Yes, we are in fact fighting the Enemy in this RP. If you want a sneak peek of just how horrifying he (it?) really is, click the link @The Fourth Monado posted. Just a hint: If and when Kakara ends up fighting him, for the love of God don't use standard Z-Fighter tactics. That shit doesn't work on him. The only thing proven to do so thus far is to play dirty, which for me meant "snipe him with a poison dart to the neck while he was distracted fighting the rest of the team." And he has erasure powers or something, so he got rid of the dart and recovered rather quickly.
The dude is probably one of the worst enemy types for a person like Kakara to fight right now. Just pray you don't attract his attention. He's as terrifying as the legends claim.
Just a hint: If and when Kakara ends up fighting him, for the love of God don't use standard Z-Fighter tactics. That shit doesn't work on him. The only thing proven to do so thus far is to play dirty, which for me meant "snipe him with a poison dart to the neck while he was distracted fighting the rest of the team."
Offhand, a style that doesn't emphasize raw power/Ki Blasts, and that doesn't rely on direct physical strikes, would be best.
Telekinesis might be a worthwhile investment. Some of the discussions about Ki bindings aren't a bad idea; he's not infinitely fast, so tying him up at least costs non-zero time.
Once Jaffur's Un-Sealed, maybe magical training.
Of course, unless Kakara Sees this....we're going to have trouble justifying switching around our training path in-character.
Okay, the update is written, but I'm holding off on editing it until tomorrow morning. There has been...an argument...shall we say, in my home.
Truly unexpectedly rotten day, but it's done now and got much better towards the end. Update will go up tomorrow, it just needs a proofread. I'm just too unfocused to really manage it right now. 'Night, folks.
[x] RUN! A war zone is not the place for a squishy human!
-[x] ...actually, this presents an opportunity. Power up and carry Jaron. You have the perfect excuse, and him knowing about ki could only make breaking the Seal easier. And it would piss off his Mom, too.
--[x] ...Power up moderately, enough to stop bomb shrapnel and bullets, but no higher than necessary for that purpose. Run fast, but not ridiculously beyond the human maximum.
--[x] ...Take Jaron to your own home, not his, if there was any question of that.
New terms, and some slightly overdue older ones from my finest selection of stuff that occurred to me off of the top of my head.
You can't responsibly consider staying at human power levels in the middle of a war zone. You power up.
To about fifteen units. Goku was a little under that when his adventures began, and bullets only bruised him then. You'll be fine, and you should be able to keep Jaron safe too.
And what better way to do that then to keep him as close as possible?
You stoop mid-stride and sweep him up and off his feet. He shouts in shock, arms flailing.
Voices echo from behind you.
"Contact right!"
"I've got movement!"
"Fredericks, Sorenson, check it out!"
You gulp and duck your head, pulling Jaron even closer in. You get ready for the first snap shots...
"Wait! Hold your fire!"
You blink.
"They're just kids. Fall back in."
"But sir, they could report us-!"
"They're already running, Fredericks. Leave it be. We don't have time. They're just kids, Private," says the man giving the orders. "We have objectives to hit. It's not like the Aramaians are going to have spies in their own cities."
Jaron stiffens. You run a quick mental calculation, and yes, you were still within normal human hearing range just then. Barely.
"Let me down," he says, voice quiet. You do. You're out of sight of the soldiers anyway. He starts jogging next to you as you slacken your pace a little. The sounds of combat retreat into the distance as the two of you vanish into one of the many patches of forest in Garenhulder cities. Jaron is deathly quiet.
"He said, 'Aramaians,'" you say, trying to break the silence. "I...well, you know what it's like. People don't talk about the country. We talk about cities. You don't belong to the country, you belong to your town."
"Only to people who live in Aramaia," says Jaron.
You're lost. You'd never paid nearly as much attention to the politics of Garenhuld as you had to your own culture. You about know the name of the country you live in: Aramaia, of course. But it never really comes up.
So you have no idea what Jaron is talking about.
"What do you mean?" you ask.
"My family didn't always live in Aramaia," says Jaron. We used to live over the border. I'm...from Tastreya," he says, sighing. He shoots you a weary glance, expecting...something. You return it with a neutral look.
...um...um...c'mon, Kakara, you had a geography test yesterday. It's, uh...the big country by that inland sea? Wait, no, that one starts with a C. Is it the one down in the tropics? Crapbaskets, I didn't think I'd have to remember any of this past the test!
"...okay?" you say at last.
He frowns at you, and you cringe. Wrong thing to say, clearly. He looks a little offended.
"Come on, everybody has something to say about that," he says, scowling.
You shrug. "I...I don't?"
He sighs, looking away. "Well, great. Do you actually know what Tastreya is? I didn't think you slacked that much."
You flush. "Shut up!"
He glares at you. "It matters! Tastreya is what's invading! You'd know that from the flags on their uniforms if you actually tried in class-!"
"I hear that enough from Gemma, okay?" you say, throwing up your hands. "I'm sorry I didn't study. Can we move on?"
He snorts. "Fine."
You stay quiet for a while as the two of you jog, the sounds of combat intensifying in the distance. "...why is your homeland invading?"
Jaron sighs. "You really do live under a rock. Tastreya and Aramaia hate each other. Tastreya only exists because it rebelled while Aramaia still owned it like a hundred years ago. And Dad's been ranting a lot lately about how Aramaia stopped trading food a month ago." He shrugs. "Not hard to guess why they're here. Nobody farms in Tastreya. It's a block of ice with a flag. I'd be angry too if the country with all the food stopped giving me any."
You blink. "So...this is Ar- our fault?" You cough to cover the slip, hoping that he doesn't notice.
He doesn't. "I mean, I guess? Who cares? We don't want to be here anyway. Would you slow down?" he says, annoyed and starting to get out of breath.
You blink and do. You hadn't realized you were still pushing yourself higher than normal.
"Thanks," he wheezes, falling in with you.
You wait for him to remark on your speed; you know he's never seen you run that fast before, and you carried him for a bit. In fact, you hope he does; this poses a golden opportunity.
But he says nothing at all, and doesn't even give you funny looks. He stays silent all the way back to your house.
* * *
Your Mom pulls you both inside the instant you get home. "Basement! Now!"
Neither of you question it, and in moments you're down with your siblings. Mom promptly follows, seizes you, and pulls you in close to her chest. She doesn't let go. Meanwhile, she pulls out her phone and dials.
After a moment, the call connects. "Doreen? Yes, it's me. Karen and Jaron just got here-"
You wince as Lady Dandeer's -- oh, excuse you, Doreen's -- voice echoes over the line in a screech. Your mother winces and holds the phone away from her ear. "He's alright!" she says. "They're both fine. I can give you to him now. Alright. Here he is." She passes the phone over.
Jaron grabs it eagerly. "Mom? Mom, I- no, I- Karen had- but- but-! I didn't do- I-"
You watch in fascination as he struggles to get a sentence out against the tide of speech you can hear even from where you're sitting. After a while, he stops bothering, just listening glumly. Finally it ends in a shouted, upward lilt.
"Yes, Mom," he mumbles. There's a bit more speech, and the call ends. He hands his phone back over without a word.
You look around at your siblings. Fasha looks bored. Endivan looks restless. Mato looks wildly annoyed at the disruption of the attack. He's writing something on a sheet of paper.
You suppress a smirk. Of course your siblings wouldn't be worried. Like you, they have no reason to be.
You glance at Jaron, still glum from the call, and suppress another surge of fury towards his mother. If you hadn't been there...that she treats him that way after that...
You curl into your mother's chest and reflect that you're happy you have your parents rather than Jaron's.
You almost certainly have several hours to kill while the attack proceeds. What will you do in that time? Please select one.
[ ] Just sit there with Mom. (time skip through battle)
[ ] Try to talk with Jaron. He looks like he could use some company. And why hasn't he mentioned how fast and strong you were? He couldn't have failed to notice... (write in topics)
[ ] Fasha makes trouble when she's bored. This must be averted at all costs. (write in ideas, with the opportunity at free sibling relationship grinding if you pick good ones)
[ ] Endivan's not really a baby anymore, but you don't spend as much time with him as you could. (write in ideas, with the opportunity at free sibling relationship grinding if you pick good ones)
[ ] ...ten-to-one Mato's working on his research into Jaffur's techniques on that little sheet. With Jaron in the room. You could strangle the little twerp. On the other hand, you could also try (very, very quietly) collaborating with him. You haven't had time this year. (research interlude, free relationship grinding)
[ ] Board game time? Board game time. (board game time)
[ ] Try to Scry... (with your little Eye)
-[ ] ...what's going on. (presentsight)
-[ ] ...how it came to this. (pastsight)
-[ ] ...what's going to happen next. (futuresight)
[ ] Write-in. (write-in)
In which Karen hasn't been applying herself in Geography.
Urgh, moving is a pain. Never again. I proclaim this to be our forever home. I will fix everything about Akron before I move again. It'll be less boring.
Anywho. Welcome back. Hope you enjoy!
I'm a bit concerned about bored siblings and the like, but also concerned about appearance of favoritism. Or of making Jaron feel singled out after that tongue-lashing from his mentally-unwell, co-dependent, paranoid, delusional mother.
Board Games isn't perfect, but it has a higher chance of bringing everyone together, and of keeping attention focused on something other than WAR.
[ ] Try to talk with Jaron. He looks like he could use some company. And why hasn't he mentioned how fast and strong you were? He couldn't have failed to notice... (write in topics)
-[] Talk about your group Project.
"They're already running, Fredericks. Leave it be. We don't have time. They're just kids, Private," says the man giving the orders. "We have objectives to hit. It's not like the Aramaians are going to have spies in their own cities."
Jaron stiffens. You run a quick mental calculation, and yes, you were still within normal human hearing range just then. Barely.
So, is Jaron starting to have suspiscions about why his mother insisted they move specifically to this city? I doubt they are correct if that is the case.
"He said, 'Aramaians,'" you say, trying to break the silence. "I...well, you know what it's like. People don't talk about the country. We talk about cities. You don't belong to the country, you belong to your town."
And Dad's been ranting a lot lately about how Aramaia stopped trading food a month ago." He shrugs. "Not hard to guess why they're here. Nobody farms in Tastreya. It's a block of ice with a flag. I'd be angry too if the country with all the food stopped giving me any."
Jaron: "Karen, why are your eyes weird like that?"
Karen: "How rude! You don't ask people why they have weird eyes!"
Jaron: "But! They are all White! How can I not ask?"
Karen: "It is an Aramaian thing. You just don't ask about people eyes here! Ever."
Jaron: "Oh... ok"
[ ] Board game time? Board game time. (board game time)
-[] Play Risk
Also a good idea.
[ ] Try to talk with Jaron. He looks like he could use some company. And why hasn't he mentioned how fast and strong you were? He couldn't have failed to notice... (write in topics)
-[] Talk about your group Project.
So, is Jaron starting to have suspiscions about why his mother insisted they move specifically to this city? I doubt they are correct if that is the case.
Then again, maybe it was just confirmation that they are from another country.
Wait. How the heck did they survive immediately after their revolution if the people they rebelled against controled the food supply?
Jaron: "Karen, why are your eyes weird like that?"
Karen: "How rude! You don't ask people why they have weird eyes!"
Jaron: "But! They are all White! How can I not ask?"
Karen: "It is an Aramaian thing. You just don't ask about people eyes here! Ever."
Jaron: "Oh... ok"
Hm, yeah. Scrying is probably a bad idea, which is sad because it could settle my fears about how this war came to happen and how bombs came to fall that close to us and all.
I think board game time might be the best choice in that it partially resolves all the potential problems (distracting Mato from researching Jaffur style while Jaron is present in the room, keeping Fasha out of trouble, spending time with Endivan and Jaron that helps him feel normal/better/cared about).