Forge of Destiny(Xianxia Quest)

Is it too late to upgrade FZ to the next level? I remember we were only a few cultivation successes off.

I just want my internal screaming to stop.

Even if I think we picked the best of several bad decisions, the dice tend to be swingy at the best of times. Let alone crisis moments like this.

Losing isn't bad sometimes, but it is when your character backstory gives us no room for defeat, against a foe who has shown no restraint in her penalties against anyone on the opposite side, let alone a key agent.
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Guys, if I were to produce more artsu for points, what would you like them to be put into?

Formations research is a possibility, maybe Craft as it's close to dotting up and seems to be the skill used to create Ossuary Scouts, and is likely used to construct more complex formation constructs. Larceny is good because it boosts non-art cultivation, and helps us steal shit, though I don't think it's a viable candidate for points as it hasn't been trained recently. Beyond that, Zhengui has already been mentioned, as well as buying another auto success.
I suppose sending the points to auto-successes for "successfully escaping" is an option.
I've already donated 2 points to an autosuccess and you're only allowed to do two. Add in the fact I hate the winning vote and I'd rather save any future points for something I do like.

I'd personally prefer them to go into Zhengui, but you might want to put them into Socialize to make interactions with Bai Meizhen go better.
...This is a very good plan. I'm always willing to swing Bai. I'm hilarious, I know, feel free to laugh. Triple entendre, don't even ask me how.
Manipulation and archery. It might be possible to push them farther before breakthrough. On the other side, power is something we now need but don't have. Once we have formations we're trying to learn those would be handy to accelerate.
Losing isn't bad sometimes, but it is when your character backstory gives us no room for defeat, against a foe who has shown no restraint in her penalties against anyone on the opposite side, let alone a key agent
Yeah, her ruthlessness is pretty incredible. For example, the way she had those enforcers beaten up and stripped. Compare to our side, who have kept everything very moderate, only imprisioning people and cleaning out entire bases.

She's probably going to draw and quarter us. You know what those western barbarians are like.

(Seriously though, relax. Barring actual crippling we can actually recover from quite a lot. Like, even if she did lock us up for a month, I think we'd still be a major contender)
I still await the day she accidentally intimidates/terrifies some mooks because her idea of "excellent formal manners" is Bai Meizhen.:rofl:
During the first test in Jiao's trial, we imitated Meizhen when ordering mooks around because Ling Qi had no idea what else to do!
All of their eyes fell on her the moment the door opened, and for a second she froze up, unsure of what to do. So, lacking experience herself, she drew upon her experience with Meizhen, Cai, Xiulan, and other ladies of rank, and drew herself up, not allowing a hint of her own lack of confidence to show. "I am glad I did not waste my time coming here," she said cooly. "We must leave this place, quickly. All shelters are being evacuated to the north."
Lmao, I am glad I did not waste my time coming here, with a silent and strongly implied, because I would have been very mispleased if I had.
So, looking at hypotheticals, I think we might have been able to beat Sun Liling. It would be tough and rely on her not having a great dispell art like Meizhen (or us being able to resist the dispell). However, my belief that we could have beaten Sun Liling is on the assumption that we win at least 2 clashes, the "Hidden in Shadows" clash and the perception clash that Sun would do afterward to find where we went. The former I have no idea on how difficult it is and what bonuses we have that apply to it, while the latter relies on our stealth which we would have a good shot at winning. Also, we would need to do "Hidden in Shadows" first rather than FVM.

The thing is, our debuffs are scary strong and someone's mention of how they are approaching the "save or die" level of debuffing is, I think, accurate. They sort of remind me of the "Doom" debuff in Final Fantasy where if you can't avoid it or dispell it you are going to die. The problem for us is landing that first debuff on Liling, which I think we can do if we start with "Hidden in Shadows."

If I am correct, and do correct me if I am wrong, "Mists of the vale" dice go something like (Manipulation+Expression+specialty+flute+Pin+Art) which means for us we get 5 + 8 (expression + Speciality + Flute) + 2 (Pin) + 2 (Music art "flute"?) + tech 2 = 19 dice. Combine that with "Hidden in Shadows" + 5 and we get 24, and then add either the +3 for being unaware of our location or first strike bonus (depending on whether "Hidden in Shadows" clash is considered an offensive clash) and we get another +3/+5. This results in "Mists of the Vale" getting a total of 27/29 dice for latching onto Sun Liling. (I got these numbers from looking at Dark Dreams Fin where we used Elegy, and then corrected as needed).

Those are some good numbers and are actually the numbers I think we need to reach in order for FVM to reliably strike against a person with decent spiritual defenses. The problem then becomes Dissonance, as that would not get the +5 "Hidden in Shadows" bonus, but it would still receive the benefit of striking a target with -4 to defenses as well as the unaware passive.

All in all, once FVM is going our chances in this theoretical fight go up significantly, as Sun's defenses would be at -12. At that point, it simply becomes the waiting game and striking at her with Scalding Stream and defending against her attacks. Of course, she probably has a dispell art (I would assume so) and then it becomes a contest of keeping FVM up and running in the face of her dispells. I think it would be possible, especially with Elegy giving -2 dice to that clash, but it is a significant pain and probably downfall in any fight with the monsters (as demonstrated with Meizhen trumping our mists with her dispell art).

Last we knew, Sun's main dispel art was the One At Sufficient Velocity godspear. But she might have picked up something since.
Last we knew, Sun's main dispel art was the One At Sufficient Velocity godspear. But she might have picked up something since.

Especially since we messed with her sunflowers. It's been quite a while since then, plenty of time to pick up or hone a dispelling art.

Alternatively, her 'blast it til it goes away' strategy worked, so who knows.
Manipulation and archery. It might be possible to push them farther before breakthrough. On the other side, power is something we now need but don't have. Once we have formations we're trying to learn those would be handy to accelerate.
If we're talking about things to cap before breakthrough, the ones that make the most sense to give permanent bonuses are the attributes, rather than the mundane skills.
I'd go on a leg and presume physical attributes would give a bonus on physical cultivation breakthrough, and mental ones for spiritual cultivation breakthrough.
So Stamina and maybe Intelligence.
Character growth has been under much discussion lately, so let's talk about it. What is "character growth" anyway?

In its simplest form, character growth is "change". Not of abilities or assets, but of the character's personality and worldview. The catalyst for this is generally a new experience or information that causes them to reassess their previous beliefs.

Defeat is often used as a trigger for character growth. It does this in several ways. For the classic Young Master, defeat may be a new experience. He may learn that you do not always get what you want in life, or that you cannot expect to simply have your victories handed to you without working for them. He may learn that even when you try your hardest sometimes you're just not good enough. It may cause him to question his assumptions about the nature of strength if he was defeated by someone he looks down on. Will he learn that defeat is not the end of the world, and to pick himself up and keep working? Now that he has been defeated, can he still justify looking down on all those that he had defeated previously?

I feel that this next quote is actually extremely important to how this relates to Ling Qi
She remembered sobbing alone as she clutched her broken arm while uncaring passerby ignored the huddled lump on the street corner.

Ling Qi has already been through this fire.

It is a part of her, down to her very bones and she will probably never be entirely free of it.

She has already internalize the lessons of loss, that she is not unbeatable, to the point where she feels uncomfortable when people don't look down on her. One of the more enjoyable progressions in the story has been Ling Qi walking down the street and seeing how people change their reactions to her. It has been noted several times that she finds the lack of glares, or even receiving basic courtesy like politely stepping aside to be unsettling. She actually feels weird and uncomfortable when treated with respect.

Losing a fight would reinforce the lessons she has already learned, rather than challenge her worldview.

Ling Qi's character growth, then, is about what happens after that. Ling Qi is still coming to terms with her new place in society. What it means to be a noble and what is expected of her. What her level a power truly means for life and her relationships with people around her. Simply by virtue of being herself her opinion now matters in a way it never has before. If a Cyan is standing in a room full of Yellows, then whatever the Cyan says goes; everybody knows that and so the Yellows will instinctively turn to her for leadership. That would freak Ling Qi out.

She is growing. The way she realizes that Cai is walking with her publicly in order to display that she is calm and unworried shows she is beginning to realize that her actions and presence carry weight beyond the immediate. She's not all the way there yet. Note how she tunes out during parts of council meetings because she thinks such things are beyond her.

Ling Qi has come a long way from being a street rat, but she can still be adorably fish-out-of-water about her new status. I look forward to seeing her grow into it.
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Good talk doods. Just popping in to say that while I gave you guys the stamina dot, I wont be adding any further points until after this update as the dice rolling has already started.

Anyway @Lazy Minx I saw you mention putting points toward an auto? Just want to confirm that.
Good talk doods. Just popping in to say that while I gave you guys the stamina dot, I wont be adding any further points until after this update as the dice rolling has already started.

Anyway @Lazy Minx I saw you mention putting points toward an auto? Just want to confirm that.
Assuming they get 2 points per picture and they submitted 3 pics, that would be 6 points.

They put 4 to stamina and 2 to an auto.

So, just in case you need clarification, @yrsillar I'd like 4 points to go to Stamina to level it up and the last two to go to an auto success.
