TBF, Mags, you have been doing a lot of the heavylifting for the quest, so this will be in good hands.
To be clear to everyone, this is just me burning out on imagination of the quest, since my muse has been hitting me over the head a lot with so many different ideas that I just can't find myself too interested in this.
I'll still hang out here, though, since this still does have a sepcial place in my heart.
I'd like to thank you all for making this a wonderful experience while it lasted.
I'd also like to thank @Magoose, @Fluffy_serpent, and @Martin Noctis for doing so much to help prepare and write this quest. I couldn't have done it without you all.
How's China doing since their intelligence agencies in Hong Kong got defang and now the world thinks they are trying to kill Hong Kong officals so they can annex it
How's China doing since their intelligence agencies in Hong Kong got defang and now the world thinks they are trying to kill Hong Kong officals so they can annex it
Bruce: Duel Class Fighter and Bard, though unlike most bards, does not fuck everything that moves and is mostly doing it to inflate his own ego.
Carrie: Pure cleric.
Robin: Wild magic Sorcerer, with all the chaos that entails.
It'd probably be darker than Frozen and a bit closer to the original tale, following in-line with their new "Dark Disney" philosophy, but if it's OTL Frozen, than we should be able to effectively fight back against the cultural plague that OTL was with Undertale.
It'd probably be darker than Frozen and a bit closer to the original tale, following in-line with their new "Dark Disney" philosophy, but if it's OTL Frozen, than we should be able to effectively fight back against the cultural plague that OTL was with Undertale.
By the way, I think someone mentioned how we could give a chance to Richard Williams, and I argued against it mostly because of how long he had taken to finish The Princess and the Cobbler. View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aeu7vVdNtV4
Well, seeing this video has made me think it over, and realize that for all the time he had taken, he is also a heck of an animator, one that could very well work with us in different movies in between him dveloping his passion project. Furthermore, one of my main concerns was that if we were doing Aladdin then this might make it look like we are ripping off his idea. But, since our Aladdin's version is now going to be about the Chinese version of the story, then we might as well work with Williams and let him achieve his dream.
By the way, I think someone mentioned how we could give a chance to Richard Williams, and I argued against it mostly because of how long he had taken to finish The Princess and the Cobbler. View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aeu7vVdNtV4
Well, seeing this video has made me think it over, and realize that for all the time he had taken, he is also a heck of an animator, one that could very well work with us in different movies in between him dveloping his passion project. Furthermore, one of my main concerns was that if we were doing Aladdin then this might make it look like we are ripping off his idea. But, since our Aladdin's version is now going to be about the Chinese version of the story, then we might as well work with Williams and let him achieve his dream.
I've seen the thief and the cobbler on VHS when I was a kid and some parts of the Recobbled Cuts and yeah It has the potential to be a good movie and he could probably make a few good movies in his style. But unless we're sure we can be able to get it done within budget and a timely manner we should let it go.
I'm probably one of the few that liked the Van Helsing movie and hoped to see a sequel, one that never materialized. I had to make do with the Spin offs in the animated prequel and the comic. I have to admit, what drew me more was two things; first, the entire world seemed ripe for development and adventure for future installments. So many Gothic novels (from which the Universal Monsters had come from) were still unexplored, and could very well make for amazing movies for the future. Second, it was directed by Stephen Sommers, and whenever he makes a movie you just know that he's going to be aiming for a fun adventure to enjoy.
Sometimes it is hit and miss though, and I guess they can't all be winners.
I've been thinking much about this, because in the end, though I want to have this done, I also don't think we can just have the movie be put, otherwise we might get the same results. Thus, I decided that this might work better if we try for a Mini-Series, mostly like an OVA instead of making it Live-Action. Furthermore, I say we should have more time to develop Van Helsing and this world he lives in, which is why I put the animated prequel and comic as the first two episodes (with some additions to the second showing Van Helsing killing Hyde) before going for the las three. The third episode is mostly an original adventure I thought up, and the last two are the movie concept, but with some changes made in it.
Mainly, I removed the Corvinus and made it closer to the original Dracula book, but also added the beginning of the movie showing Frankenstein working with the Count before refusing him. Hopefully the changes I made to it are to your liking, and the story can be better accepted this way. I've also decided to put this as a DreamWorks Pitch, mainly because I'm not sure if this should be put as an OVA or Animated TV Mini-Series. Frankly, that has been confusing me enough to just put the DreamWorks logo and be done with it
I do hope we can produce this in the second half of the 80s, which should give more time for experienced writers and animators to join us (and hopefully expand our roster as well).
Thus, I give you:
DreamWorks Pitch: Van Helsing: Gothic Moonlight GENRE: Action/Fantasy/Horror
SUBGENRE: Monster/Adventure/Steampunk
FORMAT: TV Mini-Series
Set Up: Based on the many characters from the Gothic Novels of the 19th century. Gabriel Van Helsing, a monster hunter for the Holy Order of Knights, protects London from the many monsters and mad scientists that prey upon the common man. With the aid of his assistant, Friar Carl, he faces foes from the crazy men of science like Dr. Moreau and Dr. Jekyll, as well as the more fantastic like Frankenstein's Monster and the King in Yellow, all the way to his ultimate foe; the Vampire Count Dracula.
Animation: DreamWorks Studios Series Director: Brad Bird Writer: Paul Dini
- Van Helsing is not an amnesiac. He is a Bounty-Hunter currently working for the Knights of the Holy Order to pay off a debt he has with them.
- Van Helsing is not a morose, overly serious person. He is calm, stoic, but somewhat cocky at times, though he tries to do the right thing.
- The Mini-Series takes not only from the movie, but from the Spin-Off's as well.
- The Order has little to no records of Dracula, due to many of them being suborned through the years, with many believing him to be either dead or a myth.
- Frankenstein is not trapped inside the well, but has been on the run from Dracula for over a decade, eventually reaching England where the events take place.
- Make sure to show in each episode a man in rough clothes that cover him from head to toe, however don't center or put emphasis on his shot, only as part of the scenery, until the final chapters where he takes center stage, this way we reveal that Frankenstein's Monster has been in England all along.
- The Third episode only has mentions of Dorian Gray by the people Van Helsing meets and interviews, building up his backstory.
Number of Episodes: 5 Episode Length: 45-50 Minutes
Monster hunter Gabriel Van Helsing and friar Carl travel to London to investigate a series of horrific, and decidedly supernatural murders, being committed by the mad scientist Dr. Jekyll, in the form of his evil alter-ego, Mr. Hyde. When tracing Hyde to his underground fortress, Van Helsing and Carl find a young woman who claims to be Queen Victoria, and they discover that Dr. Jekyll is in love with the Queen. In order to keep her young and thus immortal, she has been given a potion by Dr. Jekyll that turns her into a young woman for one night. In order to create the potion which causes the transformations, Dr. Jekyll needs the drained souls of his freshly killed victims and thus the killings will never stop.
Dr. Jekyll then kidnaps Victoria, using the Golden Jubilee Balloon to escape. Van Helsing uses his grappling gun to follow the balloon, then proceeds to board it. In the balloon, Dr. Jekyll becomes Mr. Hyde to kill Van Helsing and crashes the balloon in the process. While fighting on the in-construction Tower Bridge, Mr. Hyde is shot through the arm but manages to escape. Upon returning Victoria to Buckingham Palace, Van Helsing says that daybreak will break the enchantment, returning her to her real age.
To reward him, Victoria kisses him, at the precise moment of daybreak, causing her old self, completely unaware of what happened, to slap him and call for guards. Van Helsing sends word back to Vatican City about what has happened while he tracks Jekyll to Paris.
Gabriel Van Helsing: He is a bounty hunter working for the Knights of the Holy Order. Calm, stoic, and sometimes cocky, Van Helsing is a determined man who goes above and beyond in order to do the right thing, even if it's the most difficult path. He has skill sin a multitude of weapons, though he prefers to outthink his opponents rather than engage in a physical match. He's no slouch on it however, as he keeps to fit physical condition.
Played By: Jim Cummings Alternate: Cam Clarke
Dr. Henry Jekyll/Edward Hyde (Jack the Ripper): He is a gentleman and scientist who's used a serum he created which turned him into a monster with no morals when imbibing it. He fell in love with Queen Victoria, and thus under the guise of "Jack the Ripper" he kills young women so that he can use their lifeforce to create new serums which can keep he young and beautiful forever. He is discovered and defeated by Van Helsing, which has him escape to Paris.
Played By: Richard Moll Alternate: Frank Welker
Friar Carl: He is a friar under the superiority of the Vatican State and a technical member of the Holy Order of Knights. Carl is a reluctant but, in the end, also a loyal companion of Gabriel Van Helsing in their adventures. Though somewhat excitable and easily startled, he mostly aids Van Helsing through his inventions and technical prowess.
Played By: Casey Kasem Alternate: Don Messick
Queen Victoria: She is the Queen of England who has been kidnapped and brought back to her youth thanks to a potion made out of the lifeforce of young women created by Jack the Ripper. She is a headstrong and fearless woman, who is not afraid of Hyde, and shows some delight and excitement during the adventure.
Played By: Mary Kay Bergman Alternate: Tress MacNeille
Cardinal Jinette: He is Van Helsing's superior and contact with the Holy Order. A stern and serious old man, he's relentless in the pursuit of those who would harm humanity.
Played By: Paul Winchell
The story launches in medias res, as Van Helsing jumps into action through a window. There is a woman floating in the air, reminding him that he had not slept in 52 hours. The story then begins in full, with Van Helsing facing Hyde at Notre Dame, both of them fighting all over the church, reaching the rooftops where Van Helsing finally kills Hyde, but is captured by the authorities after the body reverts to Jekyll. He is found guilty by the authorities, but is given the opportunity of escape by the priests. Van Helsing then proceeds to escape through the sewers to stay at a secluded room.
During the night, he hears a scream and ventures to track it down where we see the woman from the beginning, who is revealed to be a medium. She is dragged towards a chimney as Van Helsing gives chase. He tries to help the woman by attacking with his tojo blades and releases her, only to see the woman grabbed once more by the invisible force. It throws both her and Van Helsing through a window. The woman is killed in the fall and Van Helsing is once again hunted by the authorities. Undaunted, he proceeds to chase the invisible force, guided by screams and destruction left in its wake. Van Helsing wonders aloud "Why is it monsters never run into bodice shops?" as the invisible monster enters the morgue.
The people and the police surround the building and Van Helsing escapes through the sewers once again, only to find himself faced with the invisible monster. The monster drags him into the water and they travel through the canal, until they fall into a cage trap. Van Helsing easily escapes, but finds himself between cages and bars, corpses and monsters, and half-beasts and half-humans. He states that he has "finally and fully sensed evil". Documents on a nearby desk reveal that the monster is named Beathán. It says that he was injected with a serum of invisibility (Van Helsing even remembers having heard a Vatican report about an incident of an "Englishman" becoming invisible in West Sussex). Van Helsing learns that he is in the secret laboratory of the mad scientist Dr. Moreau.
He suddenly finds himself with the same, about to feed the invisible monster. They discourse about the creation of the chimeras in his laboratory. Van Helsing states that it is not his job to kill him and his creations, but he will arrest him for the matter. Moreau, however, is not fazed, and releases Beathán. Van Helsing fights the monster, first turning him visible with the antidote to the invisibility serum that Moreau had invented and later fighting him with his own weapons. The fight becomes violent as time passes, and the monster (resembling the Gill-man), now visible, releases the rest of Moreau's creations. Van Helsing then proceeds to fight all of them.
Through spiritual talk, however, the medium that Van Helsing encountered before tells him that the monster is her husband, transformed into a frog-like beast by the Doctor, and that he must relieve the beast from his torment. Moreau takes the confusion to his advantage, and he escapes without being seen, leaving his laboratory to be destroyed. Van Helsing and Beathán manage to escape and Van Helsing briefly ponders taking the beast with him to the Vatican. Finally, he reports that he "put forth all effort in trying to capture it . . . and failed", when, in reality, he just let the monster go. Van Helsing ends his report by stating that he had not slept in 53 hours.
The final image of Moreau sees his escaping with one of his creations, stating that "the world lacks vision", and that he should "move to an island perhaps. Somewhere drastic, like . . . the South Seas . . .".
Gabriel Van Helsing: He is a bounty hunter working for the Knights of the Holy Order. Calm, stoic, and sometimes cocky, Van Helsing is a determined man who goes above and beyond in order to do the right thing, even if it's the most difficult path. He has skill sin a multitude of weapons, though he prefers to outthink his opponents rather than engage in a physical match. He's no slouch on it however, as he keeps to fit physical condition.
Played By: Jim Cummings Alternate: Cam Clarke
Dr. Moreau: He is a mad physiologist and vivisectionist who is experimenting on both humans and animals alike, creating hybrids out of them. Moreau has a God complex, seeing himself as a visionary who will fix all the mistakes of humanity, uncaring of the pain and hurt he may cause on his way. Though defeated in the end, he still manages to escape the persecution, musing to himself that he may need to relocate to a more secluded location...like the Pacific.
Played By: David Warner Alternate: Rene Auberjonouis
Beathán: A former human who was experimented by Dr. Moreau and is now a hybrid between a human and a Gill Creature. He was also injected with an invisibility serum and forced to fight Van Helsing, until he was freed and allowed to leave with his life. He was the husband of the Medium who guided Van Helsing.
Played By: Aron Kincaid
Alternate: Chuck McCann
Medium: She is the spirit of a woman who was killed by Beathán, later revealed to have been his wife before he was transformed and tormented by the machination of Dr. Moreau. She aids Van Helsing during his quest, and is the one who reveals how to free those whom Moreau had experimented on.
Played By: Kate Mulgrew Alternate: Adrienne Barbeau
Cardinal Jinette: He is Van Helsing's superior and contact with the Holy Order. A stern and serious old man, he's relentless in the pursuit of those who would harm humanity.
Played By: Paul Winchell
Dr. Henry Jekyll/Edward Hyde (Jack the Ripper): He is a gentleman and scientist who's used a serum he created which turned him into a monster with no morals when imbibing it. After escaping to Paris, he's caught by Van Helsing and killed in the confrontation.
Played By: Richard Moll Alternate: Frank Welker
Van Helsing is set on an investigation after a rash of murders at Canterville Castle points to a possible satanic ritual taking place. Looking into it, he meets an invisible man claiming to be "The Canterville Ghost" who is now looking for revenge for whoever killed the previous occupants. The ghost aids Van Helsing, pointing to him what had happened on the night the guests were killed, and who was there. However, he can't recall who did it, or what exactly was the cause.
Both of them go visiting the different suspects; Adrian Singleton a former socialite. Alan Campbell, a chemist. And Lord Henry "Harry" Wotton, an aristocrat and dandy. All of them try to fight and flee when Van Helsing arrives, while the Ghost goes in to look for clues while the story begins to be pieced together; the acquisition of a book by Lord Henry detailing a long forgotten play which he hoped to use for more "titillating experiences" which he shared with Dorian. Adrian Singleton, having lost his entire fortune when investing in the play, now living off of opium with what little he has. Alan Campbell having been the one to have made the poison who killed the victims and pointed at by all the others, yet he claims he was working under orders of Dorian.
Back in Canterville Castle, when the mystery seems to be solved, Van Helsing surprises the Ghost by revealing the truth; he reveals the true identity of the "Canterville Ghost"... Dorian Gray, which is why he knew what was going on but did not give the full details in order to derail the investigation. The truth was that Dorian found the book and sent it to Lord Henry, then maneuvered everything in order to make the play a reality, hoping to summon the entity within, only to lose his nerve at the last moment, and instead of sacrificing himself as the play demanded, he used the "Invisibility Serum" that had been stole a while ago in order to avoid its gaze.
With the reveal, Dorian becomes frantic and tries to kill Van Helsing, however he had planned ahead, contacting Friar Carl to look for Dorian's portrait, revealing it to the light and thus revealing his body, forcing the entity to make its appearance and take the portrait with him, and thus the body as well.
Gabriel Van Helsing: He is a bounty hunter working for the Knights of the Holy Order. Calm, stoic, and sometimes cocky, Van Helsing is a determined man who goes above and beyond in order to do the right thing, even if it's the most difficult path. He has skill sin a multitude of weapons, though he prefers to outthink his opponents rather than engage in a physical match. He's no slouch on it however, as he keeps to fit physical condition.
Played By: Jim Cummings Alternate: Cam Clarke
The Canterville Ghost/Dorian Gray: He is a handsome, narcissistic young man enthralled by Lord Henry's "new" hedonism. He indulges in every pleasure and virtually every 'sin', studying its effect upon him. After never aging due to the effects of his painting, he tries new experiences until he accidentally summons the "King in Yellow", becoming frightened of death and turning invisible using the "Invisibility Serum" to escape the entity's sight.
Played By: Breau Weber Alternate: Lloyd Bochner
Lord Henry "Harry" Wotton: He is an imperious aristocrat and a decadent dandy who espouses a philosophy of self-indulgent hedonism. He is the one who gave Dorian the book with the play for summoning the "Yellow King", however he was unable to assist due to a night of debauchery making him too sick to attend in the night of the murders.
Played By: Efrem Zimbalist Jr. Alternate: Michael Bell
Alan Campbell: A chemist and one-time friend of Dorian who ended their friendship when Dorian's libertine reputation devalued such a friendship. He was contacted once more and threatened to make the poison for the guests at the party, as well as the invisibility serum that Dorian Gray used later on.
Played By: Henry Pollic II Alternate: Alan Oppenheimer
Friar Carl: He is a friar under the superiority of the Vatican State and a technical member of the Holy Order of Knights. Carl is a reluctant but, in the end, also a loyal companion of Gabriel Van Helsing in their adventures. Though somewhat excitable and easily startled, he mostly aids Van Helsing through his inventions and technical prowess.
Played By: Casey Kasem Alternate: Don Messick
Adrian Singleton: A youthful friend of Dorian's, whom he convinced to invest near his entire fortune in the play, losing everything and becoming an opium addict.
Played By: Mark Taylor
Cardinal Jinette: He is Van Helsing's superior and contact with the Holy Order. A stern and serious old man, he's relentless in the pursuit of those who would harm humanity.
Played By: Paul Winchell
In 1887 Transylvania, Doctor Victor Frankenstein, aided by his assistant Igor and Count Dracula, creates a monster. Dracula kills Frankenstein when he refuses to go along with the vampire's designs for the creature as Igor, revealed to be under Dracula's pay, watches impassively. As a mob storms the castle, the monster flees to a windmill with Frankenstein's body. The mob burns down the windmill, seemingly killing the monster.
Over a decade later, in the streets of London, a huge, plodding figure is seen moving through the back alleys and poorer areas, clutching a Bible and always on the lookout, as sinister shapes look for him. A chase through the slums ensue, where the figures try to attack and capture him, but the figure, soon revealed to be Frankenstein's Monster, manages to escape.
Van Helsing meets with Cardinal Jinette and Friar Carl as he's told to investigate a sudden wave of murders that involve this mysterious figure, which leads him to the estate of Jonathan Harker and his wife, Mina, who are hosting the newly arrived "Count Alucard" from Romania. In the meantime, Friar Carl walks throughs the slums leads him to finding Frankenstein's Monster, who saves him from the attacks of the sinister figures, revealed to be the "Brides of Dracula" who flee when Carl reveals his new weaponry.
As Frankenstein's Monster (now Called "David") reveals his backstory to Carl, which is then relayed to Van Helsing when they meet, they begin searching through the Order's records, but find information on "Alucard" and Dracula to be limited. Unknown to them the Order has been compromised, with the traitors launching an attack and destroying headquarters, while keeping both Van Helsing and Carl being occupied along with the rest of the agents, much of the headquarters, weapons and leadership has been crippled.
Furthermore, David has been taken as well.
Gabriel Van Helsing: He is a bounty hunter working for the Knights of the Holy Order. Calm, stoic, and sometimes cocky, Van Helsing is a determined man who goes above and beyond in order to do the right thing, even if it's the most difficult path. He has skill sin a multitude of weapons, though he prefers to outthink his opponents rather than engage in a physical match. He's no slouch on it however, as he keeps to fit physical condition.
Played By: Jim Cummings Alternate: Cam Clarke
Frankenstein's Monster/David: He is the creation of Victor Frankenstein, the first attempt at reviving and replicating life once more. He possesses enhanced strength and durability, though he covers himself so that people can't see his face or odd tone of skin. He is a devout Christian (and kind to children), having taken the name of "David" from the Bible, and guiding himself by its teachings. He flees the servants of Dracula, knowing they're chasing him.
Played By: Michael Ansara Alternate: Ron Perlman
Count "Alucard"/Dracula: He is a Vampire. Originally Vlad Tepes of Wallachia, now a bloodthirsty monster who see humans as nothing but cattle and food for his future children. He aided Victor Frankenstein in his experiment in hopes that he could use what he learned to revive his dead children and set them loose upon the Earth. He has managed to "thrall" Jonathan Harker to bring his dead brood to London, where he hopes to capture Frankenstein's Monster and achieve his purpose.
Played By: Kevin Conroy Alternate: Mark Hamill
Friar Carl: He is a friar under the superiority of the Vatican State and a technical member of the Holy Order of Knights. Carl is a reluctant but, in the end, also a loyal companion of Gabriel Van Helsing in their adventures. Though somewhat excitable and easily startled, he mostly aids Van Helsing through his inventions and technical prowess.
Played By: Casey Kasem Alternate: Don Messick
Jonathan Harker: He is an English Solicitor who travelled to Romania where he met Count Dracula and was "Thralled" by him, becoming his willing accomplice in his plans to bring his dead children to life. He is married to Mina Harker, though their relationship has deteriorated due to his newfound zeal to follow Dracula's commands.
Played By: Roddy McDowall Alternate: Marc Singer
Mina Harker: She is the wife of Jonathan Harker, a smart, clever and determined woman who has noticed the oddities of Count "Alucard" having reveled them to Van Helsing, and aiding him when it comes to his investigation, as well as in the final battle against Dracula and his Brides. She eventually joins Van Helsing and the Order.
Played By: Kate Mulgrew Alternate: Melissa Gilbert
Victor Frankenstein: A scientist whose curiosity and passion lead him to accept the support of Count Dracula and bring to life a human being. When learning of Dracula's plans, he refuses to allow it to happen, freeing his creature, but dying in the process.
Played By: Peter Cullen
Igor: A hunchback man in the employ of Frankenstein. Despite being treated well, he was spying on him under orders (and payment) of Count Dracula. He dies due to the mob.
Played By: Gregg Berger
Cardinal Jinette: He is Van Helsing's superior and contact with the Holy Order. A stern and serious old man, he's relentless in the pursuit of those who would harm humanity.
Played By: Paul Winchell
Three years before the events in last episode, we see Jonathan Harker as he's given a tour of Dracula's Castle by the Count himself. After writing in his diary, and seeing Dracula crawling through the walls, he runs outside and tries to escape, the Brides of Dracula chasing after him, eventually leading him to a secret room where many pods hang from every available space. He is caught by Dracula before it all turns black.
Back to the present time, Jonathan Harker and Count "Alucard" are now in the basement of the former's manor, which has been expanded to hold many of the pods that Harker had seen back in Dracula's Castle. As David"" is brought in, it's revealed that the pods contain Dracula's children, all stillborn, but with David's body, and the discoveries that it brings, they can bring life to them once more, with London being their feeding ground.
Van Helsin, Friar Carl and Cardinal Jinette are among the survivors, gathering the strays, when they are contacted by Mina Harker, who tells them of her husband and Dracula's plan. Van Helsing, Carl and Mina go to the manor to stop them, while Cardinal Jinette organizes their remaining forces to protect the city should they fail. Inside the manor, they find themselves trapped as Dracula had known about their plans all along. The spawn of Dracula are awakened and leave on their way to London.
Mina tricks her husband into releasing them before knocking him out, both her and Carl moving to free David, but are blocked by the Brides of Dracula. Both Van Helsing and Dracula fight through the Manor. Carl and Mina manage to free Frankenstein, giving them an edge against the brides and killing them. They destroy the device giving life to the Spawn, which causes said Spawn to die as they are reaching London in front of Cardinal Jinette and his forces.
Van Helsing impales Dracula, killing him once and for all. Jonathan is taken into custody, Mina joins Van Helsing and Carl in the Order, and David is allowed to live a peaceful life in a monastery.
Gabriel Van Helsing: He is a bounty hunter working for the Knights of the Holy Order. Calm, stoic, and sometimes cocky, Van Helsing is a determined man who goes above and beyond in order to do the right thing, even if it's the most difficult path. He has skill sin a multitude of weapons, though he prefers to outthink his opponents rather than engage in a physical match. He's no slouch on it however, as he keeps to fit physical condition.
Played By: Jim Cummings Alternate: Cam Clarke
Frankenstein's Monster/David: He is the creation of Victor Frankenstein, the first attempt at reviving and replicating life once more. He possesses enhanced strength and durability, though he covers himself so that people can't see his face or odd tone of skin. He is a devout Christian (and kind to children), having taken the name of "David" from the Bible, and guiding himself by its teachings. He flees the servants of Dracula, knowing they're chasing him.
Played By: Michael Ansara Alternate: Ron Perlman
Count "Alucard"/Dracula: He is a Vampire. Originally Vlad Tepes of Wallachia, now a bloodthirsty monster who see humans as nothing but cattle and food for his future children. He aided Victor Frankenstein in his experiment in hopes that he could use what he learned to revive his dead children and set them loose upon the Earth. He has managed to "thrall" Jonathan Harker to bring his dead brood to London, where he hopes to capture Frankenstein's Monster and achieve his purpose.
Played By: Kevin Conroy Alternate: Mark Hamill
Friar Carl: He is a friar under the superiority of the Vatican State and a technical member of the Holy Order of Knights. Carl is a reluctant but, in the end, also a loyal companion of Gabriel Van Helsing in their adventures. Though somewhat excitable and easily startled, he mostly aids Van Helsing through his inventions and technical prowess.
Played By: Casey Kasem Alternate: Don Messick
Jonathan Harker: He is an English Solicitor who travelled to Romania where he met Count Dracula and was "Thralled" by him, becoming his willing accomplice in his plans to bring his dead children to life. He is married to Mina Harker, though their relationship has deteriorated due to his newfound zeal to follow Dracula's commands.
Played By: Roddy McDowall Alternate: Marc Singer
Mina Harker: She is the wife of Jonathan Harker, a smart, clever and determined woman who has noticed the oddities of Count "Alucard" having reveled them to Van Helsing, and aiding him when it comes to his investigation, as well as in the final battle against Dracula and his Brides. She eventually joins Van Helsing and the Order.
Played By: Diane Pershing Alternate: Melissa Gilbert
Cardinal Jinette: He is Van Helsing's superior and contact with the Holy Order. A stern and serious old man, he's relentless in the pursuit of those who would harm humanity.
Played By: Paul Winchell
A.N.: I went for Paul Dini and Brad Bird for the Writer/Director combination, as I feel that this Mini-Series would benefit in having a tone closer to the Batman: The Animated Series in which the former worked with, not to mention that Brad Bird is really good at experimenting with new ideas and concepts for animation, which I hope this is. A point that I was initially concerned was that we might incur Universal's wrath due to using what could be argued are their monsters, but since the source material belongs in the public domain, then we should have no problem if we make them distinct enough.
But man, am I glad to see someone else that enjoyed the film! I hear so much criticism of it that sometimes I wonder if I saw the same film as they did.
But man, am I glad to see someone else that enjoyed the film! I hear so much criticism of it that sometimes I wonder if I saw the same film as they did.
[]Who reads this Garbage, and can we make more of it? (Mike is a huge fan, and he wants to expand the title with his own money.)
[]Marvel has a beginning of a magical monopoly of Magical bullshit (Dr. Strange might have to deal with the greatest and strangest threat ever... the phenomenon of magical girls.)
[]BOO (Huh, guess they aren't ready for it, but the kids are going to love it.)
[]So We have ideas (Lucasarts Japan sees ideas and wants them made, now)
[]I think this is going to be popular (The first game that will release will have a massive increase in reception)
[]So you like Konami Games? (Unknown Effect)