next year, leaving much of everyone to their own devices. Mostly to practice what he sees you and everyone else preaching.
He needs a break before he suffers a heart attack.
Mike won't suffer a health problem next year.