Mother Nyx
Mother of Elpis
- Location
- The Kei Klub
- Pronouns
- She/Her
Inb4 my autosuccess saves us.
If we're talking about things to cap before breakthrough, the ones that make the most sense to give permanent bonuses are the attributes, rather than the mundane skills.
I'd go on a leg and presume physical attributes would give a bonus on physical cultivation breakthrough, and mental ones for spiritual cultivation breakthrough.
So Stamina and maybe Intelligence.
Good talk doods. Just popping in to say that while I gave you guys the stamina dot, I wont be adding any further points until after this update as the dice rolling has already started.
Anyway @Lazy Minx I saw you mention putting points toward an auto? Just want to confirm that.
It begins...Welp, it's time to start making yacatan priest look like altar boys, for RNGesus is hungry.
I recall speculation that this was a trial. Ji Rong has been using Heaven since Thunderdome 2, and this post-dates that, so his use of heaven isn't necessarily indicative of him finding it.From the void rose the image of a cavern, lit by bioluminescent fungus, growing over the remains of a strange basalt gate.
Good talk doods. Just popping in to say that while I gave you guys the stamina dot, I wont be adding any further points until after this update as the dice rolling has already started.
Anyway @Lazy Minx I saw you mention putting points toward an auto? Just want to confirm that.
Ask for minor next to specifically probe for the last Argent Art?So, there may be another way to get the last Argent Art. We've been assuming it's been found, but maybe not:
I recall speculation that this was a trial. Ji Rong has been using Heaven since Thunderdome 2, and this post-dates that, so his use of heaven isn't necessarily indicative of him finding it.
We have about 50 successes to go with EPC for the next level. If we chose Xin/Hidden Moon as our patron, we may find it. Or perhaps an even more hidden secret. The new moon specializes in hidden knowledge and secret arts, after all, and without family arts to back us we greatly benefit from that.
And if that is a trial, we want to do this quest before we hit green, since trials ask for yellow soul cultivators. Probably because greens would curbstomp a yellow-appropriate challenge.
So, there may be another way to get the last Argent Art. We've been assuming it's been found, but maybe not:
I recall speculation that this was a trial. Ji Rong has been using Heaven since Thunderdome 2, and this post-dates that, so his use of heaven isn't necessarily indicative of him finding it.
We have about 50 successes to go with EPC for the next level. If we chose Xin/Hidden Moon as our patron, we may find it. Or perhaps an even more hidden secret. The new moon specializes in hidden knowledge and secret arts, after all, and without family arts to back us we greatly benefit from that.
And if that is a trial, we want to do this quest before we hit green, since trials ask for yellow soul cultivators. Probably because greens would curbstomp a yellow-appropriate challenge.
A wild Not!Kabuto appeared!@Codex is a glorious glorious star and funded more art! Minor character art!! Art of Fu Xiang (aka. glasses boi)!
Ling Qi's gaze was drawn to the third person with them though, a short thin boy with feathered black hair and and light green and loose robes, a scholar's cap rested on his head, and he walked with easy confidence in Cai Renxiang's shadow, hands clasped behind his back. He wore square framed eyeglasses, which was strange, as no cultivator should need such a thing, perhaps they were a talisman? Ling Qi met his grey eyes for a moment and received a smile in return. He was at the peak of second realm, close to the verge of breakthrough.
Maybe. We don't know how many of our enemies plans were aborted thanks to him learning of them, since we don't get to see things that didn't happen.Frankly, I'm impressed at just how incredibly useless he seems to be.
Like, this kind of "Detect big movements on the other side's move, especially that of big players" is the sort of thing that she should be actually good at, but it seems like Sun Liling's forces just always have the initiative, regardless of any efforts to change this.
Maybe. We don't know how many of our enemies plans were aborted thanks to him learning of them, since we don't get to see things that didn't happen.
You're doing that thing again.Maybe.
This event is stressing the hell out of me. And the worst thing is, I can't really see any way this would have been any different, we were already high enough up on Liling's Shit List that she committed a Green and her posse to fuck us up in particular in the last thunderdome, and we proceeded to roll through that and be a significant player anyway. And then we fucked up Yan Renshu--who we've just established is still in cahoots with Sun Liling despite her public condemnation of him.
This was happening regardless whether we poked her citadel or nothing, we're really the weak link who pushes out of our weight class, all that poking the fortress did was give her an excuse to do it now rather than at Thunderdome 4.
The problem is just how Sun Liling never seems to suffer actual defeats, her resources seem to be bottomless, she's winning the PR war consistently, and as we've just established, she's free to operate throughout the Outer Sect with impunity because nobody on our side is capable of doing much more than track her weakest and least important agents.
I get that, I do, but take a deep breath, and look at what you wrote. Realize that not only are you taking things to the furthest most ridiculous extreme you can, but it's also pretty nonsensical.
This is happening specifically because we raided her fortress. People were riding high after the kickass raid on Renshu's base, which completely fractured his faction in the span of a single night. It's what got us fearful respect of the Outer Disciples, which translates to them being rightfully terrified. Most probably don't even know what happened, but the rumors must have escalated immensely as they are wont to do.This was happening regardless whether we poked her citadel or nothing, we're really the weak link who pushes out of our weight class, all that poking the fortress did was give her an excuse to do it now rather than at Thunderdome 4.
The problem is just how Sun Liling never seems to suffer actual defeats, her resources seem to be bottomless, she's winning the PR war consistently, and as we've just established, she's free to operate throughout the Outer Sect with impunity because nobody on our side is capable of doing much more than track her weakest and least important agents.
Hmmm. Not!Kabuto appears to have become Not!Aizen.@Codex is a glorious glorious star and funded more art! Minor character art!! Art of Fu Xiang (aka. glasses boi)!
Ling Qi's gaze was drawn to the third person with them though, a short thin boy with feathered black hair and and light green and loose robes, a scholar's cap rested on his head, and he walked with easy confidence in Cai Renxiang's shadow, hands clasped behind his back. He wore square framed eyeglasses, which was strange, as no cultivator should need such a thing, perhaps they were a talisman? Ling Qi met his grey eyes for a moment and received a smile in return. He was at the peak of second realm, close to the verge of breakthrough.
Because put bluntly...Sun is a total bitch.She's not winning the PR war, which is surprising. Cai is the tyrant here, subverting tradition to exert her power and rule. Regardless of her reasoning or if we agree with it, it is horrendously easy to paint a bad picture of that. Even so Cai's side has more people, with better resources. She also scored a solid victory by somehow absorbing more of Yan Renshu's faction that Sun. That astounds me, and I'm very curious to know how she pulled it off. That's something that should have also been easy for Sun to fear-monger with.
Yeah, but thats a terrible mindset for a Leader. And to get her perfect rule of the Jungle heaven, she needs to lead people to do it.All of this is true, but you disregard one thing.
Sun Liling doesn't want to rule. Instead, she wants to be recognized as the strongest warlord on the mountain, and to be able to do what she wants when she wants.
No order, just the chaos of a jungle.
Thing is: We'd proven ourselves a potential threat. Us nipping her flowers in the bud (Badum-tsh) stopped her from replenishing qi, and turned the tide of the battle in our favour. So in her mind, it was too big a risk for her to potentially let us do something unexpected again...which then became a self fulfilling prophecy.The goofiest thing about all of this is that if Sun Liling didn't spend all that effort trying to stop Ling Qi, Ling wouldn't spend all that effort trying to sabotage Sun.
Like, Sun Liling counterattack started by sending a third realm cultivator with friends to attack Ling Qi (a second realm cultivator) that only failed because of suprise fox divination and Chu Song not caring for Sun's attitude in the first place. If Sun Liling had used her forces to just jump Cai or ignore Ling, Ling wouldn't be drawn into the battle until it was too late.
It also radicalized Ling herself, because now she knows that Sun Liling is willing to spend a lot of resources to hamper Ling, so there is no reason to distance herself from the conflict. I certainly wouldn't argue half as hard about sneaking in to Liling's base if I didn't think that come the next showdown Ling wouldn't be attacked again with overwhelming force.