Seven Nation Army, Horse Soldier Eternal Through And Through: (Rules of Engagement: Safety)
The growth of Historical European Martial Arts (HEMA) led to the creation of a new and exciting endeavor within the HEMA community, and Bruce's current passion side project: the battlefield tournament. This unique form of competition aimed to simulate historical battlefield scenarios, incorporating multiple combatants and complex logistics, easily adjustable to the participants and their local environs. However, the committees faced significant challenges in establishing a battlefield tournament with fair and balanced scoring, considering the sheer logistics involved.
One of the primary struggles was designing a scoring system that accurately reflected individual and team performances while ensuring fairness. The committees recognized that traditional scoring methods used in one-on-one competitions might not translate well to a large-scale battlefield environment. They needed to devise a system that accounted for the contributions of individual fighters within the context of a team-based event.
After extensive discussions and experimentation, the committees developed a scoring system that balanced individual achievements and teamwork. They established criteria such as successful strikes, tactical positioning, and successful defense. These criteria were weighted to encourage strategic decision-making and cohesive teamwork. For example, accurate strikes made while coordinating with teammates and effectively defending against opponents would earn higher points. To manage the logistics of a battlefield tournament, the committees implemented measures to ensure fairness and safety. They established rules for team sizes, deployment, and spacing to prevent overcrowding and minimize the risk of accidents. Referees and judges were strategically positioned to closely observe and assess the actions of participants, ensuring that scoring was accurate and consistent.
The committees also introduced specific guidelines for communication and coordination among team members. Effective teamwork was crucial to achieving success on the battlefield, and clear communication ensured that participants could coordinate their actions efficiently. These guidelines helped maintain order amidst the chaos of battle and contributed to the overall fairness of the tournament. However, the committees were aware that logistical challenges extended beyond scoring and teamwork. They had to carefully consider factors like venue size, spectator visibility, and participant safety. These challenges required collaboration with event organizers, venue managers, and safety personnel to create an environment that accommodated the unique demands of a battlefield tournament.
To address these struggles, the committees conducted pilot events and gathered feedback from participants, referees, and spectators. This iterative process allowed them to identify and rectify any issues or imbalances in scoring, logistics, and safety measures. The committees continuously refined the tournament structure, rules, and scoring system based on the lessons learned from each iteration. Creating a battlefield tournament that had fair and balanced scoring considering the logistical challenges of involving many people was undoubtedly a complex task. However, the committees' dedication, collaboration, and commitment to feedback-driven improvement enabled them to overcome these struggles. The result was a thrilling and authentic battlefield tournament experience where participants could showcase their skills, engage in historical combat scenarios, and foster camaraderie within the HEMA communcommunity.
And it was...until Bruce got it into his head to add horses into the mix, riding into battle on Friday.
Ensuring the safety of both the horse and rider during the cavalry component of the battlefield tournament was of paramount importance to Bruce, especially as he didn't consider himself that capable of a rider as of yet. He understood most of the inherent risks involved in mounted combat and took proactive measures to address them, while also incorporating feedback and continuous evaluation to enhance safety protocols.
Bruce's commitment to safety encompassed several key elements: Experienced Riders: Participants in the cavalry component were required to have prior experience and proficiency in horseback riding. This prerequisite ensured that the riders had a solid foundation in equestrian skills, minimizing the risk of accidents caused by inadequate riding abilities. Horse Selection: Bruce collaborated with experienced equestrians and trainers to carefully select horses for the tournament. Consideration was given to horses with a calm temperament, responsiveness to rider cues, and the ability to tolerate the intensity of a battlefield environment. The goal was to provide riders with well-trained and suitable horses that would contribute to the safety and success of the mounted combat. Safety Equipment: Participants were equipped with appropriate safety gear, including helmets, body protection, and sturdy footwear, to mitigate potential injuries during mounted combat. Bruce emphasized the importance of adhering to safety standards and encouraged the use of specialized equestrian equipment, such as riding boots, gloves, and spurs, to enhance rider control and safety. Controlled Environment: Bruce worked closely with venue managers to ensure that the tournament venue provided a controlled environment for the cavalry component. The space allocated for mounted combat was inspected and maintained to minimize hazards that could pose risks to the horse and rider. By ensuring the absence of obstacles or uneven terrain, Bruce aimed to reduce the likelihood of accidents. Training and Preparation: Prior to the tournament, Bruce organized training sessions focused specifically on mounted combat. These sessions aimed to improve rider-horse communication, maneuverability, and coordination. Trainers and experienced equestrians provided guidance on safe riding practices and techniques, emphasizing the importance of minimizing risks and preventing accidents during the cavalry component. Supervision, Medical Support, and Feedback: During the cavalry component, Bruce ensured the presence of trained personnel, such as referees, judges, and medical staff, to closely monitor participants' safety. Referees and judges paid attention to the horse and rider's well-being, intervening if necessary to prevent accidents or dangerous situations. Medical support, including emergency personnel and equipment, was readily available. Bruce actively sought feedback from participants, trainers, and experts, utilizing their insights to refine safety protocols, adjust rules, and implement additional measures to enhance the overall safety of the cavalry component.
By combining these safety measures with continuous evaluation and feedback, Bruce created an environment that prioritized the well-being of both the horse and rider during the cavalry component of the battlefield tournament. This comprehensive approach allowed participants to engage in mounted combat with confidence, while minimizing risks and ensuring a safe and thrilling experience for all involved.
While Bruce knew that this part of the experience wouldn't be something most participants would enjoy, considering the general cost of maintaining a horse and it's equipment, he hoped that it would be of enough interest with specific, wealthy donors to help aid in HEMA's overall interedt and growth among the general public...hell, a couple of men had already approached him, former calvary soldiers for the US Army that had served during WWII, thanking him for revitalizing an interest in the forgotten art, something that brought a tear to their eyes as you thanked these oft forgotten soldiers, asking for their stories.
With Dave's help, the two of you began writing a treatise for a limited series about America's horse soldiers (with thought to those of other nations in the following seasons), based on those initial recordings. "The Infantry is for the strong, the Artillery for the smart, and the Infantry for the Brave" it began...
A/N: If you couldn't tell, I got way too involved with highlighting Bruce and his safety standards...gonna stop now, or I won't get a wink of sleep before work tomorrow.