I'm going to be the differing voice here and say that while I think I voted for the Sect, I'm really enjoying the Cai route at the moment.
Now, people might disagree with me here, but I'm going to try and explain why.
In the span of less than a week, we have met with 3 distinct high-level groups that control vast amounts of wealth and help determine the policies of entire provinces in the Empire. Not only that, but we have met people from at least 2 different provinces, and in the upcoming updates are likely to meet even more. If we had gone the Sect route, we wouldn't have access to this high-level intrigue and politics and we wouldn't' be exploring and making connections with people half-way across a continent-spanning Empire.
We've made connections with the richest and the strongest Count Clans in the Emerald Seas, and then turn around and discussed a friend's progress with her mother who lives in an entirely different province. We have access to more of this wonderful expansive world than we would have if we had gone with the Sect route. We are rubbing shoulders with some of the most powerful people in the Empire, and we will keep doing so.
The potential here is staggering, but so is the risk. We are important, in a way that we would not be if we had refused Cai's offer. With that importance comes opportunities and risk, but that is what I am finding fun about this adventure. Which opportunities do we take, how much risk do we take upon ourselves, and how do we strive to succeed in this highly charged environment.
The tension in the inner sect would be less than the tension that we have as the retainer of Cai. The conflicts smaller and the rewards fewer. We will most definitely have succeeded in the Inner Sect, but I feel that Ling Qi can be so much more and have so much more of an impact. And that is just beginning to manifest itself during this tournament. We are going to enter a party that is hosted by a Ducal Clan, and we are going to be entering it riding high from our wonderful success in the preliminaries.
The opportunities we take, the risks we accept, the failures we endure, and the successes we celebrate just seem to have the potential to be so much more diverse and vibrant than what would be possible in the Inner Sect.