Lights... Camera... ACTION!!: A Hollywood Quest

Hi Magoose here one of the guys helping Duke.

So we have some bad news.

The quest has been canceled as duke does not want to write it anymore.

I'm going to ask if I can take over for it, because I like this quest, and it would be a shame to kill it
TBF, Mags, you have been doing a lot of the heavylifting for the quest, so this will be in good hands. :)

To be clear to everyone, this is just me burning out on imagination of the quest, since my muse has been hitting me over the head a lot with so many different ideas that I just can't find myself too interested in this.

I'll still hang out here, though, since this still does have a sepcial place in my heart.

I'd like to thank you all for making this a wonderful experience while it lasted.

I'd also like to thank @Magoose, @Fluffy_serpent, and @Martin Noctis for doing so much to help prepare and write this quest. I couldn't have done it without you all. :D

I'll see you all around.

With so many regards, Duke William Of.
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He's probably in the sane ish spectrum of the far left where they are decent but a little nutty
Also, Alan Moore is a nutter, anarcho-communist who worships a snake god that he made up and thinks he spoke interdimensionally with John Constantine.
No offence to Moore as he is a great comic writer but even if you ignore his fringe and extreem politics, he's insane. Like how I can admire a Van Gogh while also saying that he's insane.
No offence to Moore as he is a great comic writer but even if you ignore his fringe and extreem politics, he's insane. Like how I can admire a Van Gogh while also saying that he's insane.
Alan Moore, in my opinion, has a great amount of talent (and in order to write Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow? he'd have to be) which is why I put him in that Comic Pitch for Supreme. At the same time, I'd be just as happy to pay him for his commision and then let him go on his merry way afterwards.

But who knows, perhaps he'll like working for Marvel? Time alone will tell us.
Honestly Alan is a good example that skill does not equate to good personality or sanity
TV Show Pitch My Evil Quest To Save The World
TV Show Pitch
My Evil Quest To Save The World
Genre Fantasy/Adventure/Comedy
Format: Manga/Anime

Plot: Taking place in a (possibly post apocalyptic) fantasy world where technology and magic now coexist. The evil lord Malagos has risen from his ancient imprisonment and leads his horde of monsters and demons intent on conquest and destruction. A Oracle has deemed that a band of destined heroes shall seek out a way that will defeat Malagos and save the world.

This is not their story.

This is the story of a bunch of petty, greedy and childish people seeking out wealth and fame by usurping the heroes' place by defeating Malagos themselves. Despite their drawbacks this group might actually do some good in the world. Might


The "Hero's" Party:

Zing of the many titles:
Zing is a short man with pointed ears who acts like a stereotypical mad scientist. A petty warlord who upon hearing the oracle pronounce the new hero of the world decided to usurp the position and defeat the dark lord Malagos himself. Zing, despite his intellect, is very vain, petty and easily bribed, leading him to be easily tricked or swayed into doing good deeds and aiding people. Usually describes himself with some made up title. Like Zing the Merciless , Zing the Merciful , or Zing the not at all short". Despite recruiting the rest of his party for selfish reasons and frequently calling them minions as the series progresses he comes to see them as a (somewhat dysfunctional) friend group.

Piper Max: The younger sister of the actual Hero. Piper left soon after he did. Seeking adventure and to see the world despite her brother's wishes that she stay home and be safe. She stowed away on Zing's ship and in a series of comedic events wound up staying. Is the closest thing the group has to moral compass and is the one who advocates doing the right thing most often. Though as a excitable kid/teen she often gets roped into the group's antics. She tends to get treated like the group's annoying kid sister. Loves her brother but is annoyed that he left on his adventure without her so when the groups meet she usually goes along with whatever Zing has planned for him as long as it's not too dangerous.

Minionbots: Robots created by Zing to act as minions. Can often be seen as background characters doing various tasks. In battle they mostly fight other minions or are smashed by more important/dangerous characters. Despite being robots they often act human. Doing things like griping and joking or eating at the ships cafeteria and getting bandaged up after a fight. Have a hard coded loyalty to Zing much to the consternation of anyone trying to force them to betray him.

Katrina(Kat) the Oracle: A greedy woman who only became the apprentice of the previous oracle because she thought it would lead to riches only to realize her new powers don't work like that and only really work for dramatic or important things. Not that it stops her from trying to profit off them. Spent her first arc running in a comedic chase from Zing(and other villains) as they attempted to kidnap her. Only for a vision to tell her she was destined to get kidnapped by evil. Leading her to choose to be "kidnapped" by Zing as he is the least evil and most easily manipulated of her pursuers. And stick around once she realizes she can rob whatever other villains Zing runs into while still claiming moral superiority. Has a forceful and deceitful personality ,often pressuring the party to do what she wants, sometimes with a fake vision. While she's using the group for her personal gain she is still nominally a good person and realizes that if Malagos takes over the world she's going to be in trouble and her wealth will be useless. So she tends to sabotage any actual harm to the real heroes the group plans.

General Ulf: A wolfman warlord who led his army into defeat against the hero's party and later Zing. After which they desert him to join Lord Malagos. He sneaks aboard ZIngs ship and begs to join him. Despite the rest of the party's misgivings(and Ulf's obvious intention to betray Zing) Zing allows it because every good villain should have a treacherous advisor. Ulf's constant attempts to betray Zing are constantly foiled by his own incompetence, the others annoyance at his pompousness and the Minionbots' hard programmed loyalty to Zing. The one time he manages to seize power(when Zing has a cold) he makes a fool of himself with the Minionbots revolting after he takes away their dental benefits and lowers their break time. The most physically imposing of the group and has some skill with a sword. And is actually a quite compentant officer when he' not letting his pride and greed get in the way. Dresses in a stereotypical generals outfit including an impressive bunch of medals he's awarded himself.

Lady Computer: The computer in charge of running Zing's airship" The Invincible" . Zing built her when he was a kid because he was lonely and has been slowly upgrading her as time goes on. Snarky but loyal. She acts as mission control but tends to "possess" Minionbots and mechs when not on the ship. Is also very durable and able to survive the constant damage and destruction that happens to "The Invincible" and its successors.

Lord Malagos:
The true villain of the series Malagos is an ancient evil awakened by an evil cult. He soon started summoning all that was evil to him in his bid for world domination. A demonic horned humanoid in black armor and a bestial face, Malagos will stop at nothing to expand his dominion. His main weaknesses are his hubris and his cruelty lead him into making mistakes and giving people the chance to escape or foil his plans.

The Blood Knight: Malagos's chief henchman, A knight encased in red armor. Loves violence and sees it as a game. Jumps between a stoic and terrifying juggernaut of a threat to a giddy "battle nerd" like personality. Tends to be a bit forgetful about anything that doesn't involve battle. warfare or violence . When he's not going all in he loves spouting facts about past wars and critiquing his foes fighting. Is following Malagos because conquering the world is going to require a lot of battle.

Cynthia the Sorceress: Katrina's twin sister Cynthia is just as greedy(if not more so) then her sister but is willing to more cruel to gain her riches. has pledged herself to Malagos to use him for her own gain but Is starting to regret that decision due to how cruel Malagos can be to those who fail him and is covertly looking for a way to betray him while seizing as much of his power for herself. Malagos realizes this but keeps her around because she's still useful and he likes toying with her.

Nikolaos the Dragonslayer: A skeleton who was once the king of a ancient and vaguely Greco-Roman city state. Brought back to (un)life by Malagos to serve as a general. While he famously slayed a infamous dragon he died in the process and is terrified of dragons and fire as a result. Hates Malagos for bringing him back and is only obeying his orders because of magic. Is the only One in Malagos's inner circle who initially sees Zing and company as an actual threat but fails to act upon it due to his hatred of Malagos. A master of malicious compliance, is nice to his minions and likes to talk about infrastructure and logistics "I solved a salt crisis dontcha know". Pretty gregarious but dangerous when he's actually trying to hurt someone.

Vilefort: Pompous snobbish and scheming. A kiss ass of the highest order who's the (only surviving) leader of the cult that summoned Malagos. Likes to hear himself talk. Tends to try to pretend to be civil even as he's preparing to betray or throw somebody under the bus. Not much of a fighter. and prefers to let his minions do the dirty work or better yet trick somebody else into doing it. Always wears a fancy outfit(preferably purple) and has a black mask that he never takes off for unknown reasons. Is suspiciously loyal to Malagos despite his treacherous personality

Possible minor recurring villains

Generalisimo Supreme Lupin:
The new head of Ulf's former army. Lupin is diminutive, brash and prideful. Bounces between thinking he's Malagos's most beloved minion to desperately seeking his favor at the drop of a hat. Runs his army ragged so much that they (almost) wish Ulf was back in charge.

Joffrey the Necromancer: A chubby bespectacled man who stumbled upon an ancient book of dark arts. Mostly goes around terrorizing people for wealth and luxuries or being conscripted into other villains plots.

The Shyster: A conman who every time he's encountered uses a different but equally pompous sounding and made up name. His episodes revolve around his trickery and fraudulent schemes getting in Zing's party's way.

The Real Hero's Party
Decker Max:
An orphan at the Max street orphanage. Decker wanted to protect people from a young age and soon joined the local militia while he was in the crowd waiting to see the oracle name the destined hero, he was chosen. And equipped with a magical sword he sets out to defeat Malagos. Personality is the classic hero. Comically selfless and tends to rush into things.

SIr Gideon: One of the hero candidates only for Decker to be picked instead. Sir Gideon challenged Decker to a duel which Decker eventually won. Bested Gideon pledged his sword to Decker and defeating Malagos. Is good natured and chivalrous but kind of dim snooty with a little bit of classist tendencies and easily fooled.

Gumbrook the Great: A forgetful old man who is a powerful spellcaster. When he can remember the spells. Dresses as a stereotypical wizard. Likes sweets.

Sarah: A shy woman with healing powers sent by the Church of Light to help the hero on his quest. Has a habit of smacking things with her mace on instinct. Luckily she has healing powers.

The Thief: A sneaky thief who joined the heroes party without them noticing. Their appearance is hidden under robes and a hood, people tend to forget they're there. Is constantly interrupted in a running gag. Never has their name or gender revealed on screen as part of the joke . They fight using a bunch of traps, tricks and thrown brikabrak hidden under robes.
I've had this one half done for a while and finally got around to finish it. If you have any ideas for minor characters let me know.
Unless of course, this Bruce we're talking about, if only because of the fact Bruce is an actual saint compared to the other insane motherfuckers that exist in the art sphere. :V
Space Racing for Children
Space Racing for Children:

You were struggling to hold yourself together as Mary was standing next to several people who wanted to get a picture with her. It was not out of anger, or fear, although you did feel both.

It was out of pure pride over the fact that Mary just… did the impossible. Well, it was impossible for anyone who had a degree in engineering. But lacked imagination.

That was the thing, imagination was what saved the Sea Dragon. The Rocket could launch from the Sea, into orbit, and crash down in an area where it could be easily recovered.

Bryanfan's Roll:Sat Aug 10 2024 14:24:36 GMT+0800 (Philippine Standard Time)
Roll : 1d100 : 99, TOTAL: 99

What Mary Did:D20 => 13

But instead, she did something even better. A way for the rocket to land, be softer, and be reusable. Now that was of course not entirely perfect, and it could only be used for future unmanned cargo hauling because any attempt to use it for manned space flight was liable, and very likely, to kill the pilot.

It was something that Mary racked her brain about for a very long time, she didn't want people to be hurt with her rocket.

Then Mary made her computer-controlled robot with ilm, and it was a stroke of genius that would change what she was hoping for. Using new computer technology, maybe in the future, the rocket could be shot up into the atmosphere, deliver its cargo, and… then do a controlled crash, either into the ocean for recovery, or to attempt its landing on the ground for, hopeful recovery.

And with the current material now in use, the rocket could, with a high likelihood, not need major repairs when it's recovered.

It was the kind of thinking that was needed to solve a problem that you honestly didn't know there was, but it was the thinking that made NASA salivate at the possibility.

They could launch dozens of rockets, within a few weeks of each other. And while they would not be reusable, they could be easily recoverable, repaired…

And used again.

It was not the perfect solution, but it was good enough for the time being.

And NASA was looking for one thing.

Good enough for now.

And as Mary was congratulated on it, she only smiled, waved, and happily… her mind going to something else.

Reward: Mary has designed an unmanned cargo rocket, that can, (Barring extreme circumstances), be reused and recovered, and repaired, using the Sea Dragon design as its base. While it is not totally completed, and the rest of the work would need to be completed by other NASA engineers…

The Rockets will be made significantly cheaper… though still more expensive than other (future) Rockets.

Cargo rockets can be sent out very quickly.

She calls it the Dragon 1, and NASA went with it in honor of Mary's contributions to space travel.

AN: Mary has officially made the Unmanned Space Truck of the new Lunar Program where they can eventually, launch, crash, recover and repair a rocket with impunity.


If it rolled a nat 20, I would have just given NASA that Falcon 9
AN: Mary has officially made the Unmanned Space Truck of the new Lunar Program where they can eventually, launch, crash, recover and repair a rocket with impunity.
The USSR Negaverse: They've increased the budget and found the greatest of experts to win this race!

The Nasa Negaverse: *Points at the Player Time out Corner* You should all be ashamed of yourselves! We're being schooled in Aerospace Engineering by a Five-Year-old! GO make a moon Base Design before I fire you all and give HER the government Budget!
The USSR Negaverse: They've increased the budget and found the greatest of experts to win this race!

The Nasa Negaverse: *Points at the Player Time out Corner* You should all be ashamed of yourselves! We're being schooled in Aerospace Engineering by a Five-Year-old! GO make a moon Base Design before I fire you all and give HER the government Budget!
Mary: We're calling the Dragon's Base! And it will have a Castle so that Squire Brandon can live, and towers, and-

Bruce: Time for bed young lady.

Mary: Bother.
The USSR Negaverse: They've increased the budget and found the greatest of experts to win this race!

The Nasa Negaverse: *Points at the Player Time out Corner* You should all be ashamed of yourselves! We're being schooled in Aerospace Engineering by a Five-Year-old! GO make a moon Base Design before I fire you all and give HER the government Budget!
Soooo...that actually got me curious 😅, what would it take for Mary to have the government's budget so that she can achieve her dreams of living in space?
Mary has just saved NASA Billions of dollars and a shitload of manhours designing this baby. Not to mention the actual long-term money saver of a 1st generation reparable and reusable rocket.
Soooo...that actually got me curious 😅, what would it take for Mary to have the government's budget so that she can achieve her dreams of living in space?
NASA would have to collapse and become so incredibly incompetent, that it would make the Soviet Space program look like a beacon of stability
Mary has just saved NASA Billions of dollars and a shitload of manhours designing this baby. Not to mention the actual long-term money saver of a 1st generation reparable and reusable rocket.
Yeah, and it can get better, though maybe not with Mary doing it.
Is it bad that I still feel that she should have followed her parents footsteps?

Yes...yes it is.

Seriously, we're in the second space race and so far we're so far aheaad of the curve that we're probably looping around all the others and going "on your left" as we pass them by.
All I will say is that Mary might be the second O'Brian to earn the Presidential Medal of Freedom.

Though in saying that, she's young, she has time to do other things.
Man, Mary is probably going to be the inspiration for kid genius shows like Dexter's Laboratory, Jimmy Neutron and Phineas and Ferb. Lots of kids will be arguing with their parents that the shows are realistic and suddenly the kid genius trope gains a whole lot more weight, lol.

Is it bad that I still feel that she should have followed her parents footsteps?

Yes...yes it is.

Seriously, we're in the second space race and so far we're so far aheaad of the curve that we're probably looping around all the others and going "on your left" as we pass them by.

The Year 20XX
Russia: Finally, we have landed a man on the moon.
US: Bro, you're so fucking behind, I just invented FTL and made contact with Aliens. Skill Issue bruh.

Yeah, I also do kind of wish Mary went into filmmaking as she's got a lot of imagination and creativity and I would have loved to see her types of stories and be involved in movies like How to Train your Dragon. If Mary did become a scientist, would have prefered it originate from rolls instead of an award. At least she's living her best life and is happy. Hopefully Sarah will be the first artistic O'Brian.

Poor Sarah, Joseph, George, Billie and whoever else Goslings we make. They're going to have a pretty titanic shadow to live in thanks to Mary and while I'm sure Bruce and Carrie will love all the kids equally, it's gotta be tough in public. At least Joseph seems set to be a super athlete, Sarah will probably have it tough as the next O'Brian girl and so far she seems pretty normal, just loves art. Maybe she'll be an American Oda in talent or Billie will inherit her parent's acting skills.
Yeah, I also do kind of wish Mary went into filmmaking as she's got a lot of imagination and creativity and I would have loved to see her types of stories and be involved in movies like How to Train your Dragon. If Mary did become a scientist, would have prefered it originate from rolls instead of an award. At least she's living her best life and is happy. Hopefully Sarah will be the first artistic O'Brian.
Well, look at this way.

Mary is still only a young child, and she may decide she wants to do something else.

Then again, most young children don't have a singular desire to go into space and conquer the stars. :V

Take that Cromwell, The Irish will be leading the next age of space Imperialism, not the english:V
Poor Sarah, Joseph, George, Billie and whoever else Goslings we make. They're going to have a pretty titanic shadow to live in thanks to Mary and while I'm sure Bruce and Carrie will love all the kids equally, it's gotta be tough in public. At least Joseph seems set to be a super athlete, Sarah will probably have it tough as the next O'Brian girl and so far she seems pretty normal, just loves art. Maybe she'll be an American Oda in talent or Billie will inherit her parent's acting skills.
Well we have plenty of time to see what they decide.

Though in saying that, Joseph is going to be interesting to say the least, seeing as he seemed to have inherited Bruce's Titanic level of physical abilities.

Man, Mary is probably going to be the inspiration for kid genius shows like Dexter's Laboratory, Jimmy Neutron and Phineas and Ferb. Lots of kids will be arguing with their parents that the shows are realistic and suddenly the kid genius trope gains a whole lot more weight, lol.
You forgot one of the best sitcom/comedy series of the 2000s...

Smart Guy!

...Which now that I think about, dear God makes a lot more sense when we add Mary into the mix. Seriously, if anyone complains about it being unrealistic, they will only need to be pointed at her to shut up.
Take that Cromwell, The Irish will be leading the next age of space Imperialism, not the english:V
*Cromwell's body proceeds to spin as Michael Flatley leads the Riverdance on his grave as the Flag of Eire is planted on Mars*
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And then in Gundam, there will now be a precocious child genius that everyone protects.

And everyone in the Gundam writing staff.... will claim it was there idea.