Space Racing for Children:
You were struggling to hold yourself together as Mary was standing next to several people who wanted to get a picture with her. It was not out of anger, or fear, although you did feel both.
It was out of pure pride over the fact that Mary just… did the impossible. Well, it was impossible for anyone who had a degree in engineering. But lacked imagination.
That was the thing, imagination was what saved the Sea Dragon. The Rocket could launch from the Sea, into orbit, and crash down in an area where it could be easily recovered.
Bryanfan's Roll:Sat Aug 10 2024 14:24:36 GMT+0800 (Philippine Standard Time)
Roll : 1d100 : 99, TOTAL: 99
What Mary Did:
D20 => 13
But instead, she did something even better. A way for the rocket to land, be softer, and be reusable. Now that was of course not entirely perfect, and it could only be used for future unmanned cargo hauling because any attempt to use it for manned space flight was liable, and very likely, to kill the pilot.
It was something that Mary racked her brain about for a very long time, she didn't want people to be hurt with her rocket.
Then Mary made her computer-controlled robot with ilm, and it was a stroke of genius that would change what she was hoping for. Using new computer technology, maybe in the future, the rocket could be shot up into the atmosphere, deliver its cargo, and… then do a controlled crash, either into the ocean for recovery, or to attempt its landing on the ground for, hopeful recovery.
And with the current material now in use, the rocket could, with a high likelihood, not need major repairs when it's recovered.
It was the kind of thinking that was needed to solve a problem that you honestly didn't know there was, but it was the thinking that made NASA salivate at the possibility.
They could launch dozens of rockets, within a few weeks of each other. And while they would not be reusable, they could be easily recoverable, repaired…
And used again.
It was not the perfect solution, but it was good enough for the time being.
And NASA was looking for one thing.
Good enough for now.
And as Mary was congratulated on it, she only smiled, waved, and happily… her mind going to something else.
Reward: Mary has designed an unmanned cargo rocket, that can, (Barring extreme circumstances), be reused and recovered, and repaired, using the Sea Dragon design as its base. While it is not totally completed, and the rest of the work would need to be completed by other NASA engineers…
The Rockets will be made significantly cheaper… though still more expensive than other (future) Rockets.
Cargo rockets can be sent out very quickly.
She calls it the Dragon 1, and NASA went with it in honor of Mary's contributions to space travel.
AN: Mary has officially made the Unmanned Space Truck of the new Lunar Program where they can eventually, launch, crash, recover and repair a rocket with impunity.
If it rolled a nat 20, I would have just given NASA that Falcon 9