Forge of Destiny(Xianxia Quest)

Seriously - I'm hoping she can ditch her on the trip. That'd be more satisfying than a Zeqing interrupt. I suppose I'd be content with "when the chase reaches Zeqing's domain, Sun Liling loses Ling Qi's traces somehow" though...

I'm fairly confident in Ling Qi - I mean, as long as her rolls aren't complete crap, she's seriously specced out for speed and stealth. If Sun Liling the AoE Destroyer can also supernaturally track better than Ling Qi can supernaturally evade tracking, I'd be somewhat... disappointed in the girl.

The amount her speed, initiative and stealth can be boosted is... significant. And she can do a lot to counter things that try to restrict her (or attacks in general - Tranquil Rebuke and such).

If we're talking about things to cap before breakthrough, the ones that make the most sense to give permanent bonuses are the attributes, rather than the mundane skills.
I'd go on a leg and presume physical attributes would give a bonus on physical cultivation breakthrough, and mental ones for spiritual cultivation breakthrough.
So Stamina and maybe Intelligence.

Nah - breakthrough is probably 4-8 weeks away. That's enough time to maybe get 16 on an attribute that's being used just about every week. Stamina isn't going to get to cap, even with a dozen omake progress. Manipulation might be able to though.

There's a bunch more that could make it to five dots (Intelligence almost certainly will, Resolve and Composure could probably make it, Wits would need a lot of work and omake-derived points).

Good talk doods. Just popping in to say that while I gave you guys the stamina dot, I wont be adding any further points until after this update as the dice rolling has already started.

Anyway @Lazy Minx I saw you mention putting points toward an auto? Just want to confirm that.

Now to hope that Ling Qi is better at Escape and Evade than Sun Liling is at Search and Destroy ^_^
So, there may be another way to get the last Argent Art. We've been assuming it's been found, but maybe not:
From the void rose the image of a cavern, lit by bioluminescent fungus, growing over the remains of a strange basalt gate.
I recall speculation that this was a trial. Ji Rong has been using Heaven since Thunderdome 2, and this post-dates that, so his use of heaven isn't necessarily indicative of him finding it.

We have about 50 successes to go with EPC for the next level. If we chose Xin/Hidden Moon as our patron, we may find it. Or perhaps an even more hidden secret. The new moon specializes in hidden knowledge and secret arts, after all, and without family arts to back us we greatly benefit from that.

And if that is a trial, we want to do this quest before we hit green, since trials ask for yellow soul cultivators. Probably because greens would curbstomp a yellow-appropriate challenge.
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So, there may be another way to get the last Argent Art. We've been assuming it's been found, but maybe not:

I recall speculation that this was a trial. Ji Rong has been using Heaven since Thunderdome 2, and this post-dates that, so his use of heaven isn't necessarily indicative of him finding it.

We have about 50 successes to go with EPC for the next level. If we chose Xin/Hidden Moon as our patron, we may find it. Or perhaps an even more hidden secret. The new moon specializes in hidden knowledge and secret arts, after all, and without family arts to back us we greatly benefit from that.

And if that is a trial, we want to do this quest before we hit green, since trials ask for yellow soul cultivators. Probably because greens would curbstomp a yellow-appropriate challenge.
Ask for minor next to specifically probe for the last Argent Art?
So, there may be another way to get the last Argent Art. We've been assuming it's been found, but maybe not:

I recall speculation that this was a trial. Ji Rong has been using Heaven since Thunderdome 2, and this post-dates that, so his use of heaven isn't necessarily indicative of him finding it.

We have about 50 successes to go with EPC for the next level. If we chose Xin/Hidden Moon as our patron, we may find it. Or perhaps an even more hidden secret. The new moon specializes in hidden knowledge and secret arts, after all, and without family arts to back us we greatly benefit from that.

And if that is a trial, we want to do this quest before we hit green, since trials ask for yellow soul cultivators. Probably because greens would curbstomp a yellow-appropriate challenge.

Could you please find me the quote that says Greens can't do trials?

"Grinning Moon, I burn this incense to you."

A small girl knelt in a dark alleyway, a small stick of burning incense wedged in the crack between cobblestones. He clothes were ragged, no protection from the Autumn chill. Through the rips and tears in the sleeves, it was apparent that she was much too thin, even for someone as young as herself. The incense too, was not something to be proud of. It was the cheapest that could be bought, and was frequently handed out free on festival days. It had not been free today, though. It had been bought with the girls last money in the world, that could have bought her some food to assuage her hunger instead. This was enough to garner notice.

The few leaves in the alleyway danced for a moment as the wind picked up, and the girl quickly cupped the incense in her hand. She had only gotten one match from the vendor, and had no way to relight the stick should it be put out. She paused, making sure the wind had died down, before returning to her prayer.

"Grinning Moon, I am going to to be robbing someone tonight."

The girl paused, and the attention ed waned for a moment. There were many robbers, and many robberies; and the offering had been paltry, no matter how dear. There were more interesting thieves to watch than this one who was obviously not very successful.

"Grinning Moon, I am hungry."

The attention snapped back into place. There were no surer word to ring into the darkness than these. It focused more on the girl, and saw past her appearance. Clever, inventive, fiercely independent. Such things were to be nurtured and cherished, not thrown away. This mortal had come to her for help in filling both the void in its stomach, and in its heart.

"If I do not succeed, I do not eat."

It could feel talent, inside her as well. Untapped, unfulfilled, and likely never to be realized. But the potential was there, not only in the thieving arts. This one might one day become the shadows she skulked in, and bear the teeth that all feared might lurk in the night. There was a touch of wind as well, the airy gusts that flowed high above the land, never to touch the ground at all. A diamond in the rough, unseen by all around her.

"Please, guide my steps tonight, and watch over me."

It could spare some brief attention. A dog sleeping deeper than usual. A lantern running out of oil. A guard patrol taking a right instead of a left. These were paltry things to the moon, but would make all the difference to a small child whose stomach was eating itself.

The winds picked up as the incense ran out, and the clouds slowly revealed the moon. LIng Qi glanced up at the moon, before continuing on her way. And all through the night, the moon smiled down upon her.

Grinning Moon and RNGesus please no bully.
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Fu Xiang
@Codex is a glorious glorious star and funded more art! Minor character art!! Art of Fu Xiang (aka. glasses boi)!

Ling Qi's gaze was drawn to the third person with them though, a short thin boy with feathered black hair and and light green and loose robes, a scholar's cap rested on his head, and he walked with easy confidence in Cai Renxiang's shadow, hands clasped behind his back. He wore square framed eyeglasses, which was strange, as no cultivator should need such a thing, perhaps they were a talisman? Ling Qi met his grey eyes for a moment and received a smile in return. He was at the peak of second realm, close to the verge of breakthrough.

@Codex is a glorious glorious star and funded more art! Minor character art!! Art of Fu Xiang (aka. glasses boi)!

Ling Qi's gaze was drawn to the third person with them though, a short thin boy with feathered black hair and and light green and loose robes, a scholar's cap rested on his head, and he walked with easy confidence in Cai Renxiang's shadow, hands clasped behind his back. He wore square framed eyeglasses, which was strange, as no cultivator should need such a thing, perhaps they were a talisman? Ling Qi met his grey eyes for a moment and received a smile in return. He was at the peak of second realm, close to the verge of breakthrough.

A wild Not!Kabuto appeared!

Lmao. Ah, Not!Kabuto. One of the characters who might still mysteriously end up on an arrow in the future.
Frankly, I'm impressed at just how incredibly useless he seems to be.

Like, this kind of "Detect big movements on the other side's move, especially that of big players" is the sort of thing that she should be actually good at, but it seems like Sun Liling's forces just always have the initiative, regardless of any efforts to change this.
Frankly, I'm impressed at just how incredibly useless he seems to be.

Like, this kind of "Detect big movements on the other side's move, especially that of big players" is the sort of thing that she should be actually good at, but it seems like Sun Liling's forces just always have the initiative, regardless of any efforts to change this.
Maybe. We don't know how many of our enemies plans were aborted thanks to him learning of them, since we don't get to see things that didn't happen.
Maybe. We don't know how many of our enemies plans were aborted thanks to him learning of them, since we don't get to see things that didn't happen.



This event is stressing the hell out of me. And the worst thing is, I can't really see any way this would have been any different, we were already high enough up on Liling's Shit List that she committed a Green and her posse to fuck us up in particular in the last thunderdome, and we proceeded to roll through that and be a significant player anyway. And then we fucked up Yan Renshu--who we've just established is still in cahoots with Sun Liling despite her public condemnation of him.

This was happening regardless whether we poked her citadel or nothing, we're really the weak link who pushes out of our weight class, all that poking the fortress did was give her an excuse to do it now rather than at Thunderdome 4.

The problem is just how Sun Liling never seems to suffer actual defeats, her resources seem to be bottomless, she's winning the PR war consistently, and as we've just established, she's free to operate throughout the Outer Sect with impunity because nobody on our side is capable of doing much more than track her weakest and least important agents.
Did the discord group get to see the rolls? If so, do we need to cry out of despair or triumph?


This event is stressing the hell out of me. And the worst thing is, I can't really see any way this would have been any different, we were already high enough up on Liling's Shit List that she committed a Green and her posse to fuck us up in particular in the last thunderdome, and we proceeded to roll through that and be a significant player anyway. And then we fucked up Yan Renshu--who we've just established is still in cahoots with Sun Liling despite her public condemnation of him.

This was happening regardless whether we poked her citadel or nothing, we're really the weak link who pushes out of our weight class, all that poking the fortress did was give her an excuse to do it now rather than at Thunderdome 4.

The problem is just how Sun Liling never seems to suffer actual defeats, her resources seem to be bottomless, she's winning the PR war consistently, and as we've just established, she's free to operate throughout the Outer Sect with impunity because nobody on our side is capable of doing much more than track her weakest and least important agents.
You're doing that thing again.

She's suffered defeat after defeat, drawing upon the deep pockets of a Ducal family to make good her losses. She nearly won in the second big throwdown, except we stalled her long enough that she was put into detention before she could do anything.

Her strongest subordinates have THEIR assets dug into, stolen and then publically humiliated thrice over to our knowledge along.
Cai/our side hadn't really been forced to dig out any special aces.

This is nothing new. She's as strong as Cai, except where Cai invested into social skills and subordinates, Sun invested into personal power. Where Cai spent her wealth into gifts for her subordinates, Sun invested it into building a fortress and army. Keep in mind that flying talismans are noted to be from a much higher tier.

She's at a disadvantage, but she can't be finished off because the Sect will step in, the same applies to Cai.

And now she's here swatting a second stringer because her Face was so wrecked she had to go after us in person. A big chunk of this particular encounter was Ling Qi getting a little smug and incautious from success. She walked openly to the pool. She had a perception art which she wasn't paying attention to.

This is good, because Ling Qi has to relax to some extent, but she's conflicted between her previous ever paranoid state and her new position of strength. She has to decide where and how to strike a balance
This event is stressing the hell out of me.
I get that, I do, but take a deep breath, and look at what you wrote. Realize that not only are you taking things to the furthest most ridiculous extreme you can, but it's also pretty nonsensical.
This was happening regardless whether we poked her citadel or nothing, we're really the weak link who pushes out of our weight class, all that poking the fortress did was give her an excuse to do it now rather than at Thunderdome 4.
This is happening specifically because we raided her fortress. People were riding high after the kickass raid on Renshu's base, which completely fractured his faction in the span of a single night. It's what got us fearful respect of the Outer Disciples, which translates to them being rightfully terrified. Most probably don't even know what happened, but the rumors must have escalated immensely as they are wont to do.

Despite all of that, Sun gave no fucks. She set up defenses and was able to reassure her base that no, this scary shadow lady isn't going to sneak into her fortress and steal their stuff or worse. They are fiiiiiiine under her protection.

She wouldn't have done anything to us if we just left her alone because it isn't worth it. It's a waste of resources if Ling Qi doesn't do anything to her faction when there are other, more active threats. She can probably guess we don't rightly give a crap about Cai's fight and are only in it for Bai. It's really not hard to see. However, people were drinking the Ling Qi Kool-Aid. Either wanted to push it as far as possible while we could or didn't consider the consequences. We provoked her by entering her fortress, and anyone who doesn't see that is willfully blinding themselves to it. She flat out said why she is here. All those people she convinced were perfectly safe? Yeah, they just saw the terrifying lady not only sneak into the fort, but do it despite every countermeasure. With her facade of her fortress' safety being called into question she needed to do something.

Sun definitely has loyal, strong companions that will stick with her, but she still needs the chaff. It might not be often, and she might be full of shit while doing it, but she has to convince those mooks that she is the better option. Otherwise her forces get overrun. Her power-base gets put to death by a thousand cuts that she cannot prevent. For all her power she cannot be everywhere doing everything.

Yes, this could very well be an excuse to limit a possible threat. But it is one we gave her on a silver platter.
The problem is just how Sun Liling never seems to suffer actual defeats, her resources seem to be bottomless, she's winning the PR war consistently, and as we've just established, she's free to operate throughout the Outer Sect with impunity because nobody on our side is capable of doing much more than track her weakest and least important agents.
  1. She suffers plenty of defeats. She got removed from the sect, her side only is able to score minor victories and is cut off from most of their supplies. They also can't just go out to get sect points either. Regardless of how you cut it, you cannot say she is currently on the winning side. You can say that she isn't out of the fight yet.
  2. She's not winning the PR war, which is surprising. Cai is the tyrant here, subverting tradition to exert her power and rule. Regardless of her reasoning or if we agree with it, it is horrendously easy to paint a bad picture of that. Even so Cai's side has more people, with better resources. She also scored a solid victory by somehow absorbing more of Yan Renshu's faction that Sun. That astounds me, and I'm very curious to know how she pulled it off. That's something that should have also been easy for Sun to fear-monger with.
  3. Point, she gets much more leeway than most. She's a princess, this is known to us. That does not mean she can do whatever she wants. I'm curious to know if she's still allowed to summon her spirit or plant those flowers. If she does it again, she's pretty much slapping the elders in the face. Really want to see the response to that assuming they find out.
  4. Why do you assume her faction isn't heavily monitored? Have we spent a major action with Cai discussing this or something? I don't even think we've asked not!Kabuto about it. We have no idea what Cai is planning until we ask or she reveals it to us.
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@Codex is a glorious glorious star and funded more art! Minor character art!! Art of Fu Xiang (aka. glasses boi)!

Ling Qi's gaze was drawn to the third person with them though, a short thin boy with feathered black hair and and light green and loose robes, a scholar's cap rested on his head, and he walked with easy confidence in Cai Renxiang's shadow, hands clasped behind his back. He wore square framed eyeglasses, which was strange, as no cultivator should need such a thing, perhaps they were a talisman? Ling Qi met his grey eyes for a moment and received a smile in return. He was at the peak of second realm, close to the verge of breakthrough.

Hmmm. Not!Kabuto appears to have become Not!Aizen.
It's just naturally how I vent when things are tough. Sorry if it's bothering people, I've had a very long weekend of work, and this whole event popping during it is not helping my stress levels.
You know, just looking back, Sun Liling hasn't had a good run this past few weeks. Ever since she defied Cai, she's been on the losing side.

Thunderdome Redux; she didn't have a very solid base of power at that point. Cai's been forming a government and training her enforcers, creating chains of supply and enforcing her rules and convincing the older years to join her for a couple weeks. Sun Liling on the other hand? She just released Ji Rong from his prison, gave him berserker drugs to set him loose, used her family connections to convince Kang to join her and Lu Feng naturally followed her. She then attacked Cai in the council meeting, eventually failing because Ling Qi, Meizhen and GF joined in, likely because of us. Her plan to regenerate her qi failed, partly because of Ling Qi's efforts, and she lost and was punished by being forced off the mountain.

Then her allies' forces (Kang Zihaos) are attacked and harrassed, undermining Kang's ability to lead and likely making Kang's subordinates decide to cut their losses and leave his faction. Kang Zihao is stuck fighting a losing battle while Ji Rong recuperates with an older year that has no connection with Sun Liling at that point. Kang Zihao is eventually captured.

At the same time, Cai further consolidates her rule within the Outer Sect and within the older years. She manages to cow a few factions, mainly Hei Boqin and Wen Ai, and capture Kang Zihao. Overall, by the time Sun comes back to the Sect, she is already in a huge comparative disadvantage. Kang Zihao is captured, Ji Rong is with an older year she has no connection to, she barely has a faction and she hasn't had the time to muster a full force like Cai has.

But she makes the most of it. She convinced Ji Rong to come back to her, as well as a few older Western Territories disciples and other people to bolster her forces. She convinces Yan Renshu and Chu Song, both of which dislike Cai, to join forces with her, and she starts another Thunderdome to release Kang Zihao and bloody Cai's nose.

And in that she was somewhat successful. She managed to overpower Xuan Shi and release Kang Zihao from confinement, delays Ling Qi, Meizhen and GF from joining the fight with a diversionary force, inspires a bunch of Cai's enforcers to become turncoats, and fights Cai to a standstill. The problem is: she didn't win. Despite her efforts, Chu Song lost, Cai's enforcers maintained order, Cai and her forces managed to drive her off and she was forced into hiding. This can be partially attributed to Ling Qi who helped beat Chu Song and rally enforcers to safety while foiling Yan's plans to gank Gu and Fan. Growing Pains was a draw at best.

Sun Liling is in a disadvantage now: She has a bunch of people at her side and 2 older year factions with a Green each. She's got Kang Zihao, but I doubt he has much of a faction after all the shit that happened to him. She has Ji Rong, but he can't turn the tides by himself. And while she's a symbol of defiance, she's the one hiding from Cai, and she's on the backfoot. So she's mustering her forces and building a fortress so she can no longer hide and rally people to her "cause". Happily, she's got Renshu to help her with anti-divination and clairvoyance so Cai can't meddle in her affairs.

And then comes Thunderdome 4.0: Yan Renshu edition. Yan Renshu has a strong faction composed of a good number of people and lots of resources due to his pill factory and resources that he's built up over the years… and all of it is gone in a week or two. Ling Qi infiltrates both of his bases, and a raiding force is immediately sent to the both of them to acquire his resources and destroy the infrastructure of his faction. Yan Renshu goes berserk but fails to stop Ling Qi, and its revealed that he's been performing "horrible" actions to his minions, which Cai spins to basically cannibalize his faction and take the majority of them. Sun quickly acts to save face by denouncing Yan and taking a share of his faction, and her subordinates like Kang ZIhao do too. Unfortunately they get less than Cai, and they don't really get much a win here. Ji Rong breaks Han Fang's jaw sure, but on the other hand Yan Renshu's faction is single handedly destroyed due to the actions of one woman: Ling Qi.

At this point, Sun HAS to be frustrated. She's started a losing battle because of a bunch of bad choices ever since the beginning, and while Cai has been treating this as a test for herself to see if she can rule, Sun treated this as a game from the beginning, and didn't put in the necessary effort into social and faction building as early as Cai did. Being kicked out of the sect for a month hasn't helped, and now one of the people who could have helped her score a win is out of commission for the most part. All because of Ling Qi.

Yet there is one silver lining. She still managed to construct her fortress and reveal it as a symbol to rally around. That fortress is infiltrated by Ling Qi and she manages to get away.

Sun's been having a shit time with this "war", and she's been losing from the start. She isn't out just yet, but in her view, taking Ling Qi out of commission is a huge thing. In fact, one could argue taking her out could be considered a "win" for Sun.

Sun has been short on those lately.
She's not winning the PR war, which is surprising. Cai is the tyrant here, subverting tradition to exert her power and rule. Regardless of her reasoning or if we agree with it, it is horrendously easy to paint a bad picture of that. Even so Cai's side has more people, with better resources. She also scored a solid victory by somehow absorbing more of Yan Renshu's faction that Sun. That astounds me, and I'm very curious to know how she pulled it off. That's something that should have also been easy for Sun to fear-monger with.
Because put bluntly...Sun is a total bitch.

The only methods by which she can rule are fear and respect. And whilst many would say thats machiavellian, Machiavelli noted the importance of how you never, ever generate fear in such a way that it creates hatred, because there's going to come a time when people have enough of your shit and that hatred trumps their fear. The only way that Sun can generate respect is by being respected for her power, but if people are unimpressed by that one factor, she has no other way to get people on her side besides mutual hatred. And from what we've seen, she hasn't really done all that much to solidify the respect she needs.

Suppose Sun won this little civil war? She has no way to maintain power beyond fighting everyone, because the only reason that her group is working together at all is that their mutual dislike of Cai trumps that of each other. As soon as Cai would be gone, Sun loses her power, because the way she's set it up means that people don't respect her power, but rather the stance she's taken. If she wins, she becomes just another student, only able to stay on top by fighting off her competitors.

Cai, on the other hand, DOES generate respect. She has a goal beyond "Fuck the other side", and that means that if she were to win, she still has a position of authority that people can respect her for. She makes sure that things don't get too out of hand, and that those one her side are on it because she allows them to go about life day to day without too much interruption. She's a Veterinari style tyrant, one whose biggest goal is to ensure things run smoothly, day by day. And that gives people below her respect, because they know they can rely on her to stop things from going too far.

So when people look between the two, they see one side thats got a blood knight for a leader whos only policy is "Defeat Cai", and a reasonable authority figure who may be controlling, but can guarantee a modicum of safety. One side is held together by mutual rage, the other have an actual plan.
All of this is true, but you disregard one thing.

Sun Liling doesn't want to rule. Instead, she wants to be recognized as the strongest warlord on the mountain, and to be able to do what she wants when she wants.

No order, just the chaos of a jungle.
So I just realised something:

If Cai is Satsuki...

Then Guanling (Or whatever Shouty man's name is) is Gamagoori

Not!TendouSouji is the tech/intellect guy

I assume the closest to the Kendo Master would be Han Jian. It could be someone else

So...Since we're the girl who'se main thing is music weaponry...

Does that make us Nonon?

All of this is true, but you disregard one thing.

Sun Liling doesn't want to rule. Instead, she wants to be recognized as the strongest warlord on the mountain, and to be able to do what she wants when she wants.

No order, just the chaos of a jungle.
Yeah, but thats a terrible mindset for a Leader. And to get her perfect rule of the Jungle heaven, she needs to lead people to do it.
The goofiest thing about all of this is that if Sun Liling didn't spend all that effort trying to stop Ling Qi, Ling wouldn't spend all that effort trying to sabotage Sun.

Like, Sun Liling counterattack started by sending a third realm cultivator with friends to attack Ling Qi (a second realm cultivator) that only failed because of suprise fox divination and Chu Song not caring for Sun's attitude in the first place. If Sun Liling had used her forces to just jump Cai or ignore Ling, Ling wouldn't be drawn into the battle until it was too late.

It also radicalized Ling herself, because now she knows that Sun Liling is willing to spend a lot of resources to hamper Ling, so there is no reason to distance herself from the conflict. I certainly wouldn't argue half as hard about sneaking in to Liling's base if I didn't think that come the next showdown Ling wouldn't be attacked again with overwhelming force.
The goofiest thing about all of this is that if Sun Liling didn't spend all that effort trying to stop Ling Qi, Ling wouldn't spend all that effort trying to sabotage Sun.

Like, Sun Liling counterattack started by sending a third realm cultivator with friends to attack Ling Qi (a second realm cultivator) that only failed because of suprise fox divination and Chu Song not caring for Sun's attitude in the first place. If Sun Liling had used her forces to just jump Cai or ignore Ling, Ling wouldn't be drawn into the battle until it was too late.

It also radicalized Ling herself, because now she knows that Sun Liling is willing to spend a lot of resources to hamper Ling, so there is no reason to distance herself from the conflict. I certainly wouldn't argue half as hard about sneaking in to Liling's base if I didn't think that come the next showdown Ling wouldn't be attacked again with overwhelming force.
Thing is: We'd proven ourselves a potential threat. Us nipping her flowers in the bud (Badum-tsh) stopped her from replenishing qi, and turned the tide of the battle in our favour. So in her mind, it was too big a risk for her to potentially let us do something unexpected again...which then became a self fulfilling prophecy.

This is why I say Sun is a bad leader, even if she's a good warrior. She doesn't - can't - let sleeping dogs lie. If it might be a threat, she HAS to respond, even if it might not even be a problem long term.