By the fact that he managed to organize his election. You need somebody who is not already working for somebody, who interested enough in position and who should be talented enough to hold it. Which means either not actually talented or another character flaw that prevents such person from being already too busy to go for it - so all potential good managers either not interested or not personable enough to get elected.
To get competent and honest (enough) manager we likely need either complete newbie with talent, to persuade somebody who don't want to deal with all that shit or to get through personality of somebody who is too abrasive for his own good or see through reputation of somebody who have a bad one. Or poach manager from somebody.
Honest, Competent, Unemployed (enough to participate in election) - chose 2.
PS. Result of vote would not necessary be dishonest. It can be yessayer that would try to keep everything same old and not cause any waves and that would be walked over by everybody in power within our territory.