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@PoptartProdigy, you said if we wrote something plausible you might consider Satan Style. I'm not saying we should do anything with it, but if we ever did, I wrote this write-in.

Reformed Satan Style: It's often overlooked, but Mr. Satan did once legitimately win the World Martial Arts Tournament. He faced against many enemies, some that would've been stronger than him, some that used ki, and some with special abilities not easily counterable, and he beat them all without cheating or using ki. Though some deny it, even Goku was forced to cheat, summoning Nimbus in his fight with Giran. That he somehow accomplished the feat despite his...supbar martial arts skill compared to the Z-fighters only exemplifies what virtues in his style there must be. If the core philosophy of his style can be understood and updated for use in modern combat, perhaps something can be made out of it. Involved techniques: ???. Penalised techniques: Respect among fellow Saiyans?
That said..

@PoptartProdigy, with Kakara's current knowledge of the cult, how likely does she think it is that the leadership of the cult will move to a closed area in order to discuss some issues without an audience?

I mentioned in the update that it will be held in the Hall, which they have reserved for the day and will be locking down.

@PoptartProdigy, you said if we wrote something plausible you might consider Satan Style. I'm not saying we should do anything with it, but if we ever did, I wrote this write-in.

Reformed Satan Style: It's often overlooked, but Mr. Satan did once legitimately win the World Martial Arts Tournament. He faced against many enemies, some that would've been stronger than him, some that used ki, and some with special abilities not easily counterable, and he beat them all without cheating or using ki. Though some deny it, even Goku was forced to cheat, summoning Nimbus in his fight with Giran. That he somehow accomplished the feat despite his...supbar martial arts skill compared to the Z-fighters only exemplifies what virtues in his style there must be. If the core philosophy of his style can be understood and updated for use in modern combat, perhaps something can be made out of it. Involved techniques: ???. Penalised techniques: Respect among fellow Saiyans?

Neat write-in!
Is that only the leadership of the Cult? I had gotten the idea that any member of the Cult could come, so I was kinda wondering if there was a chance that the leaders would discuss some things away from the laymen.

Ah. It's a general audience, but the Priesthood might have some things to discuss among themselves. They haven't said as much, but it's possible.
If we attend it openly though, aren't we kind of legitimazing the whole thing and thus the decisions they make? It isone thing for them to formalize the religion and another for them to do so with the last remaining Scion sitting in, even when we have no autority.

Let's not forget that as far as the public is concerned, we helped commit the heresy that was the sealing too.
If we attend it openly though, aren't we kind of legitimazing the whole thing and thus the decisions they make? It isone thing for them to formalize the religion and another for them to do so with the last remaining Scion sitting in, even when we have no autority.

Let's not forget that as far as the public is concerned, we helped commit the heresy that was the sealing too.
If we pair it up with Scion's Duties, it should be a simple matter to pass it off as just us learning more about Saiyan society. Our prior inexperience in it will make it all the more believable.
[ ] The Examined Life (1 action): You are made up of many small facets. After your revelation with your sense of pacifism, you want to reflect on another, and delve into its secrets. Effect: Select one trait to reflect on and develop, excluding Pacifist, which must be further developed through play.
- [ ] A Cause: Your mind has centered on the issue of Jaffur's Sealing since that summer at the Training Hall, and you find yourself repelled by the whole affair. Everything about it sickens and horrifies you, and rage at Lady Vegeta for her part in it never fails to follow on its heels. Behind these, though, lingers a more quiet, yet insistent conclusion: that this is wrong. That everything about this situation, and everything leading up to it, was wrong. And you will never let it happen again. Experiences heavy vote weighting in favor of options spiting or thwarting Dandeer Vegeta and must pass Willpower checks to act in line with her interests. Slight prejudice against sorcery and its practitioners gained. Gains +1 yearly action that must be used to mitigate or reverse the consequences of Jaffur's Sealing (if you can justify that it aids this to the QM, you can spend this action on it). +10 flat bonus to Willpower at all times, which spikes to +20 when acting against Lady Dandeer Vegeta or Jaffur's Seal.
-- [ ] Ponder upon the very nature of identity and memory. If everything you are is sealed away, never to be released, and all that remains is someone with none of your memories, none of your thoughts... Isn't that the same thing as being dead. More than that... Doesn't that mean that you died, and some stranger snuck in and took over your life? That's horrible and terrifying, and your father was involved. Why would he do something like this? Why would he kill his own best friend. You need to talk to him about this.

Blugh. Not at all happy withthis, but got the general jist of it out. Maybe someone else can clear it up a bit.
Assuming we manage to convince them to let us into the meeting, would any of you be against having a masked Multiform clone standing ready to infiltrate if the priesthood decide to discuss things amongst themselves? It's probably not going to happen, but it can't hurt to have options.

Also, @Aranfan, would you mind keeping Multiform secret until we've contacted the Senzus? We might need it to give ourselves an alibi/cover if we have to meet with them in person.
Assuming we manage to convince them to let us into the meeting, would any of you be against having a masked Multiform clone standing ready to infiltrate if the priesthood decide to discuss things amongst themselves? It's probably not going to happen, but it can't hurt to have options.

Also, @Aranfan, would you mind keeping Multiform secret until we've contacted the Senzus? We might need it to give ourselves an alibi/cover if we have to meet with them in person.

Keeping the technique a secret and using it on the spot will be things I break for votes on.

Obviously. That's why I'm against going the deciet route. But it is true that the cult is an extremely important institution in our culture, and given our station we should be aware of what's it's goals and strictures are.

Oh thank goodness. I just abruptly realized, "I didn't actually mention that there would be consequences, what if they don't know panic abort abort."
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..Also, more questions!

@PoptartProdigy, how many people can be in the hall at the same time?

Does the hall have toilets/restrooms?

(This is for if we have to infiltrate it and such).

How many of the cultists are going to attend the meeting (not all of them, right?), and are any of the cultists' children going to attend?
..Also, more questions!

@PoptartProdigy, how many people can be in the hall at the same time?

Does the hall have toilets/restrooms?

(This is for if we have to infiltrate it and such).

How many of the cultists are going to attend the meeting (not all of them, right?), and are any of the cultists' children going to attend?

Given that it was excavated by Super Saiyans firing ki blasts and then overlaid with enough enchantments to passably imitate Hogwarts? All of them. Unless you plan on sheltering a planet's worth of people in there, you'll be able to fit however many you want.

...y'know, I never thought I would be asked that one. Yes.

General attendance is unknown, but all of the clergy will be there, and it's expected that some people will bring kids.
So...we have an overpopulation problem, we have dissension in the ranks of Saiyans, largely centered around the cultists, and we know where the cultists will virtually all be at a point in time?

We should show up as FPSSJ. It'll make sure people know we understand our duties. Also, it'll let us incinerate everyone in the hall, should things go badly.

And THAT is how we can overshadow the Butcher of House Talt.
We don't know if they would all be there, just that they could fit and the important ones will be. While the enchantment masks ki so people outside wouldn't feel the slaughter, Kakara has shown one can IT out of it, just not in, so some might escape. While I guess we could end them all at once with a strong enough blast, we would then have to deal with the rest of the population who had family and friends there or morals. So it not really practical.

Effort points for realizing an oportunityto both stop another organization from consolidating their power and solve the overpopulation issue at the same time though.
..Kinda want to find out if you can teleport in and out of the Hall while using Multiform as long as one of the clones are in there.
..Kinda want to find out if you can teleport in and out of the Hall while using Multiform as long as one of the clones are in there.

On one hand, IT is supposed to work by locking into a ki signature and the hall blocks sensing. On the other hand,Kakara already showed what she thinks about that by teleporting to a place with nobody around when dropping off an unconscious Dandeer and to the other side of the hall while fighting Jaffur, so it might be possible.

The again, she can even sense mosquitoes over incredible distances and she couldn't IT into the hall before, so she might be using that to move around.
..Kinda want to find out if you can teleport in and out of the Hall while using Multiform as long as one of the clones are in there.

On one hand, IT is supposed to work by locking into a ki signature and the hall blocks sensing. On the other hand,Kakara already showed what she thinks about that by teleporting to a place with nobody around when dropping off an unconscious Dandeer and to the other side of the hall while fighting Jaffur, so it might be possible.

The again, she can even sense mosquitoes over incredible distances and she couldn't IT into the hall before, so she might be using that to move around.

People inside the Hall can sense things outside of it; people outside the Hall cannot sense things inside of it.
So what your saying is that if we do get SSJ4, it won't be discreet.

I feel like we should focus on reaching level 2 and finding a way to deal with the stigma of breaking tradition like that before going all out for SSJ4. Unless, of course, you plan to use the fact that nobody got it before and thus they can't accuse us of knowingly breaking tradition. Though for some reason, I doubt that would go over well:

Berra:Kakara! What have you done?!
Kakara: I didn't mean to to discover a new form! I honestly thought I would blow myself up before that happened!

Assuming, of course, level 4 is a thing and not just the Oozaru form level 2.
Valid write-in. Moderate-difficulty Communication check to succeed, or you could pretend to be thinking of converting for a trivial Deceit check.

-or, presumably, just, y'know, walk in and sit down while quietly glowing and sparking. By that time Kakara is going to be a mastered Super-Saiyan, chosen successor of their gods, and second-highest legitimate authority figure on the planet. What are they going to do, call security?

Oh, zero. You know all the Saiyan kids in your area, the Misfits are all human.

-for now...

I...feel like I should mention that there are non-trivial consequences (not necessarily all negative) to openly attending one of the most important Cult functions in history, and even more if you pretend to be converting to do it. I'm not saying it's a bad idea or trying to scare people off, just...we are aware of this, right? From my perspective it's obvious, but I'm the QM, so I'm not always sure how obvious things I think are clear are.

She should grab her camera and freelance for Dragon Radio. Kakara, rogue investigative journalist quest! The public has a right to know!

I need to put together an art piece of her with a typewriter and old-timey reporter hat.

@PoptartProdigy, you said if we wrote something plausible you might consider Satan Style. I'm not saying we should do anything with it, but if we ever did, I wrote this write-in.

Reformed Satan Style: It's often overlooked, but Mr. Satan did once legitimately win the World Martial Arts Tournament. He faced against many enemies, some that would've been stronger than him, some that used ki, and some with special abilities not easily counterable, and he beat them all without cheating or using ki. Though some deny it, even Goku was forced to cheat, summoning Nimbus in his fight with Giran. That he somehow accomplished the feat despite his...supbar martial arts skill compared to the Z-fighters only exemplifies what virtues in his style there must be. If the core philosophy of his style can be understood and updated for use in modern combat, perhaps something can be made out of it. Involved techniques: ???. Penalised techniques: Respect among fellow Saiyans?

Again, if you want to pursue the style, look into Videl. She is bound to be much more respected among the Saiyans as Ki-wielding human mother of the modern race, contributor to the original god ritual, and it was the base of the style she would develop further in light of her direct experiences with the Z-fighters.

I have the feeling that if we had voted to have Kakara be "of course we should Worship Ji-Chan" we'd be getting the option to just sit in.

-but the cult is just an irrelevantly tiny, minor organization in Saiyan society that we want nothing to do with, remember?
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-or, presumably, just, y'know, walk in and sit down while quietly glowing and sparking. By that time Kakara is going to be a mastered Super-Saiyan, chosen successor of their gods, and second-highest legitimate authority figure on the planet. What are they going to do, call security?

They'll call your Grandma. Who will frown at you, and call Dad while giving you a lecture. And then Dad will come. And he will frown at you. While grounding you for a month.
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