Francis Ford Coppola is friends with Lucas already so I think we can recruit him at some point. And there's also the possibility of casting his not-yet-famous nephew in a bit part in Star Wars.
But Francis has his own ambitions, one that is not shared with George. They already tried working together in the early 70's, and it didn't work out nearly as well as the current Lucas/O'Brian Bromance.
Ridley Scott is another we can try and contacts.
We've actually met Ridley Scott during filming of one of the stories Lucille made, and we didn't like his style.
Did about as well as OTL, with $6 million more but instead of becoming the highest grossing movie of all time, it's got second place under Some Nights
Still an incredible win for Steve, although a bit surprised on the critical reception but I guess that's typical "Okay in the moment, masterpiece in the future" that Godfather Part II was inflicted with.
More like the fact the critics heard about some of the hell that Steve went through, as well as Steve complaining that he didn't get nominated for best Director for JAWS, because they viewed him as an immature brat with a blockbuster who didn't do it properly.
Going to be interesting to see the effects. I guess this jumpstarts horror as a viable blockbuster genre like OTL, and all the studios who banked a shit ton of money into musicals are likely banging their heads in frustration that a shark movie with a quarter of Some Nights budget got about just as much and are now going to try and copy.
Not exactly, but Universal is about to open up the War Chest.
And they are going to dominate in terms of the quantity of movies.
We just got to beat them at Quality.
Unfortunately Universal from Some Nights, American Graffiti and Jaws got over a billion dollars alone, so right now they are swimming in cash as the Kings of Hollywood and our likely antagonistic evil empire for the rest of the century. Going to be fun to drive them into the Ground.
Oh yeah. They are the evil empire.
For now.
I still think Disney has a chance to rebound, with the John Carpenter Creature Features...
John rolled a nat 100...
And Disney started a new subsidiary just for his horror movies.
Steve is a hell of a great addition to Lucasfilms. We're going to get so many classics with Close Encounters, E.T and Indiana Jones being added to the library right around the corner, and lots of potential for great roles for Bruce.
Oh yeah, Steve, if we can find a way to get him on board... will be incredible for our potential...
Well, the man made three films at the same time, including Schindler's List... so I think he can make multiple films at the same time.
In terms of other talent we can rope in, apparently Martin Scorcese was a good friend of the "Movie Brats" consisting of George, Steve, Frank and Brian, so good shot we'll get him soon. Still hoping Brian gets Carrie and Francis makes Apocalypse Now so we have a very diverse lineup to start the company.
Martin: We have to find a way to to appeal to his artistry.
And I don't think we currently can.
Brian we just have to find a way to pay what he is worth, instead of all the times when he didn't get paid.
Okay with Steven Spielberg on board this plan is now actually viable.
I mean... that depends. Does he have all the scripts ready?
And now we have a core core of filmmakers in Lucas, Stallone, Spielberg and one day O'Brian and possibly Zemeckis.
My god, all of Hollywood studios are going to be yelling at the sky for bringing us all together.
I mean, be honest here... Alone, they could have made millions, perhaps billions of dollars. As they did OTL.
Oh boy.
I think we should leave the creators to do their own thing, that's partly what Lucasarts was founded to allow creators to actually do. So it fits with George and Bruce's original intent, and will likely net us the Rocky, Rambo, ET, Back to the Future and Forrest Gump franchises.
Well, there is also one problem with that.
We do have to make sure they stay on budget and schedule. Thats perhaps the only thing that we can do to not affect the original intent. but also keep them focused.
It also allows us to cast a net for up and coming or new directors for the many Pitches we have, instead of relying on a core group. Sam Raimi might be interested in creating some of our Horror pitches like Iron Lung or Deliver us to Evil.
Oh you think our pitches and completed scripts are just going to sit there?
I have news for you my friend. They aren't sitting anymore with Mike Eisner in charge.