Forge of Destiny(Xianxia Quest)

Fu Xiang
@Codex is a glorious glorious star and funded more art! Minor character art!! Art of Fu Xiang (aka. glasses boi)!

Ling Qi's gaze was drawn to the third person with them though, a short thin boy with feathered black hair and and light green and loose robes, a scholar's cap rested on his head, and he walked with easy confidence in Cai Renxiang's shadow, hands clasped behind his back. He wore square framed eyeglasses, which was strange, as no cultivator should need such a thing, perhaps they were a talisman? Ling Qi met his grey eyes for a moment and received a smile in return. He was at the peak of second realm, close to the verge of breakthrough.

Ling Qi and Meizhen shopping
Big as a victory it was for us and Cai's faction, Ling Qi just got her face shoved in by just how much she's outclassed by the Monsters. Which is funny considering she regularly trains with Meizhen. Like, what did she think would happen if they were to have a serious fight?

In other topics, I drew a thing while waiting for this update:
I apologize in advance for the low effort and faces, but in my defense polish takes way too much time and faces are hard.


Dammit I forgot the Cai arm-band, even had it in my pencil sketch too...
Updated Ling Qi
I was test driving my new ink brush pens in class and was going for the updated Ling Qi Look.

Unfortunately since I was also rereading at the same time, I realized that we bought new fucking shoes and immediately died. Maybe I'll do a Correct version......

Anyway @yrsillar and you guys take this. It's forever incomplete....and I put it through iPhone filters to get rid of some of the pencil marks.
