"Nihil aliud est nisi ludus. Cur irasci debes?"
The dining hall is usually quiet, but after four years, one gets used to it. It's interesting to think about how this tradition came about. Perhaps it serves a special purpose that I am not seeing. Maybe it is meant to be a form of punishment, to keep one humble despite their circumstances. Or perhaps it is a way to reflect and contemplate on important matters.
These thoughts crossed Karol Józef Wojtył's mind, better known as John Paul II, as he ate his dinner of Mediterranean salad and cooked salmon. He looked at his planer and saw that a meeting was planned with Apostolic Delegate Pio Laghi, who had a list of potential candidates for bishops in the United States.
After finishing his meal, Karol went to his modest office on the third floor of the Apostolic Palace and waited for Pio to arrive. Pio entered the room and greeted him with a bow.
"Your Holiness," he said.
"Please, Pio, have a seat. I understand you have a list of potential candidates for the diocese in the United States?"
Pio sat down across from Karol and replied, "Yes, here are my recommendations with my personal comments and records of my interviews with them." As he handed over a thick stack of papers.
Karol thanked him and said, "I will review these and let you know my thoughts. But I sense there is something else on your mind. Normally you mail them to the Vatican. Is there a problem in the Church?"
Pio hesitated before answering, "No, everything is fine. There are just some concerns that need to be addressed."
Karol urged him "Pio please speak honestly. We've known each other for a long time, you know I won't judge"
Pio finally opened up and said, "In the United States, there is a growing concern about new forms of art and games that are seen as immoral, satanic, and are associated with the occult. These concerns have gone beyond rationality and have turned into witch hunts and superstitions. Normally, we would ignore them, but some Catholics are in agreement with these wild acusations and some Protestant preachers have turned it into an attack against Catholics and other non-Protestants, the priests and bishops are asking for a response from Your Holiness before they feel comfortable addressing it themselves."
As Pio spoke, Karol felt a headache coming on. "Let's tackle one problem at a time. Do these art and games have any connection to the vulgar and satanic?"
Pio replied, "No, Your Holiness. At worst these are just a small minority. For example, there is a game called…" Pio pulled out a notepad "...Dungeons and Dragons where players pretend to be adventurers in a fantasy world and go on quests and fight monsters. However, because magic is involved in the game, it has been accused of promoting satanism. If you're confused about it, a young boy explained to me, it is simply a way for players to create and experience their own story similar to Lord of the Rings. Other accusations are about loud music with profane but ultimately harmless lyrics. I have written about these situations in these papers."
As Pio handed over more and more papers, Karol felt more and more tired. In a world that is constantly changing and presenting new challenges to the Church, that an old problem still exists in the form of anti-Catholic animus within some parts of American society. Perhaps he should call President Reagan and see if anything could be done about it…
Original version
Ad Venerabiles Fratres Nostros, Episcopos et Presbyteros Civitatum Foederatarum Americae,
De Recentibus Curis Super Quaedam Formas Oblectationis et Earum Allegatam Coniunctionem cum Practicis Occultis ac situ in Civitatibus Foederatis Americae
Ioannes Paulus II, Episcopus, Servus Servorum Dei,
Ad Venerabiles Fratres Nostros in Episcopatu et Presbyteratu,
Salutem et Apostolicam Benedictionem.
His temporibus, Ecclesia singulares provocationes experitur dum novae formae artis et oblectationis continenter emergunt. Celeris evolution culturalium expressionum et mediae tam opportunitates quam difficultates in missione nostra ad fideles ducendos praebet. Dum has novas condiciones percurrimus, necesse est in nostris doctrinis constantes manere dum implicationes harum innovationum in spirituale bene esse communitatum nostrarum discernimus.
Relationes accepimus a Delegato Nostro Apostolico, Pio Laghi, de crescentibus curis inter fideles in vestra natione super quaedam formas oblectationis, praesertim in luce phaenomeni quod vocatur Panici Satanici. Hoc tempus timoris exagitati quaestiones et incertitudines in communitatibus nostris suscitavit, praesertim de actibus talibus quales sunt ludi fabularum, exempli gratia Dungeons & Dragons et AC/DC. In his curis tractandis, necesse est nostros fideles ducere principiis discretionis radicatis in Sacris Scripturis nostris et doctrinis Ecclesiae.
Varie formae oblectationis, inter libros, pelliculas, et ludos, saepe elementa phantasiae, imaginationis, et fabulationis comprehendunt. Cruciale est agnoscere haec elementa, dum ficticia, formam expressionis creativae esse et in proprio contextu intellegi debere. Contentum harum oblectationum pro suis meritis et intentionibus adhibendi aestimandum est. Fabulae ficticiae, quales in ludis fabularum sicut Dungeons & Dragons inveniuntur, non aequantur realibus practicis occultis, quae clare a Scripturis condemnantur.
Officium nostrum est curam pastoralem offerre, nostras communitates ducere in faciendis electionibus informatis et prudentibus. Hortamur parentes et tutores ut cum filiis suis communicent, naturam ludorum quos ludunt et valores quos promovent intellegentes. Quaelibet forma oblectationis virtutes tales quales sunt opera communia, creativitas, et decisionem moralem fovere debet. Ludi et aliae formae mediae cum valoribus nostris christianis veritatis, pulchritudinis, et bonitatis congruere debent.
Fideles hortamur ut tranquilli et rationales maneant, evitantes panicum supervacaneum. Panici Satanici saepe timore et misinformatione nutritur. Responsio nostra informata et mensurata esse debet, claritatem et consolationem praebens. Dialogum apertum et educationem in communitatibus nostris promoveamus. Officia disceptationis praebeamus ubi curae tractari possunt, et accurate informationes disseminari possunt. Continualem precationem pro sapientia et discretione hortamur, Deo confisi ut has curas navigemus. Fideles admoneamus fidem nostram in Christo validissimum esse praesidium contra quamcumque formam nocumenti spiritualis.
Cum dolore agnoscimus quod quidam praedicatores Protestantes Panici Satanici usi sunt ad insultandum et deprimendum Catholicos et alios non-Protestantes. Hoc comportamentum contrarium est spiritui unitatis et caritatis christianae. Necessarium est haec tractare cum respectu et intellectu, rhetoricam divisivam vitantes. Ecclesia firmiter stare debet in promovenda nuntia amoris, unitatis, et mutui respectus inter omnes Christianos. Meminerimus verba Domini Nostri in Ioanne 13:34-35: "Mandatum novum do vobis, ut diligatis invicem; sicut dilexi vos, ut et vos diligatis invicem. In hoc cognoscent omnes quia discipuli mei estis, si dilectionem habueritis ad invicem." Confidite nos omnia intra potestatem nostram adhibituros esse ut hanc condicionem tractemus et communitates nostras tueamur.
Venerabiles Fratres, haec tractemus cum sapientia et compassione, exempla a Domino Nostro Iesu Christo praebita. Ducendo claros, promovendo dialogum apertum, et curam pastoralem praestando, possumus communitates nostras adiuvare ut has curas cum fide et ratione navigent. Semper nitamur lumen Christi in omnem aspectum vitae nostrae adferre, etiam in oblectationibus quibus fruimur.
Gratia et pax Domini Nostri Iesu Christi sit cum omnibus vobis.
Datum Romae, die 24 Septembris, anno Domini 1982, quarto anno Pontificatus Nostri.
Ioannes Paulus II
To Our Venerable Brothers, the Bishops and Priests of the United States of America,
Concerning the Recent Concerns Over Certain Forms of Entertainment and Their Alleged Association with Occult Practices and the situation in the United States of America
John Paul II, Bishop, Servant of the Servants of God,
To Our Venerable Brothers in the Episcopate and the Priesthood,
Greetings and Apostolic Blessings.
In these times, the Church faces unique challenges as new forms of art and entertainment continuously emerge. The rapid evolution of cultural expressions and media presents both opportunities and difficulties in our mission to guide the faithful. As we navigate these new landscapes, it is essential to remain steadfast in our teachings while discerning the implications of these innovations on the spiritual well-being of our communities.
We have received reports from our Apostolic Delegate, Pio Laghi, regarding the rising concerns among the faithful in your nation over certain forms of entertainment, particularly in light of the phenomenon known as the Satanic Panic. This period of heightened fear has led to questions and uncertainties within our communities, particularly concerning activities such as role-playing games and heavy metal, exemplified by Dungeons & Dragons and AC/DC. In addressing these concerns, it is paramount to guide our faithful with the principles of discernment rooted in our Holy Scriptures and the teachings of the Church.
Various forms of entertainment, including books, films, and games, often incorporate elements of fantasy, imagination, and storytelling. It is crucial to recognize that these elements, while fictional, serve as a form of creative expression and should be understood in their proper context. The content of these entertainments must be evaluated on their own merits and the intentions behind their use. Fictional storytelling, such as that found in art and games, does not equate to real-world occult practices, which are clearly condemned by the Scriptures.
It is our duty to offer pastoral care, guiding our communities in making informed and prudent choices. Encourage parents and guardians to engage with their children, understanding the nature of the games they play and the values they promote. Any form of entertainment should foster virtues such as teamwork, creativity, and moral decision-making. Games and other forms of media should align with our Christian values of truth, beauty, and goodness.
We urge the faithful to remain calm and rational, avoiding unnecessary panic. The Satanic Panic is often fueled by fear and misinformation. Our response should be informed and measured, providing clarity and reassurance. Promote open dialogue and education within our communities. Offer forums for discussion where concerns can be addressed, and accurate information can be disseminated. Encourage continual prayer for wisdom and discernment, trusting in God's guidance to navigate these concerns. Remind the faithful that our faith in Christ is our strongest defense against any form of spiritual harm.
We also acknowledge with sadness that some Protestant preachers have used the Satanic Panic to insult and demean Catholics and other non-Protestants. This behavior is contrary to the spirit of Christian unity and charity. It is imperative to approach these matters with respect and understanding, avoiding divisive rhetoric. The Church must stand firm in promoting a message of love, unity, and mutual respect among all Christians. Let us remember the words of Our Lord in John 13:34-35: "A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another." Be assured that we will use everything within our power to address this situation and protect our communities.
Venerable Brothers, let us approach these matters with the wisdom and compassion exemplified by Our Lord Jesus Christ. By providing clear guidance, fostering open dialogue, and ensuring pastoral care, we can help our communities navigate these concerns with both faith and reason. Let us always strive to bring the light of Christ into every aspect of our lives, including the entertainment we engage in.
May the grace and peace of Our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all.
Given at the Vatican, on this 24th day of September, in the year of Our Lord 1982, the fourth year of Our Pontificate.
Ioannes Paulus II
A.N: I normally wanted to make an omake about the Lakers and Carrie but recent events have forced my hand. I've written this in a Catholic POV because I'm afraid I can't do a Protestant POV and especially an American Protestant POV justice or acurate and perhaps insult someone. I really liked the mental image of two men in their 60's and 70's trying to understand DnD and why some people seem to lose their mind over a stupid pretend game. For those who want a more abridged answer of the Church's stance on the stanic panic it is basicly: "Chill, things can only be evil and unholy if they are actively used or have been used in ocult rituals and should be judged on a case by case basis with context. Some naughty music and games are sinfull but in the normal sense, so calm down.Let's try and focus on family friendly entertainment " Also the titel is latin for: It's only a game. Why do you have to be mad?