Lights... Camera... ACTION!!: A Hollywood Quest

Hi Magoose here one of the guys helping Duke.

So we have some bad news.

The quest has been canceled as duke does not want to write it anymore.

I'm going to ask if I can take over for it, because I like this quest, and it would be a shame to kill it
TBF, Mags, you have been doing a lot of the heavylifting for the quest, so this will be in good hands. :)

To be clear to everyone, this is just me burning out on imagination of the quest, since my muse has been hitting me over the head a lot with so many different ideas that I just can't find myself too interested in this.

I'll still hang out here, though, since this still does have a sepcial place in my heart.

I'd like to thank you all for making this a wonderful experience while it lasted.

I'd also like to thank @Magoose, @Fluffy_serpent, and @Martin Noctis for doing so much to help prepare and write this quest. I couldn't have done it without you all. :D

I'll see you all around.

With so many regards, Duke William Of.
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A.N: I normally wanted to make an omake about the Lakers and Carrie but recent events have forced my hand. I've written this in a Catholic POV because I'm afraid I can't do a Protestant POV and especially an American Protestant POV justice or acurate and perhaps insult someone. I really liked the mental image of two men in their 60's and 70's trying to understand DnD and why some people seem to lose their mind over a stupid pretend game. For those who want a more abridged answer of the Church's stance on the stanic panic it is basicly: "Chill, things can only be evil and unholy if they are actively used or have been used in ocult rituals and should be judged on a case by case basis with context. Some naughty music and games are sinfull but in the normal sense, so calm down.Let's try and focus on family friendly entertainment " Also the titel is latin for: It's only a game. Why do you have to be mad?
Sadly, I could see a portion of those cases being people fishing for things to accuse, something which is also used even today.

Like Hitman being anti-woman simply because you could kill prostitutes in one level. Ignoring the fact they are never targets, and just like any other innocent character, you get penalized for killing them. And then Red Dead Redemption where a villainous speech put in to show how *Blip* one of the bounty's are are taken as evidence of the devs being anti-women. :facepalm:
It's stupid, but it is probably partly fueled by the same thing the Red Scare was, people seeking to exploit the situation to their own benefit.

Edit: But yeah, the church responding like that makes a lot of sense, especially given their historical record in dealing with other idiocies.(Witch Trials, they stubbornly insist that as there is no witches, it is basically just murder and thus not condoned by the church, not that it is listened to much. And the whole earth orbits the sun, wasn't a big deal until politics got involved, which then led to the scientist directly insulting the pope during a mostly performative trial.)
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Excerpt from a pastors sermon circa 1983
Excerpt from a pastors sermon circa 1983

Ladies and Gentlemen I have come to you on this fine day of rest not to speak of the glory of god but those who have been led astray from his light. I know you have all seen it creeping into our community. Oh it starts simple enough. Your son wants to see the latest newfangled piece of cinema from Hollywood. And why would you say no? He has been a good kid this past week and there has even been some truly virtuous film coming out of Hollywood in recent years. We've all rented Solomon Kane once or twice down are Jerry's video.
And yet you have unknowingly fallen into a trap left for good God fearing Americans. See he comes back with his head full off new ideas shoved down his throat by these California commies. These agents of satan tell him that it's okay and even cool to engage in sin. He listens to rock and roll and it infects his mind. Next thing you know he's a no good reefer smoking deadbeat willingly engaging in sloth and lust ever straying from the lords good word
It becomes our duty as children of the church to band together and fight this cultural menace wherever we can. We will fight it in the media, we will fight it at the polls, we will fight it in our schools and most importantly we shall fight in within the hearts of our children. We will tear out this corruption rot and stem and drag those who have fallen kicking and screaming back into the light. It is our sacred duty and one I willingly embrace. Come join me my brothers and sisters as we save our children from moral corruption and ensure the next generation is one of piety and purity


My goal with this was to demonstrate the fears that would lead people to support and back the Satanic panic. The leaders are clearly terrible people but the everyday folks are just people who are scared of the world changing
Killing the Curse of Tippecanoe
[]Well, that might be okay (Without the assasination attempt on the President, things begin to change)
[]I think we will see something awesome (The Culture Roll for Star WArs will not get a special event roll.)
[]Dammit all (Unknown Effect)
Commencing Virtuous Mission
THat was fucking adorable.

[]This is a Stealth mission (Hideo begins to have an idea for a game, not fighting the guards, but avoiding them)
[]I'm in front of the facility (Unknown effect)
[]The Spies are getting thrown out into the cold (Thanks to Kojima, all the spies that Fox has in the building were fired.)
"Nihil aliud est nisi ludus. Cur irasci debes?"
There will be a bonus to a roll in 1984.

You will know it when you see it.
Excerpt from a pastors sermon circa 1983
This makes me madder then I want.

Good job.

Though it is a little short. Know that the tide will eventually turn.

And a bonus will occur.
Mary the Mighty, the Queen of DND!
Mary the Mighty, the Queen of DND!:

There were over twenty children at your home and you looked at them all being incredibly happy at playing with Mary and Carrie.

That was to say, you were watching twenty children focusing on the game that Mary introduced them to, and after everything, you were still surprised. Carrie, in her infinite wisdom, decided to DM the whole game and decided to be a wonderful narrator, putting all her talent into enthralling the children with her weaving narrative and battle against evil.

Yet even with this, you knew that Mary was clearly better, and doing storytelling that made sense for her character. A grand play with all her friends acting out their dreams as someone else, trying to be heroes in their own grand designs, all getting a chance to be that way because they could. Because they wanted to.

And above all else, the kids looked up to Mary, asking what she was doing and what they guessed what she would do. sometimes she answered and other times she just smiled like the gremlin she was.

And honestly… it was those gatherings that made everyone happy and you much more furious at the state of affairs that was gripping the US and the tabletop industry.

You just didn't see how anyone in their right mind could see children playing games together could be satanic.

But you learned that those parents who were here, or saw this, agreed with you.

They were just children playing games, and these were the games that they played.

Reward: Mary and her friends will continue to play DND and other games like it, because it's fun.

Soon others may see that the games they play are just that. Games.

Meanwhile Mary has a dream of playing another game, and then began drawing.
And now on to the interlude where we save the royal family I for one hope it was the moral idiots who sent them there so we can get rid of them and literally cause the USA to panic and finally agree to change
Pastor Panics Over Poorly Planned Poster.
My brother and sisters in Christ! We are gathered here today to combat the evil that is Dungeons and Dragons! "Amens" For those of you who have the good fortune to never hear of this cursed game it is the worst creation of the devil since rock and roll "murmurs of concern". It's true this book promotes magic, drives children to madness and attempts to convert all who read it to the worship of false gods and demon lords! "gasps" I as your pastor have called this church board together to ask to dip into the church discretionary fund to launch a propaganda campaign to combat this force. My cousin Douglas is an artist of some skill you see and with his help we can spread our message though informative posters warning of this danger all over the state.

I can see that some of you are skeptical but look at this. "slams books on the table" Dungeons and Dragons books confiscated by Mrs. Cambell from her own son. This poison is creeping into our own congregation my friends and if it is allowed to spread this entire nation will be damned.
"phone ringing"
Hello Douglas?
Oh hey Ron. What's up?
I was wondering if you received the package yet?
Oh the DND books? Yeah, I got them.

Now remember Douglas those things are evil so be wary.
Got it, so what did you want me to draw for you?
I want you to draw a boy surrounded by demon with a header of "Play Dungeons and dragons and this will happen to you".
Got it so any specifics on these demon?
Just use what's in those books for inspiration.
"phone ringing"

Douglas where have you been I've been trying to reach you all week?
Oh! Hi Ron, I was at this thing called Comic Con it was pretty fun. I got Michael Clarke Duncan's autograph.
Michael Clarke Duncan, He plays Luke Cage.
Nevermind, so what did you want?
I wanted to know if you've competed the art I commissioned.
OH That! Yeah I mailed it over it should be there soon.

Thank You Douglas your doing the lords work. Now I know it's a lot to ask but would you please send those books back so I can dispose of them properly?

Sorry Ron that's a no can do. I gave them back to Stevie Cambell.
You What?!
I gave them back to Stevie Cambell.
He asked me to? I mean they're his books Ron he had the receipts and everything.
He's a child!
Nah, I'm pretty sure he's nineteen or something. Nice guy, he's going to college soon.

"Sigh" this is fine. DND might have won this battle but with your art we will win the war!
"phone ringing"

Oh hi Ron. So the art got there alright, good. Yeah one of the books you sent me had a monster called a succubus in it, and well turns out I like drawing pretty women more them some big goat thing called Orcus. So I did.

We'll I'm sorry Ron, but that seems like your fault.
I mean yeah, I sent you the art. You should have had plenty of time to see it before you took it to the printers or publishing house or whatever. And besides It's not that bad. I mean they're just wearing bikini's.
Ron, you still there?
"Phone hangs up."

I got bored. And since there was some panic (heh) about the satanic panic it was on my mind and this is the result. I'm not the best at writing conversations and didn't really know how to convey a third person phone call but I hope it reads ok.
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[]Well, that might be okay (Without the assasination attempt on the President, things begin to change)

IDK, really unsure about the other two but hopefully this is okay.

I normally wanted to make an omake about the Lakers and Carrie but recent events have forced my hand.

Really hope we see that soon. Would love to explore more of Carrie's ownership of the Lakers and how things are going for the franchise. Hopefully they can somehow win 1983, but two wins under Carrie's belt already with '80 and '82 is still pretty good.

Also, this hyper panic is kind of funny in how it makes Footloose a lot more relevant with its theme of fundamentalists going crazy and restrictive over harmless activities when the kids just want to have fun and the damage it causes. The town burning books and Moore's horror at what his sermons caused would probably be hella relatable for a lot of America.
Also, this hyper panic is kind of funny in how it makes Footloose a lot more relevant with its theme of fundamentalists going crazy and restrictive over harmless activities when the kids just want to have fun and the damage it causes. The town burning books and Moore's horror at what his sermons caused would probably be hella relatable for a lot of America.
Damn, I hadn't thought of that. Damn glad we got it then, since it's probably going to become one of those movies that defined the 80's instead of being remmebered mostly because of the music at the rate it's going.
I'm kind of tempted now to just propose we make this movie reviewed by Jontron.

Also, yes, that comic existed and yes, a movie was actually made.


Cause if people are getting their panties in a bunch with D & D, Faith : Unholy Trinity is going make them lose their minds.

NVM in the 90's, where Doom is gonna come out.
I thought of a small, but funny omake. Hope you enjoy.

No to Dishonor

Tareo Misamune was nothing but a lowly salary man, one who had only recently had started to work in the same company in which his father was a board member.

He was a humble guy who just wanted to do his job well, not get fired, gain money to support himself and his fiance.

The work was gruelling and the days were excruciatingly long. But even he got to go back home everyday to watch the newest episode of Zeta Gundam.

It has become a daily routine not only in his household, but in every other Japanese household. And it was glorious.

Unfortunately, there was a single day that happened to even ruin his enjoyment of Zeta. It was all because of the news, airing on every station.

"A month ago, there was an attempt to steal one of the copies of the newest Star Wars film from the headquarters of Lucasfilm Unlimited. The perpetrator had been caught and the finale of the saga every person across the world has been waiting dilligently to see had been secured back to its owners.

"After nearly two months of investigation by both Lucasfilm legal team, it was revealed that the attempted thef was approved by several big named at the board of Sony, who cooperated with several members of a Yakuza family to steal the copy and blame it on Rupert Murdock. All of the perpetrators have been arrested and are awaiting trial."


To act in such a dishonorable manner and to hold hostage the sequel to the greatest movie of all time?! UNFORGIVABLE!!

On the night that he saw this news report, Tareo Misamune made an oath: He, nor any child or grandchild of his will ever purchace and own a Sony product for as long as he lived.

If a company was willing to go this low, then it did not deserve his hard-earned money.

He just hoped that the rest of his family, friends and people around Japan felt the same way as him.

So here, a short but fun omake idea that came to my head today. I thought it was funny.
The Unforeseen Shock
The Unforeseen Shock​

"I have a question for you, Rookie. Witnesses at a crime scene seem strangely well-informed about how a crime went down, more so than the Guy they are fingering as the perp. Who did it?"

"The first Witness?"

A nod. "Have you heard those Evangelical types talking about Satanic cults on TV and the shit they get up to? How do they infect America, all the while hidden under our noses? Well, watch this and tell me what you think."


Amateur film footage, complete with shakes and misfocuses, Shows an old catholic church. The priest, dressed in a plain black outfit, comes to the door and looks around to see the cause of the intrusion. The priest smiles, and the film cuts off.

The film restarts and the shots are almost the same. The same approach to the church, the same knock on the door. The priest, now dressed in robes complete with Mitre and carved staff, again opens the door, attempting to look stern but clearly smothering a smile and acting. He then glances over the camera operator's head, and all levity vanishes as he directs the boy back into the safety of the church. The boy repositions, fumbling the camera slightly to focus down the street as the priest steps forward. The boy keeps filming.

A woman runs into the frame, soundlessly yelling, blood pouring down her face and onto her clothes. Behind her, wielding a silvery bat, is a male clearly pursuing.

The priest steps forward, holding the staff firmly. He speaks something to the hysterical woman and directs her inside toward the person filming.

Now able to see the witnesses, the man slows down just outside the church gates and makes a threatening gesture with the bat, clearly demanding something.

The priest says something and plants his staff, refusing to move. A slight glow appears on the ground near the entrance. The man, furious, steps inside the yard, raising the bat to strike.

An enormous flash of light, bright and overwhelming, the camera shakes.

As soon as the camera recovers, the man is lying in the middle of the road, unmoving, clearly having been thrown back. The camera pans, showing the priest still standing firm, the shocked and amazed look on the bloody face of the woman and a melted bat that drops back into the frame, landing on the man.

The film cuts to black.


"It seems pretty clear to me, Sarge. The film supports the witness statements. The woman goes onto church land seeking sanctuary. The man demands entrance, steps inside, and is struck by lightning. Case closed: Death is an act of God. I might be going to church and paying more attention to my pastor this week, but that's it, right…Right?"

"Depending on who your pastor is, Rookie. That might not be a good idea. The alleged prep and lightning rod is Al Warnke, an "ex" Satanist and one of those TV evangelical born-again Christian experts on Satanic rituals and cults."

"Given that he got blasted when he steps on holy ground, I am going to Question how Ex he was."

"You and everyone else who sees the footage. This is a copy, and the Wife has the original. She's shopping it around to the networks and trying to sell exclusive interviews. The fallout of that is going to be our problem."

"See, Crispy Hubby here has important friends in the evangelical movement, but she isn't happy with them at all. If it isn't handled carefully, this might become our problem."

"Shit. I'm sorry, Sir, that was uncalled for."

"Actually Rookie, Shit is a pretty good description of the situation. She says they have been pressuring her to stay with him, keeping her from speaking out about what he's like. Worse, as far as they are concerned, were those talks and speeches he made? The ones they invited him to and endorsed? She says they were never about warning of the risks but seeing who is recruitable for the cults. States his friends are either easily led idiots incapable of spotting a snake before it bit them or actively in on it."

"Not a good look for a church leader. Either you are too incompetent to tell if a Literally Damned Satanist is feeding you lies and using you, or you are actively in on it."

"Right Rookie. Have you heard about that Kerfuffle with Bruce O'Brian and Lucasfilm, that Table Top Games and their movies lead to Cult introductions? Some of the Evangelists involved are her hubby's friends. The hot take she told me she would be pushing the media for is that Bruce O'Brian asks people to think and publishes movies and games that teaches a person to think and question, not just accept, which means somebody will likely ask the "wrong" questions and get the Evangelists caught."

"I wondered why they went after a guy I always thought was pretty good."

"Basic deflection rookie, throw mud and hope it sticks. According to the Lady, The thing the Evangelist buddies of her husband hate the most is tabletop games because they make you play another person and consider actions and motivations. Threatens their power to deceive. "

"Which makes you more likely to catch wise to their hypocrisy."

"Right, Rookie. So they are desperately trying to blame Shift. Whip up a mob and take Bruce, or at least the tabletop, down. If they succeed, the worst-case scenario for them is that the mob eventually works out Bruce is innocent, and by the time they make it back, the bodies are gone, and there's no proof. As for the Lady, well, she might have an "accident" or declared crazy or just have drugs found in her possession, if you understand what I mean."

"Shit. So, it is a Criminal conspiracy while they hide the bodies, and the reason they are so well informed about the satanic cults and activities is they are literally in on it. Anything we can do?"

"Gather evidence rookie for or against. She could be crazy, but you saw that lightning strike just like I did. IRS is closely watching her husband's friend's finances, but getting real evidence against them is tricky. She has not said or handed over anything we can use. I don't think she has anything. While normally I'd dismiss it, she is afraid they use demonic sources alongside the usual tricks to wipe their tracks."

"So how safe is she, sir? Will we suddenly be down a witness or watch her have legal trouble of her own?"

"She's got a good lawyer, and so far, nothing she says can be considered Libel but the insinuations... brave lady. We have some trustworthy people watching her closely. She said she is planning on baiting them with Matthew 7:16 and 4:6 to 7 And asking that it be used as the litmus test for culpability."

"I don't know those verses off the top of my head, Sarge."

"Skipped out on Sunday school one too many times then ? Matthew 4:6 is Jesus being tested in the wilderness and the devil quoting scripture to him to trick him into sin."


"So they can quote scripture. It doesn't make them holy; the Devil can do it, too, see?. The more they rely on bamboozling their followers with scripture, the more likely it is that they are not actually on the side of God. She went so far as to call them New Pharisees. A direct attack on their power if she can get people to listen."

"Ouch, equating them with the men who screamed for Jesus to be crucified while insisting everyone follow their interpretation of the bible. I can see why they are feeling hurt."

"They really don't like her standard for innocence either. She is quoting Matthew 7:15 to 20 at them. Calling them False Prophets and Wolves in sheep clothing."By your deeds shall you be known" and so on. Put up or shut up basically. Then, she compares their actions to Bruce's charity work. Sure, Bruce is rich, but he gives tons away and lives kinda frugally. Compare that to them, all but bullying their followers for cash for private jets. well, it doesn't Look Good and shines more light on them, something they seem to be trying to avoid. Upstairs is afraid it will come to a head soon, and we need to be careful and be in the right place to catch them in the act if possible."

"In the act?"

"If the lady's right and they are Satanists, then they are going to be kidnapping, murdering, and covering up the evidence. Serve and protect Rookie, Even if our foes are literal Hellbound monsters. I hope like heck that they are just Fraudsters using religion as a cover, but you saw the lighting."

"So, stock up on silver and crosses? Get holy water? Sarge?"

A pregnant pause.

"It is a good idea, Rookie. We carefully document it, keep backups, and ask a real Priest, one of those Catholic ones who those Evangelists seem to hate, to keep a copy of our evidence safe, and we pray it's only Fraud, not literal hellspawn."


One more for the pile. :)

Rolls For this Omake @Magoose can you come and take your dice back ?

Yes, there were actually uniformed police officers out there educating the public on the dangers of satanic cults as part of their official duties.

As for Mike Warnke, His Wikipedia article has him claiming to be an ex-satanic cultist, being a serial cheater, bashing his Wife's face open while taunting her, lying about his Vietnam service ( Officially he did not get wounded five times, once with a bow and arrow and kill a man while being a Corpsman) and academic qualifications.

I thought I was going to write a short piece about the O'Really Foundation catching him in his lies, but I rolled a 16 for the organization, which was the Catholic Church. Already an enemy, it would have had a he said, she said scenario and then a nat 100. I decided that was worth being caught on film being hit by lighting while attempting to enter the church. The rest just went from there.

Edit : @overmind I agree Edited in.
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The Unforeseen Shock
This is good, I liked the quoting of the scripture and using the messages to bring about the message on how these Televangelists may not (and are not) what they truly seem. They truly give a bad name for all Christians.

A bit sad that Matthew 7:15 was not used, as I think it would have fit perfectly here.
You know.... We COULD make a horror movie about this.

An evangelist church lead by a television born again preacher who secretly leads a demon worshipping cult and has been sacrificing, murdering, and generally being a devil worshipper in order to gain power and it's working....

Until a teenager who plays DND starts to notice the signs and similarities between the preacher and his DND campaign and investigates with his buddies and stumbles upon a scene of horror and has to fight back and protect his town by using DND lore to banish the monsters and generally save the day.

It feels like a really interesting twist on all of those "DND Warps the Mind" movies that came out during the satanic panic. One where the fact they played table top saves them and gives them a fighting chance
Remember to make the preacher Fat so we can symbolize they are taking money and are greedy who take advantage of the innocent
Make sure to show both sides, perhaps with a younger initiate or student who at first sees nothing wrong, but soon the clues lead him to finding out the corruption of the Preacher, and then he either tries to aid the kids or protect them.
News Broadcast from CNN Media Co., 1983
News Broadcast from CNN Media Co., 1983

Our top story tonight focuses on a tabletop role-playing game that has surged in popularity in recent years. This game, known as Dungeons & Dragons, has become a sensation among the nation's youth. However, some parents are concerned that it may pose a more immediate danger than it seems. We now go live to our correspondent Stacy Fakename at a rally outside a local church in downtown Los Angeles.

Stacy Fakename: Thanks, Tom. Tonight, I'm reporting from outside Our Brother in Christ Protestant Church in downtown LA, where fiery speeches were delivered by local community leaders and residents. They condemned Dungeons & Dragons as demonic. Local residents expressed concern about the game's depictions of witchcraft and demonology, which they believe could tempt young minds. When questioned about these claims, the church's preacher, Reverend Markus Johansen, had this to say:

Reverend Markus Johansen: "These foul booklets are a gateway drug to Satanism. They contain depictions of dark magic and even encourage the so-called 'players' to cast spells. These games are nothing more than poorly concealed rituals designed to invite Satan into the hearts of children, who are lured with promises of fantasy. They even have to listen to their cult leader, a so-called Dungeon Master, as they go on 'adventures.' And do you know where else is a dungeon? Hell, where the Great Betrayer is forever bound. This is where these children will go if they are not rescued from this horrific ritual."

Stacy Fakename: We also spoke with Christine Maleopins, one of the driving forces behind today's rally. She is the chairwoman of the parent support group known as Parents Against Communism (PAC). This group was founded when Ms. Maleopins discovered her then 19-year-old son smoking marijuana in her backyard one Christmas Eve. To combat the influences that led her child astray, she and other concerned mothers formed PAC to protect the souls of their innocent children. When asked if she had concerns about the fiery rhetoric in some of the speeches, she responded:

Christine Maleopins: "I think I speak for all parents trying to raise kids right now when I say that we are not doing enough to protect our children from the dangers of the world. This isn't the '60s anymore, when we were pushed out the door after breakfast and came back for dinner when Mom rang her bell. We no longer live in a time of such wholesome fun. Nowadays, you have to ensure your kids are growing up right because there's a lot of moral perversion out there.

Just the other day, my 13-year-old asked if we could watch a show about robots. When I mentioned it at my Jazzercise class, another mom said her children had nightmares from all the deaths in the show. Death, in a television show, airing nationwide at 7 PM! Can you believe that? Back in my day, we had such lovely, carefree shows as I Love Lucy. Nowadays, you can't turn on the TV without hearing about all this awful stuff.

And did you hear Reverend Johansen earlier? Even the games aren't safe. How are we expected to raise our kids to be good, God-fearing Americans when every bit of media is out to lead them astray?"

Stacy Fakename: It's truly troubling. It's clear that satanism has infiltrated our media, turning a pillar of American culture into a platform for promoting degeneracy. This is Stacy Fakename, signing off from downtown LA.