Lights... Camera... ACTION!!: A Hollywood Quest

Turn 101 Results (November-December 1982)
Turn 101 Results (November-December 1982)

-[X]Resiviour Dogs: Quinton has earned a film and he made it well. Now let's see what this kid can do. DC: 30 Rolled: D100 => 97+20=117

Quentin may have just become one of the hottest directors in Hollywood. Mostly because he has decided to break every convention that one thought was possible in Hollywood.

And it was in the best way possible.

(Continued in: Resiviour Dogs)

-[X]The House of Ideas: Stan Lee and the boys and girls at Marvel are… Well they have some ideas and you are just going to be giving a nod and a wave because that was all you want to do. Also a new guy named Akira… wanted to take pictures of you sparring and training as reference photos. DC: ??? Rolled:D100 => 13

Well, you had hoped to do it, but Stan Lee actually had to go to Japan. For what reason you did not know, but something about him needing to buy out something that Akira needed.

So… crap. You were actually quite excited about that.

-[X]Mary's Escapades: You want to know just what Mary does whenever she sneaks out and visits Mike. DC: ??? Rolled:D100 => 4

Mary and Mike did not say a damn thing, and it was worrying for you for a minute, as you thought Mike was doing something you would not approve of.

Then you saw the blueprints in his office that no one had ever seen before, and you were ushered out by your daughter. Saying "They are not ready!"


-[X]An Early Christmas party: Mike is busy in December, and wants to have the party early. You agreed. Mostly because the next action plan might kill him. DC: 0 Rolled:D100 => 79

The party was something of a subdued little thing, all things considered.

The festive spirit of the Christmas/Thanksgiving party had led to…

Other things. Really everyone had decided to go home for the next few days, leaving the office rather bare for celebration.

Especially Quinton who had taken his friends and production staff out to some incredible parties.

In fact, the only people here in the building were George, Mike, and you.

All three of you looked at each other as you sat on the roof, looking at what you built.

"You know when I was hoping for things to change when we started this up… I wasn't expecting this." George said as he looked at Mike and you, both sitting on the chairs you brought up to the roof.

Mike only let out a gruff curt sound. "And you two would have blown all your money without me."

You frowned. "That's unfair Mike." you said.

"I may be a money-grubbing asshole to the rest of the world, but tell me with a straight face that you two wouldn't have decided to do something insane for charity, or blow it all on trying to change what we can do for cinema."

At that, both of you remained silent. Then Mike laughed. "Well I can't say I blame you, you two took a risk, with this, and with me, and you enjoyed the fruits of your labor in a way that no one has ever really seen before. You change Hollywood… fuck you changed the world, in a way that I'm proud to be a part of."

"The fact you make tens of millions a year also doesn't hurt." George said.

"That too…" He then raised his glass. "To Lucasfilms Unlimited. To another year of crazy non-stop insanity."

"And to push the boundaries of what is possible." You replied.

Reward: It wasn't a party, but it was enough.

-[X]The New Blood: So... Who wants to work for Lucasfilms? DC:???
--[X]Director Rolled:D100 => 62
Who is hired:D20 => 17

Well Damn, you looked at the two men. "Joel Coen? And Ethan?"

"Yeah." They said.

"Okay, why are you here, besides the obvious."

"You told Sam he couldn't make our script, and that took balls."

"Mike was the one, but you are correct. It was a bad script. One that would have derailed his career."

"And that's why we're here. We wanna thank you."

Oh. "And you want to work for me?"

"Yeah, who the hell wouldn't."

Reward: Joel and Ethan Coen are now directors and writers within the writing room, and can be used. Only together, however.

-[X]The USFL: Carrie has another sports team under her belt, and she and the USFL are finally releasing their press statements. So let's see how you will do it. Also, Carrie said you needed to be there for a reason that would be amazing. DC: 40/??? Rolled:D100 => 100

Carrie, what the hell is wrong with you. You were going to have a nice day and now you were here.

Also, why is Donald here!? Dad said he was nothing but a crook and a poor excuse of a new yorker.

(Continued in: A New United States Football Leauge)
-[X]Castles in the Sky: Mary says her rocket designs are ready. So she wants you to help her deliver it. DC:10/??/??? Rolled:D100 => 99

Mary smiled. "THEY ARE READY!"

And you think that she is going to change everything.

Then you saw the boxes that were there… and all of them were to be delivered to NASA.

(Continued in: Space Racing, for Children)

-[X]The Family Time: You need a night out with the family dammit! No more drama, no more work, just you and Carrie and the Kids! Rolled:D100 => 12

As you looked at the family, you were just happy that they were happy.

Mary had been happy with the news of her awesomeness, as she claimed, and it was funny to see that she was about to have some crazy adventure again.

Then Joseph was glued to another sport that he had become incredibly obsessed with. That of the the Gridiron. Football. He had been enamored by it since Carrie had begun to watch tape and read about it and it has become something of a fun thing to see him play with other balls. And he wanted to play… with anyone, especially you, which was something you were struggling to find time with because honestly, as much as you wanted to try and balance everything.

It was starting to get hard.

And Sarah had discovered, much to your horror, Disney Coloring books.

And she had decided to use them to start drawing other things in her own way, and it was honestly… adorable. Even if it was using Disney.

Damn Cat, she was going to win Aunt of the Year.

And Carrie was smiling as you were in charge of cooking tonight.

Reward: A nice fun evening.

-[X] Hanging out with the Friends: It's been far to long since you, John, and Robin hung out, so you will go out for some drinks and have some fun. DC: 45 Rolled:D100 => 75

You were trying your best to not laugh at everything. "Come on John, tell us?"

"Screw you, Bruce." He said. "Let's talk about work instead."

Robin then began laughing. "Oh boy, struck a nerve, it's not like me and Valerie don't have any bumps… speaking of bumps, Bruce, I am going to have a son and I need you to be the godfather!"

"Wait what? Congratulations!" You said, "When?"

"Don't know yet, don't care, do I have you!" He said.

"Yeah, but why didn't you tell us earlier?"

"You were in Monaco, and you know how much bullshit me and John sometimes get up to?!" He smiled.

"Oh god." You facepalmed. "What did you do?"

"Well you know Mary has always been a fun person, and she draws so much crazy sauce I don't understand, but what I do know, is that Debbie might have chased us out with a broom when we hopped the fence."

You groaned. "God dammit."

"What you asked, and thankfully, she didn't hit me too hard. John on the other hand-"

"That lady is crazy." He replied.

"Wait didn't I give you the key to my house, so you didn't need to hop the fence?" You asked.

John then realized something. "Robin you bastard!"

The two then began to scuffle.

You were missing something but decided to just enjoy your drink instead. Let those two vent their frustrations.

Reward: You have a good time with your friends. Though they have had antics that you didn't know about.

-[X] A Charitable Heart: You want to invest your newfound wealth. Maybe even save some lives while you are at it. (Linetail what you wish to invest in below this action, and the amount of money you want to donate in)
--[X] Giving Out Turkey [$50 Million]: With Thanksgiving right around the corner, you want to make sure that any struggling families will be able to afford to celebrate the holiday by donating turkeys through your organization, FEAST, for any family who needs it. Rolled:D100 => 92

To think that it was the last minute idea, but there was going to be a problem. The stores already had it…

So you just went to some of the big retailers and offered them a lot of money for them to… Donate, while you cover the costs.

After realizing that they had a surplus, they decided that instead of facing through the goose… they did their best to deliver a great turkey.

Reward: You have maybe intimidated people to do some good.

Even if you paid them lots of money.

-[X]Networking: Well time to start finding out who might actually be interested in meeting you. (Write-in what you want to try and network with)
--[X] Bob Clark. Bob Clark is trying to create a film called "A Christmas Story" about a boy and his family's misadventures in 1940's America. It kind of reminds you a lot of Dad's Christmas stories and Lucasfilms needs more holiday movies. Contact Bob and see if you can make it a Lucasfilms production. Rolled:D100 => 11

Bob said no, mostly because he was looking for other offers first. He thought he had a good idea, but…

Well, he wanted to test his options. Mostly because there is a director he wants to hire, but he doesn't know if he can have


-[X] While you're in New York to see Marvel, turn it into a Thanksgiving family vacation to spend the holiday with your parents and see the Macy Parade. Rolled:D100 => 86

To say the parade was a highlight of any New yorkers year was an understatement, and it was the beginning of the holiday season.

The fact it was a wonderful parade with wonderful floats was absolutely the best, especially Snoopy, the kids favorite… though near the end, it was clear that they were getting very tired and overwhelmed by the people. And when it was over, you had to carry all three in your arms to get back to the Whale to let them sleep.

Reward: You had a wonderful time at the parade, but the kids are getting tired from it, and you had to carry them home.

-[X] Do auditions(Movies and TV Shows): You are going to go to some of the casting calls that are in the place where you can find work in. DC: 20(Possibility of only getting a commercial or TV show job, or extra work in a low-budget film) Rolled:D100 => 97

So… It seems, once you put yourself out there, every single person in god damn Hollywood was after you… Because Bruce O'Brian being in it, meant people watched it.

(Continued in: Good God, they put that kind of effort for you?)
Last edited:
A New United States Football League
A New United States Football League:

The press conference that was gathered around was something that you were not really expecting to gather in. Really, sports media and that stuff were in Carrie's Wheelhouse, but honestly, there was something that you would have to accept. Carrie was pregnant, and she wanted you to help her with it. Plus she said that "Everything will make sense."

But then you saw… Him. That bloated, cocky, arrogant New Yorker who gave new yorkers a bad name, and there were plenty of New Yorkers that could have that title. A man is interested in only his vanity, his love for money, status, and acclaim was something that made you sick to your stomach, without any, noticeable kindness for love and charity in his heart. A man who, your father, has invested a fortune and no small amount of effort into making miserable and protecting New York from his influence… but failed in some ways, and succeeded in others, especially with the saving and renovating of Coney Island.

Donald J. Trump. Head of the Trump Organization, and a famous New Yorker, known for his personality, his buildings, investments… and many other things you didn't even really know about. Or care about.

"Carrie, why is he here?" you grimaced as he sat down, smiling at you and waving to the media.

"He owns the New Jersey Generals." She whispered. "Why is that a problem?"

"That guy is nothing but trouble." You said.

"That's your father talking." She replied.

"My father is usually a good judge of character." You replied.

She then frowned. "I remember him hating Mike when he first met him. Then cooling off when he worked with him."

You frowned. "He's not perfect. But still, I don't like him."

"Well, you don't have to like him. You just have to tolerate him, and don't say anything stupid that will make people dissect your every word." She replied.

"But he's-"

"Like Mike?" She asked. "Or at least the idea of Mike before you got to know him?"

Damn, she really had you. "Maybe."

Then the man you distrusted by his story, walked over, and he had a smile on his face. "What's the problem with him?"

Then he realized who he was talking to. "Oh, you're Joseph's son."

"I am." You replied.

"I knew he liked to have winners and you're the winningest one of them all."

You frowned. "Excuse me?"

"You and your brother and sister all found success in Hollywood, in whatever you put your minds to, but you were the one who found that greatest success. You're going to love working with me. I promise you that." He said, as he then excused himself back to his team.

He wasn't bad… but he rubbed you the wrong way.

But maybe he might be interesting and competent enough to win… maybe.

Carrie then laughed. "He likes you."

"Likes me?" You asked.

"Yeah, I met him a few days ago, and he's…" She paused. "Interesting. He didn't try to make himself into the topic of conversation while talking and he complimented you."

You frowned. "I don't think he likes me, if anything, he dislikes me."

"You let your father cloud you, I saw how annoyed you were getting." She said. "Donald doesn't choose his words well and likes to anger people."

You frowned. "Why?"

"He wants to win, and be successful, and will let no one forget when he succeeds."

Then David Dixon appeared and everyone began clapping. "Thank you everyone. When I formed this league, I did so in the perseverance and love of Football. We came to this, to give Football a new life in the spring. This is the culmination of this experiment, to put the product on the field to make it the best football that anyone can see.

Many people here think that this will not work, but I refuse that notion of the more pessimistic notion. We have veteran sports owners like Carrie O'Brian, who has already proved the wish for championship glory and the building of great teams. We have a group of owners who will see this vision through. Players who are the best in the world coming to play with us…"

He then waited for the applause to finish. "This is the United States Football League."

Reward: Thanks to many many backroom deals with Carrie helping out drawing in some of her moms and her friends, the USFL has nationwide coverage for all the games, in the Spring…

Donald has proven himself to be an incredibly popular public (Ownership) face of the league because he is happily arrogant, and brash, and has proclaimed "He was going to win the championship this year."

The Ownership that met with Carrie and David are far more likely to follow the league rules and prevent overspending, especially since Carrie is not willing to open her pocketbook any more than she already has to find owners who love the game.

The USFL, barring an act of God or arrogance from within… might be the next big thing.

AN: Going to be honest with this one, I kinda got a little... board writing it. Like I wasn't as excited as I was to write it last night, and I feel like it kinda got...


But I hope you enjoy.
Space Racing for Children
Space Racing for Children:

You were struggling to hold yourself together as Mary was standing next to several people who wanted to get a picture with her. It was not out of anger, or fear, although you did feel both.

It was out of pure pride over the fact that Mary just… did the impossible. Well, it was impossible for anyone who had a degree in engineering. But lacked imagination.

That was the thing, imagination was what saved the Sea Dragon. The Rocket could launch from the Sea, into orbit, and crash down in an area where it could be easily recovered.

Bryanfan's Roll:Sat Aug 10 2024 14:24:36 GMT+0800 (Philippine Standard Time)
Roll : 1d100 : 99, TOTAL: 99

What Mary Did:D20 => 13

But instead, she did something even better. A way for the rocket to land, be softer, and be reusable. Now that was of course not entirely perfect, and it could only be used for future unmanned cargo hauling because any attempt to use it for manned space flight was liable, and very likely, to kill the pilot.

It was something that Mary racked her brain about for a very long time, she didn't want people to be hurt with her rocket.

Then Mary made her computer-controlled robot with ilm, and it was a stroke of genius that would change what she was hoping for. Using new computer technology, maybe in the future, the rocket could be shot up into the atmosphere, deliver its cargo, and… then do a controlled crash, either into the ocean for recovery, or to attempt its landing on the ground for, hopeful recovery.

And with the current material now in use, the rocket could, with a high likelihood, not need major repairs when it's recovered.

It was the kind of thinking that was needed to solve a problem that you honestly didn't know there was, but it was the thinking that made NASA salivate at the possibility.

They could launch dozens of rockets, within a few weeks of each other. And while they would not be reusable, they could be easily recoverable, repaired…

And used again.

It was not the perfect solution, but it was good enough for the time being.

And NASA was looking for one thing.

Good enough for now.

And as Mary was congratulated on it, she only smiled, waved, and happily… her mind going to something else.

Reward: Mary has designed an unmanned cargo rocket, that can, (Barring extreme circumstances), be reused and recovered, and repaired, using the Sea Dragon design as its base. While it is not totally completed, and the rest of the work would need to be completed by other NASA engineers…

The Rockets will be made significantly cheaper… though still more expensive than other (future) Rockets.

Cargo rockets can be sent out very quickly.

She calls it the Dragon 1, and NASA went with it in honor of Mary's contributions to space travel.

AN: Mary has officially made the Unmanned Space Truck of the new Lunar Program where they can eventually, launch, crash, recover and repair a rocket with impunity.


If it rolled a nat 20, I would have just given NASA that Falcon 9
Good God, they put that kind of effort for you: (Turn 102, December 1982)
Good God, they put that kind of effort for you: (Turn 102, December 1982)

You looked at many of the shows that were being pitched to you and you frowned. "You're serious?"

Turns out everyone wants to see you on TV.

What do you choose?:

[]Miami Vice (Crocket): Michael Mann wants to see you in the starring role of the TV show. Though he knows it's hard for you, and has no plans to ask again, he thinks you are the right sense of rough, ready and charming, and he says "Brutality" that he needs for the role of as he calls it "A Supercap" You can't say that he's wrong. He's also hoping that you can help him get some of the supercars for the set. And get the FCC to back off.

[]Magnum PI (A Villian): So it seems that folks at CBS, or more likely, Lucille, wants to give you one last parting gift before she retires to a new adventure. Being a special episode guest star on Magnum PI, where you play a former Vietnam soldier, turned Drug Lord in Hawaii, trying to wage his own personal war on the Vietnam refugees that, in his mind "Gave up on their fight for liberty" and that of the communist Vietnam. An interesting character to be sure, but one that could turn cartoony is played by a lesser actor. Perhaps that is why you were chosen.

[]The A-Team (A Villian): So the folks at NBC want you to be a sort of foil to Face in one of the episodes, a charismatic womanizer who, unlike Face, has no lines he will not cross, and is a vicious monster.. Do you think it would be a nice challenge, seeing as he will get killed at the end of the episode? Absolutely. Do you think it will make you feel… icky? Yes it will, but that is the challenge of doing roles.

[] None of these seem interesting (you don't act on any of these ideas)
You have 12 Actions

Lucasfilms Actions:

[]Getting Something Made: So Michael Mann, needs you to use your connections within the government and FCC…. to get Miami Vice made. If you weren't staring in it, you are going to have to see what it was going to take to get it made. DC:???

[]Mike Eisners Contract: He's back, and wants to negotiate for more money. You think he can't seriously think that he would get more of Lucasfilms… right? DC: ???

[]The Mike Eisner Action Plan of 1983: Well this is going to be fun. Steve is out, so is Martin, and Francis… and alot of others due to wanting to work on personal projects, or family… this is going to be fun DC: 0

[]The Dark Crystal: You think that things will be great about this film. You can just feel it DC: 25

[]The House of Ideas: Stan Lee and the boys and girls at Marvel are… Well they have some ideas and you are just going to be giving a nod and a wave because that was all you want to do. Also a new guy named Akira… wanted to take pictures of you sparring and training as reference photos. DC: ???

[]A Favor: You are owed a favor at Colombia Pictures, so might as well call it in. DC: ???
-[]Write in what it is?

[]The People who want you to star in a movie: With most of Hollywood open to you again after the informal ending of your banishment from nonlucasfilm and TV productions, there are a few films that have come to your attention. DC: ???

[]Investing in the Future: You want to Spend some of that money you made into the company and make the whole thing better DC: ??? (Linetail what you want to invest in, and how much money you want to invest in it)

[]Look for Investors: Not that you need the money now, but maybe you can get people on board with this idea you have. DC: ???

[]Distributing Deals: Since you have a Distribution Company, or rather, are one… You can meet the major movie theater companies and strike a Deal with them. Even when you had nothing to offer them. DC: ???

[]Importing Foreign Films: So… you may have a way to get some films showing in American Theaters. Maybe you can go to other foreign film industries and… well, ask to distribute their films. Sure many of those foreign film companies never expected an American company to distribute their films in the US… but maybe you can get money without producing them. (Linetail where you try to get films from, and if there are any specific films, line tail them below) DC: ???

Personal Actions:

[]Christmas: You and your family will have a wonderful Christmas. DC: 0

[]The Ideas of Industry: This action is meant for a write-in to act as a sort of Idea machine for the company. You must detail what you want to do below this action. This action can be taken multiple times.

[]Best Friends: So Mary has lots of friends, and she wants them to come over. You need to prepare for that. Carrie, get the cookies.

[]The Family Time: You need a night out with the family dammit! No more drama, no more work, just you and Carrie and the Kids!

[]Hanging out with the Friends: It's been far to long since you, John, and Robin hung out, so you will go out for some drinks and have some fun. DC: 45

[]A Well-Known Fan: So some really famous person is a fan of yours. Maybe you'll learn who they actually are. DC???

[]Learn to play an instrument: You want to learn how to play something DC: 80 (You have no idea what the hell you are doing.)

[]Investments: You want to invest your hard-earned cash into something that you feel will be a good return on investment. And as well as diversify your assets DC: 0 (Linetail what you wish to invest in below this action, and the amount of money you want to invest in)

[]The O'Riely Foundation Lobbying: You want California to help the men who have given nearly everything and more to this country. DC: ??? (Linetail how much money you want to throw at it, and what you want from the State)

[]A Charitable Heart: You want to invest your newfound wealth. Maybe even save some lives while you are at it. (Linetail what you wish to invest in below this action, and the amount of money you want to donate in)

[]Networking: Well time to start finding out who might actually be interested in meeting you. (Write-in what you want to try and network with)

[]Pray: It had been a long time since you went to Mass. You wish for the Lord to give you strength. DC: ???

[]Action Directing: It seems the town has been talking about how much of a beast you are at just being a stunt person. In fact, they knew you were a student of Bruce Lee. And they think you know how to stage and block a fight? Maybe you can DC? ???

[] Do auditions(Movies and TV Shows): You are going to go to some of the casting calls that are in the place where you can find work in. DC: 20(Possibility of only getting a commercial or TV show job, or extra work in a low-budget film)

[]Modeling (High Fashion): So you got a call from a photographer in LA, some no name. But that no name works for Gucci. And he wants you on their next lineup of products. And he needs you to model for him. Which is great… one problem, you have no idea what the hell you are doing. DC: 60

[]Modeling (Advertisements): Thankfully another Call Came in, one from an ad firm. They need you to have some pictures taken so that they are used for saner things. Like selling cars, or ice cream. DC: 40

[]Workout: A Healthy Mind and a Healthy Body are Key to having a good life, and you have been slacking as of late. Time to hit the workout and discipline, and perhaps, see things differently. DC: 30 Reward: You work out and feel better.

[] Ask Clint if you can act in a movie of his: You know you want to see if you can act opposite him, for a good time. DC: 40 (Clint wants to work with you.)

[] Gophering, and other signs of stuff: You want to try and learn how work behind the camera works, and what better way than being a gopher. DC: 50 (You have no idea what the hell they were doing, and you have no idea either)

[] Take a walk: Dad always said that the best ways to get inspiration are by walking, talking, and being open-minded. So you'll try that. DC: 10 (You are just going for a walk, what could be really said?)

[] Register in a theater: There are quite a few theater troops that are looking for some seasonal help for some play's that the regulars could not get to. Perhaps you can work there for a while. DC: 40 (Everyone wants to be famous here in Hollywood.)

[] Go to a bar or something to make jokes: You wanted to try some comedy, perhaps you can try. even with your shit timing. DC: 40 (Your Lack of comedy chops is going to be something that will bite you.)

[] Practice writing: You want to write something, maybe even a script. At least to learn the craft. DC: 20 (You try your hand at screenwriting, and maybe get something that is worth a damn.)

[] Research stuff, see if anything piques your interest: You may have graduated High School as a kid, but you never stopped trying to learn. DC: 15 (Write-in what you want to learn about below)

AN: Plan format.
Turn 102 Results (December 1982- January 1983 Results)
Turn 102 Results (December 1982- January 1983 Results):

The Writers Room Scripts:
Light of Day:D100 + 200 => 270

Pulp Fiction:D100 + 200 => 300

Robert Lee Scott: Tiger and Propeller:D100 + 200 => 276
Pen Pals:D100 + 200 => 285
(Special Action in the Action Plan unlocked)

-[X]Magnum PI (A Villian): So it seems that folks at CBS, or more likely, Lucille, wants to give you one last parting gift before she retires to a new adventure. Being a special episode guest star on Magnum PI, where you play a former Vietnam soldier, turned Drug Lord in Hawaii, trying to wage his own personal war on the Vietnam refugees that, in his mind "Gave up on their fight for liberty" and that of the communist Vietnam. An interesting character to be sure, but one that could turn cartoony is played by a lesser actor. Perhaps that is why you were chosen.

SP Roll:D100 + 30 => 99

Audience:D100 + 30 => 98

Critics:D100 + 30 => 104

You will be honest, you were not at your best here. That was true, being a few weeks away from the family before Christmas was turning you lethargic and broken… and it made everything better.

Now you were not going to say that you stole the show, far from it, but you played a broken man, who wanted nothing more than to watch people burn, before the conclusion he was not so different than the monsters and people he fought for.

That he never came back from the jungle, and his war never ended. You didn't like how the story ended, with a less than somber moment where Magnum contemplates all the horrors he committed before resolving to just work harder…

But honestly, you were just happy that you were able to do such a good job.

And a lot of people like it. Lots of people…seemed to think that this was one of the best episodes of Magnum PI, and wished you would be part of an action-adventure TV show so everyone could watch it.

Maybe. There wasn't anything that you wanted to do, and TV work was difficult, MASH proved that. But maybe.

You were sure other things would come along.

Reward: You made the episode, and it was wonderful. While not your best performance, with the script and the other actors it was a wonderful tour de force.

-[X]Getting Something Made: So Michael Mann, needs you to use your connections within the government and FCC…. to get Miami Vice made. If you weren't staring in it, you are going to have to see what it was going to take to get it made. DC:??? Rolled:D100 => 88

It turned out that the FCC was willing to not throw it's weight around and censor it, due to a few very… very big loopholes.

The biggest one of them being… that your channel was a premium channel, and not on network or cable television… and then you got bored and ran all the way to Michel to get his show made.

And while you were still bound to not show extreme sex or violence, there was a lot more wiggle room.

Reward: You get the man's show made, and he enjoys everything about it.

-[X]Mike Eisners Contract: He's back, and wants to negotiate for more money. You think he can't seriously think that he would get more of Lucasfilms… right? DC: ??? Rolled:D100 => 100

You thought you were about to negotiate with him.

Instead, he just came with one request.

"I don't want to be a producer anymore. Let me run this damn studio and not worry about any movies."

You actually wanted to talk to Mike about that, but then he left another note underneath the other one, as if he knew you would ask... "I can't do my job if I'm worried about other things. So let me do what I do best."

The last note was almost perfect. "Keeping you idiots from blowing all your money. Though i do expect a raise. And George already agreed to it."

You smiled and set the notes away.

Reward: Mike has no more producer credits he needs to do anymore, and he only needs to get paid 15 million dollars a year.

Unknown Bonus.

-[X]The Mike Eisner Action Plan of 1983: Well this is going to be fun. Steve is out, so is Martin, and Francis… and alot of others due to wanting to work on personal projects, or family… this is going to be fun DC: 0 Rolled:D100 => 57

Mike has no real plan, but he has an idea. But the problem was, you didn't have a lot of directors…

And he needed a Conan Movie. Which meant you were expected to get back in the saddle.

(Continued in: Mike Eisner Action Plan of 1983)

-[X]The Dark Crystal: You think that things will be great about this film. You can just feel it DC: 25 Rolled:D100 + 20 => 30

You think you released it at the wrong time, what with Resiviour Dogs still out, Gandhi being an incredible historical film…

Actually, who the hell was Eddie Murphy, and why was he so damn funny?

(Continued in: The Dark Crystal)
-[X]Pray: It had been a long time since you went to Mass. You wish for the Lord to give you strength. DC: ???
--[X] Attend Christmas mass and give thanks for you and your family being safe this year. Rolled:D100 => 5+20=25
-[X]Christmas: You and your family will have a wonderful Christmas. DC: 0 Rolled:D100 => 48

To think that it was quiet, it was peaceful, and nothing happened.

In fact, you were almost amused by it, you were suspecting something to happen. But instead, nothing happened.

So you enjoyed every second of it. And had a wonderful Christmas.

-[X]Best Friends: So Mary has lots of friends, and she wants them to come over. You need to prepare for that. Carrie, get the cookies. Rolled:D100 => 28

The Christmas party for Mary's friends was… filled with movies.

And cookies and lots of sweets. There was a holiday special that was there the Peanuts one, and everyone loved that one, thinking it was special. Even though it was an annual thing…

Really you were just surprised that Mary didn't want to play games with her friends, but it seems that even the boundless energies of youth could not stop to TV… and other fun things.

-[X]The Family Time: You need a night out with the family dammit! No more drama, no more work, just you and Carrie and the Kids!
--[X] Sarah has developed a strong fascination with painting. Perhaps you can spend some time doing watercolor portraits with her. Rolled:D100 => 9

You were terrible at it. Terrible you say, you were better with a camera capturing art. But this… was something else.

Sarah was just happy you were with her, though she kept on correcting you. And it was quite funny to see Carrie taking pictures of it.

IT was going to be on a collage soon, you could feel it.

--[X] Joseph wants to play sports with you, be a good dad and play whatever he wants to do. Rolled:D100 => 60

Catch, you were playing catch with your son with a silly leather glove and it was fun.

Then you realized that as a little toddler, he was throwing hard. Very hard…

And he got you in the chest.

And it really hurt, cause you were unprepared.

-[X]A Well-Known Fan: So some really famous person is a fan of yours. Maybe you'll learn who they actually are. DC??? Rolled:D100 => 71
The Fan:D20 => 6
You got a letter from a nice kid who loved your movies. Some kid named Matt… Demon or something, he spelled it wrong.

That was nice.

Reward: Matt Damon is a huge fan.

-[X] Research stuff, see if anything piques your interest: You may have graduated High School as a kid, but you never stopped trying to learn. DC: 15 (Write-in what you want to learn about below)
--[X] Learn German Rolled:D100 => 43

Learning German was much harder than you thought.

But at least it was easier than the Japanese.

The Digital Camera Revolution: D1000 => 974 (JESUS CHRIST GEORGE!)

Do you think George said he would change things?

Well he must have said something, because he did.

(Continued in: "What's in your Hand? "A smoothie")
The Mike Eisner Action Plan of 1983
The Mike Eisner Action Plan of 1983:

"Who's on Vacation?" You asked.

"Steve is on vacation, same with Paul, John, Wes" George then paused. "Um, and Martin."

Mike almost looked ready to burst a blood vessel. "What?"

"Well we did ask a lot from them, and well, I gave it to them."

"We're down Directors? When we are about to have a great year?"

"Yes." George replied.

"Mike calm down. At least Francis can work."

That was when George spoke up. "Francis is out to, for a personal project."

Mike was about to scream. "God! I have all the damn young kids and you two."

"Alright, calm down." You said. "At least you aren't."

"Oh no Bruce, If I have four directors out, we need to shore up the films… That means you owe me."

"I don't owe you anything? Mike, we pay you." You said.

But then you realized George's hand. "Uh… I promised Mike he could get a Conan film from you this year."

"My wife is pregnant!" You said.

"I'm not asking you to go immediately, but George made a promise." he said.

Damn you George, this was how you managed to get mikes services. You made promises.

Do you Make Conan The Destroyer/Conquerer:
[]Yes: Alright you win Mike.
[]No: I can't do that, not right now (will cause friction between you, Mike and George)

Sunrise can create two shows this action plan, and one option for Gundam.
That Option Can Be:
ZZ Gundam
War in the Pocket
8th ms team
The current Lucasfilms Warchest:

9,321,140,220 (This is the money you have available for producing the movies.)

Directors Available (Live action)

The Coen Brothers: Joel and Ethan, young up and coming directors who so far are better known for aiding Sam in editing his film, and for trying to suggest that he direct Crimewave. Sam swears by them though, and so far they do display the potential for greater projects. Their interest seem to lay in genre hybridity, and despite your offers, they still insist on working together for their movies.

- Brian De Palma: Brian is the odd one out. He likes directing, has a strong directing talent and he's great for budget and other things. But he has a problem that, in his opinion could be a problem. He's not the best at working with original screenplays, preferring to adapt novels, stories or even outright remaking others than trying his best to make his own. He said that he strongly believes that if he has a framework, he can make it better because he can contort the story to the cinema. And well, he's the only one who hasn't really gone over budget or schedule. Yet he hasn't really worked on huge projects before, so it would be a change for them.

- Wes Craven: Up until John Carpenter burst into the scene, Wes Craven was widely considered the most proficient at Horror films...A title which he doesn't seem that fond of. Wes is good at what he does, his work in the horror genre could be called pioneering even now when he's just starting. Yet at the same time, he wishes to try and expand his horizons beyond what he already knows. Nevertheless, he is a prolific writer and director, willing to give his all in every production, and innovate at every chance he gets.

- Sam Raimi: A promising young Director who's just made his debut with "The Evil Dead", a movie that made a splash during the Halloween season. Sam is best known for his dynamic camera work, unorthodox style of filming, unconventional storytelling and a desire to experiment with unconventional angles and framing. Along with a unique editing style, he often blends horror or action with a healthy dose of dark humor. He injects witty one-liners or situational comedy into even the tensest moments, balancing the tone and engaging audiences with unexpected humor.

-Quinton Tarintino: A Literal teenager who has no experience with any sort of filmmaking besides what he learned watching at video stores and from what he gained as an assistant director working with Sam. He's very much an experimental filmmaker with no preconceived notion of what is right and wrong when making a film.

- Ron Howard: An acclaimed actor who has participated in some of the greatest television series of both the 60's and the 70's. He also worked with you and George in American Graffiti which is how you managed to get ahold of him when he was ready to make the transition from actor to director. From his time and experience as actor he's learned the ins and outs of what it takes to work on TV, but time will tell if he has what it takes to move to the big screen.

- Michael Mann: A relative newcomer who has made waves since the last decade working as a screenwritter for several TV Shows, all Police or crime serials so far. You can see his experience in darker type of films, as well as how his stylistic style tends to show principal characters being forced to make critical decisions, as well as being psychologically layered. A preference for realism in films also has him depend more on practical effects than the newly technological advances pioneered by your studio.


- Yoshiyuki "Kill Em All" Tomino: Head of Animation of DreamWorks, and easily one of the more talented men who work, and the man you put in charge to get your grubby little hands on Gundam. He has since proven himself to be one of the most valuable assets in Dreamworks, and despite all the work and culture clash that his arrival and subsequent hiring has caused to the American and Japanese staff, he's wonderful, though a bit depressive, and needs some help to remind himself he's truly great. He gained his nickname because Gundam had the highest body count of an Animated show... it even made it into the world record book. And he wants to make it bigger.

- Noboru "The Eagleman" Ishiguro: Another director who you hired and haven't worked with at all, mostly because he's either helping Tomino, spending time with John and Ron... or trying to get his American pilot's license. He also has been going around every airport and military base in the state to get footage of an F-16 flying, which have only been out for a month. The man loved his aircraft, and most flying scenes were under his watch, and they were the best in the industry.

- John Musker and Ron Clements: John and Ron are those two guys that work on everything, don't say anything, but always want to be doing well. Ever since their debut with "A Classical Tale" they've gathered a following of those animators who much enjoy working in more traditional projects, as well as those who keep themselves on the sidelines. You don't know how, but they just seem to bring out the best of everyone under them. They are great. And really that's all you have to say. They are great.

- Don Bluth: The Second in command, and you are damn sure he sees himself on that when it comes to Animation. Not that you could gainsay him. Out of every one of your new set of animators he is the most experienced, and the most dedicated to the art of 2D animation, to the point that he's already being called "The Old Man" by the rest. Bluth's style is still miles above everything you've ever seen, and it actually makes you wonder what the hell was Dinsey thinking by canceling his debut movie. Well, their loss is DreamWorks' gain.

- Brad Bird: Also called "The Fledgling", Brad is a graduate of Cal Arts that decided to go with the new up and coming companny rather than the already established Disney. So far he hasn't regretted his decision, making Director at such a young age, and already trying for new assignements. So far he's working on whatever you're able to find for him, but his ambition is on new and untested stories, ideas that have yet to be given a chance.

- John Lasseter: Graduate of Cal Arts that also joined at the same time as Brad, but his interest clearly lie in computer animation and the newly established Pixar division where he spends nearly the entire day; helping with the technicians and the computer experts, learning everything about this new way of creating animated images, and pushing the boundaries on what it can accomplish for the future of animation. He's a hard man to dislike, with his own brand of humor and charm. Just don't put him and Bluth in the same room!

- The Playground (A Fantasy Coming of Age film that splits between kids and adults like a simple DND Campaign. No one but Carrie knows what that is, but no one said they weren't interested in it.)

- Tijuana Takedown (Dave's… Okay, you'll say it, Cyberpunk Epic. Honestly, you don't see the appeal. George likes it, but that's just because of the technology required to make it is beyond anything that anyone else has. But you think someone might like it… You think. No one has any idea on how to make it)

- Prince of Persia: The Thousand and Second Night (Sands of Time Must be completed before this one can be made)

- Prince of Persia: Thus Spoke Zoroaster (Sands of Time and The Thousand and Second Night mmust be completed before this one can be made)

- The Slenderman (Mike said to wait for produce this one. Maybe he knew something about other things)

- Deliver us From Evil (Mike has a plan for that next year. You trust him with that)

- Across America in 90 Days: (A comedy that is all the better for being true)

- La Victoire En Chantant: (The tale of Napoleon from his first assignement till his exile. Might be a bit redundant now that Kubrick is planning his saga, but perhaps it's still salvageable).

- Used Cars: (The satire is strong in this one, and the whole deal with used cars make it a fun movie to make).

- Romancing the Stone: (An adventure story, one that truly seems to live up to the name).

- The Hobbit: An unexpected Journey: (First part of the Hobbit tale, hopefully Christopher will agree to the changes made to the books).

- Dune (Part 2): (You'll need to finish making Dune (Part 1) before starting this one).

- Messiah of Dune: (You'll need to finish making Dune (Both parts) before starting this one).

- Gilbert and Sullivan: The Musical: (The tale of some of the best compossers told in the musical style and with compossitions they created).

- Big Wednesday: (This story just sounds like a beautiful, and tragic, coming of age story. Perhaps with the right actors it can be a true contender).

- Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters: (You don't know what it is about it, but the dark re-interpretation just sounds so cool).

- A Dream of a Dream: (Carrie wrote this for Debbie, and if her reaction is anything to go by, then this is one that will hit you in the feels).

- An American Saga: Rise to Rebellion: (The first movie of a trilogy about the American Revolution, showing both sides of the conflict, as well as the spirit of revolution that pushed the founding fathers to fight. A story worthy of being called a Saga).

- Back to the Future: (How did Zemeckis came up with this?! It's abolutely amazing, a franchise in the making if the ending is anything to go by as well).

- Back to the Future Part II: (Robert was working with one of his friends, Bob Gale, and… the script for Back to the Future was pretty damn good… but this one had left you with questions.)

- Back to the Future Part III: (The conclusion, and a really fun one if you have anything to go by. Time Travel is always difficult to work with)

- Conan the Destroyer: (An original story sent by an author for a possible new movie of Conan. It's not bad, though it may need some revising if you want to keep it in the same spirit as Howard's previous tales).

- Call of Duty: Ghosts: (A tale set in the same universa as Tijuana Takedown, though this one seems to be a bit more on the nationalist side than the previous one).

- Lucius: (This one is going to give you nightmares for days to're not even sure if there's going to be a child brave enough for this role).

- Wendy the Witch: (Ah, a movie involving one of the old Harvey comics characters. Seems like a fun reinterpretation, though you're not sure how well would it be accepted).

- Stormchasers: (This movie just screams "Coming of Age" story, and you can't find anything that would stop you from making it)

- Forgotten Realms: Honor Among Thieves: (Oh, those moralists are going to hate this movie. More than enough reason to try and amke it you suppose).

- Snow White and the Huntsman: (John was on break for filming Red Dawn and had a few days to play with; he locked himself into a room with Dave Alister, and a copy of the Brothers Grimm...he wrote the script in a few hours, called it "Cinema Therapy").

- Star Wars: Death Troopers: (Dave went behind George's write a Star Wars horror movie about zombies. Despite all the gore it is surprisingly good, and shows al the evil of the Empire).

- 261: (The tale of Kathrine Switzer, the first woman to ever run the Boston Marathon. Her life and struggle, as well as her victory).

- Flight of the Navigator: (This film seems to want to push Special Effects to the limit, and you're more than willing to let them try).

- The Mask of the Black Death: (You just know Kurasawa is involved in this, and you can't find anything wrong with that. A beautfil homage to one of Poe's greatest works indeed).

- The Last Warchief - Joseph Medicine Crow: (Holy crap, this guy is still alive and kicking, but what a life he must have lived so far!)

- Wise Guys: (Wait, isn't this The Bros but in the 30s? Hopefully it works better this time around).

- Star Wars: Rogue One: (Another great entry in the Star Wars Universe...but does it have to paint the rebels in such a light?).

- Promised Neverland: (Well, if nothing else this is going to shock some parents and their families).

- Dark Waters: (An interesting take on Fairy Tales, and an epic that is unique if nothing else).

- Model UN: (Well, you can clearly see this one going places. It's about time someone thought to do something like this).

- Still Wakes the Deep: (Huh, a Pitch for Ardmore, and one that makes full use of the near area as well. You can work with this).

- The Autopsy of Jane Doe: (You're really putting in effort into the horror genre, let's hope this one is another banger).

- Late Night with the Devil: (Chilling, terrifying, and easily done. The entire found footage angle is amazing as well).

- Limitation of Harm: (A horrifying movie in fake documentary form. Truly amazing to see).

- Still Wakes the Deep (Ardmore Studios): (An amazing horror tale that takes much from Lovecraft and the political climate of the era).

- The Imitation Game (Ardmore Studios): (His biography just came out, but Alan Turing does deserve to be better known by all).

- St. Patricks Batallion: (It's been a while since you had a historical script with you. This might be fun)

- Sleepless In Miami: (An interesting look at illicit substances and the damage they can a satirical comedy way of course).

- The Venetian Enchantment: (An "Urban Fantasy" film.,,you hope it's at least well developed)

- Red Day: (The sequel to Red Dawn. Must have done said film before this one).

- Red Twilight: (The Sequel to Red Day. Must have done Red Dawn and the previous film before this one).

- Michael Collins (Ardmore Studios): (The tale of perhaps the greatest hero of Ireland's independence war. A must do).


Animation Scripts:

- Atlantis: The Lost Empire: (Everyone in the animation department wants to see this one done, though you think you can do a better job if you watch for a little while).

- Tarzan: (No one has actually tried making an animated version, despite how obvious it should be that this is the best medium to better show his adventures).

- The Legend of Sinbad: (One of the most amazing stories that deserve more love, and hopefully more adventures in the future).

- War for the Crystal: (An amazing original fantasy adventure that could rival Lewis' travels to Narnia if you're creative enough)

- The Legend of Chun Hyang: (An old korean folktale now adapted and given some interesting new perspectives. This should also be an OVA, hopefully it gets picked for an anime as well).

- Cars: (A beautiful story of finding oneself among a greedy and corporate sport, while also building on the idea of friendship found in the most unlikely places).

- My Princess, you must die!: ( An interesting OVA which also subverts spectations in a fun way, while also adding some character developement).

- Here Today: (A short animated film whose exploration on music and feelings will bring everyone to reconsider animation as art once more).

- Detention: (You feel somewhat ashamed of how good this story is...yet is also happening in real life).

- El Cantar de Mio Cid: (A proper Spanish animated film, and taking on one of its greatest legends as well).

- The Frog Princess: (A beautiful take on a classic tale, and set on colorful New Orleans as well. A must do if there ever was one!)
Francis Ford Coppola can serve as producer of 2 films while directing one film, currently.

Oliver Stone and Edward Neumeier can produce one film each

Don Simpson and Jerry Bruckheimer can each produce 2 films.

George and can Produce 1 film.

Sunrise Productions can produce 2 Animated Films or shows of your choice.

Dreamworks can produce 2 Animated Film or can join Sunrise and grant a +200 to Quality on a Sunrise Animated Project.

Ardmore Films can produce 2 films.

Example Vote for one person:

What Film does Martin Direct:
-[]The Playground
-[]Budget:10 Million
-[]Producer: George Lucas.

Example for Sunrise/Dreamworks:

What Film does Dreamworks work on:
-[]Work on Gundam with Sunrise
-[]Budget: 15 million.

Example for Malpaso Productions
-[]Work on Your own picture Clint
-[]Budget: 10 Million
Last edited:
What do You Have There, A Smoothie?
What do You Have There, A Smoothie?:

George Lucas was a genius, you knew that since you met that man on the Set of THX 1138. When he started talking about things that you didn't understand.

He was a man who loved movies, cameras, lenses, and above all else, making movies and making movies better for everyone. That was why he made THX, and Skywalker sound and worked with several thousand movie theaters and companies to get them into the latest and greatest film-presenting technology. He wanted digital cameras, not only so that film could move forward, but to make it easier for everyone.

It was why you were surprised by what you saw George was with. "George, what is in your hand?"

In his hand was a small, hand-held camera that was blinking and, if you had to guess. Working, while connected to one of Steve's or… maybe it was one of the Pixar's own, Computers.

In the other hand, was a chocolate strawberry smoothie that one of the Pixar guys was making for everyone working overtime.

"A Smoothie." He replied as he took a sip, and you knew he was fucking with you.

"You know what I am talking about." You said.

"Oh, this." He took a picture and the flash surprised you.

"Hey the heck!" You said as you rubbed your eyes, and George smiled as he walked over to the computer. "What are you-"

"Watch this!" George said, as the computer chugged along, you saw a photo appear there in a minute. "See!" he was so excited to say that.

It was the same photo he took but you were… not impressed. "So?" You replied.

George than pressed the print button on the computer, and then a minute later, a full-color photo appeared.

Now that was impressive. "So that means."

George smiled. "Yep. Anyone can print out their photos from a computer that has this printer." He pointed and slapped the printer. "Your brother came up with it."

God bless Gavin. "How did Steve take it?"

"Jobs was pissed that he didn't come with it, and Woz just wanted to keep the two from killing each other, then. So the usual."

"We really need to get those three to bury the hatchet." You replied. "Imagine what they would do if they just worked together instead of playing off one another."

Then George laughed. "Sounds like some people we know."

"But can it be mass-produced?" You asked.

"I want it to… every single person in America can have a digital camera if I have anything to say about it." He said.

Reward: Mass-produced Digital Cameras are being made, and now produces an income of a massive billion-dollar industry.

Regular film camera industries will soon collapse.

Unknown Effect.
Turn 103 (January 1983)
Turn 103 (January 1983)

You looked at the man across from you and wondered just what the hell you did to deserve this bullshit.

It was because you looked at Mike and Sid both looking like they were ready to kill each other. The animosity that was between the two men was legendary, ever since Mike decided to hitch his horse with your own after Sid and his cronies ignored his calls.

The stories that spread around the office got wilder every time it was told, and honestly, you enjoyed the crazy bullshit that was spread, from a meeting gone wrong to an offer that Mike turned down because he was unhappy with the offer.

To your favorite, somehow getting an early script of Star Wars… which was the most stupid of them all as only two scripts existed and George had it. But considering Mike's own ideas and love of Star wars, and the money it made, you let it spread whenever you did interviews.

But sid was undeterred. "Mike, Bruce."

"Sid." You replied.

Mike said nothing. He only glared at the man who had slowly become a hated enemy. You may dislike Sid for his scummy business practices and handling of several projects you and George worked on…

But Mike's hatred was something akin to a blood feud.

You approved. "Well Gentlemen, I think we can make something credible. We know that-"

"Yes and your spies have already been thrown out too. Same with Ruperts." Mike said.

"I have no idea-" Sid started.

"Don't take me for a fucking idiot. I'm not you." Mikes words were almost clearly pointed at him, an Sid did not approve of it.

"You're right I'm not. But I do know that Star Wars will come soon, and we've already adjusted for that." He replied.

"So why are you here?" You asked.

"I wanted to see what Mike's new contract siad, see if I could persuade him that-" Sid than stopped and sighed. "Clearly I underestimated that he did not have a lust for more power, which surprised me."

Mike only glared. "You should have seen what he wanted… 10%, I wondered just how George managed to take a pay cut and lose all that power he has over you and George."

Mike only smiled. "Well you seem to forget something Sid, something that most people fail to ever have."

"And what is that?"

"Bruce and George trusted me." Mike smiled. "And thats something you will never fucking have Sid, so if you don't have anything else to say, get out of my office."

Sid excused himself and you looked to Mike. "The Mike I knew would have never been so angry?"

"The Mike you know, may be an asshole, but he's also loyal to his friends." He replied. "And to the bottom line."

"You know my daughter thinks your a loot goblin who is only interested in money, power and fame…"

"Well, your daughter is half right." Mike said.

"What Part?" You asked.

"That's for you to find out." Mike replied.

(AN: God dammit Mike stop trying to become the Main character. You are already becoming the ensemble Darkhorse… You made Overmind Like you, and he hated you.)

You have 12 Actions

Lucasfilms Actions:

[]The Score: A Good Ole Heist Movie, you've always wanted to be in one. DC: ???

[]Helping out a Friend: So Mike has a problem. Well not a problem, more of a… non- nepotistic scheme. He wants to get his son into a low-level executive position, and he needs a contact. He's asked you. DC: 30

[]Lucasarts Japan: Sakaguchi and his cohorts in Japan have all but told you that there is a problem with the Console that you are all making. A Problem called, Nintendo, and their Famicom, or whatever the hell it was called. Something about licensing. DC: 20

[]Some Kids in America: Hideo Kojima, Jordan Mechiner and some other developers are trying to make their games… problem, they all have different ideas and they have to focus, and they asked you to take a look at the ideas they have, and well... help them narrow it down. DC: ???
-[]Write in what you think they should do

[]The House of Ideas: Stan Lee and the boys and girls at Marvel are… Well they have some ideas and you are just going to be giving a nod and a wave because that was all you want to do. Also a new guy named Akira… wanted to take pictures of you sparring and training as reference photos. DC: ???

[]A Favor: You are owed a favor at Colombia Pictures, so might as well call it in. DC: ???
-[]Write in what it is?

[]The People who want you to star in a movie: With most of Hollywood open to you again after the informal ending of your banishment from nonlucasfilm and TV productions, there are a few films that have come to your attention. DC: ???

[]Investing in the Future: You want to Spend some of that money you made into the company and make the whole thing better DC: ??? (Linetail what you want to invest in, and how much money you want to invest in it)

[]Look for Investors: Not that you need the money now, but maybe you can get people on board with this idea you have. DC: ???

[]Distributing Deals: Since you have a Distribution Company, or rather, are one… You can meet the major movie theater companies and strike a Deal with them. Even when you had nothing to offer them. DC: ???

[]Importing Foreign Films: So… you may have a way to get some films showing in American Theaters. Maybe you can go to other foreign film industries and… well, ask to distribute their films. Sure many of those foreign film companies never expected an American company to distribute their films in the US… but maybe you can get money without producing them. (Linetail where you try to get films from, and if there are any specific films, line tail them below) DC: ???

Personal Actions:

[]Carrie's Cravings: So Carrie, as you learned has some strange cravings, but most of the time it's normal. This is not one of those times. DC: ???

[]The Art of the Siblings: So Mary has proclaimed it was a silly time. And that meant you had to grab your costume. DC: 0

[]The Ideas of Industry: This action is meant for a write-in to act as a sort of Idea machine for the company. You must detail what you want to do below this action. This action can be taken multiple times.

[]Best Friends: So Mary has lots of friends, and she wants them to come over. You need to prepare for that. Carrie, get the cookies.

[]The Family Time: You need a night out with the family dammit! No more drama, no more work, just you and Carrie and the Kids!

[]Hanging out with the Friends: It's been far to long since you, John, and Robin hung out, so you will go out for some drinks and have some fun. DC: 45

[]A Well-Known Fan: So some really famous person is a fan of yours. Maybe you'll learn who they actually are. DC???

[]Learn to play an instrument: You want to learn how to play something DC: 80 (You have no idea what the hell you are doing.)

[]Investments: You want to invest your hard-earned cash into something that you feel will be a good return on investment. And as well as diversify your assets DC: 0 (Linetail what you wish to invest in below this action, and the amount of money you want to invest in)

[]The O'Riely Foundation Lobbying: You want California to help the men who have given nearly everything and more to this country. DC: ??? (Linetail how much money you want to throw at it, and what you want from the State)

[]A Charitable Heart: You want to invest your newfound wealth. Maybe even save some lives while you are at it. (Linetail what you wish to invest in below this action, and the amount of money you want to donate in)

[]Networking: Well time to start finding out who might actually be interested in meeting you. (Write-in what you want to try and network with)

[]Pray: It had been a long time since you went to Mass. You wish for the Lord to give you strength. DC: ???

[]Action Directing: It seems the town has been talking about how much of a beast you are at just being a stunt person. In fact, they knew you were a student of Bruce Lee. And they think you know how to stage and block a fight? Maybe you can DC? ???

[] Do auditions(Movies and TV Shows): You are going to go to some of the casting calls that are in the place where you can find work in. DC: 20(Possibility of only getting a commercial or TV show job, or extra work in a low-budget film)

[]Modeling (High Fashion): So you got a call from a photographer in LA, some no name. But that no name works for Gucci. And he wants you on their next lineup of products. And he needs you to model for him. Which is great… one problem, you have no idea what the hell you are doing. DC: 60

[]Modeling (Advertisements): Thankfully another Call Came in, one from an ad firm. They need you to have some pictures taken so that they are used for saner things. Like selling cars, or ice cream. DC: 40

[]Workout: A Healthy Mind and a Healthy Body are Key to having a good life, and you have been slacking as of late. Time to hit the workout and discipline, and perhaps, see things differently. DC: 30 Reward: You work out and feel better.

[] Ask Clint if you can act in a movie of his: You know you want to see if you can act opposite him, for a good time. DC: 40 (Clint wants to work with you.)

[] Gophering, and other signs of stuff: You want to try and learn how work behind the camera works, and what better way than being a gopher. DC: 50 (You have no idea what the hell they were doing, and you have no idea either)

[] Take a walk: Dad always said that the best ways to get inspiration are by walking, talking, and being open-minded. So you'll try that. DC: 10 (You are just going for a walk, what could be really said?)

[] Register in a theater: There are quite a few theater troops that are looking for some seasonal help for some play's that the regulars could not get to. Perhaps you can work there for a while. DC: 40 (Everyone wants to be famous here in Hollywood.)

[] Go to a bar or something to make jokes: You wanted to try some comedy, perhaps you can try. even with your shit timing. DC: 40 (Your Lack of comedy chops is going to be something that will bite you.)

[] Practice writing: You want to write something, maybe even a script. At least to learn the craft. DC: 20 (You try your hand at screenwriting, and maybe get something that is worth a damn.)

[] Research stuff, see if anything piques your interest: You may have graduated High School as a kid, but you never stopped trying to learn. DC: 15 (Write-in what you want to learn about below)

AN: Plan format.

Also, I will get the rewards for those pitches and omakes tomorrow.
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Turn 103 Results (January-Febuary 1983)
Turn 103 Results (January-Febuary 1983)

-[X]The Score: A Good Ole Heist Movie, you've always wanted to be in one. DC: ??? Rolled:D100 => 39+20=59

Turns out, that sometimes what the people want is a good heist movie.
(Continued in the Score)
-[X]Helping out a Friend: So Mike has a problem. Well not a problem, more of a… non- nepotistic scheme. He wants to get his son into a low-level executive position, and he needs a contact. He's asked you. DC: 30 Rolled:D100 => 8

You refused, he was 13 for goodness sake, and despite his obvious talent, you weren't exactly in the mood to bring that kind of media scrutiny on your company, even if it was for Mike.

Mike was unhappy about that, claiming that Mary and Wally did the exact same thing.

But you told him that you were not paying them, that the ILM staff didn't have to listen to them, and that their buildings never really did anything…

Except when it drove you insane when they decided to try and change the world.

And you were going to go grey when that happened. But you still refused.

Failure: Mike is a bit unhappy with it all.

-[X]Lucasarts Japan: Sakaguchi and his cohorts in Japan have all but told you that there is a problem with the Console that you are all making. A Problem called, Nintendo, and their Famicom, or whatever the hell it was called. Something about licensing. DC: 20 Rolled:D100 => 5

Sakaguchi was unhappy as you looked at him through the video call, and it was clear that the man was on the verge of becoming far more angrier than you suspected. "It's the cartridge we are looking to use for our system. It's under their patent."

"Is it going to be a problem?" You asked.

He shook his head and then you saw all the frustration in it. "They are claiming it's proprietary. A weak claim, but that is the problem, if we brought it to court it could take years, and then we will have wasted time."

"Do they want anything?" You asked.

"They don't want us to use it, and if we try to use it, we'll be sued."

You then took a breath. "Can you just, make something else?"

"That will take time." He replied. "And I don't know how we can do that without committing patent fraud."

That made you smile. "You'll think of something, and if not, I'll send in Mike. He always seems to get people to agree with him when money is involved."

Failure: You might need to invent your own stuff, or send in the negotiators.

Because Nintendo was looking to for something to use to negotiate or to stop the competition from trying to encroach on their territory.

-[X]Some Kids in America: Hideo Kojima, Jordan Mechiner and some other developers are trying to make their games… problem, they all have different ideas and they have to focus, and they asked you to take a look at the ideas they have, and well... help them narrow it down. DC: ???
--[X] Focus on Rescue on Fractalus Rolled:D100 => 91

You looked at the crew and gave them the Rescue on Fractalus game. George liked it, and it had potential.

So you had that.

And those kids were like rabid hounds trying to build it up.

Reward: Rescue on Fractalus will soon be released in May as an exclusive on Lucasarts console.
-[X]Importing Foreign Films: So… you may have a way to get some films showing in American Theaters. Maybe you can go to other foreign film industries and… well, ask to distribute their films. Sure many of those foreign film companies never expected an American company to distribute their films in the US… but maybe you can get money without producing them. (Linetail where you try to get films from, and if there are any specific films, line tail them below) DC: ???
--[X] Canada. Carrie brought to your attention some Canadian animated film called "Rock and Rule", an animated rock opera whose creators approached her a wild back for the rights to one of her songs for the film. Sounds like a fun concept, see if it can be a Lucasfilms release. Rolled:D100 => 3+20=23

Reroll:D100 + 20 => 21

Reroll 2:
D100 + 20 => 24

As much as you try to bring in the negotiation, you could not. Because it seems that MGM has had it… and they paid top dollar for it.


-[X]Carrie's Cravings: So Carrie, as you learned has some strange cravings, but most of the time it's normal. This is not one of those times. DC: ??? Rolled:D100 + 30 => 99

Chocolate-covered caviar.

That was the kind of shit you suspected crazy rich people would have for their bashes and not care for stuff… but you were forced to get creative. Caviar was not something you normally shopped for, but you knew some people who were able to get you quite a bit. Chocolate thankfully was easy to get to, any grocery store had it.

Anyway, as you got it and began mixing, you were sure that your wife was looking at you with a glare of both evil and…

Well, she did what you suspected. Took a spoon to the Chocolate-covered caviar, and ate it.

It was disgusting, but fascinating to see her scarf it down.

Reward: Carrie got her cravings fulfilled… and you were just happy that you were not forced to sleep on the couch.

-[X]The Art of the Siblings: So Mary has proclaimed it was a silly time. And that meant you had to grab your costume. DC: 0 Rolled:D100 => 56
-[X]The Family Time: You need a night out with the family dammit! No more drama, no more work, just you and Carrie and the Kids! Rolled:D100 => 14

It was times like these that you wished, for a time when your kids would try something normal, like painting, or acting. But no, they would rather be adventurers of the greatest kind, while trying to slay the great king who had taken the land and placed it under his dark command.

"This is for the bedtime! We shall be free from its tyranny!" Mary proclaimed while Joseph and Sarah cried as they tackled you. At least you got to be the King this time, the Evil king that was ruling the land of home with an iron hand.

Carrie was laughing as she kept filming it, and adjusted Joseph's costume, as he began losing his hat. He chose to be the ranger/Robin Hood because he wanted to wear a hat like he wished.

And Sarah, unlike her sister, wanted to be the greatest bard of them all.

All three of them went on you into a hug to try and change you.

You smiled as you just accepted your fate, and the evil king was defeated.

You tucked them into bed as you stood next to Carrie. "You know, I missed this." You said.

"The Kids tackling you?" She asked.

"No just being able to have a fun time. No worries."

"You just want to be able to ignore the dread of having to leave for a few months."

You huffed. "The last time I did this, I-"

"This time, you're doing it because Mike and George asked you, and it's not like you will be gone for too long." She said. "Promise."


Then she kissed you. You didn't need to say it this time.

Reward: You played the evil king to your children, and they enjoyed that.

-[X]Hanging out with the Friends: It's been far to long since you, John, and Robin hung out, so you will go out for some drinks and have some fun. DC: 45 Rolled:D100 => 19

Not that you didn't mind having them over, but John and Robin just had dinner before they left, because they did not want to get involved with the playing time with the kids.



-[X]A Charitable Heart: You want to invest your newfound wealth. Maybe even save some lives while you are at it. (Linetail what you wish to invest in below this action, and the amount of money you want to donate in)
--[X] $30 Million. You want to fund efforts to help in the conservation of the Pyrenean Ibex. Rolled:D100 => 97

You don't know what exactly you will be doing, but you did several videos, some PSA's, and other things.

You don't know if it did things… actively, but you were…

Happy with it.

Reward: Unknown Effect.

-[X]Pray: It had been a long time since you went to Mass. You wish for the Lord to give you strength. DC: ???
--[X] Pray for Gavin and his wife Susan that they're able to conceive and have a child. Rolled:D100 => 81+20=101

You don't know if He was listening. But you know that there was His love all the same.

And then you heard the news. And all was right.

Reward: Maybe your prayers were answered… maybe they were not. But He works in mysterious ways.

-[X] Do auditions(Movies and TV Shows): You are going to go to some of the casting calls that are in the place where you can find work in. DC: 20(Possibility of only getting a commercial or TV show job, or extra work in a low-budget film) Rolled:D100 => 83

So it seems that TV was back on the menu. And really, it seems that they wanted you to be a main stay on television.

(The Beginning of next turn will have the choices)

-[X]Workout: A Healthy Mind and a Healthy Body are Key to having a good life, and you have been slacking as of late. Time to hit the workout and discipline, and perhaps, see things differently. DC: 30 Reward: You work out and feel better. Rolled:D100 + 30 => 119

It had been months since you really went all out on your exercises, and it hurt.

Your arms hurt, your legs hurt.

Everywhere hurt.

But you were satisfied because when it was all over, you could hear Carrie purr at you when she saw you coming out of the shower.

She enjoyed what she saw.

And you were satisfied that you could still look like an adonis
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Turn 104 (Febuary 1983)
Turn 104 (Febuary 1983)

You looked at the football game with less enthusiasm on the field than your son, who was practically glued to the action as he watched the screen go and the play continued.

You had never really been to a football game before, and despite the huge crowd, it was oddly quiet. Although it was not for the lack of trying, you had worked very hard to make sure the earplugs for your son and yourself were tight and proper. You were not going to hear the ringing in your ears if you could help it.

Not until you had to deal with Conan of course, and all that Mike and George threw at you. Damn, you had actually been delaying and not really working on that for the last month because you were not ready, but then again, why would you not be ready. The script was brilliant, the entire story was an excellent second chapter, not in the vein of Star Wars where it is dark and downtrodden, but of a triumph, where Conan changes, not from a man, but to a leader, with a lone and star crossed but doomed romance with his first enemy then captain, then lover Bêlit… who you have always considered, from Howard's stories, his first, and greatest love… and it was hard to see why.

Howards wrote her well, and despite the story being rather… bare on plots, other writers had expanded to make it beautiful.

But there was a problem. Queen of the Black Coast, was a naval story, with looting, plunder, and ocean. And you knew that that kind of filming was going to be hell. You knew from experience and Steve's own stories, that filming on the ocean was a challenge with the best crew… so, you had Robert Jordan combine the story with another, to give you more time on the land and make it better.

As such, People of the Black Circle was added in, and it was quite fun to change a few locations around for Conan's adventures and have Conan be a pirate rescuing a queen… it sounded like all good fun. And it would be nice to include some more badass conan characters.

Were you thinking about making a film when you were supposed to be watching the Super Bowl with your son?


But honestly, it was starting to lose its luster after the third quarter. It wasn't even a game. The Browns were kicking ass, and you think it's going to be a blowout.

But Joseph was so enjoying it that it honestly worried you. How could he like this game? Was it the crowd, was it the atmosphere, the game itself?

You wanted to know what was going through that head of his. You loved him, but even you weren't that in love with sports as a child.

Though then again, your first book as a child was the complete work of Shakespeare. Or was it the bible, or Conan, you couldn't remember, and Mom and Dad changed the story every time.

Oh well, you were just going to sit back and enjoy the American tradition. Football with your son. You just wished it was… a better game.

Maybe Carrie's League will be better.

12 Actions Available. Must do at least 2 Conan Actions

Conan Production Actions

[]Casting Call: It's been a while since you have done this, so it's best to get it done and done early. DC: 0 (Begin casting miniturn)

[]The Oceans Sailing Extravaganza: You are going to have a smooth sailing production… pun only slightly intended. So learn from Steve and make things work.

[]I am afraid this will have to be shot on location: You keep on looking at the ideas and stories, and one dreadful thought comes to you. You would have to shoot on location. Time to prepare for that… eventuality.
-[]Write in where you will shoot on location (must be within Southern Europe, or the Middle East)

[]I can make this work: You will try to shoot in LA… Maybe, you will look to the Magicians and see what kind of magic they can cook up. DC:???/???

[]Preparing for Conan: You are going to be honest with yourself. You are out of shape to play Conan. That was just the plain honest fact. So you will become Conan once again. DC: 70

Lucasfilms Actions:

[]Beverly Hills Cop: Don Simpson wants to make a cool movie with a new comer, Eddie murphy. And he needs a budget. DC: ???

[]Sisu: You are wanting to see how Sam would do in his second film. DC: ???

[]Wait Nick What now: Jack Kirby has all but demanded you play Nick Fury in the new animated TV show he's cooking up. Something about… having the Eastwood Astetic, without needing Clint. Alright, you'll go for it. DC: ???

[]The House of Ideas: Stan Lee and the boys and girls at Marvel are… Well, they have some ideas and you are just going to be giving a nod and a wave because that was all you want to do. Also a new guy named Akira… wanted to take pictures of you sparring and training as reference photos. DC: ???

[]A Favor: You are owed a favor at Colombia Pictures, so might as well call it in. DC: ???
-[]Write in what it is?

[]The People who want you to star in a movie: With most of Hollywood open to you again after the informal ending of your banishment from nonlucasfilm and TV productions, there are a few films that have come to your attention. DC: ???

[]Investing in the Future: You want to Spend some of that money you made into the company and make the whole thing better DC: ??? (Linetail what you want to invest in, and how much money you want to invest in it)

[]Look for Investors: Not that you need the money now, but maybe you can get people on board with this idea you have. DC: ???

[]Distributing Deals: Since you have a Distribution Company, or rather, are one… You can meet the major movie theater companies and strike a Deal with them. Even when you had nothing to offer them. DC: ???

[]Importing Foreign Films: So… you may have a way to get some films showing in American Theaters. Maybe you can go to other foreign film industries and… well, ask to distribute their films. Sure many of those foreign film companies never expected an American company to distribute their films in the US… but maybe you can get money without producing them. (Linetail where you try to get films from, and if there are any specific films, line tail them below) DC: ???

Personal Actions:

[]An unforeseen surprise: Carries in labor, and you both thought she had another two weeks. But it seems that God and the baby had other plans. DC:

[]The Art of the Siblings: So Mary has proclaimed it was a silly time. And that meant you had to grab your costume. DC: 0

[]The Ideas of Industry: This action is meant for a write-in to act as a sort of Idea machine for the company. You must detail what you want to do below this action. This action can be taken multiple times.

[]Best Friends: So Mary has lots of friends, and she wants them to come over. You need to prepare for that. Carrie, get the cookies.

[]The Family Time: You need a night out with the family dammit! No more drama, no more work, just you and Carrie and the Kids!

[]Hanging out with the Friends: It's been far to long since you, John, and Robin hung out, so you will go out for some drinks and have some fun. DC: 45

[]A Well-Known Fan: So some really famous person is a fan of yours. Maybe you'll learn who they actually are. DC???

[]Learn to play an instrument: You want to learn how to play something DC: 80 (You have no idea what the hell you are doing.)

[]Investments: You want to invest your hard-earned cash into something that you feel will be a good return on investment. And as well as diversify your assets DC: 0 (Linetail what you wish to invest in below this action, and the amount of money you want to invest in)

[]The O'Riely Foundation Lobbying: You want California to help the men who have given nearly everything and more to this country. DC: ??? (Linetail how much money you want to throw at it, and what you want from the State)

[]A Charitable Heart: You want to invest your newfound wealth. Maybe even save some lives while you are at it. (Linetail what you wish to invest in below this action, and the amount of money you want to donate in)

[]Networking: Well time to start finding out who might actually be interested in meeting you. (Write-in what you want to try and network with)

[]Pray: It had been a long time since you went to Mass. You wish for the Lord to give you strength. DC: ???

[]Action Directing: It seems the town has been talking about how much of a beast you are at just being a stunt person. In fact, they knew you were a student of Bruce Lee. And they think you know how to stage and block a fight? Maybe you can DC? ???

[] Do auditions(Movies and TV Shows): You are going to go to some of the casting calls that are in the place where you can find work in. DC: 20(Possibility of only getting a commercial or TV show job, or extra work in a low-budget film)

[]Modeling (High Fashion): So you got a call from a photographer in LA, some no name. But that no name works for Gucci. And he wants you on their next lineup of products. And he needs you to model for him. Which is great… one problem, you have no idea what the hell you are doing. DC: 60

[]Modeling (Advertisements): Thankfully another Call Came in, one from an ad firm. They need you to have some pictures taken so that they are used for saner things. Like selling cars, or ice cream. DC: 40

[]Workout: A Healthy Mind and a Healthy Body are Key to having a good life, and you have been slacking as of late. Time to hit the workout and discipline, and perhaps, see things differently. DC: 30 Reward: You work out and feel better.

[] Ask Clint if you can act in a movie of his: You know you want to see if you can act opposite him, for a good time. DC: 40 (Clint wants to work with you.)

[] Gophering, and other signs of stuff: You want to try and learn how work behind the camera works, and what better way than being a gopher. DC: 50 (You have no idea what the hell they were doing, and you have no idea either)

[] Take a walk: Dad always said that the best ways to get inspiration are by walking, talking, and being open-minded. So you'll try that. DC: 10 (You are just going for a walk, what could be really said?)

[] Register in a theater: There are quite a few theater troops that are looking for some seasonal help for some play's that the regulars could not get to. Perhaps you can work there for a while. DC: 40 (Everyone wants to be famous here in Hollywood.)

[] Go to a bar or something to make jokes: You wanted to try some comedy, perhaps you can try. even with your shit timing. DC: 40 (Your Lack of comedy chops is going to be something that will bite you.)

[] Practice writing: You want to write something, maybe even a script. At least to learn the craft. DC: 20 (You try your hand at screenwriting, and maybe get something that is worth a damn.)

[] Research stuff, see if anything piques your interest: You may have graduated High School as a kid, but you never stopped trying to learn. DC: 15 (Write-in what you want to learn about below)

AN: Plan format.

And for the next two turns, Write in actions will be subject to my approval, but they can be done.

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