Well looks like Bruce has more lessons for Professor Carrie with surfing, and hopefully it'll be less stressful and they can just have some nice beachside romance and fun together. Also pretty sweet and wholesome that our future gosslings will have some cute clothes made by their mom.
Sweet Jesus, she is into baseball?
Oh god, poor Bruce he has to suffer dodger memorabilia in his Yankee household.
Bruce sees Carrie wearing a Dodgers jersey
SMH, even after two years Todd still likes to troll his older brother, lol. Well, at this point in time NL and AL teams never played each other so there's not really any conflicts during the regular season and I guess Bruce can become a Dodgers fan and he probably has Yankee season tickets for his parents and flies back a couple times a year. At least they got something fun to watch for half of the year. Fun fact though, the 1977 World Series sees the Yankees beat the Dodgers 4-2 so there's gonna be some juicy O'Brian-Reynolds civil war during the time, lol.
That's what happens when you find someone you love deeply, who trusts you and cares for you without question and also helps you overcome your fears.
That kind of love that only happens with true and utter trust.
Oh and the fact they fuck like bunnies but that's for a later time.
Tale as old as time and a better love story than anything from fiction to be sure. It's always nice to read about their wholesome love and makes me really glad that Magoose Dice wanted to ship Carrie with Bruce. Quest wouldn't be half as good if it was Bruce and Alison O'Brian.
Speaking of their raunchiness, would Bruce and Carrie ever be down to film love scenes or is that a part of their romance that they wish to keep private? I can only imagine how stressful it must be for George with all the calls for a Han and Leia love scene from crazy O'Brian fans when he wants to keep Star Wars a family friendly franchise.
Dean Martin and it's not even close.
Damn, we got a really fine voice. Hmmm...sadly a little too deep for most classic rock songs, but we're perfect for romance and smooth jazz and can do a lot of Dean and Frank Sinatra covers. Carrie will probably have a great time coming for duets for the two of them and since most of her OTL singing was stage work, swingers and classic pop Bruce having a Dean Martin voice would work incredibly well with her.
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gtc8Wpksptk
Also something cool that could happen in the near future is our technique being helped by Dean Martin himself. Apparently Carrie was close friends with Dean's youngest child Gina Martin with the two being childhood close friends and being in a lot of the same classes, so Carrie and Dean are probably on good terms and I'd imagine that he'd be pretty interested in a rising star who sounds like him in his prime.
Oh and one more thing:
Warner Bros:
D100 => 1
They might have recovered they just need one good but oh no!:
Uh oh. Either Universal managed to have Superman aborted in pre-production or the IRS pissed on the grave by arresting most of the corporate leadership to give it even more of an ungraceful death. In addition to Star Wars, I'm really hyped for the Warner partition to see what great franchises we can acquire.