That moment when your biggest gamble is not spending over half a billion in borrowed money but letting some 23 year old secretary in on the creative process and production staff, lol. Although in saying that, getting Kennedy isn't bad at this point as her track record points that she can work good when in a subordinate position and having firm boundaries to where her innovations can be accepted but she doesn't go overboard without anyone telling her no.
Well the thing is, she got lucky. And by Lucky, I mean everyone else deciding to write off Superman as something that cannot be done.
No one wants to do Superman as they view it as unlucky and tainted by Warners destruction, and anyone who works on it will be cursed.
That and Christopher Reeves is very much someone they do not want for the role, but they are stuck with him, because damn Warners ironclad contracts.
I think Superman will be a success, it just depends if it's quiet, decent, great or Star Wars level. Honestly kind of rooting for Columbia, they seem to be just as much the underdogs as us and at the end of the day we need some competition to prevent Anti-trust laws from breaking us up, lol.
Well it needs to be a Great or Star Wars Level success if Alan wants any hope of remaining in Hollywood and not being bought out or thrown out.
Poor Roy. My man just wants to make cartoons and honor his dad and uncle but everyone wants Disney to be a horror company. Would be absolutely hillarious if Black Hole bombs as OTL but War of the Worlds manages to be a smash success. So far it seems even with Chuck and the Looney Tunes things will go slightly as OTL for Disney. Just have to wait for Carpenter stuff and War of the Worlds to see the company's definitive future. Roy still has potential to take control, but he's got no Mike to sit on the throne this time.
Its less they want to turn it into a horror company, and more that they really really dont want the animation department.
They view it as a relic and a money sink that does not pay itself.
But since Roy managed to get Loony Tunes and Warners Animation department, they are stuck with it.
Wonder if ILM is gonna be doing Black Hole.
Its going to be near the exact same film.... except it might become better.
Huh, neat. Did Paramount have a high roll or is the board more willing to take a gamble in this new Wild West era of Hollywood and knows that they can't compete with Universal or Lucasfilms in movies so they gotta dominate TV before the others make their own network? Hopefully we can still get TNG as a natural transition once Phase II ends and ILM can do the SFX. Also some good news is that Gene Roddenberry is canonically a fan of Star Wars so no need to do blood feuds.
Oh no, they just know that they are losing and trying their best to actually... branch out into areas we aren't cornering.
Besides, if PTS works... well you'll see.
Gotta say I love the irony of Paramount calling us reckless kids when they are literally spending hundreds of millions on a new fourth network.
We spent nearly a billion dollars to revolutionize the entire film industry and move it forward after decades of stagnation, they only spend a few hundred million to get a TV station up and running
We are not the same.
To be 20th Century Fox is to suffer. Are they making Alien or is that up in the air?
They are.
I think Alan is just blowing smoke out of his ass to try and downplay Lucasfilms' moves and prevent the board from taking action against him when he's made such a huge gamble and doesn't have immediate returns.
Very true. He's trying to give his people reasons not to fire him and, when things succeed, take all the credit.
If we own the mineral rights of the area in the studio lot, we should do a mineral survey and see if there's oil, Los Angeles has oil all around it.
No we do not own mineral rights. Unfortunatly.