Mmm I think the big sticking point. And something Cai failed to understand about Ling Qi is.
Ling isn't loyal to her liege, or authority. She cares very little about social order and sect rules unless it affects her directly. (See thief build).
She is however, doggedly loyal to her friends. Even when they annoy her.
I think that's what we should tell Cai.
Well, a good part of the conversation was actually CRX telling us that she
liked how our loyalty express itself. She might not quite understand the concept of friendship because of how broken she is, but she is well aware that Ling Qi is loyal to friends, not to lieges. She just... has a very tainted view of what friendship means, thanks to mother dearest.
[*]I can't decide if baby spymasters in Xianxia are spec'd to be more like Ling Qi is or more like that second year guy is. Ling Qi knows nearly nothing which is not usually what you want a spymaster to be like, but ask her to learn something and she
learns it really quickly.
[*]On second thought, probably more like the second year guy. Ling Qi just breaks a lot of the rules just by being Ling Qi.
[*]She is kind of a fitting spymaster for CRX though. CRX has not a shred of subtlety in her soul, and Ling Qi's fairly straightforward when it comes to spy-like activities.
As Jiao said, Ling Qi's currently 'half a spymaster'. She is better in field work than Fu Xiang I believe, but much worse when it comes to social manipulation.
[*]On that note, I kind of wonder what Gan Guangli gets up to during his time off. Like, I cannot imagine him not guarding CRX. Surely he has hobbies, right(JUSTICE!!!)
I kind of want to know what she gets up to in the city when off the mountain. It was mentioned in the first update that cultivators went down from the mountain and broke things in the city all the time due to youthful high spirits and we've yet to hear anything about that personally.
[*]Friendly Neighborhood Fox Girl???(JUSTICE!!!)?
I am beginning to ship GG and Su Ling somewhat, to be honest.
[*]Ling Qi's little flash of jealousy/denial when she thought that it might be possible that Bai Meizhen had shared something private with Cai is something to watch out for. Ling Qi's got more of Zeqing in her than she'd like to admit.
[*]It was adorable though. Baby's first jealousy.
She did the same a couple weeks ago, when Meizhen told us about doing embroidery wit CRX. Yrsillar has also gone on record saying that Zeqing is right... though as a joke.
[*]As CRX herself noted, her current relationship with Ling Qi is temporary. This makes me wonder about the student council edifice CRX is building: does it expire once CRX transfers into the Inner Sect or does she plan on somehow having it survive her? If she doesn't have any plans on having it survive her, next year when she is gone is going to be really interesting.
[*]Is CRX planning to replicate her Outer Sect government in the Inner Sect? I think we need to know what CRX's short-term and long-term plans are before we swear or don't swear vassalage. I think that's going to be more of a sticking point than how likable or not CRX is.
A very 'amusing' thing is that for all that CRX preach about Order and Peace, she has turned the sect into a place that constantly has small-scale conflicts into one that semi-regularly has wide-scale conflicts. It can be argued to be much less peaceful, and will create a
very interesting environment next year.
On Li Suyin
[*]Was it a coincidence that Li Suyin's mood improved after her cultivation evened out a bit? I mean sure, there was the pale manual, but she was really chipper this week. So, probably not a coincidence.
Li Suyin's love. I think it has less to do with the cultivation itself being improved, and more to do with side effects of breaking through, as well as letting go of a lot of stress built up.
On Su Ling
[*]I adore her. Despite being a two-tailed beastperson she's the one with the perspective best approaching 'normal' and she doesn't hesitate to let us know about it.
[*]Kind of sad to see that she was scared to offend us though. As has been noted, her Social Link with us has been capped for a while.
Yrsillar has apparently said that if we had taken Su Ling's minor action when she was breaking through we could have uncapped it then, so I messed up badly there.
[*]It's interesting to me that Li Suyin will be getting a spirit beast before Su Ling. Prior to it happening, I was almost certain Su Ling would get one first. Since she offered to help Li Suyin get anything besides a spider, I'm sure she knows how. Is it a limitation that's personal to her, or does she not have the time/resources to invest in a spirit beast right now? Or are people descended from spirit beasts less able to bind spirit beasts that aren't of the same type?
I think it has more to do with Su Ling not being that much after power, and a spirit beast is about power. She wants to improve to 'find herself' currently, and is spending a lot of time helping mortals because of her own beliefs and because she is a cinnamon bun.
On Bai Meizhen
[*]The fact that Bai Meizhen has spoken well of us to Cai Renxiang leads me to wonder what their conversation about us was like.
[*]I kind of doubt CRX extended vassalage towards us without first informing Bai Meizhen. Bai's support is still more important than our own and it wouldn't do to alienate both of us by extending it. If Ling Qi knew enough to ask Han Jian about Gu Xiulan taking time to go on a Trial, CRX almost definitely knew to ask Bai Meizhen about the girl who rooms with her and was first seen defending her from eight other cultivators.
[*]She might not have, though. Bluff and forthright is usually code for 'rude and thoughtless' and CRX often seems to be dancing on the fine line between them.
You might remember, Meizhen interlude had her thinking that logically it was better for Ling Qi to stay in Emerald Sea, though that was after tentatively offering to take us to Thousand Lake. She is of multiple minds about this, I think, but CRX vassalage is in her mind definitely better than going to the MoI, which is something that is plausible for Ling Qi to do.
Gu Xiulan
[*]I like how self-aware she is. "I really should hate Ling Qi, but I don't. Weird."
[*]It's the power of friendship, Gu. It's the power of friendship.
For someone coming from a family with a lot of internal struggles and power plays, she views loyalty and friendship as incredibly important. This is, I think, a good part of her issues with Han Jian. She put herself out for him, and feels he didn't give back (with obvious bias).
Han Jian
[*]Not much to say atm? He seems to be doing a lot of stuff off-screen. I hope he makes it to the Inner Sect, though his current chances seem to be less than ours and I don't even like our own odds. Everyone seems to be hitting green and I don't think that'll be in the cards for Han Jian who's generally stable and unlikely to try any drastic measures like taking on a Heavenly Tribulation before being ready.
Han Jian's superior resources as well as Heijin makes him one of the more probable contender there, though. Not a certainty by any measure, but I would put his chance as around as high as Chu Song's, maybe higher.
Also, what is up with Mom's living conditions. That she's being so coy about it suggests to me that she's operating under the assumption that either her mail's being read and she doesn't want to give away too much information or that Ling Qi would act in an unfortunate way should she learn about her circumstances. Really need to meet in person at some point.
Well, mom is also considered by Ling Qi as someone who constantly deflect and hides what she thinks. I am more and more thinking the ??? comes from our mom, and our forthrightness comes from our dad, lol.
[*]I'm pretty sure that the sun has 'phases' just like the moon does. There was a mention of a Falling Sun Temple way back when. That indicates to me that there's a Rising Sun Temple, and maybe a High Sun Temple, and so on.
[*]I wonder who the Eclipse Spirit belongs to. Maybe it's its own Great Spirit.
We have been told after last update (on discord, you should come) that the Lu's sublime ancestor was The Purifying Sun. Make of that what you will.