Self-Proclaimed King of the Dumpster Fires
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If Jaffur hadn't been a sorceror, the Masque would have worked as Dandeer intended and there would be no separate Jaron persona.
Jaron would be (as far as we know) simply an unusually heavily enforced (and somewhat mind-controlled) Masque persona. Our Seer powers wouldn't matter, because there'd be nothing to see, no locked-away Jaffur inside Jaron's brain.
It would simply be a matter of abducting Jaron, breaking the compulsions that prevent Jaffur from un-Masquing, and breaking the mind control and memory wipe.
By creating a separate 'Jaron' persona whose life we value and wish to preserve, Jaffur being a sorceror has arguably complicated the un-Sealing, in a fashion which our seer powers have had to cancel out.
One thing... while I don't exactly disagree with this theory, it IS possible that there are other explanations. It could have something to do with Jaffur being sealed when he was supersaiyan, as that extra level of power and transformation could have complicated it. Also, this might be a natural extension of this "new masque technique" that Dandeer used. It's possible that Vegeta is undergoing the same thing, only we don't know anything about it because he's not a sorcerer that can magic his way out for brief moments... and because we haven't looked because we really don't care about him anyway. It is well possible that Dandeer just made the spell to give herself the "perfect family" and didn't care one bit about the side-effects. Heck, since the spell was originally meant for Vegeta, who was abusing her, I could honestly see her creating the whole trapped mind thing as a "feature", just to get back at him... and when Jaffur didn't immediately fall into line, using it on him because... well, it's not like she's really hurting him, is it? He's still there, just... better, right?