Can't even sense anything to instant transmission to? I know Goku used it to travel between distant planets.
1) Did Goku ever use it to reach a planet he hadn't visited before, and where no one he knew was located? It may well be possible to lock onto the ki signature of a high-powered individual you know, or the overall broad-spectrum "life signs" of an entire planet, from much greater ranges than you could lock onto any single living being on that planet who is unknown to you except as a big ball of ki.
If we can't than that is another reason to look forward to the next level of ki sense.
I don't disagree.
So if there was anyone of SS2 power or more in the galaxy we would know about it. Is there?
No speed limits. Range limits? Yeah. An SSJ2-level power level, you figure you could get a read on from several systems away, but it could easily be lost in the sheer size of space. Higher? Who knows? It's entirely theoretical.
Space is big. To expand on what Poptart said...
The galaxy is between 100 and 180 thousand light-years in diameter, depending on how you count. Garenhuld is somewhere out in the outer halo of stars surrounding the galaxy,
extremely remote. Her closest stellar neighbors may well be tens of light-years away, and it may well be hundreds of light-years to the nearest inhabited system.* One light-year is about six trillion miles or about ten trillion kilometers.
Now, Kakara has phenomenal ki senses and can detect an adult human from "well over the horizon." Even if we interpret that pretty ambitiously (say, a power level of five is visible out to a thousand kilometers), it's easy to understand how over interstellar distances
billions, or tens if not hundreds of billions, times greater... even a very powerful ki signature can get lost in the shuffle.
I mean, even to conclude that power levels in the high single-digit billions can be seen from interstellar distances, we have to assume that they 'leak' a much higher proportion of their ki than low 'merely mortal' power levels. Which is believable. We also have to pretty much forget about the inverse square law, which may well be reasonable where ki is concerned.
*It's hard to estimate the density of inhabited systems in Dragonball... At least for me at present.
Alright, update written! I'm going to be doing the usual and edit tomorrow before posting. Night, all!
No hard speed limits that anybody's found yet, and yes, it certainly does, for DBS reasons.
If there were lightspeed limits on ki sense, we would have
very little to worry about from going Super-Saiyan Two; it would be a long lifetime before the ki pulse from our transformation reached any star that is likely to be inhabited by anyone capable of sending word to the Enemy. We'd be blue before the word got out.
So yeah, ki sense being
effectively an ansible, that is to say instantaneous across arbitrarily long distances, really does seem a necessary part of your plot. I salutes and supports that.
He has three paternal aunts, all of whom are in some way estranged from the ruling house (except the one, but she suffers from a severe intellectual disability and is a non-factor for different reasons).
Finding out what Lord Vegeta's two fully functioning sisters think about all this seems like it might be important. Although, as you say, 'estranged,' so their leverage would be limited.
Wait. Didn't one of Yammar's daughters marry Raditz or one of the other Senzus?
That said, finding out the position of Vegetan nobility is actually a vote option that we could spend an action point on, so it's not like I'm expecting you to tell me anything other than maybe "oh yeah, one of Lord Vegeta's sisters is Raditz Senzu's wife and presumably is Not Happy about all this."
He has three maternal aunts and one maternal uncle, but by all accounts Vegeta never favored them and Dandeer has kept them away from anything resembling power.
Yeah. I mean, how do you
quit being a super-saiyan? It's not like an object you can give away. You can renounce the right to transform but no one can enforce that, and if you know the secret of mastering the transformation you're as strong as anyone else on the planet. Come to think of it, that could be one of the big things the Seers select for in picking Scions; they won't pick a kid who might lay down the power and responsibility because it would raise too many questions.
Also, the system has a built-in "retirement plan" for Lords who grow weary of their duties- namely, as soon as you have grandchildren you can pass them on.
Come to think of it, that raises another question...
@PoptartProdigy, is there ever more than one generation of Patriarch or Matriarch at the same time? I'd think so, because the Scion can ascend to lordship as soon as an heir is born. There have to have been times when there was an eighty-year-old great-grandmother Matriarch, whose fifty-year-old son ascended to a Patriarch after
his thirty-year-old son became Lord upon the one of his little daughters being identified as a viable Scion or something.
...We have Seers. Checking would be easy.
Seers tend to have ethics problems with poking around inside people's mindspaces. Also, do YOU want to scry inside Valentine Somerlad's head to see if there's a pissed off disembodied super-saiyan floating around inside? I don't, because:
1) EWWW. More importantly...
2) Much like Jaffur, the disembodied ball of pissed-off super-saiyan energy that is Vegeta Vegeta would have a great deal of power and nothing to do with it. Meanwhile, the shade of a scrying Seer operates at a few percent of the Seer's normal power level, which
even for us isn't enough to stand up to a super-saiyan. It's entirely possible that the result of someone trying to scry into Lord Vegeta's head would be that their mind appears inside his mindscape and eats a Final Flash before they even know what's happening. It's not just distasteful, it's
Considering Murks seems to have given up, that probably isn't the case. And by socializing, we would have shown our sincerity of trying to work with them for a better solution, shown to Tamar we were treating his subordinates well and we'd learn more about them.
But it's not like Sings-through-Murk is going to be walled up in an oubliette to starve if we don't socialize with him, it's not like he even surrendered to us personally or like we're the only powerful figure involved here. He was picked up by one of Berra's squads and given medical treatment.
Look, I'm going to be honest, I'm not
literally 100% sure you're wrong, I'm not saying it would have been
absolutely useless. But I was very far from the only person who did not vote to do it, and I am not responsible for the fact that plans including this action did not receive widespread support. I am not unmindful or unconvinced of the merits of socialization votes
IN GENERAL and am open to supporting them in future year votes. I therefore find having people keep picking at me over this, and having to defend myself over it, rather tiresome.
I've already just plain put one person on Ignore because I don't want to deal with endless bitter sarcastic salt and recriminations over this. Could we maybe just stop? Please?