The Great One
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I didn't realize we were going forward with a family tradition when we explained ki away to the Garenhulders."Would you like to see Great- Great- Great- Grandfather's notes?" you ask, picking up the sheaf of papers you most certainly did not forge last night.
I can't believe we haven't taken over the world yet. The Exiles are as bad as the Garenhulders. They really need Kakara a lot.In secret, a thousand superhuman laborers travel out into the untracked wilderness of Garenhuld, where no humans dare to live, and begin building the infrastructure for a postindustrial economy until it's ready to present, pre-completed.
Also, @PoptartProdigy is this fear of the unknown only for the physical sciences, or do they also have a similar problem against social innovations such as moving from feudalism to governments and the like?