Did we at least significantly lower the requirements for Brandon to graduate? Cause I don't want to get stuck to the point where we have to do Part 20 of Brandon's Education when he's so close to the finish line.
Yes. But Brandon will graduate by part 10 if you really want to know if you don't reach that number.
Hot damn, looks like we caused Jerry Brown to be impeached and now we have Governor Mike Curb of California. This is going to immensely change California politics, especially since it now means that the Governor's Mansion is gonna have a complete unknown from 2011 to 2019. I guess for Mike as Governor we'll have mostly the same social politics but with more freedom for Gays, strong anti-drug laws and rehabilitation, and moderate conservative fiscal politics.
Well Bruce might be able to do quite a bit of his own stuff if he decides to weigh in.
Though in saying that… things could always be worse.
Bruce truly is a living legend by managing to tell his state government to fuck off and then causing most of Sacramento to get sacked. I can see the RNC shitting their pants because they're about to empower America's most beloved man and whatever Bruce says at the convention will have a good chance of becoming Republican gospel, Bruce is literally a young Reagan though even more powerful.
Well, I would not say that. For one thing, Bruce didn't name names to the house of UnAmerican Activities committee. So he's already a better person then Ronnie Ray Gun.
But in saying that: Bruce never had the interest in politics that Ronald had during his time in Hollywood, and honestly, its for the better.
Bruce being someone solely focused on the art is far more palatable than say... another Ronald Regan wanna be.
Bruce is his own man, and that makes him far far more interesting both to regular people, and to the world.
I guess one good thing that'll come from this is greater optimism towards keeping government in check, people becoming more politically active and aware, less malaise from voters due to feeling greater power in their participation, and whistleblowing and anti-corruption exposure is more encouraged than people being content. Looking forward to the changes.
Well I know one thing is going to change, expect California to be far far far less corrupt then it is OTL... or at least have a political class that is far more under the radar with their dirty dealings.
What Bruce is doing with the Gym is no different than any legal firing range operating within the United States. Nothing is being done than just teaching people how to use firearms, and considering most customers would be actors just looking to do some good action scenes, they probably practice mostly with airsoft or paintball besides the hardcore people like how Keanu practiced with SEALs for John Wick. Bruce isn't organizing a militia or creating a cult, he's just providing a service to train people and presumably it's well organized and very strict on gun safety. So long as Bruce pays his permits and follows federal and state gun laws then the ATF won't care.
Yep. Unless of course the agency gets politicized by a hostile future administration who really doesn't like him.
But that would never happen... right?
So here's what I think are going to be the political effects of this event. Nationally, it's a black eye for the Democrats as while not close to the degree of corruption and foul play done for Watergate, what Jerry Brown did was still Watergate-esque by trying to sieze land from a political opponent and using it to enrich themselves
YEp. At least that is how the media is going to spin this. Because oh boy, billions of dollars of crude just happen to be on the property of Bruce O'Brian, who had just become a republican... and then it almost got stolen by a democratic governor who hates everything Bruce stands for especially after he resettled millions of refugees into the state on his own dime, against the Governors wishes?
The media is having a field day.
So the Democrats just lost their moral high ground that they've been coasting on for the past five years from Nixon and Republicans can point out that corruption is a two party issue. Jerry Brown's political career and those of his allies are essentially dead, and this might cause some shift of voters to the GOP but it won't lead to a radical surge in Republican electoral prospects
What this does is provide a big surge for Conservatism. As I pointed out before, one of the main reasons why Reagan won on a landslide and why the 80s did a complete 180 from liberal politics to conservatism was because of the American public's increasing distrust, fear and hatred of big government which they saw as a failure
Also Yep.
But one of the things that my dad always talked about during the Regan years, before he got elected, was the message of hope that Regan conveyed in his speeches and his (maybe forced, maybe real) unwavering optimism in the American people.
And that resonated with people. Sure people can claim that Regan is the devil for his policies and such and such, but he won his elections on the messages that the American people wanted to here. And say what you want, it was extremely effective.
Here is another example of Big Government being evil as the all-American saint that is Bruce O'Brian almost had his land stolen after the California Governor and State legislature conspired to trespass and find oil in what many assume would be a scheme to stuff their pockets. So Reagan is essentially vindicated that big government is bad and you have to cut it or else it turns into tyranny. This is something that we need to address at the RNC that simply slashing government isn't going to solve all problems, but you need responsible government.
Well You can adress that. Hell you can make it a party platform if you want...
But remember that people are human and power curropts. So... constant vigilance?
As for partisanship, this might lower it a little bit but it'll kind of be roughly the same it was OTL, especially with how much flack Carter is getting for Stagflation and the ongoing Iran hostage crisis
Oh boy, thats going to be a bitch and a half. And nearly impossible.
If you truly want to lower partisanship, then the most immediate and effective way is to use Bruce's influence in the GOP to severely curb the rise of the Religious Right as they are the most angry and vocal of the Right. Democrats at least for now are mostly stable.
Oh, you wanna know something really cool. Or scary depending on the context.
Much of The Religious Right hate Bruce, even after all his films where they like it... But Bruce himself is considered by quite a few as a very bad Christian. I know, strange to write, but they think he is not using his power to spread the gospel and blah blah blah...
Among other things, since he is not for everything that they want, and who is a recluse, they consider him a threat to their power and want him gone.
To bad the goose has the ear of the presumptive presidential nominee... otherwise, it would not be fun for us to come next year.
In regards to California politics, it largely depends on how many Republicans were involved with the scandal. If it's mostly Democrats and Mike is competent as Governor, then 1980 will see a major GOP landslide across the state coinciding with Reagan's coattails which means a Republican legislature and most cities run by Republicans of varying flavors.
Quite a few. Like enough for many to retire in disgrace, and new young bucks to come up.
Also you may have the republican party wanting us to become something in LA, either mayor or governor.
I'd say that the Democrats are handicapped at least for the next decade, but they're not dead because California still has San Francisco as a progressive bastion and California is full of demographics who will remain loyal to the Democrats. Whether California stays Red, Purple or Blue is largely dependent on how Mike is as Governor and how Reagan runs things. There is a definitive possibility of California remaining competitive ala Florida by modern day, but that all depends on Republican Governors and how the future presidencies goes.
Its definitely going to remain a purple state.
and lets leave it at that.
I will say one thing that's important to remember. Bruce is now a registered Republican and is very publicly known as such.
Yes. And all these events happening very quickly are causing many people to think there is a conspiracy around Bruce.
California has over a million Vietnamese refugees who all worship Bruce as a living Saint and within a few years the adults will gain the right to vote. So the GOP may win lots of state and local offices based off of the Vietnamese vote alone and California will be the home of many prominent Vietnamese Republicans in the future like how Florida has the Cuban community.
Yep. Though it also depends on how California will handle the coming wildfires and earthquakes that will devastate the state.
Well I did say above that Reagan is vindicated from this scandal because Bruce is proving the evils of Big Government and showing the greatness that the private citizen can do.
He will certainly try to do that. And have plenty of ammunition to do it.
Reagan will likely receive a boost in popularity both within the party and California as his term as Governor is about to receive a fresh pair of rose-tinted glasses because he'll be seen as the good Governor in comparison to his corrupt successor in Jerry Brown
So Reagan is likely to not be vocal and just make some feel good statements of how Bruce is a great American and corruption is bad.
Pretty much.
The funniest part of everytime Bruce does some amazing bullshit is that he almost never instigates. The dude just wants to live a quiet and happy life making good movies and spending most of his time at home with his beloved wife and kids. Then people want to play fuck fuck games and they never seen to learn that Geese are some of the most vicious animals when provoked and when Bruce strikes, he goes for the knockout punch first.
Yep. People in the future will realize that there is no conspiracy, that Bruce wanted to be left alone, and things just happened around him.
And everyone who tried to fight him realizes that he's stubborn as a mule... and takes no prisoners.
Wouldn't be the first time an actor lied about their age and considering how essential Bruce was to the show, MASH stans will just waive it as a necessity for Bruce to fight for his place in crooked Hollywood.
YEp. esspecially with the good ole fashioned... saving peoples lives in Season one.
Worst case scenario, we could probably pull a Ross Perot and legit win a electoral college majority
If Bruce gave his endorsement to Perot... He'd have a shot at winning it all.
Depending on if Bruce gets rocked by scandals in the intervening years.
I'd like to refer to it as "Hillsgate" Thus was the beginning of the hell where every scandal ends with -gate
for some reason, this caused me to think "what would Bruce "the Goose" O'Brien's servant sheet will look like" in QTL's fate franchise. 🤔
All I know is that if he's an archer, he'll be like John Wick.